Exercises to strengthen back muscles for children. Give your child a strong back through massage and exercises. Exercises with a fitball to improve posture

Children under one year old are called infants. It is at this age that all musculoskeletal functions of the body develop. Congenital primary reflexes fade away, and others appear, more permanent and meaningful. Infant massage and gymnastics, like nothing else, will help the baby develop correctly and on time. And also improve your mood, maintain contact with your mother and improve your health.

For different stages of development and specific goals, it is possible various options gymnastics, including therapeutic exercises, are performed by an experienced specialist. But there are exercises that can be done at home and for any age.

Dynamic gymnastics for infants is a set of moving exercises with tossing, swinging, twisting and hanging the baby. During classes, the position of the newborn’s body quickly changes in space; there are many exercises where the baby is upside down.

There is no definite opinion about dynamic gymnastics for infants. Some parents and doctors consider it useful for the infant, while others consider it dangerous. The only thing where opinions coincide is to start doing it before one and a half to two months of age. dynamic gymnastics it is forbidden.

Massage and gymnastics of the upper limbs of the baby

Before performing the exercise, you need to lay the baby on his back with his feet facing you. The grasping reflex, which is especially strongly developed in the first months of life, will help here. The child is allowed to grab the thumb of his left hand and does the technique with his right, and vice versa. Afterwards, 6-8 massage strokes are performed in the direction from the hand to the armpit and shoulder.


The child's position is on his back with his feet facing him. The grasp reflex will come in handy again. This time the baby is allowed to grab both thumbs at the same time. When he holds onto his fingers tightly enough, they begin to lightly pull the baby towards himself. At the same time, his hands should be held with the remaining fingers. Repeat the movements 7-8 times for 60 seconds.

IN early age This exercise will help strengthen the neck muscles, as the baby tries to hold his head in this position. At a later age, you should raise it higher and higher, together with the neck muscles they will be trained shoulder girdle and back.

It is necessary to lift the child only if he enjoys such a movement. If the facial expression has become preoccupied or whiny, it is necessary to lift the baby lower. Each exercise should bring only positive emotions.

Massage and gymnastics of the lower extremities of the baby

The exercise is performed in the same position, lying on your back, with your feet facing you. The right leg is held by the right hand, and the left leg by the left hand. Massage movements stroke the legs in the direction from the foot to the baby's thigh along the back and outer surface of the leg, ending in the inguinal fold. At the same time, the knees and the area of ​​the front surface of the shin are not affected. Requires 6 – 8 repetitions. It is advisable to encourage each movement with the words “smart girl”, “well done” and any others.

Reflex exercise

The baby is laid out on the tummy so that there is support on the arms. At this time, your legs should be spread apart. Obeying the innate protective reflex, the child raises and turns his head. At an older age, the baby will independently hold his head in this position, and even later he will independently lean on his elbows, then on his hands.

This exercise can be performed every time before feeding for 5 seconds - 20 minutes, depending on the mood and development of the baby. Thus, the muscles of the collar zone are strengthened.

Back massage for babies

To perform the exercise, the child is placed on his tummy, with his hand placed under the chest. The massage is carried out by stroking the baby's back with the back of the hand, in the direction from the lower back to the neck and in the opposite direction. Repeat this movement 4 – 5 times.

For a baby under 2 months old, massage is performed with one hand, while the other gently fixes the position of the child’s body. For children older than 2 months, stroking is carried out with both hands, as the position on the stomach becomes more stable.

Back gymnastics

The baby is placed on his side, the position of his body is gently fixed by the legs using one hand. Then use any two fingers to run along the spine from the sacrum to the neck, then in the opposite direction. The child's back should reflexively straighten, the Talan reflex of the skin of the back is triggered. Similar movements are repeated on the other side. The result of this massage technique is the development and strengthening of the muscles involved in the extension of the spine.

Abdominal massage

To perform an abdominal massage, the baby is laid out on his back, with his legs facing him or slightly sideways.

First, they stroke it 5-6 times, pressing slightly on the stomach, in a circle, clockwise. The right hypochondrium is the projection area of ​​the liver; massage of this part of the abdomen should be avoided.

Then a counter-type massage technique is used. The left hand is placed with the back side on the child’s stomach on the lower right square, and the right hand on the upper left square. With gentle pressure, move the hands towards each other. Repeat 5-6 times, without changing the position of the hands when starting the movement. Thus, the peristaltic movement in the intestine is repeated. This exercise is especially valuable for constipation, bloating, and sometimes reduces pain associated with improper digestion.

The baby's oblique abdominal muscles are strengthened using the following massage technique. With movements covering the child's belly, the sides are stroked with palms in the direction from the lower back to the area above the navel. To put it simply, they draw from behind along an oblique line forward and upward. Requires 5 – 6 repetitions.

At the very end, repeat the massage 2-3 times clockwise.

In some cases, the abdomen is gently massaged separately and for a longer time in case of colic or constipation. This often helps to avoid enemas and laxatives.

Gymnastics to strengthen the abdominal muscles

The baby's position when doing the exercise is on your back, with your feet facing you. Hands are placed under the back, and support the head, placing the child’s feet on your stomach. During the exercise, gently raise the baby’s arms to almost vertical position and just as gently lowered back. It is necessary to constantly monitor the presence of support and make all movements very slowly. This gymnastic exercise will help the baby prepare for sitting.

