How to learn martial arts at home. Self-defense in a confined space. Eye gouging with fingers

If you read my articles, studied the basics and principles of self-defense, know the algorithms for entering the entrance, into the car, into the apartment, navigate the crowd, monitor the appearance of all possible dangers ... most likely you will not have any problems with paranoia. Strange? Not at all. Ensuring personal safety is normal and right. Your actions may seem strange or unnecessary to someone - well, that's their problem. It's just that they are not yet in the subject - give them a link to this blog.

Usually the question of how not to become paranoid arises for beginners when they hear some advice on personal safety, divorced from the general context.

For example these:

  • Don't talk to strangers
  • Don't let anyone get within arm's length
  • Approaching the car, look around, keep the keys in your hand
  • When entering a dark entrance, stop for a couple of seconds and listen
  • At night, do not wear a hood and headphones

And so on. By themselves, these "bad advice" seem strange and quite fit the symptoms of paranoid thought disorder - suspiciousness, the search for enemies and a hidden conspiracy. But this is only at first glance.

The fact is that all the recommendations of serious professionals in the field of self-defense do not arise from scratch. This is a combination of their personal knowledge and the mass of the experience of other people they have collected, and most importantly, all these recommendations are a logical conclusion from the general concept, from the system of human training. It is as part of the training that they are easily assimilated, integrated into your own personal security system and cease to seem painfully strange.

To put it simply, walk up to your car and look around - for a self-defender, this is the same as washing your hands with soap when you come home from the street.

Taking care of your own safety is completely natural in the realities of modern urban life. The only question is how not to start "paranoid" in the process of learning self-defense. I'll tell you.

Indeed, when a person just starts practicing self-defense, his psyche begins to rebuild. A lot of new material now falls into his field of attention: something that he did not pay any attention to before. The natural habit of being attentive has not yet been formed, and the novice self-defender is looking for a threat in everything. It is possible and quite normal for initial period learning. And this is where humor comes in!

I will say without false modesty: humor and positive - this is what distinguishes our approach, the methodology of the "Self-defense 100%" club from many schools and self-defense systems. Teaching complex and scary things should be against a generally positive background. This does not mean at all that we are joking all through the workout and designating, say, an impact on the eyes or blows to the groin. Sometimes in training it is both painful and scary. But all the same, we always try to keep and instill in our customers a general positive charge. And humor and positivity are traits of a confident person.

So, if a person trains positively, is confident in himself and constantly improves his self-defense skills, then compliance with security algorithms becomes something like an interesting quest at the time of training.

A peppy self-defender goes out into the street, goes to his car. Approaching, he looked around. He took out the key, looked around again, opened the door, sat down, closed all the locks and started the engine - all this is very interesting and easy to train just like an entertaining educational game. And when it becomes a habit, there will be no question of any paranoia. Only adequate care and common sense.

“The fight that never happened is good,” says the famous proverb. However, this is not always the case - and sometimes the unshakable truth has to be put aside. Today you can become a participant in a brawl almost anywhere and at any time, but how to get out of it as a winner? We decided to give short instructions and important tips that will help you improve your combat skills in a short time. Let’s make a reservation right away: if you are trying to learn how to learn how to fight in 5 minutes, then this article is not for you. But 5 minutes will be enough for you to read the article and find out what to do next for your physical development.

Not every parent, and especially mothers, agrees that their child is trained in a real fighting section or school from childhood. Everyone is afraid of injuries, bruises and other injuries, and a child who dreams of a career as a wrestler, boxer or athlete of a different kind has to go dancing or drawing. In this case, you have to master the technique yourself, which is many times more difficult than under the supervision of a master. Let's see how to learn to fight at home, what you need for this and make a small action plan for beginners.

Find reserves in yourself!

