Powerful tips on how to pump up your back! Bent-over barbell row with a reverse grip. Exercises for the trapezius muscles of the back

A wide and developed back in bodybuilding gives the athlete’s figure an aesthetically attractive appearance. It doesn’t just make the athlete’s physique much more beautiful. If a bodybuilder has strong and strong back muscles, he has the opportunity for further progress. They are involved in almost every exercise. The more developed they are, the greater the potential of the bodybuilder.

Back training has a special place in training process. It has its own characteristics. To truly become an owner powerful back, it is necessary not only to correctly build a training program, but also to know how to protect yourself from injury.

The muscles that are located in the back are the largest group in the upper body. They handle heavy loads well and take on most of the hard work done during training. To pump up your back muscles, you need to avoid pumping or drop sets. The required load can be obtained only when basic exercises are performed using a large working weight.

Number of repetitions in each approach when performed basic movements for weight gain, vary from four to six. This range makes it possible to work with heavy weights and feel that the back muscles are really fully loaded, since they will begin to ache after exercise. Simple exercises can be done with eight repetitions. The main thing is to constantly take on an impressive working weight.

Properly composed training program and working scales are important, but they bring virtually no results when the execution technique is “lame”. The lack of a pronounced effect is not the only problem that the athlete will face. Improper technique greatly increases the likelihood of injury. If you do not hone the correct movements, the athlete will simply begin to lift weights, involving all muscle groups, which will lead to a lack of the necessary load, and there will be no progress for the back. Each last repetition should be given as hard as possible, but provided that the technique is perfect. If the weight does not move, you should quit, but do not neglect the correct execution.

To achieve the desired results, you need to stay true to your training principles. Loads should be progressive. It is necessary to increase the working weights, do one or two repetitions more than in the previous lesson, and reduce rest between individual approaches. The main thing is to constantly increase the load.

You can’t immediately take on too much heavy weight which doesn't work. It is necessary to progress, and not go ahead thoughtlessly, and then pay for carelessness with injury. This will lead to the fact that you will have to forget about training for a long time until the rehabilitation period has passed. Depending on the severity of the injury, recovery may take quite a long time. It is better to focus on increasing repetitions, since this approach is the least traumatic and allows you to increase efficiency.

The anatomical structure of the back consists of muscles grouped in pairs, entwining the back of the body. They are divided into two large groups:

  • External. Formed by the latissimus, serratus, trapezius and extensor muscles. They form the surface of the back and therefore require increased attention.
  • Internal. They are located deep under the external ones and are a combination of the diamond-shaped, large round, adductor blades and others. If these muscles are given due attention and developed, they begin to push out the external ones, giving the back a deep and powerful relief.

Pumping up the back muscles, first of all, involves working on the latissimus. This is due to the size, since they are the largest and give the silhouette the coveted V-shape. When creating a training program, the main emphasis is on exercises that develop them.

To pump up the latissimus muscles to the maximum, you need to have a clear understanding of what functions they perform for the human body. They are involved when the upper limbs lead to the body from above and below, from the side and from the front, that is, when performing pull-downs. These exercises should be the main basis for training the latissimus muscles.

The most effective exercises for back training, during which the athlete is able to perform natural and maximally functional movements, are pull-ups. You should give up light block pulls and focus on heavy variations.

The volume of the upper part of the body is given by the trapezoidal shape, which is located in the middle. The trapezius is attached to the neck and shoulder joints. These points of contact create bumps on the neck. The function of this muscle is that it brings each other together and lifts the shoulder blades down and up. A similar movement occurs indirectly in almost all exercises that are done for the back. Inclined and straight shrugs are best suited for developing the trapezius.

Extensors are called oblongata long muscles, which stretch along the entire spine. Their function is quite simple. They are responsible for bending and extending the body back and forth. The extensors should not be neglected. When they are developed, the back becomes stable when performing exercises, which provides progress for the entire training process.

The best exercise that allows you to most effectively pump your extensors is considered. It really is the best for working absolutely all muscles, not just the back. When performing this exercise, your arms and legs are also pumped up, but the most important thing is that the ligamentous apparatus is strengthened, and the depth and thickness of the back is increased.

This result is achieved because the heaviest weights are involved in the deadlift. This also has its downsides. With this exercise it is impossible to increase the width of the back. It doesn't get any more powerful on the sides.

We must not forget about the serratus muscles. They articulate with the oblique abdominal muscles. There is a small layer here subcutaneous fat. Thanks to this, when serratus muscles developed, they add even more attractiveness to an athletically built athlete.

The most effective exercises for this group are diagonal crunches performed on the abs, as well as various pullovers. There is no need to pay special attention exclusively to these muscles. They are growing and catching up along with the others.

You should not focus solely on which exercises are the best and most effective for pumping up the muscle groups of the back. It is recommended to pay equal attention to the expected results.

Some athletes want to have a deep and strong back, while others, on the contrary, want a powerful upper body and a narrow waist. When priority goals and objectives are identified, exercises begin to be selected that will allow you to achieve what you want.

The level of training and experience of the athlete is no less important. Beginning athletes need to first pump the latissimus dorsi muscles, and then train the trapezius and extensors. Absolutely any type of vertical rods allows you to increase the width.