Foot massage

According to acupuncture, it is on the foot that there are points of influence on all organs and systems in the human body. The delicate skin of the baby makes this effect even more effective.

The child lies on his back, with his feet facing him. Raising his leg low, use the palm of the left hand under the shin to gently fix the position of the leg. And the other hand is located in the following way: The middle and index fingers are on the back of the foot, and the thumb is located on the sole. The massage movements themselves are provided thumb. They draw the number 8 on the foot and stroke it from the base of the toes to the heel. Repeat the movements 5-6 times on each leg. For an even greater positive effect, vigorously massage the child’s toes themselves.

Foot reflex exercise

The child still lies on his back, with his feet facing him. Performing the exercise involves quickly pressing on the sole in the toe area, as a result the baby’s toes will reflexively bend. Then they quickly press on the outer edge of the foot, after which the fingers reflexively straighten. Do 3 – 4 repetitions. These reflexes are most pronounced in the first months of life, and later fade away somewhat.

Reflex crawling

The baby is laid out on his stomach in a frog position. Namely, the feet are connected, the knees are bent and apart. The child’s body is very fragile and unformed and when performing this exercise it is necessary to ensure safety: do not injure the child and provide a safe space for crawling. The fingers are placed under the back of the sole, without touching the foot itself. Then thumbs you need to touch both soles at the same time. The crawling reflex will work, the baby will sharply straighten his legs and move forward. The hands must be directly on the surface of the table, otherwise the child will not be able to move. The reflex movement is repeated 3–4 times.

Massage of the chest area

The position of the child is on his back. The massage process begins with stroking the fingers of both hands at the same time. The right hand moves clockwise from the bottom of the sternum through the armpits and back to initial position. Left hand does the same thing in mirror image. The massage method is stroking, carried out in a circle. Then carefully grasp chest and not hard, but sharply and quickly press on it. This movement causes activation of the respiratory center. The entire exercise is repeated 5 – 6 times.


Another fascinating exercise for babies to induce reflex walking. When performing the exercise, the child is practically in your arms; you need to hold him carefully by the armpits. The position is vertical, facing away from you. The legs should touch solid support; a slight forward bend will activate the walking reflex. Children often prefer this exercise to all others; you can perform it separately from general gymnastics. When walking, the foot should rest completely on the surface, but the child cannot stand on his own if he does not yet stand up on his own. The chest should not be compressed by the hands of an adult.

Relaxation of hands

The gymnastics routine is coming to an end and the child is already tired. To relax the muscles of your hands, you need to gently shake them lightly. Take your hands, as when performing a massage, slightly spreading them to the sides, and shake them slightly. If the child’s tone is still high, you need to wait until the baby is ready for such an exercise. In this case, you can simply stroke the hands. Massage of the fingers and palms is considered useful at any age.

Rocking the baby in the fetal position

For this exercise, you need to put the baby's body in an embryonic position. From the supine position, the adult takes the baby's feet and hands in his hand. The feet should be connected and the knees separated. With one hand they continue to hold the limbs, and with the other they press the baby’s head to the chest. The resulting embryo is rocked in various directions. Each direction is repeated 2 – 3 times. Rocking helps to develop the vestibular apparatus and nervous system V in the right direction. To achieve greater effect, repeat the exercise 3 – 4 times a day.

Gymnastics on the ball

The exercise requires a special big ball. The baby is placed on the ball with his stomach, while his legs should be spread as wide as possible. The ball is then swung in different directions. Do not swing the ball too much; the child may fall off it. And for the development of the vestibular apparatus, a small amplitude is enough.

Later, when the child learns to crawl, you can use a ball to teach him to transfer his body weight to his arms. To do this, the child lies stomach down on the ball and rests his hands on a hard surface. The duration of this exercise depends on the child’s well-being.

Gymnastic exercises with infants are carried out for approximately 15 minutes. But all children are different, and if a child gets tired before the end of the complex, there is no need to torture him and continue. The rest of the gymnastics complex can always be completed later, when the baby has properly rested and gained strength.

The most important thing is to keep your child in a positive attitude while performing all the exercises. This will only give him an even greater desire to study later. Movements should be smooth, unhurried, gentle. And the attitude of an adult is friendly and kind. In this case, the exercises will be more beneficial.

Video: Gymnastics for infants

Therapeutic gymnastics for infants


Dynamic gymnastics for infants (video)

To do this, there is a special test for the back muscles - these include:

  • trapezius muscle, originating from the occipital region and located in the upper back. It is responsible for extension of the head and displacement of the shoulder blades;
  • The latissimus muscle is located in the lower back and covers the side of the chest. In action, it brings the torso closer to the limbs, and is also responsible for lowering the raised arm;
  • muscle that straightens the spine. It is located along the line spinal column.

Rules for preparing for classes

Testing can begin after the baby reaches six months of age.. To do this, you need to place the baby on your stomach, and then lift the baby, holding your hands at the waist. Normally, it should be held in a canopy, while leveling the back to the so-called “swallow”. This exercise helps determine whether children need to strengthen their back muscles.

After the level of muscle development and muscle strength determined, you can start training. You will also need to return to this test periodically to analyze the results of your training and note your results and achievements.

