Sports aerobics sport presentation. Types of aerobics. Leg drop with soccer ball

Perform springy movements by bending and straightening your legs ankle joints, for 15-20 seconds. Lying on your back, bend your legs, sit up, then, straightening them, bend forward twice, try to touch your knees with your face, and then lie on your back again. Repeat the exercise 12-16 times. Lying with your hands on your stomach, rhythmically protrude and retract your abdominal wall, pressing on it with your hands. Repeat the exercise 8-12 times. Lying on your back, legs slightly bent, a cushion or small pillow under your knees, place your head on the pillow, relax your abdominal muscles. Do self-massage of the abdominal wall along the colon. Stroke the stomach with the palm of your right hand from bottom to top to the hypochondrium, then with the palm of your left hand - across and the back of your left hand - down. Repeat 4-6 times, gradually increasing pressure with your hand on the abdominal wall. Then, with your right hand, make kneading circular movements (with four fingers - towards the little finger). Movements are slow, for 30-45 seconds. After this, do the tapping alternately with both hands for 25-30 seconds. Finish the self-massage by stroking your abdomen. Lying on your back, legs bent and spread, feet on the floor. Raise your pelvis and move it to the sides 4-6 times. Do 2-3 series of movements with pauses of 5-8 seconds. Jumping in place: perform on two and on each leg separately for 25-30 seconds. Finish by walking in place. Relax your leg muscles. Standing, legs apart. Move your arms to the sides and back, bend over - inhale, then lean forward, relax your arms - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

Prepared by: student of group 101FV Kristina Kislova

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Aerobics (also known as rhythmic gymnastics) is gymnastics accompanied by rhythmic music, which helps to monitor the rhythm of the exercises. The set of exercises includes walking, running, jumping, and flexibility exercises. The result of regular aerobics is keeping the body in good shape, training muscles and skin, and overall health of the body. Used for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

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Types of aerobics Classic aerobics Step aerobics Types of strength-oriented aerobics Dance TYPES of aerobics Water aerobics Ball aerobics Aerobics with elements of combat sports Bicycle aerobics Fitness aerobics Sports aerobics

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The main ones include classical aerobics. It can be compared with classical dance in choreography, but not in terms of the composition of means and exercises, but in terms of significance. This is the ABC of aerobics, it is with it that the study of other types begins, as well as the most common, established type of aerobics, which represents the synthesis of general developmental gymnastic exercises, varieties of running, jumping and skipping, performed to musical accompaniment. The main physiological focus of classical aerobics is the development of endurance, increasing the functionality of the cardiorespiratory system.

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Step aerobics appeared in the 90s of the XX century. and quickly gained popularity. In the USA, Germany, and Denmark, step aerobics makes up about 50% of all types. Its peculiarity is the use of a special step platform. It allows you to perform steps, jumps on it and through it in various directions, and also use the platform when performing exercises for abdominals, backs, etc. The tiered structure of the platform regulates the height, and, consequently, physical activity, allowing simultaneous training with people of different physical fitness, that is, it makes the process more individual. The intensity of ascending and descending from the platform is equivalent to running at a speed of 12 kilometers per hour.

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There are also types of aerobics with a strength focus - body shaping, body styling, body conditioning aerobics, a program for the abdominal, back and leg muscles, a target toning system and others. In these types, dumbbells, rubber shock absorbers, and expanders are widely used. various designs. Just recently appeared the new kind- aerobics with a barbell (“pump”), the training effect of which is undoubtedly high, but it is only accessible to well-trained people.

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There are also dance types of aerobics. These include jazz aerobics, funk aerobics, hip-hop, Latin jazz, afrs aerobics, tango aerobics, city jam, etc. Typical in dance aerobics is the use of various dance movements to music, corresponding to a particular dance. Oriental dances have become especially popular lately: belly dancing, Indian dances.

