Bodyweight exercises. Body of an ancient god: bodyweight training program. Example of bodyweight circuit training

We welcome all lovers of healthy and sports life. Today we propose for discussion the question of how realistic it is to pump up muscles at home with a minimum set of sports equipment?

What are the benefits of doing bodyweight exercises?

What to do if you want to get your body in shape, but you don’t want or have the opportunity to spend money on expensive gym memberships? Or there simply isn’t enough free time to visit it. There is no need to despair, because at home or on a nearby sports ground you can easily reproduce many of the exercises offered by gyms or fitness centers. At the same time, you will be able to save money (with which you can later acquire sports equipment) and conduct training at a time that suits you personally.

What comes to mind when you mention exercises with own weight? I immediately remember various modifications of push-ups and pull-ups on the horizontal bar. And this is absolutely true - training with your body weight will consist for the most part of variations of these two exercises. After all, the very essence of such training is to lift and hold for some time in a certain position the weight of your own body, as is done, for example, on the horizontal bar or uneven bars.

You should immediately prepare yourself for the fact that at first it will be very, very difficult for you. The classes will be quite difficult, and the temptation to give up everything will be quite great. This is, perhaps, one of the few disadvantages of training only with your own weight at home compared to going to the gym - no one controls you at home, in fact, you are responsible only for yourself for conscientiousness and regularity of training. That's why attitude and strengthening willpower are so important - this will help you not give up halfway.

Another point that is important to consider is creating the possibility of increasing loads in the future. After all, after some time of training, your muscles, unaccustomed to loads at first and actively developing in the first months of training, will eventually “learn” to adapt to the applied loads and their growth will slow down or stop altogether. It is at this moment that it is important to have time to add additional weights to the exercises. You can purchase special weights at a sports store or, again, make them yourself. Increasing loads will again force the muscles to develop and increase in volume.

In addition to weights, you will also need:

  1. Pull-up bar. You can use either a purchased or homemade crossbar by installing it in the doorway. And if there is a horizontal bar in the yard, the problem is solved by itself.
  2. Chairs (minimum two). The main thing is that they are stable and reliable - they must support your weight. If you train on a sports ground, then most likely there will be the parallel bars we need - then you can do without chairs.
  3. For exercises on the site, you can get a jump rope.

Exercise program focused on bodyweight exercises

And now we offer you the top 11 most effective exercises with your own weight, tested and recognized by more than one hundred athletes. These strength exercises will awaken and work all or part of every muscle group in your body. Thanks to them, you will be able to save money on going to the gym and slowly but surely gain weight. muscle mass at a time convenient to you in a convenient place. The main thing is not to forget that the success you can achieve will be directly related to the effort you put into each workout.

This exercise is a regular in almost any training program. It puts stress on almost all muscles, from pumping the calves to training the abs.

We get down on all fours so that your knees touch your chest. We sharply throw our legs back with force, taking a prone position. After this, we return to the “on all fours” position. And now we just as sharply push the body up in a jump, clapping our hands above our heads. Having landed, we return to the starting position.

Repeat the burpee exercise 8 times, after a short break do the second set. In total, you will have two sets of 8 burpee exercises.

We do pull-ups familiar to us from childhood - on a crossbar or horizontal bar we place our arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and do a slow pull-up, tensing and feeling the work of all the back muscles, which bear the main load when performing this exercise.

In one approach you will need to perform 10 push-ups. The total number of approaches to classic push-ups is 4.

Unlike classic pull-ups, this exercise aims to loosen up and work the biceps.

Place your hands shoulder-width apart, holding the bar with your palms facing you, and not away from you, as in classic push-up. We do pull-ups slowly, focusing on the biceps currently being trained and feeling their tension.

Repeat pull-ups reverse grip 15 times. There will be 3 such approaches in total.

The close grip is aimed at strengthening the biceps and the lower part of the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Initial position– as with a classic pull-up, only your hands should grab the bar so that your hands touch each other.

One approach - 12 close-grip pull-ups. Number of approaches – 4.

They will pump up your thigh and gluteal muscles, feet and calves.

For these squats you will need a stool. We put one leg on the stool, the other leg should protrude slightly forward. Now we begin squatting on the leg extended forward until the knee and shin form a right angle. After this, we take the starting position. Over time in this exercise You will need to connect weights.

