Deadlift on straight legs what muscles work. Deadlift on straight legs. Progress of the exercise “deadlift on straight legs”

The correct technique for performing deadlifts on straight legs is described, the muscles being trained are described, important tips for better results + a video for a clear example of execution.

Description of the exercise

This exercise is aimed at training the biceps of the thighs and buttocks, which is why girls love it so much, it allows you to really increase the volume and build beautiful shapes of these areas of the body.

This exercise is also called a deadlift and its main difference from the classic deadlift is that almost the entire load goes into the buttocks. Don’t listen to those who say that your legs should be absolutely straight, bend them slightly at the feet to remove the load from the hamstrings, tilt your back until it is parallel to the floor, do not go any lower. This is one of the best exercises for building muscle mass in the back thighs and buttocks.

Muscles trained

As mentioned above, the main load goes to the gluteal muscle, as well as the hip flexors and lumbar extensors; the work partially includes the teres major, rhomboid and.

1) When performing, you should know that the stronger the legs are straightened, the more the thigh biceps are involved in the work; the more they are bent, the more actively the buttocks work. But don’t try to do it with straight legs, don’t take risks, no one needs injuries and sprains.

2) Straight-legged deadlifts with a barbell reduce the load on the front of the thigh as much as possible, so if you want to tighten the back area without loading the front, this is an excellent way to achieve leg asymmetry.

3) The option of using dumbbells is also allowed; they can be more conveniently placed in the hands by holding them at a slight angle, which is more comfortable for the forearms, but it is unlikely that every gym has dumbbells weighing 40-50 kg, so they are mainly used by girls, because the small male sex does not like them. Girls can also use a kettlebell in the absence of other sports equipment.

4) When bending, the back must be slightly arched in the lower back, level and parallel to the floor; if this cannot be done, then bend less or bend your legs more, but you cannot slouch your back, this is a sure way to micro-injuries of the back. You need to straighten your back completely so that it is vertical; there is no need to bend back, this will overload the lower back. You need to look straight ahead, and not lower your eyes to the floor.

5) An important point: when bending over, do not allow your heels to lift off the floor; your feet are firmly on the floor; at the lowest point, light lifting on your toes is prohibited; you can get sprains of the Achilles tendon, rhomboids and calf muscles.

One of the most traumatic strength exercises is the straight-legged deadlift.

But its training effectiveness more than compensates for these risks with strict adherence to execution and caution in terms of magnitude.

Description and benefits of the exercise

A detailed description will be given below during the analysis of the execution technique. Here we only note that the exercise is one of the most popular in the arsenal of athletes and simply gym lovers. Lifting over and over again (without subsequent pressing or pushing), a person clearly understands the benefits received:

  • good posture;
  • confident gait;
  • rhythmic breathing;
  • capacity for increasing overloads.

Muscles involved

Deadlifts are needed for those who care about strengthening their legs and understand which exercises work during this exercise.


The muscles of the back (rectifiers and latissimus), hips and gluteus maximus develop well.


Trapezes work quite seriously. The pectoral muscles, deltoids and triceps, as well as quadriceps, which are involved to a much lesser extent, complete the overall picture.

Technique and number of repetitions for men and women

The straight-legged deadlift has the same basic technique for both sexes. Read on about it and about male/female technical and load differences.

Important! If you move the bar a little further, then during the movement there is a risk of immediately breaking your back.

Correct technique

Feet should be shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out. The barbell is very close - my socks are peeking out from under it. should be at such a width that your knees can be placed between them (in a narrower case, your hands will get in the way, and putting your hands between your knees is generally considered bad manners).

At the beginning, from the bottom position, the barbell rises not only due to the muscles of the back, but also the legs (during the first row they are bent - they are straight already during repetitions).

It is important not to forget about this even during the first lift - by straightening your back only after performing a pull (that is, the pulling movement is performed with a round back), you risk getting the first (main) one at the very beginning. Strict adherence to this rule will allow you to avoid.

The head should always be raised and the gaze directed slightly upward. This position creates the necessary tension for the thoracic region of the body.
Each repetition is accompanied by one inhalation and exhalation - there is no need to hold your breath.

Important! The back should always be arched throughout the entire exercise.- otherwise injury is inevitable.


Difficulty, high load and injury rate naturally reduce the number of training sessions and approaches to the barbell for this type of exercise.

