The benefits of walking. Walking in the fresh air to improve health. Walking long distances is beneficial. The benefits and harms of walking for men and women Why is walking beneficial for women?

Why should you walk more for your heart health?

Walking for heart health? Is walking worth considering as a tool for improving your health and restoring your body? Or does he still deserve it? Below we have listed all the benefits of walking for heart health, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Aerobics, walking and health

Since the 1970s, aerobic exercise has dominated physical exercise to improve or maintain our health. The slogan of the trainers of those times was: “no pain, no gain” / no pain no gain. It was believed that the benefits aerobic exercise depend on the volume and intensity, it is important to increase the heart rate by 70-85% of its maximum level, while maintaining the load continuously for 20-60 minutes, at least 3 times a week.

Aerobics is real The best way show good results on the treadmill and a great way to improve physical abilities In sports. And it's good for your health. But intense and hard training is quite traumatic.

Running, with a certain level of care and preparation, is truly a great aid to fitness and health, but it is not the only way. Perhaps because everyone looks at runners drenched in sweat, they have a stereotype that these are exactly what intense exercise will bring their body into shape and improve their health. In fact, moderate intensity exercise is great for improving and maintaining your health. The benefits for your body from exercises such as walking are quite large.

Guide to the Physical Exercise of Walking

Noticeable results during physical activity depend on three elements: intensity, duration and frequency of exercise.

Because walking is less intense than running, you need to walk more and more often to get the same benefits as running. As a rough guide, the current American Heart Association encourages able-bodied adults to do moderate-intensity exercise (eg, walking) for 30 minutes a day, five days a week, or alternatively, run for 20 minutes, three times a week. At first glance, running requires less time resources and the benefits are much higher, but if you additionally take into account the warm-up, cool-down and necessary changing of clothes, taking a shower, etc., then the differences in time spent between running and walking narrow significantly.

Walking is less intense than running; you need to walk longer and more often to get the same benefits as running.

Walking for heart health

Hundreds of medical studies show that regular exercise benefits our health—and that's a good thing. But many of these studies combine different forms of exercise to examine how the total amount of physical activity affects health. These are important studies, but they don't necessarily prove that walking itself is beneficial.

The report, which included results from multiple studies, found that walking reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by 31% and reduced the risk of death by 32%. These benefits were equally consistent in men and women. The subjects walked about 9 km per week at a speed of approximately 3.2 km/h.

The benefits of walking for your health

The benefits of walking for fighting cardiovascular disease are biologically plausible, as are other forms of regular moderate exercise. physical exercise for your muscles. Leisurely walking reduces risk factors for heart disease - cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, vascular stiffness, inflammation and mental stress. And if protection from cardiovascular disease and lower mortality are not enough reasons to motivate the continued practice of walking, walking can also help protect against dementia, obesity, diabetes, depression, colon cancer and even erectile dysfunction.

Walking vs. Running

Walking is not just walking slowly, the difference between walking and running is that at any speed those who walk always have one foot on the ground, while runners are in the air for some part of the time and as the pace of running increases, the time increases hovering in the air, which can reach 45% of the total running time.

What goes up sooner or later comes down. This is why running is a very heavy load on the spine and joints. Every time runners land on a hard surface, they place significant stress on their spine. For 1.5 km, the athlete must take on approximately 100 tons impact force. In terms of walking, the load is much lower.

To walk you don’t need to change anything except yourself in this life, you can do it here and now.

Daily life of a pedestrian

Make walking a part of your daily life, let it benefit you, walk to work or to the store. If it's too far, try getting off 1-2 stops before your destination and walking a bit. Instead of searching for the nearest parking lot, just take a little more time and walk around. Go for a walk at lunch instead of spending all your time in the cafeteria.

You don’t need special running sneakers and clothes; your regular shoes will suffice; if you want, you can always change into more comfortable sneakers before your walk. Walking has a great advantage - you can do it without any preparation at any time when you have the opportunity. Just start walking and benefit your body. And if the weather outside is not conducive to walking, you can still walk - in shopping centers, in subway passages, etc. and so on.

Your steps to health

Walking around the city is excellent for health. And if you walk up the stairs, it is doubly useful. Many athletes use stairs and walking up and down as a great cardio exercise. Some doctors use a ladder, forcing the patient to climb it to understand the state of his cardiovascular system. As for housewives, constant hassle in two- or three-story houses is one of the reasons why American women outlive their husbands by an average of 5 years.

What's special about walking up stairs? Researchers from Canada answered this question by testing 17 healthy male volunteers with an average age of 64 years when they walked, lifted heavy weights or climbed the stairs. The staircase climb had the most good performance in the field of positive effects on the body.

Start with small volumes of load in this fun activity - 1-2 flights of stairs, gradually increase walking up the stairs, like great exercise, which will help your cardiovascular system. Gradually add more flights of stairs to your program. Use the elevator if you are very tired. Remember to use the handrails (especially when going down), and don't use the stairs after you've had a big meal or if you're feeling unwell.

Even at a slow pace, you burn calories 2-3 times faster climbing the stairs than quickly taking the elevator. The Harvard Alumni Study found that men who averaged at least eight flights of stairs per day had a 33% lower mortality rate than men who spent time sitting. This figure is even better than that of men, whose mortality rate was 22% lower, although they walked at least 2 km per day.

Your steps to health

Walking is about getting from point A to point B. A study of 12,000 American adults found that people who live in cities have lower rates of overweight and obesity than people who live in the suburbs. For example, in Atlanta, 45% of men living in the suburbs were overweight and 23% were obese. Among city residents, only 37% were overweight and 13% were obese.

Explanation: Driving vs. Walking. To stay healthy, you need to walk for 30-45 minutes almost every day. Do this once or in parts of 5-10 minutes several times. Aim for a fast pace of 5-6 km/h, but remember that you will also get a lot of benefits from walking at a leisurely pace.

If you want to set some goals for yourself, then start with 3-6 kilometers a day. On average, approximately 10 city blocks can be considered one kilometer. Or you can take advantage of modern technology and get, for example, a pedometer that will send you notifications about how far you have walked and collect it all electronically. Such good quality devices cost around $40. But there is always an error, even with the best and most expensive models, but in any case, the pedometer will motivate you and tell you about your successes.