In one approach - 10 squats on each leg in turn. Do 4 sets of squats in total.

It will help you work your abs and thigh muscles.

Hang on the bar, fixing your body position. Now bend your knees slightly and try to raise them as high as possible. At this moment, keep your body straight, do not swing on the horizontal bar.

Perform as many lifts as you can so that you feel the intense work of all the abdominal muscles. Do 4 sets of hanging leg raises.

This exercise is also familiar to everyone from school, but in this case we propose to complicate it a little. At the moment when you reach as low as possible on your hands, fix this position for 2-3 seconds, and then quickly push your body up.

You will need to repeat the dips 12 times, for a total of 3 sets of this exercise.

Helps develop triceps.

For this exercise, you will need two stable, reliable chairs or stools (or maybe two bedside tables). Place them opposite each other. Place your feet on the first chair, rest your hands on the second. Now slowly push up, lowering your body as low as possible.

Do 4 sets of chair push-ups, 12 reps each.

They will load and strengthen the chest muscles.

do regular push-ups, having previously placed a stack of 4-5 books under each hand (or a low chair). You will have to go down to the limit - until you feel that the pectoral muscles have begun to stretch.

And again, 4 sets of push-ups on books, 12 times each.

And one more modification of the classic push-ups from the floor, the difference of which is the following: having lowered the body on your hands as close to the floor as possible, you need to do not lift, but with a sharp effort push the body up so that your palms come off the floor for a moment. You need to land carefully and softly.

P We do 6 repetitions of explosive push-ups in each of 3 approaches.

Difficult, but useful exercise. To begin, place your feet on the wall and lift yourself up on your hands. We keep our neck straight, trying not to look at the floor. Now slowly lower yourself down on your hands, feeling how your triceps and shoulders tighten. Also slowly return to the starting position.

Try to do 3 sets of wall push-ups. Each one has 8 repetitions.

Bodyweight training schedule

Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday
Pull-ups (4x12) Explosive push-ups(4x8) Squats (4x12) Explosive push-ups(4x8)
Reverse push-ups (4x12) Close grip pull-ups(4x12) Reverse grip pull-ups(4x12) Pull-ups (4x12)
Hand push-ups (3x8) Dips(4x12) Push-ups on books(4x12) Dips(4x12)
Burpees (3x10) Hanging Leg Raise(3x15) (3x10) Hanging Leg Raise(3x15)

From the exercises described above, we have compiled for you an approximate training program for the days of the week. Naturally, the proposed set of exercises is more aimed at those who have only recently started training or are starting to exercise for the first time. If you already have at least basic physical training, you can use the program proposed in the table, increasing the number of approaches for each exercise. But it is better to leave the number of repetitions unchanged.

The training program includes classes four times a week. The suggested exercises target almost every major muscle group.

If desired, in training program You can also use exercises such as planks and bridges with your own weight.

The break between approaches to the exercise is 1 minute. The interval between each new exercise is no longer than 3 minutes.

And don’t forget that on days off from training, it is advisable to do a light warm-up and stretch.

Many novice athletes, trying to achieve any results at the beginning of their careers, spend too much effort and energy on completely unnecessary actions. We are talking about going to gyms and training with weights. Few people know that at the initial stage, training with your own weight will allow everyone to quickly and equally effectively solve all their tasks.

This article focuses on several ready-made programs for beginners with detailed description that will help you quickly get involved in the world big sport and achieve visible results without going to the gym. We will only talk about training with your own weight.

Having dotted the dots

Before getting into the details of worthwhile exercises, it's worth deviating a little from the main topic and focusing on your goals. The fact is that many beginners believe in the existence specialized exercises. For example, one complex is performed to lose weight, and completely different exercises are performed to gain mass or strength.

In fact, there is no difference. Strength training with your own weight is quite capable of making a novice athlete lose weight, because only two factors are important here: heart rate and reaction muscle tissue to the load. To lose weight you need to raise your heart rate, for strength you need to “hammer” your muscles, and isolated exercises will give you weight gain.