Optimal (for men) is 3 workouts per month. A well-prepared athlete can afford weekly classes. For newcomers (and women) it is recommended no more than once every 2 weeks. There are no hard limits, but the body itself will let you know that it does not have time to recover after such exercises. Therefore, the general rule (for both men and women) should be a minimum, which increases very gradually with training.

Even for a professional, it will be enough to repeat the exercise two dozen times during training, and an amateur (already trained) should not exceed the limit of a dozen approaches.

Due to the complexity of the exercise and the desire not to harm the novice athlete, we are forced not to limit ourselves to describing the technical techniques, but to give some additional advice.

Basic mistakes of newbies

They come down to violation of safety conditions and are of two types:

  • technical, associated with imprecise execution in their overall complex - it is advisable to start such classes with a trainer or simply an experienced mentor;
  • psychological, caused by the desire to immediately achieve great results - excessive loads lead to injury.
  • For lovers of heavy weights, we recommend using wrist straps: you won’t have to worry about the barbell slipping out of your sweaty hands. However, when increasing the weight of the barbell, do not neglect taking care of your back - it is quite easy to tear it down with excess weight.
  • If you want to train your back to a greater extent, move the barbell in your hands slightly forward during the movement (but do not overdo it).
  • In order for the entire muscle mass to work harmoniously, with a simultaneous increase in the load on the legs and feet, the barbell is raised and lowered at a minimum distance from the legs - while the center of gravity is slightly shifted to the heels, and the pelvis is pulled back.
  • To avoid damaging your knees, we advise you not to take the term “straight” in relation to your legs as an indisputable dogma. A slight (really small!) bend in your knees will keep your joints healthy, and this will not make your muscles work any worse.
  • The process of strengthening the gluteal muscles will become more effective if they are in an artificially tense state from the starting position until the end of the exercise.

The deadlift as described above (including recommendations) represents the standard technique for performing it for men, and for women deviations from this standard are as follows:
  • less weight, including for the first time you can use not a barbell, but;
  • emphasis on strengthening the buttocks and inner thighs, for which the second and fifth (from this section) movement options are used;
  • the use of incomplete amplitude (not necessary, but suitable primarily for women and beginners).
The above “female” features correct the classic deadlift towards its Romanian (or so-called “dead”) version, about which we will also say a few words at the end.


Strength training, as you know, is not suitable for everyone - there is a certain lower back, the athlete does not return the barbell to the platform from repetition to repetition.

But the difference doesn't stop there.

The main thing is to work the muscle groups:

  • classic deadlift provides global load to the entire leg muscle complex, giving the necessary tension to the back muscles;
  • Romanian deadlift emphasizes the load on the hips and buttocks, that is, it is actually a targeted exercise specifically for these muscles.

Power can lead you to and away from it: act confidently and carefully.

Deadlift on straight legs - one of the mandatory exercises in the gym. It is equally suitable for both men and girls, and everyone uses variations of this exercise to achieve their own goals.

Men focus more on their leg muscles, girls tighten their buttocks. But despite the visual simplicity of its implementation, it is quite traumatic for the spine.

Therefore, let's study the technique and analyze possible mistakes when working muscles using the deadlift exercise.

Indications and contraindications

If you want to develop the muscle complex of your legs and buttocks, this exercise is for you. So what muscles work when performing a deadlift? In dynamic mode, both the front surface of the thighs and, depending on the situation (depending on the position of the legs), the adductor muscles of the thighs work. The back extensors work in a static mode, as do the muscles of the forearm.

For discomfort and pain in the spine, intervertebral hernias and protrusions It is not recommended to perform the exercise. But with scoliosis it can be very useful.

In any case, if you have problems with your spine or work with heavy weights, perform the exercise in a special belt and follow all the rules of technique.

Did you know? Correct technique is the basis for increasing strength indicators.

Deadlift technique

To add variety to your gym routine, you can perform deadlifts with dumbbells. By the way, working with dumbbells will allow you to quickly change the weight of the apparatus, which is perfect if you adhere to the “pyramid” or “half-pyramid” principle.

Actually The deadlift is a variation of the classic stiff-legged deadlift exercise. Deadlifts were designed to put more effective stress on the lower back. In contrast, in the classic version, the barbell touches the floor with discs, and the legs can be slightly bent at the knees, since the inclination is lower.

If you perform a classic deadlift with your legs as wide apart as possible ( "sumo" option), the adductor muscles of the thighs are activated, which allows you to exercise with heavy weights.

