Slim body for spring - tips and exercises for a beautiful figure. An effective set of exercises for a toned body. A set of exercises for a slim figure at home.

We offer 6 effective exercises For slim figure, which you can easily do at home!

Completing these will take you no more than 30 minutes a day. Perform each exercise in three approaches with a minimum interval. In one series, do 15-20 repetitions. If this exercise as if bilateral (for example, the right and left leg), perform at least 10 repetitions on each side. Include relaxation exercises in your workout: step, with a ball, 0.5-1 kg dumbbells (can be replaced with water bottles).

From this six exercises for a slim figure choose three, one for each body part you need to tone. Combine them with a cardio workout. And, voila, every day you will have a different set of exercises!

Exercises for firm buttocks

1) Initial position- lying on your back. Bend your legs at the knees and place your feet on the floor. Raise your hips up - together your torso and floor form a triangle.

A more complicated version of the exercise for the buttocks: straighten one leg, bend the other. On bent leg lift your hips up while keeping your other leg straight.

3) Get on your knees and lean on the floor with your arms bent at the elbows. Alternately swing your legs (straighten them vigorously) up. Do push-ups on your hands at the same time.


Exercises for a thin waist

1) Lie on your back. First, lift your straightened legs up, then your upper body, taking a hammock position (arms extended in front of you), and then swing with short movements, increasing your swing. At the same time, make a slight turn to the sides.

2) Lie on the floor as if you were doing a push-up. Big ball grab it with your feet and try to hold it between your ankles (feet resting on the ball). Lean lightly on the floor bent arms, body parallel to the floor. Perform turns to the sides of the body.

Exercises for graceful hands

1) Lie on your stomach. Bend your knees (feet up) and lift your torso with straight arms. Do push-ups at a fairly fast pace, bending your elbows. (palms under you). When tilted correctly, the chin should be 10 cm from the floor.

2) Stand against the wall, lean your back on the ball. Take dumbbells in your hands. Bend your legs slightly. Do a squat (move your back over the ball), while simultaneously raising your arms with dumbbells in front of you. Straighten up and lower your arms.

The secret of being slim has long been revealed. The main components in the difficult fight against overweight - proper nutrition, healthy image life, sports and willpower. We will tell you how to get an ideal body in just 20 minutes a day by performing 10 main exercises

Maximum efficiency

Fitness trainers recommend exercising regularly in the morning - half an hour after waking up and on an empty stomach. To obtain a noticeable result, you should not concentrate on one problem area, but approach the issue comprehensively. Target " perfect body"is achievable with systematic repetition of 10 exercises for each muscle group. Each exercise must be repeated 15 times in 2-3 sets. After several months of regular intensive training your shoulders will become more graceful, the curves of your waist and hips will be smoother, and your gait will become light and confident.

Exercises for the neck and double chin

Target: a thin neck without wrinkles and a double chin.

Fading neck skin and the presence of a double chin externally add more than five years to a woman’s age. If other problem areas can be visually disguised with the help of properly selected clothing and shapewear, then a closed neck area in most cases is a clear hint of a problem. Having straightened chest, place your palms on your shoulders and try to pull your neck up as much as possible, while simultaneously pressing your fingers on your shoulders. Make sure your shoulders remain motionless. Inhale, count to 10, exhale. Repeat the exercise 15 times. Relax your body and lower your arms to your sides. Bend your head forward as low as possible, then make a smooth turn to the left, bend your neck back, then right shoulder and again on the chest. Now repeat the exercise in the opposite direction. A set of exercises will help you get rid of a double chin. Place your fists under your chin and, overcoming the resistance of your hands, open your mouth. Repeat the exercise 15 times.

Exercises for beautiful hands

Target: thin arms without a “wing” effect at the top of the shoulder.

Exercises for the biceps (front muscles) and triceps ( posterior muscles). For these exercises you will need dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Alternately bend your arms towards yourself and straighten them. Do three sets of 20 reps for each arm.

Next exercise performed while sitting. Sit on a chair, take a dumbbell in one hand and begin to slowly bend and straighten it. Repeat the exercise until you feel tired, then change hands. With one hand, lean on the bench so that your body is parallel to the floor. In the other, take a dumbbell. Bend and straighten your arm with a dumbbell, be sure to top part the working hand did not leave the body.

