Posture correction exercises: where to start. A set of exercises for correct straight posture, for opening the thoracic spine Posture correction actions and exercises

Correct posture makes a person's gait not only more attractive, but also indicates fully developed and healthy muscles and joints. Stoop, on the contrary, is an indicator that a person has certain problems. This flaw pretty much spoils the external impression and self-esteem, is a sign that the joints and muscles are poorly developed. Correct stoop in adulthood allows special exercises that are combined into complexes and can be performed at home.

Strong and confident people have a special body position. They move, stand and sit completely differently. The reason for this is the ideal posture, in which the head is held high, the chest is straightened. This position of the body tells others about the readiness of a person to overcome absolutely any goal and has a positive effect on all aspects of life. Many dream of becoming the same, but not everyone is moving in the right direction. If you are tired of constantly slouching and feeling insecure, it's time to change the situation. The main thing is to set a goal and choose the most effective and time-tested techniques that allow you to correct and correct your posture.

Getting rid of stoop not only raises self-esteem, but also has a positive effect on one's own well-being and health. Age-related deterioration in posture is directly related to the imbalance of ligaments and muscle fibers responsible for the correct position of the body. This manifests itself not only externally, but over time causes a number of health problems of the musculoskeletal system and the following negative consequences, which manifest themselves in the form of:

  • chronic pain in the cervical and spinal regions, as well as in the shoulder girdle;
  • injuries of the knee joints, feet, hips and, of course, the back;
  • headaches and fatigue;
  • muscle weakness and atrophy;
  • digestive and respiratory disorders;
  • tight mobility;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome of the wrist;
  • sciatica - sciatic neuralgia;
  • compression and pinching of the nerve.

It is possible to correct your posture and stop hunching in adulthood. The main thing is not to start the situation and start acting. Having an idea of ​​​​what the correct posture looks like, you can easily determine the deviation from the norm and choose a set of exercises that allows you to correct and correct the stoop. With proper posture, the body position will become correct, and, consequently, the muscles will function properly, becoming stronger. This will avoid problems with the musculoskeletal system, reduce the risk of injury and the development of chronic pain, as well as change the appearance and well-being for the better.

Correcting a stoop requires first identifying the cause of the problem. Posture is most often distorted due to weakening of the muscles that hold the joints in place. In other words, some muscle groups are too tense, while others, on the contrary, are too relaxed or weak, that is, they do not receive any load for a long time and become undeveloped.

Slouching in people who hunch over is caused by the pectoral muscles being too tight. The result of this is that the shoulders are pulled forward and shifted to the center. If a person also has a poorly developed back, an imbalance occurs, which results in a displacement of the shoulder girdle from its normal position. The muscular system is designed in such a way that it tries to compensate for any deviations from the norm. Weak activity of some leads to overstrain of others, which causes a feeling of increased discomfort and rapid fatigue.

Unbalance, as you can already understand, is the most common cause of stoop. To bring the muscles to a normal position, not to have problems with posture even in old age, it is necessary to work on strengthening the inactive ones and stretching the overactive ones.

How to self-assess your posture and identify existing problems?

Not all people pay enough attention to their posture. Many do not even suspect how twisted it is. To get rid of doubts, to identify the presence or absence of a need for posture correction, you should first perform a small test. He is uncomplicated. It can easily be made at home.

Tight clothing must be worn. This is done so that any deviations can be seen. Shoes are not worn on the feet. They become barefoot on the floor, but do not try to give the body a perfect evenness. You should take the most comfortable position for yourself. For the purity of the "experiment" it is recommended to close your eyes and walk a little in one place. Thus, the feet will stand in their usual natural position. Next, they stop, take photos from the front, from the back and from the side. You need to ask one of your friends or family members to take pictures.

The ideal posture shown in the photograph implies that the shoulder joints and ears are in line, the ribs are located above the hips, and this, in turn, is above the heels. The spine with the pelvis should be in a neutral position. If, looking at your photos, you can see that the position of the body is exactly this, then there are no problems with posture. In other cases, you will have to conduct an independent assessment of the existing defects.

Baseline assessment of postural deviations

The uneven position of the body indicates certain problems. To determine a specific postural deviation, you should understand this issue much deeper. If you identify the specific cause of the stoop, this will allow you to choose the most effective exercise that will get rid of the curvature.

Deviation 1: Slouching back and leaning back

This position is characterized by the emphasis of the hips forward when they protrude above the line of the ribs.

Problem overactive muscles: the surface of the thighs, straightening the vertebral region, middle and large gluteal, lower back and buttocks.

To stretch these muscle groups, perform:

  • stretching runners;
  • “the best stretch in the world”, which consists in stretching the buttocks in a sitting position;
  • twisting from a prone position;
  • stretching the hamstrings;
  • hamstring release with a massage roller.

Problematic inactive muscle groups: direct femoral, including flexors and lower press, external oblique, ilio-lumbar.

These muscles are activated by:

  • hanging leg raises;
  • "scissors";
  • folding on a fitball;
  • twists "Cocoon".

Accordingly, by activating the inactive ones and stretching the overactive ones, you can get rid of the stoop of the back.

Deviation 2: Lower decussation syndrome

It is characterized by a forward tilted pelvis and excessive deflection in the lumbar region.

Overactive affecting muscles are: straightening the spine, lumbar-iliac.

Stretch through:

  • "pyramids" on fitball;
  • knee lunges performed on the floor;
  • quadriceps stretch;
  • pulling the knees to the chest from a prone position;
  • self-massage of the quadriceps.

Among inactive muscles, they are responsible for the correct position: gluteus maximus and abdominal press.

They are activated when:

  • twisting with raised legs;
  • gluteal bridge (regular and on one leg), as well as on a fitball;
  • pull-ups from a prone position in the "frog".

Deviation 3: Rounded shoulders

This deviation is manifested by excessive extension of the shoulders beyond the line of the auricles.

Overactive muscles in this case include: small and large chest.

The following exercises allow you to stretch these muscles:

  • stretching of the anterior deltoid;
  • pulling back the elbows;
  • stretching in the sitting position of the deltas;
  • dynamic stretching for the chest;
  • stretching the pectoral muscle groups on the fitball.

Inactive muscles are: rotator cuff of the shoulder girdle, lower trapezoid, dentate anterior.

Strengthen these muscles by doing:

  • abduction of hands with a tape back;
  • external rotation of the shoulder girdle;
  • traction for the rear deltas and on a low block.

Deviation 4: Head forward

Ears go beyond the line of the shoulder girdle.

Overactive muscles: raising the scapula, which is located on the back of the neck and is responsible for tilting the head back, trapezoid upper, extensors of the neck.

Stretching exercises for overactive muscles:

  • myofascial release (self-massage) of the neck;
  • pulling the chin to the chest;
  • stretching the pectoral, clavicular, mastoid muscles by moving the arms back up with the palms and turning the head to the side.

Inactive muscles: forward head flexors, which are located in front of the neck.

Strengthen these muscle groups:

  • isometric exercises on the front surface of the neck.

In other words, both the anterior and posterior flexors on the neck are worked out.

Deviation 5: Superior Cross Syndrome

Rounded overly curved shoulders.

Overactive are: levator scapulae, trapezius, small and large pectoral muscles, extensors of the back, upper part of the spinal region and chest.

Stretch when doing:

  • dynamic stretching of the pectoral muscle groups;
  • myofascial self-release neck;
  • stretch marks of the anterior delta;
  • abduction of the elbows to the maximum back;
  • stretch marks on the fitball of the chest and deltas, but already sitting on a chair.

Inactive: rotator cuff, trapezoidal lower, dentate anterior, deep extensors of the cervical region, which are located in front of and around the shoulder blades.

Strengthened by doing:

  • isometric exercises on the front of the neck;
  • abduction of hands with a tape back;
  • external rotation of the shoulders;
  • traction on the rear deltas and on the low block.

Deviation 6: Head tilt

This deviation is characterized by the tilt of the head to the shoulder. Often accompanied by a turn to the left or right side.

Overactive muscles: thoracic, clavicular, mastoid, and also inclined towards the central part of the body.