  1. The first thing you need to start self-development is motivation and a goal. Without this, every second workout will end in failure. Anything can serve as a motive: a bully at school or college, bullies in the yard, the presence of a lady of the heart who needs to be protected, and so on. Goals should be small but lead to big things.
  2. Do your best to achieve results. Now every day is a battle, but not with an external enemy, but with an internal one. You should not interfere with fear, laziness and other ailments.
  3. Despite your best efforts, you will not succeed if you train without a professional. By the way, a training video can also become a trainer - but do not grab everything in a row, trying to master different techniques. Choose a specific direction: karate, boxing, UFC fights and train.

Where to begin?

Preparing for any fight begins with a morale, because you won’t be able to learn how to fight well without it. A person who is afraid of a fight will lose in it. The psychological factor is decisive, it takes away self-confidence, thoughts start to get confused in your head, you forget everything you learned in training. That is why it is necessary to practice more in order to work out blows to automaticity - you can be in a trance because of fear, but your subconscious mind will cause the right reaction in the body when attacked.

  1. Do not be afraid of physical pain, it passes much faster than moral.
  2. If you don't defend yourself, you may be killed or maimed.
  3. If you are afraid of the opinions of others, remember that it doesn’t matter at all what they think of you if your health or, even more so, life is at stake.

These three theses are the main thing to remember in every training session and in every fight.

Since it is almost impossible to learn how to fight quickly, you will have to make a training plan. A fighter must have a strong developed body, which he knows how to control well. A pile of muscle is of little help if it is immobilized. Strict discipline is a must, you can’t deviate from the lesson plan. In addition to studying the shock technique itself, you need to perform the following exercises:

  1. Cardio. Running, biking, jumping, jumping out of a squat - all this perfectly loads the cardiovascular system and develops endurance in a person.
  2. Cor. Any strike starts from twisting the body. Accordingly, a trained fighter must have strong abs and back extensors. Excellent exercises for pumping can be called a static plank on the elbows and socks, hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar, hyperesthesia and double-support bridges.
  3. Weightlifting. Cardio will help you run away from the enemy, a strong body will help you dodge in time, but only a strong person can deliver a strong blow. You should not buy barbells and dumbbells, your own body is enough for training. The base consists of six exercises: push-ups, upside-down push-ups, squats, pull-ups, bridges, hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar. They develop everything muscle groups. For those who find it easy to squat on two legs, it is recommended to do it on one, the same goes for other exercises.

Suppose you are in excellent physical shape - but how exactly to repel the enemy? Since you are unlikely to succeed in learning how to fight like special forces without a coach, let's go the other way.

How to learn to fight: step by step instructions

  1. Choose a specific view martial art and find in it a few (4-5) tricks that are most effective in your opinion.
  2. Concentrate on studying them, additionally learn basic strikes. There are only three of them: hook, jab and uppercut.
  3. Strengthen your knuckles with fist push-ups - there will be no tape or gloves on the street.
  4. Constantly practice on , pears and live sparring partners.

Models that are great for practicing strikes are:

  1. - the advantage of the equipment is that it completely repeats the anatomical composition of the human body. Not the cheapest (from 24,590 rubles), but a very convenient simulator for those who set the goal of exercising every day.
  2. are significantly cheaper - from 13,650 rubles. The simulator allows you to work at different levels and develop faster.
  3. Punching bags, punching bags, floor reactor bags (very inexpensive - from 8,990 rubles) are the most popular equipment. Good for their mobility, they train reaction and agility. A huge number of options, so choosing a model for material, weight and size is not difficult.

And remember - only long workouts will make you strong man who can take care of himself.

How to master the techniques of self-defense, Learn to fight back. (10+)

Physical self-defense against attack and aggression. How to learn

I myself used the mastered techniques only twice, and the second time was more than 10 years after training. But everything turned out great. So I still have a formidable weapon with me.

Your goal is to protect yourself and loved ones

Having decided to start training, you need to clearly formulate a goal for yourself. Do you want to learn how to defend yourself, or do you want to improve your physical fitness, train your cardiovascular and respiratory system, lose weight. Most sections teach martial arts. Possession of them at a professional level allows you to effectively defend yourself, but for professional skills you need many years of training. Amateurish possession of techniques can only do harm. So in such sections, you need to either make a professional career as an athlete, or pull up the OFP (general physical training). But you should not expect that the acquired skills will quickly protect you from hooligans.

