Yoga in Zaporozhye. Yoga Quotes Ashtanga Yoga Sayings

"Blessed are the flexible, for they cannot be placed in an uncomfortable position." - Unknown

"exists in the world because everything is interconnected." - Desikashar

“Until you try yoga in practice, theory is useless. After that, the theory is obvious.” - David Williams

“Equanimity of the senses is called yoga. Be careful - yoga comes and goes." - Katha Upanishad

"Yoga teaches us to heal what is pointless to endure, and to endure what cannot be healed." - B.K.S Iyengar Iyengar

“The photographer makes people pose for him. A yoga instructor makes people pose for themselves." - T. Guillemets

"A yoga mat is a great place to change direction when talking to a therapist and taking antidepressants isn't enough." - Amy Weintraub

"With yoga, I can stay flexible enough to dig my own ass if necessary." - Betsy Canas Garmon

“Yoga is the source. You are only as young as your spine is flexible.” - Bob Harper

“Yoga is a great opportunity to discover who you are.” - Jason Crandell

“The body is your temple. Keep it clean, because your soul lives there. - B. K. S. Iyengar, Yoga: The Path To Holistic Health

"Practice and everything will come." - Desikashar

“Through the practice of yoga, we discover that concern for the happiness and well-being of other people, as well as animals, must be an integral part of the search for one's own and well-being. The fork can be a powerful weapon of mass destruction, or a tool for creating peace throughout the Earth." - Sharon Gannon

“You can't 'do' yoga. Yoga is your natural state. What you can do is yoga exercises that will help you realize where exactly you are resisting your natural state. — Sharon Gannon

“You can't always control what's going on around you. But you can control what's going on inside you." - Wayne Dyer

"The most important elements necessary for practicing yoga are your body and your mind." - Rodney Yee

“Yoga is an ancient but perfect science that considers the evolution of mankind. Evolution includes all aspects of being, from bodily health to self-realization. Yoga means union - union of body and mind, mind and soul. Yoga helps in achieving harmony in everyday life and gives you the ability to cope with any situation.” - B.K.S. Iyengar

“The wonderful thing is that people come to yoga for flexibility and take so much more with them.” - Liza Ciano

“gives wisdom, lack of attention to oneself leaves one in ignorance. It is important to understand what leads you forward and what slows you down, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.” - Buddha

“If I lose my balance in a posture, I am pulled up and God comes down to support me. It works all the time, not just in yoga.” - T. Guillemets

“The warrior pose helps to overcome inner weakness and focus. You realize that there is peace within. You are on your side, you yourself are the strength. - Terri Guillemets

“The tree pose “cultivates” self-confidence.” - Terri Guillemets

“Yoga does not remove us from reality and responsibility in everyday life, but rather gives firmness of the ground under our feet and practical determination. We do not go beyond our lives, but return to the life that we left in the hope of finding something better. - Donna Farhi

"If your compassion does not extend to yourself, it is incomplete." - Jack Kornfield

“The mind is your instrument. Learn to be his master, not his slave." - Unknown

“Yoga as a science is not just a scientific algorithm. This is a practical instruction for life, comprehended moment by moment, thought by thought. - Leonard Perlmutter

“It is foolish to pursue quantity in classes - if music is heard on the radio, this does not mean that you hear it. But if you do something thoughtfully - this is not just about yoga - then the change becomes tangible. The presence of opinions changes everything.” - Mariel Hemingway

Facebook favorite sample

The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.
- Thich Nath Khan

"The mind is one with things as they are - we should not cling to anything, but should be simple and open. Thus we make the original reality the original reality, where from the very beginning there is nothing, there we do not add anything. If From the very beginning there is nothing, then everything is possible: in that place where not a single thing exists, everything is ... "

Kodo Sawaki Roshi

If you see your nature, then you don't need to read the sutras or call on the Buddhas. Erudition and knowledge are not only useless, but also cloud awareness. Doctrines are needed only to point to the mind.

