Rules on ice in winter. Safety precautions and rules of behavior on ice in winter. Everyone should know this

In winter, ice poses a serious threat to life. The likelihood of falling through the ice increases at the beginning of the winter period, when the first “frosts” set in, and at the end, when there is a thaw.

The strength of ice is determined by several criteria: ambient temperature, time of day, and territorial features.

If you want to go fishing or just take a walk on the ice crust, it is very important to remember the rules of behavior on thin ice, knowledge of which will help prevent extreme situations, and in some cases even save lives.

Basic rules of behavior on winter ice

  • You must not go out on the ice alone, or leave children on the ice unattended.
  • You cannot “huddle”, that is, gather several people on a small ice area.
  • You cannot move on ice crust at night or in conditions of poor visibility - if there is heavy snow or rain.
  • You cannot go out on the ice crust while intoxicated or after taking psychotropic substances, since in the event of an extreme situation a person will not be able to help himself.
  • You should not step on white-matte areas; it is better to move along transparent ice, at least 10 cm thick.
  • You cannot jump on ice, make sudden movements, or break the thickness of the ice with kicks.
  • You can’t take risks: if the ice begins to crack and sag, you need to stop immediately and return to shore.
  • You cannot move on the icy crust while carrying a heavy backpack on your back or with your hands in your pockets.
  • When crossing icy bodies of water, it is advisable to use ice crossings, take poles and skis in your hands, and hang your backpack on one shoulder.
  • If cracks form while crossing the ice, you need to go sliding steps, without lifting your feet from the surface, but at the same time placing them shoulder width apart. This is necessary to distribute the load over a large area.

How to react if a person falls through the ice?

If you do not follow the rules of behavior on thin ice, then you need to be prepared for the fact that you can “swim”. The main danger for a person who has fallen through the ice is icy water, which “swallows” a person and he immediately loses his protective powers: his head feels like a steel hoop is squeezing him, breathing becomes difficult, his heart “jumps out” of his chest.

Death can occur in the first 10-15 minutes after immersion in ice captivity and the cause is most often the shock reaction of the body. If a person falls through the ice, you need to adhere to the following algorithm, and it is advisable to act quickly:

  1. The rescuer must immediately make it clear that the victim’s cries for help have been heard.
  2. Anyone who has fallen through the ice must be kept on the surface, using available means for this: sticks, skis, scarves, belts, etc. At the same time, the rescuer must remember that approaching the very edge of the ice hole is strictly prohibited. He should do this while lying down, as carefully as possible, placing various supports under himself to increase the area of ​​pressure on the ice.
  3. Providing support to the victim, the rescuer must pull him to the surface and very carefully crawl to the shore. As soon as the victim finds himself on the surface, he must immediately be placed in a warm room, since wet clothes and shoes contribute to further cooling and frostbite.

What to do if you fall through the ice?

A man “swimmed” in icy water: providing first aid on the shore

If it is not possible to move the victim to a heated room, then it is necessary to provide first aid directly on the shore, do the following:

  • build a barrier from the wind and snow, light a large fire;
  • spread a warm blanket next to the fire and quickly change the victim into dry clothes;
  • rub hypothermic limbs with your hands, wrapping them in woolen cloth;
  • frostbitten limbs can also be rubbed with vodka or warmed under warm water; manipulations should be carried out until the person regains consciousness;
  • it is necessary to give the victim hot tea or coffee and wait for help from professional doctors.

When going for a walk or fishing in winter, do not forget that the strength of the ice is weakened in places of reservoirs with a pronounced current, as well as near dense vegetation - near bushes, reeds, shrubs.

Don't forget that dark ice is especially "attractive" to direct sunlight, so it is much thinner than white ice. The strongest ice is intense blue, even blue.

White, matte or yellowish ice crust is much thinner than blue. Remember that any ice, even the most “reliable” in appearance, is fraught with danger, so you need to be extremely careful.

It is important to follow the rules of conduct on ice in winter and always carry a charged mobile phone with you in order to seek professional help in time.

As soon as winter comes, most children, and some adults, impatiently wait for the ice to freeze on bodies of water. This, of course, is a good opportunity to go ice skating and do winter fishing, but do not forget about safety on the ice during this period. We will get acquainted with the main rules in our article.

