Funny birthday greetings to a hockey player (guy, boy, goalkeeper, young, friend, man) in your own words. Songs, dances and gifts. KHL Clubs Happy New Year! New Year's greetings for young hockey players

The editors of the "Championship" would like to thank our entire large hockey family for their cooperation in the past year. Functionaries, coaches, hockey players and fans. Our hockey newsmakers on the eve of the New Year congratulated the readers of the "Championship" on the holiday.

“We all love hockey, we need to develop it all together”

, President of the FHR:
- I wish unity to all fans. Don't gloat about each other. We all love hockey, we all enjoy this sport. Of course, the top of all this is the national team. And I saw it in Sochi. Therefore, we must treat each other reasonably, without harsh criticism, but rather help. We have a good product - hockey, which people love and we must develop it all together. This is the most important thing I want. Everyone should be together - leagues, ministry, federation, specialists, fans. We all need to develop the hockey we love. I am not against criticism, criticism should always be, but it should be worthy, and not just to speak without evidence.

, general manager of the Russian national team, general director of HC Dynamo:
- Happy New Year to all hockey fans! I wish you all the best! Health, happiness, prosperity, smiles in every home, peace in everyday life, love for others. Love hockey and be sincere, kind, a little bit cheerful. Separately, I would like to congratulate the hockey players, wish them great health and fewer injuries. Not all the peaks have yet been conquered by the players of the Russian national team and Dynamo Moscow, so you can’t hang your skates on a nail, give up hard work. Patience to all and local victories that will lead to big victories. Forward and only forward! Rest only in our dreams!

Every person born in the Soviet Union is waiting for the New Year that dreams will come true. The New Year smells like a Christmas tree, tangerines, Olivier salad, jelly and sweets. You immediately remember how it was in childhood, you believe in all the best, like that kid who begins to walk through life and understand what the New Year is, he believes that Santa Claus will come and bring all the best, all dreams will come true. I also believed in Santa Claus, and in today's great Russia, children and even adults believe in such good things. We must always remain children in something, believe in these little miracles and they will certainly come true.

, Main coach Russian team:
- This year we have gone through a lot - ups and downs, sorrows and joys. But at the same time, we have retained the most important thing - our character. Thanks to him, we will overcome any trials and tribulations. Today I want to congratulate all of you on the upcoming New Year and wish you all the brightest and kindest in 2015! And next year we will try to please you with new victories and a beautiful game for all international tournaments! Enter the New Year with a smile and a wonderful mood!

, general manager of the Russian women's team:
- I want the year to bring only joy, smiles and good mood. Not only to hockey fans, but to all people in our country. May the year be merry, good and happy.

, two-time Olympic champion:
- I have a personal wish. This year, Dmitry Chernyshenko came to the KHL - my friend for many years. I would like to thank Alexander Ivanovich Medvedev for his work, but a decision was made, a new president came, and he faces a difficult task. The stage of development is not the stage of formation. It's more complex. And I would like to wish Dmitry Nikolayevich that he could consolidate all the right-wing hockey forces. To be able to build a system that long years will please us and help us win on Olympic Games. Good luck to him.

Alexander Steblin, FHR board member, RHL president:
- In the new year, we need to work harder on children's hockey. Some of our leaders are trying to expand the possibilities of the federation - they are engaged in student hockey. amateur league develops well. But we completely forgot about children's hockey. There is not enough ice, it is necessary to build a program of methodological training, to train and retrain coaching staff. So a lot of work and plans. These are expectations for the new year, and not for one year. Also, the leadership of the KHL has changed, this also inspires new hopes in relations between the federation and the league, they will become closer and more fruitful. We look to the future with optimism.

And I want to wish everyone happiness, kindness, good mood, good matches. So that every fan and player gets satisfaction from hockey, so that the players make the fans happy, and the fans, in turn, support their favorite hockey players.

“Not the easiest times await us…”

Gennady Velichkin, Vice President of Metallurg Mg:
- I would like everything to work out this year in work, in the team. And the most important thing is that all my relatives, relatives and colleagues are healthy, that illnesses and injuries pass by everyone. And I want to have another grandson! Fans Happy New Year! We are grateful to you, because without you, hockey itself cannot exist. This is all done for the spectators, for the fans. And no victory will please if it takes place in front of empty stands. Fans of health, happiness, love their team, and always be with them - with success and defeat.