Here's another quick example of knee-jerk measurements to help you get your bearings: If you have an average stride length, think of 2000 steps as 1.5 km, then determine your intensity level - 80 steps per minute - leisurely pace, 100 steps per minute - moderate pace, 120 steps per minute - fast pace. Even without counting, you can achieve great results simply by reminding yourself to walk quickly. The researchers gave this calculation to a group of 84 volunteers who were overweight and spent a lot of time sitting, all of them with no athletic experience. Subjects achieved heart rates between 58-70% of their maximum range.

Genetic or kinetic health benefits of walking

The meta-analysis of 18 studies on walking did not address a question that most exercise and health research has glossed over: Does exercise itself protect our health, or does genetic predisposition take its toll? But another important European study sheds light on the issue.

To find out whether the effectiveness of exercise depends on genetics and early family life, doctors in Finland studied about 16,000 same-sex twins. All participants were healthy, and the study itself began in 1975. The scientists provided information about the subjects' habits, physical activity, and other known predictors of mortality. People who exercised for more than 30 minutes at least six times a month at an intensity equivalent to brisk walking were classified as fit; subjects who exercised less were considered habitual, and those who did not exercise at all were considered “sedentary.”

During the 20-year follow-up, 1,253 participants died during the study. Even after controlling for other risk factors, exercise was found to reduce mortality in trained subjects by 43% and in normal subjects by 29%. But was the protection genetic or kinetic? Even among people who were genetically close to each other (meaning twins), exercise was a strong independent predictor of survival. Twins who exercised regularly were 56% less likely to die during the study period than their sedentary siblings, and even twins who exercised only occasionally were 34% less likely to die than their sedentary counterparts. Your shoes say a lot more about your health than your genes.

Put on your walking shoes

It doesn't matter how you dress or where you go, it matters that you walk, because every step is a step towards health.

By simply walking, you are also doing the physical activities that your body needs that are beneficial and beneficial to you. Sometimes you will feel that it is much more beneficial than constant strenuous exercise because walking is much better for your mental health. If you also use good sneakers for walking, then it will be much easier for you to increase the required pace and show good results.

Good shoes are important. Most sports brands offer shoes specifically designed for walking. Foot comfort is more important than visual appearance. It is important that the sneaker supports your foot and does not pinch or rub. The sole must be raised rear end the sneaker is twice as thick as the front. The sneaker itself should be spacious; your foot should not be pinched, even if you wear thick socks.

Shoes for comfortable walking are always important, but clothing for walking can be chosen based on personal preference. The main thing is that you are comfortable and do not freeze, be it a T-shirt and shorts in hot weather, or a tracksuit in chilly weather, layering in clothes if the temperature outside the window is already approaching zero, using various modern technologies such as Gore-Tex and the like functional membrane fabric that will protect you from dampness, help you quickly remove sweat and not freeze.

Before you decide to go for a brisk walk, stretch to warm up your muscles. Start at a slow pace, gradually speeding up and gradually slowing down towards the end of the walk. Start with routes that are within your range and then increase your distances as you progress. The same goes for your pace: start modestly, then raise your speed as you get into shape. Alternate between a fast pace and a less intense one, and then gradually expand these faster intervals. Add in uphills and downhills for variety and added intensity.

One of the best things about walking is that you don't need any special skills, much less lessons. The main thing is to walk naturally and comfortably. But if you want to strive for perfect technique, here are a few tips to help. Try to keep your chin pointing up, your eyes forward and your shoulders back. Keep your back straight and your stomach flat. Keep your arms close to your body with your elbows bent. Always take a natural stride, but try to lengthen it as you gain experience. Land on your heels and then roll your foot forward to push off with your toes.

Finding the motivation to go for a walk is always easier than to go for a run - walk with friends, walk the dog, go to work, go to the store.

If you feel unwell or injured, avoid hiking and always listen to your body. Drink more water and always adapt to weather conditions. For example, you can walk around in a shopping center if the weather is bad, it’s raining, snowing or icy outside. You can also walk on a treadmill at home or at a fitness club.

Walking and weight loss

Walking burns calories. Whether it's running or walking, the number of calories you burn depends directly on the distance you cover, your body weight and the pace at which you walk or run. This table shows the calories burned per km of walking or running at different paces and different weights:

A hundred or more calories lost per km may seem like a very insignificant indicator, but in fact, these lost calories will greatly help in the future and your body will not gain excess weight. For example, a 2009 study of 4,995 men and women found that the average weight gain for an American was 2.2 pounds per year. But during a 15-year study, people who walked a lot gained significantly less weight than those who didn't; The more you walk, the less weight gain. And the advantage was greatest for the heaviest people. For example, daily 35-minute walks for a person weighing 70-75 kg relieved him of 8 kg of fat and increased his life expectancy by 15 years.

Walking calorie calculator


Walking is the simplest and most natural physical exercise that does not require any knowledge, skills or additions. You can walk alone or with friends, along city streets, parks, shopping centers. You can walk on a treadmill at home or do it at the gym. With this exercise you can get all the benefits of cardio with very low risk of injury. This type physical activity does not require financial investments from you, only your time. Charles Dickens said a wonderful phrase about walking: “Walk to be healthy, walk to be happy.”

It’s not always possible to do exercises every day and for regular visits gym You don’t always have enough time and opportunity, but you really want to always be in good shape? Then one of the best ways is walking. It's simple and you should never waste time on it. Take a short walk - from the metro to your house, from your house to the store, or just walk around the area. And you have no idea how useful it is and how a walk can change your health for the better! Start walking today and the results will be immediate and immediate!

Eat right, walk every day and have fun!

Walking is beneficial, but not everyone realizes how beneficial it is.

Here are 10 reasons why a daily walk of 30-45 minutes is essential.

We're sure some of these reasons will surprise you. For example, did you know that walking can be beneficial for glaucoma? They probably didn't know. In general, after you read this text, you will no longer have any reason to doubt the usefulness of walking.

What are the benefits of walking?

This list is long. He can impress a lot of people.