Stretched with the following exercises:

  • independent myofascial release of the neck;
  • stretching the pectoral, mastoid, clavicular muscles;

Passive muscles: located on the opposite side to the active sternocleidomastoid and oblique, but already from the center line.

Activated by:

  • daily movements when chewing food, using the phone, when it is necessary to evenly load not one side, but both;
  • lateral isometric exercises.

Deviation 7: uneven shoulders

It is expressed by the fact that one shoulder is lower than the second.

Moving muscles: trapezoidal, stretching from the back of the neck to the shoulder girdle, on the raised part of the shoulder girdle.

Stretch thanks to:

  • myofascial self-release of the neck;
  • lateral stretching of the cervical region.

Passive muscles: dentate anterior, running under the pectoral, starting from the top of the ribs and ending at the shoulder blades.

It is not special exercises that allow you to correct the "curvature" of the shoulder girdle, but everyday, correctly performed routine tasks. It is necessary to evenly distribute the load when using a smartphone, lifting and carrying weights, chewing food. In addition, it helps well to perform thrust with one hand in the block (upper).

Deviation 8: Skewed hips

It is a deviation when one hip joint (on the left or right side) is higher than the other. Such a flaw often gives the impression that one leg is shorter than the other.

Active muscles are: square lumbar and is responsible for straightening the spine on the side that is higher, as well as the external and internal oblique muscles of the press, which abduct the hips. The tissues of the knees, ankles, shoulder girdle, lower back, and neck can also be overactive.

Exercises allow you to stretch these muscles:

  • for stretching and independent release of the iliac-tibial tract;
  • for stretching runners, gluteal muscles from a sitting position;
  • lying on a twist.

You should also do "the best stretch in the world" and the stretch that dancers do.

Inactive muscles may be different. It all depends on the specific situation, but the following movements are generally strengthening:

  • multi-repetition exercises, including plyometric training, as well as running.
  • Such exercises help to align the pelvis, as well as reduce the likelihood of injury to the lumbar, knee joints, hips, and ankles.

    Basic Posture Analysis: Foot and Ankle

    Often, stoop develops due to problems with the muscles of the lower extremities.

    Feet and ankles also have the correct position, the deviation from which leads to stoop. If they are located correctly, then the ankles with the feet look forward. The remaining deviations are no longer the norm. There are several postural abnormalities in the ankles and feet. When they are identified, you should start doing muscle-strengthening exercises, as well as stretching.

    Deviation 9: Feet turned inward

    The toes are turned towards the central part of the body, and not directed forward.

    overactive muscles: external femoral - tensor of the latissimus fascia.

    Stretching the lateral thigh muscle allows stretching and spontaneous myofascial release of the iliotibialis muscle.

    Passive muscles: small and large gluteal.

    To strengthen these muscle groups, you need to perform lateral penetration, squats and a glute bridge. All exercises are done with a fitness band, which is held on the hips in the last two movements.

    Deviation 10: One or both feet turned outward

    One or both socks are turned in the opposite direction from the central part of the body.

    Overactive muscle groups: external deep rotators, which are located deep in the femoral muscle and connect the femur and sacrum, piriformis.

    The following exercises allow you to relax and stretch these muscles:

    • myofascial self-release and stretching of the muscles of the ilio-tibial tract;
    • lying twist;
    • stretching the gluteal muscle in a sitting position;
    • myofascial self-release to the piriformis muscle;
    • stretching dancers.

    Inactive muscle groups: oblique and hip flexors.

    Strengthened through:

    • exercises "cocoon";
    • hanging leg raises;
    • folding on fitball.

    After taking photos, be sure to carefully analyze the position of your body, pay attention to the feet, ankles, head, shoulders, hip joints. If any deviations are revealed, one should work on strengthening and stretching the muscle groups of hyperactive and inactive groups.

    Recommended, depending on the problem found, movements must be included in your usual training plan. People suffering from overhead cross syndrome should do traction and shoulder abduction on the day they work their back. Such a load should be done at least 3 cycles of 8-12 repetitions.

    It is recommended to complete the workout with static stretching exercises. They should be done with little pressure. The main thing is not to overdo it. There shouldn't be any pain. It is necessary to hold the position adopted when performing static stretching from 15 to 30 seconds. The optimal number of repetitions is 3-5.

    6 Posture Correction Exercises

    Prolonged neglect of stoop leads to serious problems. Every 2.5 centimeters that the head protrudes forward from the normal position brings an additional 4.5 kilograms of load on the upper back and neck. If the head weighs 5 kg and is advanced 7.5 cm forward of the shoulder girdle, the total load is 7.5 cm by the shoulder girdle, the total load is about 18.5 kg. Thus, it turns out that a person, making absolutely any movement, experiences additional pressure three times more than someone who has the correct posture.

    Ignoring stoop leads to chronic pain. Constant sitting at the computer with a rounded back, standing in a bent position, uncomfortable posture during sleep lead to debilitating pain.

    The natural curvature in the lower back is necessary to protect the lower back from pain. It is a shock-absorbing element, due to which the mass of the human body is evenly distributed throughout the spine, and is not concentrated in any one area. And if painful sensations arise, then it is necessary to correct postural distortions.

    People who spend almost all day mostly in a sitting position should just move and walk more. In addition, you need to regularly do six restorative simple exercises that allow the muscles to relax and strengthen, and therefore correct the stoop.

    It is an exercise that helps to correct posture if the head is pushed forward, as it perfectly strengthens the neck muscles.

    Exercise is performed in a position either sitting or standing. The shoulders are turned back and lowered. They look straight ahead, and then put two fingers on their chin and slightly tuck it in, simultaneously pulling their head back. Hold in the adopted position for 3-5 seconds and relax. Do at least 10 repetitions.

    It is necessary to press in such a way that a second chin is formed. The harder you press, the better. This exercise can be performed even when just sitting in the car. The number of repetitions over time should be increased to 15-20.

    Back pressed against the wall. The legs are spaced 10 cm wide. The knees are kept slightly bent. The back, head, buttocks are pressed against the wall. Arms bent at the elbows are raised. The shoulders should be parallel to the floor surface, the shoulder blades pressed against each other, forming a semblance of the Latin letter "W". The adopted position is held for three seconds.

    Further, the arms are raised and straightened until the Latin "Y" is obtained. The shoulders should not touch the ears. They do at least 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions, lingering for 3 seconds, first in the “W” position, and then raise their hands to the “Y” position.

    I is an exercise that helps to relax tense pectoral muscles.

    They stand in the doorway. The arm is extended parallel to the floor, the elbow is bent. The fingers should be pointing up. The hand is placed on the door frame.

    They bow towards the outstretched hand, pressing and holding it on the door slope from 7 to 10 seconds.

    Stop pressing. They press their hand to the jamb, at the same time making a lunge, pushing the chest forward so that it goes beyond the level of the doorway. Stretch on each side 2-3 times.

    Get on your right knee. The left leg is placed in front of you. Fingers pressed to the floor. The palms are placed on the knee of the left leg and push the pelvis forward, stopping only when tension is felt in the hip flexors. Tighten the abdominal muscles and take the pelvis back a little. The chin is kept parallel to the floor. They remain in the accepted position from 20 to 30 seconds, and then change sides.

    It is performed with the use of an elastic band and helps to strengthen the upper dorsal muscles. Especially this exercise helps to increase the tone of the rhomboid muscles, which are located between the shoulder blades.

    Sit on the floor and stretch your legs out in front of you. The middle of the elastic tape is fixed on the feet and crossed at the ends to form the letter “X”, and the ends of the tape held in the hands are spread apart, and then pulled to the hips, bending the arms at the elbows. Hands point up. Hold and slowly return to the starting position. Perform three cycles of 8-12 repetitions each.

    In 2013SSPNM- The Scandinavian Society for Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine conducted a study that showed that doing this restorative simple exercise with a band for five days for two minutes not only improves posture, but also reduces pain in the shoulders and neck.

    Stand up, put one leg forward. They are taken either by the handles or by the ends of the expander. Hands are raised up and slightly spread at an angle of about 30 degrees from the body in different directions.