So, if we group exercises according to effectiveness for certain muscles, then:

  • The best for the lats are pull-ups and types of rows such as overhead and horizontal block, bent over barbells and dumbbells, as well as T bar;
  • Shrugs with both barbells and dumbbells are considered most effective for trapezius muscles;
  • The best for extensors is the deadlift, which is more effective than hyperextension, bending, performed with a barbell next to or on the shoulders.

The fundamental point that is crucial when performing these exercises is that the back should always remain straight, but it is best to keep the lower back slightly arched. This position, when the pelvis is abducted and the chest is pushed forward, provides safety for lumbar region, and also allows for more correct and complete reduction muscle groups backs.

Any exercise to work your back can pump up your biceps. If you train incorrectly, the main load falls on it. The downside is that the biceps are small. And if a big back doesn't get tired for a long time, he gets tired very quickly. When the main emphasis, if the technique is not followed, is on the biceps, it begins to slow down progress due to fatigue.

In order not to slow down development, the main emphasis is on the technique of performing the exercise, which allows you to develop the target muscles to the maximum, but does not affect the biceps. Such a goal can be achieved only consciously, when the reduction process is completely controlled. It is necessary to constantly feel the muscle-brain connection.

When the technique does not work, the next morning your biceps begin to hurt, and, therefore, you need to continue to work on yourself. It is recommended to improve absolutely everything, working on absolutely every little detail. The technique involves bringing movements and contractions to automaticity.

It is always necessary to learn each exercise first without using weights. You can use any improvised means, which allows you to create an imitation of dumbbells or barbells. Movements are performed as slowly as possible with full amplitude. This allows you to achieve real results, since it strengthens and improves the connection between nerves and muscles.

This exercise is great workout on the latissimus muscles, allowing you to pump both depth and width well. The technique for performing pull-ups is as follows:

  • to engage the biceps and involve the latissimus muscles, quite wide grip;
  • you need to grasp the crossbar from above with all five fingers;
  • you need to pull yourself up towards the chest, as this loads the triangle of the spinal muscles.

When performing pull-ups, you should not concentrate on your arms. The main thing is that your elbows are behind your body.

The exercise in question is a lightweight variation. It is especially suitable for beginner athletes. In this deadlift, you can use weight that is less than your own. Performing this deadlift allows you to learn how to contract exactly those muscles that allow you to get the desired result for the future. The lightweight version can be excluded from your training when the athlete is able to perform at least five pull-ups with the correct technique.

Deadlift vertical block useful even for professional and experienced athletes. If the exercise is included in a super series or drop sets, this will increase the intensity of the training. This exercise works the individual muscle segments quite deeply, and it also allows you to deviate the body much more than in pull-ups, and, therefore, it is good to pump the lats much higher.

The main points that need to be taken into account are quite simple, but often remain without due attention:

  • the cable of the projectile at each point of the amplitude must always move only vertically;
  • the cable entry should be at the lower point of the chest, and then descend down the spine;
  • the cable and elbows must move down in the same plane. The elbows should not be allowed to move forward or backward, since their insertion behind the body should be carried out due to the deflection in the chest area.

For a beginner who has mastered all these points, it is easy to move on to more complex options.

Its implementation requires close attention to the grip, that is, the width, as well as the orientation - forward or reverse. It is necessary to monitor the body. The closer it tilts to the horizontal, the better the back begins to work, but the negative impact of loads on the lumbar region increases. One more important point is the trajectory with which the bar moves. It should stretch along lower limbs and elbows that go behind the body.

If you correctly master the technique of execution, the exercise becomes much more effective for working out the back than deadlifts, which are performed in an inclined position. The mechanics of these movements are similar to those before, but the use of the T bar allows you to remove the load from many stabilizer muscles, and, consequently, increase working weights.

The only thing to keep in mind when doing this type of deadlift is that this exercise Do not use it on an inclined or horizontal bed. They significantly reduce the range of motion and also complicate the contraction of the muscle groups of the back, since this does not allow arching. This exercise should only be done while standing.

Bent-over one-arm dumbbell row

The unilateral exercise does not have a complicated technique. It is much easier and simpler to do. The range of movement is increased due to the absence of a barbell, that is, a barbell in the middle of the body. This allows you to bring the projectile much further at the top point behind the body and stretch the lats to the maximum in the bottom position.

Horizontal block thrust

This exercise engages the middle and lower back as the cable is pulled down the abdomen. A different effect can be obtained with a wide handle and pulling the block towards the chest, which provides an incentive for the development of the upper part.

The following points need to be taken into account:

  • the length of reach of the cable should be optimal, since if you sit too far, it will become difficult to keep your back straight;
  • reaching the lower extreme point, it is necessary to stretch the muscles, moving the body forward;
  • You cannot tilt your body back at the top point; your back at this moment should be perpendicular to the floor surface.

The shoulder shrug is an exercise that forces the shoulder blades to move. This involves the trapezius muscles, since they are responsible for this function. Thanks to shrugs, the volume of the trapezoid increases significantly. The exercise can work the trapezius in a variety of ways. You can begin to raise your shoulder blades while pulling weights or in a tilted position, when they move freely towards each other, that is, they are brought together.