Another exercise is also performed while sitting. Take dumbbells in your hands, bend your elbows so that the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Smoothly extend your arms, lifting the dumbbells above your head. At the top point, fully straighten elbow joints. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 15 times.

Exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles

Target: high chest.

Women's breasts consist predominantly of fatty tissue, so every kilogram, plus or minus, affects its shape and elasticity. With the help of exercises it is impossible to make breasts more elastic, increase their size or change their shape, since they lack muscle fibers, but regular exercise will help strengthen pectoral muscles and are able to lift the chest. For this exercise you will need a chair or exercise ball. Top part lie on the surface with your back, keeping your torso on half-bent legs. Take a dumbbell in each hand, straighten them and hold them above you. Slowly begin to lower your hands behind your head, as far down as possible. Having done deep breath, draw in your stomach as you lower your arms. Exhale as you return to the starting position. Do four sets of 12 repetitions.

Perfect abs

Target: elastic belly.

To achieve perfect abs, it is important to remember that, in addition to exercise, reducing belly fat can be achieved by reducing the calorie content of your diet. Drink more water, give up bad eating habits - fast food, sweets, flour products, and start doing abdominal exercises. Lie on your back and bend your knees, place your feet together, clasp your hands at the back of your head. Raise your body towards your knees, slightly lifting your shoulder blades off the floor. The lower back should remain in place. Repeat the exercise 30 times in 3 sets. Lying on your back, bend your knees and lift your hips so that they are perpendicular to the floor, with your arms extended along your body. Using your lower abdominal muscles, pull your knees and pelvis towards your chest, lifting your pelvis completely off the floor. Repeat the exercise 30 times in three passes.

Exercises for thin waist

Target: thin waist, visually emphasizing femininity.

Properly performed bends effectively help get rid of extra centimeters in the waist area. With your hands together, slowly bend in different directions. Watch your back - it should be straight, bends should be done strictly along the side line of the legs. Do two rounds of 15 exercises.

The next exercise is bending forward and backward. Place your hands on your waist, stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale and slowly bend forward with a straight back, stay in this position for a couple of seconds, return to the starting position and bend your lower back back, then hold again. Do 2 sets of 15 exercises.

Exercise "Mill". Take an inclined position, legs should be straight, back straight. Start moving your arms like a mill in different directions. In this case, one hand should be as close to the leg as possible, the second one should be high above the head in a straight position. Do the exercise in two sets of 15 swings with each arm.

Exercises for buttocks and thighs

Target: firm buttocks, smooth skin without cellulite.

The mission can be accomplished with the help of a set of exercises for the buttocks, hips, lower back and back. Sit on the floor and keep your body perpendicular to the floor. With strength in your buttocks and thighs, rise into tabletop pose, supporting the weight in your arms. Tighten your stomach during the exercise. Hold the table pose for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

To perform the Swallow exercise, stand up, swing your right leg back, shifting your weight to your left, and lean your body forward. Stay in the stance for 30 seconds. Move your right arm to the side, while simultaneously twisting your chest slightly. Abduct and return your arm to the starting position about 20 times, then repeat the exercise on the other leg. Do two sets of 40 reps.

Leg exercises

Target: beautiful slender legs with clearly defined relief lines and sharp knees.

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your arms along your body. Begin to lift your torso until only your head, shoulders, elbows and feet touch the floor. Slowly lower your torso to the starting position from your neck to your waist. Do the exercise 20 times.

Stand straight, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your hips. Keep your back straight, inhale and bend your knees until right angle as if sitting on the edge of a chair. When performing the exercise, your back should lean slightly forward, but remain straight. Hold at the bottom point for a couple of seconds and exhale and begin to rise up. Without straightening your knees, repeat the exercise 10 times.