“Be perfect. I've told you this twenty times already. Being impeccable means once and for all finding out for yourself what you want in life, and thereby maintaining your determination to achieve it. And then do everything in your power and even more in order to realize your desire. If you have not decided on anything, you are simply playing roulette with life in a turmoil.
Carlos Castaneda

You can start your practice with a simple desire to be better, approach all your actions with greater awareness, and open your heart to others more deeply. Motivation is the single most important factor that determines whether your experience is conditioned by suffering or peace. In fact, mindfulness and compassion develop at the same rate. The more aware you become, the easier it is for you to experience compassion. And the more you open your heart to others, the more aware you are in all your actions.

~Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
"Buddha, the Brain and the Neurophysiology of Happiness"

Tsogyal, if you want to be free from samsaric existence, do this:

Your attachment and aversion is delusion, wrong thinking. Cut him off!
Belief in "I" is the root and foundation of samsara. Rip it out!
Companions and relatives are chains that pull you down. Cut your bonds!
The thought of enemies and demons is torture to the soul. Drop her!
Indifference cuts off the life force of liberation. Leave him alone!
Deception and delusion is a heavy burden. Drop it!
Envy is a storm that destroys all that is good. Eliminate your own mistakes!
Native land - the dungeon of demons. Avoid it like poison!
Desirable objects of the senses are bonds that deprive you of freedom. Break your chains!
Harsh words are a poisoned weapon. Hold your tongue!
Ignorance is the darkest of delusions. Light the lamp of study and reflection!
Beloved, spouse and offspring are the machinations of Mary. Tame your affection!
Everything you perceive is an illusion. Let her free herself!

By doing so, you will turn away from samsaric existence!
Guru Padmasambhava

"When you feel anger or pain, you appear. It seems to you that there is someone who is covered by them - and then he acts and suffers. You simply do not know that you are not obliged to respond to these feelings and thoughts. And the reaction begins since you agree to consider them yours. But the chemical scourge that clicks in your brain is not at all your supreme master. You just never questioned his right to command. If you learn to see his blows, they will lose power over you. And to see they can only be from one angle - when the one who takes them at his own expense disappears. There is an ancient orc proverb: "Where is it better? Where we are not ... "What does it mean? While you are looking at the world from a bump that you have learned to consider "yourself ", you pay a very high rent for it. But what do you get in return? You don't even know what scourges will drive your "I" on its nightmarish journey in a moment ... "

~ Victor Pelevin "S.N.U.F.F."

True wealth (Indian parable)

One day the sannyasin reached the outskirts of the village and camped under a tree for the night. Suddenly a peasant ran up to him and shouted:
- Stone! Stone! Give me the gem!
- What stone? - did not understand the sannyasin.
- Last night the god Shiva came to me in a dream and told me to go to the outskirts of the village when it starts to get dark, and that the sannyasin would give me a stone that would enrich me for life.
The sannyasin rummaged through his bag and pulled out a stone.
“Maybe Shiva meant this one,” he said. - I found him in the forest last night. If you want, take it.
The peasant began to examine the stone with curiosity. It was the largest diamond in the world, the size of a man's head. All night the peasant tossed and turned in bed, not closing his eyes. At dawn he woke up the sannyasin and said:
- Give me the wealth, thanks to which you parted with the diamond so easily.

You are blind! You don't see anything. When you really see for the first time and realize that there is no “I” that needs to be realized, there is no personality that needs to be ennobled, there is no soul that needs to be freed, it will be a terrible shock for you. You put everything into it - into the soul, mind, personality, or whatever you call it - and now it exploded, crumbled like a myth. It is hard for you to look at reality, at your true position. One look and you will be finished.

~ W. G. Krishnamurti

We were just born and we will just die, but you ask about the meaning of life, you ask what Zazen will give you? However, you wouldn't have the right to complain if you died last year. Isn't it clear from the very beginning that life gives nothing? It's just coming and going, that's all. Your problem is that you carry something in your chest that doesn't want to admit it.