    The elbows do not unbend, but while keeping slightly bent, they are held at the level of the shoulder. Next, return to the starting position. The back during the exercise should remain straight, and the shoulder blades should be pointing down. Studies have shown that such cravings should be done for two minutes a day at least five times a week.

    6 posture straightening exercises for adults

    Not only those who lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle have a problem with posture, but also people who regularly visit the gym. This is due to the lack of attention to the position of your body when you leave the fitness center. Even Joe Holden, who trains with the S 10 and Nike, says that pain or problems with movement can be indicative of posture problems. According to him, a close look at how a person is standing is enough to determine which muscles in a person are weakened, and which, on the contrary, are tense. Of course, we are not talking about correcting posture to an ideal position, but improving body position in any case will have a positive effect on the results of training and on general well-being, when pain in the back and neck will not interfere both in the sports field and in everyday life. life.

    Strengthening and stretching the chest exercises help to correct the situation. Holden not only advises to take a closer look at your posture, but also offers effective exercises to correct imbalances in body position. The complex includes both stretching and strengthening movements, that is, it involves active and passive muscle groups. These exercises are ideal not only for those who regularly visit the gym, but also lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, spending a lot of time at the computer.


    1. The legs are placed hip-width apart. Light dumbbells are held in the hands above the hips. The starting position is similar to that taken with an inclined thrust.
    2. Make sure that the back is straight, and the lowered hands are slightly above the knees.
    3. The elbows are turned back by the force of the upper back muscles until a semblance of the letter “T” is obtained.
    4. Hands turn up. Hold in this position, and then extend both arms in front of you, and then to your ears.
    5. Return to starting position.

    Do three cycles with eight repetitions each.


    1. Lie down on the stomach. Stretch the legs and arms, forming one line. The gaze is directed forward or downward. The head is kept in a neutral position.
    2. Hands spread apart and down, making a movement similar to what is done when swimming. Return hands to starting position.

    The exercise should be performed with the involvement of the middle and wide muscles of the back. The shoulders should be relaxed during the movement.

    You need to do at least three sets of eight repetitions.

    Incorrect posture is the first step to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. At the initial stage, fixing the matter on your own is not difficult, the main thing is to set a goal and persistently follow it. Posture correction exercises are an important step on the path to health.

    Violations of posture in adults are often rooted in childhood: an incorrect posture at a desk, a heavy satchel that pulls one shoulder, lack of sufficient physical activity leads to lordosis and scoliosis. Normalization of posture at home is possible subject to general recommendations and hard work on yourself.

    1. Excess body weight in violation of posture is the first enemy. It is imperative to bring the weight in order;
    2. The back muscles should not be tense, the correct posture is comfortable and comfortable, just not familiar. Excessive overexertion will cause pain and aggravate the situation;
    3. The head should be held so that the eyes look straight ahead, the shoulders should be straightened to the sides and slightly pulled back, the back should be kept straight. It is important to monitor your posture not only while walking, but also while sitting, standing (at rest), when lifting weights, to ensure the correct position during sleep.

    The basis of the classes

    There are several simple tricks that have been known for a long time, but that have not become less effective:

    • Dictionary on head. An exercise that has become a byword, a tool of governesses and classy ladies who teach young girls noble manners. To do this, you need to put a heavier book on your head (a dictionary or an encyclopedia is perfect) and try to walk around the room so that the book does not fall. At first glance, it seems simple, but in reality it turns out that it is not very. Exercise trains the muscles of the neck and the vestibular apparatus.
    • Wall. To check for posture disorders and correct them, you need to stand with your back to the wall, pressing the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels. At the wall in this position you need to stand several times a day for 2-5 minutes. Gradually, the back will get used to the correct motor stereotype.

    A set of exercises for posture correction

    The main tasks that corrective gymnastics sets for itself:

    • Muscle strengthening and warming up;
    • Increased joint mobility;
    • Getting rid of stiffness and pain in various parts of the spine;
    • Posture correction.

    Simple and effective

    1. Variations on the Theme "Walls". Stand against the wall, press your head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels, freeze in this position for 30 seconds. Then gradually bend over, rounding the spine. Ideally, touch the legs with the nose, if such a result is not achievable, it seeks to twist the body as much as possible. You need to straighten up carefully, in stages, again freeze in the correct position for 30-60 seconds.
    2. Put your palm on your head, put your other hand behind your back. Tilt your head to your shoulder, helping with your hand. Then return to the starting position, change hands and repeat on the other side.
    3. Connect your hands behind your back in a lock and take them back, slowly bending your torso forward. The exercise is repeated 8-10 times.
    4. Bring the right hand behind the head (bent at the elbow), the left hand behind the back. Join hands in the castle and return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.
    5. Bend the chest with a “wheel”, take the shoulders back. Return to starting position. Repeat 10 times.
    6. On the inhale, relax the abdominal muscles, on the exhale, draw in the stomach as much as possible. Repeat as often as possible.
    7. Bridge. Starting position - lying down, legs bent at the knees, heels on the floor. Inhale, exhaling gradually, very carefully and slowly tear your back off the floor, raising the spine from the sacrum to the cervical region. This exercise helps to restore innervation and blood circulation, develops vertebral joints.
    8. Stand against the wall so that the main points touch the vertical surface. Slowly lower yourself along the wall, sit in a Turkish position without bending your back, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.
    9. To perform the exercise, you will need a low stable bench. Straighten your back, take your shoulders back, lower your arms along the body. Climb onto the bench 25 times and descend from it without changing the position of the spine.
    10. Exercise with a gymnastic stick. Bend your arms at the elbows, slightly back. Place a gymnastic stick in the elbow bends, placing it perpendicular to the spine. With a stick, you can not only stand, but also walk, forming the correct position of the back and a beautiful posture (up to 30 minutes daily, starting from 10 minutes and gradually increasing the time).
    11. Sit on the floor, bend your legs and clasp your knees with your hands, bend your head to your knees. Take a deep breath, while exhaling - slowly roll onto your back without changing the position of the body, then return to the starting position. During the exercise, the spine is massaged, it is useful for straightening lordosis (excessive bending in the lumbar region).
    12. The establishment of the legs behind the head in a prone position. Exercise is very rarely possible to perform the first time. The gradual development of the spine allows you to increase the range of motion, but a sharp effort can lead to pain and even injury, so you should not rush. Starting position - lying down, arms extended above the head. Slowly and gently raise your legs, bending your spine, and wind them behind your head, towards your hands. Then just as gradually return to the starting position.
    13. Starting position - sitting on the floor. Bend your legs, grab your knees with your hands. The back should be straightened and the shoulder blades brought as close as possible. While inhaling, tilt your head back, trying to reach your back, stretch your neck. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.
    14. In a sitting position (you can network in Turkish), straighten your back, stretch your neck and turn it jerkily three counts to the right, then return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. With cervical osteochondrosis and pain in the neck, the exercise is contraindicated.
    15. Get on all fours, emphasis on the arms and legs, located perpendicular to the floor. Perform circular movements with the neck: down-left-back-right, then in the opposite direction. Repeat 5-10 times on each side.
    16. Starting position - lying on your stomach, resting your forehead on the floor, clasp your hands behind your head in a lock. Take your elbows back and try to connect the shoulder blades. While inhaling, raise your head, and with your hands pull it to the floor (create resistance). Repeat 10 times.
    17. Starting position - lying on the floor, fold your arms under your head, put your chin on your hands. While inhaling, raise the upper half of the body, throwing your head back, spread your arms to the sides. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.
    18. Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Pull the feet as close to the buttocks as possible, arms to the sides. While inhaling, bend the thoracic spine, resting on the back of the head and arms. On exhalation, take isho
      bottom position. Repeat 6-8 times.
    19. Get on all fours, put your arms and legs shoulder-width apart perpendicular to the floor. Take your right arm and left leg up to the ceiling (while inhaling), trying not to bend. Then return to the starting position on the exhale. With the next breath, change arm and leg (left arm - right leg) and repeat the exercise. Perform 5-10 times with each hand.
    20. Starting position - kneeling, back straight, arms extended to the ceiling. Without bending your back and arms, lean forward so that your chest touches your knees (sit on your heels). Bending over, relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle, put your head on the floor. Then return to the starting position.