Shrugs are done with a barbell or dumbbells. The first apparatus is much more convenient for those who want to progress in weight. The advantage of dumbbells is that they are most conveniently held at the sides. As an alternative, you can use a machine that simulates dumbbells with weights made from pancakes.

Shrugs may seem simple, but they are designed for experienced athletes. For beginners, it is enough to do pull-ups, deadlift, horizontal rods, which also use the trapezoid well.

You cannot rotate your shoulders while doing shrugs. This additional load does not increase efficiency, but it does increase the chances of injury. This movement is unusual for the trapezius, which is further exacerbated when heavy weights are used.

This is a rather difficult and exhausting exercise, since the load falls on almost all parts of the body. When loading the back, both internal and latissimus muscle groups, trapezius, and extensors are simultaneously involved.

When wide back is a priority for the athlete, deadlifts are performed after exercises that develop the latissimus muscles. Otherwise, all your strength will be completely taken away. Athletes for whom the primary goal is to pump up the extensors and increase the thickness of the back, who want to lift as much as possible heavy weight, should do this exercise first.

It should be built according to the following principles:

  • include horizontal and vertical thrusts;
  • performed in 4-6 repetitions;
  • pump up your back through basic exercises with working heavy weights.

Another important point is the preparation of the athlete.

The program includes:

  • Warm up 5-10 min
  • Cool down (muscle stretching)

Those athletes who cannot do five pull-ups with perfect technique should do vertical pull-downs. The main thing is not to mess around. The execution must be perfect and the working scales must be heavy.

It differs from the program for beginners by the introduction of another exercise that develops the latissimus muscles - one-arm dumbbell rows. It is done in 3 sets with 8 repetitions in each.

Athletes who have good mass, for in-depth study, you can resort to another version of the program, consisting of:

  • Warm up 5-10 min
  • One-arm dumbbell row 3×8
  • Cool down (muscle stretching)

Or this (for athletes with available muscle mass for deep development):

  • Warm up 5-10 min
  • Row T bar 4×6
  • Horizontal block pull 4×6
  • Shrugs with dumbbells 3x8
  • Cool down (muscle stretching)

Each athlete chooses the best workout for himself, taking into account his primary goal.

We'll talk about which back exercises in the gym are the most effective! And so often, gym goers have the habit of working out only those areas that are visible in the mirror. As a rule, these are breast and shoulder muscles, biceps, abs.

But paying attention to your back is essential, not only to ensure symmetry between the front and back of your body, but also to improve your overall health.

A weak muscle corset can lead to poor posture and also provoke acute pain, especially with increasing loads on the upper shoulder girdle.

What back muscles need to be worked regularly? The best back exercises in the gym

Perform back exercises in gym is extremely important for the development of the standard V-shaped torso. After all, a sign of an ideal male figure is broad shoulders, prominent chest and narrow waist. In order to achieve this effect, it is recommended to regularly work out the following spinal muscles:

  • lats;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • trapezoidal;
  • straightening the spine;
  • oblique.

The exercises below can be combined into a single training complex, to which you need to devote at least two classes a month. But it makes more sense to add one exercise at a time to your regular training plans.


It's technical difficult exercise will help you work through everything posterior group muscles (from the calf to the shoulder). The effectiveness of training is determined by the fact that when correct execution, 75% is used muscle mass, including the latissimus and trapezius dorsi muscles.

It is very important to monitor the technique, because any mistakes can lead to serious complications, including hernia and pinched spinal nerves.

It is necessary to start working with a barbell with a minimum weight, not forgetting about weightlifting belt. For one workout, it will be enough to perform 3 sets of 6 repetitions. After several sessions, you can increase the weight, but the number of approaches should remain the same.

Bent-over barbell row (forward and reverse grip)

When done correctly, Weight Limit it will be possible to take it much faster, without fear of development large quantity health complications. Depending on the initial physical training, you can lift the barbell:

  • direct grip (in this case, the trapezius muscles are mainly loaded);
  • reverse grip(the bar is picked up from underneath, as a result of which the latissimus muscles are worked).

Attention! Lifting a barbell on an incline puts a lot of stress on the lower back, so it’s best to do the exercise at the very beginning of your workout. It is not recommended to perform bent-over barbell lifts in combination with classic deadlifts.

Wide grip pull-ups

Many athletes have heard that pull-ups directly affect the development of the back. Indeed, pull-ups are one of the the best ways develop the upper shoulder girdle and back in general.

But only pull-ups performed with a wide grip will allow you to maximally work the latissimus muscles. Pull-ups are suitable even for beginners, because it is quite difficult to make mistakes in doing them. In very rare cases, pain in the shoulder joints may occur.

But ultimately, you need to learn how to perform 82 pull-ups for 5 repetitions. There is no point in increasing the load further, as this will lead to wear and tear on the shoulder joints. If the standard number of pull-ups has been mastered, then you can add weights, but do not increase the number of approaches.

Before each approach to the horizontal bar, it is necessary to warm up the shoulder joints. And pull-ups themselves are an excellent warm-up before performing deadlifts.

T-bar row

The T-bar chest pull is one of the classic exercises that is great for those who have difficulty lifting a lot of weight during bent-over barbell lifts.

Due to the fact that the machine allows you to focus on your stomach and hips, the spine is not loaded. This means that the athlete will be able to do more repetitions and lift more weight. You can lift the T-bar:

  • neutral grip (palms facing each other);
  • narrow grip(palms brought together as much as possible);
  • wide grip (handles spread to the sides, palms “looking” down).

