DIY sports equipment for children. All about the possibilities of strength training equipment for home. DIY ab roller

Modern man lives at a frantic pace. Constant haste, the desire to prove one’s worth, a fierce struggle for a place in the sun. Sooner or later, this crazy race leads to emotional burnout. You can effectively cope with stress and emotional overload through physical activity. Due to busy schedule, there is almost no time left for training. But no one is stopping you from taking care of your health yourself and making a couple of exercise machines with your own hands. home gym.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages self-made sports equipment are obvious. It is possible to adjust the projectile to the dimensions of a specific room. Weights, barbells, dumbbells and benches can be made from scrap materials lying around the country house. If desired, more complex equipment can be manufactured. Even if the family spends the summer in the city, there are probably friends who have a dime a dozen of unnecessary shops and metal structures.

There is no need to spend cosmic sums on the purchase of equipment, and the cost of fastening materials or weights for the barbell will cost adequate money. Many amateur athletes claim that making exercise equipment at home is quite possible.

Beginning athletes see the downside of this idea in the time required.

After all, you will have to tinker with it yourself. There are fears that while you are doing the exercise machine, all desire to exercise will disappear. You can compensate for this shortcoming by turning to friends or acquaintances for help.

More serious drawback This idea is the need to purchase electric welding equipment (if you plan to install a power frame). However, such devices are sold not only in expensive specialized stores, but also through bulletin boards. Nobody bothers you to go to Yula or Avito, contact the seller and purchase the necessary tools for real money.

When all the pros and cons have been thought through, you can begin the preparatory work.

Preparatory stage

Before you set up your own sports corner for your home, you should determine what exactly is supposed to be put there.

Standard equipment includes a barbell, dumbbells and a pull-up bar. A wall bars are hung on the wall, and a punching bag is attached to the ceiling.

T This equipment is conveniently placed in one corner of the room and does not take up much space. Yes, and you can set up such a gym in a few days.

If space allows, the “standard set” can be supplemented with various benches - for various bench presses, back and abs, power racks and roller trainers. Here you already need a diagram of the location of the exercise equipment in the room:sport equipment should be positioned so that those exercising on one apparatus do not touch others.


After a schematic representation of sports equipment, a drawing of future structures is drawn up. As a basis, you can take the dimensions of store-bought exercise equipment, adjusted for the dimensions of your home. Thus, it is possible to design a three-legged exercise machine consisting of a barbell rack and a bench. The stand has holders for sports equipment. In addition, safety chains or cables should be provided that will keep the projectile from falling and protect against absurd accidents.

A three-legged simulator is designed in a similar way. Standard projects include a transformable bench that can be used for both bench press and abs. However, it is not easy to make such a design, and there may only be enough space for a compact version incline bench. Everyone determines its height independently.

To find out this indicator, just measure the length of your leg from the heel to the inner bend of the knee.

One of the most difficult options is designing a roller simulator. After all, the drawing should include the height of the simulator, the length of the tensioner, and the length and width of the bench. In the diagram, you should note the location of 2 rollers on the top of the U-shaped profile.

To an inexperienced sports fan, designing exercise equipment may seem unrealistically difficult.

Therefore, it is worth starting with simple designs like an incline bench for the press.

As a rule, the drawing specifies the basic parameters of the future projectile and provides 2 footrests. Moreover, the lower stop must be made adjustable, and the upper one must be removable. When the athlete decides on the equipment of his home gym, he must make markings on the floor in accordance with the selected dimensions of the exercise equipment. This will allow him to make sure that the sports equipment will not interfere with other family members.

What can be built without calculations?

If you don’t have time to make drawings, you should pay attention to “fast” sports equipment. For example, to create a step platform you will need one sheet of chipboard. It is cut into 3 parts, which will then turn into the upper platform and support posts. The dimensions of the first are 50x100 cm, the dimensions of the second are 50x30 cm. All parts of the step platform are firmly fastened with self-tapping screws.

Without any tricks, an ordinary flat bench or a so-called two-support exercise machine is constructed: two metal profiles and an upper plane made of wood or plywood.

Another problem-free exercise machine is considered to be a wheel for pumping up the abs. It is made from a baby stroller wheel and a metal profile with threads at the ends. The profile is cut in half, the ends are inserted into the holes of the wheel. The resulting handles are firmly secured with nuts, a rubber hose is pulled from both ends, and electrical tape is wound over it.

How to make exercise machines for pumping muscles with your own hands?