    Exercises to get rid of stoop

    To form the correct posture with stoop, it is recommended to perform a set of exercises:

    • Starting position - standing, hands on the belt, legs - shoulder width apart. Spread straight arms to the sides and rotate back and forth (10 rotations in each direction);
    • Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands - at the waist. Alternately raise and lower the shoulders (10 times with each shoulder), trying not to change the position of the spine;
    • The starting position is the same as in the previous exercises. Raise and lower both shoulders at the same time. Run 10-12 times. With cervical osteochondrosis, pain irrigating in the shoulder and shoulder blade, the exercise is contraindicated;
    • Starting position - lying on your stomach, arms and legs extended to the sides (legs as far apart as possible). While inhaling, raise and stretch the limbs, while exhaling, take the starting position.

    In case of serious violations of posture, you need to exercise under the supervision of a trainer. But even when doing strength exercises in the gym, you must definitely start with a warm-up, allowing the muscles and ligaments to warm up.

    Help for children

    To correct posture, a child needs to master a simple complex:

    • Starting position - lying down, place a dense roller of a thin blanket or towel between the shoulder blades. Bend your legs, rest your heels on the floor. On inspiration, raise and bend the thoracic region, resting the back of the head on the floor. Hands are relaxed. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Repeat 10-20 times, gradually increasing the number of lifts to 40-50;
    • Starting position - standing, arms bent at the elbows, palms resting on the shoulders. On inspiration, take the elbows back and connect the shoulder blades, on the exhale, return to the starting position;
    • Standing against the wall, bend your leg and press your knee to your stomach, after 10 seconds lower your leg, rest for 1-2 seconds and repeat the exercise with the other leg.

    To support the spine, children and adults are recommended to use a corset that does not allow them to take the wrong posture. You need to wear it from 20 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time and bringing it up to 4 hours a day.

    Yoga can be used to treat and prevent postural disorders, but it is better to do it under professional guidance, at least at the initial stage.

    Being engaged regularly, performing at least part of the proposed exercises, royal posture is guaranteed.

    You can get acquainted with the complex for beginners on the video.

    Aligning a crooked posture and maintaining its correctness, evenness is easiest through simple exercises. The complex of exercises selected in this article is suitable for both children and adults with any level of physical fitness. Do not forget to give 20-30 minutes of physical activity to keep your back healthy, become more alert and active.

    In order for training to be fruitful and bring the expected effect, it is worth adhering to a number of recommendations.

    Do not start exercising immediately after a hearty meal. The best time for physical activity is 2 hours after eating. It is also not worth getting carried away with drinking plenty of water before classes, a very unpleasant heaviness in the stomach will be felt.
    Warm up muscles and ligaments before active movements. So you will multiply the positive effect of the exercises. To warm up your muscles, take a hot shower, visit a sauna, or massage your neck yourself for about ten minutes.
    Before active exercises, you need to warm up. Work out all the joints, rotating your arms and legs, head and pelvis in different directions, performing body tilts. Warming up is necessary to reduce the risk of microtrauma to tissues and joints during training, as well as to improve mobility.
    Try to train at the same time at least three times a week.

    And last but not least, tune into the workout emotionally. Perform movements with desire and diligence. Get positive emotions.

    Maintaining posture while sitting

    When you get comfortable with your laptop, book, or cell phone, do you keep your posture? Hardly.

    If the neck is vertical, a load of about five kilograms is placed on the spinal column.

    If you slightly tilt your head forward (about 30 degrees) and sit like this for several minutes in a row, the load increases to 18 kg. This situation is dangerous not only for the intervertebral discs, the negative impact is on the functioning of the lungs and other internal organs.

    If you hunch over harder, tilting your head 60 degrees, the load becomes critical - up to 27-30 kg. The more often you sit in this position, when the chin tends to touch the chest, the sooner you will need medical help to treat back and neck pain.

    How to avoid health problems? Stick to the following tips.

    1. Raise your mobile device or book higher. So that you can view the text and image, lowering your eyes, but not tilting your head down.

    2. Do self-massage. This advice is especially relevant for people engaged in sedentary work, students and video game lovers. Easily rub your neck with your hands in the direction from hair growth to the shoulders, knead the shoulder girdle with your palms or a massager.

    3. Move your head around more often slowly to avoid dizziness. A simple warm-up will help reduce the risk of developing osteochondrosis.

    Video - Habits to quit immediately

    TOP 16 exercises for a beautiful back

    Note! If you are preparing to become or just recently became a mother, have recently suffered serious injuries, have diabetes or have heart problems, be sure to check with your doctor about the possibility and relevance of sports.

    Ex. 1

    Ex. 2

    Sitting, stretch your shoulders more often. Alternately reduce and spread the shoulder blades, straining the muscles of the shoulder girdle. This will improve blood circulation, which is extremely important for adequate nutrition of tissues and organs, maintaining tone, and preventing the accumulation of salts.

    Ex. 3

    Sit on a stool, bend your elbows and clasp your fingers into the castle (if difficult, then at least try to touch with your fingertips). Try to keep your forearms horizontal. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds, then relax and shake your hands.

    Ex. 4

    An occupation that should be performed more often during the labor process.

    It is necessary to bring your arms bent at the elbows behind your back and try your best to connect them into a lock. Perhaps, if flexibility is not enough, it will not work right away, but you should try to do it.

    Ex. 5

    Especially useful when feeling discomfort between the shoulder blades.

    Stand up in a stable position, or sit on a stool if that's more comfortable. Hands on the head. Turn your face and shoulders, but do not move your pelvis. Now turn to the other side.

    The effect of training: improving the functioning of the lungs, increasing the mobility of the thoracic vertebrae, maintaining the elasticity of the intervertebral discs.

    Ex. 6

    Helps to make the waist thinner. It's called "vacuum".

    On a note! Posture is supported by the muscles of not only the back, but also the abdomen. If there is a protruding tummy and a lot of weight, there is a high probability of hyperlordosis.

    Take the most comfortable position, inhale with your chest very, very deeply, then slowly exhale and pull your stomach in. Muscle tension should be felt. The more often you practice, the faster the result will be.

    Vertical exercise "vacuum"

    Ex. 7

    It is very useful to hang on the horizontal bar, so the back and abs are strengthened. But do not swing or try to pull yourself up. Just grab the bar with your hands and sag as much as you can.

    Useful for improving the condition of the intervertebral discs. The distance between the vertebrae increases, the pinched nerve roots are released. If you regularly hang on the horizontal bar, gradually increasing the time, not only will your posture improve, but your back pain will also decrease.

    Important! A doctor's consultation is required on the possibility of hanging in the presence of rapidly progressive scoliosis.

    Ex. 8

    Sarvangasana or simply "birch". Useful for strengthening immunity, weight loss.

    Lie face up. Tighten and pull straight limbs up. Now push your buttocks with your hands and straighten up. The correct "birch" does not dangle, and the support falls on the shoulders and neck.

    "Pros" can stand up to 8-10 minutes.

    Important! If you feel dizzy and have pain in your neck, stop exercising immediately.

    Video - Sarvangasana

    Ex. 9

    Do forward bends. First, lower your chin down, then gently bend your chest, bend your lower back. Reach for the floor.

    Video - Execution process

    Ex. 10

    Cobra movement. You need to smoothly lift the upper part of the body up, bend the spine, stretch.

    Ex. eleven

    The lesson is similar to the previous one, but it is called the “boat”. The principle is the same, but at the same time with arms and chest, you need to tear straight legs off the floor.

    Perform at least 4 sets, lingering in the final position for 10-15 seconds.

    Ex. 12

    Training called "swallow". This time there is no need to take your feet off the floor. Put your hands behind your back, lift your chest, put your hands behind your back. Try to connect your palms and shoulder blades. Hold the position for up to 15 seconds.

    Repeat at least four times.

    Ex. 13

    Yoga course workout. To do this, you need to lie on your back. Bend your elbows and cross each other. Bend your knees and cross your lower limbs. In this crossed position, bend over, tensing your abdominal muscles, trying to touch your knees with your elbows.

