Stretching exercises for the back. For the upper back. The best exercise for home

Friends, I am glad to welcome you as a guest. The topic of this article is extremely useful for those who have problems with the spine that bother them. And it just so happens that I understand it a little, but I understand it, although I can underestimate my knowledge in this area. It sounds in the following way: “How to stretch the spine at home.” From the article you will get information on how to do this (exercises) and what the necessary conditions for studying at home.

I write the vast majority of my articles based on personal experience from life or my sports activities, as well as the experience of my friends and comrades. Just one of my good friends suffered from lower back pain, and during his recovery, I was aware of everything he was doing to eliminate the pain. So this is an example of a real person, and not just information from the Internet.

I will go over the main three sections of the spine (there are five of them, but we will not consider the sacral and coccygeal), and most of all I will tell you about the lower back, as the most problematic area.

Briefly about the problem

I know that there are different cases with the spine: some cervical region suffers, some have thoracic, and some have lumbar as a problem. As a rule, the vertebrae are displaced, creating all the ensuing consequences: pinched nerves, pressure or stretching of the intervertebral discs, etc. And they can shift in different ways: for some, forward (inside the body), and for others, backward, it all depends on the situation.

So, a friend of mine had a problem with his lower back - the fifth or sixth vertebra in the lumbar region had shifted (just a little). Its displacement was even difficult to determine by touch, but there were a lot of problems. He works out in the “gym”, and not without success, but when doing bench presses while standing or sitting, he often bends very strongly in the lower back, which only aggravates the situation.

Simply put: there was a problem, and he solved it by studying either at home or doing exercises in the gym.

Restrictions on classes

Remember what I said about the mandatory conditions for starting classes? One of them is consultation with the appropriate doctor. The point is that the following gymnastic exercises can aggravate an existing situation: suddenly a hernia develops there, which you don’t know about, and here I am with my stretch mark.

Any activity is stressful for the body, although stress is for the good. So it’s better to go to the doctor, or act at your own peril and risk. By the way, my friend took a risk - he doesn’t like doctors and queues.

Other Required Conditions

Naturally, before starting any exercise at home, you need to warm up so as not to damage your muscles and joints. “Cold” - can get stretched, “warm” - a safe approach to stretching.

Also, when performing exercises to stretch the spine, you should do all movements as smoothly as possible: no jerking, swaying, or the like - only smooth movements.

If you feel a sharp pain while doing it (a little pain will be present anyway), then either stop the exercise or make the amplitude a little less.

Spinal stretching exercises

Let's start from top to bottom and then move on to general exercises.

Cervical region.

Head tilts forward. Smoothly tilt your head forward, avoiding tilting your chest. Reach the maximum incline. Do 30-40 inclines. Next, roll your head - tilt your head to the side and roll it across the front to the other side. 15-20 will be enough.

Thoracic department. Torso bends. Somewhat similar to head tilts. Now, when you bend your head forward, you should also bend your sternum, leaving your lower back almost straight. At maximum bend, try to tense your shoulder blades, as if stretching them upward. Here we are not talking about times, but about time - 3 approaches of 20-30 seconds. Twisting on the floor. Lie down on the floor with something like a blanket underneath. Place your hands behind your head and bend your torso into

thoracic region(slightly lifting your shoulder blades off the floor), but without lifting your lower back. This is how the upper and middle sections of the press are usually pumped. Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps, each time holding at the top point for 2 seconds.

Side bends. Feet are also shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Lean to the side, relaxing your torso as much as possible. Do the same in the other direction. 20-30 tilts in each direction. Now spread your legs wider, and again lean to the sides, but trying to touch your toes with your hands. 10-20.

Exercises on the floor. Lay something on the floor that will replace you with a gymnastic mat - not too thin, but not too dense. Something like a blanket.

Lie down as shown in the first picture: arms outstretched to the sides, both legs bent at the knees and lying on your side, and your head turned to the other side. Now change the position of your head and legs, but smoothly. Repeat 10-15 times. Next, take the following pose - one leg is straightened and lies on the floor, the second is also straightened, but raised up in front of you, while your head lies flat, your arms are also outstretched. Now lower your raised leg to your left side and your head to your right. Then change the positions of your body parts to the reverse. 10-15 reps.

