T-shaped neck. The T-bar row is an effective exercise for the back muscles. Why the T-Bar Row is an Important Exercise

T-bar row- old and very effective exercise, aimed at large-scale pumping of the back. Today, there is probably no gym where there is not a machine for performing this exercise. However, beginners most often fail to master it the first time. What should I do? First of all, forget about the simulator and grab the barbell, which, unlike the simulator, itself adapts to you. This exercise may also be called - T-bar row.

From the very first movements, the load is felt across the entire width of the back, no matter what angle is set, the exercise hits the target! T-bar row - so effective exercise, which was part of the arsenal of Arnold Schwarzenegger himself. The biomechanics of the exercise are not that complicated, but let’s take a closer look at the technique.

Starting position:

  • Hang several weights on one end of the barbell, rest the other end against a corner, or ask a partner to hold it with their foot.
  • Lean forward, pass the barbell between your legs and grab the bar with your hands. Try to get as close to the pancakes as possible.
  • Reduce your body tilt slightly to lift the plates off the floor. This will be our starting position.
  • Keep your back extremely straight, while statically tightening your abs.

Performing T-bar rows:

  • Using only the efforts of your back muscles, pull the pancakes towards you. Do not use your biceps; all movements are carried out only by moving your elbows back. Only in this case does the back receive the proper load.
  • At the top point, pause and lower the barbell to initial position. Without lowering the weights to the floor, feel a strong stretch in your back muscles at the lowest point.
  • Complete the planned number of repetitions.
  • Large-diameter plates significantly limit the amplitude of the T-bar row, so if possible, use similar weights of a smaller diameter, but thicker. If this is not possible, hang a sufficient number of 10-kilogram pancakes.
  • Performing deadlifts with a crooked back can lead to lower back injury, so keep your back level throughout all stages of the exercise.

Do not spread your elbows out to the sides, try to keep them as close to your body as possible. This will significantly increase the load on the lower lats.

Video on the topic: "Technique for performing T-bar rows"

Good afternoon, happy hour, glad to see you here! Wednesday is the day of technical notes on the project, and today we will talk about such an exercise for pumping up the muscle mass of the back as the T-bar row. After reading, we will look at why it is worth doing it, how to do it correctly and what mistakes should be avoided. In general, make yourself comfortable, my dears, an article in the best traditions of this genre awaits us.

So, if everyone is ready, then let's get started.

T-bar row exercise: what, why and why

As you remember, in my previous post this I said that my mossy gym was closed for summer renovations. So, in connection with this, I decided to visit the camp of a competing company, i.e. to another rocking chair. I came, started training, and after the training I immediately ran to write this article - T-reef deadlift. And the thing is that in the hall I was simply stunned by how some people performed this exercise. We all know (or we can guess), that it is designed to work the middle of the back. The movement should be performed by bringing the shoulder blades together and moving the load to this target zone. In the options from the outside, I’ve seen enough that it’s simply dumbfounding. People loaded 60-80 kg per projectile and, groaning, they pulled with one hand, someone connected their shoulders, rounded their back, in general, it was quite a spectacle :).

And it’s okay if there were mistakes 1-2 from 10 people, but the statistics reached 5-6 , and this is a serious hint at the complete lack of managerial control of the coaches. As several readers recently wrote to me on: I came, paid, but they didn’t even pay me 5 minutes, treated like a money bag. Well, okay, today we are not talking about that, but about a specific exercise.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Why is the T-bar row an important exercise?

If through a man's eyes it looks like an hourglass and a pear, then a man's is wide back V-shaped conical shape and slim waist. To achieve such proportions, appropriate accentuated exercises are needed. And dumbbell, barbell, and T-bar rows are some of them. In addition to developing the thickness of the back muscles, the athlete’s posture also improves and the risk of injury to this muscle unit is reduced. Also, the T-pull allows you to use smaller, deeper areas of the back that cannot be “hooked” when working with the classics of the genre - or. The result is a more detailed and deep back.

Benefits of Exercise

T-traction allows:

  • use a neutral grip (when palms face each other). From a biomechanical point of view, this is a stronger position for pulling, and the back muscles can be more stressed;
  • effectively outline the contour of the middle area of ​​the trapezius and highlight the “little things” of the back muscles;
  • use a lot of muscle mass. Although the exercise is isolated, in addition to the middle of the back, the lower back receives load, and the abdominal muscles are also well stimulated.

Muscle atlas

Participate in drafts at work latissimus muscles back, trapezoid, diamond-shaped, large round, rear delts and biceps. As for the T-bar row itself, the muscle masses that are involved in the work look in the following way.