The wider the grip, the better the muscle corset will be worked out. With a neutral grip, maximum attention is paid to the rhomboid muscles, and with a narrow grip, the biceps are additionally pumped.

The exercise is performed at the end of the workout, according to the system of “failure” repetitions. This means that you need to lift the T-bar as many times as you can, and after characteristic symptoms appear, add 2-3 more repetitions.

If there is no special simulator in the gym, then you can lift a regular fixed barbell, with a counterweight on the working side. In this case, it is important to ensure that your legs are bent at the knees and your abs are as tense as possible. Otherwise, you will do squats and bends with weights, which will not affect the development of your back in any way.

Lower block rows with direct and reverse grip

This exercise will pump up even the smallest back muscles. The advantage of the lower pull-down is that even women, as well as people with a minimum level of physical fitness, can perform it. The load is adjusted by increasing the weight, as well as changing the grip width of the simulator lever.

With classic traction of the lower block (straight neutral grip) the latissimus muscles are worked. If you perform the exercise with a wide handle, the load will be transferred to rather specific areas of the trapezius and rhomboid muscles.

It is better to perform the lat pulldown immediately after the deadlift. It is enough to perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions. It is very important to control the pace and spend at least four seconds holding the handle of the machine to your chest, and the same amount resting between repetitions.

If the exercise seems too easy, then it is recommended to complicate it not only by increasing the weight, but also by changing the grip. By performing lat pulldowns with a reverse grip, you can work almost all areas of the back and biceps. Athletes who have already “taken” the maximum weight when performing classical traction lower block.

Upper block pull

The pull of the upper block is also considered one of the lightest and comparatively safe training for back development. The simulator will be a solution for those people who have not yet mastered wide-grip pull-ups.

Due to the possibility of increasing the load, lat pulldowns are also suitable for those who have already achieved the standard 82 repetitions and want to develop further.

A narrow and neutral grip activates the biceps and groups muscle fibers, which are located closer to the center of the back. But a wide grip will allow you to work all areas of the latissimus muscles. Working with the upper block is great for building muscle mass.

This exercise is an excellent warm-up for the shoulder joints. It is enough to perform three sets of 12 repetitions. But if an athlete uses maximum weight, then it is better to work with the simulator after pre-warming the muscles and doing classic pull-ups.

One-arm dumbbell row

This exercise allows you to work both sides of your back while controlling the weight on your working and non-working arm. The range of motion also increases significantly. If, when performing a deadlift, the bar rises only to the level of the abs, then when working with dumbbells, you can bring your elbow beyond shoulder level.

In this case, almost all the muscles of the upper back are involved. By resting your non-working hand on the bench, the risk of incorrect work with dumbbells is significantly reduced. The torso is easy to control and fatigue does not set in as quickly, allowing you to perform more repetitions.

One-arm dumbbell lifts are usually done mid-workout. It is enough to perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.


Hyperextension refers to very light exercise, therefore suitable for women and beginners. It is quite difficult to make lifting the body more difficult, so the number of approaches can be determined using the “to failure” method. Athletes often perform hyperextensions during breaks between basic sets. The technique is quite simple:

  1. Fix your legs so that your hips lie completely on the bench with an inclination angle of 45 degrees;
  2. Cross your arms over your chest;
  3. Raise your back completely straight until your body is perpendicular to the floor;
  4. Slowly take initial position.

You can also perform hyperextension from a classic bench or on a Roman chair.

Back recovery after training

If the entire training was devoted to the development of the back, you need to pay attention to the high-quality restoration of the body.

Firstly, it is necessary to avoid any load on the latissimus muscles, otherwise the risk of injury will increase several times. Secondly, it is advisable to visit a massage therapist who will help prevent the development of painful symptoms.

You can also drink potassium and do a few back stretching exercises (for example, pull your knees to your chest, or try to reach your feet with your palms from a sitting position).

We recommend reading an article on the topic - how to pump up your back muscles. In it you will find additional exercises and a completely different approach to pumping up your back muscles, as well as various tips for strengthening your back.

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Lower back pain is one of the most common problems, which, according to statistics, affects every third adult. If you do not deal with pain in the back and lower back in time, you can subsequently earn serious spinal disease . We offer you a selection of effective exercises for lower back pain to relax and strengthen muscles, as well as to increase flexibility and mobility of the spine.

Lower back pain: what causes it and what to do?

Most common cause The occurrence of lower back pain is a sedentary lifestyle and poor development of corset muscles, which are not able to support the spine. In addition, the cause may be various pathologies, excessive stress, or simply a sudden awkward movement that provoked pain. Most of these problems can be neutralized with lower back exercises.

What can cause lower back pain:

  • staying in one position for a long time;
  • weak back and core muscles;
  • excessive loads or non-compliance with exercise technique;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • large excess weight;
  • improper diet and vitamin deficiency.

To prevent lower back pain from becoming the cause of serious problems with the spine, it is necessary to: special exercises for the lower back , which will help relieve discomfort, reduce pain, improve the health of the body and serve as a good preventive measure. It’s not for nothing that the basis of rehabilitation after back injuries is physiotherapy and gymnastics for the spine.

