Center for Weight Correction. Center for Nutrition and Weight Loss. Weight management and active lifestyle

A common feature of losing weight people is the willingness to spend unimaginable funds to get in shape, and preferably. What a pity that often the money spent does not justify itself. Buying equipment or memberships gym, cosmetics for food supplements that promise an incredible result, and even "miracle" pendants, earrings, plasters, and in some cases even payment for the services of healers and fortune-tellers.

It is quite possible that some of this will give a result, but most likely it will not last long, because the impact is aimed at external manifestations overweight.

The right decision is to immediately dig deeper, that is, to influence the true causes of the appearance excess weight, which, to the surprise of many, can be in the head (are psychological).

It is worth clearly realizing where it starts: buying a pill and drinking it is as easy as shelling pears, but sorting out your fears and weaknesses is a process that is lengthy and requires perseverance. But in the second case, the work will not be in vain: having discovered and eradicated the cause of excess weight, you will no longer return to this problem, and even more so you will not depend on any means for losing weight.

Ideally, you need an individually designed one that suits a particular person and only him. And it is impossible to compile it without knowing all the features of your body, existing imbalances and disorders. Thus, it is best to carry out according to the scheme:

  1. Undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of the whole body to identify the causes of weight gain.
  2. Eliminate the factors leading to weight gain, using safe for a person, taking into account all his individual characteristics. This is helped by consultations and work with specialists, the fulfillment of doctor's prescriptions (in relation to physical activity, diet, lifestyle, etc.). This stage is the longest.
  3. Work on fixing the result.

It is according to this scheme that weight loss programs are compiled at the clinic of Dr. Gavrilov, a well-known psychotherapist and nutritionist. The unique author's technique allows patients to lose weight comfortably and avoid recurrence of weight gain. The effectiveness of this technique is confirmed by hundreds of thousands of people from different countries peace.

Prices for weight loss in the clinic of Dr. Gavrilov

If you are interested in how much weight correction will cost, the price for each patient will be different for several reasons.

  • Firstly, the cost will depend on the program you choose (visiting the center, attending group trainings or an individual course).
  • Secondly, after a complete examination, diseases and disorders in the functioning of the body can be detected, the treatment of which can also be carried out at the center for a separate cost.
  • On request, clients can take advantage of additional services as part of the weight loss program, which will also affect the final cost of the course.
  • More detailed information about the prices and variety of programs will be provided to you at the medical center in Moscow (Samotechnaya street, 5) or at the official representative offices of the clinic in other cities of Russia. If you are in doubt about which program to buy, contact our doctors for advice - they will help you choose the most suitable option.

Basic course - from 6,000 rubles.

VIP - from 12,000 rubles.

Figure correction - from 5.189 rubles.

Express weight loss - from 5.502 rubles.

Individual meal plan - 12,000 rubles.

Nutritionist- a doctor who specializes in promoting health through properly selected nutrition.

All human life is directly related to nutrition. Food gives the very life of a person, forms his well-being, determines his working capacity and state of health.

The expression “you are what you eat” is 100% true and highlights the importance of proper nutrition in people's lives.
Despite the fact that everyone is talking about PP, healthy lifestyle and diets, the problems are not getting smaller. Is there any benefit from fasting, how to choose a diet, what foods are useful, or maybe become a vegan and problems will be solved? Is it possible to eat after 18.00? In this maelstrom of opinion, research, and conversation, one thing is clear: nutrition requires a personalized approach. Only the opinion of a specialist based on the study of the body of a particular person can be taken into account. You can’t test the advice of various “Internet gurus” on yourself, because. damage to health can be irreparable.

The Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences is a certified medical institution specializing in issues related to the field of nutrition. Here, patients receive solutions to all nutrition-related issues.

When to See a Dietitian (Symptoms)

No one knows your body better than you yourself, and timely detection of signs of the disease depends on you. If you notice any changes in your body, then perhaps this is a signal that you are not healthy and you should make an appointment with a doctor. Symptoms associated with eating problems may include:

  • Sudden decrease or weight gain.
  • Overweight or underweight.
  • Digestive disorders (pain in the epigastrium, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence).
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Lack of appetite or tendency to overeat.
  • Emotional instability, increased fatigue, drowsiness.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Violation of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  • Periodic headaches.

What problems and diseases does a nutritionist treat?

The Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences specializes in an integrated approach to patient health issues. Doctors of the Department of Clinical Dietetics specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of the following diseases and dysfunctions:

  • Overweight
  • Obesity
  • underweight
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Anorexia
  • Bulimia
  • food allergies
  • Metabolic disorders
  • General systemic and metabolic diseases
  • And other diseases

How does an appointment with a nutritionist work?