T-bar row: execution mechanics

Not many beginners (and not only) know that the main secret of a massive back is its volumetric load and working with extreme weights. Needless to say, I myself have sometimes been lukewarm about pumping up my back, but this is a large muscle group that requires either devoting a full-fledged separate day to it or working on it in 3 basic exercises with free weight(dumbbells, barbell). To work with limit weights, you must first master correct technique execution. Step by step it looks like this.

Step #1.

Go to the T-bar machine. Thread pancakes onto the free end. Stand so that he is between your legs. Grab the handles (grip slightly wider than shoulder width), place your feet firmly on the footrests, bend your knees slightly, keep your back straight, and look forward. This is your starting position.

Step #2.

As you exhale (effort), begin to pull the T-bar towards you. At the end point of the trajectory, squeeze your back muscles together, pulling your shoulder blades towards each other. Inhaling, slowly return the weight to the starting position, without letting it touch the platform of the machine.

Step #3.

Complete the prescribed number of repetitions.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.

Dynamics of T-bar pull neutral grip represents…

Of course, not a single exercise can do without its subtleties; they also exist in T-bar. So remember:

  • the body must be at an angle in relation to the projectile 45 degrees;
  • at the end point the bar should almost touch the chest;
  • control the weight throughout the entire range of motion, move it smoothly;
  • carry out the movement continuously along the entire trajectory of movement, without any stopping points or pauses;
  • a palm-facing grip will allow you to lift more weight;
  • at the top of the trajectory, squeeze your shoulder blades and hold them in this position for 2 accounts;
  • string pancakes of a smaller diameter onto the bar, so the amplitude of movement will be greater;
  • perform the exercise in front of a mirror to monitor your technique;
  • carry out the movement by bringing the shoulder blades together, and not by pulling with the biceps;
  • When pulling, keep your hands as close to your body as possible;
  • at the beginning of the exercise, it is important to properly balance the stance so that when lifting the weight does not pull you forward, so select adequate weight and look for a stable position;
  • When you reach failure on the last set, reduce the weight by 20-30% and complete as many reps as you can.

T-bar row: variations

Exist different kinds T-bar thrusts, in particular, can be divided into three main ones:

No. 1. Reclining row with chest pressed

An exercise with emphasis on the machine takes the load off the lower back and makes the exercise less traumatic. When performing, make sure that the chest is “sealed” to the support with the weight of the weight.

No. 2. Pull of one end of the bar

Not all gyms have a T-bar rowing machine. In this case, you need to take a regular barbell, drive one end of it into a corner and fix it (so as not to move), and hang a weight on the other. Place your hands as close as possible to the plates of the plates and begin to perform rows to the chest. To increase the amplitude, you can use the step platform.

No. 3. Neutral grip row

In this variation, you use narrower, parallel to each other, handles on the machine. At the same time, the palms each look at themselves, the execution technique does not change.

Well, that’s probably all I’d like to report, all that remains is to sum up all this chatter and say goodbye.


Technical Note The T-bar row has come to an end. Now you know about the most effective back exercises and can start building it.

That's all, until we meet again, comrades, I was glad to see and hear everyone in good health, good luck in the hall!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

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This article will touch on a not entirely trivial exercise for the back muscles - T bar row. This allows you to gain mass in the back muscles and work on its thickness.

In terms of biomechanics, it is very similar to, but performing it adhering to the correct technique is much easier.

T-bar row: features of the exercise

The T bar row allows you to work deeper the back muscles between the shoulder blades, which form its thickness. This exercise loads the lats, major round muscles backs, long extensors, trapezoid, rhomboid, posterior deltoid bundle, in addition, the muscles of the forearms and thighs work statically. As you can see, there is a huge layer of back muscles and stabilizer muscles.

There are many machines for performing T-bar rows. These include special lever structures, where you need to pull while standing, and simulators, in which the exercise is performed while lying down. However, in the latter option it is inconvenient to fix the deflection in the lower back, which is necessary for a more effective contraction of the lats.

And finally, in the absence of special machines, you can perform T-bar rows with a regular barbell. One end rests on the floor and rests against something; the other end has weights and a grip handle from a block machine.

The difference between the T-bar row and the bent-over row is that the bar is fixed in one of the planes of movement. This significantly simplifies your task, because you essentially have to lift the bar along a pre-selected, correct trajectory without additional effort.

An absolute advantage this exercise is the ability to take more weight than in a bent-over row, because the execution technique is simplified. The smaller volume of work of the stabilizer muscles allows you to specifically load the back muscles, and even with more weight. The work that the loaded muscles have to do increases.