Sergei Fedorov, General Manager of CSKA:
- First of all, I wish health to all the fans in the new year! Health, happiness, fulfillment of desires. I hope we can keep you in good spirits from our side until the end of the hockey year and into the playoffs.

Kirill Fastovsky, general manager of Sibir:
- I want to congratulate all the readers of the "Championship" on the New Year! Not the easiest times await all of us, but I want to wish that we learn to adapt to new conditions, and most importantly, to remain human in any situation. Well, I wish the fans of "Siberia" that their dreams and cherished desires come true, including in relation to their favorite team. Stay with us, come to hockey! I promise that we will do our best to please you.

Leonid Weisfeld, general manager of Avtomobilist:
- I would like everything that we have planned to turn out in the new year. The entire Avtomobilist team has done a great job, and it should not go to waste. Luck is not enough. But life is like a zebra: black stripes, white stripes. And I want white to start in the new year!

Wishes? Opponents - first of all health. We all do one thing: we develop and popularize hockey. So here I wish everyone a bright game, memorable matches, and that the work brings satisfaction. I want to wish the fans new emotions. To continue to go to hockey and create an atmosphere. In Yekaterinburg, the fans are surprisingly friendly, they cheer not against someone, but for their own. Even when we lose, but we play well, our fans thank the team standing up. We really appreciate it! May they always remain positive! And I have one wish for our team: to get into the playoffs. To start.

, vice-president of "Tractor":
- From the bottom of my heart I congratulate Traktor fans and just hockey fans on the New Year. I wish you joy and love, happiness and good mood, of course - health. And the main thing for the guys is to do without injuries! May the New Year be merry and happy, and all hardships be left behind. May the next year bring prosperity and success, give new brilliant ideas and help bring them to life. May peace and understanding reign in your families!

“We set the highest goals for the next year”

, head coach of CSKA:
- I want to congratulate the fans of our team. Such real ones who are with us in sorrow and in joy. To all of them, Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Health to you! So that you love us more, and we do not upset you. A true fan is the one who supports us in difficult times, we have a lot of them, and many thanks to all of you.

, head coach of "Torpedo":

I wish health to my whole team, otherwise the guys have been literally tortured by injuries lately, it's hard. Expectations from the year - for my whole family and people close to me to be healthy. To keep them in a good mood. By the way, in 2015 I want to build a house in Tallinn. This will be the place where I can come with my family for about two months a year to take a break from work.

A place to relax and recharge. After all, the rest of the time we work in Russia, there is no time for rest.

In general, in the new year, I would like to wish people all the best. Fans - to worry about the national team, for their favorite club. And be sure to go to hockey, score stands. After all, when there are a lot of spectators, it becomes much more pleasant to play, the atmosphere is indescribable. I wish you, fans, patience. Sometimes the team may not succeed, but it simply needs your support!

Sergey Svetlov, Lada head coach:
- I wish the fans to cheer only in a sporting way, there is no other way to cheer. I wish everyone a good start to the New Year, with a good mood, and a good celebration. Take care of yourself! And to all hockey players - good games, no injuries, victories, a good season. And so that they please their fans with a good game and victories.

, head coach of "Tractor":
- We set the highest goals for the next year, we don't have others. First of all, I would like to wish the fans patience. I want to express my deep gratitude to them for the fact that they never lose heart, do not despair, and sincerely and uncompromisingly support us in any situation. Hockey is such a game: whatever it is, it is played for the audience, so that they can enjoy it here, express their emotions, come here, cheer, worry. At the end of the year . For us it was a real discovery! A little later we will bring him the winning puck.

"Life is not long enough to waste it on criticism"

Viktor Tikhonov, SKA forward:
- I want to wish our team to always stick together, no matter what happens. You need to be a single fist and fight until the last second. To always have character and anger, and to strive only for victories. And I wish the fans to enjoy hockey. I wish to lead my children to hockey! We are all one big hockey family, and I really want us to celebrate big victories together in the new year.

Nail Yakupov, Edmonton Oilers forward:
- I give interviews for fans and for critics who read through their teeth and laugh at me. I want to wish them good health, that they live well, that they rejoice more. So that they have a lot more positive than negative. Understand that life is not so long as to spend it criticizing someone. It is better to spend time on always having a good mood, enjoying life, helping people you can help. If someone wants to criticize me, you like it, you enjoy it - for God's sake, okay, I don't mind.