At the first consultation, the nutritionist will listen to your complaints about your health, collect a complete medical history and subsequently determine the cause of the disturbance in the body. In order for the diagnosis to be as accurate as possible and to determine the source of the problem, certain tests and diagnostic procedures may be required. In an age of information overload, it can seem like you know everything about your health, symptoms, and are able to diagnose yourself easily enough by reading articles on the Internet. But only in such clinics as ours, experienced doctors using expensive modern equipment can make a guaranteed correct diagnosis and get a complete picture of the disease. Remember that self-medication can pose a threat to your health and life.

Benefits of the Center for Dietetics at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  • Accommodation in 1-2 bed rooms
  • early recovery
  • The Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducts video-surgical (low-traumatic, without incisions) operations

Diagnosis of digestive problems and overweight

The Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences has the most complete set of equipment for diagnosing and establishing a complete picture of deviations in your health. Outpatient or, if necessary, inpatient, in comfortable conditions, specialized specialists will perform the necessary diagnostic procedures, including:

  • Bioimpedancemetry
  • Lab tests
  • Ultrasound, CT, MRI, abdominal organs
  • Endoscopic examination of the digestive tract
  • Determination of body mass index
  • Hormonal studies
  • Immunological studies

When it comes to weight correction, the main way to establish a diagnosis is the bioimpedancemetry method, which instantly reveals the ratio of fat and fluid in the body, muscle, bone mass and metabolism.
In different cases, the number of analyzes and procedures may be different, but the full diagnostic complex takes place directly within the walls of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

After the necessary set of examinations, based on the data obtained, the dietitian establishes the current diagnosis and makes an appointment.

If the uncomfortable conditions of the body are not clinical in nature, then the doctor, as a rule, is limited to compiling individual plan on nutrition and patient regimen. A follow-up meeting is also scheduled to monitor the results and change the state of his health.

If the diagnosis is more serious, the doctor prescribes complex treatment.


The Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences has at its disposal everything necessary for outpatient and inpatient treatment. Your course of treatment will be developed by the best specialized specialists using modern medical protocols and innovative technologies.

Ambulatory treatment

Treatment of body problems related to the way you eat and eating habits often do not require hospitalization and can be done on an outpatient basis. The doctor draws up a treatment plan and sets a schedule for the necessary procedures at the most convenient time for the patient. Our clinic is equipped with all the necessary equipment, so all procedures and medical manipulations are carried out in one place, which is important for your convenience.

Hospital treatment

Patients of our clinic have the opportunity to undergo treatment in conditions of maximum comfort. The inpatient department is equipped to create an atmosphere of home comfort, polite, helpful staff will provide any necessary assistance around the clock. As additional services, you can take a course of massage and physiotherapy exercises under the supervision of the attending physician.

Operational treatment

If surgical treatment is necessary, the doctors of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences perform all types of bariatric operations using laparoscopic access. This method of surgical intervention provides the maximum therapeutic effect and significantly reduces the period of subsequent rehabilitation.

Plastic surgery

The level of training of our specialists also allows us to perform plastic surgeries such as blepharoplasty, abdominoplasty. The process of postoperative recovery and rehabilitation takes place in comfortable conditions with qualified friendly staff.

Also, as part of the treatment, psychological assistance will be provided in the formation of healthy eating habits. A nutritionist will develop a nutritional correction program for you and the normalization of eating behavior.

Turning to the Central Design Bureau of the Russian Academy of Sciences, you get a full range of services. Diseases will be eliminated, your body will be restored, your body will be renewed inside and out and will bring you only positive emotions and inspire you for a happy life.
Make the decision to be healthy and happy, and our specialists will help you achieve what you want.

Overweight can be corrected by changing the diet, increasing physical activity and with the help of surgery. The latter is a last resort, usually eating right and exercising is enough.

The process of the procedure


A nutritionist, a doctor who has special knowledge in the field of nutrition, will help you adjust your body weight by eating healthy foods. Related specialties of a nutritionist can be the profession of an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist, and even a psychologist.

The specialist will develop an individual therapeutic diet, if you have medical indications, a balanced diet, prescribe additional examinations, control the process of fulfilling his instructions.

An organized person can try to develop such a scheme and stick to it on their own. However, there is a risk of harming your health if you experience the effect of all public diets designed for short-term use.