In short. A daily 30-45 minute walk can help cope with Alzheimer's disease, increases muscle tone, lowers blood pressure, prevents colon diseases, improves mood, helps with glaucoma, helps fight overweight, strengthens bones, reduces the risk of diabetes and respiratory diseases.

In general, walking is very good for health. And that's why.

Walking reduces the risk of getting Alzheimer's.

Believe it or not, walking is good for your intelligence and your psychological well-being.

A study conducted at the University of Virginia found that older adults (71–93 years old) who walk more than half a kilometer daily were half as likely to develop Alzheimer's as people of the same age who did not.

It increases muscle tone.

Sorry for the banality, but exercise really helps build muscle mass. This also applies to walking. When you walk, you not only work your leg muscles, but also your abdominal muscles.

Of course, in order to pump them up properly, you need to go to the gym.

However, a 45-minute walk during the day is enough to keep them in good shape. And if you keep an eye on it during this, then you can also strengthen your abdominal and waist muscles.

Improves the cardiovascular system and lowers blood pressure.

Anyone who has heart problems should definitely see a doctor. It is obvious. But walking can be a good prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, it helps reduce.

Helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sarah Sarna is a women's health expert. She claims: walking is very useful. The habit of long walks reduces the likelihood of developing colorectal cancer by 31%.

And regular walking for 10-15 minutes several times a day is useful for normal peristalsis.

After walking, your mood improves.

If you are not in the mood, then the best way to cope with it is a short walk.

Scientists have found that people who take 30-45 minute walks at least 5 times a week are more likely to be in a good mood than those who do not. In addition, such people are less likely to feel depressed. Not bad, right?

It reduces the risk of glaucoma.

For people who are susceptible to this disease, doctors recommend daily walking. For what? Because walking reduces eye pressure.

Walking or jogging more than three times a week significantly reduces eye pressure.

Walking helps control weight.

We're sure you'll be pleased to know that you don't have to spend hours sweating in the gym to control your weight.

Get rid of excess weight as easy as just going for a walk. Women who adhere to a standard diet, but at the same time walk for an hour every day, lose weight much faster.

Strengthens bones.

Walking can strengthen your bones and joints. Walking can stop bone loss in people with.

In addition, there are studies that show the benefits of walking for older women. A half-hour walk every day reduces the risk of bone fractures hip joint by 40%.

Reduces the risk of diabetes.

30-40 minutes of brisk walking a day reduces the risk of disease.

And diabetes expert Tami Ross is sure: 20-30 minutes of walking a day and you can lower your sugar levels for the next 24 hours.

Improves lung function.

We won't surprise anyone if we say that exercise is good for you. respiratory system. However, few people know how useful they really are.

With active walking, breathing quickens, the blood is enriched with oxygen. This leads to the removal of harmful substances from the body, increased energy, and renewal.

So stop sitting near the computer - it's time to walk a little!

Good day, dear subscribers! Today we will touch on the topic of what healthy walking is and talk about its benefits. And as usual, I’ll give you some practical advice.

Let's talk about simple walking first.

Regular walking is a universal means of physical activity on the body. She has practically no contraindications, she does not need special clothing and devices. I always recommend to my subscribers to walk more, not to use the elevator, car or public transport.

Walking is possible and even necessary at any age. This activity can be successfully combined with work by leaving 1-2 stops earlier than needed. If you are a young mother, then there are no problems at all, take a stroller with your baby, and go for a leisurely walk to the nearest park. And the child walks, and you relax! Both breathe fresh air. Many mothers with strollers simply sit on a bench, although walking is much healthier for the body and more interesting for itself.

Remember that any walk, be it a trip to the grocery store, an evening walk in the park, to a bus stop, to your place of work, etc., has health benefits! Always think about this in your mind. Program yourself with such thoughts. And it will be easier for you to force yourself to go for a simple walk.

Healthy walking: difference from a simple walk

There is also such a thing as healthy walking. Healthy walking is somewhat different from simple walking. The difference comes in the pace correct technique walking, walking time and distance, and walking frequency. That is, healthy walking is a kind of sports training.

Health walking is also divided into several types. Depending on the tempo, it can be slow, medium and fast. At the same time, recreational walking does not involve the use of special equipment. Therefore, dear subscribers, do not confuse it with “Swedish walking” (with poles).

Healthy walking (walking for health) is a natural, habitual and physiological type of physical activity for a person of any age and gender. The movements made by a person when walking are cyclical, that is, various muscles The body alternately relaxes and tenses, which allows you to achieve an excellent training effect.

The physical activity during healthy walking is not too intense and high, it corresponds to the optimum for each muscle of the body, which guarantees the absence of overload and associated dangers, such as injuries, excessive tension, fatigue, etc. In addition, by changing the walking speed or the terrain used for walking, you can easily increase or decrease the load, transferring it from a training mode to a gentle general strengthening one and vice versa.

Who needs healthy walking?

Healthy walking is recommended for absolutely all categories of people, regardless of gender, age, health status, and physiological characteristics. Don’t forget that every person on the planet needs to travel at least 10 kilometers per day. Only in this case can you guarantee yourself

Of course, if you are healthy, young and full of optimism, I recommend that you take up training, walking , skiing and the like. But if you have any diseases, for example, cardiovascular, respiratory or oxygen transport, then classes It’s better to start with health walking. Gradually, over time, you will switch to faster workouts.

Also, healthy walking is useful for older people and for people suffering from extreme forms of obesity. Those who want to extend their life, make it happier and more successful, then health walking is just for you!

The benefits of healthy walking for the human body

Healthy walking is in many ways beneficial for the body of every person, regardless of age. Healthy walking rejuvenates, prevents the appearance of chronic age-related diseases, normalizes blood pressure, mobilizes strength, helps keep strength and thoughts in good shape, and helps.

Healthy walking helps to activate the entire body as a whole. Even at an average pace, the body will experience incomparable benefits.

To train endurance and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, healthy walking is more effective than various static physical activities (exercises on simulators, weight lifting, etc.). Body movements and muscle work during healthy walking accelerate blood in all organs and tissues. Due to this, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues increases.

In addition, healthy walking promotes . However, if you plan to lose weight, then along with physical activity, organize proper nutrition taking into account the consumption of kilocalories per day.