Target: strengthening the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Squats engage the ankle, knee and hip joints and strengthen the knee tendons. One of the most beneficial exercises for burning fat can cause irreparable harm to health if performed incorrectly. When squatting, make sure there is a straight line from the back of your head to your tailbone, and do not arch your back or slouch. The knees in the lower position should not protrude forward, inward or outward - their place is above the feet. Don't lift your heels off the floor. Watch your breathing and perform squats calmly. Spread your feet further than shoulder width apart - this way, when squatting, you will engage your muscles inner surface thighs and buttocks. The feet should be positioned at an angle of 45˚ in different directions. Perform 50 partial squats. Then take dumbbells and do 15 more squats. Due to extra weight you will create the necessary load on the muscles.


Target: maintaining tone and increasing muscle plasticity and joint mobility.

Stretching, like squats, should be performed carefully. Hold each pose for 10 to 30 seconds until the tension disappears. If the pain does not go away, then the stretching was too strong and the exercise should be stopped or weakened. Don't hold your breath. Stand up straight, spread your legs slightly and bend them at the knees. Raise one arm up and stretch as far as possible. Lower your hand down and perform the exercise with the other hand. Repeat the exercise six times.

Stand with your back to the wall, place your palms behind your back and lean them against the wall. Squat down slowly, sliding your palms down the wall. Hold the pose for 20 seconds and repeat the exercise six times. Sit on the floor and spread your legs to the sides, clasp your palms at the back of your head. Slowly tilt your body forward, trying to reach your right knee, also smoothly and slowly return to the starting position and reach for your left knee. Repeat the exercise six times on each side.

Lie on your back and pull your legs straight towards your head, try to clasp your feet with your hands. Hold the position for 20 seconds, then slowly lower your straight legs to the floor. Repeat six times.

Walking to burn calories

Target: fit and slender body.

Proper walking helps maintain muscle tone. It is not advisable to do walking exercises to burn calories on the way to work - reserve these for sports activities time after work or weekends. Walk correctly: your back and head should be straight, look not at your feet, but only forward, your shoulders should be straightened and relaxed, also pull in your stomach and buttock muscles. When taking a step, step first on your heel, then on your toe. Avoid the elevator if your apartment or office is located lower than the 15th floor. Walking upward will strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, calves, front and back of the thigh. Make sure your back is as relaxed as possible while walking. The “weight walking” exercise is aimed at strengthening the gluteus minimus and gluteus maximus muscles. As you lift your foot off the ground for the next step, exert a lot of tension gluteal muscles. Fat burning begins after 45 minutes of walking, so on average you need to walk from 40 minutes to an hour. 10 minutes before you start walking and immediately after finishing your exercise, you should drink one glass of still water. Every 15 minutes while walking you should drink a couple of sips.

At any time of the year you want to be slim and beautiful, and especially in the summer, when clothes don’t cut off your figure so much. All this is possible, and with our help you will achieve the desired slimness in a few weeks. If your morning begins with exercise, then you will witness how stretching improves your posture, your muscles become elastic, and your gait becomes elastic. This is what we will talk about today - simple physical exercises.

First, make it a habit to do exercises every morning if you want to have beautiful body. Begin the exercises by rotating your neck. Imagining that you are describing a large circle, do it softly and slowly, feel the tension lateral muscles neck, try to deviate as far from the axis as possible. Now proceed to perform circular movements with your arms, leaving shoulder girdle relaxed. Then swing your arms in both directions: an exercise to release the cervicothoracic region. The next exercise is circular rotation of the torso relative to the waist. Next is the rotation of the hips clockwise and counterclockwise, which is necessary for the elasticity of the spine. A very important exercise!

After this, start stretching the leg muscles, warm up the ligaments: this is a good tonic. When bending over, try to touch your head to your knees (legs straight). In general, charging lasts five minutes, but the effect you will achieve is an excellent internal state and an attractive appearance.

If you want your muscles to be strong, then in addition to morning exercises pick up individual complex exercises that do not require machines or dumbbells. The body itself is a universal tool. Use a wall for support. For effect, repeat each exercise 7 to 9 times.

So, if you need to strengthen the muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms - let's get started. Get into an incline position and do a few push-ups. You will feel pleasant blood circulation in the arm muscles. To tighten the muscles of the back and back of the thigh, lower yourself down, moving your hands along the wall. The condition for performing the exercise is straight legs and straight back. This way you can even touch your knee with your nose. From vertical position Bend at a 45-degree angle, then push off the wall and come back. Do the exercise several times. Very soon you will see how this exercise will affect the condition of the muscles of the arms, chest, waist, and hips.