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Water aerobics. This species is gaining increasing popularity in the world. The aquatic environment creates special conditions for performing movements: in some cases it makes the process of their execution easier, in others it becomes more complicated. A distinction is made between water aerobics in shallow and deep water. It is recommended to use various special equipment (belts, vests, boards, special cuffs for arms, legs, etc.)

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Aerobics with a ball. Various rubber balls, medicine balls have traditionally been used in basic gymnastics and physical therapy. In aerobics, a special plastic ball with a diameter of 35 to 65 cm is used. This introduces game moments into classes, promotes careful development of individual muscle groups, develops a sense of balance, helps improve posture, and improve intermuscular regulation.


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Aerobics with elements of combat sports. Aerobics with elements of boxing and kick-boxing are also very popular among young people. Thanks to the high-speed work of the muscles and the high intensity of the exercises, the muscles are toned correctly and quickly, endurance and agility are developed, and excessive aggressiveness and mental tension are relieved. Aerobics with elements of karate is no less common.


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Bicycle aerobics. The famous American cyclist Johnny Goldberg developed a training system called "spinning". He created a lightweight bicycle that can be used indoors. About 45 minutes (and for those who are prepared, 90 minutes) of continuous pedaling to music with various movements Hand exercises allow you to sweat a lot, lose weight and improve muscle tone.


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Fitness aerobics. Recently, fitness aerobics has become increasingly popular. It is available to children and adults. The international organization FISAF holds world and European championships in this type of aerobics. Sports aerobics. As a sport, it is a kind of synthesis of elements of gymnastics, acrobatics, basic aerobics and dance.


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The effect of aerobics on the body The main effect of aerobics is on the cardiorespiratory system human body. The heart of a person who is not accustomed to physical activity pushes up to 70 ml of blood into the aorta in one contraction at rest, that is, 3.5-5 liters per minute. Systematic training helps to increase this figure to 110 ml, and with heavy physical activity the figure increases to 200 ml or more. This develops the reserve power of the heart. The effect of training the body is manifested in a beneficial effect on the heart rate per minute, the number of which is on average 65 beats at rest, due to which the time of relaxation of the heart increases, at which time this organ receives arterial blood rich in oxygen. In addition, with a light load, the heart of a trained person works more economically, increasing the shock output of blood, while in an untrained person the number of heart contractions sharply increases. Regular exercise causes an increase in blood flow speed and metabolic rate using oxygen.


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Physical activity also has a positive effect on the human respiratory system, since during training the number of alveoli increases and the vital capacity of the lungs increases. The respiratory apparatus better absorbs oxygen, which ensures the full functioning of cells, and thereby increases the performance of the body. At rest, a trained person’s breathing rate decreases, and this allows the body to extract more oxygen from the lungs. During muscle activity, oxygen is needed! increases, and the so-called reserve alveoli are activated, the oxygen saturation of the lungs increases, significantly reducing the risk of inflammatory processes. The importance of the development of the respiratory apparatus is evidenced by the serious attitude towards this process of the followers of many health systems and techniques.


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Of no small importance is the influence training process on the active part of the human motor system, that is, on muscle mass. In women it is 33-35% of body weight, in men - 42%. In the absence of load, the muscles quickly decrease in volume, weaken, their capillaries narrow, and the fibers become thinner. With moderate loads, the muscular system is strengthened, its blood supply improves, and reserve capillaries come into operation. If the load has been excessive for a certain period of time, then it is advisable to reduce it gradually so that undesirable phenomena do not occur in the muscles. With loads of a predominantly dynamic nature, the weight and volume of the muscles increase to a lesser extent, the muscle part lengthens and the tendon part shortens. Alternating contractions and relaxations of the muscle does not disturb blood circulation, the number of capillaries increases, and their course remains more straightforward.