Take the following position - arms to the sides, left leg bent and standing on the straightened right (on the knee), head straight. Here you no longer need to turn your head. Tilt bent leg to the right, while bending the right arm so that it, together with the left leg and torso, forms something like a right triangle. Do the same for the other side. You need to do it 10-15 times.

General exercises. Regular bending of the torso (when you simply pump your abs) leads to stretching of the spine. You can also do torso turns (arms in a wrestling lock in front of the chest or straightened to the sides) - they perfectly stretch all the departments we need. First, do it with your legs slightly apart, turning 90-100 degrees, then you can spread your legs wider and increase the angle of rotation to 170.

Spine stretching. While standing, raise your arms up and begin to stretch without rising on your toes.

Rifles. On the same blanket, do 3 sets of 10 rolls on your back - a flat surface like the floor is great for inserting “fallen out” discs.

Horizontal bar or wall bars. Hanging on these apparatuses wonderfully stretches all sections. It was thanks to the horizontal bar that my friend coped with his problems. When hanging, relax your legs, buttocks, back and stomach. Please note that the pain may intensify while hanging - this is as it should be. Hang for 2-3 sets of 30 seconds, then you can increase the time.


Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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The triumphant successes of Russian gymnasts in all competitions have made rhythmic gymnastics a very popular sport among girls. And, like any sport, people come here in early childhood. The child’s body and body are completely unprepared for training right away, and there is a need to stretch the back and do exercises regularly. But for beginners, especially children, it is difficult to immediately determine how to do gymnastics correctly to develop and strengthen muscles.

How to stretch your back in rhythmic gymnastics

The back and spine are the most important parts of the human body. And the endurance and flexibility of the back plays a huge role in rhythmic gymnastics. Fine developed muscles backs instantly improve your posture and give you amazing flexibility. It is perhaps difficult for an adult to “work on his back”, because... long hours of work on a chair have already left their mark. But it’s a little easier for a child to develop his spine. The main thing is to know how to perform gymnastics correctly and how to stretch your back without the risk of injury.

Well-developed back muscles instantly improve your posture and give you amazing flexibility.

Stretching should never be performed on “cold” muscles. That is, you cannot come to training and immediately start stretching. The same is true when exercising at home - each stretch should be done on warmed muscles. The predecessor can be either intense workout, and a little warm-up.

According to studies, the duration of stretching per day directly affects subsequent possible stretching. The minimum time for stretching should be at least 40 minutes. Ideal exercises for stretching the spine the following can be mentioned:

  • “Cat” - you need to take a “on all fours” position, focusing on your knees and palms. As you inhale, raise your head and bend your spine towards the floor. As you exhale, lower your head down, twisting your chin to your collarbone, and round your back and “pull” toward the ceiling.
  • Hanging on a horizontal bar is a basic exercise. On any available horizontal bar (at home, on the street, in training), you need to hang on the bar so that your feet do not touch the floor. You need to hang for the maximum possible amount of time, completely relaxing all the muscles of the body. This exercise is recommended to be performed even with a hernia, osteochondrosis and other diseases.

How to do gymnastics correctly and avoid injuries

Surprisingly, the more gymnasts practice, the higher the risk of injury becomes. And if you have already determined that stretching should last at least 40 minutes, then general training does not have to be long at all. There is a certain concept - general physical fitness in rhythmic gymnastics, which means general physical training. And it is not true to believe that the more time spent on general physical training, the better the results will be. Stretching takes more time than intense training.

But all these indicators are not yet scary for young gymnasts. At first, the child will not be tormented by strong training and stretching. It is very important to trust the trainer from the very first lesson. A real coach will never advise “pull children to impeccable performance”, but will take a closer look at the baby’s abilities.

A real coach will never advise “pull children to impeccable performance”, but will take a closer look at the baby’s abilities.