Equipment and training equipment

You won’t be able to weave a work area out of thin air. In any case, auxiliary simulators will be needed. Ideally, most beginners should have a horizontal bar and parallel bars on hand. Professionals recommend purchasing a 3-in-1 exercise machine, which includes all the accessories for working with your own weight. In extreme cases, the problem can be solved with a pair of chairs, but the likelihood of injury in such cases increases sharply.

Also, in order to train with your own body weight, it’s time to get a special yoga mat, which can be found in any sports store. This accessory is needed more for hygiene purposes, since most of the exercises will have to be performed while lying on the floor.

Professional athletes recommend that beginners look into a sports store and for training. In just a few years of its existence on the market, this accessory quickly attracted the attention of many newcomers, because correct use it allows you to effectively work out any muscle of the human body.

Newbie's trump card

The best ones are regular squats. An at-home bodyweight workout program simply wouldn't be complete without them. Moreover, squats are effective both for gaining muscle mass and for losing weight. In the first case, you need to perform the exercises slowly, concentrating on each repetition, and to get rid of the fat layer, you should squat quickly and not get carried away with long rests between approaches (40-60 seconds maximum).

In squats, technique is important, which not only allows you to focus the load on specific muscles, but can also protect against injury. A beginning athlete must have full control of his body position:

  • straight back (it is advisable to bend your chest forward, bringing your shoulder blades together);
  • at the lowest point of the squat, the thighs should be parallel to the floor, and the knees should not go beyond the level of the toes.

Also, many trainers recommend always spreading your knees to the sides and not lifting your heels off the floor. It is clear that there are many requirements, but they are all aimed at protecting joints from damage. In the initial stages, it is recommended to hold on to a chair or wall to avoid falling.

Load focusing

Lunging the body forward on one leg is also effective exercise. A bodyweight training program often requires you to perform lunges several times a week, as they are not isolated and allow you to develop different muscles on the legs by shifting the center of gravity.

So, when you lean back and straighten your back, the load comes under rear end hips. The main thing here is to always control your body: the angle between the body and the floor should be 90 degrees. But a slight tilt (20-30 degrees) forward shifts the load to the front of the thigh, and the muscle is activated only when the leg is extended. However, professional athletes recommend that beginners still control the lunge, not allowing the knee joint to hit the floor, as this can damage the kneecap.

You can't do without gymnastics

The back muscles of any person are quite difficult to develop, since they are already constantly used. They work when walking, maintaining balance or creating force when bending and squatting. However, it is these muscles that can force the body to burn excess fat, since their work requires a lot of strength and energy.

Bodyweight training programs for men always include pull-ups, but many trainers who offer such a program to beginners fail to take into account the fact that most people simply do not know how to perform this exercise. This will require the experience of gymnasts who know how to force the back muscles to work.

Normal body tilts forward create a load on lumbar region, but pulling the elbows back directly while bending over loads Yes, such exercises will not replace pull-ups, but at the initial stage they still activate large muscles.

Additional accessory for pull-ups

Still, bodyweight workouts for men should include back strengthening exercises in their list. This is where an athletic harness and a horizontal bar come in handy, which will allow any beginner to master pull-ups. The solution here is quite simple:

  • the tourniquet is thrown over the horizontal bar and tied into a loop;
  • the athlete, grasping the horizontal bar with his hands, fixes one leg in the loop of the tourniquet (in the lower part).

Thus, the stretchable rubber accessory tends upward towards the crossbar, pulling the athlete towards the horizontal bar. A novice athlete just has to arch his chest forward and pull himself up. Yes, at first such an exercise seems difficult and impossible, but after practicing the technique, the results will not take long to show. On average, after just one month of such training (3 times a week), any beginner can independently, without the support of a tourniquet, perform one pull-up. And this is a serious result both physically and psychologically.

Least favorite exercise

Home bodyweight workouts include push-ups. True, for many beginners who lead a sedentary lifestyle, this turns into real torture, and they try to ignore the recommendations of professionals. The problem is that novice athletes try to use a lot of atrophied muscles that are practically not used in everyday life. This requires a completely different approach.

It is better to start doing push-ups not from the floor, but from the wall, resting your hands, creating an angle of 45 degrees between the floor and the body. Yes, this is an easy and simple exercise, however, it can also load the muscles of the arms and chest if you perform several dozen repetitions without a break.