    Exercise 13

    Ex. 14

    Stretch in a seated position. Don't bend your knees. Interlock your fingers and lift your upper limbs high above your head. Reach up. Gently lean forward, trying to reach your toes with your hands and touch your knees with your forehead.

    Ex. 15

    The lesson is aimed at developing a sense of balance and reinforcing the habit of keeping your back straight while walking.

    Place a hardcover book on your head. Stretch straight arms forward in front of you. Step carefully in a straight line, do not drop the book.

    The exercise can be performed at any time of the day, no warm-up is required.

    Ex. 16

    Marjariasana. Movements imitate domestic cats.

    Get on all fours. Bend your back as far down as possible, like a contented affectionate cat. Raise your chin as high as possible. Take a slow deep breath with a full chest. Hold for six counts.

    Get back on all fours. Imagine that you are a cat who wants to scare someone. Arch your back up, lower your head down. Take a deep breath. Hold for six counts.

    Choose the right orthopedic pillow and mattress. Stop sleeping face down. Remember that night rest is very important for the full functioning of all organs and systems.

    There are a great variety of orthopedic anatomical pillows. Some of them are really beneficial, while others are not suitable for healthy sleep. We recommend reading in order to choose the right shape and size of the anatomical pillow, not to make a mistake with the filler material and learn how to care for the product.

    Ride your bike or exercise bike more often.

    Stop carrying heavy weights in one hand. Organize heavy purchases in two bags or take a backpack with a hard back.

    Try to be a more confident person. Do not slouch, do not try to pull your head into your shoulders.

    Check your posture often by leaning against a vertical surface. Which ideally should touch the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels.

    Video - Stoop Exercises

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    The posture of a person can tell quite a lot about his nature. It also displays the work of muscles and joints. In this article, you will find answers to all questions about posture problems and methods for correcting them, and how to get rid of stoop at home using a set of exercises.

    Imagine standing in front of you a strong, confident and influential person. What does his body position look like? No doubt he is standing at full length with his chest outstretched and his head held high. Such a person looks like he is ready to move mountains.

    Your appearance and how you feel is directly related to your posture. However, knowing its incredible importance, many of us do little to nothing to correct our stoop. Our lives go by with hunched backs, imbalanced hips, and putting up with pain as normal.

    Age-related stoop and living with a twisted posture can be a dangerous thing. Imbalance in the muscles and ligaments that occurs due to incorrect body position can provoke the appearance of various kinds of problems:

    • Chronic pain in the back, neck and shoulders;
    • Injuries to the feet, knees, hips and back;
    • Headache;
    • stiffness;
    • fatigue;
    • Muscle weakness and atrophy;
    • Labored breathing;
    • Disorders of the digestive processes;
    • Pinching and compression of the nerve;
    • Sciatica (sciatic neuralgia);
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome of the wrist.

    But let's figure out how to get rid of stoop in adulthood and start correcting it without delay! By understanding what truly correct posture looks like, you can identify deviations in your own and determine the corrective exercises that work best for you. With the right body position and straight posture, your muscles will become stronger and work more efficiently, you can avoid pain and injury, improve your well-being and appearance.

    To deal with the problem, first of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of its occurrence. Most postural curvature is due to an imbalance in the muscles that work to hold the joint in place. In general terms, one muscle group is too tight and another group is too relaxed or weak.

    For example, those who stoop often have a stooped back, because the pectoral muscles are tense, which pull the shoulders forward and turn them towards the center of the body. Add to this a weak back and here is the very imbalance that leads the shoulders forward from their ideal position. When such an imbalance occurs, overactive muscles try to compensate for underactive ones, which causes tension, fatigue and discomfort.

    The easiest and most effective way to not slouch, correct imbalances and live with a straight back until old age is to stretch overactive muscles and strengthen inactive ones.

    Baseline assessment and self-diagnosis

    Perhaps you have not paid much attention to your posture and have no idea how twisted it can be. If you are in doubt about whether you need posture correction, first do this check:

    Dress in tight clothing so that you can fully see the position of your body. Stand barefoot, upright but comfortable, don't try to force yourself into what you think is the ideal position. To get an honest assessment, walk a little in place with your eyes closed. This will allow the feet to return to their normal position. Stop and freeze in place. Have someone take a picture of you from the front, side, and back.

    This is what a properly aligned body position looks like:

    Note that in these photos the joints are on top of each other. The ears are located above the shoulder joints, the ribs are above the hips, and the hips are above the heels. The pelvis and spine are in a neutral position. If the position of your body is similar to that described, then everything is fine with you!

    Baseline assessment of postural deviations

    Back, shoulders, hips and head

    If your body position does not look straight, you may have one or more of the following postural abnormalities. Let's figure out how to determine these deviations and with the help of what strengthening exercises and stretching you can correct them.

    Deviation 1: Slouching back and leaning back

    The thighs are pressed forward and go beyond the front line of the ribs.

    Overactive muscles: hamstring, erector spinae, gluteus maximus and medius, quadratus lumborum (buttocks, hamstrings, and lower back).

    Stretching exercises: Runners stretch, World's Greatest Stretch, Seated Glute Stretch, Lying Crunch, Hamstring Stretch, Self Myofascial Hamstring Release (Massage Roller).

    Inactive muscles: iliopsoas, rectus femoris (hip flexors and lower abs), and external oblique muscle.

    Strengthening exercises: twisting "Cocoon", folding on a fitball, lifting legs in the hang, "scissors".

    Deviation 2: Lower decussation syndrome

    Excessive deflection in the lower back, the pelvis is tilted forward

    Overactive muscles: iliopsoas and erector spinae (hip flexors and lower back).

    Muscle stretching exercises: lunge with knee on the floor, "pyramid" on the fitball, stretching the quadriceps, independent myofascial release of the quadriceps, pulling the knees to the chest while lying down.

    Inactive muscles: abdominals and gluteus maximus.

    Strengthening exercises: glute bridge, glute bridge on one leg, glute bridge on the fitball, twisting with legs raised, pull-ups in the "frog" from a prone position.

    Deviation 3: Rounded shoulders

    Shoulders go beyond the line of the ears

    Overactive muscles: pectoralis major and minor.

    Exercises for stretching muscles: stretching the front delta, pulling the elbows back, stretching the deltas while sitting on a chair, stretching the pectoral muscles on the fitball, dynamic stretching of the pectoral muscles.

    Inactive muscles: rotator cuff, lower trapezius, serratus anterior (muscles of the back around the shoulder blades and rear deltas).

    Strengthening Exercises: Low Block Rows, Rear Delt Rows, Reach with Band, Shoulder External Rotation.

    Deviation 4: Head forward

    Ears go forward beyond the line of the shoulders

    Overactive muscles: levator scapulae (muscles on the back of the neck that tilt the head back), neck extensors, upper trapezius.

    Muscle stretching exercises: independent myofascial release of the neck, chin to chest, stretching of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (take your arms as far back as possible with your palms up, turn your head to the side).

    Inactive muscles: neck flexors (muscles in the front of the neck that tilt the head forward).

    Strengthening exercises: isometric exercises for the front of the neck.

    Deviation 5: Superior Cross Syndrome

    Rounded shoulders with excessive curve

    Overactive muscles: trapezius, levator scapulae, pectoralis major and minor, neck extensors (back of the neck, trapezius, upper back, and chest).

    Muscle stretching exercises: dynamic pectoral stretch, self-myofascial release of the neck, chin to chest, front delt stretch, elbow abduction, chest stretch on the fitball, delt stretch while sitting on a chair.

    Inactive muscles: rotator cuff, lower trapezius, rhomboids, serratus anterior, and deep extensors of the neck (muscles of the back around the shoulder blades of the dorsal heads of the deltas and front of the neck).

    Strengthening exercises: isometric exercises for the front of the neck, pull on the low block, pulling the arms back with a band, external rotation of the shoulder, row for the rear delts.