If the initial training is done at home and under the supervision of parents, you should follow several recommendations to avoid injuries:

  • Before doing gymnastics, you need to visually assess the place. There should be no sharp corners of furniture around, and there should be a smooth surface on the floor.
  • From the very first lessons, a child needs to develop observation skills and control everything that is around and behind him. Today it could be a chair, and tomorrow it could be an athlete performing an exercise. To avoid a collision, you need to constantly look around before performing an element.
  • With any exercise, it is important to evaluate how prepared the child’s muscles are. You shouldn’t overload your lower back (and it’s very easy for non-professionals to do this!). The child should feel the uncomfortable load and report it.

A set of exercises to improve flexibility

As teachers advise, it is better to start stretching your back and performing gymnastics with basic exercises. These types include:

  • Wave;
  • boat;
  • Tilts;
  • Deflections.

Exercise "wave"

To perform the exercise, you need to prepare a mat. Starting position: sit on your knees on the floor, placing your buttocks on your heels. The arms are extended along the body and are almost not involved in the exercise. From a level position with your back and head, you need to gradually twist your neck to your collarbone, slowly lowering yourself to the floor face down, placing your stomach on your hips. The result should be some kind of “fetal position”, but sitting on the floor. Then you need to slowly return to initial position: first the lower back is pulled up, then the back returns to a flat position and the head straightens.

Exercise "Boat"

Another stretching exercise is the pump. Starting position - lying on the floor on your stomach, arms bent, palms under the shoulder. The top of the head begins to stretch forward first, followed by the chest gently rising, and the lower back becoming arched. Having reached the highest point of the lift (leaving your pelvis motionless), you need to linger for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position. It is important to understand that you can properly stretch your back only with extreme care.

Forward bends

This, at first glance, elementary exercise is still contraindicated for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, because It is the spine that bears the entire load. Starting position – sitting on the floor with straight legs extended forward. Hands need to be clasped and extended above your head. With this lock you should try to touch your toes, slowly lowering straight back down and resting your belly on your thighs. It is necessary to return to the starting position slowly and carefully.

Sitting backbends

The starting position in this exercise is sitting on the floor, with straight legs extended, back straight and arms placed slightly behind the back. Keeping your head straight, you need to stretch your lower back, and chest pull up to the ceiling. To increase the degree of deflection, you can raise the pelvis. It is very important not to put stress on your neck and head (which can happen involuntarily). To avoid this, fix your gaze on your feet - this will prevent you from pulling your head up.

Other exercises

Of course, on the Internet there are many ways to make your back flexible. But it’s important to remember that an accidental back injury may not even be noticeable right away, and will manifest itself after a few hours or days.

Another popular and relatively safe exercise for the back is the bridge - almost every child knows it since childhood. There are also several effective exercises for the back on a fitball. This ball is especially necessary for those who have intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis - fitball significantly relieves stress from diseased areas of the body, but does not reduce the effectiveness of exercise.

Whatever the plan home workout or gymnastics to stretch the back, you still need to consult a trainer. After all, you can perform just three high-quality exercises and see results, or you can exhaust yourself with a three-hour workout and not see any effect. And it’s not for nothing that general physical training in rhythmic gymnastics is recommended to be carried out no more than 7 hours a week. Such a seemingly easy intensive should be supplemented with a minimum of 40 minutes of stretching - and stable training will definitely bring the child to the desired level of training.

Spinal traction for osteochondrosis can be performed within the walls of a medical institution or at home with or without the use of exercise equipment. It is used in the later stages of the disease. Doctors have a contradictory approach to this method.

On the one hand, stretching helps to expand the vertebral fissures, where they are located. In this case, the person’s pain disappears. On the other hand, simultaneously with the increase in the size of the spinal segment, the fascia also stretches, which leads to the formation of tears and cracks in them.

There are several methods of traction: on an inclined plane, under water, with weights, using a Glisson loop.

The methods have a significant drawback - they are passive. When performing them, a person does not take active physical activity. In addition, the procedures are performed only in a specialized medical facility. More effective are active stretches that are based on natural movements.

Spinal stretching methods

Stretching the spine for osteochondrosis includes a set of physical exercises that are performed in an isometric mode. Stretching is used to relieve pain.

The technique involves gradually increasing the distance between the vertebrae, relieving pressure from nerve fibers, relaxation of the longitudinal ligaments of the spine. Before starting the procedure, you need to completely relax. It is better to take a relaxing bath and concentrate on the subsequent set of exercises.