I like one wish: first of all, I wish you not health, but good luck, because there were a lot of healthy, rich people on the Titanic, but only a few were lucky. So let everyone be lucky. Luck accompanies only those who ... I used to say to those who work very hard, but now I will say: to those who very much want to live and enjoy life. Then there will be luck. You also have to work very hard. Where without a job? Money must be earned. We all want to eat delicious food, drive cars, spend money.

All health! Especially to journalists. Please be nice, ask less provocative questions. Please write the truth, do not distort interviews with hockey players, do not lie, do not gossip, tell the truth and never say that some incident happened that actually did not happen. People read you, don't deceive these people.

For me, the most important thing is family. And I want us to be together. I want us to be friendly, as we are doing now. And that's what I wish for myself! Every summer we gather at our uncle's dacha and love to eat crayfish. My mother and uncle's wife always find crayfish. And last year we didn’t have crayfish on the lake. I want to wish myself that this year, when we arrive at the dacha, we will gather such a big company, there would be big, big crayfish on our lake, so that we could pull them out, cook them and eat them. Yes, that's right: so that we have big crayfish on the lake in the summer! Here is my wish. For crayfish ( laughs). By the way, there is not a year of cancer by any chance? Well, anyway - for crayfish!

And our permanent expert, honored coach of Russia Sergey Nailevich Gimaev conveyed congratulations personally to the readers of the "Championship":

Happy New Year to all readers! I am very pleased that I am cooperating with the "Championship". Read more of us, and we will try to make you recognize the most last news, the most objective opinions. I wish you all the best, good luck to everyone, and most importantly, health to you and your loved ones!

P.S. our respected functionaries, coaches and hockey players. Dear readers, we appreciate and love you very much! All health, happiness and good luck in the New Year! Victory in sports and in life!

You don't play on New Year's Eve
You left the ball aside
You are celebrating the holiday
Like all people on earth.

And after training again,
After all, your season is not over
And in order not to lose the dexterity,
You go back to the lawn.

You from childhood, right after school,
I ran to play football in the yard,
Then to the football section
Your father brought you.

Dreams are different now
And there are goals, albeit complex,
But in the New Year you will guess
So that all your dreams come true!

Hockey player

Puck in the gate
Tribunes in ecstasy
You, hockey player,
Congratulations all at once.

To you in the New Year
Wishing you victories
Games, training
No injury and no trouble.

Cups to take
In every final
Strength and precision
She was in shock.

List of victories
Never ended
And in life with hockey
You didn't break up.


For warmth and light in houses
You are always responsible
Happy New Year
You, energy.

We want to be kept
wire voltage,
So that snow, wind and storm
They were never torn apart.

In the New Year, so that the gas through the pipes
He came to us steadily
And breaks in the heating main,
Power engineer, you didn't know.

May the New Year be good
No accidents or problems
So that warmth, comfort and light
You provided for all of us.


For a servant of Themis
new year greetings,
So that everything is done in the New Year
Win, lawyer, you could.

And there was always luck
On your side
Along with bonus salary
Received that you doubly.

I wish the laws
You knew inside and out
New Year to you, lawyer,
To be able to make happy.


You, economist
Congratulations on the New Year
Let money regularly
Drip on the account.

I wish the calculations
You did it right
Economic effect
It was accurately calculated.

Let the calculations help
Cut costs
Let the economy give
Profit from year to year.

rich and happy
Let there be a New Year
To you, economist,
May you be lucky in everything.


Photographer in the New Year
A million orders
Shoot near the Christmas tree
I want everyone at once.

And you, photographer,
I want to wish
With their own staff
The whole world to surprise.

new year fame
Let it bring you
To the heights of excellence
Talent guides you.


Are you afraid of acids?
And you are friends with salts,
Both at home and in production
We need you, chemist.

In the New Year, everyone's mood
You create fun
Will you pour into glasses
You are C2H5OH.

We wish you in the New Year
successful experiences,
To please the world
The formula for happiness.


The winter vacation,
Frost bites on the nose
Happy New Year to you
Schoolboy, congratulations.

Santa Claus with gifts
At the Christmas tree carnival
Joyful, cheerful
The time has come for you.

Abandoned notebooks,
Forgotten all the lessons
You meet joy
Flying on a sled down a hill.

I wish you a New Year
Good luck and fun
And so that the whole year is beautiful
There was a mood.


In the New Year you are a scalpel
Don't let go of your hands
thin circles
Cut the salami.

In sharp movements
surgeon skill,
Sliced ​​you table
Decorated for a celebration.

Good luck to you surgeon.
I wish you a New Year
Successful operation
Let each pass.

Let there be patients
Alive and well
And joyfully you
Happy New Year.

Looking for happy birthday greetings to a hockey player in your own words? On our site you will find the best congratulations for a hockey player happy birthday in verse and prose. Send a birthday greeting to a guy, boy, goalkeeper, young friend, male hockey player with a beautiful poem or a cool congratulation in prose. Choose the one you like and send it via SMS, or even better, congratulate in person. The hockey player will be delighted with such a surprise!


You go out with a club again
You are on your favorite ice
Happy birthday, our hockey player,
May you always be lucky
Win, be the first in everything,
Never be sad
Show your team
How to behave on the ice!


We celebrate birthday
Congratulations to the whole team.
Let's play hockey!
And we don't regret it.
Sticks, pucks, ice, skates...
Yes, the loads are not easy.
Wish we want to play
To avoid injury
And the enemy at the gate
More pucks to score!


You are chasing the puck around the rink,
And you have no equal in this.
I congratulate you on your birthday
I wish you strength in your struggle.

Great victories and achievements,
good health,
Let the path to triumph illuminate
Your lucky star


Our dear hockey player,
Happy birthday dear.
Never give up
Glory awaits you then.

We are all proud of you
And we strive to help in everything.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
You are on the path to success.


Five swiftly rushes across the ice
And the puck flies forward with a black mark,
I wish you a hockey player on your birthday
Decisive goal to be scored by you.

I want you to reach the final
Bypassing the penalty box,
I want to pass the strength test
Without breaking the boards.

Let the stick be a true friend
And the puck will show the way to the gate,
Victory to you, hockey player, and honor,
And gold medals on the chest.

Heartfelt and touching birthday greetings to a hockey player


Ice skates cut
And the puck is flying like a bird,
Happy birthday today
Congratulations hockey player.

I wish that victory
Finished the final
On ice arena,
To sound the national anthem.

Gold medals
Breast to decorate
in your name,
The boys were named.


Happy birthday to our favorite hockey player! wish smooth ice, sharp blades, incredible maneuverability and accuracy! Let your favorite pastime give you inspiration and bring joy! We wish you good health, fulfillment of desires, advancement and rapid growth in all areas of interest to you!


I wish you on your birthday
Always be very happy!
Let them wait for achievements in hockey
You have put so much effort into the sport!

I wish dreams and goals
You made everything a reality
So that in your favorite business
You have become a true legend!


Happy Birthday!
Good luck, hockey player.
To have luck in the game
The path is not difficult, misty.
Washer to be obedient
And headed for the gate.
Let life be kind
Gives you only joy.
The world around will be beautiful
Your heart will not freeze.


Happy birthday, hockey player!
Let the days become easy
Happiness will joyfully rush
Next to stand on skates.

May you be lucky in everything
Inspiration will fly
After all, success is also a sport,
So we must win!

Happy birthday poems for a hockey player


Let the skates be chiseled every time,
And so to slide and score
Opponents have their twisted goals,
On the ice, as if flying through the air.

I wish you inspiration on your birthday
Be a hockey player, you are always happy
Show everyone your skills on the ice,
Victory to you and glory for centuries.


More pucks that hit the target
More cups and awards
To make the audience sick
For a high score.

Always be in great shape
Never hang up your nose
To the game season
Only brought gold!


Only the brave play hockey - it is known
And you are just, our birthday boy, with such!
So let life be good and interesting,
You will receive a hundred pieces of gold medals!

Happy birthday, admiring, congratulations
You, such a cool and so athletic man,
For a life of carefree happiness, we wish
Love, kindness and positive change!


I wish you to glide through life successfully,
And it's so easy to achieve your goals,
Live brightly, actively and happily,
Always smile and not know grief!

I wish you to be cheerful and also healthy,
Always be strong in spirit and body,
Learn, be ready for new experiences,
May kindness reign in your life!


Even falling on slippery ice,
Can't lie down, mind you
And you need to get up quickly
Go ahead, score a goal.

May bad days
Your skates won't dull
And who will suddenly offend -
So you can hit with a club.

I'll tell you now:
You, as in yourself, believe in the team,
Then the enemy will not be afraid,
And that's the only way you'll win!

Funny birthday greetings to a hockey player


I wish you always score goals in life
So clever how you get the puck into the goal!
May all hockey victories be yours,
And a place for cups is the only concern in life!

Families-prosperity, peace, great love!
Let the family hearth warm after each match.
And let the passion of sports boil in the blood!
In life you are a winner, nothing else!


I wish you from the bottom of my heart as a hockey player
Glide through life without problems, easily and quickly,
As well as many successes and victories,
To become a famous hockey player all over the world!

Let there be strength and health does not fail,
Let luck find you
Be happy, live brightly and beautifully,
Let life be full of positivity!


You are our brave hockey player,
And there's no doubt about it
You are agile and, like a ball, fast,
Accept congratulations today!

We wish you to strive for the best,
Always slide forward
And enjoy life to the fullest
Not knowing sadness and worries!


The ice is cut by the skates, again the puck is in the goal,
You, hockey player, I want to congratulate hunting.
I want to wish your birthday
Meet with a victorious, beautiful game.

I want to wish you good luck in sports
Go to the final and win.
In the game, as in life, do not know defeat,
And new sports achievements for you.


I want to stand firmly on my feet
Always so that the goal is achieved, as it should,
Less in life to fall and suffer,
Honored to receive awards.

Let the ice not tremble under your pressure,
When you need a better rear, support,
Always move forward to win
And let happiness knock on the door very soon!

Beautiful birthday wishes for a hockey player


You are a brave hockey player and you dare:
Real men play hockey!
You managed to conquer the cold ice,
So, there is no reason to doubt.

On your birthday we want to say:
& laquo; we are very proud that we are familiar with you & raquo;,
We want to wish you victories,
And happiness in life, and on the ice, and at home!


Happy birthday, hockey player!
Let victory come
Be an optimist in life
Fast as a rocket.

May every moment be successful
Your time and day will be
Without doubts and intrigues
Let happiness come!


You are a great hockey player
You are always in the spotlight.
Ringing ice, strong, clean,
May he lead you to victory!

Happy birthday athlete!
You don't waste your energy.
Let me give you in return
Sports gold medal!


You are both strong and broad-shouldered -
Happy birthday, hockey player!

We wish there were
Only the best games
For the audience to love
Puck to obey.

To the hockey players' gang
Would crush the enemy
And the goalkeeper of another team
In an instant, he ran away from the puck.

To be full of strength
Never knew fear
For the audience to wear
Hockey player in hand.


Let the passes be accurate
All attacks are successful
The defense will be strong
Reliable, of course.

Let the games end
Your only victories
Relatives don't fight
They won't be picky.

After all, you are a lot of sports
Gave strength and attention
But he lives in the soul.
And he is your calling.

Well, hockey player, you
Wish on your birthday?
Of course, joy in fate,
Love, kindness, luck!

Funny, funny and comic birthday greetings to a hockey player


Bold, agile and courageous hockey player, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish to feel confident on the ice, I wish to always play without misses and falls, I wish to never know defeats and failures, I wish to be the first in sports and in life, I wish to always feel like a happy person and a real man.


I want to wish you everything and a lot,
Especially - sports achievements!
To in their glacial arena
You never knew defeat!

I want to be an optimist in life
And do not be afraid of anything, go ahead,
And in the world to merge an excellent hockey player,
Which will boldly bring the puck to the goal!


Coward does not play hockey -
It's known to everyone
Remember on your birthday
This is good for us!

Always be strong
Do not be afraid of the will of the year.
Be strong and brave
We wish you many victories!


Truly hockey does not tolerate the weak,
Every player is a man and a hero.
What is not a game is a battle until you drop,
And we, your fans, are with you.

We wish you on your birthday
Do not know sadness, fear and worries,
So that only joy, happiness and luck,
Your plane and your personal pilot.

A cozy house somewhere in the Canary Islands,
So that faith in miracles, hope and peace,
Offshore account, around the Caymans
Self-confidence, health and love.