Squats. This exercise works to stretch the front of the thigh and the front of the calf. The legs, of course, experience the main load, performing a supporting function.

The main problem area for women is often the stomach. You can make it your pride, but you will have to work. Using the complex special exercises, in a month you will be happy with how your figure will change.

Now take a position lying on your back, grasping a piece of furniture with your hands. Hold a ball or book between your knees. Bend your legs, keeping your ankles parallel to the floor. The abdominal muscles are tense, the knees are pulled towards the chest (it’s better if you do this without a jerk), then, bending at the lower back, the buttocks lift off the floor a few centimeters. Maintain this position for three seconds, then slowly return to the floor. This exercise should be performed 4 times a week for 3 sets, 15 times each. Take a 15 second break between sets. Keep your back straight, do not lower your legs - this way you will relieve your lower back from overexertion.

Exercises to stretch the chest muscles. Stand up, spread your legs slightly bent knees shoulder-width apart, clasp your arms above your head and stretch up as far as possible. Straightening in this way will help develop the muscles responsible for straight posture. Being in elongated posture, tilt to the right (arms remain up all the time) and feel the muscles of your left side stretch. Then repeat everything in the other direction.

Exercises with dumbbells. To strengthen your lower back, take a standing position, spread your legs shoulder-width apart and bend slightly. Now, without straightening your back, bend slightly forward and lower your hands with dumbbells down to the floor. Straighten your back, tense your lower back muscles: pull your arms to your hips. The exercise must be performed several times.

To strengthen your back, move your shoulders back, while your arms with dumbbells (parallel to the ground) hang down. Now we bend our arms, moving our elbows to the sides and moving the dumbbells to chest level. After this, we spread our arms to the sides and lift the dumbbells above our heads. To achieve good results, do the same thing again. These simple exercises are aimed at training muscles and maintaining body elasticity, they develop flexibility and are good for health, and as a reward for the calories spent and the allocated time for exercise, it will not take long to arrive.

Your body will thank you for your consistency and care, responding with health and a lovely silhouette. To maintain the result achieved with such hard work, simply perform the above exercises every day: this will not only add variety to your pastime, but will also give your body youth, elasticity and beauty for a long time.

Learn these exercises and you'll never pay for a gym membership again.

You can exercise anywhere using only your own weight.

We suggest exercises that use only your body weight as resistance, such as push-ups and lunges. They do not require the necessary equipment.

These movements are a staple in many high-intensity workouts. These workouts are intense and fast.

You get through the exercises quickly in less than 30 minutes. This means you can be in great shape without having to go to the gym, spend hours working out, or use special workout equipment. (Seriously, it's science.) Enough to know correct movements.

Here's a list of exercises created by personal trainer and exercise physiologist Albert Matheny.

These 12 exercises are important for those who want to exercise anytime, anywhere.

The trainer also gives 9 workout options that are combinations of these movements. You can use these 12 exercises as building blocks for different options fast, highly effective workouts that are possible anywhere.

Some of these movements come with instructions on how to make them more comfortable. Just try to perform movements that don't have " facilitating» instructions as best as possible. Know that it is better to do just a few repetitions of each movement perfectly, rather than doing many movements incorrectly.

Once you've mastered these exercises, learn how to combine them into a full 20- or 30-minute workout.

1. Push-ups

What to do:

  • Place your hands directly under your shoulders.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Maintain a plank position. Your body should be straight from the back of your head to your hips.
  • The neck should be in line with the shoulders.
  • As you lower, keep your elbows close to your body.
  • Sagging or protruding buttocks.
  • Tilt your head up or down.
  • Allow your shoulders to rise toward your ears.

How to make it easier:

  • Place your feet wider for better stability.
  • Perform push-ups as described above, but instead of a plank position, do push-ups with your knees on the ground. Just make sure your back and hips are in a straight line.