Spinal traction stretches can be dry or underwater. The methods are widely used in medicine in the recovery period after.

Used for the following purposes:

  • pathological muscle tension;
  • unloading spinal column;
  • decreased pressure inside the intervertebral disc;
  • relieving pressure from the nerve root;
  • elimination of subluxation in the facet joints of the spine.

Doctors do not always support the opinion that traction is safe, but no one argues that traction is effective.

The therapeutic effect of the procedure can be increased by using modern simulators. Their use ensures horizontal stretching of the spinal column with minimal trauma to surrounding tissues. To protect yourself from negative consequences, you need to choose the ideal exercise machine for your weight and height.

However, even without exercise equipment, you can perform traction at home. We offer several exercises designed for this purpose.

Spinal stretching exercises at home

  1. Take the starting position on your back. Extend your arms behind your head. Bring your shins together. Press your neck to the floor and your chin to your chest. Feel that your body is resting on a horizontal surface and relax. Pull your heel forward and the toe of your left foot back. Repeat the procedure for the other leg. Then stretch the spinal column gradually in segments and arch your back, but do not strain it too much. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
  2. Lie on your back with your toes pointed out. Make sure your shins and heels are together. Stretch your arms along your head. Press your lumbar region to the floor. At the same time, bring the cervical spine as close as possible to the horizontal surface. Gently press your chin to your chest. Repeat 4 times. Bend your neck and lumbar regions, but don’t strain yourself too much.
  3. Standing against a wall, keep your shoulders, buttocks and heels in maximum contact with the vertical plane. Inhale slowly and hold your breath. Stretch your body up. As you exhale, lower your arms down and relax. Number of repetitions – 3-4.
  4. Take the starting position, standing against the wall. Inhale through your nose and hold your breath. Move your hands towards you and lift one of them up. Look at the outside of the hand, and extend the other arm along the body. Hold the brush horizontally, but with your fingers pointing to the side. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Relax and repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Thus, effective stretching for osteochondrosis of the spine, it can be performed at home with or without exercise equipment. The main thing is to do the traction correctly and carefully so as not to damage muscle tissue and ligaments.

Goals of Spinal Traction

In practice, it has been found that if a person, tired after a hard day at work, stretches out, straightens his back and reaches up, pain is prevented.

The effect of the procedure was noticed by ancient warriors and before the battle they actively engaged in traction of the spinal column. Over the years, the technique has been improved, so folk recipes There are many ways to physically eliminate back pain. Below is a list of exercises that can be used at home to stretch the spinal segments.

Exercises that are designed to stretch require alternating relaxation and tension skeletal muscles, which allows a person to rest for a long time.

Under the influence of stretching it increases physical activity, joint mobility improves and the muscular-fascial apparatus is rejuvenated. When muscles, tendons and joint capsules are stretched, mechanical receptors are irritated, from which impulses enter the brain. Thus, skin nutrition is stimulated, blood supply and the functioning of the tendon-ligament apparatus are improved.

Stretching helps develop the skill of deep relaxation. It has a positive effect on the emotional sphere and reduces the intensity of pain. Physical exercise performed in isometric and static modes, have an intense effect on the body and provide relaxation of skeletal muscles.

Back stretching treats and prevents musculoskeletal disorders. By performing gymnastics to stretch the spine, you can restore elasticity and mobility to the joints. Spinal stretching exercises are suitable for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Stretching the spinal muscles has a therapeutic and preventive function.

Regular exercise will relieve muscle tension, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the vertebrae and joints, develop coordination, correct spinal defects, and eliminate pain. Due to muscle stretching, posture is restored. Stretching exercises help you relax due to their beneficial effects on nervous system person. Regular exercises relieve headaches due to osteochondrosis.

As we age, muscles, cartilage and tendons lose their elasticity. The first signs of musculoskeletal diseases appear. Stretching your back and spine will help prevent this. .

There are five types of stretching:

  • Active – suitable for an experienced athlete, involves independent training;
  • Passive – for beginners, spinal stretching is carried out under the guidance of an instructor;
  • Dynamic and ballistic – recommended for professional athletes, movements are performed over a wide range until mild painful sensations appear;
  • Static – holding a certain position for a long time, requires maximum endurance.