The second stage is push-ups from the knees. Here it is worth paying attention to the position of the palms relative to the body. Raising your arms to the sides focuses the load on the chest muscles, and bringing your arms down shifts the focus to the triceps. It is better to carry out training with your own weight in the initial stages, moving your arms away from your body. Having learned to perform the exercise in this way, you can painlessly switch to regular push-ups.

Building a figure

Beautiful shoulders have always been the envy of everyone around. Moreover, it does not matter who has an athletic figure - a man or a woman. It looks great, but not every beginner knows that building up shoulders is quite easy at home, without additional devices and equipment. The fact is that they are very sensitive to any load, and making them work is quite simple, you just need to “hammer” them with a large number of repetitions. The at-home bodyweight workout for shoulders includes just three exercises:

  1. Raising your arms up. The main thing here is adherence to technique. In the starting position, the arms at the shoulder and elbow joints should be exactly 90 degrees. During the exercise, you should not lower your arms below the shoulder joint.
  2. Swing to the sides. With your arms along your body, you need to lift your hands up, creating a 90-degree angle at elbow joint. From this position, you should move your elbows to the sides without bending or straightening your arms.
  3. Bent over swings. The starting position is practically no different from the previous exercise. You just need to lean down, creating a 90-degree angle between the floor and the body. The elbows are raised upward.

Important event

A bodyweight training program, especially when it comes to losing weight, always includes muscle exercises. abdominals. However, the majority opinion regarding burning belly fat in this way is wrong. From excess weight is eliminated throughout the body proportionally, but abdominal exercises only tighten a sagging belly.

It's also worth noting that there are no lower or upper abdominal muscles, in fact there is one large muscle, which can be worked out in different ways:

  1. Body lifts. The easiest way is to lie on the floor and put your feet up against the wall.
  2. Leg raises. Lying on the floor, placing your palms under your buttocks for firm support, you need to lift your legs up without bending them at the knees.
  3. Combined lift. Sitting on a chair or stool, holding the seat with both hands, you need to move your body and legs apart from each other, trying to accept supine position. Then, lifting your body up (while maintaining balance), pull your knees to your chest.

Difficult exercise

The plank stance is underrated by some professional athletes who create bodyweight workouts for beginners. It seems to many that there is nothing easier than holding the body statically, standing on your hands, with your feet on the floor. However, do this difficult exercise It’s beyond the power of many coaches, not to mention novice athletes.

Everything is simple here: you need to stay in one position for at least a minute. Naturally, in the plank you need to keep your back straight and not allow your arms to bend at the elbow joint. As a rule, literally at 15-20 seconds, beginners cannot withstand the static load, and after a short trembling of the whole body, they stop the exercise.

Features of circuit training

It is worth noting that athletes can perform exercises using several methods. Basic training involves working each muscle in turn for several repetitions. However, among beginners who want to lose weight quickly, bodyweight exercises are very popular.

The peculiarity of such classes is to consistently perform all the above-described exercises in one approach without rest. This is a program for beginners. After completing one circle, a two-minute break is taken and everything is repeated again. This type of training puts a lot of stress on the cardiovascular system, so beginners are advised to control their pulse and avoid shortness of breath. You can sacrifice the number of repetitions in each approach, but not the break between exercises.


Bodyweight training is effective only in the initial stages of training. In the future (1-2 months), the human body adapts to the stress, and muscles stop growing, and fat is not burned. Here you need to either add weights or modify the exercises themselves. Alternatively, you can rearrange the exercises in the list above and constantly change the pace of the approaches.

Bodyweight training is an effective and most affordable way to develop strength and endurance. If desired, such exercises can be performed almost anywhere, which means there are no strict limits that require visiting the gym at a certain time, which may not always be convenient due to work or school schedules. In addition, exercises with your own weight are the safest, because the goal of such training is not significant strength results, as in heavy movements with a barbell, dumbbells or on machines, but to strengthen all muscle groups with the development of their strength and athleticism appearance.