2. Plank

How to do:

  • Place your hands under your shoulders, or slightly wider.
  • Tighten your gluteal muscles.
  • Your body should be in one line from head to toe.
  • Tighten your chest.
  • Tuck your chin.
  • Direct your gaze to the floor.
  • Lifting or sagging of the buttocks.
  • Raise your head.
  • Stay in position if the body is not in a straight line - good exercise only the ones you do right.

How to make it easier:

  • Hold the position for a shorter period of time.

3. Bridge with the buttocks

How to do:

  • Lie on your back.
  • Place your feet on the floor, shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forward, with knees bent.
  • Tighten your stomach.
  • Push through your heels and lift your hips off the floor.
  • Stop controlling your abdominal muscles.
  • Raising your hips too high. Your hips and back should be in a neutral position.

4. Spider Lunge

How to do:

  • Starting position: as for push-ups.
  • Place your right foot next to outside right hand.
  • Land on your entire foot.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat with the other leg.
  • Maintain a firm plank position.
  • Allow your shoulders to move out of line directly above your hands.
  • Sagging hips.

5. Plank - knock

How to do:

  • Start in plank position.
  • Lightly tap your left shoulder with your right hand.
  • Return your hands to plank position.
  • Repeat the exercise with the other hand.
  • Maintain a plank position with your torso and glutes tight.

Shift your weight as you tap your shoulders.

6. Squats

How to do:

  • Place your feet somewhere between hip joint and shoulder width.
  • Spread your toes as needed to be flexible as you move.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Look forward and slightly up.
  • Make sure your knees are in line with your toes.
  • Squat down as deeply as possible.
  • Bend your knees inward.
  • Raise your heels off the ground.
  • Shift your weight to your toes.

How to make it easier:

Squat shallowly if you find it difficult to squat or have discomfort when standing up.

7. Lunge to the side

How to do:

  • Keep your back straight and chest up.
  • Shift your weight to your midfoot and heel.
  • Lunge as low as possible.

Keep your knees in front of your feet.

8. Jump Squats

How to do:

  • Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Keep your chest up.
  • Keep your arms straight out in front of you when you squat and push them behind your back when you jump.
  • Jump as high as possible.
  • Exhale as you jump.
  • Land softly.
  • Allow your knees to move out of line with your toes.
  • Shift your weight to your toes while squatting.

9. Jumping Lunge

How to do:

  • Lunge as low as possible without your back knee touching the floor.
  • Keep your torso upright.
  • Distribute your weight evenly between your front and back legs.
  • Jump to change the position of your legs - the front leg goes back and hind leg goes forward.
  • Coordinate your arm movements so that your front arm moves forward as your opposite leg lunges back.
  • Land softly.
  • So that the knee touches the floor.

How to make it easier:

Don't rush - just do regular lunges.

10. Single leg lift

How to do:

  • Keep your back straight.
  • Distribute your weight evenly on the leg you're standing on.
  • Raise one leg straight behind you. Lean forward and stop at hip level. Bend as low as your flexibility allows.
  • Pull yourself back to a standing position using the hamstring (back) of the leg you are standing on.
  • Keep your head in a neutral position.
  • Reach toward the floor with your fingertips: This bends your back. Instead, focus on keeping your back flat and locked through your hips.
  • Try to touch the floor if flexibility does not allow.
  • Change legs on every rep. Do the exercise with one leg for one set, and then switch to the other leg for the next set.

11. Reverse Lunge

How to do:

  • Starting position: stand straight.
  • Step back with one foot.
  • Keep your front knee at a 90-degree angle.
  • Keep your chest up.
  • Distribute your weight evenly between your front and back leg.
  • The knee of the back leg can lightly touch the floor.
  • Push through the heel of your front foot to stand up.
  • Coordinate your arm movements so that your hand is in front as your opposite leg lunges back.
  • Shift the weight of your front leg onto your toes.
  • So that the knee moves to the side.
  • Allow the front knee to bend inward.

12. Walking on your hands

How to do:

  • Your legs should be as straight as your flexibility allows.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Bend at the waist and place your hands on the floor in front of you.
  • Keep your chest straight as you walk your arms forward until you are in a plank position. Then walk on your hands in the opposite direction and stand up.
  • Tighten your hips and press your heels into the ground as you walk back on your hands.
  • Walk your arms past the plank position.
  • Sagging hips.
  • Swing from side to side from the hips.
  • Raise your shoulders up towards your ears.