You can stretch your spine by doing exercises on special machines or using gymnastics. Each lesson should not last longer than 5 – 10 minutes. The complex consists of exercises that you can perform independently, without an instructor.

Static gymnastics

A static set of exercises for stretching the spine is suitable for practicing at home. The program consists of smooth movements with short fixation of the pose.

How to properly prepare for a back stretch:

  • Be sure to warm up before class;
  • Engage all muscles and joints;
  • Stretch each muscle group for 15 seconds to 1 minute;
  • Do not jerk, stretch your body smoothly;
  • Breathe calmly;
  • Exercise regularly.

Exercises to stretch your back muscles at home:

  • Do a spine stretch while hanging on a horizontal bar. Hang on the bar as far as you can, pull yourself up if possible.
  • Straighten up, put your hands on your shoulders. Pull your head up.
  • Sit on a flat surface with your legs extended in front of you. Do alternate bends.
  • Lie on your back. Bend your knees slightly and clasp the top of your head with your hands. Slightly tighten your abdominal muscles and rise up. Hold for 2-3 seconds.
  • Sit on the floor. Bend your legs, clasp your knees with your hands, and hold the position for about 15 seconds.
  • Stand up straight, relax. Tighten up neck muscles. Bend your head.
  • Stand with your feet together. Wrap your hands around your legs in the calf area and bend forward.
  • The starting position is the same. Stand still. Tighten your abdominal muscles for 5-10 seconds.
  • Sit on a chair (at home will do), lower your arms down. Turn your head left and right, leaning towards your shoulder. Maximize your range of motion.

Perform several approaches of this complex Exercise therapy with an interval of no more than 10 minutes. It is recommended to start muscle stretching exercises with 10 repetitions, gradually increasing the number.

Yoga asanas

If you are familiar with the practice of yoga, then you can safely use the six most useful asanas for the spine, aimed at stretching the muscles. They are recommended for scoliosis, hernia, osteochondrosis and other diseases, for preventive purposes, during pregnancy.

At the beginning of stretching gymnastics, you should do a short warm-up by bending, swinging your arms, and stretching.

We offer exercises for stretching the spine at home:

  1. Cat: Get on all fours with your center of gravity on your knees and hands. Arching your back, inhale deeply, lift your head and stretch top part torso. As you exhale, lower your head, pull in your stomach, and round up. Do it slowly 10 times. Do it on an empty stomach.
  2. A cat with rotation increases the load. Starting position, as in the previous exercise. Feel the straight line of your back and begin to rotate around an imaginary horizontal axis. Get your spine moving. Round your back - exhale, bend - inhale. Repeat 6 times.
  3. The stretching step engages the leg muscles. Standing on all fours, squat on your bent right leg, extend your right arm forward. Then focus on left hand and pull it back left leg.
  4. Closed Plow: Lie on your back with your hands behind the top of your head. Lift straight outstretched legs before education right angle, pull your toes toward you and your heels away from you. Then slowly lower your legs behind your head, holding your toes in your palms. Stretch as much as possible. Breathing should be calm. Hold the position for 1 minute, then gradually increase the time. Be careful not to lower your legs lower than your body flexibility allows.
  5. Back rolls: Sitting on a flat surface, pull your legs towards your body, pressing your feet together. Wrap your hands around your ankles and press your chin to your knees. The back of the head, neck and back represent an arc. Roll backwards. Return to the starting position. Perform 10-20 times. Breathe freely. Perform rolls on a flat floor.
  6. Cobra: Lying face down, bring your feet together. Place your chin on the mat and press your hands to the floor. Without lifting your lower abdomen, lift your upper body as high as possible. Tilt your head back as far as possible and lift your eyes up. Breathing through the nose. Return slowly to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Recommended reading:

How to stretch your back with osteochondrosis

Traction or stretching helps relieve pain in osteochondrosis and other diseases of the locomotor system. Performed both in a medical facility and at home. Doctors are conflicted about this procedure. As a result of traction, the vertebral fissures widen, as a result of which pain disappears. Conversely, increased muscle size leads to the formation of cracks.