In this case, everything also rests on discipline. The issue needs to be studied. So that the first workout does not become the last, load the body gradually and do it according to the planned schedule. Perfectly disciplines the purchased subscription to the gym. It is most effective to engage with a personal trainer who will create a personal program.

A complex approach

A dietitian, developing a nutrition system, may recommend medications and be sure to - physical exercise. The results will not be long in coming. Sports are very important for those who want to make up for the lack of weight, as they affect the set muscle mass and, consequently, to increase body weight.


Extreme remedy, but having a place to be. Correction of excess weight by surgery occurs in several ways. Liposuction is used to treat local forms of obesity that break the contours of the figure. Fat deposits during this operation are removed by vacuum suction. The cardinal solution is gastric banding, gastric bypass, installation of intragastric balloons.


Even those who have no complaints should not refuse to visit a nutritionist. If you learn to put into practice his advice, then your life will change, and physiotherapy exercises will improve your physical condition.

The services of a surgeon are indicated for those who have not been helped by controlled nutrition, drug therapy and exercise. The services of a nutritionist are also recommended for people with diabetes, as well as those who have sleep apnea and people with arterial hypertension.


The list of contraindications for playing sports is long, but it is for those who are going to become a professional, master or candidate. The goal of professional sports is to achieve maximum results. You don't need it, but fitness and morning work-out are sure to be beneficial.

After surgery to correct body weight, smokers have a high risk of complications, and patients with respiratory and heart failure require lengthy preoperative preparation.

Prices and clinics

If you need weight correction, it will not be difficult to find the right specialist in Moscow. On the site portal, you can find out the cost of the services of all specialists that you may need: a nutritionist, endocrinologist, psychologist, cardiologist, pulmonologist, physiotherapist, surgeon, and make an appointment with them.

Veronika Herba - urban beauty and health center

Weight Correction: Everything you need to know about the procedure

From this article you will learn:

    How to correct weight

    What should be the diet for weight management

    How psychological weight loss works

    What are the hardware methods of weight correction in beauty salons

    How much does a weight correction program cost in Moscow

Unfortunately, the issue of excess weight has already been raised at the global level: the number of people who are faced with obesity is rapidly increasing. It is quite obvious that the number of various diets intended for weight correction has also increased. However, their results do not always meet expectations. To date, most experts have come to the conclusion that weight management through diets is a dubious method that guarantees only a temporary effect. They suggest considering various procedures to combat excess weight.

How to properly correct the figure and weight

Just imagine that the world's number of obese patients is identical to the number of hungry people. Mankind simply needs weight correction.

Improving the standard of living, exceeding the norms of food consumption and progressive disorders of the body's functions gradually lead humanity to overweight. Half of the population of developed countries has problems with weight and needs to be corrected. People suffer from diabetes, immune diseases, pulmonary and cardiovascular pathologies, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Please note that our conversation will go not so much about the fight against obesity and cellulite, but about weight correction, and these are different problems, which means that the methods for solving them are not identical to each other.

The first thing you need to know about weight correction is that it is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. This is a very complex process, developed taking into account the characteristics of the body of a particular person. Template and amateur performance in body shaping can harm the body.

The first step is a thorough examination of the body. The endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract are checked, a general blood test and biochemistry are taken, etc.

Girls also need to contact a gynecologist to exclude any inflammation, cancer or endometriosis. The passed examination will help to form an effective, and most importantly, safe for health action plan for weight correction.

If the patient decides to refrain from medical examination, then he unnecessarily risks his health. Certain methods of weight correction have serious contraindications, and if they are neglected, the patient will cause great harm to his body.

Unfortunately, cases of death in the race for thinness have also been recorded. These are very rare situations, but they prove that weight correction must be approached with the utmost responsibility and you need to think first of all about health.

A comprehensive weight management program includes:

    proper nutrition,

    Special hardware procedures,

  • Physical load.

Adipose tissue contains a very large amount of water. It is for this reason that the process of weight correction begins with lymphatic drainage, which allows you to remove excess fluid from the patient's body. Then they proceed to the breakdown of fats, stimulation muscle fibers to reduce intermuscular fat. The last stage of weight correction is considered to be procedures that help restore skin elasticity.

What are the installations for weight correction

It is very difficult for anyone who is faced with the problem of excess weight to live with it. Thus, the human body reacts to stress, neglect of sports, overeating, inattention to the quality of nutrition, etc. Unfortunately, the modern rhythm of life of most people sets such conditions. But at the same time, we were taught that only eternally young, slender, fit models and actresses are considered a landmark. You should not take into account such propaganda, always listen to yourself and your own body, because beauty is different. good trend recent years can be called an interest in the right way of life. The main thing is not the pursuit of a mythical ideal, but health. Weight correction should first of all be aimed at improving the patient's health, and only then at the aesthetic result.