Ice Formation

With the onset of frosty weather, you should not count on instant cover of water bodies with ice. This process is long and depends on many factors. It usually begins in November and continues until the New Year. It all depends on weather conditions, which are different every year.

At low temperatures at night, ice forms, but under the sun's rays during the day it begins to become porous from water that seeps through it. At the same time, the thickness may already be decent, but it cannot be called reliable, so it is important to follow safety measures on ice.

Usually, the freezing of reservoirs occurs unevenly over the entire area; first of all, freezing begins in shallow water, along the banks, and then the ice freezes in the middle. In different bodies of water, this process occurs at different speeds; for example, on rivers, ice forms more slowly, since this process is hampered by the current. Even on the same body of water, the ice may be of different thickness in different parts of it.

Preserving life on ice

Almost every year there are situations when the most impatient lovers of winter fishing or ice skating find themselves in a dangerous situation, finding themselves in icy water. And all because the thickness of the ice is not taken into account.

The first thing such amateurs need to do is study the safety measures on ice in winter, and only then go to the reservoir. The most important rule: if you are not sure of the strength of the ice, do not step on it. Sometimes a person begins to understand his mistake when he is already on thin ice; in this case, one must try to carefully retrace his steps.

The snow on top makes it difficult to assess the strength of the ice. While moving, you may not see that cracks have appeared, but it’s impossible not to hear a crunch, so when it appears, you should stop moving and go back.

Safe ice

No safety equipment on ice will help if it is not thick enough. The ice cover must withstand the load that will be applied to it.

Even if you are sure that the reservoir is well frozen, safety measures on ice in winter will not be superfluous.

Treacherous Ice

Specialists even in appearance ice can determine its reliability. Ice that is yellowish or dull white is considered more dangerous, and therefore thinner. Most often it has a porous structure, so it cannot be considered reliable.

You need to know: if the temperature does not drop below zero degrees for several days, the strength decreases by 25%. The thinnest ice is even in frosty weather near thickets of reeds, bushes or trees that grow along the banks.

Particular care must be taken near ice holes - they can become completely invisible if they are covered with a little snow.

How to make sure the ice is reliable

It is sometimes possible to find out whether ice is strong or not only by stepping on it. If, after several steps, small radial cracks are visible and a slight crunch is heard, then in principle you can walk on it, but maintain safe behavior on the ice.

Testing the strength of ice by jumping on it or stamping your feet is not at all prudent. If, after checking, water is found protruding from the top of the ice, it is better not to cross in this place. Safety on thin ice must be paramount. You can never predict where you might fall into icy water.

To prevent an accident, it is better to return back, carefully walking in your own footsteps and not raising your feet high. If a strong cracking sound occurs, it is better to crawl.

Rules of conduct on ice

During the winter, ice safety is a must. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

Sometimes the desire to skate on newly formed ice or play hockey is stronger than the feeling of danger, which is why unforeseen situations happen. Ice safety is especially important for children who look forward to winter.

for children

Most children look forward to the winter so they can have fun sledding, skating, and playing hockey, so very often kids neglect all safety rules. Parents have a great responsibility for the health and preservation of the child’s life, so they are obliged to tell their children about ice safety in winter.

On the ice it is studied in schools during life safety lessons; before each vacation, class teachers must provide appropriate instruction.

First aid on ice

Anyone can find themselves in icy water in winter, so you need to know how to help your friend. Here are the main recommendations:

It is very important that comrades do not get confused in such a situation and, instead of scattering in different directions, help their friend.

What to do if you fall through the ice

Situations often occur when a person goes alone to a frozen body of water and a tragedy occurs: under the fallen snow a hole is not noticed, and now the icy water opens its arms. What to do in this case? Here is the algorithm of actions:

Safety on ice should always come first, and under no circumstances should you let down your guard.

We got ashore: what next?

The most important thing after being freed from ice captivity is to warm up faster, so you need to get to a warm room as soon as possible. If you are far from home, you can take advantage of the hospitality of the residents of a neighboring village. If you are very far from populated areas, you should always have a set of dry clothes in your backpack, which can save you in such a situation.

At the second stage, it is important to warm yourself from the inside, and in this case you cannot do without a hot drink, so you will have to go home as quickly as possible, preferably by running.