The therapeutic effect of the procedure is enhanced by the use of modern spinal simulators at home. They perform horizontal stretching of the spine, which significantly reduces trauma to the stretched tissue.

Stretching the spine at home is acceptable for back pain. First, it is recommended to take a relaxing bath, then begin back exercises.

Here are some sample traction exercises for stretching the back and spine:

  1. Stand against the wall, press your shoulders, buttocks and heels as much as possible against it. Inhale slowly and hold your breath. Pull the back of your head up. Hold for a few seconds. Exhale and relax your body. Number of repetitions – 3-4.
  2. Press yourself against the wall, inhale through your nose. Holding your breath, move your hands to your chest, then lift one. Look at the outside of your hand while extending your other arm along your body. Hold the brush horizontally with your fingers pointing to the side. Exhale, return to the starting position. Relax and repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
  3. Lie on your back, stretch your arms behind your head. Press your chin to your chest and bring your legs together. Extend the heel of one foot forward and the toe of the other back. Feel the horizontal surface with your body, relax. Repeat the procedure for both legs. Then slightly tense your spine and arch. Repeat – 2-3 times.
  4. Get into a stretching position on your back. Place your palms under your neck and bring your legs together. Pull your socks towards you until you feel tension in your back. Make quick movements with your feet to the sides, keeping your heels motionless.


There are contraindications for which back muscle stretching should not be done:

  • Stretching should not be performed if you have diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis;
  • Use extreme caution when doing traction for osteochondrosis;
  • Contraindications include cardiovascular diseases, and a special list includes thrombosis;
  • Listen to yourself, consult a doctor if you are pregnant;
  • Do not perform if you have a cold or viral infection, or during a fever;
  • Don't overexert yourself during exercise.

Failure to follow these rules will lead to serious complications.

Your review of the article

Be sure to include back stretching exercises in your workouts. Your muscles must be elastic and strong so that there is no risk of injury.

The main indicator of the aging of the body is flexibility, the main component of which is the mobility of the spine and back. Your mobility and beautiful posture depend on the condition of the spinal column and spinal muscles. Not only those who love sports and dance need flexibility and mobility; every person should monitor their flexibility and stretch their back. And our back flexibility exercises, which can be performed at home without spending a lot of time and effort, will help with this.

Spine stretch

Execution order: sit on the floor with your legs spread wide apart and tilt your head forward. Then slowly begin to reach your chest toward the floor. Breathe as normal as you feel comfortable. When tilting your head, your chin should be pressed to the base of your neck - this will increase the muscle stretch of your back. “You should feel the movement of every vertebra,” this is what Margo MacKinnon, director of the famous Pilates center in Toronto, instructs her students.

“This exercise stretches the paraspinal muscles (the muscles of the spine). You can feel this effect in sore hamstrings and calf muscles." It is not at all necessary to reach our toes with our hands - we do not have the goal of lying on the floor - and we do not have to endure severe muscle pain for a long time. As soon as you feel a stretch in the ligaments and muscles, return to the starting position. McKinnon recommends doing this and other back stretches every day. better evening, after a hard busy day.

Exercise "cat-camel"

Execution order: standing on all fours, alternately arch and arch your back. Make sure that all three parts of the spine are involved: lumbar (lower), thoracic (middle) and cervical (upper). Perform the exercise slowly and carefully, do not make sudden movements. One movement takes approximately 3-4 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

Crossing your legs

Execution order: Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet firmly on the floor. Stretch your arms along your body, palms down. It is important to breathe correctly here: inhale and exhale for about 4 seconds. Cross your right knee over your left leg (leg-to-leg pose). Tilt your hips slightly to the right (literally 5 cm), and point the knees of both legs to the left. "Don't try to touch your knees to the floor," says Marla Eriksen, fitness trainer and spokesperson for CanFitPro. “When you feel that the maximum amplitude has been reached, you should stop.” In the process of movement, your right shoulder may rise a little - this is natural. But you don’t need to tilt your head, keep it straight. Then turn your right hand so that your palm is facing up and begin to pull it towards your head. “This will open up your chest and give your spine a great stretch,” says Eriksen. Hold this position for 1-3 minutes, then repeat with the other leg.