Let's move on! Healthy walking improves mood and general condition of the body, and also normalizes blood pressure, prevents atherosclerosis and reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, a person who engages in recreational walking literally goes very far from heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis, thrombosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Thus, it is health walking that is the optimal training for long and active life without the burden of chronic diseases. In terms of the effectiveness of maintaining the normal functional state of the cardiovascular system and preventing its diseases, walking literally has no equal.

The benefits of daily 30-40-minute walking for the human body are to achieve the following positive effects:​

    The heart muscle is strengthened, blood flow in all organs and tissues is improved, and the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to them increases;

    Heart attack, stroke and vascular thromboembolism are prevented;

    Blood cholesterol levels are reduced;

    The risk of developing type II diabetes mellitus is reduced by 30–40%;

    The risk of developing breast cancer in women is reduced;

    The risk of developing prostate cancer in men is reduced by 50%;

    Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer in men and women;

    The digestion process improves and stool regularity is normalized;

    The risk of developing glaucoma is reduced;

    Intraocular pressure decreases;

    Improves mood;

    The feeling of isolation and helplessness is relieved;

    Sleep is normalized and eliminated;

    Life expectancy and its quality increase;

    General well-being improves;

    Lung capacity and depth increases;

    Strengthens, and, which reduces the risk of fractures, dislocations and other traumatic injuries to the musculoskeletal system;

    Immunity improves due to the hardening effect, as a result of which a person gets sick less often and tolerates seasonal respiratory diseases more easily;

    The muscle frame is strengthened and endurance increases;

    Promotes weight loss;

    The aging process slows down;

  • Normalizes ;
  • Stress is eliminated.

And these are not all the effects of healthy walking, but only the main and most significant ones. I hope now you have no doubts about whether to engage in healthy walking?! It seems to me that everything is obvious.

As noted above, there are practically no contraindications for health walking. Healthy walking can only cause harm if you neglect the safety rules: wear uncomfortable shoes or clothes, do not remove jewelry, or increase the pace too quickly.

Walking very fast can cause injury to your knees. , so watch the condition of your knees. Walk calmly. If your knees start to hurt, then it is better to consult a doctor, find out the cause of the disease, and, having eliminated it, start walking again.

​ Health walking technique

Health walking should not be confused with a leisurely walk before bed or to improve appetite, since it different types physical activity. We will look at the technique and rules of healthy walking, since the benefits of this type of movement are very great, and all other walking options are, in fact, its varieties. In this article you will learn how to walk correctly for health.

​ Foot, posture, arms and torso when walking.

When walking healthily, you need to keep your body in correct position, namely: straighten your back, slightly squeeze your shoulder blades, tighten your stomach and place your head so that your chin is parallel to the floor. Then, without changing the accepted position, you should slightly move your body weight forward so that it is concentrated on the tubercles of the foot and toes.

In principle, correct distribution of body weight can be achieved in a simpler way. To do this, you need to try to stand on your toes with straight legs and, as soon as you feel that the weight has moved forward so much that you can lift your heels off the floor, you should fixate in this position, since this is the correct distribution of body weight for walking. Having assumed the required position, you should maintain it until you finish walking.

You need to walk at a good pace, vigorously moving your legs. When taking a step, you must first move the thigh of one leg forward. Immediately after this, you should simultaneously straighten the knee of the same leg, and with the second leg behind the body, push off from the ground, rising onto your toes.

After the push, the leg that is in front must be straightened and placed with the heel on the ground so that the toe is raised up. The leg that is behind is completely straightened and placed on the toe. At this moment, the body weight is concentrated between two legs, that is, a person cannot lift either of them without first moving the center of gravity.

From this position, the body weight is transferred to the leg in front. To do this, the foot of the front leg is quickly lowered to the ground, resting on the tubercles of the toes and its outer surface. At the same time, the leg remains straight. The leg remaining behind is bent at the knee and its thigh is brought forward for the next step. After releasing the hips, straighten the leg at the knee and, at the same time pushing off with the second leg, lower it with the heel to the ground, etc.

Thanks to the push of the leg behind, the step turns out to be long, elastic and springy. When walking, the foot works as if constantly rolling from heel to toe.

You cannot place the entire foot of the walking leg (located in front) on the ground at once; you must first lean on the heel and only then transfer the body weight to the tubercles of the toes.

The foot of the rear leg, before the support of the front leg on the heel, is raised onto the toe, and in this position it gives a push to the body in the forward direction in order to push the front leg as far as possible. And only when the front leg rests on the ground with the heel, the entire weight of the body begins to be transferred to it, for which the foot gradually lowers completely to the ground. And at the moment when the foot of the front leg is completely on the ground, the foot of the rear leg, which was in a position on its toes, comes off the floor and the hips begin to move forward to perform the next step.

When walking, you should try to place the heels of your feet on one imaginary line passing between your legs (as models do when walking along the catwalk at fashion shows). In this case, it is necessary to turn the socks outward a little, but if this does not work, then it is quite possible to clubfoot, since this will not negatively affect walking.

During health walking, you should not relax your knees; you should always fully straighten the pushing leg, which ends up behind the body during the next step. During health walking, it is better to bend your arms at the elbows and move them in the opposite direction with your legs (that is, when the right leg is in front, then it corresponds to left hand etc.).

You should look forward, not at your feet, and your face should remain relaxed, not tense, during healthy walking. The torso, legs and shoulders should be toned, but not the face and hands. You should not try to lengthen your stride by trying to place the foot in front as far as possible. This walking technique is incorrect and dangerous.

Breathing while walking. How to breathe when walking

​It is also important to monitor your breathing while walking. When walking, you need to breathe rhythmically, at the same pace as walking. If the air is dirty, there is a lot of dust, or the weather is frosty or windy, then you should inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. And so, in principle, there are no specific recommendations regarding breathing. You can breathe through your nose or mouth. But it’s better, of course, to try to breathe through your nose, since the pace of movement during healthy walking is not high compared to running.

At first it will require quite serious efforts, but after a while you will get used to a certain way of breathing and the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation, which will allow you to no longer control this process.