Why it is useful to perform exercises for the lower back:

  • Pain in the lower back is reduced by stretching and relaxing the muscles
  • Strengthens the spine and increases its flexibility
  • Blood circulation increases, which saturates the joints and vertebrae with nutrients
  • Strengthens the corset muscles that support the spine
  • Posture improves
  • Improves the functioning of the heart and lungs
  • Hormonal levels are normalized
  • The risk of hernia, osteochondrosis and other pathologies is reduced
  • Improves the functioning of the pelvic and abdominal organs

A set of exercises for lower back pain should include: muscle stretching exercises Andmuscle strengthening exercises . During exacerbations, tension is observed in the muscles, so first of all they need to be relaxed - for this, a stretching routine is performed (traction) muscles. To prevent lower back pain, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles. When strengthening the back muscles, the load on the spine decreases, since a significant part of the load is taken on by the muscle corset.

Rules for performing exercises for the lower back

1. Do not force the load and overload the lower back with exercises in order to achieve the goal faster. Start with light loads, gradually increasing the duration of exercise.

2. Exercises for the lower back should be done with the load and amplitude that is comfortable for you. Do not make sudden jerks or movements while performing exercises for the lower back, so as not to aggravate the problem.

3. One or two workouts will not help solve the problem; try to perform a set of exercises for the lower back on an ongoing basis. It will be enough to train 3 times a week for 15-20 minutes.

4. If you have a cold floor or cold weather outside, then dress warmly and lay a rug or blanket on the floor to prevent your lower back from getting cold.

5. Perform exercises on a hard surface: a bed or soft mat will not work. During exercises lying on your back, your lower back should be pressed to the floor.

6. Don’t forget about breathing while performing a set of exercises for lower back pain. The training should be accompanied by deep, even breathing, each static exercise perform on 7-10 breathing cycles.

7. If during some exercises you feel discomfort in the lower back or spine, then it is better to skip such exercises. If during the exercise you feel acute pain, then in this case it is better to stop training altogether.

8. You should not perform the proposed set of exercises for the lower back during pregnancy, after a spinal injury or with chronic diseases. In this case consultation with a doctor is required.

9. Remember that if you have some kind of chronic disease, then a set of exercises for the lower back must be selected individually. For example, for scoliosis, exercises to straighten the spine are indicated, and for osteochondrosis and hernia, exercises to stretch it.

10. If discomfort in the lumbar region does not go away within a few weeks, consult a doctor. Lower back pain may be a sign of a serious illness. The sooner you begin the treatment process, the easier it will be to avoid irreversible consequences.

Exercises for lower back pain: stretching

We offer you stretching exercises for the lower back muscles, which are suitable for eliminating painful spasms and as a preventive measure. Stay late in every pose20- 40 seconds , you can use a timer. Remember to do exercises on both sides, right and left. If any exercise gives you discomfort or pain, then interrupt it; the workout should not bring discomfort.

From a position on all fours, move your buttocks back and up, stretch your arms, neck and back in one line. Imagine that your body has formed a slide: try to make the top higher and the slopes steeper. You can simplify the position a little by bending your knees and lifting your heels off the floor.

Allie The Journey Junkie

Take a lunge position, lower the knee of one leg to the floor and move it as far back as possible. The second leg forms a right angle between the thigh and shins. Stretch your arms up, feel a pleasant stretch in your spine. Hold this position and then move into pigeon pose.

From the lunge position, lower yourself into pigeon pose. Cover the left heel with the right pelvic bone. You can deepen the position by moving your left shin slightly forward. Pull your pelvis towards the floor. Place your forearms on the surface or lower your body to the floor or pillow - take a comfortable position, focusing on your flexibility.

After pigeon pose, return to a low lunge and repeat these 2 exercises on the other leg. You can use yoga blocks or books:

To perform this very effective lower back exercise, sit in a sitting position with your legs extended in front of you. Cross your leg over your hip and twist your body in the opposite direction. This exercise not only stretches the muscles of the back and lower back, but also the gluteal muscles.

5. Seated bends

Remaining in the same position, gently lower your back towards your feet. It is not necessary to make a full fold; it is enough to just slightly round your back to stretch the spine. In this case, it is advisable to lower your head on some support. You can bend your knees or spread your legs slightly to the side - choose a position that is comfortable for you.

6. Bending in the lotus position

Another very useful exercise for lower back pain is bending in the lotus position. Cross your legs on the floor and bend first to one side, holding for 20-40 seconds, then to the other side. Try to keep your body straight, your shoulders and body should not move forward.

7. Leg raise with a strap (towel)

Now let's move on to a series of exercises for the lower back while lying on the floor. Use a strap, tape, or towel to pull your straight leg toward you. During this exercise the back remains pressed to the floor, the lower back does not bend. The other leg remains straight and lies on the floor. If you cannot keep your leg extended and pressed to the floor, you can bend it at the knee. Stay in this position for a while and move to the other leg.

By analogy, do one more effective exercise for the lower back. Lying on your back, bend your leg and pull your knee toward your chest. When doing this simple exercise The lumbar muscles are stretched very well and painful spasms are reduced.