One of the most important rules Any exercise on the back involves arching in the lower back. This rule applies primarily to the T-bar row due to the increased working weights. By bending your knees and moving your pelvis back, you achieve a comfortable and, most importantly, safe position for complete contraction of the back muscles.

Make sure that in the starting position your lower back is not rounded. You can remove the rounding by moving the pelvis deeper back and bending the legs at the knees.

Because the projectile is fixed, and you are not able to move it. Your task is to choose a position in which the amplitude for contraction of the back muscles will be greatest. Position yourself too close and the projectile may touch your knees; if you are too far away, the amplitude will be ineffective. It is optimal to pull the projectile to the lower abdomen.

The grip width is similar to the bent over row. The narrower the grip, the greater the amplitude, but the biceps work hard, stealing the load from the back muscles. The wider the grip, the better the back muscles we need contract, but the amplitude becomes smaller. Therefore, you must choose the amplitude based on the rule of the golden mean and the design features of your body. Find a grip where you can feel your lats better.

Technique for performing T bar rows

In the T-bar row exercise, the execution technique is almost identical to the bent-over barbell row. Basic Rules:

  • Exhale during the ascent (heavy phase), inhale during the descent.
  • At the lowest point, keep your elbows slightly bent so that the entire load rests on the back muscles and not on the arms.
  • During the exercise, think only about how your lats stretch at the bottom and how they contract at the top.
  • At the top point, hold the peak contraction for a second.
  • The pace of the exercise is slow on the way down, faster on the way up.
  • The load on the lats should be maintained throughout the entire set (do not allow your arms to extend at the elbow or relax).

T bar row: video

In order to better understand how to perform the T bar row exercise, a video from Denis Borisov will tell and show the correct and safe equipment execution.

Also watch an interesting video from Alexander Schukin, in which he works his back using the T-bar row.


The T bar row allows you to load a huge layer of back muscles in a more isolated way. The main obstacle in this exercise can only be your ego. Many athletes have been injured when they lift weights that are prohibitive for themselves in this exercise.

By adhering to the basic principles of performing the T-bar row, you will safely and effectively work your back muscles.

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Bent-over T-bar row- one of the best basic exercises to work the latissimus dorsi muscles. This movement is an excellent alternative, but it also has its own characteristics. In this article we will talk about the technique of performing t-bar rows, consider common mistakes beginner athletes and consider different variants performing this pull.

For beginners, performing a T-bar row is much easier than a regular bent-over row, since during the first exercise the bar moves along a given path and is fixed. This means that when doing T-bar rows, we can better concentrate on working the latissimus dorsi muscles and use heavier working weights.

Bent-over T-bar row technique

  • Load the T-trainer with weights in advance, walk up to it and stand on the footrests. The exercise machine should be between your legs. Grab the handles with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width, straighten your back, bend your knees slightly, your torso is almost parallel to the floor - this is your starting position.
  • As you exhale, pull the T-bar toward you until it touches your lower abdomen. At the end point of the amplitude, pause for a second to feel the peak contraction.
  • Smoothly lower the barbell to the starting position, without letting it touch the platform and without fully extending your elbows. Hold the barbell with your arms not fully extended at the bottom to stretch your back muscles, and then perform the next repetition.

The video at the end of the article will help you understand in more detail the technique of performing bent-over T-bar rows.

Bent-over T-bar row options

There are several types of deadlifts with a t-bar:

But still, the classic version of the exercise is the most appropriate for the growth of the latissimus dorsi muscles. When performing this exercise, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders; this ensures that the barbell moves through maximum amplitude, which is why the back muscles are worked most effectively.

Video: T-bar row technique from Denis Borisov

    What you need

    The bent-over T-bar row is a fairly effective exercise for developing back muscles. Fans of crossfit, fitness and bodybuilding often use it instead of bent over rows of a barbell or dumbbell, and there are reasons for this: the axial load on the spine is reduced, and it becomes easier to concentrate on working the latissimus dorsi muscles.

    Depending on the position of the body, you can pull the projectile to the chest or to the belt. This also changes the load. You can focus it on both the upper back and the lower part of the latissimus muscles. It is also worth noting that first of all, this exercise, like other horizontal rows, develops the thickness of the back, and not its width. To make your back wider, you need to pay more attention to the execution vertical rods such as pull-ups and deadlifts upper block wide grip.

    In this article we will tell you how to properly perform a bent-over T-bar row and what are the benefits of this exercise.

    Benefits of exercise

    The main benefits of the T-bar or bent-over barbell row are that it makes your back stronger. This is the basis of any force type sports. Without a strong upper back, there will be no heavy squats, bench presses, deadlifts, etc. basic movements. The back becomes not only stronger, but also larger. Note to men: according to statistics, the first thing most women do is celebrate well developed muscles backs, for them this serves as a kind of indicator of attractiveness.