However, at the beginning of training, you should strictly control that when walking on level ground, inhalation lasts 4–5 steps, and exhalation lasts 5–6 steps. If a person climbs a mountain, then it is necessary that the inhalation be longer than the exhalation, and when descending, on the contrary, the exhalation must be longer than the inhalation.

There should be no shortness of breath during healthy walking. If shortness of breath appears, then the pace of walking should be reduced. It is better to walk at a slower pace for several days or weeks, training your endurance so that you can move much faster in the future, rather than suffer serious complications from the first sessions.

The optimal breathing rhythm is such that a person should be able to speak while moving, but could not sing. Accordingly, if a person cannot speak while walking, then the pace and speed of movement should be reduced, and if he can sing, then, on the contrary, it is necessary to increase the pace.

How much time and kilometers should you walk per day?

Healthy walking will be healthy only if you walk a certain amount of kilometers per day, week and month. To do this, you need to count.

So, how long and how far a day do you need to walk for health walking to bring health benefits? To a healthy person For anyone looking to stay fit and improve their health, I recommend walking every day, leaving only one or two days a week for rest.

Depending on the physical fitness, endurance and your health, you need to walk 5 to 10 km daily, or every other day. I also recommend using rough terrain when walking, alternating descents, ascents and flat surfaces.

People with cardiovascular diseases are advised to start walking on level ground, gradually increasing the distance, walking speed and adding uphill and downhill movement.

It is better for healthy people to walk quickly, with the main emphasis on the pace of movement, while weakened people and those suffering from chronic diseases, on the contrary, are recommended to walk relatively slowly, with the main emphasis on distance.

According to speed, walking is divided into the following types: Very slow - 60 - 70 steps per minute; Slow – 70 – 90 steps per minute; Average – 90 – 120 steps per minute; Fast – 120 – 140 steps per minute; Very fast - more than 140 steps per minute.

If a person is over 35 years old and has never exercised before, he should start with very slow walking. If a person over 35 is in good physical shape or very slow walking seems too easy to him, then he should start slow.

People under 35 are also advised to start with slow walking. In the first week, you should walk for half an hour at the chosen pace. Then every two weeks you need to increase your walking time by 5 minutes and your pace by 5 steps per minute, thereby lengthening the distance walked.

Remember that any weather is suitable for healthy walking. You just need to dress according to the air temperature, humidity and wind speed. It is optimal to walk 1 hour before meals or 1.5 - 2 hours after meals. However, it is necessary to select the time for walking so that the walk ends 2-3 hours before going to bed. If you exercise regularly, you should go at different times of the day.

That's all, dear followers. And healthy image life ! Walk more often. Engage in physical education, and if you are young, then feel free to play sports. And never get sick! And how to achieve this, you can find out on the blog pages! Good luck to you in your endeavors!

Do you know how much walking you need to do per day? The benefits of walking are enormous for everyone, both women and men, everyone knows about this. Getting extra miles every day is very important for your overall health. Scientists have already determined the exact useful number for 24 hours - 10,000 steps. Walking has long been a sport and is divided into types, so you need to have comfortable shoes, a pedometer and a navigator. All that remains is to develop a habit and learn to walk correctly. In this article I will tell you why you should take up daily walking today and not put it off until tomorrow.

Movement is life. However, in everyday life, not everyone moves every day. You don't have to buy a gym membership right away. A good place to start is walking.

No matter how healthy you are, health must be maintained throughout your life. Lack of movement leads to diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs, as a result of which the period of life is shortened. In addition, lack of physical activity certainly entails weight gain. However, the majority actively refuse, using excuses such as lack of time or lack of motivation.

Physical inactivity negatively affects all organs

But how can we start walking when in the modern world we are always late and dependent on various Vehicle- subway, buses, cars, motorcycles. Without which it is impossible to imagine arriving from one point to another. It is known that walking is an accessible, simplest and safest type of physical activity.

There is a trend across Europe of insufficient physical activity. And in the Czech Republic, an observation was carried out from 2008 to 2013, the result showed that the daily number of steps decreased by 850 per day in men and by 1490 in women. It’s worth considering that the time has come to walk more.

A Brief History of Daily 10,000 Steps

To the delight of lazy people who run, and I am one of those people, there is a way to increase physical activity - walking. A system of 10,000 steps in 24 hours was created, which does not require excessive human effort, and at the same time you can be on the move.

Where did this number come from? Why exactly 10,000 per day is needed?

In fact, this number was taken completely by chance. In 64 of the XX century, at the time of passing Olympic Games In Tokyo, inventor Yoshiro Hatano created the world's first electronic gadget. The device was called “men-po-kei”, which means “thousand step meter” in Japanese.

Physiologists believe that in Japanese culture 10,000 is an auspicious number, but the creator made it a publicity stunt, and a rather successful one. After the presentation of the device, it took residents of Japan 2 months for the gadget to become the most popular and affordable purchase. We never went outside without it and enjoyed keeping track of the kilometers we had traveled.

10,000 is a great number

Over the years, the benefits of daily steps have been scientifically proven through numerous studies. Let me take a look at how science looks at 10,000 a day these days.

An ancient Chinese proverb says, “If you want to live 100 years, take 100 steps after lunch.” It is known that those who live a long time also walk a lot. Perhaps the secret to longevity depends on walking.

What health benefits do 10,000 steps a day bring?

I'll give you a few examples that should convince you:

Walking is an aerobic type of exercise. Simply put, this is the same activity as running, going to the pool, or going to the gym.

  • The body resists stress better, mood improves, and sleep returns to normal.
  • Perfectly strengthens muscle tissue, improving and correcting the figure.
  • Normalizes the function of the heart and blood vessels.
  • The likelihood of the occurrence of many diseases is reduced - diabetes, atherosclerosis,.
  • Prevention of diabetes.
  • Not a difficult and accessible sport.
  • People of almost any age can practice, and there are no contraindications.
  • No special skills required.

Let's consider what else is useful for this type of physical activity?