To date, many formulas have been developed that can determine the appropriate weight for you. They are easy to find on the Internet or in specialized literature. Often such formulas show different results, so it is better to contact a weight correction specialist for accurate information. We ask you to remember that not those parameters dictated by society are ideal, but those that will help you feel comfortable. Before correcting excess weight, you need to clearly understand what is your goal, what results you want to achieve! Perhaps your weight suits you, but you want to adjust the parameters, or maybe you need to tone your muscles? Goals are very different.

    Effective weight correction involves a number of complex measures. First of all, you must be motivated to change. Naturally, the ultimate goal can be different: someone loses weight solely for physical health, someone wants to maintain morale by getting rid of complexes. The most important thing is confidence in your intentions and desires.

    In order to feel easy and comfortable, you need to change your lifestyle. The first position in this case is proper nutrition, which should become your constant companion, because then you can not only lose weight, but also feel great. The customs of the country in which we live accustom us from childhood to a plentiful diet. Remember any holiday - the table is always bursting with non-diet dishes! But by reviewing the traditions of your family, you will set an example for your surroundings. We are not asking you to exclude treats from the reception procedure, but creating a more healthy menu is very effective in correcting excess weight. You need to understand that in order to achieve the result, you will have to regularly adhere to a healthy diet. As statistics show, temporary diets do not give tangible, much less long-term effects.

    Everyone knows that a sedentary lifestyle leads to the accumulation of excess weight. If you have not been involved in sports since high school, then this item is for you. You don't have to attend grueling workouts in the fitness center, today you can find classes for every taste, even for those who have never been interested in sports. Yoga, Pilates, body flex, water aerobics… The list goes on for a very long time. Sports will not only correct the figure, but also strengthen your body as a whole. Physical activity helps to improve cardiac activity, develop endurance, etc. When training becomes a habit, you will feel that you have become more energetic, active and mobile. Don't forget that it's also a great way to deal with stress! Physical activity is an integral part of weight management!

    Please note that losing more than 2-3 kilograms can lead to worsening of the skin condition. It is unfortunate, but rapid weight loss usually does not guarantee the disappearance of cellulite. On the contrary, such weight changes can cause stretch marks and sagging skin. It is possible to minimize this effect by sports activities and massage. Now there are many methods to combat cellulite. Numerous beauty salons provide various services in this direction, but do not forget that they should work only in combination with a healthy diet and sports, which are included in your weight management program.

    Often the real reason for the appearance of excess weight is hidden very deeply. If the basic methods, including proper nutrition, necessary physical activity and appropriate procedures, did not produce the desired effect, then most likely you need to visit a psychotherapist, which will help you continue correcting excess weight. The position of doctors in this area is that overweight is, in first of all, a psychosomatic illness that has certain reasons (lack of attention, love and care), as well as some obstacles and attitudes that hinder the process of weight correction. These are the problems psychotherapists try to solve. After undergoing therapy, you will be able to better understand your body and yourself.

Maintaining a healthy weight is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. And with a competent approach, work in this direction can give you many pleasant moments and pleasure in general!

What should be the diet for body shaping

Have you decided to lose weight for a long time, but there is no result? Have you been on exhausting diets for a long time, but the weight quickly returned? Experts do not get tired of repeating: for healthy long-term weight loss, it makes no sense to sit on strict diets and overload yourself with unbearable exercise. Eating should be balanced, which implies the presence in the diet of a certain amount of both fats and carbohydrates, and proteins. For a good result, you just need to follow the rules of eating behavior and attend procedures for weight and figure correction. There are various complexes of services created to get rid of excess weight and keep the body in shape. We present you a list of recommendations that must be followed when undergoing a weight management program:

    Drink plenty of water - at least two liters of clean water per day.

    Frequent meals - 5 - 6 times a day.

    It is better to eat from dishes of small volume and dark color.

    You can not eat before bed - the last meal for 3-4 hours.

    Get ready for a couple.

    Get into the habit of carefully reading product labels - ingredients, calories, carbs, etc.

    Eat only when you are hungry.

    If you feel a slight hunger, you can make a light snack. Use for this dried fruit without added sugar, nuts, muesli and fresh fruit.

Try to eliminate from your diet:

    All sweets. The use of honey or natural jam is allowed, but in small doses and up to two in the afternoon.