    It also works on a huge number of small stabilizer muscles. The tilted position is not entirely stable, and we have to use all possible muscle groups to maintain balance. It will not be possible to “hook” them with other exercises.

    The handle on most T-bars is designed in such a way that you can use any grip: wide, narrow, medium, straight, reverse, parallel...

    This gives you the opportunity to work through different muscle fibers and different areas of the back with one exercise. It is enough just to change the position of your hands in each approach.

    Contraindications for implementation

    This exercise is not without axial load on the spine, therefore, if there are hernias, protrusions or degenerative changes in the spine, it is strictly prohibited to perform it. The alternative suggests itself: T-bar rows with emphasis on the bench. In this exercise, axial load is kept to a minimum. In addition, movement at a given amplitude practically does not give you the opportunity to use cheating, therefore you will not overload the spinal extensors.

    If in your gym there is no such simulator, use a regular bench, set the incline to 30-45 degrees and perform barbell or dumbbell rows on it. The movement will be almost completely isolated, and the latissimus dorsi muscles will work completely differently. Another option is to do horizontal rows in lever or block simulators with small working weights. This load will be quite enough to make your back bigger and stronger.

    What muscles work?

    The dynamic load falls on the lats, small and large round and rhomboid muscles backs.

    Work a little less trapezius muscles, rear deltoids and triceps. The stabilizers are the spinal extensors, gluteal muscles, hamstrings and quadriceps.

    T-bar row technique

    IN horizontal rods The result depends entirely on following the correct technique. Many inexperienced athletes who have more enthusiasm than understanding training process, rashly begin to work with huge weights in such exercises, but this does not lead to any result. This often leads to injury. Therefore, first of all, you need to establish the correct technique for performing the exercise. To do this, please read this section carefully or contact a qualified personal trainer.

    Load Definition

    First you need to decide which area of ​​the back you are going to train. To emphasize the load on the upper back (teres minor and major, rhomboids and rear deltoids), you need to do T-bar rows to the chest. The T-bar row to the belt should be done to load more bottom part latissimus dorsi muscles. Accordingly, your position will also change. If you want to pull to the waist, you need to stand as close to the bar as possible; if you want to pull to the chest, you need to stand a little further away.

    The next key point is the grip. The wider the grip, the stronger the teres major and minor muscles will work. A narrow and parallel grip will engage the latissimus dorsi muscles more. Reverse grip will put more stress on the lower part of the lats, but the biceps will also be heavily involved in the work. To work only with your back, without connecting additional muscle groups, use wrist straps. You should never turn your wrists inward when you hold the T-bar handles. This will create too much tension in the forearms and biceps, immediately increasing the risk of straining the muscle.

    Initial position

    Take the correct starting position. The tilt in horizontal rows is key. The smaller the angle, the more the load will shift to the lower part of the lats. If the angle is closer to a straight line, then the entire top part backs. This also changes the amplitude. The larger the angle, the shorter the amplitude. In any case, you need to maintain a natural arch in the lower back and keep your back straight. Lock yourself in this position.

    Many people use an athletic belt when performing this exercise. We need to understand that when rowing the T-bar, we need a stabilized position of the body; the back should not round at any point in the amplitude. This can be difficult to do with a belt. Use it only when working with heavy weights, but do not tighten it too tightly, it should not interfere with your ability to breathe properly and keep your back straight.

    You should also keep your knees slightly bent, this will take the pressure off your easily injured hamstrings.

    Performing the exercise

  1. Begin to gently pull the handles towards you. To further engage your back muscles, squeeze your shoulder blades and keep your arms closer to your body. If you spread your elbows to the sides, your rear deltoids will begin to work harder. Perform the exercise in full amplitude, continue to lift the weight until the shoulder blades are completely retracted and the latissimus dorsi muscles contract. All this is done while exhaling. At the top point, pause for a second and squeeze the back muscles as much as possible. It is important not to strain your biceps at this moment, otherwise during the negative phase of the movement the entire load will be transferred to them. Do not change the position of the neck and head while lifting the T-bar; too much axial load will be created on the cervical region spine, possible nerve pinching.
  2. After this, slowly lower the T-bar down while inhaling. The negative phase should take place approximately twice as slow as the positive phase. It is important not to round at this point thoracic region spine and do not change the position of the body. At the bottom, pause for a second to stretch the latissimus dorsi muscles, and repeat from the beginning.
  3. If you are working with decent weights in this exercise, then a small cheat is acceptable in the last two or three repetitions. Help yourself with your legs to set inertia, this will slightly relieve the load on your back muscles, but will increase the intensity of the training.