Turn your back in different directions on a chair

Execution order: sit on a chair with your feet together. Begin to turn your upper body to the left so that your shoulders also turn to the left. You can hold onto the chair with your hands to maintain balance.

Make a turn with the amplitude that is most comfortable for you. You will feel a stretch from your lower back to your shoulders. “You may hear a characteristic cracking sound in the vertebrae, but this is normal, there is no need to worry. It's just the joints working,” says Larry Feldman, a chiropractor and founder of a medical center in Toronto. Hold the twist for 20 seconds (about 6 breaths), then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Squat bends

Execution order: stand straight, spread your legs wide to the sides. The toes “look” outward. Pull your stomach in, tighten your buttocks and squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Place your hands on your knees. Raise your pelvis by contracting your muscles (imagine that you really want to go to the toilet in a small way, but you have to endure it). Do deep breath, keep your back straight. Then exhale sharply and turn your shoulders to the left. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds (inhale and exhale slowly 3 times). Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Exercise "mermaid"

Execution order: sit on the floor, bend your legs under you and move them slightly to your left. Use your left hand to support your ankles. Raise your right hand and take a deep breath. Tilt your arm to the left side above your head, exhale. As soon as you feel tension and stretching in your right side, stop and hold for 20-30 seconds. Do 2 more times on this side, then repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Seated forward bends

Execution order: sit on the floor, straighten your legs. For this exercise you will need a small towel or a special yoga belt. Take a deep breath and stretch your arms up. Exhale and begin to tilt your torso forward, trying to touch your legs with your stomach. Take a towel or belt, wrap it around your feet and gently pull it towards you. “When stretching your spine, keep your neck level with it,” advises Eve Redpath, personal trainer and founder of Body Conditioning by Dancers in Toronto. Take another deep breath, and as you exhale, bend your torso as low as possible. Hold for 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Do what you feel comfortable with, just gradually increase the time. “Stretch until you feel a slight tension. There is no need to endure severe pain."

Leg twists

Execution order: lie on your back and lift your legs up, bending them at the knees. Place your hands on the floor, palms down. "Take a deep breath, count to four, exhale slowly, then rotate your knees to the right and lower them to the floor," recommends Mark Crocker, founder of In Your Element Personal Fitness and Rehabilitation in St. John's. Lift your left hip up, but your shoulders should be pressed firmly to the floor. “Do the exercise with feeling, with alignment, without rushing. If you rush, there will be no effect.” Try to keep your knees together, lower them as low as possible. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position. Perform the exercise in the other direction. Do this stretch daily, at least once on each side.

Stretch against the wall

Execution order: stand close to the wall, your tailbone, shoulder blades and head should be firmly pressed against the surface of the wall. Raise your arms up, palms out, bend them at the elbows so that your hands are at shoulder level. Begin to slowly stretch your arms up, without lifting them from the wall. Raise them to the maximum limit, but remember that your body should not leave the wall. “Focus on the exercise, take your time, and try to raise your arms as high as possible,” says Scott Tate, a Toronto-based certified kinesiologist and spokesman for the Ontario Kinesiology Association. Then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 8-12 times (if you have shoulder pain, then do 3-5 times, no more). “It’s not as easy as it might seem at first,” says Tate. You will feel how the muscles of your chest, shoulders, and back will stretch.

Sitting back turns

Execution order: The secret to this exercise, according to Jay Blahnik, world-renowned fitness trainer and bestselling author of Full-Body Flexibility, is to gently stretch your spine without resorting to force. Sit on the floor, keep your back straight, legs straight. Then bend your right leg at the knee and throw it over your left thigh. Bend your left leg as well, placing your heel under your right thigh. If this is too difficult for you, keep your left leg straight. Place your left elbow on your right knee, with outside, and press lightly on yourself until you feel tension in your muscles. Place your right hand slightly to the side, turn your head to the right. Hold this position for 30 seconds, breathe evenly and deeply, then return to the starting position. Perform the exercise in the other direction. “Don’t just turn your back in different directions, but stretch it, develop your muscles,” advises Blahnik.

Based on materials:
