Rolls on the back (rolling like a ball). What are the benefits of rolling for the back? Exercise rolls on the back benefits and harms

Appearance human, his gait, manner of movement can say a lot about health. When the spine is healthy, a person walks easily, freely, does not feel his body. If the centering is disturbed, then this is reflected in other functions of the body: the respiratory and cardiovascular, digestive, and excretory systems suffer. Many people suffer from headaches, they drink medicines to no avail, and the cause often lies in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine when the arteries of the cervical vertebrae are additionally clamped and the brain is supplied with blood worse. By the way, vision also suffers from circulatory disorders.

Only physical exercise help to strengthen and improve the spine as a whole. When the vertebrae are normally stretched, the nerve endings are not compressed, the passage of nerve impulses to various organs improves, and tissue nutrition improves. Performing these exercises lengthens the spine, and strengthens the muscles that support it already in a stretched state. No wonder they say: lengthen the spine - lengthen youth.

I would like to present you the 5 most useful exercises for the spine, by regularly performing which you will be able to work out and train all parts of the spine in a variety of ways - cervical, thoracic, and lumbar, strengthen the ligaments and muscles that support it. As a result, your posture will improve, your internal organs will become stronger, and you will begin to breathe correctly. In order for the process of healing the spine and all its departments to take place, these 5 exercises must be done regularly - daily or at least every other day. The floor surface should be flat and hard, for classes you will need a mat, a thin mattress or a terry towel.

1 exercise. Rolls.

I.p. - sitting on the floor, pull your legs to the body, the feet should be pressed against each other. Grasp your legs at the ankles with your hands, the chin is pressed to the knees. In this position, the back of the head, neck and back form one arc. Roll back onto your back and return to initial position. Roll over on your back 10 to 20 times, while breathing is arbitrary. Important: you need to perform rolls only on a flat floor so as not to displace the vertebrae.

Effect: this is a very useful exercise for the spine - it strengthens the spine and develops flexibility, and thus helps in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatism, brain diseases, and in addition, the exercise strengthens memory.

After the exercise, relax a bit and move on to the next one.

2 Exercise. Cobra.

I.p. - lying on your stomach, face down, heels and toes connected, chin rests on the mat.
Put your hands on the floor and lift upper part torso as high as possible, while the lower half of the abdomen to the navel does not come off. Throw your head back as far as you can, eyes look up. You need to breathe through the nose, voluntarily, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

For those who can already easily do this exercise, its more difficult version:

Perform all the movements as described above - bend up and back, and then turn your head over your right shoulder so that you can see the heel of your left foot. It is important that the arms and legs remain in place, and the lower abdomen does not come off. Slowly turn your head forward and do the same, but turning your head over your left shoulder to see the heel of your right foot. Then bend up again, slowly throw your head back and return to the starting position, lower yourself down. Repeat the exercise, but observing a different sequence of movements - up, left, right, up, down.

It is important when performing this exercise to make smooth movements, to linger in each position for half a minute, for this you can slowly count to yourself up to 30.

Effect: the spine becomes more flexible, stoop and other curvatures of the spine are removed, a beautiful posture appears, the work of the entire digestive tract improves, in particular, intestinal motility increases, and this is also good gymnastics for the eyes. With the help of this exercise, sciatica can be cured.

3. Exercise. Triangle.

I.p. - standing on the floor, spread your legs wide enough, the distance between your legs is about a meter. Spread your arms out to the sides, palms down. Slowly lean to the left until you feel tension in your right side. Strive with your left hand to reach your left foot, your right arm is extended horizontally above your head, do not bend your legs! Hold this position for 5-8 seconds and then return to the starting position. Do the same on the other side - to the right. Perform 3-5 tilts in each direction.

For the more advanced - a complicated, but very useful option for the spine, as it strengthens lumbar and thereby treats sciatica:

Take the same starting position as described above. Slowly bend down while turning at the waist, while the right hand moves towards the right leg until it touches it, the left hand is raised up. The gaze is directed to the fingertips of the hand raised vertically upwards. It is important to keep your legs and back straight during the exercise! Hold this position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position.

Repeat tilts in both directions at least 3 times.

As you can see, in this exercise in the lumbar region, not only is it stretched, but also twisted, the vertebrae move more and this helps to relax the intervertebral discs. The lumbar region is better worked out and at the same time strengthened.

Effect: The exercise strengthens the muscles that hold the spine, its flexibility develops, in the first variant the lateral surfaces of the body are stretched, which is useful for the waist, and in the second variant, the lumbar spine is well worked out and strengthened.

4 Exercise. Onion.

I.p. - lying on your stomach, legs bent at the knees, stretch your arms, put them behind your back and grab your ankles - inhale. Then at the same time slowly raise your head, legs, torso as high as possible from the floor, throw your head back while holding your breath. Return to the starting position - exhale.