  • Good for the respiratory system. Oxygen fills the lungs more intensely, and their activity increases, which is good for health.
  • Excellent training for the heart and blood vessels. During walking, the heart works more intensely, the arteries fill with blood, and their tone increases. As a result, the chance of heart failure, heart attack, hypertension and many other pathologies decreases.
  • The ability to put your thoughts in order, remove depression, and provide a positive mood.
  • Walking helps burn fat and also activates various muscle groups, in particular the abs and legs. And if you need numbers on the amount of fat burned, then you need to take into account the walking speed and weight of the person. Obviously, the higher the speed, the faster the visibility of the effect. In addition, it is directly proportional to weight: the more it is, the more calories disappear. Approximately 200 to 500 calories are lost. For example, fast walking will save you from 450-500 calories, and slow walking up to 250 in one day.
  • The outflow of blood in the legs is normalized, which reduces the chance of varicose veins.
  • It is especially important for women to take walks, as activity saturates the pelvic organs with blood. This not only prevents female diseases, but also normalizes the functions of the reproductive organs and increases the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.
  • Walking is also beneficial for men, as it promotes good blood supply to the genital organs, does not cause congestion, minimizes the risk of developing prostatitis and other pathologies, and sperm is more productive for conception.
  • Recommended for people whose work is mental. While walking, the brain has the opportunity to rest and be saturated with oxygen, which leads to better mental activity.
  • Walking has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, and also helps to avoid problems with constipation.
  • Accelerates metabolism, and this guarantees an excellent figure and health.

How steps can cure obesity and normalize sleep

It’s not news that zhor attacks in the evening and it’s very difficult to fight, I know from myself. So I began to practice walking in the evenings from 8 to 10 pm. I can’t give dinner to the enemy yet, but fast walking prevents calories from being stored as fat. Metabolism increases due to movement, and excess from dinner is burned.

There is certainly a connection between excess weight and poor sleep. You won’t sleep soundly with a full stomach and you’ll have nightmares. That is why the number (10 thousand) has been confirmed and is associated with normal sleep and excess weight.

Studies have been conducted based on their conclusions - it is necessary to take from 7 to 10 thousand steps a day, but preferably, of course, 10,000, or even more. In one experiment, literally in 6 months, body weight decreased by an average of 4 kg in 35 overweight people weighing more than one hundred kilograms participating in the study. In the subjects, daily walks of 10,000 steps, in combination with a suitable diet, strengthened the muscles of the legs and buttocks, and decreased waist size.

Walking and mood

You have certainly noticed when children come from the street, how cheerful and cheerful they are, and why not take a walk with them if it lifts your spirits so much. I know what you are thinking about when reading these lines - the hassle of caring, there is no time. Meanwhile, a 12-week trial was conducted to see how walking affects people's emotional state. And again the results were confirmed in a positive direction. From 10 to 12.5 thousand steps per day reduces anger, anxiety, fatigue, depression, mood and emotions. WOW!

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Walking can become an independent cardio workout, and make you fully exercise. cardiovascular system(CCS). In addition, the degree of reduction blood pressure It’s just not significantly inferior to aerobics or fitness.

With age, blood vessels become stiffer. This interferes with the blood vessels' ability to control pressure. Such arteries force the heart to work harder.

And now an experiment lasting four years shows that the more often a person walks, the slower the arteries lose their elasticity, even in the presence of diabetes. Every extra thousand steps per day in diabetics reduces the speed of pulse wave propagation by 0.103 milliseconds.

The speed of propagation of the pulse wave is the degree of indication of vascular stiffness.

And you should not delay walking - left ventricular hypertrophy wears out the heart, and no amount of exercise will return it to its previous state.

Reduces the risk of diabetes

Reducing the load from 10,000 to 1,500 steps in 24 hours leads to a decrease in insulin sensitivity after three days. This means that after just three days of lack of increased physical activity, the prerequisites for the occurrence of type 2 diabetes, high glycation and early aging are formed. Walking normalizes glucose levels in the body and controls the release of insulin.

Glycation is the non-enzymatic glycosylation of proteins and is the main mechanism of tissue damage in diabetes mellitus.

It is not necessary to follow a regimen - walk 10-12 thousand steps a day all week, 5-6 sessions are quite enough, without risk to health, and then rest for one or two days. Still, it’s worth walking 10,000 steps every day; it has a beneficial effect on health.

Benefits for women during menopause

12,500 steps a day have a positive effect on health during menopause.

Numerous changes occur in the body: decreased metabolism, excess weight gain, depression. Excess weight or obesity is one of the most important problems during postmenopause (51-81 years). Daily walking is an excellent method of counteracting menopause in all its manifestations, including reducing hot flashes.

Experiments show that for women after menopause, 10,000 steps in 24 hours is not enough. Women need to walk at least 12,500. Even for teenage children, the norm is 11,000 for girls and 13,000 for boys.

Walking or running, which is better?

Of course, both options are good. But not everyone can run.

The benefits and harms of walking:

  • A natural way to burn extra pounds.
  • Beautiful, slender, not over-pumped legs.
  • Contraindications: recent leg injuries, ankle sprains. A fast pace is harmful for heart disease.
  • The benefits and harms of running

    • There must be strong ligaments and discs of the spine.
    • The muscles of the whole body work better and more actively.
    • Increased metabolism - faster weight loss.
    • Trains the endurance of the respiratory and cardiac systems.
    • It is not recommended to run on hard roads.
    • The harm of running for osteoporosis, varicose veins, osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis, spinal hernia, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension.

    What type of walking should I choose?


    Each person chooses his own look.

    1. Wellness - simple walking. The duration doesn't matter. Up to approximately four kilometers per hour. The pace is governed by a person's purpose.
    2. Terraincourt - this type implies a deliberately designated route of uneven terrain (mountains, hills). The speed, distance, number of ascents and descents are set in advance.
    3. Scandinavian - single exercise with special sticks. When exercising, approximately 90% of the muscles work. Very effective. The duration and pace are different for everyone.
    4. Sports - is Olympic sports, which assumes unique technique movement along the distance is 6-15 km per hour. The length depends on the age and location of the competition.

    You shouldn’t stop at just one pace; it’s interesting to complicate them from simple to complex, thereby training endurance and gaining good health and long life. According to the American Heart Association, an hour of active walking prolongs life by two hours.

    Hiking routes

    In order not to lose interest, you need to periodically change your directions. Using the map, determine the mileage of new paths and set tasks. My path often lies through the sports ground, where there is an opportunity to do additional exercise - hang on the horizontal bar, do push-ups from the bench, do stretching, etc. And in the summer, I set the task of walking to the river and definitely taking a swim. BLISS!