Whatever the weather is on a winter day, you shouldn’t risk going to the pond alone. It is especially dangerous to do this with the onset of the first days of spring, when the ice begins to thaw and becomes loose and fragile.

Behavior on reservoirs in the autumn-winter period

To prevent this in water bodies in winter and late autumn, it is necessary to follow some rules of behavior. They are quite simple, but can save a human life:

  1. There is no need to rush to go to the reservoir when the first ice cover appears.
  2. Ice becomes reliable only with the arrival of stable low temperatures.
  3. It is quite dangerous to go down on the ice in unfamiliar places, especially during a thaw.
  4. It is better not to cross a body of water in places with a large layer of snow; underneath the ice thickness is always less than in an open place.
  5. You shouldn’t risk your life by going out on the ice at night, and even alone.
  6. It is better to play winter sports games on specially equipped skating rinks to be sure of the reliability of the ice.
  7. It is dangerous to use ice for crossing during spring floods.

Compliance with these simple rules can save a life.

Quite often you can see fishermen sitting on the ice with a fishing rod, and around there are thawed patches and ice holes, especially in early spring and during thaws. The desire to catch a good fish makes you despise danger, but in vain. There are many cases where rescuers had to free unfortunate fishermen from ice captivity. To prevent this from happening, all you need to do is follow some rules:

Only by following these simple rules can you be sure that winter fishing will end well.

Winter is good! There is an opportunity to engage in winter sports, have fun sledding and skating, but you should not neglect safety rules, especially on frozen bodies of water. And it is important that not only the safety of children on the ice is ensured, but that adults themselves do not forget to be careful.

Behavior rules.

Every year, thin ice causes the death of people, most often among the dead are children who walk near frozen bodies of water without parental supervision, and fishermen who go out at their own risk on fragile and treacherous ice. Many amateur fishermen, having fallen through the ice once, go again and again, hoping for maybe... and another luck, however, such self-confidence only leads to an irreparable tragedy.

You can avoid accidents if you follow the rules and personal safety measures. One of the most common reasons tragedies on reservoirs - irresponsible behavior of people while intoxicated. People become helpless, the sense of self-preservation is dulled, reactions are slowed down, and they cannot adequately respond to an emergency situation.

To avoid disaster on thin ice, you need to know:

The main condition for a person’s safe stay on ice is that the ice thickness corresponds to the applied load:

The safe ice thickness for one person is at least 7 cm;

The safe ice thickness for constructing a skating rink is 12 cm or more;

Safe ice thickness for crossing on foot is 15 cm or more;

The safe thickness of ice for cars to pass is at least 30 cm.

Time of safe stay of a person in water:

At a water temperature of +24°C, the safe stay time is 7-9 hours,

At water temperature +5 - +15°C - from 3.5 hours to 4.5 hours;

Water temperature +2 - +3°C turns out to be fatal for humans after 10-15 minutes;

At a water temperature of -2°C, death can occur in 5-8 minutes.

Ice criteria:


Transparent ice with a greenish or bluish tint;

In open, snowless areas, the ice is always thicker.


The color of the ice is milky-cloudy, gray ice, usually spongy and porous, such ice collapses without a warning crack;

Ice covered with snow (snow falling on newly formed ice, in addition to masking polynyas, slows down the growth of the ice cover);

The ice is thinner in currents, especially fast ones, in deep and windy places; over a shady and peaty bottom; near swampy shores; in places where underwater springs emerge; under bridges; in narrow channels; near places where warm and hot waters are discharged into bodies of water from industrial and municipal enterprises;

In places where reeds, reeds and other aquatic plants grow.

Ice rules:

* You cannot go out on the ice at night or in poor visibility (fog, snowfall, rain).

* When crossing the river, you should use equipped ice crossings.

* When forced to cross a body of water, it is safest to stick to the beaten paths or follow an already laid ski track. But if they are not there, before going down onto the ice, you need to look around very carefully and outline the upcoming route.

* You cannot test the strength of ice by kicking it. If after the first strong blow a ski pole will show at least a little water - this means that the ice is thin and cannot be walked on. In this case, you should immediately follow your own trail to the shore, with sliding steps, without lifting your feet from the ice and placing them shoulder-width apart so that the load is distributed over a larger area. The same is done in case of warning cracking of ice and formation of cracks in it.