How to make it easier.

  • Bend your knees slightly if you are unable to reach the ground. Improve your flexibility and work on keeping your legs straight.
  • To turn these exercises into a full workout, follow one of these guides.
  • You can mix and match exercises to make your own workout.

What to do now with all this?

Choose exercises that don't use the same muscle groups. Use one of these three formats created by Matheny (examples for each below). Remember that each movement must be performed properly and with a full range of motion.


30 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. You will complete 3 exercises in total.

  1. Movement 1: 30 seconds
  2. REST: 10 seconds
  3. Movement 2: 30 seconds
  4. REST:: 10 seconds
  5. Movement 3: 30 seconds
  6. Repeat the sequence 10 times.

You can combine exercises from this complex as you like. The main thing is to do at least three exercises at a time. And do such exercises in the mornings or evenings after work.

Simple exercises for losing weight at home, video instructions on how to do them and much more - today we are sharing with you knowledge about building a beautiful figure.

If you think that you can’t do without visiting the gym and you can achieve only a minimal effect on your own, then we have good news!

Achieving weight loss and strengthening the muscles you need is more than possible at home.

This doesn’t require much: desire, diligence, regular execution exercises, which we will talk about, and proper nutrition.

So, we declare with all responsibility that you can get rid of the notorious excess weight and train your body without leaving home.

You don't need to lift barbells, dumbbells or sweat on bulky machines.

People who go to gyms most often set themselves slightly different goals: gain weight, achieve a toned body, meet like-minded people, take pictures in sports tights.

We, as responsible people, far from idleness, are not interested in all this.

The only disadvantage of home training is the limited equipment.

Again, it’s impossible to definitely call this a disadvantage, because most of the “hardware” with which gyms are stuffed serve for progression, that is, they allow you to increase muscle mass over and over again.

Otherwise, performing exercises in comfortable, familiar conditions has significant advantages:

  1. Concentration on the task. You will not be distracted by extraneous conversations.
  2. Space. Sport halls often overloaded, especially in the evening. At home you are left to your own devices, don’t bump anyone’s elbows and work hard.
  3. Save time. It often happens that out of all the time planned for training in the gym, a person spends half of it waiting for his turn to use the simulator. And in general physical exercise houses are completed much faster. The psychological factor plays a role here - everything comes easier and faster within our own walls.

Before starting an exercise program to lose excess weight, clearly formulate your goals and objectives.

This way you will achieve success faster and will be able to correctly select the types of physical activity and plan your time.

A goal is the foundation for any endeavor, without which any efforts will be either completely futile or ineffective.

It's easy to exercise at home!

This statement is especially true for sports.

So, you clearly see the task ahead of you. Before I tell you about ways to achieve it, check out the list important rules and stick to it strictly.


Your training should be regular and clearly defined. Consistency is the key to success for losing weight and losing excess weight.

Determine the time at which it is most comfortable for you to study (preferably in the morning), make a schedule and strictly follow it.


The second main component of a successful training process. Give it at least 10-15 minutes.

Your task is to thoroughly warm up, stretch and stretch the muscles.

A body unprepared for light loads will not progress, but the risk of injury increases significantly, even if you don’t do it. difficult exercises.


Find the pace that is most comfortable for you and work at it.

Determine the time for rest (no more than a minute) and for the entire workout as a whole (no more than an hour) and strictly adhere to these numbers.

Advice: if you can skip a lesson and deviate a little from the pace, then never from the warm-up. Give her due attention.

Simple exercises for losing weight at home with photos and videos

We hope that you have taken the above list of rules seriously and are ready to begin the most interesting part - the exercises.

We start with a warm-up. It can be done both at home and outdoors.