Last presentation slide: AEROBICS

Morning exercises People who complain of headaches, weakness, decreased performance, fatigue, sometimes do not even suspect that the cause of this is the so-called intestinal lethargy. Of course, first of all, you need to consult your doctor. It is also worth thinking about nutrition, using foods high in fiber. These are vegetables, fruits, herbs, legumes, bread made from coarse flour. Cabbage, carrots, radishes, radishes, dill, parsley, apples, and prunes are especially useful. It is recommended to drink a quarter glass of raw water in the evening before going to bed, and the same amount in the morning, adding orange, tangerine, and apple peels to the water. Drink this infusion on an empty stomach and immediately begin morning exercises. Its duration is 10-15 minutes.

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Aerobics (also known as rhythmic gymnastics) is gymnastics accompanied by rhythmic music, which helps to monitor the rhythm of the exercises. The set of exercises includes walking, running, jumping, and flexibility exercises. The result of regular aerobics is keeping the body in good shape, training muscles and skin, and overall health of the body. Used for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Bundle, or composition - the so-called. a dance using the basic elements of aerobics, performed synchronously by a team of 8, 6, 3 people, a man-woman pair or solo. The duration of the sequence, from 1 minute to 3.5 minutes, is established by the rules of a particular event. The main components of the ligament: jack, lunch, skip, jump, knee-up, step, run, chassis, mamba, overlap, kick ( swing forward, kick), site (swing to the side, sight), heat (tap) and others. Dance elements are physical exercises or jumps, the number of which is determined by the competition rules and the category to which the team belongs.

Types of aerobics Classic aerobics Step aerobics Types of strength-oriented aerobics Dance TYPES of aerobics Water aerobics Ball aerobics Aerobics with elements of combat sports Bicycle aerobics Fitness aerobics Sports aerobics

The main ones include classical aerobics. It can be compared with classical dance in choreography, but not in terms of the composition of means and exercises, but in terms of significance. This is the ABC of aerobics, it is with it that the study of other types begins, as well as the most common, established type of aerobics, which represents a synthesis of general developmental gymnastic exercises, varieties of running, jumping and skipping, performed to musical accompaniment. The main physiological focus of classical aerobics is the development of endurance, increasing functionality cardiorespiratory system. Experts highlight basic aerobics with low and high level load, some authors introduce the concept of an average level. The first is recommended for beginners, the third for those who are prepared, the second is an intermediate option.

Step aerobics appeared in the 90s of the XX century. and quickly gained popularity. In the USA, Germany, and Denmark, step aerobics makes up about 50% of all types. Its peculiarity is the use of a special step platform. It allows you to take steps, jump on and over it in different directions, and also use the platform when performing exercises for the abdominals, back, etc. The tiered device of the platform regulates the height, and, consequently, physical activity, and allows you to conduct simultaneous exercises with people different physical fitness, that is, makes the process more individual. The intensity of ascending and descending from the platform is equivalent to running at a speed of 12 kilometers per hour.

There are also types of aerobics with a strength focus - body shaping, body styling, body conditioning aerobics, a program for the abdominal, back and leg muscles, a target toning system and others. In these types, dumbbells, rubber shock absorbers, and expanders of various designs are widely used. More recently, a new type has appeared - aerobics with a barbell ("pump"), the training effect of which is undoubtedly high, but it is accessible only to well-trained people.

There are also dance types of aerobics. These include jazz aerobics, funk aerobics, hip-hop, Latin jazz, afrs aerobics, tango aerobics, city jam, etc. Typical in dance aerobics is the use of various dance movements to music, corresponding to a particular dance. Oriental dances have become especially popular lately: belly dancing, Indian dances.

Water aerobics. This species is gaining increasing popularity in the world. The aquatic environment creates special conditions for performing movements: in some cases it makes the process of their execution easier, in others it becomes more complicated. A distinction is made between water aerobics in shallow and deep water. It is recommended to use various special equipment (belts, vests, boards, special cuffs for arms, legs, etc.)

Aerobics with a ball. Various rubber balls and medicine balls have traditionally been used in basic gymnastics and physical therapy. In aerobics, a special plastic ball with a diameter of 35 to 65 cm is used. This introduces game moments into classes, promotes careful development of individual muscle groups, develops a sense of balance, helps improve posture, and improve intermuscular regulation.