The project has been selected, drawings have been drawn up. All that remains is to select the necessary materials and get to work. For the manufacture of barbell racks and bench supports, a metal profile is required. The neck of the bar is made of a metal pipe, the separators are made of two strong bolts or metal plates. The neck locks are ready-made spring locks, but you can make them yourself from 2 pieces of pipe. A hole must be drilled in each and secured with a bolt.

Pancakes are made from concrete, which is first poured into a mold made of boards and metal. After this, the structure is reinforced with wire. When the concrete hardens, it should be coated with enamel. The structure will become stronger and will look aesthetically pleasing. To create collapsible dumbbells you will need 2 pieces of pipe same length, locks and pancake molds. Ideal for bodybuilders or arm wrestling fans.

If you plan to create a simulator, you should take a closer look at designs that can load different muscle groups or perform several exercises at once.

One of these simulators is considered to be a unit on which you can pump up your abs, do pull-ups and do push-ups. The latter is ideal not only for strengthening the biceps and triceps, but also for improving muscle tone generally.

To make such a design, you will need to complete the following steps.

  1. Buy several metal pipes with a round and square cross-section, a sheet of chipboard, foam rubber and cladding material (for armrests and back support).
  2. First you should prepare pipes with a square cross-section. To work, you will need two segments of 40, three of 55, two of 65 and one of 75 cm.
  3. Then pipes with a round cross-section are cut. The length of one piece is 75 cm, the next two are 20. And then another 6 pieces are cut, 15 cm long.
  4. All parts must be welded into a single structure.
  5. Rectangles are cut out of chipboard - future armrests and back support. Foam rubber is immediately glued to them and covered with the selected fabric, and then the parts are attached in the right places.

The wooden surface of the benches should be sheathed according to the “pie” principle. First, microporous rubber is laid (thickness - 12 mm and above). A layer of furniture foam rubber with a density of 45 and a thickness of at least 8 mm is laid on it. Then comes the turn of 7 mm padding polyester. The upper part is decorated with jeans or any other dense material. The first layer is glued to the board using superglue or a glue gun. The remaining layers should be carefully tucked in and pinned with a furniture stapler. Cheap and cheerful.

It should be remembered that in accordance with sanitary standards, such lining should be changed once a year.

Only micro rubber remains unchanged. The simulator is ready, you can practice.

A more complex option is to create a roller simulator. However, if you wish, you can make it:

  • Assembly of the simulator begins with a pallet;
  • Vertical racks with rollers are attached to the installed pallet;
  • attach a block for the cable;
  • assemble a basket for the load (even battery sections are suitable as a working weight);
  • they make a power frame - first it should be assembled with bolts, and when the smooth movement of the load is set, the rear rack must be welded;
  • top part the frames are mounted from a U-profile, on which it is very convenient to attach blocks;
  • 4 blocks should be installed on the profile, 2 of which should be placed directly above the cargo basket.

Then proceed to assembling the upper part of the simulator:

  • they make a frame with racks for the barbell, which can be adjusted in height;
  • the base of the lounger is welded to the frame;
  • at the other end, a U-profile is installed as a vertical stand, on which the moving part of the simulator is assembled, intended for working out the legs and back;
  • The 2 parts should be connected at the bottom;
  • To prevent the machine from collapsing under load, you need to add a stop.

The operating principle is as follows: the cable is passed through the basket block. One end of it goes to a block with a pressure roller (a regular ball bearing) and is connected to the pipe, which makes it possible to perform traction upper block, loading the arms and trapezius. The other end goes down, passes through the lower block under the bench and connects to a device that allows you to train your legs and back.

The bench is made of boards, the width is chosen arbitrarily.

The board consists of 2 parts, which are connected using a door hinge. One of the parts is adjustable in height, the second is attached to the frame. The surface of the bench should be covered with leatherette or foam rubber.

Creation of models for the prevention of back diseases

Health exercise equipment for the back is characterized by its simple design. For example, Evminov’s simulator is a pine board equipped with fastenings and locking handles. The device should be secured so that you can change the angle of inclination - this will allow you to stretch your back muscles with any intensity.

The Sobolev multifunctional exercise machine allows you to stretch your chest, back and oblique abdominal muscles. It is a metal frame with soft bolsters that are attached to the leg clamps and support for the back (stomach). It’s not difficult to make, but to assemble the frame of the simulator, you need to use electric welding equipment.