9. Bent leg raise

This fitness exercise is very often used to stretch the muscles of the buttocks, but for stretching lumbar muscles it fits best. Lying on your back, bend your knees and lift them so that your hips and body form a right angle. Grab the thigh of one leg with your hands and place the foot of the other leg on your knee. Hold this position. Make sure your lower back is pressed firmly to the floor.

Another nice relaxing exercise for the lower back is the happy child's pose. Lift your legs up, bending your knees, and grab the outside of your feet with your hands. Relax and stay in this position. You can sway a little from side to side.

Now let's move on to an exercise for the lower back, which involves twisting the spine. Lying on your back, turn your arms and crossed legs to one side. The body seems to form an arc. In this exercise, a large amplitude is not important; you should feel a slight stretch in the lumbar spine. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds and turn to the other side.

12. Lying Back Twist

Another very useful and important exercise for the lower back, which will help relieve pain in the sacral area. Lying on your back, slowly rotate your pelvis and move your leg to the side, throwing it over the thigh of the other leg. The lower back comes off the floor, but the shoulders remain on the floor.

Another simple exercise for lower back pain. Lie on your stomach and move your leg bent at the knee to the side. The other leg remains extended, with both legs pressed to the floor.

Get on your knees and spread your legs to the side or close them. Exhale and slowly bend forward between your thighs and lower your head to the floor. This relaxing lower back exercise will make your entire body feel lighter, especially your back. This is a resting pose, you can stay in it even for several minutes.

You can also turn first to one side, then to the other, this will help to better stretch the lumbar muscles.

Lie on your back again and place a small pillow under your hips and knees, with your feet touching the floor. Relax in this position for a few minutes.

Exercises for lower back pain: muscle strengthening

Thanks to the proposed exercises, you can improve the mobility of the spine and get rid of discomfort in the lumbosacral region. In addition, you will strengthen the muscle corset, which will be an excellent prevention of lower back pain. Therefore, if you are often bothered by lower back pain, be sure to take note of these exercises. Please note that it is not recommended to perform exercises to strengthen muscles during exacerbations.

The cat is one of the most useful exercises for the lower back and back in general. As you exhale, round your back, push your shoulder blades as high as possible and retract chest. As you inhale, bend well in the lumbar region, pointing the crown of your head toward your tailbone, and open your chest. Perform 15-20 repetitions.

Here and below, photos from the YouTube channel are used: Allie The Journey Junkie

In a standing position on all fours, while inhaling, we stretch our leg back, and while exhaling, we group ourselves, pulling our forehead to our knee. Try not to touch the floor with your foot. Perform 10-15 repetitions on each side.

3. Raising arms and legs on all fours

Remaining in a standing position on all fours, grab the opposite leg with your hand and bend at the lumbar region. The stomach is tucked, the muscles of the buttocks and legs are tense, the neck is free. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, maintaining balance.

Get down on your stomach and take a lying position. Bend your elbows and spread them to the sides. Lift your body up, lifting your chest off the floor. Try to lift your body while keeping your neck neutral. Linger in top position for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position. Complete 10 reps.

A similar exercise to strengthen the lumbar region, only in this version the hands are behind the head, which complicates the position. Both of these lower back exercises are variations of hyperextension, but without the use of additional equipment. Also do 10 reps.

Remaining in a lying position on your stomach, alternately lift your opposite arms and legs up. Movements of the arms and legs should be as synchronous as possible. Stay in the extreme position for a few seconds, try to perform the exercise efficiently. Do not mechanically swing your arms and legs. Repeat the exercise on each side 10 times.

Take your hands back and clasp them together. At the same time, lift your shoulders, chest, shins and knees off the floor, forming an oblong boat with your body. The exercise is not easy, so first try to hold this position for at least 10-15 seconds. You can do several short approaches.

While lying on your stomach, move your arms back and grab your feet with your hands. The thighs, stomach, chest and forehead remain on the floor. Keep your shoulders away from your ears and don't strain your neck. Stay in this position for 20 seconds.

You can also do this version of this exercise for the lower back while lying on your side:

While lying on your stomach, lift your shins up and lift your knees off the floor. Grab your ankles with the same hands outside. Bend over as much as possible, lifting your hips and chest off the floor, placing your body weight on your stomach. Imagine that your legs and torso are the body of a bow, and your hands are a stretched bowstring. This exercise for strengthening the lower back is quite complex, so you can gradually increase its amplitude and execution time (you can start with 10 seconds).

From a lying position on your stomach, lift your body, leaning on your forearms and bending at the lower back and thoracic region backs. Stretch your neck, lower your shoulders, relax your neck and aim the top of your head up. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds. Sphinx pose also helps improve your posture.

If you feel uncomfortable doing this exercise or have lower back pain, you can do an alternative with pillows:

From a lying position on your stomach, lift your body, leaning on your hands and bending in your lower back and thoracic back. Straighten your arms, stretch your neck, aim your head up. Stay in the cobra for 20-30 seconds. You can spread your arms wide, this will make it easier to maintain the position. If you feel discomfort or pain in the lower back, do not perform this exercise.

Take a lying position on your back, legs bent at the knees. Lift your pelvis up, tensing your stomach and buttocks. Hold in the upper position for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position. This exercise is useful not only for the lower back, but also for strengthening the buttocks and abs. Repeat the bridge 15-20 times.