    We'll have to give up flour. Switch to bread with cereals from wholemeal flour, but its amount must also be minimized.

    Alcoholic drinks do not contribute to weight loss - there are a lot of calories even in a small dose.

Many in the pursuit of ideal weight begin to set all sorts of prohibitions for themselves, but this can even worsen the situation. Believe me, it is better to periodically allow yourself some weaknesses, but in very small quantities. It is necessary to introduce into the habit only the early use of sweets. If we allow ourselves something, then only in the morning. Remember that by eating junk food during the low activity of your body, you automatically acquire fat, because the body very quickly turns unused fast carbohydrates into it. The transformation process is very fast when eating fatty sweet foods - cakes, pastries, chocolates. When correcting weight, you need to make sure that the sweets you eat do not turn into fat, and for this you will have to work hard, spending a huge amount of energy. Therefore, it is better to get used to fruits, dried fruits, honey, natural jam, marshmallows and marshmallows. Such sweets are more easily burned by the body, but only with sufficient physical activity.

How Psychological Weight Loss Works

Most likely, many of you have heard about the psychological correction of weight. There is an opinion that it helps to cope with increased appetite, and also relieves self-doubt. But can such information be trusted? Could it be better to spend these funds on sports in a good fitness club? Let's figure it out.

To date, there are two main methods of psychological weight correction:

cognitive approach

This method affects the patient's mind, providing psychological assistance in weight correction. There are conversations with a specialist, during which it becomes clear that weight gain is only your merit, but it is pointless to be angry with yourself because of this. Psychological weight management, supervised by a cognitive therapist, is:

    Organization and detailed study of the patient's food diary, in which he indicates not only what he ate, but also why;

    Studying your individual traits, identifying possible dependencies;

    Search for secondary reasons for being overweight, for example, the fear of a serious relationship, because "there are no normal men." It's hard to believe, but this is a standard hidden reason for many ladies;

    Gradual increase in self-esteem.

As a result of cognitive therapy, you will still be prescribed dietary nutrition for weight correction, but it will be easier to stick to it, because psychological preparation contributes well to this.


This method of weight correction is usually cheaper than the previous one. Most often it is carried out in the form of group classes. This is a very common technique in weight correction centers, of which there are quite a lot. Hypnotherapy is based on immersing the patient in a trance and instilling in him a hatred of overeating. In our country, there are several confirmed organizations that are engaged in group hypnotherapy. If you decide to visit such a weight correction center, be sure to ask for a license or certificate before the procedure. Unfortunately, cases of incorrect attitudes that lead to complex mental disorders have been recorded.

The tasks of hypnotherapy are not too deep - you need to get rid of cravings for overeating. With the inner world of a person, with his problems, lack of confidence, etc. this technique of weight correction does not interact.

What are the methods of weight correction

Weight Loss Drugs

Many firms provide the consumer interested in losing weight with appropriate pills. You can also find a wide variety of cocktails for weight correction. Their price is different, but, unfortunately, all these methods are the same. This is nothing more than a marketing ploy of sellers. You will only waste your money, and sometimes your health, without achieving the desired result in weight management. If at least superficially to study the physical processes occurring inside the human body, it becomes clear where excess weight comes from. Nothing but reducing food, exercising and some procedures can not help with weight management.

A very small fraction of all pills sold are actually created by scientists who have an understanding of how to influence the process of formation and use of fat in the body. For example, L-carnitine is involved in metabolism, but only at the time of its intake. When you finish taking L-carnitine, your lost pounds may return. Especially if you violate the regimen of nutrition given for weight correction.

All other drugs for burning fat are at least harmless and ineffective, and at the maximum they can be detrimental to health. The usual action is a diuretic or laxative effect, as well as a slight and short-term decrease in appetite. Naturally, no drugs will be able to lose weight for you, and even more so they will not help you in an attempt to maintain any result of weight correction.

Hardware methods of weight loss

The accumulated experience shows that the transition to a healthy diet is not as easy as we would like. The day of a modern person is scheduled by the hour, there are always a lot of worries, and they are all very important. Study, work, family, home - all this requires a huge amount of time and moral resources from a person. The daily schedule does not allow most people to adjust the time of eating according to the instructions of weight management specialists. In addition, a low-calorie diet is not always available - either there are no certain foods, or there is no time. Especially if we consider the situation of a working office, when there is simply no way to come home and have lunch.

As for intensive sports in the gym or on the street, many who have started weight correction stop training due to lack of the necessary willpower, and someone simply cannot fit into their busy schedule access to the fitness center.