    How many kilometers in 10,000 steps

    To make a calculation, it is not necessary to measure steps with a meter; there are formulas.

    We will calculate how many kilometers we walk in steps ourselves:

    With a height of 160 cm, the length of one step is (1.60/4)+0.37=0.77 m
    0.77 x 10,000=7700 m

    The greater the growth, the more kilometers will be covered. Accordingly, take into account that the speed is not constant, the length of the stride changes, but these are minor things.

    What do you need to walk?


    Shoes for walking need to be comfortable, practical, ventilated and durable - these are the main factors when choosing them. If you can walk 4 kilometers a day on your own, then you don’t need to work hard, any pair will do, even sneakers, sneakers or something else. However, for long distances it is better to choose comfortable shoes. Don’t forget about the longitudinal one and, a very common defect, you need orthopedic insoles, purchase them in advance and only try on sneakers with them.

    1. Running shoes are focused on cushioning the sole to reduce tension in the knee joint. In addition, they are lightweight and ventilated - ideal for the city and city roads.
    2. Trekking ones are aimed at protecting the ankle, the protector is of a unique shape, very durable - designed for forests and mountains. Basketball and futsal - for parquet floors.
    3. Simple city ones from manufacturers Nike, Reebok, Adidas - ideal for the city, only for short distances.

    The main thing when buying shoes for race walking, check with the seller for what purposes this product is manufactured.


    A tracksuit is not as important as sneakers, but still. Choose clothes according to the weather and type of walking. The faster, the lighter the clothes. Therefore, it should be comfortable, well ventilated, and moisture-absorbing.

    Do not forget about safety measures: in the dark - a flashlight, reflective tape, an umbrella, even mosquito repellent in the summer will not hurt. I once ran from them. The route was through the forest to the dacha, and there was darkness there... J had to flee.


    How many kilometers are there in 10,000 steps? How to count steps and distance covered? Approximately - two steps, a little more than a meter, there is a formula, later we will calculate the exact figure.

    But a special device - a pedometer - will determine more accurately. smart watch, gadgets. Fortunately, today there is no shortage of these goods. Prices for these products vary, depending on the model and functional characteristics (from 300 to 6000).

    The step meter should be a lightweight, multifunctional, compact device. Most profitable option order through the online store. Determine for yourself what you need from him:

    • Type - electronic, mechanical, combi, 2D, 3D.
    • Functions - count steps, heart rate, calories burned.
    • Design - on your wrist, in your pocket, on shoes or clothes.

    There is also an alternative way - to install the program on your smartphone. But, the devices have higher accuracy, and they can also determine the pulse. Applications, in turn, free you from financial expenses.

    How to walk correctly

    There are rules for the technique of movements when walking.

    1. Housing in vertical position, don't slouch.
    2. Uphill, lean forward a little.
    3. Direct your gaze 10–20 steps further.
    4. Take a step from the hip, pushing off with your fingers, and do not stupidly raise your foot and throw it forward of your body.
    5. The body weight moves forward with the leg.
    6. Place the foot on the heel, bending it 45 0, rolling onto the toe.
    7. Place your toes straight and not pointing to the sides. Otherwise, the body will sway left and right.
    8. Don't jump.

    By following the walking technique, fatigue will not come soon. A kinesiotherapist teaches how to walk correctly, but there are few of them.

    How fast should you walk - 5 heart rate zones

    The speed of movement, as well as its distance, is different for everyone. In the case of walking for walks, then it doesn't matter whether it's slow or not. But if the goal is to burn fat and strengthen vital systems, then you should move so that your heart rate reaches the desired pulse zone.

    There are only 5 zones and are divided by heart rate (the number of heartbeats) - an indicator of heart function.


    Heart rate in %

    Feeling effect
    1. Restorative
    Weak up to 20 minutes or more55-65 Improves health and increases metabolism
    2. Fat burningAverage up to 40 minutes or more65-75 Increases overall endurance. Fat burning processes increase.
  • Light breathing and sweating.
  • During metabolism, fats from the depot are burned - body weight decreases.

    3. Anaerobic

    10 minutes or more75-85 Improves physical fitness and anaerobic power.
    • Mild muscle fatigue.
    • Breathing is not difficult.
    • Moderate sweating.
    More calories are expended due to intense exercise. Energy comes from carbohydrates, fats cannot be burned - there is not enough time.
    2-10 minutes, maybe a little more85-95 Anaerobic endurance increases.
    • Muscle fatigue.
    • Breathing is difficult because there is not enough oxygen.
    Anaerobic metabolism. Fats are not burned; carbohydrates are used for energy.

    5. Sports

    2 minutes or more95-100 Maximum athletic results are achieved.
    • Severe muscle fatigue.
    • Heavy intermittent breathing.

    The body is at its limit.

    How many calories does 10,000 steps a day burn?

    How to calculate your fat burning heart rate.

    • The maximum heart rate during training is 220 beats per minute, age is subtracted from it.
    • Next, keep your heart rate at about 70% of maximum. Suppose if 35 years old, then 220-35=185 is the maximum frequency. Accordingly, 129.5 is 70%.
    • Monitor your heart rate 129 plus or minus a few beats - this is the burning heart rate.

    For heart disease, heart rate should not exceed 140 beats per minute.

    Do not forget that with exercises such as walking, fat begins to disappear only after half an hour of continuous movement. In addition, for more quick results you need to eat right and exercise extra. And without this, the scale arrow will not decrease, but will stand still. In principle, this is also a good result.

    How to take the first step towards health

    1. Buy a pedometer for accurate measurements.
    2. For better results you need to walk faster.
    3. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, it will be more difficult for you to complete 10,000. However, persistence will help you achieve results. For example, use the stairs instead of the elevator. When riding in public transport, get off at the stop earlier and walk there on your own two feet.
    4. If you are far from the most in better shape, then you shouldn’t immediately take the last threshold. Walk more.
    5. While walking, don't let yourself get bored: listen to music, talk with other people.

    How to develop the habit of walking?