Training must be systematic

If you chose the first option, then simply follow the following algorithm:

  1. We start by turning the head left and right (do 10 repetitions)
  2. Then we move on to tilting the head - left-right, forward-backward
  3. Stretch your shoulders in a circular motion
  4. Stretch your elbows and wrists
  5. Doing side bends
  6. Bend forward, trying to touch the floor with your fingertips.
  7. We finish with a small number of push-ups

In fact, warming up is an individual matter. You can choose any exercises and perform them in any order.

The main thing that exercise stress was minimal, since all you need to achieve at this stage is to thoroughly warm up and stretch the muscles, nothing more.

Running and jumping rope are an excellent completion of the warm-up, in some cases even replacing it completely.

Tip: If possible, after warming up your muscles, put on comfortable sneakers and go for a fifteen-minute walk.

So, here are simple exercises for losing weight at home for beginners:

  1. Squats. Representatives often talk about their effectiveness and simplicity different types sports, and for good reason. With the help of squats, you can tighten your gluteal muscles, strengthen them, get rid of cellulite, and reduce your waist size. Any type of this exercise allows you to achieve pronounced elasticity of the abdominal muscles and beautiful relief. Squats are most often performed in two ways: with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower than your shoulders, or your feet wider than your shoulders. The first option allows you to focus on the back of the thighs, as well as the quadriceps. The second is on the inner thighs and quadriceps. During the exercise, keep your spine straight and do not bend. Make sure that during each squat your thighs are clearly parallel to the floor. Keep your hands behind your head or on your belt. The soles of the feet should be glued to the floor, the heels should not be pulled off, otherwise the load will not be distributed correctly. Start with 3 sets of 20-30 reps. Increase the number of repetitions as soon as you feel that the exercise is very easy for you.
  2. Next we move on to the Bicycle exercise. A classic method for losing weight, equivalent in effectiveness to squats. Surely you are familiar with this exercise from your school physical education course, and then you successfully forgot it. But overweight They whispered to you that it’s time to renew acquaintance - and rightly so! Exercise Bicycle is an effective way to achieve a thin waist and a beautiful, flat stomach. It's quite simple to do. Lie on your back comfortably, bend your knees, and place your hands behind your head, clasping your fingers. Now stretch your right elbow towards your left knee, always while inhaling. Return to the starting position and pause for a second. Repeat the same thing, only with the other leg. To begin with, 3 sets of 25 repetitions will be enough for you.
  3. The third exercise is aimed at tightening the abdomen. It is equally popular in both fitness and yoga. It is included in almost any weight loss program and is called abdominal vacuumization. All you need to do is exhale completely, pull your stomach in as far as possible, count to 5, slowly relax and inhale again. In this case, focus not on the number of repetitions, but on the time. Perform vacuumization for 10–15 minutes.

Exercise cycling is one of the most effective in the fight against excess weight.

Consolidating success

It may seem too simple, but doing the exercises described above really promises you an effective way to get rid of extra pounds.

The main thing is to approach the matter in accordance with the rules and forget about laziness.

Finally, we share with you a few tips that will help you consolidate your successes and lay the groundwork for future progress.

Perhaps, having achieved the first results, you will become seriously interested in sports, but this happens quite often!

So, let's begin:

  1. Eat right. We are not talking about any special diets, no. Just try to eat as many plant foods as possible. Load up on vegetables, greens and fruits. But don’t forget about porridge - you will need strength for training. Simple exercises for losing weight at home with a diet are, of course, very effective, but good result can be obtained without strict dietary restrictions.
  2. Adjust the load volume. Increase the number of repetitions from time to time or find new exercises if you wish. You can also increase the training time slightly - up to 80 minutes. But no more - overtraining threatens a loss of strength, you will not be able to perform exercises the next day, which means that the process of losing weight will noticeably slow down.
  3. Increase your speed. Using this method, you can use new muscle fibers, strengthen your body and connect to training process other body systems. Although in passive mode, they will also benefit and improve their efficiency. To achieve progress in all muscle groups, we recommend alternating training at a fast pace with a slow one. One day like this and one day like that.
  4. Drink as much fluid as possible. Water improves metabolic processes, helps eliminate toxins from the body, and therefore excess weight will go away faster.

Advice: devote an hour to an hour and a half a day to training at home, exercise to pleasant music, do not forget about a positive attitude, draw the desired goal before your eyes.