Complexes for training

Exist special exercises for the back for infants:

  1. You need to strengthen your baby's back in those moments when he is in the arms of an adult. For this purpose, you need to carry the baby with his back to you, supporting him with his hand under the butt. You can also hold it in this position and lean forward a little and straighten up. This method helps the child learn to independently hold the upper body upright. The exercise must be repeated periodically throughout the day. It is imperative to secure the baby and clearly control the position of his body.
  2. good for muscle development. How to strengthen a child’s back with its help? It is necessary to place the baby on the ball on his stomach, while his legs should be directed towards the adult. At the beginning of training, it must be kept in the armpits. Carry out rolling movements, directing the baby either away from you or towards you. In this way, the baby, regardless of age, learns to arch his back in the shape of a boat. Do not overload the child, especially at the initial stage of training; it is enough to repeat this exercise three to four times. After this, you can change the direction of movement by turning the baby in a circle (clockwise or counterclockwise).
  3. When the previous exercises begin to be easy for your baby, try to complicate the task a little. To this end, support the baby not in the armpits, but by the hips. So the baby will independently hold his back in the canopy, first for a few seconds, then the time will constantly increase.

Massage and its role in the physical development of a baby in the first year of life

In addition, there is a strengthening one for children. It is also necessary as children learn to sit independently at six months. Therefore, it is important that by this age the baby tries to keep his back straight. This will help to correctly distribute the load on the skeleton and will be a good prevention of various curvatures of any segment of the spinal column.

Massage technique for a child of the first year of life

How to strengthen your baby's back muscles with massage? To begin with, you should place the baby on his stomach. At the same time, his legs should be directed towards the adult.

The massage is carried out in several stages:

  1. Stroking. Use your hands to move your hands up and down along your spine. After this, stroke with your fingertips in the direction of the ribs from the spine to the side.
  2. Trituration. Rub the area near the spine in a spiral with your fingertips, moving from bottom to top, then along the growth of the ribs.
  3. Kneading. You need to warm up the muscles on the sides of the body, directing movements from bottom to top. In this case, you should grab and slightly pull the muscles with your hands. And at the end of the massage, you need to relax the baby’s muscles by stroking.

No matter what level physical development will be detected in a child at the initial stage of training, regular classes by parents (or a professional instructor in massage for children) will help catch up with “successful” peers. If a significant lag is detected before the start of classes, it is advisable to consult the child with an experienced orthopedist-traumatologist, and begin the classes themselves with a qualified instructor.

Tension in the body and spine caused by incorrect static and dynamic posture in children is dangerous due to the acquisition of many bad habits, which further affect the child’s growth and his future postural reflexes - ensuring the correct position of the body in space. This is why it is so important to take care of your child’s healthy posture in a timely manner. First of all, it is necessary to instill in the child the love and habit of an active lifestyle, and, if necessary, pay attention to physical therapy (physical therapy) classes.

The essence of exercises for developing correct posture in children

Posture is the body’s ability to control its position in space, overcoming the action of external forces (gravity, reaction of support, resistance and inertia).

This applies to both static (sitting in one position) and dynamic (maintaining balance) posture.

Frequent postural defects: lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis and stoop. Such postural defects can be combined with scoliosis Perhaps you have heard of proprioception? This is the feeling of the muscles of your body and the position of its individual parts in space healthy person

. Proprioception works through receptors located in the skin, muscles and joints to create an internal image of your body. Children's posture is a subject of increasing interest to parents. Good posture very important for both preschoolers and younger schoolchildren and teenagers. It’s not news to anyone that the correct position of the spine is formed from childhood, especially attention should be paid to it during the so-called phases rapid growth

: at 6–7 years old, and also at 11–12 years old. Since most modern children lead a sedentary lifestyle (studying at school, playing on the computer, watching TV shows), there is a shortage of active physical movements

. And this entails a violation of posture. Even if the child has not yet discovered any back problems - active image life is an excellent prevention. Taking into account the interests of the child, you can sign him up for swimming, horse riding, martial arts. These sports perfectly form the foundations of healthy posture. To correct existing problems, as well as, from a preventive point of view, if there is an anatomical location, it is necessary to introduce the child to special gymnastics in a timely manner. Treatment and prophylaxis

  • physical education complex
  • against postural defects in childhood contains exercises:

for training the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the back - used for the purpose of prevention;

  • correcting the position of the spinal column - used to get rid of postural disorders or to stop the progression of curvatures.
  • The positive effect of exercise therapy on the health of the body is expressed in such changes as:
  • strengthening the muscle corset and achieving functional symmetry;
  • qualitative development of motor functions;
  • stimulation of metabolism;
  • fitness of the heart and lungs;
  • elimination of deformation - in mild forms - or stopping progression (in complex cases).

A necessary condition exercise therapy classes for spinal deformities, especially in the initial stages of treatment, initial unloading poses (lying, standing) are recommended.

Prohibited exercises for postural defects

There are 4 types of posture according to Staffel. The first type is a healthy posture with normal physiological curves of the spine, which allows you to absorb loads, evenly distributing them across the spinal column and ligamentous-muscular apparatus. The remaining three types reflect certain disorders in the thoracic or lumbar region.

Each type of disorder implies an incorrect position of the entire spinal structure. Therefore, when influencing, for example, the thoracic region through physical education, it is imperative to also take into account the condition of the cervical and lumbar regions. To avoid “distortions” it is necessary to refrain from certain types of exercises. In case of spinal deformities, the following should be avoided in physical therapy:

  • excessive bends in the thoracic and lumbar regions;
  • static exercises with a hard load on the back (especially in a sitting position);
  • sudden jerks, turns, twists;
  • unilateral lifting of weights;
  • uneven load on the body;
  • acrobatic elements (stand on shoulder blades, head or arms, bridge, birch tree, somersaults);
  • speed running, jumping, dismounts (concussions excessively injure the spine);
  • exercises that overstretch the spine with a rounded, unstable back (passive hangings).

Indications and contraindications for exercise therapy

Physical therapy against postural defects is indicated for any type of postural disorder, since this is the only way to specifically strengthen the stabilizing muscles of the trunk. Physical therapy is necessary for a patient if he:

  • flat back - physiological curves are not sufficiently pronounced, flat chest and shoulder blades protruding in different directions. The elasticity and shock-absorbing properties of the spine are insufficient, it is prone to various curvatures;
  • rounded back - formed due to increased physiological kyphosis thoracic to balance it in the lumbar and cervical spine a compensatory pronounced lordosis also forms. Due to excessive deflections, the spine is excessively mobile. Lateral curvature is not typical for this type of posture;
  • stooped back - kyphosis of the thoracic region predominates, against the background of other mild deflections. Scoliotic posture is characteristic: one shoulder (scapula) is higher than the other. A stooped back is a pathology that occurs at any age.

Slouching is the most common postural defect. Most often occurs in teenage girls. It is characterized by increased cervical lordosis, which gives the impression that the person is “sad”, the head and shoulders are tilted forward.

A necessary condition for successful treatment is a nutritious diet, an active lifestyle, body weight control, walking fresh air. The sleeping surface must be hard. Workplace The child must be selected according to his height so that he does not slouch or bend his back to one side. The light should come from the left side. Timely vision testing is also important.

Absolute contraindications for exercise therapeutic exercises no, because the doctor will always select a complex that is individual in complexity and aimed at improving the child’s posture. But with some concomitant conditions and diseases, you should refrain from exercise until your health stabilizes. Relative contraindications include:

  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • virus or infection with fever;
  • joint or muscle pain;
  • the presence of rapidly progressive curvature of the spine (scoliosis).

When acute inflammation or pain has passed, you can begin exercising, carefully starting with the simplest and easiest exercises.

Preparatory stage

After the physiotherapist has determined the type of postural deformation, contraindications are excluded, and associated factors are taken into account, the patient is prescribed a specific exercise therapy complex aimed at correcting and eliminating defects. Before starting the complex, you need to make sure that the child is provided with sufficient comfort, nothing bothers him or threatens his well-being.

Here are some preparation rules:

Classes are held in specially equipped medical rooms accompanied by an instructor - a physiotherapist. In the future, simple complexes can be practiced at home.

Sets of exercises - how to do them correctly

  • Any exercise therapy complex consists of three stages:
  • warm-up - for example, walking in place or in a circle, spinning and swinging your arms and legs;
  • basic exercises - a specific complex aimed at eliminating the defect;

stretching and relaxation - gentle stretching of the main muscle groups.

  1. General rules for performing exercises: You need to do at least in Week. The duration of one lesson is no more than 30 minutes for children 6–7 years old, 45–60 minutes for teenagers;
  2. In parallel with gymnastics, it is necessary to accustom children to correct technique breath, do not hold it. As you exhale, elements are performed with effort;
  3. At first, movements should be careful and smooth - no jerks or accelerated pace! The complexity of the elements increases gradually from lesson to lesson;
  4. Before the start of classes, the child should be warned about the need to report pain or discomfort to the physiotherapist if it occurs;
  5. You should feel good on the day of classes, without any deviations;
  6. You can't study late in the evening;
  7. From the first lessons, you need to pay enough attention to the correct exercise technique (back straight, shoulders straight, chin slightly raised);
  8. To obtain the effect, consistency and regularity are important. You cannot miss classes without a serious reason.

Therapeutic exercises must be performed regularly, otherwise the effect will be weak and inexpressive.

It is important that the child trusts the physiotherapist and does not hesitate to comment on his feelings during physical exercise.

Physical training complex for the prevention of poor posture in children and adolescents

To complete this you need a sports mat and gymnastic stick(children 6–9 years old need adult assistance). The number of repetitions of each exercise is 6–7 times:

Preventive exercises for anatomical posture in children: video

Exercises for kyphosis in children

The complex can be used as a prophylaxis for juvenile kyphosis (Scheuermann-Mau disease) in children 10–12 years old. If you start physical therapy in time, then at an early age this posture can be corrected quite well. Physical therapy, however, needs to be done regularly for at least a year. If time is lost, then correcting kyphosis in adulthood is already very difficult, due to anatomical changes in the vertebrae. Each exercise should be repeated 5 times unless otherwise indicated.

  1. Warm up: walking in place or in a circle for 1–2 minutes; the arms are raised, the entire body is stretched on the toes as much as possible (inhale), when exhaling, the arms are lowered (do 3–5 times).
  2. Lie flat on your stomach, stretched out in one line, with your head on one side. Lift your torso and arms from the horizontal surface, your head is a continuation of your spine, and pause for 5 seconds in this position. Your back should be kept straight and your legs should not be raised - the instructor can hold them down (do 5 times).
  3. Perform the exercise by analogy with the previous one, only straight arms are spread to the sides, like “airplane wings”; another version of this exercise, when the arms are bent at the elbows, like small wings, the hands are in fists at shoulder level, the shoulder blades are brought together; then the child lowers his arms along the body and again lifts the upper part of the body from the floor (do each option 5 times).
  4. A more complex exercise, consisting of the elements of the previous ones, lying on his stomach, the child lifts the upper part of the body from the floor and in this position changes the position of the arms: along the body, bends at the elbows, straightens forward, bends at the elbows again, again along the body. It is important to monitor the position of your legs and head.
  5. Initial pose: lie on your back, shoulders and arms down, shoulder blades and lower back in maximum contact with the floor. Raise your legs, bend your knees and form a right angle, fix for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. When lifting the legs, the instructor initially fixes the stomach with his hand so that the child does not bend his lower back.
  6. In the same position: straight leg raises to an angle of 45 degrees with the floor. And also fix it for 5 seconds each time you lift it. It is necessary to control that the shoulder girdle and lower back do not leave the ground.
  7. An exercise combined from the previous two: lift your straight legs off the floor at an angle of 45 degrees, bend your knees, straighten them again and smoothly lower them to the floor.
  8. Exercise “scissors”: lying on your back, raise your straight legs at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor and perform horizontal swings with your legs, crossing them. Shoulders and lower back do not come off the floor.
  9. The same as in the previous exercise, only perform vertical leg swings.
  10. Exercise “bicycle”: lying on your back, raise your legs and bend your knees, imitate riding a bicycle forward and backward - your legs “spin” in the opposite direction (30 times).
  11. Starting position: standing against the wall. Press your head, shoulder blades, buttocks, shins, heels against the wall, do not bend your lower back. Shoulders and hips are at the same level in terms of horizontal and vertical planes. Stay in this position for 1 minute, gradually, from lesson to lesson, increasing the duration. Ideally, you should finally perform this exercise without leaning on the wall.

Exercises for kyphosis in children: video

5 simple and effective back stretching exercises

The exercises are designed to develop ideal posture in schoolchildren and teenagers. The complex is simple and takes very little time - this is its advantage. Each exercise must be repeated 3 to 5 times.

  1. Initial pose: sit on your knees, buttocks covering your heels, arms extended forward on the floor, back arched as much as possible. It is necessary to pull your head, neck and arms forward as much as possible, feeling the tension in the back muscles. Stay in this position for a while, swaying up and down a little, without making sudden jerks. This exercise should begin and end your exercise.

    It is advisable to begin and complete the complex with such stretching.

  2. Starting pose: stand on your right knee, bend your other leg, resting on your foot. The head “looks” forward, with the opposite (left) hand it is necessary to touch the heel of the right foot, while the right hand reaches towards the ceiling. Then change sides.

    Stretching and balance exercises seem simple only at first glance

  3. Exercise "plank" (for healthy back as a preventive measure). Lean on the floor with your elbows and feet, the body is parallel to the floor, the neck and head are a continuation of the spine. Stay in this position for 10–15 seconds (as long as possible). It is very important not to arch or round your back.

    The plank exercise perfectly trains both posture and the muscles of the whole body.

  4. Initial pose: standing, lean forward with your whole body, straight arms back as far as possible, lowering your shoulders and moving your shoulder blades. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.

    Tilts of the body with arms laid back are performed, bringing the shoulder blades together as much as possible

    The second version of this exercise is with arms extended forward.

    You need to not only tilt your body, but also stretch forward with your own hands

  5. Initial pose: standing straight, reach for the ceiling with your hands, clasp the wrist of the other with one hand, and in this position, smoothly bend and stretch, swaying slightly, in both directions alternately.

    Side bends provide stretching for the lateral muscles of the torso.

This charging takes on average 10 to 15 minutes. But you need to do it every day.

Exercises with a fitball to improve posture

With the help of exercises with a large elastic ball - a fitball, the student will strengthen the muscles of the so-called core - this is a set of muscles responsible for stabilizing the spine, pelvis and hips, and therefore for healthy posture. First you need to choose a suitable ball, according to the height of the child. This can be done as follows: in the position of sitting on the ball (feet on the floor), the angle between the student’s thigh and shin should be approximately 90 degrees, and the knees in this position should be slightly below the waist. Or another rule: children under 155 cm tall should choose a ball with a diameter of 45–55 cm; if you are 156–169 cm tall, a fitball 55 cm in diameter is suitable; for teenagers whose height exceeds 170 cm, a fitball of 65–75 cm is recommended.

  1. While sitting on a fitball, alternately raise your legs, trying to stay on the ball with a straight back.

    While holding the ball with your hands, try to maintain balance.

    To complicate the task, simultaneously with the leg, you should raise the opposite arm up, stopping in this position for 5 seconds (perform 2 sets of 20 times).

    A more complicated version - not only the legs are involved, but also the arms

  2. To make the exercises not only useful, but also interesting, you can additionally use small colored balls and a basket. The child lies down with his stomach on the fitball, and at the same time picks up a small ball.

    An unusual idea with colored balls that need to be thrown into a basket will arouse keen interest and excitement in children of any age.

    Scrolling the fitball under him with the help of his hands “walking” along the floor, he tries to throw the ball into a basket that is located at a distance.

    The basket can be placed at a short distance from the fitball

    To complicate the task, the basket can be positioned further and further from the fitball over time. Thus, the fitball ends up near the feet. Backwards you need to move in the same way, rolling the ball under your body to the starting position.

    The task becomes more difficult if the basket for colored balls is moved a little further

  3. Exercise “airplane”: the child lies on top of the ball so that top part the body hung over the ground, the toes rested on the floor. While making an effort, you need to try to keep the ball under you, spreading your arms to the sides and keeping your back, neck and head in one line.

    Children will definitely like the “airplane” exercise on a fitball.

Such exercises will be greeted with enthusiasm by children of any age. They perfectly train the upper and lower muscles of the back and abdomen, forming healthy posture unnoticed by the child.

When sitting at the dining table at home or at your workplace, it is useful for a child to use a fitball instead of a chair. Thus, the necessary core stabilization skill will be developed automatically.

Using fitballs instead of chairs - quietly trains posture and, at the same time, relieves the child’s spine

Exercise therapy for a flat back

A flat back is the worst type of posture in terms of shock-absorbing properties of the spine. Her anatomical curves are underdeveloped due to hereditary predisposition, weak muscles back, previous rickets, etc. Exercises for this postural defect should be done extremely smoothly, stopping a little in each position. Repeat 10 times.

Total weakness muscular system- the basis of this postural disorder

  • Starting position: on your back, legs straight, arms by your sides. Slowly raise your head and upper body, hands reaching for your toes.
  • Starting position: on your back, arms under your head, tear straight lower limbs from the floor, spread apart, then connect, smoothly lower.
  • Exercise " diaphragmatic breathing"or belly breathing. Lying on your back, bend your knees slightly, inhale more air through your nose, inflating your stomach. Blow air smoothly in a thin stream through your mouth. The abdominal wall should “sink” as much as possible when exhaling.

    Diaphragmatic breathing provides intensive enrichment of blood with oxygen: organs of all systems begin to function at maximum efficiency

  • Initial pose: lying on your back, arms by your sides, lift your pelvis off the floor and pull it up, pointing it towards the ceiling. The second option is to raise the pelvis with a straight leg (alternating lower limbs).
  • Airplane exercise: lying face down, legs closed, arms spread to the sides. At the same time, smoothly raise the upper body, arms and shoulders above the floor, as well as tightly closed legs - stay in this position for 5 seconds, then smoothly return back. The neck and head extend the line of the spine.

    Exercise "airplane" - correction of the thoracic spine

  • Exercise “cat”: standing on your knees, leaning on your hands, make your back an arch (your head “looks” down); bend your back as low as possible to the floor (raise your head).

    Exercise cat - has a beneficial effect on the entire spine

  • Exercise “imitation breaststroke”: lying on your stomach, bend your elbows in front of you. Raising your upper body above the floor, straighten your arms - lower your head, exhale - and “draw” circles with your hands (raise your head, inhale), as when swimming breaststroke.

This kind of physical education helps to train muscle corset and form the anatomical curves of the spinal column inherent in correct posture.

Possible consequences and complications

Everyone knows about the benefits physical therapy and its significant role in correcting postural defects. However about possible consequences and complications are not something every adult thinks about, much less a child. And they are quite real if you do not follow the exercise technique, or develop complexes for yourself, without the assistance of an orthopedic surgeon and physiotherapist. In this case, troubles such as:

  • the occurrence of pain syndrome;
  • neuralgia due to compression of the nerve root of the spine;
  • muscle spasms;
  • stretching of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • strengthening of existing spinal instability;
  • worsening the existing defect.

Exercise therapy for a compression fracture of the spine plays a major role in the rehabilitation of the patient. The patient spends the first 2 months after the fracture in a hospital supine position, where he is shown: breathing exercises and the most facilitated movements of the arms and sliding along the bed with the legs. As you recover, the orthopedic doctor gradually adds exercises, making up individual complex for the patient. More or less full-fledged gymnastics is indicated 2–2.5 months after the injury and is carried out under the supervision of a physiotherapist and rehabilitation specialist.

To physical exercise were beneficial, the child must clearly know and follow safety rules, and also be constantly under the supervision of an instructor.

From birth, your child begins to struggle for existence. On the path of evolution, the strongest wins. Nature helps in the development of your baby from a tiny creature into a full-fledged and strong member of human society in all respects. It may seem to you that your baby is wasting a lot of time - just lying there and doing nothing. But in reality this is not so - at this time the body grows and develops at a rapid pace. And when the baby moves his arms and kicks his legs, he trains and develops his body. His muscles and bones get used to receiving stress and the child develops and becomes stronger. Muscle strength will help him hold his head, sit and hold his back, crawl, and hold heavier objects with his hands. And the vertebral muscles and legs that have grown and trained with such movements and movements will later help him take his first steps. Caring parents are interested in harmoniously and gradually making their child stronger, helping him in this with the help of a useful set of exercises recommended by pediatricians, described below. Become personal trainer for your baby - help him become strong from the first months of life. These 4 simple exercises will help your baby grow big and strong.

1. Tummy time

Usually the child spends most of the day on his back. And his muscles in this position are loaded and trained mediocrely. But when the baby is turned onto his tummy, muscle groups that have not previously received any load are immediately put into work, and the tone and load for the body muscles - the back, abdomen, neck and shoulders - increases many times over. Already in the first days after birth, you can use such exercises as approved by the Association of American Pediatricians. Start with several times for 3-5 minutes. Exercises are best done in a playful way; place the baby on his tummy on a blanket or rug. Lie down next to him and practice in an atmosphere of cheerful communication. Make a face, show the baby a toy, attract attention in another way so that the child moves and works different muscles. And the training he needs to develop strength will become a joyful game and entertainment for him.

By distracting the baby here and there, you force him to make more movements, therefore straining different muscle groups.

At first, during such activities, the child may perceive the exercises without enthusiasm. But after several sessions, the environment of training with dad or mom will become joyful and familiar for him, and strengthened muscles will allow him to enjoy both exercise and movement. After some time, the baby will be able to spend more and more time on his tummy (up to 20 minutes a day). Over time, he will begin to grab objects and become strong enough to crawl. Experts recommend not stopping such exercises, even after the baby begins to roll over from back to tummy on his own.

2. Pull-ups

Another important and useful exercise for muscle development in children, this is pulling up to a sitting position. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the shoulders, abdomen, arms and back. Even if you do all the work for the baby, pulling him up, the baby's abdominal muscles contract. And attempts to straighten the head help the baby gain a sense of balance.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

To perform this exercise correctly, you need to place the child on his back and securely grab him by the arms, carefully and smoothly lift him up. This exercise should be carried out no earlier than one and a half months after the birth of the baby. If the baby still has trouble holding his head, instead of pulling him by the arms, support him by placing one hand behind his back and the other under the back of his head.

You need to start the exercise by lifting the baby a few centimeters from the surface. The exercise will be more fun if your face is close enough to the baby's face, or it will be more fun for the baby if you kiss the baby every time he gets up.

3. Exercise “Bicycle”

You've probably already heard about one of the methods to relieve the suffering of newborns during colic - pulling the legs towards the tummy. This exercise has other bonuses - strengthening the muscles of the legs, knees, hip joints and abdominal muscles, increases flexibility.

Place your baby on his back and make circular movements with his legs, imitating riding a bicycle. Make jokes, smile, voice everything in a fun and joyful way of communication - the child should enjoy the activities. Repeat the movement 3-5 times - pause. Continue training until it is interesting and joyful for the child.

4. Weight lifting exercises

The baby by nature must have developed grasping movements. Grasping objects is a great way to develop grasping skills, coordination of movements, and also helps develop muscles in the shoulder, arms, and hands. After the baby begins to independently grab objects with his hands, select for him and use during such training objects that are safe for him and moderately heavy as weights. Motivate your baby to pick up objects, lift them and put them down.

We also read:

Gymnastics for newborns

Does your child slouch, sit hunched over at the table, and pull his head into his shoulders? This article will help you correct your child's posture. Parents should understand that incorrect posture is not only an unattractive figure in the future, but also serious problems associated with the musculoskeletal system.

What does the concept of “posture” include? This is the usual position of the body, a relaxed standing person.

There is a wonderful proverb in Russia that says that without beautiful posture, even a horse looks like a cow! A stately person is perceived differently in society. It is not for nothing that in the nineteenth century, classy ladies teaching noble maidens constantly reminded them of a straight back. The pupils had to sit with their head, back, neck, buttocks and legs straight in one line. By the way, “keeping your back” in this position for a long time is not at all easy. In high society families, governesses forced their charges to wear a book on their heads so that they would develop correct posture.

Of course, times have changed, but one thing has remained unchanged - every parent dreams of his child being healthy and having a good figure. What is needed for this? First of all, get off the couch yourself. Children 7-10 years old are already quite intelligent, they observe the behavior of adults and know how to analyze. Therefore, your calls to action will have no effect until you yourself get off the couch and by example you will not demonstrate your readiness for sports. Parent example - here best motivation for a child.

Why should children 7-10 years old do gymnastics to strengthen their back muscles?

Morning and evening exercises- this is not only consolidation correct posture in children, this is an excellent prevention of obesity, reducing the risk of heart disease, activating metabolism, removing nervous tension. Half an hour spent in the morning on exercises will allow the child to fully wake up and gain a supply of energy for the whole day.

It's a pity, but many parents do not understand the importance sports activities Houses. After all, their child attends physical education classes in educational institution. Doctors constantly remind us that physical education classes at school alone are not enough. Children of any age should move a lot - at least three hours a day.

What's really happening? What is your child's daily routine? How much time does he spend first at his school desk, then at the computer? Many parents even drive their children to school by car. Children's doctors are sounding the alarm - our children move little, which means that not only their posture suffers, but also their health. We offer to the attention of our readers a complex effective exercises for posture and we really hope that your children will like it.

A set of exercises to improve posture for children 7-10 years old – 15 exercises

Gymnastics to strengthen posture - 15 exercises

  1. During take a deep breath the child rises on tiptoes and pulls his hands up . Exhaling, slowly lowers the entire foot. The exercise is repeated ten times.
  2. Head tilts in different directions with return (for a few seconds) to the starting position. The next stage is circular movements of the head. First in one direction, then in the other direction. You can do this exercise for no more than two minutes.
  3. We stretch our arms and shoulders. Child alternately raises the right and left shoulder . Then both shoulders together. This is followed by hand movements - upward swings, circular movements. We “swim” breaststroke and crawl. The exercise must be performed slowly.
  4. Stretch your back muscles. Hands on the belt perform bends in different directions s five times. There are twenty inclinations in total. Step in place. We walk for three minutes, raising our knees to their maximum height. We hop five times on one leg and the other. Then we do five jumps on both legs. At the last stage, jumps are performed with a 180-degree turn. Duration: 3-5 minutes.
  5. We interlock our fingers and pull the arms forward (as far as possible). We lower our hands clasped together and try to reach the floor with our palms.
  6. We spread our legs wider, stretch our arms forward, keep our back straight and begin to squat . The child should perform 10-15 squats.
  7. Let's remember our grandmothers. We place a bag of sand (or a book) on the child’s head. With the bag on his head, the child must make several circles around the room. . You need to walk, gradually increasing your speed. A falling bag means poor posture.
  8. We hold a regular ball between our knees. With our shoulders straightened, we slowly squat, resting our hands on our sides. . During the exercise, watch your back; it should be straight. Number of squats: 10-15.
  9. Exercise "Swallow" . We take a position: we spread our arms to the sides, raise our right leg, while tilting our body. The child's body should be parallel to the floor. You need to hold out in this position for as long as possible. Then change legs.
  10. The child stands with his back to a flat surface (wall). The back of his head, shoulder blades and heels are pressed tightly against the wall. You need to stand in this position for two minutes and move away from the wall. Fix the position of your body and try to hold it in it for as long as possible.
  11. "Cheerful bird." The exercise is done on the carpet. Lying on his stomach, the child spreads his arms to the sides. At the same time, his legs should be squeezed together. Pressing his whole body to the floor, he raises his head and chest. Now he is a bird that has wings - arms. He must wave them in order to fly away to warmer lands. You cannot raise your shoulders high during the exercise. Stop the waving movements after a minute, lower your chest and head. Repeat the “flight” several times.
  12. "Curious Puppy" . The child should kneel down and place both hands on the floor. Leaving your back straight, you need to turn your body to the right - look around. Turn your body to the left and look around. Return to starting position. Repeat the movements 10 – 15 times.
  13. "Border Guard on Patrol" . Lie on your stomach, press your right hand to your body, put the palm of your left hand to your eyes (visor). Look in different directions, swap hands. The child should imagine himself as a border guard who is on patrol. Children are more willing to perform exercises that carry meaning.
  14. "Amphibian Man" . Probably every child at this age has already watched the film and perfectly imagines how an amphibious man swims. Therefore, it will not be difficult for him to complete this exercise. The child should lie on his stomach with his arms extended forward. Legs should be straight, pressed against each other. Raise your arms up with a wave. Take the starting position. Raise your legs pressed together. The higher the better. The child should imagine a fish jumping out of the sea.
  15. Finish this complex can be done with a simple exercise "Tin soldier" . The child should stand at attention, while tensing all his muscles. Ten seconds later, at the command “At ease!” the child exhales and relaxes. Perform for 2-3 minutes.

You need to do gymnastics on an empty stomach. In the evening, an hour or two before bedtime. The complex should be fixed for 15-30 days. Children at this age very quickly get involved in the process and themselves begin to remind their parents about gymnastics classes.

The main thing is to set the child up correctly. Exercises should be enjoyable for the child. Therefore, experts recommend periodically changing the exercises, making them more difficult. Gymnastics should be done in a well-ventilated room. It is advisable to purchase a special sports mat.

All fifteen exercises should not be included in one complex at once. The child may be tired.

Don't forget to praise your child. During gymnastics, tell him interesting and instructive stories. These exercises are good.

Once again we would like to remind you that it is at this age that children strengthen their skeletal muscles and spine.

Advice for parents from experts:

  • Watch how your child sits at the table. His back should be straight.
  • Buy your child a high-quality backpack, and when carrying any heavy objects, try to distribute the weight evenly in both hands.
  • During runtime homework, when playing on the computer, the child should not bow his head low. After 15-20 minutes, you need to change your body position, pull yourself up, do a few simple exercises for posture. For example: two or three turns in different directions. You can get up and just walk around the room, watching your posture.
  • Children's bed should be hard. You need to choose a low pillow.
  • Try to let your child spend more time in the fresh air, playing outdoor games, tennis, football, skating, roller skating, and cycling.
  • Teach your child to look at himself in the mirror more often. Show him what correct posture is.
  • Well, and most importantly, do exercises to strengthen posture with your children. Believe me, these classes will benefit you too!

It is best to do gymnastics with musical accompaniment. And the child himself can choose the appropriate melodies. Experts recommend twenty-minute training sessions for children aged seven years, morning and evening. For children older complex can be supplemented with more complex exercises, and gradually increase the training time.