Aerobics with elements of combat sports. Aerobics with elements of boxing and kick-boxing are also very popular among young people. Thanks to the high-speed work of the muscles and the high intensity of the exercises, the muscles are toned correctly and quickly, endurance and agility are developed, and excessive aggressiveness and mental tension are relieved. Aerobics with elements of karate is no less common.

Bicycle aerobics. The famous American cyclist Johnny Goldberg developed a training system called "spinning". He created a lightweight bicycle that can be used indoors. About 45 minutes (or 90 minutes for those who are prepared) of continuous pedaling to music with various hand movements allows you to sweat a fair amount, lose weight and improve muscle tone.

Fitness aerobics. Recently, fitness aerobics has become increasingly popular. It is available to children and adults. The international organization FISAF holds world and European championships in this type of aerobics. Sports aerobics. As a sport, it is a kind of synthesis of elements of gymnastics, acrobatics, basic aerobics and dance.

The effect of aerobics on the body The main effect of aerobics is on the cardiorespiratory system of the human body. The heart of a person who is not accustomed to physical activity pushes up to 70 ml of blood into the aorta in one contraction at rest, that is, 3.5-5 liters per minute. Systematic training helps increase this figure to 110 ml, and with heavy physical activity the figure increases to 200 ml or more. This develops the reserve power of the heart. The effect of training the body is manifested in a beneficial effect on the heart rate per minute, the number of which is on average 65 beats at rest, due to which the time of relaxation of the heart increases, at which time this organ receives arterial blood rich in oxygen. In addition, with a light load, the heart of a trained person works more economically, increasing the shock output of blood, while in an untrained person the number of heart contractions sharply increases. Regular exercise causes an increase in blood flow speed and metabolic rate using oxygen.

Physical activity also has a positive effect on the human respiratory system, since during training the number of alveoli increases and the vital capacity of the lungs increases. The respiratory apparatus better absorbs oxygen, which ensures the full functioning of cells, and thereby increases the performance of the body. At rest, a trained person’s breathing rate decreases, and this allows the body to extract more oxygen from the lungs. During muscle activity, oxygen is needed! increases, and the so-called reserve alveoli are activated, the oxygen saturation of the lungs increases, significantly reducing the risk of inflammatory processes. The importance of the development of the respiratory apparatus is evidenced by the serious attitude towards this process of the followers of many health systems and techniques.

Of no small importance is the influence of the training process on the active part of the human motor system, that is, on muscle mass. In women it is 33-35% of body weight, in men - 42%. In the absence of load, the muscles quickly decrease in volume, weaken, their capillaries narrow, and the fibers become thinner. With moderate loads, the muscular system is strengthened, its blood supply improves, and reserve capillaries come into operation. If the load has been excessive for a certain period of time, then it is advisable to reduce it gradually so that undesirable phenomena do not occur in the muscles. With loads of a predominantly dynamic nature, the weight and volume of the muscles increase to a lesser extent, the muscle part lengthens and the tendon part shortens. Alternating contractions and relaxations of the muscle does not disturb blood circulation, the number of capillaries increases, and their course remains more straightforward.

Morning exercises People who complain of headaches, weakness, decreased performance, fatigue, sometimes do not even suspect that the cause of this is the so-called intestinal lethargy. Of course, first of all, you need to consult your doctor. It is also worth thinking about nutrition, using foods high in fiber. These are vegetables, fruits, herbs, legumes, bread made from coarse flour. Cabbage, carrots, radishes, radishes, dill, parsley, apples, and prunes are especially useful. It is recommended to drink a quarter glass of raw water in the evening before going to bed, and the same amount in the morning, adding orange, tangerine, and apple peels to the water. Drink this infusion on an empty stomach and immediately begin your morning exercises. Its duration is 10-15 minutes.

