Singer Jasmine has grown fat to such an extent that she simply cannot be recognized! Jasmine spoke about the disease: the singer complained about the busy work schedule Jasmine got fat

The actress appeared at the Golden Gramophone award ceremony and attracted the attention of the press. The journalists turned out to be quite critical and not too delicately pointed out that the performer had noticeably recovered. In their opinion, Jasmine began to gradually gain weight even earlier, but now the situation is simply catastrophic.

“Her face has become round, and the forms are voluminous,” Tatar-inform reports. The fact that it was Jasmine could only be recognized by the diploma in her hands, the Paparazzi note.

The singer has noticeably recovered since the birth of her daughter last winter. This child was the first in the marriage of the singer and businessman from Moldova Ilan Shor. In addition to her daughter, 35-year-old Jasmine has a 15-year-old son from her first marriage to Vyacheslav Semenduev.

It is probably difficult for the singer to fight overweight, especially since Jasmine did not want to stick to strict diets, considering them unsuitable for a young mother. Some time ago, the media reported that the performer also had to deal with postpartum depression.

The singer who attended the ceremony was able to get out of the situation by choosing a suit that quite successfully hid the problem areas of her figure. Jasmine fans are afraid that their favorite artist will repeat the sad fate of her colleague Eva Polna, who, after the birth of two children, faced a serious problem of obesity.

Stars try to look presentable, but not everyone succeeds. Artists from Russia and Hollywood often suffer from being overweight. However, this does not interfere with the popularity of fat stars, but rather attracts even more attention. Ten overweight stars - in the material.

Lolita Milyavskaya

According to official information, the Russian singer weighs 73 kg with a height of 173 cm, but fans suspect that this figure is outdated. The star looked great, but over time gained a lot of extra pounds.

In 2016, her photo from the "Heat" festival in Baku, where she poses next to and, got on the Web. Now the artist’s weight is unknown, but fans note that the star is getting fatter and further, but does not seek to lose weight.

Eva Polna

Evgeny Osin

The Soviet and Russian musician also began to get fat. The man has changed markedly since the 90s. Despite the fact that the singer is a vegetarian, this did not prevent him from gaining extra pounds. In addition, due to alcohol, the famous singer became unrecognizable. Photos of the artist before and after shock fans.


Olga Budina

In 2015, the actress appeared at the premiere of the musical Singing in the Rain. The paparazzi noticed that Budina had become much fatter. Gossip columnists later noted that even a long black dress and coat did not hide the flaws of the artist's figure. The normal weight of a star is 51 kg, but during the specified period, its weight reached 84 kg.

In April 2016, singer Jasmine gave birth to her third child. A mother of many children cannot get in shape, kilograms do not go away. The first time Jasmine encountered such a problem a few years ago, after the birth of her daughter, she recovered by 25 kilograms and for a long time could not return to her former shape.

Jennifer Love Hewitt, 38

Jennifer Love Hewitt has two children - a daughter born in 2013 and a son born in 2015. After the birth of her first child, the actress lost weight very slowly, before she had time to lose weight, she became pregnant with her second child. After the birth of her second child, the actress is difficult to recognize.

Alec Baldwin, 59

For some reason, in all the latest paparazzi pictures, Alec Baldwin is eating. It looks like he eats all the time! Or is it a reporter's conspiracy to photograph an actor eating? The actor's face itself speaks in favor of the first assumption - once toned, but today it is simply round.

Mariah Carey, 46 years old

Mariah Carey has never been skinny. In 2011, she gave birth to twin babies and completely recovered by 30 kilograms. But the singer immediately pulled herself together and began to flaunt in tight outfits after six months. A little later, Mariah stopped dieting.

Christina Aguilera, 36 years old

Christina Aguilera gave birth to a daughter in 2014, she has not lost weight in 3 years. After the first pregnancy, the singer dropped excess weight pretty quickly, without making any special efforts, but after the second birth, Christina cannot say goodbye to being overweight.