If you have to work at a computer for a long time, it is worth designing a Tolstunov seat. The simulator consists of a wooden seat, one support point and a base that holds the entire structure. The simulator does not need to be fixed on a regular chair, and sitting on it improves blood circulation and trains short muscles spine.

Razumovsky's simulator is more difficult to construct. It is also made of wood, but turning the rollers requires skill with a lathe.

However The Akhmetov simulator is considered the most difficult to design and install. This biokinetic device consists of a durable frame to which movable hand and foot supports are attached, and the movement itself on the simulator resembles the running of a wild cat.

Before making this design yourself, you should learn more about the principle of its operation from sports medicine doctors.

Strength training is needed by people who not only want to gain muscle definition. They are an integral part of fitness programs, as they help reduce weight, develop and strengthen muscles and bones. To achieve the first result, you can even train at home several times a week.

A home multi-station (or fitness station) is no less effective, reliable and durable than its counterparts from fitness clubs.

Its peculiarity is the combination of several simulators into one. They are characterized by greater versatility in compact sizes. It can work many muscle groups. Even for beginners, the machine’s settings are clear and convenient, which simplifies training at home.

Multistation for home BodySolid-PHG-1000

Strength training equipment for home is not only kettlebells, barbells, and dumbbells, although they are the first to come to mind. These are those sports equipment that belong to the group of free weights and have been popular for many centuries. They are effective, but require attention - awkward movement can easily lead to serious injury. In this case, strength training equipment will help you get into shape without damaging your body.

Homemade exercise machine in the garage

Three types of strength training equipment

  1. First. Homemade. They are designed for practicing at home. Therefore, their main characteristics are compactness and low weight.
  2. Second. Fitness class strength training equipment. Most often found in small gyms. They have a large number of workstations that allow you to train different muscle groups. Such exercise machines are designed for heavy loads. They can also be installed at home. These are the multistations we are talking about.
  3. And the third type is professional strength training equipment. They are designed for large gyms. Loads on them can reach hundreds of kilograms, so they are very durable and have a smooth ride. Such simulators are most often used to perform one exercise on specific muscles.

Professional multistation for halls Inspire-M4

The design of the simulator allows you to accurately adjust the technique of the exercises performed, directing a person’s movements along one correct trajectory. Training on such a simulator takes place without the risk of injury.

For example, the Adidas ADBE-10250 fitness station has several workstations: overhead row, butterfly, chest press, biceps desk, leg unit and rowing row.

Equipped home gym with multi-station

The next group is simulators with a free trajectory. They differ in that they do not limit freedom of movement during exercise, allowing maximum activation of muscle function. Such sports devices are suitable for experienced athletes, as they require certain skills and good coordination of movement.

A power station has an advantage over free weights - you can change the load with a slight movement, and there is no need to waste space on storing additional weights, disks or dumbbells.

This means that during training you can add additional weight and get better results.

Choosing the right exercise machine

The first selection criterion is price. The difference between expensive and cheap exercise machines is the maximum compliance with human biomechanics. A team of engineers, special designers and trainers is working to create a good sports equipment. The result is a simulator that is not only effective, but also meets safety standards and takes into account all the nuances of natural body movements. This also means the complete absence of unnecessary additional stress on the joints and tendons.

Horizontal hyperextension machine

Another important selection parameter is the material. It is better to choose a strength trainer for home made of sheet steel. The service life of the simulator is affected by the strength of the connections and the quality of the main frame. Cheap models are dangerous because they become loose much faster.

For tall and densely built people, it is important to consider Weight Limit multistation user. The Adidas fitness station indicates a maximum user weight of 135 kg.

A necessary element of a sports station is cables. Inexpensive options suffer from insufficient cable strength, which leads to serious injuries. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the possibility of changing loads.

A drawing of hyperextension will help you do it yourself

A high-quality exercise machine will allow the user to easily change the weight, inclination and height of the seats.

Device functionality plays important role, since a home exercise machine should allow you to perform exercises to develop different muscle groups.

Homemade power frame

Don't forget about the manufacturer. Popular companies such as Adidas guarantee safety, reliability and durability. When buying a cheap product from a dubious manufacturer, you risk your health.

Popular home exercise machine

Home multistations are produced by different companies. Practical, compact and convenient exercise machines are produced by Adidas, Precon, Life Fitness. average price home exercise machine is 150,000 rubles, and individual models can cost up to 500,000. Simulators with a fixed trajectory of movement will cost a little less. When choosing a model, you should pay attention to the functions that are necessary. A weight bench for bench press is required. Multifunctionality directly affects the cost.