Below is a set of exercises that stimulate intestinal functions. Walk in place, raising your knees high, for 25-30 seconds. Inhale for the first four steps, exhale for the next four. Raise your arms up, take your straight leg back, bend over, return to initial position, then bend your leg and pull your knee to your chest with your hands, lower your head. Then take the other leg back, raise your arms, and return to the starting position. Perform the exercise 3-4 times with each leg. Legs widely spaced. Bend your right leg and bend three times toward the toe of your left straight leg. Perform 4-6 bends on each leg. Legs spread. Perform circular movements with your pelvis, while drawing in and protruding the abdominal wall. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times in each direction. Standing, hands on your stomach, perform spring squats three times in a row, pressing on the abdominal wall with your hands. Repeat the exercise 16-20 times. Standing on one leg, take the other to the side. Hold the back of the chair with your hands. Make circular movements with your leg, if possible, with a greater amplitude, first in one direction, then in the other. Repeat the exercise 8-12 times with each leg.

Standing on your toes, hold onto the back of the chair with your hands. Perform springing movements, bending and straightening your legs at the ankle joints for 15-20 seconds. Lying on your back, bend your legs, sit up, then, straightening them, bend forward twice, try to touch your knees with your face, and then lie on your back again. Repeat the exercise 12-16 times. Lying with your hands on your stomach, rhythmically protrude and retract your abdominal wall, pressing on it with your hands. Repeat the exercise 8-12 times. Lying on your back, legs slightly bent, a cushion or small pillow under your knees, place your head on the pillow, relax your abdominal muscles. Do self-massage of the abdominal wall along the colon. Stroke the stomach with the palm of your right hand from bottom to top to the hypochondrium, then with the palm of your left hand - across and the back of your left hand - down. Repeat 4-6 times, gradually increasing pressure with your hand on the abdominal wall. Then, with your right hand, make kneading circular movements (with four fingers - towards the little finger). Movements are slow, for 30-45 seconds. After this, do the tapping alternately with both hands for 25-30 seconds. Finish the self-massage by stroking your abdomen. Lying on your back, legs bent and spread, feet on the floor. Raise your pelvis and move it to the sides 4-6 times. Do 2-3 series of movements with pauses of 5-8 seconds. Jumping in place: perform on two and on each leg separately for 25-30 seconds. Finish by walking in place. Relax your leg muscles. Standing, legs apart. Move your arms to the sides and back, bend over - inhale, then lean forward, relax your arms - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.


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Aerobics presentation.

Aerobics: this familiar and familiar form from childhood physical activity still occupies a leading position in popularity among people watching their figure. Aerobics are rhythmic exercises performed to music and combining breathing exercises, muscle development and plastic development. Aerobics is designed to saturate tissues and organs with oxygen and strengthen cardiovascular system. Due to the intensity of exercise and the enrichment of the body with oxygen, fat is quickly burned, which is why aerobics is one of the most effective weight loss fighters.

Types of aerobics: Classical (dance) aerobics is based on dance movements. Actively strengthens muscles, especially the muscles of the lower body, arms and legs, well reduces excess weight, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, makes the body more flexible, improves posture.

Step aerobics is carried out using a special platform - step. This type of aerobics is also designed to strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory system, perfectly tightens the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks, making the body contour more beautiful. The use of weights (dumbbells) and various types of movements on the steppe (ascents and descents from the platform, jumping, bending the body, etc.) gives a good load to the muscles shoulder girdle, backs. A very dynamic and exciting form of fitness.

Strength aerobics is aerobics using various machines that work different muscle groups. Great for those who need to tighten up flabby muscles, make them embossed and drive them excess fat. Usually, muscle weight increases as a result of training, so overall body weight may not decrease, but the body will still become lean because muscle volume increases and fat is burned. This type of fitness is not suitable for everyone: for energetic and emotional people, it is better to choose something danceable and dynamic, because exercise classes are conducted at a slower pace to avoid injuries.