Vika Krutaya, 31 years old

Before the wedding, Vika Krutaya, who has always been the owner of an appetizing figure, brought herself into perfect shape. After marriage, the daughter of a famous composer gave birth to a daughter, Demi, and faced the problem of being overweight. She immediately began to get in shape.

Irina Dubtsova, 35 years old

Irina Dubtsova gave birth to her only son Artem 11 years ago, but the singer never returned to her previous weight.

John Travolta, 63

In fact, we are used to such a large version of John Travolta: the actor has never been skinny, but he has always been considered stksual. And all thanks to an amazing smile and self-confidence. And yet it is interesting to compare the current Travolta with what he once was and how almost no one remembers him!

Liv Tyler, 39

In 2016, Liv Tyler became pregnant for the third time. The actress gained weight, but not so critical. She is so busy with children that she is in no hurry to part with extra pounds.

Oksana Fedorova, 39 years old

Back in the 2000s, Oksana Fedorova could boast of an ideal figure, but both pregnancies (in 2012 and 2013) had a strong effect on her figure. After the first birth, Miss Universe 2002 gained over 20 kg, and after the second - 30 kg!

Britney Spears, 35

Britney Spears is the mother of two sons Sean and Jayden, the pop diva gave birth to her children in 2005 and 2006. After the birth of children, the figure of the singer changed a lot. But a few years later, she surprised fans by losing weight.

Brendan Fraser, 48

Even 10 years ago, millions of men envied his metal muscles. The ladies' room went wild with delight, looking at the half-naked Brendan Fraser, and the men secretly envied this guy with a big smile. But years have passed since The Mummy, and now Brendan is completely different from his former self.

Anne Hathaway, 34

In March 2016, Anne Hathaway gave birth to her first child. The actress got fat, but she didn’t make a tragedy out of it.

Katherine Heigl, 38

In December 2016, Katherine Heigl gave birth to her first child, having previously raised two adopted children. Before pregnancy, the actress could boast of a figure like a Barbie doll, but after giving birth, she still got a little fat.

Aishwarya Rai, 43

Aishwarya Rai gave birth to her only daughter in 2011. She has changed, fullness does not suit her, she has not got a second chin. However, after some time, the Indian diva decided to pull herself together.

Yulia Proskuryakova, 34 years old

In 2015, Yulia Proskuryakova became a mother for the first time. But even after 2 years, she did not come into her shape, since the new parameters suit her quite well.

Kerry Washington, 40

Kerry Washington was famous slim waist and narrow hips, but the actress noticeably recovered during her second pregnancy. During lactation, she gained a few extra pounds.

After the birth of a child, the life of every mother changes dramatically, no matter whether you are a star or an ordinary housewife. Mothers devote a lot of time to babies and do not think about their own at all. extra pounds, think that they will go away on their own, dissolve. As a result, women acquire a "heavy burden", which is no longer easy to say goodbye to. Many stars began to wear clothes several sizes larger.

Not so long ago, the forty-year-old singer became a mother for the third time and is now again struggling with excess weight - during pregnancy, Jasmine gained 15 kilograms, but does not give up. She has already got rid of 9 extra ones. There are still 6 left. Let's find out how she does it.

This time, the singer began to lose weight immediately after giving birth and, first of all, normalized her diet. Jasmine resolutely refused sweets, pastries, fatty, fried, sugar in any form.

In order to reach her goal as soon as possible, she underwent a set of spa procedures, and three months after discharge she was already actively involved in sports. It is the combination physical activity, proper nutrition and SPA, according to the singer, provides the maximum result in a relatively short time. Now Jasmine does not stop zealous even when not resting, because 9 kilograms is not the limit, she says.

The process of losing weight did not go quickly, the singer admits, but every 300 grams shed was inspiring - it gave strength not to stop and not give up. Now she has no doubt that she will easily lose the remaining 6 kilograms and put on her favorite dresses again.