~ Kodo Sawaki Roshi

"One thing I want to tell you: "When you practice compassion, don't feel the pain." When you FEEL the pain too deeply, you won't have the space left to continue to practice compassion. So, please keep this pith instruction in the back of your head, whenever you practice compassion, keep very detached with attached, you understand?

Compassion is something to hold - equanimity is detached. Without these two combined, if you are only holding, holding, holding - you "re soaked into the pain of others; you will loose the will, and strength to work for the benefit of others. You understand what I" m trying to say?

"Ahhh!!!" (Rinpoche starts to pretend to cry) Doing this takes away all your energy, you become tired, you hit the wall; you lose the energy to work. Do you understand? That "s why this kind of thing - honestly - that’s not in the books, it doesn’t happen in the book. This is the very practical Dharma that you need to work with in your daily life as you interact with others."

Phakchok Rinpoche @Gomde Cooperstown Summer 2013

"What is this devastation of yours? An old woman with a stick? The witch who broke all the windows, put out all the lamps? Yes, she does not exist at all. What do you mean by this word? This is what: if I, instead of operating every evening If I start to sing in chorus in my apartment, devastation will set in. If, on entering the restroom, I start, pardon the expression, urinate past the toilet bowl and Zina and Darya Petrovna do the same, devastation will begin in the restroom. in closets, but in their heads.. So, when these baritones shout "beat the devastation!" "I'm laughing. I swear to you, it's funny to me! That means that each of them must beat himself on the back of the head! And now, when he hatches all sorts of hallucinations out of himself and starts cleaning the sheds - his direct business - the devastation will disappear by itself."
(Mikhail Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog")

"Under no circumstances should you lose hope. Feelings of despair are the true cause of failure. Remember: you can overcome any difficulty. Be calm, even when you find yourself in a difficult and confusing situation: this will have little effect on you if your mind is unperturbed. On the contrary, if the mind allows you to be angry, then you will lose peace, even if the world around you is serene and comfortable.

(Dalai Lama)

Tanzan and Ekido were once walking along a muddy road. Pouring pouring rain. As they passed a crossroads, they met a beautiful girl in a silk kimono and scarf who couldn't cross the pothole.
- Let me help! Tanzan said at once. He took the beauty in his arms and carried it through the mud.
Ekido said nothing and remained silent until they reached the temple. He could no longer hold back and said:
“We monks should stay away from women, especially young and beautiful ones. They are dangerous. How dare you?
- I left the girl there! Tanzan replied. - Are you still carrying it?

There are two types of attention:

The first type appears when a person is busy
something specific.
This type of attention is called

The second type is attention without
concentration on something; He
characterized by clarity and
relaxation of consciousness that has not lost

As if you were standing on top of a mountain and
looked into the distance.

Sando Kaisen

Whatever happens tomorrow, it must not poison today. Whatever happened yesterday must not choke tomorrow. We exist in the PRESENT, and it cannot be despised. The joy of a burning day is priceless, just as Life itself is priceless - there is no need to poison it with doubts, regrets and aggressions.

~ Paulo Coelho

"You can change the whole outer environment, but nothing will change if the inner world remains the same. The inner attitudes will create the same pattern over and over again, because a person lives from the inner to the outer. You always carry your hell or heaven in you. Like a spider carries a web in itself. Wherever the spider goes, it immediately spreads its web around itself. And when the spider wants to go further, it absorbs the web into itself. Wherever you go, you immediately create your own pattern around you. "

I understand what your problem is. You are too serious. A smart face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All stupid things on Earth are done with this expression. You smile, gentlemen. Smile!

The same Munchausen

Watch your body if you want your mind to work properly.
(Rene Descartes)

And the whole world came into view
As if I looked in a clean mirror,
And when we merged with the world,
It became calm in my heart

Lightness in the body and purity are boundless,
Freshness - only in this is happiness.
If joy grows every day,
That is born non-attachment of thoughts.