Slide aerobics is a type of power aerobics, performed on a smooth track in special shoes - satin slippers. The sliding movements of those involved are reminiscent of the movements of skiers or speed skaters: in fact, the slide was invented as a way to train speed skaters in the summer. Slide aerobics is great for women who want to get rid of fat deposits in the thighs, legs and buttocks. The joints of the legs are well strengthened. However this type aerobics is considered more traumatic than, for example, step aerobics, so beginners are better off starting classes with other fitness programs, moving on to slide aerobics only when the muscles and joints are already adapting to increased loads. Otherwise, there is a high probability of dislocations and sprains.

Water aerobics is a unique fitness program that allows you to simultaneously work out almost all muscle groups, strengthen joints and ligaments. As the name implies, water aerobics classes are conducted in water, in a pool. This type of fitness has no contraindications for weight, height, gender, or level. physical training. There is also water aerobics for pregnant women - a great opportunity to strengthen muscles and ligaments, bring the body into good shape even being in such a delicate position.

The secret of water aerobics is that in the water you don’t feel own weight, even if it is quite large, so it is easy for even very fat people to exercise in water; tight muscle groups are also unloaded (for example, the back muscles of pregnant women), while the water provides additional resistance, preventing joints, muscles and bones from being injured. Together, all these factors provide an excellent result, which is achieved with great pleasure.

Dance aerobics is very close to classical aerobics, but here the emphasis is on dance movements to a wide variety of music. Dance aerobics is designed not only to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and tighten muscles, but the charge of energy that you receive during classes is of great importance. Posture improves and mood improves, which, combined with weight loss, makes dance aerobics one of the most enjoyable and effective fitness programs. Currently in sports clubs classes are offered in strip dance, hip-hop, belly dancing and oriental dancing, funk aerobics, R’n’B and MTV dance and many other dance styles, among which everyone can choose a fitness program to suit their taste.

Strip dance and strip plastic: subspecies dance aerobics. Aimed at developing flexibility and plasticity of the body, learning the basics of striptease. When practicing strip plastic, the muscles of the legs and thighs are perfectly worked out, in particular, the “breeches” are removed, thanks to the abundance of movements with deep squats. And, besides the benefits, strip dancing is simply very beautiful. Your achievements in this type of fitness will certainly be high!

Thank you for your attention!!! Prepared by: Dobrynin A. A.