How Jasmine lost weight after the first and second pregnancy

The singer recalls that after the first pregnancy she got in shape without making any effort. Everything came out by itself, but after the second birth, the miracle did not happen. Gained 25 kilograms of excess weight did not go anywhere. I had to take active steps: make an appointment with a nutritionist, do yoga, strength exercises. In six months, she lost 20 kilograms.

Therefore, after the third pregnancy, the singer was ready for difficulties and immediately set to work on herself, and very successfully. Let's see how soon she reaches her ideal, and we wish her good luck in this difficult task.

All articles on how other stars lost weight are available at the links:

  • - minus 16 kg
  • - minus 20 kg

During her pregnancy with her second child, singer Jasmine gained more than 20 kilograms. After giving birth, the weight was not going to budge. Jasmine has almost come to terms with her new look, but her son pushed her to lose weight. Now the star appears on the red carpet and social events with a perfect figure.

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Rules and secrets of the Jasmine diet

Singer Jasmine has always pleased her fans not only with a beautiful voice, but also with a stunning appearance. However, the birth of a second child was not reflected in the figure in the best way. As Jasmine admits, her eldest son pushed her to take herself seriously. He once asked if she was going to be the same.

Like most women, Jasmine began to try different diets. In parallel, she did yoga,. Thus, she managed to lose about eight kilograms. But then the weight of the arrow stopped. Whatever diets and weight loss methods Jasmine tried, there was no result. There was no question of any supplements or diet pills. Singer Jasmine does not accept them completely.

Then she decided to turn to qualified specialists. Today the star highlights two important rules successful weight loss - sports and a balanced diet.

The first person Jasmine went to was a fitness trainer who developed for her individual program classes. The schedule contained different types of exercises. Both strength and training with elements of choreography went into it, a kind of. In addition, classes aimed at the relief of the hands were mandatory, and.

When choosing a training program for themselves, many after a certain time are faced with the fact that it stops working because the muscles adapt. To prevent this from happening, it is important to change the types of classes and exercises often. Thus, Jasmine achieved amazing results.

Of course, the singer herself admits that at the beginning her training was very difficult. But it is important to understand that it is impossible to achieve the desired effect without labor and effort. You need to seriously mentally set yourself up, “see” your goal and go towards it. Then sports become an integral part of life.

It is best to practice three times a week for a couple of hours. And if you can’t attend a workout on any day, then you don’t just need to cancel it, you should reschedule it to a more convenient time.

  • To establish a metabolism in the body, you need to start eating according to the fractional nutrition system. Namely, meals should be 5 - 6 times a day. Thus, the feeling of hunger is not created, and appetite is easier to control.
  • It's also important to watch your portion sizes. In order not to overeat, at a time you need to eat about a glass of food or 200 - 250 grams.
  • You can not eat after 8 pm. At this time, all body systems slow down their activity, so food is practically not digested. She lies, turning into slag and fat. But if a person goes to bed very late, and the feeling of hunger is extremely strong, then you can have a snack with a glass of kefir, low-fat yogurt, berries or non-sugar fruit.
  • In order to avoid breakdowns, depression and stress due to the monotony and simplicity of the menu, it must be made as varied and interesting as possible. In addition, it further stimulates the metabolism.
  • If you want to eat a high-calorie product or dish, then this should be done in the morning. But sweets and rich pastries are still banned.
  • It is necessary to carefully count the number of calories eaten per day. Jasmine consumes 1500 kcal per day.

These simple diet tips will help you lose those extra pounds.

See how the singer Jasmine lost weight in this video:

How the singer lost weight after giving birth

The result of weight loss is impressive. Jasmine dropped over 20 kilograms. Many did not believe in dieting, claiming that she was drinking special drugs to burn fat. But Jasmine talked about her weight loss program on television, gave a lot of interviews. She warns that the result achieved is laborious and purposeful work on oneself.