A healthy diet and physical activity will not provide quick weight loss, so even those people who were able to find the time and energy for this may be disappointed with modest results. How to speed up the process of losing weight? Going under a surgical knife for this does not seem like a smart decision to most people, but there are more attractive and safer methods of influencing body fat. We will tell you about hardware weight correction. This procedure will speed up the process of losing weight, relieve you of cellulite. It can affect local fat deposits that are not affected sport exercises. Various methods of aesthetic cosmetology provide safe therapeutic services that can help you with weight correction, in the shortest possible time and without the need for a recovery period.

What are the hardware methods of weight correction

Lymphatic drainage massage

The lymphatic system of the body is built from a large number of vessels and ducts that conduct lymph. Lymph serves to get rid of toxins and to saturate the cells with nutrients. Lymphatic drainage massage is used to remove fluid, which helps to get rid of edema and fat accumulations, activates the immune system, helps relieve stress and fatigue. To date, there are two ways to carry out lymphatic drainage massage:

    Manual. It is carried out to activate the lymphatic system from superficial to deep levels. The procedure must be carried out only by a qualified specialist who is able to understand which particular area of ​​​​the body is overstressed and should be developed.

    hardware. This method includes pressure therapy and LPG massage.


In medical practice, this method of weight correction is commonly called mesotherapeutic liposuction. The result of this technique can be compared with the surgical removal of fat. The advantage is the absence of a rehabilitation period. And the procedure itself does not cause severe discomfort and any pain.

This cosmetic procedure is not difficult. It consists in the administration of a special drug that destroys fat. Moreover, the injection is carried out with short needles. The substance itself does not remain in the body. The decay products are excreted naturally through the circulatory system. Interestingly, the area of ​​destroyed fat cells is no longer covered with new ones, which allows us to call mesotherapy a long-term and effective method of weight correction.

There are many substances of different composition that can destroy adipose tissue. The choice between them should be made by an experienced physician and based on the characteristics of the patient's body.

Endermological massage (LPG-massage)

The meaning of LPG-massage is the impact on the body with rollers. The procedure is as follows: the first roller fixes the skin, and the other smoothes it. Such an effect on the skin and fat cells occurs with a continuous supply of vacuum. As a result, collagen is produced, from which the skin frame with the desired structure is built. In addition, this massage promotes microcirculation and stagnation of interstitial fluid.

The LPG procedure helps reduce body volume, breaks down local fat accumulations, fights edema, improves skin elasticity, eliminates cellulite and corrects body contours.

When correcting weight, one procedure is not enough to achieve the desired effect. Usually at least 10 sessions are needed. One procedure will take from 20 to 40 minutes, you can carry out a couple of times a week. In this case, the effect will last approximately six months.

In our country, LPG-massage is visited by about 250 thousand people every year who seek weight correction. This procedure is absolutely not dangerous, contraindications to it are minimal.


Pressotherapy is another type of hardware lymphatic drainage massage. The procedure helps to correct weight by reducing the amount of fat accumulation. The patient puts on a special suit, which consists of a pair of boots, a kind of jacket, gloves, and a belt. All parts are inflated with compressed air, its supply and pressure alternate, producing a mechanical effect, which is controlled through the device. Pressotherapy has a positive effect not only in weight correction, but also in the fight against cellulite and varicose veins.

ultrasonic cavitation

This is a relatively new weight correction technology based on the breakdown of fat deposits using ultrasound. Problem areas are affected by an apparatus that destroys the subcutaneous layer of fat. The remaining tissues do not suffer from ultrasonic exposure due to their greater density. Due to the decrease in pressure, the skin, nerves and blood vessels are also safe.

The effect of cavitation in weight correction is no worse than that of surgical liposuction. The advantages of the procedure are the absence of a recovery period and complications.

Cavitation is carried out both on the body and on the face of the patient. Therefore, with its help, you can even get rid of the second chin, excess fat on the shoulders, abdomen and chest. In addition, this procedure tightens the skin, which eliminates the need to cut it off, unlike liposuction.

Anticellulite massage

Cellulite is a very common problem among women. "Orange peel" not only looks bad, but also creates discomfort in everyday life. Unfortunately, when losing weight, it is not always possible to get rid of this disease, therefore, when correcting and reducing weight, the issue of cellulite becomes very acute. You can fight this problem by attending massage courses. Anti-cellulite massage is aimed at the outflow of lymph and improving the tone of the skin. The usual areas of treatment are the buttocks and thighs, which is where cellulite is usually found.