Criteria for choosing a teacher of self-defense, self-defense

Effective self-defense techniques do not require special physical strength, flexibility, dexterity, etc. Where they are actually taught to defend themselves, strength, agility and flexibility are not trained. For self-defense, you need a clear execution of the technique and confidence in what you are doing.

My training took a month. Classes were for 3 hours, every two days. This time is enough to master the basic skills sufficient for defense in ordinary life. The schedule is very importance, since it is in this mode that the necessary skills are best developed.

Techniques are practiced on specially trained people. These techniques are really very effective. They cannot be worked on each other. You will just get hurt. In addition, an ordinary, unprepared person will not be able to naturally portray a bully. Faced with real aggression, you will be afraid if during training the opponent behaved differently.

You need to master a very small number of tricks. I know 7. But it is important to hone the techniques to perfection.

Such training cannot be cheap. Only two professionals will work with you for three hours every two days: a coach and a stuntman. The hour of such specialists is very expensive.

No tricks and skills will protect with a guarantee

Having mastered the necessary techniques, you will be able to cope with one person of any size and strength who does not have special training. But a few people or a trained person (and there are also many of them wandering in search of easy prey) will still be a danger.

I'll give you an example. My good friend was in the special forces. Was well prepared. Once a group of drug addicts stuck to him. And while he was teaching them good manners, one standing at a distance shot him and shot through the abdomen. Doctors saved him, but there was little pleasure.

So the main advice is to avoid dangerous situations. There is no point in tempting fate. Even if you are well prepared, there is absolutely no reason to walk dangerous dark paths or deliberately provoke people. Analyze your routes, make sure they are safe or change them to make them safe. Neither weapons nor self-defense techniques will save you, for example, from sniper rifle or grenades.

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The realities of the modern world are such that we run the risk of facing danger just by going out into the street. Sometimes it is impossible to avoid dark alleys and deserted areas, so we need to know self-defense techniques that will help us protect ourselves in case of danger. And if a conflict arises and the alleged offender crosses a certain line, then the most correct thing for you to do is to move to an active attack in order to deprive him of the opportunity to continue his actions.

Of course, it is worth remembering that assault is not the only way to resolve the conflict - in some cases it is better to take flight, forgetting about pride, even if you know self-defense techniques. But there are situations when self-defense becomes the only way to protect your life. Basically, a physically strong person starts a fight on the streets, sometimes there can even be several attackers. In such cases, forbidden self-defense techniques will become the most effective. This technique is quite simple, but at the same time its techniques are very traumatic.

Feature of forbidden tricks

The specificity of this technique lies in striking at the most vulnerable places of the enemy. And there is no need to apply great power to injure a weak spot. Therefore, such techniques are suitable for people of any gender, age and complexion. There are many particularly vulnerable places on the human body that cannot be pumped up with muscles or accustomed to pain.

For forbidden self-defense techniques to be effective, you need to strike quickly and spontaneously. In self-defense, not only technique is important, but also cunning. That is, if you are suddenly attacked, you do not need to immediately take a fighting position - it is better to pretend to be frightened, and then inflict a strong blow on the enemy.

The most vulnerable areas of the human body

So, the main areas that do not have a dense muscle cover are: collarbones, spine, shins, ankles, temples, instep, internal organs, joints, back of the skull and the most sensitive places (eyes, carotid artery, groin, lower abdomen, nose and throat). The most effective self-defense techniques for girls and children are enemy blows to the ear, bridge of the nose, and the base of the jaw. And painful holds and grips on fingers, hands, collarbones and elbows.

There are many ways to defend yourself in an attack. And in order to master them perfectly, it is better to enroll in special courses, such skills will certainly not be superfluous.

Techniques to help deprive the abuser of legal capacity

As a rule, weak attempts at resistance will only provoke the aggressor, and he will move on to more terrible actions. Therefore it is worth considering useful tricks self-defense on the street, which will help you buy time and partially deprive the offender of legal capacity.