The singer managed to lose weight thanks to the desire to be beautiful and slim, as well as willpower. No matter what, Jasmine always tries to find time for herself. When the singer manages to take a break from household chores and work, she always tries to dedicate it to yoga, Pilates, swimming or running.

Previously, Jasmine dreamed of 42 clothing sizes, but now she can’t even imagine what happens differently.

Optimal Diet

Fractional nutrition became the basis of Jasmine's diet: the singer eats almost every two hours, the number of meals per day comes out five to six times. Quite a few important role plays the portion size, it should not exceed 200 - 250 grams. And, finally, it is absolutely impossible to eat three hours before bedtime.

As Jasmine notes, there are no strict prohibitions and regulations. You can eat everything, with the exception of sweets and pastries, as well as alcoholic beverages. Goodies are replaced with honey, dried fruits and dark chocolate. They can be eaten no more than 35 grams per day.

Initially, this diet should last three weeks. During this time, excess weight goes away, and the result is fixed. But Jasmine adopted the diet as a way of life. So, if there is a desire, then it can be easily extended. The diet does not harm the body, does not deprive it of essential vitamins and nutrients, does not lead to hunger and stress. In addition, it improves metabolism. According to Jasmine, losing weight on such a diet is very simple. The body is not stressed.

The Jasmine diet menu should include the following foods and dishes:

  • A little meat and fish to maintain the building material of the muscles. They should be prepared by baking in the oven in foil in their own juice, steamed or grilled. The size of a single serving should not exceed one hundred grams.
  • Most of the diet should be fruits and vegetables, except for dates and dates, since they are high in calories and sugar. You can eat bananas, apples and citrus fruits, all berries. By the way, all this can be frozen.
  • Also, fruits and berries can be used to make fruit drinks, compotes without sugar.
  • The diet menu may contain durum wheat pasta, and when cooked, they should be “al dente”, that is, slightly undercooked. They contain complex carbohydrates that break down for a long time, providing the body with energy, while not increasing appetite.
  • Bread is recommended to eat black or whole grain.
  • You need to eat a couple of times a week. You can mix them with natural, unsweetened yogurt or oatmeal. During the diet, they cleanse the body.
  • Be sure to drink 1.5 - 2 liters per day of pure non-carbonated water. But you can't drink cold water. You can also add lemon juice to the water.
  • Dairy products without sugar are a must on a diet.
  • More vegetables and herbs. Season salads with either olive oil or lemon juice.

Sample menu for the day

You can understand exactly how the Jasmine diet looked if you study the diet for one day:

  • Breakfast consists of an omelet with a slice of cheese. You can drink green tea no added sugar.
  • The second breakfast is rye bread with butter and a glass of low-fat kefir without sugar.
  • For lunch, you need to eat boiled or steam, chicken or fish with vegetable salad. You can drink coffee, again without sugar.
  • As an afternoon snack there will be a cup with an apple.
  • For dinner, you should cook any seafood, as well as low-fat cottage cheese, to which you can add greens. Drink unsweetened green tea.
  • Rice porridge with pumpkin.

Ingredients: rice, vegetable pulp.

Previously, the pumpkin must be cleaned, cut and boiled until half cooked. Then rinse the rice and add it to the porridge. Now the dish is cooked until ready. You can put a piece of butter in hot porridge.

  • Apple-pumpkin salad.

Ingredients: fruit and vegetable, liquid honey and lemon juice, walnuts.

Pumpkin and apple can be rubbed or cut into thin strips. Then mix everything and season with honey and lemon juice. Sprinkle the top with crushed nuts.

Compliance with simple rules will help you lose weight after childbirth and regain your previous shape. At the heart of the success of Jasmine's weight loss is the desire and willpower. Small but frequent meals help to avoid hunger, control appetite. And classes different types sports keep muscles in good shape, create a calorie deficit.