    Deviation 6: Head tilt

    The head is inclined to one of the shoulders; may be accompanied by a reversal in this direction

    Overactive muscles: the sternocleidomastoid muscle of the same name, inclined towards the center (the sternocleidomastoid muscle stretches from behind the ear to the collarbone, is responsible for tilting the chin down, moving the ear to the shoulder and turning the head).

    Muscle stretching exercises: independent myofascial neck release, sternocleidomastoid stretch, lateral neck stretch.

    Inactive muscles: sternocleidomastoid muscle on the other side of the neck tilted from the center line.

    Strengthening exercises: everyday movements (e.g. chew, carry, pull, or lift, use a mobile phone) load both sides evenly, isometric lateral exercises for the neck.

    Deviation 7: uneven shoulders

    One shoulder higher than the other

    Overactive muscles: trapezius (muscle stretches from the back of the neck to the shoulder girdle) on the elevated side.

    Muscle stretching exercises: lateral neck stretch, independent myofascial release of the neck.

    Inactive muscles: Serratus anterior (the muscle runs from the top of the ribs to the shoulder blades, passing under the pectoral muscle) on the elevated side.

    What exercises to do when one shoulder is higher than the other: perform daily movements (for example, carry something, pull, or lift something, use a mobile phone, chew food) evenly loading both sides; pull with one hand in the upper block.

    Deviation 8: Skewed hips

    One of the hip joints is higher than the other, because of this, the impression of a difference in the length of the legs can be created

    Overactive muscles: erector spinae and quadratus lumborum on the elevated side (muscles along the waist and outer thigh, lower back and thigh), internal and external obliques, hip abductors. Many other tissues in the knee, ankle, shoulder girdle, neck, and lower back may also be hyperactive.

    Stretching exercises: iliotibial tract stretch, tibialis self myofascial release, runner stretch, World's Greatest Stretch, sitting gluteal stretch, lying down twist, piriformis self myofascial release, stretch for dancers.

    Inactive muscles: depending on the situation

    Strengthening Exercises: Avoid high impact exercises and high rep exercises (running, plyometrics, etc.) until your pelvis is aligned. This will reduce the risk of secondary injuries to the ankles, knees, hips, and lower back.

    Basic Posture Analysis: Foot and Ankle

    Feet and Ankles

    Like the shoulders, hips and back, the feet and ankles also have their proper position. When properly positioned, the feet and ankles should point forward, not in or out.

    Here are some common postural abnormalities in the feet and ankles. If you find yourself with one or more of these disorders, try stretching and strengthening exercises to alleviate the problem.

    Deviation 9: Feet turned inward

    Socks turned to the line passing through the center of the body

    Overactive muscles: Tensor fascia lata (external thigh muscle).

    Muscle stretching exercises: stretching the muscles of the iliotibial tract, self-myofascial release of the muscles of the iliotibial tract.

    Inactive muscles: Large and small gluteal muscles.

    Strengthening exercises: glute bridge with band on hips, lateral insertion with band on hips, squat with band on hips.

    Deviation 10: One or both feet turned outward

    Socks turned away from the center line of the body

    Overactive muscles: Piriformis and other deep external rotators (muscles located very deep in the thigh connecting the femur to the sacrum).

    Muscle stretching exercises: seated gluteal stretch, prone twist, piriformis self myofascial release, iliotibial tract stretch, tibialis myofascial self myofascial release, dancer stretch.

    Inactive muscles: hip flexors and obliques.

    Strengthening exercises: "Cocoon", folding on a fitball, hanging leg raises.

    Now, knowing what you need to pay attention to, it's time to analyze the position of your body. If you find any of these deviations in your photographs, use stretching and strengthening exercises to correct them.

    Incorporate muscle-strengthening exercises into your workouts as needed. For example, if you have upper crossover syndrome, use traction and shoulder abduction exercises on your back day as strengthening exercises. We suggest doing 3 rounds of 8-12 repetitions.

    At the end of your workout, do some static stretching exercises. Perform exercises so that there is a slight tension in the muscles, but not painful. Hold each position for 15-30 seconds and do 3-5 reps.

    6 Posture Correction Exercises

    Interesting fact:

    Did you know that for every 2.5 cm that your head comes forward in your posture, your neck and upper back muscles pay the price, receiving an additional load equal to 4.5 kg?

    For example, a person's head weighs 5.4 kg and extends only 7.5 cm forward beyond the line of the shoulders, resulting in a pressure of 19 kg on the neck and upper back. This is almost the same as putting 3 watermelons on your back and neck.

    By neglecting your body position, you are inviting chronic pain into your body and back. Rounded back position while sitting in front of a computer for a long time, standing bent over for a long time, uncomfortable position of the body while you sleep and lifting weights incorrectly can lead to debilitating pain.

    Maintaining a natural lumbar curve in the lower back is essential to prevent position-related lower back pain. This natural curve acts as a shock-absorbing element, distributing weight over the entire length of the spine. Aligning postural distortions can help get rid of back pain.

    The main way to solve the problem for those who sit all day is to simply stand up! If you regularly get out of a sitting position and do these 6 quick and easy restorative exercises against stoop in between, you can wean your muscles into their favorite position of a hunched caveman.

    This exercise can help you get rid of the posture with the head pushed forward by strengthening the neck muscles.

    This exercise can be performed both standing and sitting. First roll your shoulders back and down. Direct your gaze in a straight line in front of you, put two fingers on your chin, slightly squeeze it and move your head back (see picture). Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.

    Tip: The stronger you can make the second chin, the better the result will be. Sitting in the car in the parking lot, you can try to do this exercise by pressing the back of your head to the headrest and lingering in this position for 3-5 seconds. Do 15-20 repetitions.

    2. Hand raises near the wall

    Press your back against the wall, the distance between the feet is about 10 cm. Keep a slight bend in the knees. The back, buttocks and head must be pressed against the wall. Raise your arms bent at the elbows so that the shoulders are parallel to the floor, the shoulder blades are pressed against each other, forming the letter "W" (see picture). Freeze in this position for 3 seconds.

    After that, raising your arms up, straighten your elbows so that you get a "Y". Check that the shoulders are not pressed against the ears. Do 10 repetitions, starting with the letter "W", lingering in it for 3 seconds and then raising your hands to the "Y". Do 2-3 sets.

    3. Stretching in the doorway

    This exercise helps to relax tense chest muscles.

    Stand in a doorway and extend your arm parallel to the floor, bending your elbow so that the fingers of that hand point toward the ceiling. Put your hand on the doorframe.

    Slowly lean towards the outstretched hand and press it against the door slope for 7-10 seconds. Release the pressure and then press your hand against the jamb again in a slight lunge, so that the chest moves forward behind the doorway (see picture). Perform this stretch 2-3 times on each side.

    4. Hip flexor stretch

    Stand on your right knee, fingers on the floor, put your left leg in front of you.

    Place both palms above your left knee and tilt your pelvis forward until you feel a good stretch in your hip flexors.

    Tighten the press and slightly move the pelvis back, keep the chin parallel to the floor (see picture). Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. and change sides.

    For the next 2 exercises, you will need an elastic band or expander:

    5. X-shaped traction rubber

    This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the upper back, especially the rhomboid muscles located between the shoulder blades.

    Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs forward. Fix the middle of the elastic tape on the feet and cross the ends of the tape forming an “X”.

    Take the ends of the ribbon and spread your arms out in front of you.

    Pull the ends of the tape to the hips by bending the elbows so that they point back (see picture). Hold and slowly return to the starting position. Perform three rounds of 8-12 repetitions.

    6. V-rod

    According to a 2013 study by the Scandinavian Society for Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine (SSCPNM), this simple restorative band exercise, performed regularly for 2 minutes, 5 days a week, significantly reduces neck and shoulder pain and improves posture.

    In a standing position, bring one leg slightly forward of the other. Grasp the handles or the ends of the tape (expander) and raise your hands up slightly moving them away from the body, about 30 °.

    Keep your elbows slightly bent. When you reach the line of the shoulders, stop, linger and return to the starting position.

    Make sure your shoulder blades remain pointing down and your back is straight. Do this exercise 5 times a week for 2 minutes. in a day.