* Once you find yourself on thin, crackling ice, you should carefully turn back and, with sliding steps, return along the traversed path to the shore.

* When going to a frozen pond, you must take with you a strong cord 20 - 25 meters long with a large blind loop at the end and a weight. The weight will help to throw the cord to a friend who has fallen into the water; the loop is needed so that the victim can hold on more securely by threading it under the arms.

* When crossing a pond in a group, it is necessary to maintain a distance from each other (5–6 m).

* It is better to cross a frozen river (lake) on skis, and the ski fastenings must be unfastened in order to quickly remove them if necessary; ski poles hold in your hands without putting the loops on your hands, so that in case of danger you can immediately throw them away.

* You need to be especially careful in places covered with a thick layer of snow, in places with fast flows and springs, near bushes, sedges, grass protruding above the surface, in places where streams flow into reservoirs, or where water discharges from industrial enterprises.

* If you have a backpack, hang it on one shoulder, which will make it easy to free yourself from the load in case the ice falls through.

* At fishing on ice it is not recommended to make holes at a distance of 5-6 meters from one another. To avoid trouble, the fisherman must have a life jacket or bib, as well as a rope - 15-20 m long with a loop at one end and a load of 400-500 g at the other.

* You need to know that a person who falls into icy water can become numb in 10-15 minutes, and lose consciousness after 20 minutes. Therefore, the life of the victim depends on the intelligence and speed of action of rescuers.

* IT IS PROHIBITED: going out on the ice while intoxicated, jumping and running on the ice, gathering in large numbers of people at one point, going out on thin ice that has formed on fast-flowing rivers.

What to do if you fall through the ice?

Do not panic, do not make sudden movements, stabilize your breathing;

Stretch your arms wide to the sides and try to cling to the edge of the ice so as not to plunge headlong;

If possible, move to the edge of the ice hole where the current will not drag you under the ice;

Try to carefully, without breaking off the edge, without sudden movements, crawling with your chest, lie down on the edge of the ice, throw one and then the other leg onto it. If the ice holds up, slowly roll away from the edge and crawl towards the shore;

You need to move in the direction from which you came, because there the ice has already been tested for strength.

Departure to the ice crossing

To avoid accidents when driving across ice crossings, strictly follow the requirements of all information signs installed in front of ice crossings.

Drive onto the ice slowly, without jolting or braking. Unfasten your seat belts.

On the ice crossing it is prohibited to stop, move jerkily, turn around, overtake cars and refuel them.

Do not place loads in excess of the ice's carrying capacity.

Moving Vehicle In case of poor visibility (fog or snowstorm) it is not recommended.

If your car ends up in water, you must:

Immediately leave the car while it is floating, through the side windows; It is advisable not to open the doors, as the car will sink faster;

If your car goes under water, do a few things before leaving the car. deep breaths and get out of the car; If possible, get rid of “heavy” clothes (shoes, coats, jackets);

First of all, you need to save children; in this case, press the child with his back to you, cover his nose and mouth with your fingers, and float up.

How to provide first aid to a victim

Arm yourself with any long stick, board, pole or rope. You can tie scarves, belts or clothes together.

Crawl up to the hole very carefully, spreading your arms wide.

Telling the victim by shouting that you are coming to his aid will give him strength and confidence.

If you are not alone, then lie down on the ice and move one after another.

Place skis, plywood or a board under yourself to increase the support area and crawl on them.

3–4 meters away, hand the victim a pole, board, throw a rope or scarf, or any other improvised means.

It is unsafe to give a hand to the victim, since by approaching the ice hole, you will increase the load on the ice and not only will not help, but you yourself risk falling through.

Carefully pull the victim onto the ice, and crawl with him out of the danger zone.

Take the victim to a warm (heated) room. Help him: remove and wring out all his clothes, if possible, change into dry clothes and wrap him in plastic (a greenhouse effect will occur).

Call an ambulance.