Deadlifts on straight legs are perfect for girls, those who want to achieve a beautiful relief of their “rear”. By including the exercise in your training program, you can achieve a clear boundary between toned buttocks and the back of the thighs.

  • If you are beginners, be sure to practice under the supervision of a trainer. Better yet, start with deadlifts on the Smith machine, and after a month or two, move on to free weights.
  • Perform the exercise only after warming up and stretching the lumbar and hamstring muscles.
  • Use a barbell or dumbbells as free weight.
  • Do not immediately chase heavy weights and adequately calculate your strength. If you barely reach the weight of your knees, this is not your weight yet.
  • To reduce the risk of injury, wear a belt and use straps that secure the barbell to your hands.
  • Include exercise on your back day. Combine it with another exercise to work the leg muscles, “Hack Squats.”
  • When lifting heavy weights, perform deadlifts no more than once per week.

General principles

Performing deadlifts with a barbell

Starting position:

  • move closer to the bar;
  • feet shoulder-width apart with toes slightly pointed out;
  • in a squat, grab the bar with a straight grip with your palms facing you, placing your hands at a distance convenient for you;
  • arms are perpendicular to the floor, shoulders in the projection of the barbell;
  • the gaze is directed upward.


  1. Inhale fully and as you exhale, begin to lift the barbell. Do not lift it off the floor abruptly.
  2. After the bar passes your knees, straighten as much as possible and squeeze your shoulder blades together. When making an upward movement, imagine that you are pressing your feet into the floor, this will give you the opportunity to concentrate and perform the exercise correctly. Don't stop at the top.
  3. Slowly lower the barbell, starting the movement by moving your pelvis back.
  4. Stop for a few seconds when the bar reaches the middle third of your shin.
  5. Repeat the exercise.

Possible mistakes

From the outside, looking at lifters who have been performing the exercise for many months, it seems that the deadlift is quite simple. In fact the exercise is very dangerous. If you make a mistake, you can pay with your health. Let's look at the most serious errors:

  • rounding of the lower back;
  • full knee extension;
  • strong bending of the knees;
  • moving the bar forward.

Deadlift technique: video

Of course, a specialist will be the best person to tell you about the correct technique and common mistakes. In the video, you will learn from a first-person perspective about the options for grips and foot placement and which ones are more suitable for whom.

Despite the various variations of deadlifts, they all work essentially the same muscle mass. Knowing what works best for you, when and how to perform exercises correctly will help you achieve your goal faster. Typically, athletes use one favorite option during training.

Are you doing the same? Or are you trying to diversify your life in the gym? Tell us about your workouts in the comments.

Let's dispel the doubts that a lot of ambiguous information about the “dead deadlift” leads us to believe. Before moving on to this type of exercise, let’s define what it is, and finally, we’ll talk about it in detail.

“I gained most of my muscle mass when I trained as a powerlifter,” says Johnny, who deadlifted more than 350kg before becoming a professional bodybuilder. “I developed a powerful back, legs, as well as chest and arms through deadlifting. This is a full body exercise."

Johnny Jackson, pro from Texas, winner of the 2006 Montreal Pro Classic and 2007 Atlantic City Pro

Let's start with what muscles work most actively during this exercise. This information is necessary, first of all, for the correct execution of approaches!

If you do everything correctly, you will feel the tension and work of these particular muscles, remember the body’s reaction and will not be able to make mistakes in the future.

  • Load on the hamstrings (back of the thighs).
  • Spinal erector muscle.
  • The load on the back of the thigh, provided that the exercise is performed correctly, is global. You won't be able to confuse this burst of tension with anything else. The gluteal muscles also work powerfully, but compared to the hips, you won't notice it much.

    Features of the exercise

    Dead deadlifts have their own characteristics and prerequisites for execution. Violate even one condition, and now you are already doing some kind of strength exercise known only to you, and you should no longer expect a noticeable effect. Injuries and sprains will also not keep you waiting.

    • Maximum arched back. You can control this moment by the position of the shoulder blades - they should be in the same state. We began to move our shoulder blades apart, and our back immediately began to round. Maintain maximum deflection!
    • Slight bending of the knees while bending. This is where the argument begins and phrases fly like “deadlifts on straight legs should be on straight legs!” Look, without experience and good stretching of the hamstrings, with straight legs you will not be able to lower the barbell below the knee without rounding your back, and as soon as your back rounds, it takes on all the stress. We don't need injuries!
    • Movement of the bar along the legs. Lower and raise the barbell by practically running your fingers along your legs. There is no need to push it forward.
    • Perform exercises with a shortened amplitude. You don't need to fully straighten your back. You need to catch the most difficult moment in straightening your back and fixate in it, also with the lowest point of inclination - you will feel it as soon as the muscles of the buttocks and biceps of the thighs are maximally tense. The lowest point is when the bar is approximately in the middle of the shin. Work between these points. Over time, you will be able to lower the barbell lower and keep your legs straighter.