Here are 5 best exercises for working with your own weight:

Pushups. Effectively developing shoulder girdle, pectoral muscles and triceps, push-ups are also great for strengthening the stabilizing muscles of the core, such as the abdominals and lower back. Various variations of push-ups allow you to focus on specific tasks. For example, if you do push-ups in the usual mode, consisting of 4 sets of 15-30 repetitions each, then the basic development of the pectoral, shoulder girdle, triceps and core muscles (core) is stimulated. But if you combine the execution of three various types push-ups: with a wide position of the hands, with medium and narrow ones in one triset or superset (two types are combined), then the intensity of such training will significantly increase and the impact in addition to physical indicators will already extend to the fat-burning effect and promotion of metabolism, more about this here. Naturally, when combining various options the number of repetitions in each of them is reduced in order to properly complete the entire triset.

During push-ups, keep your back completely straight.

Bodyweight squats. Exercise to develop leg strength, endurance and strengthening of cardio-vascular system. Bodyweight squats are a great alternative to all kinds of leg exercises. This simple and very effective movement works best if you squat with a full range of amplitude, that is, squat as deeply as possible. The pace of movement should not be too fast or slow. Repetitions are performed with average speed without stopping at the top or bottom points of the amplitude. Squat - inhale, rise - exhale. Everyone chooses the number of repetitions and sets according to how they feel. It is better to use the principle of progression and start with small results, trying to find your rhythm and remember the movement technique. Gradually, as strength and endurance increase, the number of repetitions and sets increases. For variety, you can sometimes supplement regular squats with jumps while rising from a squat, which will significantly complicate the set and make it much more intense.

Pull-ups. An excellent basic exercise that develops latissimus muscles back and biceps. If you regularly perform pull-ups from childhood, this usually affects the formation of a wider shoulder girdle and increased height. To increase the effectiveness of pull-ups, they can be done with three different grips in turn. For example, start with wide grip, then, after resting for 60-90 seconds, continue with a medium grip, and perform the third approach with a narrow grip with your palms facing you. To enhance muscle development, at the end of each approach, you need to linger at the top point for 5-10 seconds.

Bulgarian split squats. This variation of squats is difficult and requires sufficient leg strength to perform at least 6 repetitions with each leg, as there is little point in doing too few repetitions. Therefore, before attempting Bulgarian lunges, it is important to develop basic leg strength and strengthen the technique of performing regular squats. Due to the fact that each leg is worked alternately here, the exercise belongs to the category of those movements that can eliminate developmental imbalances separate groups muscles, in this case the quadriceps of the right or left leg. Ideally, the number of repetitions should be at least 8-10; you can squat both with your own body weight and with a small additional one. Lunges put stress on the knees, so heavy weight contraindicated here. In addition to targeting the development of quadriceps, Bulgarian split squats strengthen the buttocks and lower back, and also improve posture and coordination of movements.

Ab roller exercise. This is, in fact, a more advanced modification of the “plank”, except that in the “plank” the body position remains motionless for a certain time, but here, due to the roller, movements are made - rolling out (roller away from you) and twisting (roller towards you). Exercise with a roller has an extremely powerful effect on the abdominal and lower back muscles, so a thorough warm-up is necessary before performing them. To begin with, it is better to do rollouts from your knees, and when the strength of your abs and lower back increases, then gradually move on to rollouts from the starting position while standing on straight legs.

Primary goal: gaining muscle mass
Type: for the whole body
Level of training: elementary
Number of workouts per week: 4
Necessary equipment: No
Audience: men and women

Go back to basics: pump up your muscles classical training with its own weight. The flexible training system is built on a series of 5 exercises.

Program description

All those new-fangled fitness gadgets, hyped workout programs, and magic pills can easily make your head spin, especially if you're planning on getting your body in shape or getting even more in shape. They vying with each other to promise you relief cubes press in the shortest possible time, without providing any serious argument.

Athletes and warriors Ancient Greece created the most athletic, muscular and strong bodies in recorded history without the aid of any "quick fixes". Of course, they did not have an endless stream of temptations in the form of fast food and Xbox, but their bodies were simply amazing, and they demonstrated real miracles of strength, endurance and endurance.

What was their secret? How did they manage to forge mythological bodies with a relatively small amount of food and a complete absence food additives, not to mention the fact that gyms weren’t even in the project then?