This exercise also has a second option, for advanced, it is more difficult, but with time, you will also be able to perform it:

Perform all movements as described in the exercise above and then, while holding your breath, do 4-5 swings back and forth, return to the starting position, relax.

Effect: the exercise strengthens the gastrointestinal tract, forms a beautiful bust in women and strengthens chest, and most importantly, it eliminates all the shortcomings in the development of the spine.

5. Exercise. Fish.

The exercise consists of two parts - the first is aimed at stretching the spine, and the second part consists of vibro-gymnastics for the spine, as a result of which the intervertebral discs are worked out, the cells are cleansed of toxins, and blood circulation is normalized.

I.p. - lying on your back, arms extended up, lie behind your head, legs straightened forward, pull your socks over you. Start stretching your legs alternately, slightly moving your heels forward - then the left, then the right, slowly counting to yourself up to 5. Make a few of these pleasant, sipping movements. Then put your hands behind your head, under your neck, your elbows lie on the floor, put your legs together, pull your socks over you. Begin to oscillate to the right and left in this position, like a fish in water. This exercise is useful to do 2-3 minutes in the morning and evening.

Effect: the exercise contributes to the formation of individual vertebrae in their places, eliminates scoliosis and other curvature of the spine, enhances intestinal motility, and normalizes blood circulation.

You can include these exercises in your morning exercises. By regularly performing these exercises to strengthen the spine, after a couple of weeks you will feel that its condition will improve significantly, the pain will pass, it will become easier for you to bend and unbend when bending over. In addition, you will acquire the correct posture and breathing, become more resilient.

Don't try to do the recommended reps right away, start small with 2-3 reps of each exercise. Remember that all movements must be performed at a slow pace, fixing and lingering in each position (start with 5 seconds and work up to 30 seconds) in order to make the muscles stronger and stronger, able to better support the spine. If your muscles are sore and tired the next day, then reduce the number of repetitions, but do not stop exercising. After a few sessions, muscle pain will pass, as they become more trained.

Only daily work aimed at working out the main parts of the spine will help you cope with sciatica, cervical osteochondrosis, and other problems of the spine. Remember to devote at least half an hour a day to keeping your spine in good condition. After all, a beautiful posture, a flying gait, the state of all internal organs and systems in the human body depend on his health.

What are the benefits of rolling for the back?

We recently talked about how important stretching is for us. Indeed, from the fact that we do not know how to properly relax, stretch, often there are problems with the back. It hurts here, then there, at any age it’s bad. But if other problems are added to the sore back, then it becomes completely bad. The easiest way to stretch the spine and get rid of clamps is to roll over. This exercise also applies to athletics, and in the fight. This exercise is available to us, at home. It does not require any additional shells or special skills to complete it. Everyone can group correctly, we were taught this at school. Remember?

Starting position, sitting on the floor, preferably on a rug, clasp your knees with your hands, smoothly roll onto your back, pressing your chin to your knees. Do not allow jerks, do not perform the exercise on a hard surface, so as not to experience discomfort when the vertebrae touch the floor. A gymnastic mat or blanket is best for doing the exercise. For complete relaxation of the spine and for release from clamps, you will need to do this exercise 5-6 times.

You can perform cross-legged rolls.

This exercise is slightly different from the previous one, the starting position is the same, sitting on the floor. Perform a roll while crossing your legs, pulling your chin to your chest, pull your legs towards you by the feet, and not by the knees, as in the previous exercise. After completing the roll, return to the starting position.

If you have problems with your back, then you need to perform rolls carefully, pull your legs towards you only slightly, it is important to “roll” on your spine, you will immediately feel better. You can not perform this exercise for those who have back pain in an acute form, if the doctor recommended complete rest and bed rest. Be careful in your endeavors, approach responsibly to any exercise that can harm your health.

Rolls on the back in a cross-legged position. Next exercise for flexion of the spine is performed with crossed legs. Start the movement from the same position as the previous one. Rolling onto your back, cross your legs and at the same time pull your feet (clasping them with your palms on the outside) to your chest. Then, releasing your feet and placing your shins parallel, return to the starting position. (Always start with your feet parallel.)

With each repetition, change the angle of crossing the legs so that when you roll onto your back, both sides of the lower back tense evenly. Do the exercise 6-8 times.

Attention: if your back is too stiff, don't stretch it too hard right away. Work on technique; pull your legs to your chest in a smooth, light movement, trying to maintain balance. Stretch slowly, without straining, focus on relaxation. Be patient.

Stretching the back takes a lot of time. Don't jump from one exercise to another. Try to relax your muscles with every stretch. Adjust the intensity of the load according to your well-being. Don't torture yourself.

Carefully: if you have problems with your neck or lower back, do these exercises or variations of them with great care. These stretches are difficult for most people. If they cause you pain or discomfort, it is better to refuse them.