13. Table pose

Table pose is another effective exercise for the lower back. Take a table pose and stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, repeat in 2 sets. Please note that the hips, stomach, shoulders, and head should be on the same line. The shins and arms are perpendicular to the body. This exercise also opens up the shoulder joints well.

An excellent strengthening exercise for muscle corset is the bar. Take a push-up position, your body should form one straight line. The arms are positioned strictly under the shoulders, the stomach and buttocks are tucked. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. You can repeat the exercise in 2-3 approaches.

From the plank position, assume the “low plank” position – resting on your forearms. The body maintains a straight line, the buttocks do not rise up, the back remains straight without bends or deflections. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. You can also repeat the exercise in 2-3 approaches. After doing the planks, lower yourself into child's pose and relax for 1-2 minutes.

Thanks again to the YouTube channel for the images. Allie The Journey Junkie.

7 videos for lower back pain in Russian

We offer you a selection of videos for the back in Russian that will help you get rid of lower back pain at home, strengthen the back muscles, restore lost mobility of the spine. The workouts last from 7 to 40 minutes, so everyone can choose the right video for lower back pain.

1. Improvement of the lumbosacral spine (20 minutes)

2. Exercises for the lower back (7 minutes)

3. How to get rid of lower back pain and strengthen it (14 minutes)

4. Restoration of functions in the lumbosacral region (17 minutes)

5. Exercises for the lower back (40 minutes)

6. Mini-complex for the lower back in the subacute period (12 minutes)

7. Exercises for the lumbar spine (10 minutes)

In addition to the presented exercises for the lower back, an effective means for preventing back pain are Pilates workout . Pilates helps strengthen the postural muscles that support the spine, which will help you avoid back problems.

Be sure to check out:

Question. Just answer this honestly: do you spend as much time on your back muscles as you do on your chest? They knew it - no. But in vain: with a pumped up back, you can forget about bad posture. And you can also reap more from your beloved breast. Strong muscles the upper and middle back stabilize the functioning of the shoulder joints. And the stronger the shoulders, the easier it is to perform any exercises for the upper muscle groups.

By pumping your back, you can even increase the volume of your arms. The reason is the forceful flexion and extension of the joints of the upper limbs, which involves the biceps and triceps (depending on the grip).

And finally, the most important reason is women. The statistics read:

“Ladies love men with shoulders 1.6 times wider than their waist.”

Well, are you ready to pump your back? Then let's go.

The following video shows 35 ways to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Some of them you didn't even know about:


Pull-ups are the #1 exercise for the latissimus dorsi. The latter, by the way, also give width to the shoulders. With pumped lats, even an overweight man looks normal. Life hack: when doing pull-ups, imagine that you are trying to reach the bar with your pants pockets on your buttocks. Or at least breasts...

Source: easybuypal.com

A few articles for horizontal bar lovers:

If you are weak for the horizontal bar

It’s not so easy to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar from scratch. Therefore, it is recommended to start with easier exercises. One of them is in the following picture:

Source: easybuypal.com

Perform a full cycle of movements. Take your time - so that you can feel all the muscles involved in the process. The norm is 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps. The exercise often “finishes off the back” - after completing the base (horizontal bar), they specifically “hit” the already tired lats. Advice: hold the handle as widely as possible - this will make it more difficult and more effective.


Deadlifts are also a great way to build up your back. The main thing: the spine should always remain straight. When squatting, do not forget to bend your knees - so that when you rise, your leg muscles also work.

Source: easybuypal.com

For trapezoids

A next exercise creates additional stress on the trapezius, deltoids and rhomboid muscles:

13 best exercises to build a sculpted V-shaped back

Many athletes focus on training their abdominal and chest muscles. However rear end The body also needs training, and we're not just talking about the buttocks. The point is that you should NOT neglect your back exercises.

And here it is not only about building well-developed muscles, a V-shape and overall aesthetics, but also maintaining correct posture, muscle balance and narrow waist. Over-inflated dominant muscles in the chest, abs, and anterior deltoids (the front of the shoulders) cause the body to lean forward, resulting in a slouch.

To you do not do it repeat these mistakes. Consistent work on the back muscles will help maintain the body in an optimal position.

Plus, a strong back is very functional. The next time you row an oar, climb a tree, lift furniture, or climb a fire escape, mentally thank me. Strong pectoral muscles not so suitable in life.

A little anatomy lesson. The numerous muscles of the back vary in size and position. Here are a few major muscles:

  • lats And trapezius muscles cover most of the back. They originate from the spine and lead to the side of the body. These muscles make up the bulk of the back muscle mass and generate the most force. The trapezius is not just a bump on the top of the shoulders, it also dominates the central part of the upper back;
  • rhomboids, infraspinatus, teres minor and other smaller muscles cross diagonally top part backs. From an aesthetic point of view, they create the main definition. They typically work on lats and trapezius exercises (pulling exercises);
  • erector spinae muscle runs vertically along the spine and is the largest muscle of the lower back. It is a key component of core strength.

A well-designed workout evenly works all the back muscles. We have selected 13 of the best exercises aimed at complex training back, stimulation muscle growth, working out the latissimus muscles, trapezius muscles and friend of muscle groups.

Include 4-6 of your favorite exercises in each back workout (for 3 sets of 12 reps) and alternate between them.