    How to do a deadlift correctly

    It's time to move on to the exercise itself. So, how is the straight-legged deadlift exercise performed?

    Deadlift technique

    1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. If you bring your legs closer, the muscles of the buttocks will work stronger; if you spread them wider, the biceps of the thigh will work. Here you need to decide for yourself what is more important to you personally. Place your feet firmly on the floor, parallel to each other.
    2. We bend our back, round our chest and remember this position of the torso. The head continues the line of the back.
    3. We take the barbell from the stand with a straight grip slightly wider than shoulder width. You should start with minimal weights.
    4. We move our buttocks back as far as possible.
    5. We bend our legs slightly at the knees. No need to straighten your knees as much as possible!
    6. We bend forward with an arched back until the moment when trembling and tension in the back of the thigh reaches a maximum. Let's go as low as possible. Stop at the moment when the back begins to round. We bend our knees minimally during the process. We linger at this point with an inhalation.
    7. Raise the barbell up. We use core strength. We do not change the position of the back, we simply straighten until the moment when we again feel maximum tension in the buttocks and back. We also fix ourselves at this point and exhale.
    8. You need to continue moving up and down between these points. There is no need to fully straighten your back.

    What is the difference between a stiff legged deadlift and a Romanian deadlift?

    • When deadlifting, you need to bend your knees as little as possible. The depth of the bend depends on how well your hamstrings are stretched and your back is strong. In the Romanian deadlift, it is possible to bend your knees, but this does not mean that you need to squat.
    • In the deadlift, in addition to the hamstrings, the back muscles work, because when straight-legged, the core strength is used. In the Romanian deadlift, the back is not involved in lifting and lowering the barbell, the arms simply hold the weight.
    • The deadlift has a longer range of motion than the Romanian deadlift.
    • The Deadlift has a difficulty level of 3, and the Romanian Deadlift has a difficulty level of 5. That should say a lot.

    What is the difference between a straight-legged deadlift and a classic deadlift? Different in everything!

    • With a classic deadlift, extension at the top point is maximum
    • With a classic deadlift, bending the knees at the bottom is possible
    • Classic deadlift – strengthening the lower back muscles. More muscle groups work.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    On to the pros Dead deadlifts include working not only the hamstrings and buttocks, but also the back muscles. The exercise is complex, and it is better to approach it after mastering the Romanian deadlift and carefully reading the exercise technique

    On to the cons can be attributed:

    • High load on knee joints and ligaments.
    • Load on the back. Dangerous load!
    • If done incorrectly and early, there is a chance of tearing your lower back.

    • Approach the exercise in a strict order of difficulty.
    • Be sure to warm up before strength training and don't avoid stretching.
    • Do not overload the bar! Start with light weights, this will allow you to feel the increase in load and effect.

    Video of dead deadlift on straight legs

    When you enter the hall, remember these words

    The deadlift is a complex and responsible exercise that cannot be approached carelessly, like any other exercise. But we cannot neglect them. Proper training, following our recommendations, your desire and perseverance will in any case bring the desired effect. The main thing is not to give up!

    Be sure to read about it

    The straight-legged deadlift is one of the best basic exercises that allows you to maximally load the hamstrings and gluteal muscles and develop the muscles of the whole body. The name does not quite correctly reflect the basic principle. You cannot perform the exercise with your legs completely straight; you need to bend them slightly at the knees.

    The straight-legged deadlift has a number of alternative names, such as deadlift or Romanian deadlift. In most cases, the exercise is used by the fair sex, but men needlessly neglect it. You need to pump your legs a lot and often, this is the only way you will look proportionate and aesthetically attractive. In addition, exercise will help you gain weight. Include straight-legged deadlifts in your workouts, and the results will not be long in coming!

    Deadlift technique

    Correct execution of the exercise allows you to use about 70% of the muscles of the athlete’s entire body. The work involves the quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks, latissimus dorsi and forearm muscles as much as possible.