They relied on bodyweight training. Yes, this is not the most revolutionary idea, but it has been unfairly pushed back, reserved for high school physical education classes and people who want to “ton up their figure” before the beach season.

Bodyweight training, especially if you have effective program, give serious results both when gaining weight and when losing weight. They can develop muscles, burn fat and turn your body into a trouble-free machine. Don't believe me? Do you think that bodyweight training is too simple, easy and therefore ineffective? Then try this program while traveling, while taking a break from the gym, or if you just want to shake things up a little and try something new.

Self-weight assault

  • Perform each workout 1-2 times a week.
  • Complete each set without resting between exercises.
  • Work on the program for at least 4 weeks, either while traveling or while you are away from your usual training equipment.
  • Perform before every workout.
  • Up to you: end the training session with cardio exercise - at a medium pace or at your choice.
  • Giant set complex - these exercises are performed without rest, one after the other. After completing the entire complex, rest for 1 minute.
  • Repeat each complex 3 times. If your level of training allows, you can repeat up to 4-5 times.
  • Do 10-20 repetitions per exercise, try to progress with each workout.

Workout 1

Giant set:

Giant set:

Workout 2

Giant set:

Giant set:

Push-ups with legs raised

You can raise your feet on a bench or chair, but the body should remain elongated and the abdominal muscles tense. Having completed the set, you can move your feet to the floor and continue the approach.

Wide grip horizontal pull-ups

Here you lie down under the bar in a Smith or power rack, placing the bar at waist level. You can do pull-ups with your feet on the floor (beginners) or on a bench (intermediate level). The distance between your hands on the bar is slightly greater than shoulder width. Stretch towards your lower chest, keep your back and legs straight, and your abdominal muscles tense.

Jackknife push-ups

These can be called hand push-ups for beginners. In the jackknife version, you stand with your feet on the ground and bend only in hip joints so that your hands rest on the floor and your buttocks are raised up (very similar to the “downward-facing dog” asana). Perform the movement by bending your elbows and shoulders (like a reverse overhead press), but do not bend your knees or bend your hips any further.

Reverse grip horizontal pull-ups

The starting position is the same as in horizontal pull-ups, only this time you grab the bar with a reverse grip (palms facing you) shoulder-width apart. The body should be stretched into a string from head to toe. Pull yourself up to the bar. Adjust the height of the "bar" to change the difficulty level.

Single leg squats

Be sure to move your front leg far enough forward so that your knee doesn't go past your toes. Try not to help yourself with your back leg (the one on the bench) while lifting and never rest your knee on the floor. Use a soft roller as a guide or stop 3-5cm before your knee hits the ground.

Box jumping

When performing box jumps, never jump to the ground. Always take a step back to avoid putting too much stress on your knees. In addition, if possible, for greater joint safety, exercise on a soft or rubberized surface.

Back lunges

Make sure that when doing backward lunges, the step is long enough and the front knee does not go beyond the line of the toe. Moreover, if back lunges are new to you, perform each repetition slowly, control the movement and master correct technique its implementation.

Sprint outside or on a treadmill

The distance and time of the sprint races may vary depending on your fitness level and experience. If you're new to sprinting, start with an intensity and duration that you can comfortably finish the exercise at, and then gradually increase the challenge by increasing the speed and duration of your runs.

Developing muscles through systematic repetition of a set of basic exercises that are included in bodyweight training helps thousands of people every year to get their bodies in order. The main advantage of the method is the accessibility of classes for every person. Some exercises require additional equipment, such as dumbbells or a chair, however, at first this is not the most important thing. The training complex can be fully performed without special equipment.

What is bodyweight training?

Admirers active image lives have recently filled the gym sections, completely abandoning bodyweight exercises. Now this topic is of no interest to anyone, although this system physical activity has high efficiency. Going to the gym has evolved from a wellness activity into a popular trend that has quickly attracted a large following of followers.

However, bodyweight training is considered a relevant niche that can provide worthy competition to any sports establishment. With the help of a group of exercises, each person can achieve high levels of endurance and muscle growth at home. The intensity of the training determines the speed at which results appear.

For weight loss

Visit gyms is not considered a prerequisite for eliminating fat deposits. Working with your own weight allows you to restore muscle tone and lose excess weight; you can do it both on the street and at home. Regular execution exercise guarantees a stable result in the form of muscle growth for representatives of any gender, be it women or men.