Class hour on the topic: “The treachery of ice or Rules of conduct on ice” expands children's understanding of the rules of behavior on ice,

indicates the causes of accidents on the water, prepares children to understand the impossibility of careless and careless behavior during ice drift;



Class hour on the topic

“The Treachery of Ice or Rules of Conduct on Ice”

Goals and objectives:

Expand children's understanding of the rules of behavior on ice;

Indicate the causes of accidents on water;

Prepare children to understand the impossibility of careless and careless behavior during ice drift;

Practice the correct actions in the event of an accident on ice;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health.


Disc with the film “The Treachery of Ice”;

Cards “Rules of safe behavior on ice”;


Safety posters;

Collections of poems and riddles on this topic;

Exhibition “Help yourself”;

Themed games;

Set of letters l, e, d, o, x, o, d;

Children's drawings;

Progress of the class hour

I. Introduction. Organizing time

Everyone - good afternoon, get out of our way, laziness!

Don't stop us from working, don't stop us from studying.

We will again gain knowledge at work.

II. Setting the topic and goal

Today we will remember a very important topic for all of us. But try to determine which one yourself by guessing puzzles.

The guest was visiting, Without boards, without axes

The ice bridge has been paved - The bridge across the river is ready.

Without a knife, without an axe, The bridge is like blue glass:

Without iron chisel. (Frost) Slippery, fun, light. (Ice)

At what time of year do we encounter these natural phenomena? (Winter)

The branches of the birches are freezing,

The frost crackles at night.

The cold has arrived

The water turned into ice.

So what are we going to talk about? (About ice bridges that freeze rivers in winter, about rules of conduct on ice)

III. Conversation on the topic

Why do you think ice is dangerous?

Why does ice not forgive carelessness and carelessness?

How to help a person in distress on the ice?

Teacher. Bridges built on reservoirs by frost shorten the paths of cars and pedestrians. However, ice is treacherous. He does not forgive carelessness and carelessness. It is not without reason that all actions associated with risk and danger are usually compared to walking on thin ice.

IV. Rules for safe behavior on ice (Guys’ performance

There are rules and signs, knowledge of which allows you to avoid trouble on ice.

Student. Can you determine the strength of ice? If it is not covered with snow, this is quite easy to do. The strongest ice is with a greenish or bluish tint; matte white and yellowish are unreliable. It is usually weak in places where branches, boards or any other objects are frozen into it.

Pupil. You should avoid areas covered with snow: here the ice grows very slowly. Dark spots on a flat, snow-covered ice cover are a danger signal: here it is thin and fragile.

Student. Of course, it is risky to determine only by eye the places where you can cross a body of water. It is better to check the strength of the ice with an ice pick or stick, hitting it in front of you and from the sides. But you shouldn’t “test” the ice with kicks, otherwise you won’t fail for long.

V. Viewing an excerpt from the documentary “The Treachery of Ice”

Teacher's comments.Along the banks of many rivers there are industrial enterprises that discharge warm water into the reservoir. They wash away ice over large areas. Walking or riding near such places is dangerous.

Surprises also await in those places where spring water flows or streams flow. Here, as on fast-flowing rivers, gullies often form.

Some fishermen cut out large holes for ice fishing. During the night, the hole becomes covered with thin ice and, covered with snow, becomes invisible and can become a trap for an unwary person.

Answer the questions:

1.Why is it dangerous to walk on ice near industrial enterprises?

2. Where do gullies form?

3.What can become a trap for an unwary person?

VI. Analysis of the poem.

Tidier than fashionable parquet

The river shines, covered in ice.

Boys are a joyful people

Skates cut the ice noisily. (A.S. Pushkin)

What is the main idea of ​​the poem?

Why is it dangerous to play in large groups on ice?

Is this risk justified?

VII. Test “Assess yourself”

Give yourself a “5” if you:

A. when moving through a pond with a group, keep a distance of 5 - 6 meters;

b. you go around dangerous places without trying to jump over or run over them;

V. finding yourself on thin ice, you move back with sliding steps;

d. you don’t slide onto the ice from high and steep banks on sleds or skis;

d. do not gather with friends in large groups in places where there are holes and cracks.

Teacher. If you are doing any of this wrong, give yourself"4", but promise yourself that you will definitely learn to do it.

VIII. Help yourself (each student has printed rules)

What to do if you fail?