    6 posture straightening exercises for adults

    One of the things that most gym fans don't have much control over is the position of the body outside the walls of the gym. You can do cardio and strength training, but paying attention to daily posture is also extremely important. Joe Holder, trainer for Nike and S10, says: “If you're experiencing pain or trouble with movement, a posture check can give you the answer to what needs to be corrected and why. A close look at how someone stands, from the feet to the neck, provides a wealth of information about which muscles in that person are overstretched and which are weakened. While your posture doesn't need to be perfect, improving it can reduce pain and increase your athletic performance.

    Fortunately, doing some exercises to strengthen your back and stretch your chest will help improve the situation. Below is a list of exercises for good posture, selected by Holden, to help correct imbalances and align the body position, among them there are both strengthening and stretching exercises. For example, the shoulder rotation exercise helps to get rid of inward-turned shoulders, which are accompanied by tight pectoral muscles and a weak back. (This is about you, fans of sitting at the computer and lovers of texting).

    Align and balance your body with the following 6 posture straightening exercises to remove slouching back and make it straight. This is your complete guide to becoming stronger and more majestic.

    1. Cuban bench press

    Technique: Place your feet hip-width apart. Hold light dumbbells over your thighs in a starting position similar to a bent over row. The back should be straight, arms lowered straight down, just above the knees (A). Rotate your elbows back with the muscles of your upper back, so you get a broken "T" (B). Turn your arms up towards your shoulders (B). Remaining in this suspended position, stretch your arms forward in a straight line and towards your ears (D). Return to starting position (D). This is one repetition. Do 3 sets of 8 reps.

    2. Swimmer

    Technique: Lie on your stomach with outstretched arms and legs. The head is in a neutral position, the gaze is directed down straight ahead. (A). Spread your arms down to your sides as if you are swimming (B). Then, return your arms back to an extended position behind your head (B). Focus on keeping your shoulders relaxed and moving away from your lats and middle back. This is one repetition. Do 3 sets of 8 reps.

    3. External rotation of the shoulders

    Technique: Take a dumbbell in each hand or wrap a lightly loaded elastic band around your arms. The palms are directed upwards. Bend your elbows and keep them close to your body (A). Move your palms away from your body until your arms are almost completely turned outward. You should feel warmth in the muscles of your back and shoulders (B). Slowly bring both hands back (B). Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

    4. Seated T-back openings

    Technique: Sit on a chair or bench, put your hands behind your neck, elbows close to each other (A). Raise your chest and elbows toward the ceiling, moving with the muscles in your upper back. Try not to arch your lower back (B). This is one repeat. Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

    5. Farmer's walk

    Technique: Take a dumbbell in each hand, lower your arms down to your sides. Make sure the shoulders are away from the ears and down (A). Move forward keeping your core tense and taking confident and decisive steps (B). Walk 27-45 meters, then rest. This is one repetition. Make 5-8 such penetrations.

    6. Halo

    Technique: Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in front of your chest with both hands (A). Lifting the dumbbell up, making circular rotations around the head and returning it to the chest, pull the shoulder blades from the ears - back and down. Keep your head upright, neck in a neutral position (B). Perform 10 rotations in one direction, then 10 in the other. This is one approach. Do 3 sets.

    (5 ratings, average: 4.60 out of 5)

    Correct posture is an essential component of health and beauty. A stooped figure will not look beautiful even with good physical condition and enviable natural data. But the realization of this comes, most often, when the formation of the skeleton is already completed.

    Does this mean that it remains only to regret the missed opportunities? No, fortunately, posture can be corrected at any age. Posture exercises will help straighten your back even for mature people, the main thing is to perform them regularly and not deviate from the intended goal.

    The spinal column should be strictly vertical and symmetrical in the frontal projection, and in the side view it should have 3 smooth bends in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions, forming the shape of a flattened letter S of the Latin alphabet. This slightly undulating spine provides cushioning for running, jumping and other vertical loads. Without these bends, the impact forces would not be softened and would be rigidly transmitted to the intervertebral discs, constantly injuring them and causing rapid wear of the cartilage.

    The correct position of the spine not only protects it from wear and tear, but also sets the correct position for all internal organs, without limiting their functionality.

    People with correct posture have the greatest amplitude of respiratory movements and the maximum lung capacity. Due to the even distribution of pressure between the vertebrae, the nerve fibers are not pinched anywhere, the roots are not pinched, all signals from the brain to the muscles are transmitted without obstacles.

    The luminaries of ancient Eastern medicine believed that each section of the spine is responsible for the state of certain areas of the body, and all curvatures and disorders in them affect the functioning of the internal organs under control. Therefore, a healthy spine ensures the smooth functioning of all organs and, in fact, is one of the most important factors in human health and longevity. And since the correlation between the health of the spine and posture is clearly traced, we can say that correct posture is one of the most important conditions for a long and healthy life. Therefore, by performing exercises to correct your posture, you take care not only of your beauty, but also of your health.

    Deviations of the spine from its normal position can be both in the frontal and in the lateral projection. Curvature of the spinal column in the frontal plane is called scoliosis, they are characterized by deviations of the axis of symmetry of the spine from the vertical in the thoracic and lumbar regions. In this case, twisting of the spine around the axis, asymmetry of the shoulders, ribs, shoulder blades, and pelvic bones can also be observed.

    Deviations in lateral projection can either straighten the natural curves of the spine where they should be, or the appearance of excessive curvature.

    • Excessive deflection of the spinal column back in the thoracic region is called kyphosis, it is he who forms a stooped back, up to the appearance of a hump;
    • Kyphosis can be combined with pathological lordosis - when an excessive forward deflection is observed in the lumbar or cervical spine;
    • Another variant of posture violation is a round back, when kyphosis is combined with straightening in the lumbar region;
    • Incorrect posture is also considered in the absence of curves of the spine - a flat back.

    All types of posture disorders negatively affect not only the appearance of a person, but also health. They lead to the fact that the load on the vertebrae increases, stresses in the joints and bones are unevenly distributed. As a result, cartilage wear is accelerated, nerve endings are pinched, which causes various diseases of the spine.

    Posture exercises at home will help restore the physiological shape of the spinal column and prevent pathological changes.

    How to identify a posture disorder

    Those who suffer from posture disorders most often know about it, because most people acquire this pathology in childhood and adolescence. Although during the growth of bones and the formation of the musculoskeletal system, it is easiest to correct postural disorders. Children do not even have to do exercises to straighten their posture, it is enough to do ballroom dancing or some kind of sport: gymnastics, swimming, figure skating.

    But often this opportunity is missed, and people think about the need to straighten their backs when much more effort is required to correct this shortcoming.

    But even in adulthood, problems with posture can appear. The reasons for its deterioration can be:

    • Injuries;
    • Diseases;
    • Sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle;
    • Excess weight;
    • Pregnancy.

    These and many other factors can contribute to the fact that even normal posture can deteriorate with age. To check if your posture needs correction, the following tests will help:

    1. Bend over, rounding your back and hanging your arms down. The ribs should be symmetrical with respect to the spine.
    2. Stand up straight, without straining, and ask to measure the circumference of the shoulders with a centimeter tape at a level of 10 cm below the collarbone strictly horizontally. The front of this measurement (between the center points on the lowered arms) must be at least 0.9 of the back. That is, the distance between the shoulders on the back should be no more than 10% more than the distance measured on the chest, and ideally these values ​​should match.
    3. Stand with your back to a free vertical surface. It can be a wall without a baseboard, a door without a threshold. When touching the surface with your heels, calves, buttocks and shoulder blades, is it easy for you to touch the wall with the back of your head? Depending on how difficult this position is for you, the level of tension and discomfort can be used to judge the degree of slouching. Another criterion for correct posture is that your palm should pass between the wall and the body in the waist area.

    If at least one of these tests showed a negative result, then there is a violation of posture.

    Exercises to straighten the spine will help to correct it; to achieve the desired result, they will have to be systematically performed for at least six months.

    Important information

    Correcting your posture requires not only regular exercise, but also vigilant self-control. You will need to constantly monitor the position of the spine, trying to keep your back straight. Without this, posture correction classes will not be effective.