Basic movements for weight loss include: warm-up, plank, push-ups, lunges and squats. Such a circular set is the initial stage for the formation slim figure and takes no more than fifteen minutes of free time. Classes should be carried out at a predetermined pace, since slow workouts with their own weight will not have the desired effect on the body:

  • warm-up (10 min.);
  • squats of any kind (3x10);
  • torso twisting (3x15);
  • horizontal push-ups from the floor (2x10);
  • lunges with jump (4x8);
  • plank (1 min.).

For weight gain

In sports circles there is an opinion that gaining body weight without additional burden- this is a hopeless endeavor. However, balanced and multifunctional complex exercise can help develop not only endurance indicators, but also strength and muscle mass. Good result can be achieved if you train using weights from improvised objects (backpack or canister of water). The lesson program includes the following exercises:

  • push-ups (2x15);
  • push-ups between supports for pumping pectoral muscles(2x10);
  • reverse grip pull-ups (3x8);
  • vertical push-ups (3x10);
  • back push-ups (3x6).

Bodyweight training program

Purchasing all the necessary equipment helps you perform bodyweight exercises at home much more effectively. The main equipment for indoor training is: a pull-up bar, a gymnastic roller and a rubber expander. All this simple paraphernalia was created with one purpose - to provide the necessary level of comfort, so training with your own weight will not cause unnecessary inconvenience. The first step is to perform pull-ups on a bar or horizontal bar. You should lower yourself up and down smoothly so as not to injure your muscles.

Bodyweight strength exercises

By following simple rules, you can avoid mistakes during training and pump up to the desired level. A bodyweight training program involves competent execution of a set of exercises that simultaneously engage several different areas of the body. It is very important to try to monitor your breathing and take breaks on time, because excessive physical effort can lead to depletion of the body's resources.

After a couple of weeks of intense sets, the first changes in the body will become noticeable, however, they will affect not only appearance. Since the active work of metabolic processes is launched, throughout the day you will feel a persistent surge of energy and a charge of vivacity. Power training are aimed at developing endurance, which is clearly visible from the initial load parameters:

  • quick jog (15 min.);
  • squats (3x15);
  • lunges (3x12);
  • plank (1-2 min.).

Functional exercises with body weight

There are different periods in life, and it is not always possible to pay for sports activities. In such circumstances, functional training at home becomes the last option. It is convenient to use this scheme not only during a financial crisis, because sometimes professional athletes need rest. Beginners will first have to familiarize themselves with all the necessary theoretical knowledge in order to increase their level of awareness regarding the exercises.

The dynamics of classes should become more complex step by step, slowly moving from simple sets to more advanced ones. Making a master of sports out of an unprepared person in a couple of months is an impossible task, but achieving visible results in a few weeks is quite possible. It is recommended to start with the easiest types of exercises that are easy to perform:

  • one-arm push-ups (2x6);
  • vertical push-ups (2x8);
  • push-ups (3x10);
  • squats (3x10);
  • triceps push-ups (3x8).

Bodyweight exercises at home

You can lose the desired amount of kilograms with the help of a balanced diet and intensive exercises that simultaneously involve all parts of the body, from the upper to the lower. A set of exercises with your own weight will help you do without individual trainers and save a decent amount of money, while achieving dramatic changes in the condition of your body.

You can think through the training program yourself or find it in sports pages. First basic exercise are considered push-ups that involve the triceps, pectorals and deltoids. To pump up your abdominal muscles, you need to perform a series of lifts of the upper body from a starting position lying down. For effective training Bars or horizontal bars are best for your back.

A set of exercises for girls

Most girls go to the gym as part of one mission - to burn off the accumulated body fat and return the body to its original appearance. Bodyweight training for women is mainly about developing an aesthetically pleasing figure, especially parts such as the chest, buttocks and abs. These areas are emphasized in all sets of exercises designed for the health of girls:

  • warm-up (5-10 min.);
  • lying leg raise (3x12);
  • crunches on the floor (3x10);
  • dumbbell press (3x15);
  • bench push-ups (2x15);
  • calf raise with dumbbells (3x12).