Adidas ADBE 10250 trainer

One of the popular models that combines low price and quality is the Adidas ADBE 10250.

This model has good characteristics:

  • Reliable steel frame.
  • Thick wide pillow.
  • There are European quality certificates.
  • Model 10250 is available in black, white and red.
  • The warranty for Adidas 10250 is two years.
  • Overhead row with wide and narrow grip.
  • Stack weight up to 100 kg.

Classes on Adidas ADBE 10250 in the fitness room

The performance characteristics of the Adidas 10250 are also noteworthy:

  • The maximum rowing load of the Adidas 10250 model is 95 kg.
  • Reconstructed exercises for Adidas ADBE 10250 - photo from instructions

    The Adidas 10250 power station is one of the few multifunctional sports equipment in its price class from a world-famous manufacturer, allowing you to do exercises to develop different muscle groups. The Adidas company has been improving the technology for producing home exercise equipment for many years and today has the largest number positive feedback among users.

    DIY trainer

    A modern multistation can not only be bought, but also made with your own hands at home. Creating a multifunctional simulator will require certain materials and skills, but will allow you to make a unique model according to your personal requirements. Bench Press Bench – Popular sports simulator. There are many types.

    Types of exercise equipment you can make yourself

    You can make both iron and wood with the desired coating yourself. The work begins with searching or creating drawings.

    An example of a drawing of a simulator that you can create with your own hands:

    • In addition to the drawings, you will need a welding machine and sufficient free space.
    • A homemade sports device will allow you to perform several types of exercises, depending on the design.

    Minimum and optimal set:

    • Power bench.
    • Installation in the form of a horizontal bar.
    • Installation in the form of bars.

    Materials for the simulator - profile steel pipes

    The materials you will need are several pipes with a round and square cross-section, foam rubber and durable material for covering the armrests, and a sheet of chipboard. Square pipes are cut:

    • 40 cm – two pieces,
    • 55 cm – three pieces,
    • 65 cm – two pieces,
    • 75 cm – one piece,

    For round pipes length:

    • 75 cm – one piece,
    • 20 cm - two pieces,
    • 15 cm - six pieces.

    Creating a design for the simulator frame

    The pipes are welded into a single structure according to the drawings. A rectangular weight bench is cut out of chipboard, covered with foam rubber and covered with fabric. A power bench can also be made from boards. The main thing is high-quality and comfortable coverage. After all, a wooden bench is less durable and is recommended only for beginners.

    The lower part of the frame of a homemade exercise machine

    Drawings and complexity of work

    If you decide to make a home multistation with your own hands, think over the progress of the work, and also calculate the possible costs of purchasing materials and the expected operating time.

    Finished frame of the simulator

    The drawings of some exercise machines, for example, for running, are very complex and it’s difficult to make one sports equipment It’s almost impossible to do it yourself without additional help and expensive materials. A treadmill, as an example, made with your own hands will turn out to be unnecessarily bulky and inconvenient to use. It’s easier and more convenient to buy such a simulator in a store.

    When planning to start working on creating a home multifunctional exercise machine with your own hands, pay attention to the ease of drawings and the availability of materials.

    The finished simulator can be supplemented with various equipment

    You can make several options for parallel bars or a weight bench with your own hands. To begin with, this will be a good experience and will allow you to evaluate your strength before moving on to more complex simulators.

    You can find a good example of a simple but functional drawing of a simulator with your own hands in this book:

    Book of drawings for home exercise equipment

    A home-made exercise machine can be more compact than a purchased one, but at the same time meet the tasks assigned to it.

    Today, stores sell any sports equipment. But, seeing the price of it, the thought of making it yourself appears, especially if your hands are in order. One ten-kilogram weight plate costs more than $18, not to mention serious equipment. Making home exercise equipment is not difficult; if you wish, you can even put production on stream by opening your own business.

    Homemade simulators are not much different in functionality from factory ones, the main thing is desire. Of course, you won’t be able to make homemade exercise machines without spending a lot of money: you need to buy hardware for fastening, a metal pipe, etc. But the price in this case is not comparable to what is asked for purchased analogues.

    It will not be possible to make complex exercise equipment at home such as treadmills, bicycles and rowing structures, but the simplest ones: benches, racks, barbells will not be difficult.