    Aligning your posture while standing against a wall usually requires a lot of effort. It is very difficult to constantly be in this position, at least at first. A more affordable option for straightening a stooped back, which does not require strong muscle tension, is as follows:

    1. Imagine yourself as a waltz partner. Your partner's hand rests on your back slightly above your waist. Stretch this place forward and up, as if towards an imaginary partner.
    2. Lower your shoulders freely without straining.
    3. Push the back of your head back. Raise your head a little.

    This pose does not require much effort, which means it will be easier for you to maintain it throughout the day. Of course, you can’t do without exercises to improve your posture. They will strengthen the muscles of the back and the press, increase the flexibility of the joints, which will help over time to give the spine the correct position more easily and naturally, until it becomes a habit.

    When deciding to do exercises for the back at home, follow these rules:

    • Start training at least 1-2 hours after eating.
    • Before class, always do joint exercises to warm up the muscles and warm up the joints.
    • Increase the number of repetitions gradually, avoid excessive loads.
    • Train every other day, giving your muscles time to recover.
    • It is desirable that the diet is balanced, contains a sufficient amount of proteins, calcium, phosphorus.
    • Avoid sleeping on soft and sagging mattresses. The best choice would be an orthopedic mattress of a good company, designed for your weight.
    • Don't stop exercising until you reach your goal in a short amount of time. Exercises to correct posture in adults give results only after months of hard work. Perseverance and patience will definitely help you achieve a beautiful posture.

    A good addition to home exercises would be swimming, hanging on the bar, yoga, Pilates, dancing.

    These types of physical activities help to straighten the spine, they will help you achieve your goal faster.

    A set of exercises

    Posture correction workouts should be done every other day, but there is one exercise that needs to be done daily. This is a wall stand. Make it a rule to go up to the wall every day and stand touching it in five places: heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and back of the head. At the same time, the stomach should be pulled in, shoulders deployed. It is difficult for most stooped people to maintain this position for a long time, it can even take their breath away.

    Bring the time of standing in this rack to 10 minutes. This will be perhaps the best exercise for correcting your posture, doing it daily will significantly speed up progress towards your goal.

    Lie on your back, on a hard surface, stretch your straight arms behind your head, feet at right angles to the floor. Stretch your spine, alternately moving your heels and arms to the maximum possible distance from the body. When the spine is brought to the most stretched position, put your hands behind your head, press your elbows and heels to the floor and begin to vibrate your whole body to the right and left for 1-2 minutes.

    The essence of this exercise is to hold the accepted position for as long as possible. The plank strengthens the deep muscles of the body, which stabilize the spine, contributes not only to the straightening of the spinal column, but also to the creation of a harmonious muscular corset.

    According to the name of this exercise, the body should take a position straightened in one line. From a prone position, take emphasis on the toes and forearms. Elbows lie on the floor in line with the shoulders, do not raise your head, look down. Try not to sag or protrude the pelvis, but to be on an imaginary straight line connecting the shoulder blades to the heels.

    Put something soft under your elbows to relieve pressure on your elbows, and put on athletic shoes with flexible rubber soles to make your feet comfortable. Hold the plank position until the muscles are completely tired. Beginners with poor physical fitness manage to stand in the bar for up to 1 minute, a trained person can withstand this position from 5 minutes or more.

    The number of repetitions of the exercise, start with one, gradually increase to 8-10 with short pauses to relax the muscles.

    Push ups

    This exercise strengthens the muscles of the arms and body, it is indispensable for posture correction. Take an emphasis lying on outstretched arms. Bend your arms, bringing the shoulder girdle closer to the floor, the body is straightened in line with the legs. Then return to the starting position.

    If this exercise is too difficult for you, you can simplify it by pushing up from a bench or even a wall at a comfortable height for you. To prevent your feet from slipping on the floor, wear shoes with rubber soles. When the muscles are strengthened, move on to push-ups from the floor, but place the emphasis on your feet not on socks, but on your knees. After mastering this exercise, move on to classic push-ups. Push up until muscle fatigue, the number of repetitions will depend on your physical form. The number of approaches is 2 or more.

    Lying on your back, take emphasis on the shoulders and feet of the legs bent at the knees, lifting the pelvis and straining the buttocks. The arms are stretched out on the floor along the torso, the body from the knees to the shoulder blades is straightened in a straight line, the buttocks are tense. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower your pelvis to the floor.

    Repeat up to 15 times in 2 sets, reaching this number of repetitions gradually.

    Complicated bridge

    The previous exercise is complicated by the fact that the emphasis is not on the shoulders, but on the back of the head. The neck is tense, the pelvis is raised as high as possible. Start with 2-3 reps, gradually work your way up to 10 reps in 2 sets.

    This exercise has several variations. To enhance its effectiveness, perform each of the options 15-20 times.

    Lying on your stomach, place your heels under a support (wardrobe, sofa, radiator). Put your hands behind your head and interlace your fingers together, elbows apart. Raise your head and upper body as high as possible, bringing your shoulder blades together and freezing at the top point for 3-5 seconds, and then lowering your head to the floor and relaxing.

    Lying on your stomach, arms along the body, rest on the floor. Tear off the floor and try to raise straight legs, bending in the lower back. At the point of maximum leg lift, fix the position for 3-5 seconds.

    Lying on your stomach, arms extended forward, Bend in the back, raising straight legs and arms at the same time, socks extended. Hold for 3-5 seconds at the maximum lift.


    Lying on your stomach, bend your knees. Grasp your ankles with your hands and lift your legs, lifting your knees off the floor. Roll on your stomach from your chest to your knees and back.


    Lying on your back, lift your straight legs up and wind them behind your head, lifting your pelvis off the floor. The arms are extended along the body and rest with the palms on the floor. Try to touch the floor behind your head with your toes, linger in this position, feeling the stretch in your back muscles.


    Lying on your back, arms extended along the body. Raise straight legs together to a vertical position, and then, lifting the pelvis off the floor, make a vertical stand on the shoulder blades, supporting the body with your hands, focusing on your elbows.

    Standing on all fours, alternately round your back, lowering your head down and arching, tilting your head as far back as possible. 10-15 repetitions.


    The bridge exercise perfectly develops the flexibility of the spine. Its development will have a beneficial effect on posture and, moreover, will allow you to arouse admiration by demonstrating this spectacular acrobatic element.

    Start mastering the bridge by doing it from a prone position. Place your heels as close to your buttocks as possible, rest your palms on both sides of your head, fingers towards your shoulders. Raise the body while straightening the limbs. The head is lowered down, the back is maximally bent.

    If you can’t immediately make a bridge from the floor, start mastering this posture exercise while lying on your back on some kind of support - a fitball or a bench. Having learned how to make a bridge from a support, and then from the floor, it's time to move on to mastering this rack from a vertical position.

    To learn how to perform a bridge from a standing position, you will need regular training against the wall. Stand with your back to the wall and take two steps away from it. Bend back and, "stepping" your hands along the wall, go down as far as your flexibility allows, and then use your hands to return to the starting position. By doing this regularly, you will be able to go lower and lower until you reach the floor.

    When you can easily bend, leaning your hands against the wall, all the way to the floor and return to a standing position, you can master the bridge without the support of the wall. At first you will need insurance, ask your partner to support you behind your back at the waist.

    Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up and begin to arch back while bending your knees and pushing your pelvis forward to maintain balance. Tilt your head down, you should see the space behind you. When you stoop low enough, you should fall onto your half-bent, springy arms. At this point, the first time you need a safety net, and with the development of the exercise, you will be able to perform this stance on your own.

    You can get up from the bridge by lifting one arm off the floor and turning on your side. But it is more effective to rise from the bridge without the help of hands. To do this, you need to transfer the center of gravity to the legs and, pushing off the floor with your hands, straighten up with the help of the efforts of the back muscles and the press. Mastering the ascent from the bridge is also desirable with the safety net of a partner.

    Mastering the bridge stance will make classes aimed at correcting posture more interesting, and increase motivation for training.

    Upon their completion, you will get a double result - mastering a spectacular acrobatic element and achieving your main goal - a beautiful proud posture.