    Nothing could be simpler. There is no need to spend money on visiting the gym, or expensive uniforms. This can be done anywhere. It's important to make it a habit.

    Start with short distances of daily walks. For starters, up to 3 kilometers per day is enough. After 7 days, increase by 2 km, when you reach 7, this will be enough to get a good result and improve overall well-being, a surge of strength, freshness and an excellent emotional state.

    The main thing is regularity.

    It has long been explained by doctors, and it itself is recommended by trainers. However, most people still look for a minibus when heading to the store. Some even go to the stall to buy cigarettes by car. And everyone complains about a “beer belly”, heart problems and weakness in the legs if they have to stand in line.

    We lose weight without problems

    In the list of benefits of walking, the most attractive item for many will be getting rid of excess weight. People usually start thinking about health when problems begin with it, but they are worried about attractiveness almost from the moment they begin to lose it. And this is even good: by starting to walk to lose weight, a person will also improve his health.

    Researchers have found that the benefits of walking for getting slim are much higher than regular visits to the gym. Walking more effective than diets and gives a more lasting result, unless, of course, it is accompanied by gluttony. When walking, you “burn out” the same amount of fat in half an hour as you spend in the fitness room in an hour. And at the same time, you don’t have to pay for such training. In addition, the loads during walking are natural and evenly distributed. You are not at risk of sore throat or overload separate groups muscles. And an additional bonus is improved posture if at first you train yourself to walk with your shoulders turned. By the way, this is not difficult to do: just wear a slightly loaded backpack on both straps.

    Let's say no to old age

    The undoubted benefits of walking are also observed for those who want to delay the onset of senile infirmity as far as possible. Most common reason age-related mortality - strokes and heart attacks. And they are caused by weakness of blood vessels and heart muscle. To strengthen them static loads- lifting weights, exercising on machines, etc. are not very suitable. But clean air, rhythmic movements and uniformity of load cope with the task perfectly. The pressure stabilizes - the vessels stop experiencing excessive stress. The heart catches the desired rhythm and is not overloaded, while simultaneously strengthening.

    We fight apathy and depression

    Another reason for rapid aging is stress, which our lives cannot do without, even if we carefully avoid unpleasant impressions and sensations. Another benefit of walking is that it quickly and without medication eliminates the consequences of nervous shock.

    European doctors conducted a large-scale study of the age group from 40 to 65 years. It was carried out long years and gave stunning results: the risk of heart disease drops by almost half if people just walk at a brisk pace for about three hours every day. In addition, senile dementia, atherosclerosis and other diseases that are common at their age were not observed among those who loved to walk.

    We prevent dangerous diseases

    The list of benefits of walking is long and convincing. His most compelling points are:

    1. Reducing “bad” cholesterol in the blood naturally to a minimum. This means preventing the occurrence of diseases associated with it.
    2. The likelihood of diabetes mellitus decreases by at least one third.
    3. In women, the risk of getting a breast tumor is noticeably reduced, in men - prostate cancer, and in both - intestinal cancer.
    4. Without medical intervention (including medications), the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.
    5. The risk of developing glaucoma drops to almost zero.
    6. Strengthening the skeleton and joints prevents the development of osteoporosis, arthritis and rheumatism.
    7. Immunity is growing: “walkers” do not catch the virus even in the midst of epidemics.

    However, to achieve such results, daily walking is required. The benefits of one-time walks are much lower.

    How much do you need

    The average person who leaves home only to take the bus to work and the tram to the store takes no more than 3 thousand steps on a working day. It's so small that unpleasant consequences for the body can be considered secure.

    If a person is more conscious and travels to work (located nearby) on foot, he walks about 5 thousand times. Better - but still not enough. In order not to lose what nature has given you, you need to take at least 10 thousand steps daily, which will be a distance of approximately 7.5 km. At average speed You need to travel for about two hours - and your health will not leave you.

    Where and how is the best way to walk?

    It is advisable to choose places for walking wisely. Naturally, if you combine walking with going to work, you won’t be able to adjust your route too much. However, walks in free time allow you to select a “useful” trajectory of movement. Parks are best suited for these purposes: there is unpolluted, clean air, fairly smooth paths that are quite suitable for walking, plus at least some nature. If there is no park nearby, choose a route away from transport arteries. At least in the courtyards of houses.

    In addition, the benefits of walking are observed only if the person walks energetically. When you wander slowly and sadly, your body works in a mode not unlike rest mode.

    No special equipment is required for walking. The only thing worth paying attention to is shoes. Flip-flops or heels are clearly not suitable for a long and brisk walk.

    Only fresh air!

    I would also like to note that walking down the street cannot in any way be replaced by using a treadmill in sports club, even in the most intensive mode. You only need to walk outside: here you get your dose of sun, which forces your body to produce vitamin D. Without it, the healing effect will be much lower, although the weight loss effect will remain at the same level. And there is no need to make excuses with clouds. Even on a cloudy day, the sun's rays are enough to stimulate the production of valuable vitamins in the required amount.

    How to train yourself to walk?

    Laziness, they say, is the engine of progress. But it is also a stop-cock for maintaining physical fitness. You don’t want to make unnecessary movements, and the person begins to justify himself by lack of time or other objective circumstances. However, you can unobtrusively force yourself to start walking. The methods are simple and feasible.

    1. If your office is two stops from home, walk to and from work. If you cannot do without a trip by transport, get off one stop earlier when traveling by metro and two stops earlier if you travel by minibus, tram or trolleybus.
    2. Don’t take your “brakes” with you to work, take a walk to a cafe for lunch. And not the closest.
    3. Forget the elevator. Even if you live on the 20th floor, walk. To begin with, just go down, and eventually go back home along the stairs. In addition to losing weight, improving your health and developing your breathing capacity, you will also gain by summer firm buttocks, with whom you are not ashamed to appear on the beach even in a swimsuit with a thong.

    Having appreciated all the benefits of walking, every person should make the first effort and maintain it throughout his life. Unless, of course, he wants to remind himself of a ruin in his early old age and regret missed opportunities. In the end, it's just fun to walk. If you can't walk aimlessly, challenge yourself to walk to the beach, a museum, or your favorite cafe. Or find a like-minded person to talk to while walking. Or get yourself a dog.