Our great hockey player
Happy Birthday.
In every match we wish
You win and luck.

Win the golden puck
And show it to everyone in the world.
About the victories of their great ones,
Tell the whole world!

happy birthday wishes for hockey player


Let's hit the puck,
After all, the Coward does not play hockey.
Everyone knows about it
You won't miss the gate.
You are strong, brave, dexterous,
With excellent training.
And a great hockey player
Husband is cute.
I congratulate you
I wish you big wins.
And always hit the target
Well, my wife is a super model.
Be happy in life
Happy birthday! Don't sour!


Our dear, skillful hockey player,
On the field is an ice specialist,
We congratulate you on your birthday
We wish you victory without defeat!

So that the club is obedient,
And the puck floated into the goal itself,
For the fans to shout and praise,
And the girls loved without memory!

Victory to you in all championships,
To be always cheerful and rich,
caress and protect health,
To the delight of everyone to play hockey all my life!


Accept congratulations today
Our dear and glorious hockey player.
Let admiration surround you everywhere,
May your world be cheerful, clean.

We wish you success
And in the sport of many victories.
Smiles, happiness, joy and laughter
And live for as long as possible.


Sport runs through your veins
A stick with a puck is your arsenal.
I wish you to live
Just as you wished.

May you be successful in hockey
Let there be no passion in love.
And there will be no obstacles.
And he lives, well, just to his heart's content.


Happy birthday hockey player
May you be lucky in the game
The path to victory will be clear
Ice will be the smoothest!

On this holiday let friends
They will hurry to visit you.
And you have a wish
Everything will come true!

Happy birthday to a hockey player


Real men play hockey
We have such a husband in our family,
And we gathered at the table not without a reason,
You, our hockey player, are honored today!

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
We hasten to wish you good health,
Love and happiness, joy, luck,
We want to become a gold medalist!


Happy birthday! Successful games to you
To pucks - all to the enemy in the gate,
Be on the ice like the Ussuri tiger
You went the puck, as if from a grenade launcher!

Well, personally, let only happiness await you,
Strange days pandemonium.
Anything you want, let it come out
Certainly. And once again - happy birthday!


Washer! The fans are screaming loudly.
Wave after wave rises.
Storm of emotions, exacerbation of excitement.
Hockey, after all, has become a profession for a reason.

We congratulate you on your birthday.
We wish you success in the game and in life.
Be cheerful and happy, have time everywhere.
And in personal matters, look, do not yawn.


You are brave and strong, dashing hockey player,
Cowards don't play hockey
The puck flies into the opponent's goal,
There is no equal to you, we know!

We wish you on your birthday
Courage and strength and health,
You play hockey and always win,
The fan will respond with love.


Your life is like ice and fire
You are a fighter - to the end!

For your native flag
You command the wicked
If someone suddenly decides
Take a bite out of him...
Will you fight for the flag
Spare no one!

Happy birthday son of hockey!
Give your name
To the victorious alley!
And always strive forward!

happy birthday hockey player


Congratulations hockey player
Happy birthday now.
You are a big and prominent athlete -
This is without a doubt.

We wish you victories
Loud and beautiful.
And so that in personal life too
Was always happy.


With the rainbow motto "Sport decides!"
Boy, happy birthday to you!
The world is not in danger
Lord of the Puck at the helm

You succeed in everything in life
The days will be better than yesterday
The stick will never bend
Every game is in your favor!


Ice and skates, arena and puck,
You're ahead, you're almost at the gate
Here is the blow, the club cracked,
You scored a goal, people rejoice!

I wish you great happiness
Peace, health and new victories,
Being a hockey player is a calling
Long and colorful years to you!


We wish you a hockey player on your birthday
Reusable victories, good luck, luck,
Don't beat yourself up, try not to get angry
Can you avoid defeat?
You hold your club with a strong hand,
Feel confident on the ice
Success and recognition, great happiness
You will be found very soon, of course!


Here is the turn on the bend,
Hitting the puck, well, rather ...
You are your life now
You can't imagine without hockey.

Both a hockey player and a person
Athlete and friend, you are to us today
Let me say: let your success
Like every new day comes.

You are in sports, friendship and love
Do not know adversity and defeat.
Play decisively. Live.
Be happy every moment.