(from the testament of the Buddhist monk Gunavaraman - in it he talks about his own fate)

Drink where the horse drinks. The horse will never drink bad water. Make the bed. where the cat lays down. Eat fruit. which the worm has touched. Feel free to take the mushrooms on which the mosquito sits. Plant a tree where the mole digs. Build a house on that spot. where the snake basks. Dig a well there. where the birds nest in the heat. Lie down and rise with the chickens, you will have the golden grain of the day. Eat more green and you will have strong legs and a hardy heart like a beast. Swim more often and you will feel yourself on earth like a fish in water. Look at the sky more often. and not under your feet, and your thoughts will be clear and light. Be silent more than speak, and silence will settle in your soul, and your spirit will be peaceful and calm. Elder Seraphim of Sarov

Some time ago, when I was very excited about something, I received a letter from my youngest son with a single quote: "Life is not about waiting out the bad weather, but about learning to dance in the rain."

I laughed: an eighteen-year-old boy sends wise quotes to his mother! “He got it from me,” I thought then. I collect quotes, I like to look for wise phrases when I feel down or when I need to change something in my mind. Quotes inspire me and remind me of what is really important in life. I write them down on stickers and stick them on my desktop or on a mirror. When my sons were little, I used to stick quotes on their school lunch boxes.

1. Mind is everything. You become what you think. (Buddha)

2. Practice and everything will come. (Patabhi Jois)

3. Yoga teaches us to heal what cannot be tolerated and to endure what cannot be healed. (B.K.S Iyengar)

4. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. (Maya Angelou)

5. Become the change you want to see in the world. (Mahatma Gandhi)

6. The way people see you is their karma, the way you react is yours. (Wayne Dyer)

7. If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine: it's deadly. (Paulo Coelho)

8. Happiness is not about having what you want, but about wanting what you have. (Swami Sivananda)

9. Every morning we are born again. What we do today is the most important thing. (Buddha)

10. Yoga is not about how to improve yourself, but about how to accept yourself. (Gurmukh)

11. Yoga is the practice of accepting the consequences of being oneself. (Bhagavad Gita)

12. Yoga is a light, once lit it will never go out. The better you practice, the brighter the light. (B.K.S Iyengar)

13. The quieter you become, the more you can hear. (Rumi)

14. In the practice of tolerance, your enemy is the best teacher. (Dalai Lama)

15. Yoga is the fountain of youth. You are young as long as your spine is flexible. (Bob Harper)

16. We cannot practice yoga, yoga is our natural state. But we can apply yoga methods when we realize that we are resisting our natural state. (Sharon Gennon)

17. Breathe in - and God will let you in, hold your breath - and God will remain with you. Exhale - and you will let God in, hold your breath - and you will merge with him. (Krishnamacharya)

18. I realized that people will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget the feelings you made in them. (Maya Angelou)

19. Why do we need more money? Is it not enough that we are free from disease, strife and debt? Too much money means too little peace of mind. (Krishnemacharya)

20. The success of yoga is not in the ability to take poses, but in how positively this ability changes our lives and relationships with people. (T.K.V Desikachar)

21. Fill your heart with love for people. The more good you see in them, the stronger your love for yourself will be. (Paramahansa Yogananda)

22. A relationship full of gratitude is the highest yoga. (Yogi Bhajan)

23. Live in the present, forget the past. And don't look to the future. (Swami Sivananda)

24. Nobody can hurt me without my permission. (Mahatma Gandhi)

25. Yoga is like music: it never ends. (Sting)

“A yogi is a person who, after his departure, leaves this place better than it was.” Nobody says that a yogi is a person who does certain practices, complex asanas. A yogi is a person who makes this world a better place simply by being present in it. All our actions in this world create some impulses of energy, and these impulses can be either positive or negative. And each of us can ask ourselves the question: "Are we making the world a better place by our presence in it." David Swenson

“Ashtanga Yoga lives when people practice it, not talk about it. And it seems to me that the teacher has one main goal, one main role - to inspire students, to inspire them to practice. You don’t need to influence people’s lives, you need to show them how to use a certain tool and how you can change your life with this tool.” David Swenson

“The best advice I can give about practice is find a way to enjoy it. Sometimes people tend to over complicate things. Show them how to enjoy yoga and they will want to do it for the rest of their lives.” David Swanson