    Technique for performing deadlifts on straight legs:

    • IP: Place your feet in a way that is comfortable for you. It can be shoulder-width apart, or a little narrower. It's all about flexibility. The back is straight, legs slightly bent at the knees;
    • We take the barbell and begin to smoothly lower ourselves while inhaling to a level just below the knee;
    • As you exhale, we begin a smooth rise into the IP, but do not straighten out completely.

    In principle, the technique itself is simple and straightforward. But there are a number of additions, non-compliance with which can lead to serious spinal injuries. The deadlift occupies a leading position in the list of the most traumatic exercises. Watch your every action.

    Leaning all the way: secrets and effectiveness

    You can do deadlifts on straight legs not only to the level of the knee, but also directly to the floor. But not everyone can achieve such feats. Peculiarities:

    1. The exercise requires good stretching;
    2. Be sure to warm up before your first approach. Forward bends are ideal. Try to touch the floor with your fingers, feeling the stretch in your legs, hold for at least 10 seconds. Do 3 sets and you can start deadlifting;
    3. For advanced levels, we recommend including a step platform in the program to increase the range of movement. But you don’t need to use the heaviest weight. Stop at 30-40 kg. This way you can thoroughly stretch your calves, hamstrings and buttocks, which will have a positive effect on the appearance of your muscles;
    4. Do not lift the barbell or dumbbells from the floor, especially if you are lifting heavy weights. It's very easy to break your back. It is better to take the barbell from the racks and the dumbbells from the stands.

    By bending down to the floor, you significantly increase the load on your hips/buttocks. But at the same time, the risk of spinal injury increases significantly. This exercise is really for advanced athletes. Take your time to increase the amplitude, warm up, develop stretching and only then move on to bending down to your feet

    The risk of injury can be reduced to zero only by following the techniques and recommendations. Deadlifts on straight legs with dumbbells or a barbell should be performed taking into account the following tips:

    • The back should be straight. It is important to maintain the natural S-curve of the spine throughout the exercise. Otherwise – hernias, protrusions, etc. This is quite simple to do - try to always look up and control the arch in your back until the end of the exercise;
    • The barbell or dumbbells should slide along the legs, not pass next to each other at a distance of 2-3 cm, but rather slide. We touch the bar to the thigh and begin to smoothly lower ourselves to the level for which the stretch is sufficient;
    • Don't use too much weight - start with an empty bar. This is normal, absolutely everyone does this (of course, those who value the health of their back). Gradually increase the load;
    • You cannot keep your legs completely straight. Bend your knees slightly - this will protect both your joints and your spine (you will be able to keep your back straight);
    • Do not straighten all the way until you finish the set. It is better to remain slightly bent over. This way you can focus the load on the muscles and keep them tense throughout the exercise. Accordingly, your legs and buttocks will work out much better this way.

    Please note that the exercise must be performed smoothly. Any jerking movements, twisting, or acceleration of the pace are strictly prohibited. Do it slowly and thoughtfully. Any jerk is a risk of injury. Smooth execution is a great opportunity to get powerful legs and work out the buttocks. The straight-legged deadlift uses different muscle groups, so training with this exercise will help you gain weight or lose weight (depending on your diet).

    If you have never done deadlifts, start with a weight that is no more than 50% of your body weight. You need to increase the load slowly. If you train regularly, you can add 3-4 kg per week, if there are certain breaks, the monthly load should be no more than 6 kg.

    How else can you do the exercise?

    Straight-legged deadlifts can be performed not only with a barbell. The exercise becomes more comfortable and effective if you use dumbbells. With their help, you can significantly increase the amplitude, while the load on the spine will not be so strong.

    With dumbbells it is much easier to perform the exercise straight to the floor rather than to the knee. But this technique has a significant drawback - it is quite difficult to maintain balance. A barbell allows you to fix the body in a certain position, but deadlifting on straight legs with dumbbells requires a more developed vestibular system and greater training of the athlete. There is another effective exercise with dumbbells -.

    To whom, when and how much

    For: Intermediate athletes and/or professionals;

    When: At the beginning of training, the exercise is basic. Can be varied;

    How much: On average – 3 sets x 8-10 repetitions. But it all depends on the weight of the projectile and the athlete’s goals.

    Straight-legged deadlifts will help you create powerful, sculpted legs and give you a good stretch. If you have any personal recommendations for doing the exercise, leave them in the comments and share your experience!

    Masses and relief to you!