Knee to groin

This classic technique is either a capture of the scrotum, since this zone is the most vulnerable in men. If you hit the attacker hard in this place, he will reflexively release his hands, as a result, you will have the opportunity to free yourself from the grip. Please note: you need to hit as hard as possible, since weak attempts will only anger your opponent.

Hit in the groin with hands

The blow can be applied from the bottom up with a hand clenched into a fist. Gotta hit the surface thumb like a knife blow from the bottom up. If the enemy grabbed you from the back and holds you by the hair or throat, then you need to beat with the edge of the palm of your hand or with your fist, directing the blow back. If it allows, you can apply it with a half-turn of the body - this technique will be even more effective.

throat punch

Simple self-defense techniques for women necessarily include such an important blow as a poke in the throat.

It is necessary to fold the fingers of the hands with a pinch, firmly pressing the pads to each other and apply to the throat of the enemy. This solution will be the most optimal way to protect, but only if the throat of the aggressor is open. The blow is applied to the cavity above the collarbones from top to bottom or from bottom to top at an acute angle. This technique is very painful and can lead to difficulty breathing in the attacker, coughing or even fainting.

Hit on the nose with the edge of the hand

This blow should be applied with the edge of the palm on the nose or in the area of ​​​​the upper lip. This is a great way to protect yourself from attack. It must be applied in a horizontal plane with an open palm with a quickdraw. Most effective option applications - a hidden blow, that is, you seem to be asking for mercy, folding your hands in front of your chest. The palms should be offset relative to each other, so that the little finger of the right hand is on the thumb of the left. He performs as if you want to sharply clean the dirt from the left with your right palm. If you perform this technique correctly, then the enemy will experience a strong

Hit on the ears

This well-known blow is applied with open palms, folded a little like a boat, simultaneously on two ears of the opponent. The main requirement is that it must be sharp and strong. It is necessary to use the inertia and weight of your body, and then this technique can lead to a rupture of the eardrum or a severe pain shock.

Slashing blow to the face

This technique is considered typically feminine. To use it, you need to turn the body a little and throw your arm forward: the shoulder, then the elbow and the hand, which shoots upwards with a whip. As a striking surface, you can use the knuckles, the edge of the palm or its back side.

How to free yourself from suffocation and capture?

Effective self-defense is not just about using punches to incapacitate an attacker. With their help, you can get rid of, for example, a frontal grab by the throat. To do this, you need to strike the enemy in the face in any of the above ways, this will give you the opportunity to loosen your grip. And in order to wriggle out of the grip, you need to lean on the aggressor's arm with your shoulder or forearm from top to bottom due to the weight of your body.

If you need hands, then this can be done by twisting your hand towards the opponent's thumb. Next, you need to move the weight of the body through the front leg to the captured arm and hang on it. With an unloaded leg at this time, you can strike the attacker's thigh. You can also effectively use the energy of the turn and with your free hand backhand to strike in the face of the opponent.

These are the simplest self-defense techniques, but do not forget that a damaged opponent is even more dangerous. And even if you managed to neutralize and immobilize him, do not lose your vigilance and do not turn your back on him.

Useful self-defense techniques

You can knock down the breath of the enemy and even deprive him of consciousness with a strong blow. The blow can be applied both with the hand and with the foot. Strong in the nose of the attacker is able to temporarily deprive him of balance. If you carry out a direct blow to the nose with a knee or elbow, then this will result in a deep knockout or a broken bridge of the nose for the aggressor. An uppercut to the chin is also capable of knocking out an opponent. But remember that the wrong strike threatens you with broken fingers or broken bones.

Self-defense techniques in pictures will help you determine which parts of the human body are the most vulnerable. Joints are one of those weak areas. If you strike the opponent with a directed blow from the side or perform a sweep from the back of the knee, then he will lose his balance. Effective strikes on knee joints and in short range combat.

What is the role of balance in combat?

The effectiveness of self-defense techniques depends on many factors: on the enemy’s physical data, on their quantity, on the characteristics of the surrounding space, and so on. No universal ways defense against attack. Therefore, the main goal that you must achieve is to learn to remain calm and balanced in any situation. Indeed, very often the outcome of a fight is determined by the physical and mental balance of a person.