    To assemble a homemade bodybuilding exercise machine, you need to choose the ones that are simple in design, effective for building strength and muscle mass, and reliable. The simulators are made according to general principle- lifting weights using specific muscle groups.

    In the fitness center you can see that novice athletes are training on simple exercise machines, and experienced guys devote most of their time to training with barbells and dumbbells, which force them to correct use work any part of the body. To do this, you need to choose the right exercises and weight.

    But you also need a bench press, preferably with an adjustable back.

    You can’t do without parallel bars or a horizontal bar - homemade exercise equipment that is even easier to make than the metal equipment described above.

    It is worth thinking about a design for hanging homemade weights, without which muscle mass impossible to increase. A backpack will be suitable for this, but the weight distribution will be incorrect. Something can be attached to the legs, but it is inconvenient to train with this something. The right choice there will be a belt.

    Conclusion: for regular serious exercise at home, you will need the homemade exercise equipment listed below.

    What types of vultures are there?

    1. Barbell bar. They come in different forms, and you definitely need at least one at home. A long standard straight bar weighs 20 kg, a short one weighs half as much (it is advisable to have one). Choose between EZ-shaped and W-shaped neck needed depending on the exercises chosen to perform. A homemade neck is made from a pipe, so it differs from the standard parameters.
    2. Two dumbbell bars, the ends of which are threaded for a large nut.
    3. Pancakes. For beginners, provided that the holes for barbells and dumbbells are universal. There are enough of them: 4 five-kilogram pieces, 2 ten-kilogram pieces, 2 twenty-kilogram pieces. This is ideal, since pancakes are more expensive than other equipment. In the worst case, you need identical loads that are hung on the dumbbell and barbell. The weight of the dumbbell is determined based on the ability to perform 8-10 repetitions of each exercise. As practice shows, for beginners, 4 five-kilogram weight plates are enough for dumbbells.
    4. For a homemade exercise machine - a horizontal bar, the wall or street options are preferable, rather than in the doorway.
    5. The beams are the same as wall beams, which are easier to install.
    6. You need to have two separate racks: one for bench presses, one for deadlifts, or one with the ability to choose positions.
    7. A jump rope that is needed for cardio training.
    8. Punching bag.

    With these homemade exercise machines, you can set up a full-fledged gym at home.

    Where to find exercise equipment

    As mentioned above, you can buy exercise machines or make them yourself. You will have to go to sports stores to at least see them and have an idea of ​​what you have to do.

    There are no problems with drawings of homemade simulators - they can be easily found on the Internet or use those presented below.

    Buy bars or use homemade ones

    The issue is controversial: some recommend buying it in a store, others advise building a homemade exercise machine, which is cheaper and not inferior in reliability. Supporters of purchased equipment give the following arguments: parallel bars and a horizontal bar together cost up to $60, but homemade exercise equipment will also require materials, i.e. You won’t be able to win much in terms of finances. It is advisable that the horizontal bar be suitable for wide grip. The bars are made folding - they are the preferred option because they do not take up much space. However, they are more expensive.

    Another solution is to buy bars and a horizontal bar of a 2 in 1 design or a wall bars on which you can do additional exercises(it comes with an ab board). They cost twice as much, but they also have more advantages.

    Making a homemade barbell and dumbbells

    The most difficult thing you encounter when making homemade exercise equipment at home: benches, racks for barbells, barbells, dumbbells, the lack of materials - cast iron and steel.

    Concrete, which is also sometimes recommended, will not work well because the density of concrete is half that of steel. In addition, it crumbles and does not look aesthetically pleasing. Well, buying steel is expensive, especially new round timber and sheets.

    Where to find the material:

    1. You can place an advertisement in the newspaper about your desire to buy parts of collapsible dumbbells and weights. Or stick them on poles. You can buy this much cheaper, because someone uses them to prop up doors. To negotiate with the seller, you need to quote a price higher than at scrap metal collection points, but less than what it costs (used) on the World Wide Web.
    2. Go to metal collection points, where older people often bring unnecessary pieces of hardware. Suitable material can be selected here by favorable prices, it is even possible to exchange it twice as much for another “ferrous metal”.
    3. Ask friends and relatives. Maybe someone will want to happily part with unnecessary sports equipment.

    If you don’t have the skills, it will be difficult to make a neck from a pipe and a pancake from sheet metal at home, but you can contact a mechanic at a company with metalworking machines, who will turn out everything you need for a small price.