“The most important thing for a yogi is to do well what you do.” Lama Ole Nidal

“Yoga gives you the opportunity to become happier – and to make others happy. It will help in overcoming physical and psychological problems, help you realize the nature of the mind, and make you more compassionate. And of course your sense of humor will improve!” Richard Freeman

“Practice is like a mirror. We go to the mirror every morning to clean ourselves up, and the practice is like a mirror of what's in your heart and mind. If you are able to practice from within, every practice will be new to you. Because you approach it as an object of meditation, rather than using it as a means to achieve something.” Richard Freeman

“Yoga means a course of action in which our attention is completely and completely concentrated on what we are doing at the moment. Yoga strives to achieve a state where you are present in every action, in every moment, and are truly present. T.K.V. Desikachar

"Regular yoga practice will allow you to act firmly and confidently in the hustle and bustle of life." B.K.S. iyengar

“By learning to control the body, we learn to control the mind.” P. Joyce

"Method of Yoga for all but the lazy." P. Joyce

“The rigid body has a good potential for teaching Yoga. A flexible body is usually more occupied with Bhoga." Saraswati (daughter of P. Jois)

“Yoga does not separate a person from the world, it frees him from illusions and prejudices, habitual patterns of thinking and the power of emotions over the mind. The main role in this is played by the personal effort of the mind and the creation of a predisposition to conscious concentration of attention. Relying on cosmic forces, the astral, the great wisdom of someone is a gross mistake. (Eliad M. Patanjali and Yoga)

Eastern wisdom always amaze the inhabitants of the West. People do not understand well the worldview and peace of the people who practice meditation and yoga. In many Western countries and European countries, stress is dealt with with the help of pills, and not with the help of liberation from extraneous thoughts and all kinds of asanas. There are a lot of quotes about yoga. Let's talk about them today.

About healing

Yoga teaches us how to heal what cannot be tolerated and how to tolerate what cannot be healed.

This very famous yoga quote is incredibly true. What is the usual practice of a person who has just started doing complex asanas? The practitioner assumes an uncomfortable posture in which he must relax. Pain through relaxation is a standard practice for any yogi. An uncomfortable posture helps a person focus on breathing, free his head from unnecessary thoughts and better understand his body. Yoga teaches a person endurance and acceptance of life as it is.

A person must understand that he can be healed not only with the help of pills, but also with the help of physical exercises. The human body is a shell in which health is enclosed. And the more time he devotes to working with the shell, the better and healthier the inner filling will be.

The essence of yoga

The essence of yoga is self-discipline and a firm desire to escape from the endless thoughts about the past and the constant worry about the future.

The quote about yoga that was printed in the book "Eat Pray Love" is very true. If you think about it, the average person never lives in the present. He is thrown into the past, then into the future. A person cannot concentrate on what surrounds him. Therefore, he simply cannot perceive the world as it is. But every day should bring happiness and peace to a person. But at least think about yourself. How often do you rejoice in the past day? If you do this once a week, then you can already be congratulated. Most people notice that life is beautiful about once a month or less.

Yoga teaches a person to accept reality and not to give it some kind of assessment. The practitioner should not condemn himself for the mistakes he has made in the past. Are you truly remorseful? Accept your past, draw a conclusion and move on with your life. You don't have to think about the future every day either. Write a plan for life, for a month and for a week. Once you think about the direction in which you need to move, start walking. Do not speculate whether the chosen path is the right one. People who constantly think about the future do not shape it in any way, being afraid to make a mistake.

About the priceless gift

Yoga is an invaluable gift for an intelligent person, it helps him become wise.

This yoga quote allows people to reflect on where they are now and where they are going. Who is a smart person? Education, position in society and status mean nothing to an Eastern sage. Life position, goals and aspiration - that's what matters. A person who thinks about his true destiny in this world, comes to some conclusion and begins to implement his plan, is worthy of respect. Yoga will help you find out why you were born into this world and where you will eventually arrive. When a person meditates, relaxing his body and letting go of thoughts along with accumulated problems, amazing ideas come to his mind. Some call it insight, some call it awareness. Nevertheless, each person can know this world, people and his destiny, if he makes at least some effort. And the first step to your wisdom should be yoga.