Professional massage stabilizes blood circulation, which allows you to nourish skin cells. So the skin becomes firm and elastic, it becomes easier for it to keep its shape and fight against the formation of changes. Only a true professional who has extensive experience in this field of aesthetic medicine can carry out the procedure correctly. Independent procedures are unlikely to give any result. In addition, they can harm the body.

For anti-cellulite massage, various creams and aids are used that can break down excess fat and have a beneficial effect on the skin. During the procedure, all products are easily absorbed, which occurs due to the mechanical effects of the massage therapist. The course of weight correction with anti-cellulite massage usually consists of 12 or 15 sessions.

Weight correction and prices for programs and procedures in Moscow

Almost in all cities of our country there are beauty and health centers, there are also weight correction programs. In Moscow, for example, this is the Veronika Herba City Health and Beauty Center, which provides a variety of health and beauty services aimed at skin and body care, maintaining youth and harmony, including weight correction procedures. Only real masters of their craft, who have valuable experience in the healing and rejuvenating fields of medicine, work in our salon. The specialists that make up the team of our center use only the most effective and modern methods, the latest equipment and safe means.

For correction and weight loss, the Veronika Herba center offers the following services:

Cellulite Weight Correction ProgramSTOP"

Ozone correction is considered an excellent replacement for injections of indirect and direct lipolytics. Due to the strong selective effect on the cell membrane of the fat cell, the adipocyte wall is destroyed, which helps to quickly burn fat. Lipolysis, the start of metabolism, the decrease in polyfree radical processes in tissues lead to a decrease in fat mass, and hence to weight loss.

The products of the biochemical action of reactive oxygen species and ozone do not harm the body. They are more likely to go into the water, which is why this method is often used as a complex effect on the metabolic syndrome, as well as a way to reduce weight and fight cellulite.

With weight correction, this procedure for one area will cost you from 2600 rubles.

The program includes:

    Improving tissue nutrition, normalizing blood supply and cellular respiration;

    The beginning of lipolysis and getting rid of edema and tissue fibrosis in cellulite;

    Normalization of lymphatic drainage and the action of valves in the veins of the lower extremities.

The effect of the program:

    Volume reduction;

    Lifting of problem areas;

    Destruction of local fat accumulations;

    Normalization of the activity of venous and lymphatic vessels;

    Activation of local rejuvenation and collagen formation.

Beautiful body strategy (bodystrategist) (weight loss - fight against cellulite - tone - elasticity)

A fresh, differentiated tactic that involves both the use of certain products that act at the cellular level for independent use, and the use of strong and effective professional influences for a quick and noticeable result of weight correction:

    The best option for getting rid of extra pounds, cellulite and for the elasticity of the skin;

    Thermogenic, liposomal, transdermal structures for deep transport of active substances.

A novelty in the field of skin care is the use of substances that stop the work of RNA molecules that live in cells throughout the body. These molecules interfere with the normal formation of collagen and elastin, which can be bad for your skin after weight correction.

The richest selection of special cosmetic products for self-use, which you can purchase at the Veronika Herba center, guarantees the possibility of choosing the best product for maintaining your beauty. Specialists will find products for any type and condition of the skin, for a patient living in any climatic conditions. Veronika Herba presents:

    Self-care (a set of products for your body);

    Complex of salon procedures.

Thermal detoxification (BagnidiPisa)

Strong thermal massage mud mask for weight correction with a draining and anti-cellulite effect. The latest development, in which 95% of all components are natural. The mud mask consists of a homogeneous dispersion of kelp and fucus algae, green tea powder, enriched with stimulating properties. Due to the thermal water from the Bagnidi Pisa mineral spring, the mask has a positive effect on the patient:

    Gets rid of cellulite;

    Normalizes lipolysis;

    Helps drainage in skin tissues.

All stages of the procedure:

    The use of anti-cellulite mud mask BagnidiPisa with a wrap;

    Massage with anti-cellulite cream;

It will cost from 4700 rubles.

Rejuvenation and elasticity (bodystrategist+firming)

As we have said, skin care is an integral part of correction and weight loss. We will tell you about a unique procedure that can rejuvenate your skin and give it elasticity. The action is based on the application of a biphasic cream-gel mask with organic tamanu oil and green walnut extract. The synergy of the active substances that make up this mask gives the skin elasticity and firmness, tightening it. This method guarantees a good result - nutrition, hydration and tightening of your skin.

The procedure can not only give elasticity, but also reduce the number of stretch marks, form antioxidant protection. Very well suited for dry, tired skin and for care after active UV exposure.