Home workouts for men with body weight

Home workouts are designed to create sculpted sports-type muscles, but they have a limit. If the main goal is to achieve the level of a professional bodybuilder with a huge mountain of muscles, then no set of bodyweight exercises for men can help develop muscles to the desired level. But pumping up your biceps and shoulder girdle will not be difficult. The main thing is to perform the set correctly and alternate the load.

Immediately after the warm-up they begin intensive classes, the first of which are push-ups. The exercise may seem simple to some, but if you complicate it a little, it will be difficult for even the most resilient athlete. It is necessary to perform push-ups in the following way: lower your body to the lowest point and try to stay in this position for a couple of seconds, then quickly pull yourself up. The rest of the classes include:

  • exercise “cat” (5-10 repetitions);
  • head tilts (2 min.);
  • hyperextension (3x12);
  • pull-ups on the bar (3x15);
  • push-ups from the floor (3x10).

Bodyweight circuit training

If repeated approaches are too tiring, then circuit training will prepare the body for the upcoming loads. Pull-ups are perfect exercise for beginners, with correct execution they help pump up the front muscles of the back. The width of your grip during exercise should be slightly greater than the length of your shoulders. Another version of the same exercise is pull-ups with a narrow grip, the principle is still the same, the main thing is to monitor the position of the hands.

It is possible to work all muscle groups at the same time with the help of burpees. This is a multifunctional set of movements, starting position which starts on all fours. It is important that the knees are moved as tightly as possible to the chest; the result of the exercise depends on this. From this position, the legs are pushed back with a sharp movement, becoming a plank. Then you need to return to the previous position and jump up from it.


Data physical exercise stimulate development gluteal muscles and train back surface hips, which reduces the risk of injury knee joint. In addition, bodyweight squats help pump up your quadriceps and gain elastic, round shape. Any sports activity is a prevention of age-related diseases and pathological changes in the body. Bodyweight squats are the most simple exercises from this category, but their effectiveness is undeniable:

  • chair squats (2x8);
  • squats with pulsation (3x12);
  • squats on one leg (2x6);

Leg exercises

Powerful legs are essential for survival in any environment. If there is no danger, this tool will also be useful for solving all sorts of everyday problems that place additional stress on the body. Bodyweight leg exercises do not require any special equipment. Squats various types stimulate the work of several muscle groups, so experts recommend alternating exercises with each other. During classes, you are allowed to make changes to the program at your discretion:

  • classic lunges (2x15);
  • squats with dumbbells (3x10);
  • back lunges (3x12);
  • squats with crunches (3x8).

Back exercises

Training to strengthen the body should include a variety of exercises that activate the entire muscle frame. The training microcycle is divided into several stages, each of which involves a specific muscle group. Allowed to perform complex exercises for the back with your own weight during one set, after which you need to switch to other body movements:

  • classic pull-ups (3x10);
  • pull-ups with a wide straight grip (3x12);
  • deadlift(2x20);
  • close grip pull-ups (3x8);
  • Bent-over dumbbell rows (3x6);
  • reverse grip pull-ups (3x15).

Multi-joint exercises

A set of exercises directly affects efficiency sports activities. For professional athletes repeat sets entry level will not bring visible results, so multi-joint exercises with body weight have been developed, thanks to which it is possible to achieve the desired goals in minimum term:

  • warming up (5 min.);
  • push-ups (3x10);
  • lunges (3x12);
  • squats (3x10).

Biceps exercises

To pump up your biceps without visiting sports sections, you should purchase dumbbells. An alternative can be any heavy household items that are comfortable to hold in your hands. By using them as weights in the classroom, you will be able to short term develop muscles and use all muscle groups. Any workout that includes bodyweight shoulder exercises will promote gradual biceps growth:

  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar (3x12);
  • hammer dumbbell lift (3x15);
  • curling arms with dumbbells (3x8).

The benefits of bodyweight training

Every person, with rare exceptions, has enough free time to devote it to improving his own body in gym. However, due to a lack of knowledge and experience in the sports field, people often prefer to avoid additional stress. Fear of heavy physical activities makes you forget about the effectiveness of exercises and potential development opportunities for the body. However, home workouts can be the first impetus towards the desired changes.