About desire, expectation and aspiration

Desire is not effective, because it gives rise to expectations. But expectation is the mother of immobility. Striving is the parent of the movement that leads to the ascension of the spirit.

Many interesting things can be learned by reading the book "Agni Yoga". A quote from it is given above. What is it about? The fact that every person should strive for something, and not passionately desire something. What is the difference between desire and desire? In the fact that in the first case, a person will work to achieve the goal, and in the second case, the person will sit and wait until grace descends on him from heaven. Waiting kills a person. It corrupts his soul, as it is inextricably linked with the nerves. A person who is desperately waiting for something is unlikely to get what he wants. But the person who personally brings closer to himself the day in which she will receive some privileges will achieve her goal. Quotes about yoga are always truthful and imbued with unprecedented wisdom. It just needs to be seen and understood.

About practice

Yoga is 99% practice and 1% knowledge.

The yoga quote by Shri Krishna Pattabi Jois has gained popularity because it is very encouraging for beginners who want to learn the science of meditation and relaxation. After all, if we take into account that yoga is a complex set of exercises aimed at breathing, physical training, and meditation, then the idea that the main thing in all this is practice is very captivating. But really, only experience can teach a person something. A person with theoretical knowledge will never achieve good results in anything. It is necessary to apply not only intellectual efforts, but also to involve the body, teach it to work properly and relax. The famous quote was even paraphrased. In the modern interpretation, it no longer applies only to yoga: to achieve a result, you need to apply 99% of effort and 1% of talent.

Benefits of Meditation

My son is into meditation, after all, it's better than sitting around doing nothing.

Max Kaufmann's quote about yoga makes many people smile. But this aphorism makes only a person who is very far from yoga smile. Indeed, when one sees a practitioner sitting in the lotus position, one might get the impression that the person sitting is doing nothing. In fact, a person practicing meditation has a hard inner work. He learns to get rid of extraneous thoughts and teaches himself not to be distracted by extraneous noises. Do you find this activity very stupid? If so, then you are not aware of the benefits that yoga brings to a person. After all, this practice allows you to control feelings and emotions at will, look at things objectively and not succumb to hypnosis. A person who knows how to concentrate on what she is doing will be able to do her job better and do it in the shortest possible time.

About health

Yoga is the strength of the body, the stability of the mind and the clarity of thought. A clear mirror clearly reflects objects. Health is a mirror of a person.

B. K. S. Iyengar said a very clever idea, which still cannot reach the minds of many people. Human health is a reflection of his thoughts. Someone believes in this theory, and someone prefers to deny it. But most cases of illness confirm the correctness of the quote. For example, a person who got cancer harbored a grudge against someone. If a person can forgive his offender, then the cancer will go away. But if he can’t, then the situation can be fatal, and no chemotherapy will help. It's the same with regular coughs. If a person falls ill, it means that he has committed a bad deed, for which he should pay. And sometimes the body sends illnesses so that a person realizes the wrongness of his choice. And in order to better know yourself and your feelings, people just need to do yoga. It helps a person to maintain a healthy mind, which, as you know, lives in a healthy body.

Creative potential

Just as all rivers flow into one ocean, so all types of yoga strive to raise the kundalini. This is human creativity.

Quotes by great yogis are very popular with people. They help them understand the truth of being. Yogi Bhajan said the phrase above. Today, she is a famous quote that inspires people to find their true self. What does the yoga quote say? Life is an eternal search, and it is yoga that will help a person realize his calling and destiny. Do you want to understand why you were born and realize your creative potential? Then start doing yoga and practicing meditation. And also yoga helps to restore creative energy, which is sometimes so lacking for a person who has reached a dead end and cannot get out of creative stagnation. In order not to get into such situations, meditate more and practice asanas.