During the procedure, the patient can relax and enjoy. As a result, you will get the following result:

    Increased hydration and elasticity of the skin;

    Tissue nutrition;

    Pleasant feeling of skin protection and freshness.

All stages of the procedure:

    Greeting ritual using Tranquility aromatic mixture;

    Body peeling with bodystrategist - renewing fruit scrub;

    The use of a wrapping mask with a firming and rejuvenating effect;

    Relaxing head massage;

    Application of bodystrategistoil and D-age - massage application of oil and cream with a firming effect.

The standard duration of the procedure does not exceed one and a half hours.

It will cost at least 5400 rubles.

Modeling procedures of double action (bodystrategist)

Another very powerful and effective weight management treatment with hot/cold technology. We advise you to visit it during any period of your health-improving activity. Through the procedure:

    The silhouette is corrected;

    Lipolysis is activated;

    The volume of fat accumulations decreases;

    Increases microcirculation.

All stages of the procedure:

    Greeting ritual using Tranquility aromatic mixture;

    Body peeling with bodystrategist - renewing fruit scrub;

    Use of an anti-cellulite cream with a thermogenic effect bodystrategist, which acts on problem areas of the body. The cream is covered with a film for 20 minutes;

    Massage with bodystrategist oil.

The standard duration of the procedure does not exceed one and a half hours.

Drainage and modeling with a bandage (bodystrategist + bandages)

The process is aimed at the manifestation of the lymphatic drainage effect, which can be achieved due to the increased amount of natural essential oils. The procedure removes excess fluid and effectively reduces the volume, which is very important for weight correction. Let's list its actions:

    Normalizes microcirculation;

    Reduces swelling of the legs;

    Awakens lipolytic activity.

All stages of the procedure:

    Greeting ritual using Tranquility aromatic mixture;

    Body peeling with bodystrategist - renewing fruit scrub;

    Bandages pre-immersed in anti-cellulite oils are wrapped around the arms, legs and stomach of the patient;

    Massage with anti-cellulite cream;

    The final of the procedure is the use of a gel to bring lightness to the legs.

The standard duration of the procedure does not exceed one and a half hours.

It will cost from 4000 rubles.

Lightness of the legs (vitalleg)

An excellent procedure for relieving the feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs. Foot massage with effective thermal mud mask. Due to the thermal water from the Bagnidi Pisa mineral spring, the mask has a positive effect on the patient, and various essential oils have a drainage effect. As a result, the patient feels incredible lightness and freshness for a very long time.

All stages of the procedure:

    Thermal massage mud mask BagnidiPisa;

    Foot massage;

    The final of the procedure is the use of a gel to bring lightness to the legs.

The standard duration of the procedure does not exceed one and a half hours.

The procedure will cost from 4000 rubles.

Aroma bath slimming and drainage (remodelingbath)

Whirlpool bath with bodystrategist anti-cellulite blend of oils and underwater hand massage for weight and silhouette correction. The drainage effect helps to remove excess fluid and toxins.

All stages of the procedure:

    Hydromassage bath with bodystrategist anti-cellulite oil mixture (10 min.);

    Underwater manual massage (30 min.);

    Firming body cream D-age;

    Finished with a cooling gel for the feet.

The standard duration of the procedure does not exceed 45 minutes.

It will cost at least 1900 rubles.

Weight Correction: Patient Reviews

Julia (23 years old), Syktyvkar

I want to talk about the psychological correction of weight. In my case, everything was easy enough. First, the psychologist determined the reasons for my overeating. It turned out that I simply did not understand at the time of eating that I was already overeating, that I did not need such an amount of food. And of course other moments: I get distracted, nervous, etc. After this information was fixed in my mind, I began to think that in most cases I just want to chew something. Then I started a food diary and found an incredible amount of excess wrong food. After that, I tried to eat only when I felt really hungry! I started eating only the right foods (complex carbohydrates). As a result, I did not need sessions to normalize nutrition. I didn't go hungry, but I ate pretty well. So in two months I lost almost 10 kilograms, but the rest went much more slowly. I myself could not have come to such a result, because before that I had tried many times, but without success.

Alena (31 years old), Perm

A few months ago, I decided to change my weight. In Moscow, I found a salon and took a course of getting rid of cellulite. Just after pregnancy, it is very noticeable.

They put a special suit on me and started squeezing me. I even felt like an astronaut!

I was explained that the procedure improves lymphatic drainage, blood flow and metabolism. After the procedure, cellulite almost disappeared, and I also lost 2.5 kilograms of weight and 2 cm of volume.