Learning to keep calm and balance during a fight is quite difficult. This process includes the development and strengthening of the vestibular apparatus, as well as the formation and strengthening of muscles.

Effective use of self-defense techniques

Self-defense fighting techniques are a technique in which one must violate the opponent's personal space in order to strike him. Simple punches and kicks will not bring the desired effect, as they will only anger the attacker, and you need to disable him. In addition, when delivering such blows, you lose your balance, and your opponent will take advantage of this.

Throws are a good defense against attacks, but they are not very effective in a street fight, since many throws have some restrictions on their use. For example, throws from freestyle wrestling require good physical shape and serious preparation. Self-defense, as a rule, involves physical impact on pain points, zones or points of the attacker. The main thing you must remember is that self-defense on the street does not tolerate ceremony. Your strikes should be aimed at effectively and quickly unbalancing your opponent, and then you need to disable him on the ground. You need to unbalance the attacker using your own body weight and mistakes in his tactics. Of course, not in all cases it makes sense to use self-defense techniques and there are situations in which the most correct solution would be to flee. However, having studied at least the most elementary tricks, you will learn how to navigate correctly in non-standard situations and be able to defend yourself when attacked on the street.

In today's world, it's not often that a situation arises when it comes to a fight. And it would seem that learning to stand up for yourself would be a waste of time. However, it doesn’t happen once in a while, and even the least conflicted people can get into trouble if they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

An unsuccessful company in a club, a robber in a dark alley threatens you and your loved ones, an acquaintance who has drunk aggressively sticks to your girlfriend. At such moments, it will not be superfluous to know some self-defense techniques in order to give a fitting rebuff to your offenders.

Is it possible to learn to fight at home?

Learning to fight at home and without any special equipment is quite realistic. A huge role here is played by theoretical knowledge about the main points of the battle, such as: the vulnerabilities of a potential enemy, knowledge of the elements of defense and attack, a correct assessment of the situation and correct tactical decisions in battle.

Undoubtedly, for their more successful application, regular training in the correct setting of the main movements is necessary. Physical exercise will not be superfluous.

Do you need to learn self defense?

Are there so many dangers that you should prepare yourself for? The most common of them are listed below, conditionally divided into two types (lethal and non-lethal). You can estimate the probability of running into them and decide whether and how much to prepare for them.

Robbers on the street. Also here can be attributed various drug addicts who do not give an account of their actions and murderous maniacs. The most dangerous situation, which is the most difficult to resolve peacefully, without giving what is asked of you. They rarely walk alone and/and may be armed. In most cases, you should not get involved in a fight, but complete scumbags can also get caught, who will start with an attack or just want to let off steam. It is also worth running away or calling for help, but only if you are 100% sure of the positive outcome of your decision.

Domestic skirmishes. Drunken fights in a club or bar, someone molests your girlfriend, runs into a friend, or even you are the first to attack in response to insults or protect some of your interests. Here the stakes are not so high, you can often come to an agreement and in many respects it depends on you and your point of view on the current situation whether you will fight or not. If such circumstances can arise in your social circle from time to time, then it will be a good idea to be prepared for this.

As you can see, the likelihood of getting into such trouble exists for almost any person. And it is better to be well prepared for them.

How to learn to fight at home through training

As many trainers of martial arts say - if all you want is just to win a fight, swing dumbbells and hit a punching bag. When it comes down to it, knock out your opponent with one hard punch to the jaw. The idea, in general, is not bad. But for this to always work out, the necessary daily and monotonous training for several years and good sports equipment.

If you want to learn how to stand up for yourself in difficult situations, but do not have the opportunity or desire to devote a large amount of time and effort to this, then you should learn more about the tactics and strategy mentioned above.

It will be more convenient and informative to analyze the vulnerabilities and capabilities of different parts of the body. Where, how and what is better to hit and what to defend in battle.