1. Maintain composure, do not grab the edge of the ice, do not flounder;

2. Press yourself against one edge of the hole with your chest or back, spread your arms to the sides and rest your feet on its opposite edge (if the hole is large, make swimming movements with your feet);

3. Try to carefully get to the surface by getting up, do not stand up to your full height, crawl away from the dangerous place;

4. After getting out of the hole, make sure that the current does not carry your feet under the ice;

5. If you fall through on thin ice near the shore, break the ice with your hands and swim to the shore.

IX. If danger is near

Game "Connoisseurs"

The class is divided into two groups. The first group “Experts” are young members of OSVOD, the second group is the rest of the students. The guys select questions in advance (at home) that they would like to ask experts.

1 question. How to help a person who is in trouble near the shore?

Answer. You can provide assistance without going out on the ice by giving the victim any available means - a rope, a board, a scarf, a belt.

Question 2. What if the disaster happened far from the shore?

Answer. Then approach the victim at a crawl, taking with you a board, skis, or a wooden ladder.

If there are several people nearby, form a “human” chain: you need to lie down and hold the legs of the person in front. The first in the chain helps the victim by placing a board or skis under him.

Question 3. How long can rescuers stay in icy water?

Answer. Even trained and seasoned rescuers cannot stay in icy water for more than one minute. Therefore, the health and life of the victim depends on your ingenuity and speed of action.

Question 4. What assistance should be provided to the victim before the ambulance arrives?

Answer. Take the victim to a warm room, remove wet clothes, wipe dry and wrap in a woolen blanket. If the rescued person has trouble breathing, he needs to be given artificial respiration without waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Give the rescued person hot milk, tea or coffee, take a bath or shower (water temperature 35 - 36 degrees)

X. Make a word from the letters

Correctly "ice drift"

Teacher . Spring will come. The cover of reservoirs becomes loose and fragile, and thawed patches and gullies form in it. On ice covered with water, it is sometimes impossible to distinguish where water has simply accumulated and where there is a gully. When crossing you need to be even more careful.

Ice drift is a spectacle that is attractive to children and adults. But at this time you need to be especially careful.

XI. Game "Can or can't":

- Crossing rivers during ice drift by boat (no).

To be on steep river banks (no).

Enter coastal ice floes (no).

Skating and sledding on ice that cracks and bends (no).

When ice fishing, place a board near the hole (yes).

Be careful on the ice (yeah)

XII. Game "Name possible consequences events"

1. In the spring, a big temptation for children is to “ride” on an ice floe.

(It may not hold up, suddenly crack, or you may slip on it.)

2. A man found himself on a broken ice floe.

(Water can carry it along with the ice floe far from the shore)

XIII. Bottom line

So, let's summarize our lesson. Let's look at the words on the board.

Conclusion. To avoid trouble, do not be careless!

Do not go out yourself and do not allow others to go out on the ice of reservoirs!

Every year, thin ice causes the death of people, most often among the dead are children who walk near frozen bodies of water without parental supervision, and fishermen who go out at their own risk on fragile and treacherous ice. Many amateur fishermen, having fallen through the ice once, go again and again, hoping for maybe... and another luck, however, such self-confidence only leads to an irreparable tragedy.

You can avoid accidents if you follow the rules and personal safety measures. One of the most common causes of tragedies on reservoirs is the irresponsible behavior of people while intoxicated. People become helpless, the sense of self-preservation is dulled, reactions are slowed down, and they cannot adequately respond to an emergency situation.

To avoid disaster on thin ice, you need to know:

The main condition for a person’s safe stay on ice is that the ice thickness corresponds to the applied load:

The safe ice thickness for one person is at least 7 cm;

The safe ice thickness for constructing a skating rink is 12 cm or more;

Safe ice thickness for crossing on foot is 15 cm or more;

The safe thickness of ice for cars to pass is at least 30 cm.

Time of safe stay of a person in water:

At a water temperature of +24°C, the safe stay time is 7-9 hours,

At water temperature +5 - +15°C - from 3.5 hours to 4.5 hours;

Water temperature +2 - +3°C turns out to be fatal for humans after 10-15 minutes;

At a water temperature of -2°C, death can occur in 5-8 minutes.

Ice criteria:


Transparent ice with a greenish or bluish tint;

In open, snowless areas, the ice is always thicker.