    Homemade exercise machine for home – punching bag

    This homemade simulator is easier to make than those that have been described so far. With some effort in manufacturing, you can get a pear of acceptable quality. The easiest way to make this homemade exercise machine is to use a shopping bag made of polypropylene or jute fabric. You will need 3 bags. The bags are inserted into one another, stuffed and wrapped with electrical tape or tape to give shape and strength. The bag can be sewn from thick fabric: tarpaulin or kerza. If you don’t have the appropriate skills, give the fabric for sewing a pear to a seamstress - it’s inexpensive. The length of the pear, shaped like a sausage, is at least a meter, or even 1.3 m. Not only the dimensions are important for a homemade exercise machine, but also the weight and fastening (bracket, rope, chain).

    You also need to take into account the strength of your blow. The optimal weight is 60-80 kg, and the minimum is 40 kilograms.

    Fine sawdust (tyrsa) and sand are suitable as fillers. It’s expensive to buy a special filler to make the walls soft, so it’s easier to wrap the pear with rags, of which there are plenty in the house, or foam rubber.

    How to attach the pear:

    • It is easier to do this using a bracket, as shown in the figure. A wall-mounted horizontal bar and a wall bars are suitable for this. You can make the bracket yourself if welding is available.
    • Attaching a homemade pear to the ceiling is problematic. If a pavilion or a separate room is allocated for classes, it is tied to a beam or other ceiling structure. In summer, a strong tree will help solve the problem. You need to take into account that boxing requires space.

    Video: DIY punching bag

    What else do you need for a home gym?

    A jump rope is an inexpensive but useful piece of equipment, so it’s worth having home hall and her. If there is no barbell, replace it with an expander: rubber or spring, which differ in the strength of the load given. They are not expensive, so you can just buy them in the store.

    It is proposed to make a hand rest from an old chair (as in the picture), for which an elbow rest is attached to the back side at an angle of 30 degrees. When performing a biceps exercise, sit with your legs apart, facing the back of a chair. Having shown imagination, which knows no bounds for our people, it is easy to come up with other options.

    Bottom line

    As it became clear, you can design homemade simulators with a little work. And it’s worth it, considering the “astronomical” prices for factory sports equipment. If the material is available, then you can even set up a business, since there is and will be a demand for homemade equipment. Everyone is involved in sports more people who think about health, and aesthetic appearance is not as important to them as the availability and reliability of homemade exercise equipment.

    Video: Gym Houses

    A treadmill, exercise bike and wall bars are also sports equipment, but they usually take up too much space and are not used for their intended purpose, but more as a hanger for things. The equipment listed below takes up little space.


    TRX is a very convenient machine for functional training. In addition, you can take it with you on business trips or even on vacation, since it is lightweight, takes up little space, and for practicing it is enough to find a strong joint that will support your weight. ;)

    In details:

    A medicine ball is a fairly cheap exercise machine that does not take up much space, and therefore can be safely stored even in a small room. The standard weight of a medicine ball is from 1 to 11 kg, but there are heavier options: 50, 60 and even 75 kg. The surface is usually made of dense, rough rubber, which does not allow the medicine ball to slip out. The “filling” usually consists of sawdust, sand or a special gel.

    In details:

    The gymnastic wheel is considered one of the best tools for working on the abs. Also, in addition to the abs, the muscles of the back, chest, arms and legs are included in the work.

    In addition to the standard version with one wheel, there are other modifications: with two and four wheels, with a return mechanism and with a shifted center of gravity.

    Video 1

    Video 2

    Typically, weights are used for additional load during exercise. These can be leg weights (0.5–10 kg), arm weights (0.5–2 kg), waist weights (3–21 kg), weighted vests (4–64 kg) and even gloves with weighting (mainly used to produce a sharp and strong blow).

    In cheaper options, the weight is not adjustable; the filler is special sand. A more expensive and high-quality option is plate weights, the weight of which can be adjusted by adding special plates (the weight of one plate is 50–400 g).

    Perform standard exercises with weights that were previously performed without extra weight, run and even swim. In this case, movements should be smooth.

    It is advisable to start with a small weight and gradually increase the load. Weight can be either added or subtracted. Reducing the weight increases the load due to the number of approaches performed or due to the distance (if you run) and helps to avoid the habituation effect.