abstract on the subject “Physical culture” on the topic: “Aerobics” 11-1st grade student Daria Kislitsyna Teacher: Shevernitskaya M.A. Aerobics is a type physical training, when special movements are performed to music. Aerobics has a strengthening effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, promotes weight loss and improved figure. The best prevention for many diseases is indeed regular aerobic training. They force the heart and blood vessels to constantly work, adapting to increasing loads. Therefore, the cardiovascular system of a trained person works smoothly and efficiently, providing oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body. At the moment, there are about 40 different types of aerobics, these are: pump (power aerobics with a minibar), step (classes on a special platform), aqua (exercises in water), jazz size (dancing to the rhythms of jazz), slide (sliding along a special path) , callanetics (strengthening muscles and burning fat). History of the appearance... At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, a direction in gymnastics was formed, associated with the name of the French physiologist J. Demeny. His system physical exercise was based on the leading importance of rhythm and harmony of movements, on the rhythmic alternation of muscle relaxation and tension. Gymnastics by J. Demeny is based on natural movements, it is alien to worship of form in the name of principle. Great importance J. Demeny gave the development of dexterity and flexibility. J. Demeny had many followers, including B. Mensendieck, who developed women's functional gymnastics. Its main objectives were: promoting health through hygienic gymnastics , strength development, education. A significant increase in the popularity of rhythm began at the beginning of the 20th century. He is associated with the name of E. Jacques Dalcroze. He is responsible for the discovery of the sense of rhythm in human physical activity. He was the first to use the term “rhythmic gymnastics”. He managed to create a kind of musical notation of movements. In the 70s, a form of health-improving physical activity appeared, such as aerobic dancing, the founder of which was J. Sorensen. The aerobic dance program includes rhythmic running, jumping, bending, swinging, as well as many dance steps and movements. The term "aerobics" was first introduced by K. Cooper in 1960. Its origin comes from the word “aerobic”, that is, occurring with the participation of oxygen, which has a physiological basis. Modern aerobics is not a new type of physical culture that has appeared in our days. There are many types of aerobics... Dance aerobics Dance aerobics (dance) strengthens muscles, especially the lower body, stimulates the cardiovascular system, improves coordination and posture, and burns excess weight. A large load falls on large muscle groups, especially in the lower body. Typical for these types of aerobics is the use of various dance movements to music that corresponds to a particular dance style. This type of aerobics includes: funkaerobics, city jam, hip hop, Latin aerobics, jazz modern, Afro jazz and others. Step aerobics Step aerobics (step) is used for the prevention and treatment of arthritis, osteoporosis, recovery from knee injuries and for strengthening muscles. Dance classes are conducted using a special platform (step). You have to climb up and down to the rhythm of the music, combined with regular dance moves. The height of the steps is usually 15-30 cm. There are about 200 ways to get on and off the platform. Step movements are quite simple, so they are quite suitable for people of different ages and fitness levels. They perfectly improve the figure, especially the shape of the legs, thighs and buttocks. Slide aerobics Slide aerobics (slide) is a strength type of aerobics. During classes, they wear special shoes and slide along a special smooth track 183 cm long and 61 cm wide, performing exercises reminiscent of the movements of a speed skater, skier or roller skater. Slide aerobics strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, muscles and joints. The most optimal type of aerobics for women who want to get rid of fat deposits in the thighs. Pump aerobics Pump aerobics is power aerobics with a mini-barbell weighing from 2 to 20 kilograms. Performed non-stop for 45 minutes, to rhythmic music. Dance elements are excluded from it. Instead of them - various presses, bends and squats. The training effect of barbell aerobics is undoubtedly very high, but it is recommended only for physically fit people. Kick aerobics Kick aerobics is a special program called KIC (cardio-intensity-conditioning), which allows you to train and improve the main indicators of the body’s fitness level: general and strength endurance, muscle strength and flexibility, agility and coordination. The new program takes into account the age and different levels of preparedness of users. Using the capabilities of this program, it is now easy to create a fairly intensive lesson for both beginners and experienced students. Tai-kick Tai-kick is a workout that combines the now popular Tai-bo with high-intensity exercises with a jump rope. Thai kick allows you not only to quickly achieve a training effect, but also to learn techniques hand-to-hand combat . It is especially recommended for those who want to achieve maximum effect when burning subcutaneous fat deposits. Spinning Spinning is a fun, dynamic workout on bicycles, combined with watching a video. Lightweight exercise bikes are installed in the gym so that their wheels spin in one place. Despite this, trainees get a feeling comparable to a bicycle ride in nature. And all thanks to the large screen hanging on the wall, on which various video landscapes float, replacing each other. Resist-ball Resist-ball is a fun and absolutely safe type of aerobics using special multi-colored inflatable balls of different sizes (some of them reach 1 meter in diameter) helps to correct the figure, develops coordination and flexibility, helps correct posture and strengthen cardiovascular and respiratory function systems Trekking Trekking - group