Exercise 1: Deadlift

Main muscles: back (full)

  1. Begin each repetition from deep squat. Hold the bar with an overhand grip (A).
  2. Push your hips back, push your heels off the floor, and rise out of the squat (B). Keep your core engaged and your back straight throughout the exercise.
  3. Slowly, with control, lower your hips down until the bar touches the floor (A).

Exercise 2: Barbell Row

Main muscles: back

  1. Hold the barbell in front of you with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Tighten your core, straighten your back, and lean forward at an angle of 60°.
  3. Tightening your back muscles and biceps, pull the barbell towards your upper abdomen. Hold for 1 second and then straighten your arms. Repeat.

Exercise 3: Bent Over Dumbbell Row

Main muscles: back, obliques, teres muscles, latissimus muscles

  1. Place your left knee and left hand on horizontal bench. Left hand should serve as support for the body.
  2. Keep your core tight and your back straight. Tighten your lats and biceps, and then slowly pull the dumbbell up to your torso.
  3. Hold for 1 second. Slowly straightening your arm, lower the dumbbell. You should feel a stretch in your upper back. Repeat.

Exercise 4: Dumbbell Row

Main muscles: back, core muscles, latissimus muscles, round muscles.

  1. Take a lying position with dumbbells in your hands (A).
  2. Keep your core tight and your back straight. With an energetic movement, raise your right arm towards your body (B). Keep your body still.
  3. Hold for 1 second and then return to the previous position (A) and repeat the movement with the other hand.

Exercise 5: Pull-ups and lat pulldowns

Main muscles: back, latissimus, teres muscles

  1. Hang on the horizontal bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart (a narrow grip targets the latissimus and teres muscles, and a wide grip targets the rhomboids and trapezius).
  2. Tighten your lats and core, then pull yourself up to the bar to your upper chest.
  3. Lower yourself slowly, fully extending your arms. Repeat.
  4. If you still find it difficult to do pull-ups, perform overhead pull-downs to your chest.


Use for width training

Block pull to the chest

Exercise 6: Reverse grip pull-ups

Main muscles: back, biceps, latissimus muscles, round muscles.

  1. Hang from the horizontal bar, grasping the bar with an underhand grip (palms facing you) shoulder-width apart.
  2. Squeeze your biceps and pull yourself up to chest level.
  3. Lower yourself with your arms fully extended. Repeat.

Exercise 7: T-Bar Row

Main muscles: back, rhomboids, biceps

  1. Place a loaded bar between your legs. You can use the handle, placing it under the bar, or grab it directly on the bar.
  2. Lean forward at an angle of 45°, tighten your core muscles, keep your back straight (1).
  3. Tighten your lats and trapezius muscles and pull the bar toward your chest (2). Hold the tension for 1 second and then slowly lower the bar toward the floor (1). Repeat.

Exercise 8: Bent Over Dumbbell Row

Main muscles: back, latissimus muscles, teres muscles, rhomboid muscles

  1. Set the bench at a 45° angle and lie face down (A).
  2. Hold 2 dumbbells with a regular grip (palms facing each other), tighten your lats and biceps, and then vigorously pull the dumbbells up (B). Keep your core engaged and your chest pressed into the bench throughout the exercise. Keep your shoulder blades squeezed together at the top of the exercise for 1 second.
  3. Lower the weight by fully extending your arms. Repeat.

Exercise 9: Close-grip pull-down

Main muscles: back, biceps, rhomboids, trapezius

  1. Sit on the weight block machine bench and grab the handle with a narrow grip. Bend your knees and move your back slightly back (A).
  2. Tighten your core and biceps, keeping your back straight. Pull the handle towards your chest (B). Do not sway or use momentum.
  3. Hold for 1 second and then fully extend your arms (A). Repeat.

Exercise 10: Low Bar Pull-Ups

Main muscles: back

  1. Place the empty bar on the rack.
  2. Lie under the bar and grab it with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  3. Lift your hips off the floor and straighten your body so that it is at a 45° angle to the floor. This is the starting position.
  4. Tightening your back muscles, pull your chest towards the bar. Hold for 1 second and then slowly lower to the starting position.

Exercise 11: Dumbbell Pullover

Target muscles: latissimus muscles

  1. Lie down on the bench. Hold the dumbbell on outstretched arms above the chest (1) so that the palms are pressed against the upper disc.
  2. Tighten your core muscles. Slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head to just below the bench (2).
  3. Keeping your arms straight, tighten your lats and lift the dumbbell to the starting position (1). Repeat. You can also do pullovers on a stability ball, or while sitting on a bench with your hips raised (this makes the exercise more difficult and puts more stress on your core muscles).

Exercise 12: Superman

Target muscles: muscles of the lower back

  1. Lie on the floor, stretch your arms forward (1).
  2. Lift your legs, chest and arms off the floor. Tighten your lower back muscles.
  3. Hold the tension for 1 second and then return to the starting position.

Exercise 13: Hyperextension

Target muscles: lower back muscles

  1. Lie down on a hyperextension bench and cross your arms over your chest (1). You can also do this exercise on a stability ball.
  2. Without rounding your back, slowly bend forward so that your torso angle is 45° (2).
  3. Tighten your lower back muscles and lift yourself back up to the starting position (1). Repeat.