    Video 1. Leg weights

    Video 2. Leg weights

    Video 3. Hand weights

    Video 4. Weighted vest

    Massage rolls don't do any exercise, but they are a lifesaver for tired muscles after a workout and your back after a long day at the computer, so we just couldn't pass it up. They come in different diameters, different hardness, with a smooth or textured surface.

    Video 1. Working with the whole body

    Video 2. Working with the spine

    Video 3. Getting rid of pain in the lower back

    Classic dumbbells are solid, that is, their weight does not change. Therefore, to adjust the weight, it is better to buy a set with different weight categories. A more economical option, both in terms of money and space, is collapsible dumbbells, which make it possible to adjust the weight by adding or removing removable disks.

    In details:

    Of course, it is better to jump rope outside. But if you are confident in the softness of your jumps or live on the ground floor or in a private house, then it may well become your home exercise machine. ;)

    In details:

    The isotonic ring for Pilates is a universal sports equipment and perfectly works the entire body. It comes in two diameters: a women's version of 35 cm and a version that is more suitable for men, 38 cm.

    Video 1

    Video 2

    Video 3

    Sandbag (sand bag)

    Sandbag is another sports equipment that fits perfectly into the concept of a home gym. Its weight ranges from 10 to 100 kg, and you can change it yourself by buying a special filler or simply going to the nearest beach for sand. The main feature of this projectile is that the sand inside is constantly moving and in order to stabilize your body position you have to engage all the muscles of the body, even those whose existence you may not have previously suspected. ;)

    Video 1. 26-minute full body workout

    Video 2. 15 sandbag exercises

    Video 3. Women's version of cardio training with a sandbag


    An expander is a sports equipment that helps to work out muscles by compressing and stretching. There are a huge number of expanders (hand, shoulder, tubular, tourniquets, “butterflies”, skier-swimmer-boxer expanders and multifunctional ones), but we decided to focus on some of the simplest and most universal ones - a tourniquet and an expander tape. It is better to work the arm muscles with a tourniquet, and the tape is ideal for working on the legs.

    Video 2. 10-minute workout with an expander

    Video 2. Exercises for the whole body

    Video 3. Lower body exercises

    Video 4. Upper body exercises

    She not only learns to adapt to the social environment, but also to treat her health correctly. For harmonious development, children need physical education. In playrooms, special corners are created in which the child can show off his skills. Sports equipment for kindergarten It is quite easy to make with your own hands. Initially, it is necessary to determine what functions it will perform.

    The main advantages of a sports corner

    Firstly, the equipment serves as an excellent start for further sports development child. Secondly, it helps improve physical and mental health. Thirdly, with the help of sports equipment, children’s activity is stimulated and the body is strengthened.

    Types of sports equipment

    There are several types of such equipment. It can be ready-made or custom-made. You can also make sports equipment for kindergarten with your own hands. Any parent can do this.

    So, the equipment can be standard: Treadmills with massagers, Swedish walls, mats and special climbing equipment. It is purchased in stores.

    Note. The simulators must comply with the standards established by the Ministry of Health.

    Non-standard sports equipment for kindergarten, which is easy and simple to make with your own hands, can often be found in gym. It is represented by the following types of simulators:

    • “health paths”;
    • exercise equipment from plastic bottles;
    • game "Twister";
    • expanders;
    • ring throwers;
    • bags of cereals;
    • flags, scarves, ribbons and much more.

    The arrangement of a sports corner directly depends on the desires of parents and educators to develop physical fitness skills in children.

    "Paths of Health"

    To make such sports equipment for kindergarten with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

    • scissors;
    • needle;
    • ruler;
    • pencil;
    • threads

    The fabric needs to be thick. You can use textiles with a rubberized base. The size of the rug must be at least 100x100 cm. Its edges are edged with satin ribbons using a sewing machine. On the front side of the fabric, mark the places where buttons of different sizes will be sewn. The distance between them should not be less than 5 cm. Using a needle and thread, sew on the buttons. The rug is ready. With its help, blood circulation is stabilized.

    Agility training equipment

    Trainers of this type are quite simple to manufacture. They require virtually no material costs. "Bilboke" is the most common simulator for breathing exercises. To make such sports equipment for kindergarten with your own hands, you will need the following:

    • plastic bottle;
    • strong thread or satin ribbon;
    • container from Kinder Surprise (you can use a small ball).

    The top part of a plastic bottle is cut off with scissors. Its length should be about 7-10 cm. The lid is not removed. A hole is made in it using an awl. A thread is threaded through it and secured on the outside of the lid with a knot. A ball or container is attached to the remaining edge of the thread.