  1. Head. There are many vulnerabilities, but the most effective will be blows to the eyes, throat, jaw, nose and bridge of the nose. Of the percussion parts, there is a forehead and the back of the head (if you were grabbed from behind), with which you can unexpectedly hit the bridge of your nose. Special training for competent performance is not required here.
  2. Frame. There are no shock units here, but there are vulnerable ones, which, nevertheless, are difficult to penetrate and easy to defend. Aim for the solar plexus, ribs and armpits.
  3. Hands. Without special training, it is impossible to damage your hands, except perhaps to yourself by missing the wall. Blows are applied with fists, fingers (in the eyes) and elbows on the body and head.
  4. Legs. Here our target is the fingers, kneecaps and groin area. Strike with the base of the foot, shin and knee at the weak points of the body and legs. Try not to lose your balance.

Practice speed, strength and proper punching. Also work on a stable stance, balance and defense (punches are blocked by the forearms). Combine it all with exercise. All this will give you an excellent backlog for successful self-defense.

When the fight started

So, you have learned the vulnerabilities, worked out your movements and stance, and now you are in a situation where things are actively moving towards a fight. How to behave in battle?

First, quickly assess the situation. What is the enemy, how many of them, are they armed, is the game worth the candle. When everything is decided, get into your comfortable fighting position and attack. Try to immediately seize the initiative and deliver the fastest blow, even if it is not the strongest. The advantage is usually on the side of those who attack first. Next, look for places where the enemy has opened up and apply more strong blows over these places. You will also find some of the tips below useful, especially if the fight drags on.

  1. In combat, keep a strong defensive position, strike quickly and without callsigns, look the enemy in the eyes - do not show with your eyes where you want to strike.
  2. Try to somehow divert attention and take advantage of the surroundings, for example, take a higher position or such that the light enters the opponent's eyes.
  3. Do not use creases, grapples or counter grapples. The correct execution of even the simplest of them requires special training and regular training. It is more practical in response to the capture, to deliver an accurate and strong blow.
  4. Try not to use blows that can cripple or even kill, especially in everyday skirmishes. You run the risk of going under the article for exceeding the permissible self-defense, even if you were in mortal danger.
  5. For the same reason, do not carry weapons with you and do not use improvised items unless absolutely necessary.
  6. Avoid empty dark alleys, shady clubs and other bad companies. Best Fight this is the one that didn't happen.

How can a girl learn to stand up for herself?

Separately, it should be said about the fair sex. It is difficult to rely on brute force here, and the chances of getting into an unpleasant situation are often higher - they are often an easy target for robbers and aggressive suitors. You have to rely more on dexterity, reaction and various tricks.

The best self-defense techniques for girls will be blows to the most vulnerable places: fingers in the eyes, throat and foot in the groin or kneecaps. The time-tested heel strike on the toes works well.

Always attack unexpectedly and first. It will not be superfluous to portray defenselessness and fear in order to weaken the attention of the ill-wisher.

Teaching children self-defense

Children often love to fight, that's a fact. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to achieve a higher place in the school hierarchy. The stakes there are not as high as it might seem, such fights do not threaten life, no one will take away valuables without consequences. However, letting everything take its course, if your child is brought to tears, or vice versa, he is a local bully, in no case is it worth it.

So how do you teach him to stand up for himself? Here everything is somewhat more complicated and ambiguous than in adult conflicts. It is best to teach the child self-confidence and the ability to avoid conflicts. Teaching a child at home the elements of self-defense, although it seems practical, but without any cultural or sports overtones, he may get the impression of society as a very aggressive environment, where there is nowhere without a fight.

If the hooligans do not give a pass at all, then it would be a good idea to give it to the martial arts section, preferring those styles where grips and creases predominate, since they are more effective in defense and do not cause damage. This will not only increase his self-esteem and self-confidence, but can also become a great hobby. The main thing is to explain to him in time that your skills can only be used for self-defense purposes.

In conclusion, we can say that it is quite possible to get a serious advantage in a street fight if you arm yourself with a good theoretical base about the key moments of the battle, train the speed and strength of basic movements at home, and also make good tactical decisions in battle.