The color of the ice is milky-cloudy, gray ice, usually spongy and porous, such ice collapses without a warning crack;

Ice covered with snow (snow falling on newly formed ice, in addition to masking polynyas, slows down the growth of the ice cover);

The ice is thinner in currents, especially fast ones, in deep and windy places; over a shady and peaty bottom; near swampy shores; in places where underwater springs emerge; under bridges; in narrow channels; near places where warm and hot waters are discharged into bodies of water from industrial and municipal enterprises;

In places where reeds, reeds and other aquatic plants grow.

Ice rules:

* You cannot go out on the ice at night or in poor visibility (fog, snowfall, rain).

* When crossing the river, you should use equipped ice crossings.

* When forced to cross a body of water, it is safest to stick to the beaten paths or follow an already laid ski track. But if they are not there, before going down onto the ice, you need to look around very carefully and outline the upcoming route.

* You cannot test the strength of ice by kicking it. If after the first strong blow with a ski pole even a little water appears, this means that the ice is thin and cannot be walked on. In this case, you should immediately follow your own trail to the shore, with sliding steps, without lifting your feet from the ice and placing them shoulder-width apart so that the load is distributed over a larger area. The same is done in case of warning cracking of ice and formation of cracks in it.

* Once you find yourself on thin, crackling ice, you should carefully turn back and, with sliding steps, return along the traversed path to the shore.

* When going to a frozen pond, you must take with you a strong cord 20 - 25 meters long with a large blind loop at the end and a weight. The weight will help to throw the cord to a friend who has fallen into the water; the loop is needed so that the victim can hold on more securely by threading it under the arms.

* When crossing a pond in a group, it is necessary to maintain a distance from each other (5–6 m).

* It is better to cross a frozen river (lake) on skis, and the ski fastenings must be unfastened in order to quickly remove them if necessary; hold ski poles in your hands without putting loops on your hands, so that in case of danger you can immediately throw them away.

* You need to be especially careful in places covered with a thick layer of snow, in places with fast flows and springs, near bushes, sedges, grass protruding above the surface, in places where streams flow into reservoirs, or where water discharges from industrial enterprises.

* If you have a backpack, hang it on one shoulder, which will make it easy to free yourself from the load in case the ice falls through.

* When fishing on ice, it is not recommended to make holes at a distance of 5-6 meters from one another. To avoid trouble, the fisherman must have a life jacket or bib, as well as a rope - 15-20 m long with a loop at one end and a load of 400-500 g at the other.

* You need to know that a person who falls into icy water can become numb in 10-15 minutes, and lose consciousness after 20 minutes. Therefore, the life of the victim depends on the intelligence and speed of action of rescuers.

* IT IS PROHIBITED: going out on the ice while intoxicated, jumping and running on the ice, gathering in large numbers of people at one point, going out on thin ice that has formed on fast-flowing rivers.

What to do if you fall through the ice?

Do not panic, do not make sudden movements, stabilize your breathing;

Stretch your arms wide to the sides and try to cling to the edge of the ice so as not to plunge headlong;

If possible, move to the edge of the ice hole where the current will not drag you under the ice;

Try to carefully, without breaking off the edge, without sudden movements, crawling with your chest, lie down on the edge of the ice, throw one and then the other leg onto it. If the ice holds up, slowly roll away from the edge and crawl towards the shore;

You need to move in the direction from which you came, because there the ice has already been tested for strength.

Departure to the ice crossing

To avoid accidents when driving across ice crossings, strictly follow the requirements of all information signs installed in front of ice crossings.

Drive onto the ice slowly, without jolting or braking. Unfasten your seat belts.

On the ice crossing it is prohibited to stop, move jerkily, turn around, overtake cars and refuel them.

Do not place loads in excess of the ice's carrying capacity.

It is not recommended to move vehicles in poor visibility (fog or snowstorm).

If your car ends up in water, you must:

Immediately leave the car while it is floating, through the side windows; It is advisable not to open the doors, as the car will sink faster;

If the car goes under water, before leaving the car, take a few deep breaths and get out of the car; If possible, get rid of “heavy” clothes (shoes, coats, jackets);

First of all, you need to save children; in this case, press the child with his back to you, cover his nose and mouth with your fingers, and float up.