    This sports equipment for kindergarten (it’s easy to make from bottles with your own hands) helps develop dexterity, attentiveness, and quick reaction. The game is as follows: the child takes a bottle, upside down with the cut edge up, and, holding it in his hand, throws the ball. He needs to be caught. Whoever coped with this task, well done!

    Breathing exercises using sports equipment

    To make such sports equipment for kindergarten with your own hands (the master class will help with this), you will also need simple plastic bottles.

    The Fun Glove develops proper breathing.

    For production you will need:

    • plastic bottle (1-1.5 l);
    • rubber glove;
    • plastic straw for cocktails;
    • small plastic clamp.

    A hole is cut in a plastic bottle, the size of which corresponds to the diameter of the tube. It must be processed so that there are no sharp edges and uneven cuts. A tube is inserted into it and secured with tape or glue. You also need to make a hole in the lid, only of a larger diameter. A glove is put on it and secured with a clamp.

    Tip: to add color to the design of such a simulator, the bottle is decorated with fabric, and eyes, nose and lips are drawn on the glove.

    The essence of the game: the child blows into a tube and tries to fill the glove with air. Whoever did it faster won.

    Let's make "Twister"

    This game is designed to develop all muscles, as well as the child's flexibility. It can be made using thick fabric and acrylic paints.

    The canvas must have dimensions of at least 150x170 cm. Circles with a diameter of 15 cm are drawn on its surface with acrylic paints. The distance between them can be 10-12 cm. The board for selecting a task is made of a square sheet of cardboard. An arrow is attached to it, which should rotate. On the sides of the sheet write buildings for arms and legs. For example, " left leg on the red circle" and the like.

    Developing motor skills

    This do-it-yourself sports equipment for kindergarten (photos can be seen in the article) is made quite simply. These can be bags, various massage gloves, braids and much more.


    To make such equipment you will need fabric. Soft burlap with a tight weave is often used. A rectangular bag is sewn from it. Grains are poured into it: buckwheat or rice. Buttons are sewn onto the surface of such a bag. The child kneads such a pouch and stimulates blood circulation in the hands.

    Massage gloves

    How to make such sports equipment for kindergarten with your own hands step by step?

    You will need the following:

    • soft fabric gloves;
    • flat buttons of different sizes;
    • scissors;
    • needle and thread.

    TO inside Buttons are sewn onto each glove. They can be arranged randomly. Most importantly, the entire surface of the fabric must be filled. With the help of such a glove, a child can massage any part of the body for himself or other children.

    Massage Mat

    The equipment stimulates blood circulation well. To make it you will need a rubber base, plastic bottle caps, and nylon thread. The rug may be small in size. The child's legs must fit completely on it.

    Work process:

    • plastic caps of different sizes are inserted into the rubber base (pressed into the structure);
    • in order to securely fasten the structure, they are pre-coated with glue;
    • The lids are fastened together with thread (each lid is rewound).

    The equipment can be used immediately after manufacture.

    Sports equipment for playing outside

    Physical education classes in summer take place on fresh air. It is also necessary to equip a sports corner on the playground. Wood is often used for this.

    It is not necessary to create massive structures. You can make sports equipment for physical education for kindergarten with your own hands in the form simple stairs, labyrinths, supports, logs and much more.

    Stumps that are dug into the ground are especially popular among children. The child walks through them as if through a labyrinth. Whoever failed to complete the task lost.

    Making a simulator for children that develops the vestibular apparatus is also not difficult. Logs of varying thicknesses are perfect for this.

    Manufacturing process:

    • supports (stumps, remains of logs, metal pipes) are dug into the ground at a certain distance from each other;
    • logs 1.5-2 m long are mounted on them using special fasteners;
    • After this, the structure is painted in bright shades.

    To make it safe for children to walk, additional wooden planks are attached to the supports. Thick ropes are tied to their sides. They will be used as railings.

    Another, no less interesting, is the web simulator. It has the following structure:

    • a metal pipe 2 m high (dug into the ground and concreted);
    • around it (at a distance of 1.5-2 m) pipes are dug in, the height of which is 50 cm.
    • special metal hooks are made on the surface of such structures;
    • Ropes are tied to them, and a kind of web is woven from them.

    The child must reach its top. You must be careful, as the exercise machine can cause injury if the exercises are not performed carefully. Therefore, under such a “web”, special rubber mats are installed on the surface of the earth.