interval training on treadmills. The training effect is achieved by changing the inclination angle and speed of the treadmill. The lesson is ideal for students of any level of preparedness by conducting a special “Break point” test (which is based on determining your own maximum speed). The workout is suitable for both walkers and runners, because... The program was specifically designed to train runners and walkers at the same time. Water aerobics Water aerobics is a completely special type of physical activity when all the muscles work at the same time. Classes take place in a swimming pool, where the resistance of the water is overcome when performing the exercises. Water is an excellent environment for body-strengthening exercises as it provides additional resistance while being gentle on joints, muscles and bones. Water aerobics exercises strengthen the body, improve flexibility, stretch muscles and ligaments, burn excess calories, and successfully recover from injuries. Water exercises are suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of age, weight and physical fitness, and are recommended for pregnant women. Unlike land-based types of fitness, there are no contraindications. Callanetics Callanetics is the most universal gymnastics today for all ages, complexions and characters. Your muscles need tone, stretching and relaxation, and your mind needs the right direction of thoughts. Usually it is difficult for a person to decide which gymnastics is healthier for him. You'll have to figure out what's best for you. Maybe you are so physically advanced that a bodybuilding routine is right for you. Or you are so active and young that aerobics or fitness will be ideal for you. Or are you seriously passionate about the East, and it will be much more interesting for you to master yoga or any eastern practice. Callanetics includes exercises that develop absolutely all muscle groups - legs, buttocks, hips, arms, shoulders, back, abdominals. There is not a single part of the body that is not included in the work. Moreover, this gymnastics compares favorably with others in that it includes stretching and static exercises. They activate deep muscles, the same ones that we do not use in normal life. They rightly say that such exercises for one hour are equal in impact to seven hours of shaping or a day of aerobics. A-Box Abox combines, at first glance, completely unrelated areas in fitness - aerobics and martial arts. The founder of this direction is the world champion in contact combat, Yvonne Lin, who subsequently devoted herself to aerobics. Using Elements various types martial arts, clarity of movements, the ability to develop coordination, endurance, strength and speed of reaction - all this also attracts men to A-boxing. Pilates Pilates is a safe, non-impact exercise program that stretches and strengthens the core muscle groups, without forgetting about smaller weak muscles. The Pilates training method combines all the best from Western and Eastern methods. Pilates develops joint flexibility, ligament elasticity, strength, intermuscular and intramuscular coordination, strength endurance and mental qualities, but the main difference between Pilates and all other types is the possibility of injuries and negative reactions reduced to almost zero. Pilates best fitness for pregnant women and young mothers. Yoga Nowadays, the most popular type of body strengthening technique is one of the oldest health practices - yoga. Fitness yoga (fitness yoga) yoga for everyone. What distinguishes it from other forms of yoga is that it directly and unpretentiously imparts excellent tone to everyone's body; and especially it serves those who lead an active life professionally or amateurishly. Fit yoga is movement, beautiful music, soft light and stimulating aromas. She combines the elements of hatha yoga with traditional exercises of classical choreography (for dancers), muscle stretching exercises, and together this maintains muscle tone, develops flexibility, improves well-being and physique. Running Health running is the simplest and most accessible (technically speaking) type of cyclic exercise, and therefore the most widespread. According to the most conservative estimates, running as a means of health is used by more than 100 million middle-aged and elderly people on our planet. The technique of recreational running is so simple that it does not require special training, and its effect on the human body is extremely great. Taibo Tai-bo is energy, strength, endurance; martial movements (boxing, karate and taekwondo) in aerobics style to energetic music. Taibo does not involve contact combat, so there is virtually no risk of injury. Tai bo is a young and very popular form of fitness training. By the way, experts have calculated that 1 hour of exercise in terms of energy expenditure corresponds to a 10-kilometer race on the track. Tai chi Tai chi - ancient Chinese gymnastics. The tai chi exercise system consists of two parallel processes - physical exercise and meditation. Each movement of this gymnastics turns into its opposite. Tilts and turns are subject to the principle of circular motion; The way of tai chi is slow, smooth, continuous movement. All movements are performed smoothly and harmoniously. Aerobics competitions... Traditionally, the most stubborn competition at international competitions takes place between representatives of countries such as Russia, Romania, Spain, Bulgaria, Japan, Korea, Chile, Italy, France, China, Brazil, New Zealand, etc. The Russian national team since 1995 participates in all official international competitions. From 1995 to 2004, at the World Championships our athletes won 4 gold, 5 silver and 6 bronze medals, at the European Championships - 1 gold, two silver and 1 bronze medal, and at the World Cup Finals - 1 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze awards. Long years on the world stage there were no equals to the Russian duo, Honored Masters of Sports Tatyana Solovyova and Vladislav Oskner, who became world champions four times, European champions twice and World Games and were multiple champions of Russia.