From a prone position, legs pulled as close to the head as possible, slowly begin to straighten the torso, trying to feel pressure on each vertebra in turn. At first, you will most likely do it quickly, but over time you will get used to it and your spine will acquire the mobility necessary for a slow transition from one vertebra to another.

Grasp your legs with your hands just above the knees and, straightening the torso, keep your knees bent. Use your hands to hold your legs together. This will help you better control the speed of straightening. The head should lie freely on the floor, but as the exercise progresses, it can be lifted up a little to maintain balance.

By straightening your torso in this way from a leg over your head position, you will be able to determine exactly which part of your back is the most rigid. The stiffest part or parts of the back are the hardest to straighten out slowly. But you can overcome the stiffness and stiffness of the spine if you allocate a little time every day to stretch it.

For more effective control of the load on the back, while lowering the legs, stretch your arms above your head and grab onto something massive, for some object. Then, keeping your arms and legs slightly bent, slowly lower your torso, feeling vertebra by vertebra. Using the palm rest, you can stretch your back much more efficiently. Move slowly and adjust the load carefully.

Try not to overstrain, but gradually develop your physical capabilities.

Performing exercises in the supine position with the legs pulled up to the head is very good for the back and stimulates blood circulation between the lower limbs and the trunk.

squatting. Many of those who have to spend long hours standing or sitting have tired lower backs. Tension in this part of the body can be relieved by squatting down.

Carefully: I am sure that this position is one of the most natural positions, however, squatting is contraindicated for people who experience certain problems with their knees. If you have any doubts about the abilities of your body, be sure to consult a qualified specialist.

From a standing position, squat down with your feet turned outward at an angle of about 15 degrees. The knees should be separated by 10-30 cm, depending on the degree of flexibility of your body, or, as you gain some experience in stretching, on which parts of your body you are going to stretch. The squatting position stretches the knees, back, ankle, Achilles tendons, and groin. Try to keep your knees outside your shoulders, directly above your big toes. Hold a pleasant stretch for 10-15 seconds. For some of you it will be very easy to do, for some it will be very difficult.

Options. Balancing may be difficult for some of you at first, and people with particularly tight ankles and Achilles tendons may fall flat on their backs. If you cannot accept the position shown in the picture, try to master it with the help of the following exercises.

Try squatting on a gentle slope in your garage driveway or on a hillside.

To maintain balance, you can use a vertical pole or fence.

With some experience, you will find that this is an extremely comfortable position that helps relieve tension in the lower back. Now return to your original standing position as shown on page 67.

Options. Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart or wider, palms slightly resting on the inside of the thighs just above the knees. Begin to slowly squat while spreading your hips to the sides until you feel a slight stretch in the groin area. Hold for 10-15 seconds. The exercise is also good for the ankle and Achilles tendons. Do not lower your hips below knee level.

If you have any knee problems, be careful. Stop stretching if pain occurs.

To increase the degree of stretch in the groin, take a squatting position, rest your elbows on your inner thighs and gently spread them to the sides, while leaning forward from the hips. Grab your feet with your hands so that thumbs ended up with inside stop, and the rest - from the outside. Hold for 15 seconds. Don't overstress. If you find it difficult to balance, slightly lift your heels off the floor.

To rise from a squatting position to a standing position, pull your chin back slightly, keep your back straight, and use the force of the quadriceps alone. When standing up, do not tilt your head forward so as not to strain your neck and lower back.


These exercises can be performed in the specified sequence as a single complex.

Maintaining a dosed load for a certain time; help your body adjust to the new position. Over time, the stretchable area will get used to the light load and you will be able to increase the range of motion without experiencing the initial tension.

Lifting the legs above the head

Raising the legs above the head before and after strenuous physical activities - lovely way combat fatigue lower extremities. A pleasant feeling of lightness arises in the legs and throughout the body, caused by a surge of strength necessary for performing daily tasks related to physical activity. In this position, you can perfectly relax and unwind, especially if you had to stand on your feet all day. Moreover, it is a simple and effective way to prevent and prevent exacerbations of varicose veins. I recommend taking this position at least twice a day for 2-3 minutes or more to increase the energy tone of your body and relax.

The easiest way to keep your legs above your head is to lie on the floor and lean your feet against the wall. Try to straighten your lower back. The distance from the buttocks to the wall should be at least 8-10 cm. If there is no wall nearby, then you can take a prone position, legs above your head, or simply put a few pillows under your feet so that they are above heart level. Start the exercise with one minute and gradually increase its duration. If your legs start to slide down the wall, turn to the side and then sit up. (See page 20 for the correct transition from this pose to the sitting position.) Getting up quickly after this exercise is not recommended, as you may feel dizzy.

Rarely mentions himself. Pain is the first signal that something is wrong with it. Pay attention to the spine every day, without waiting until it hurts! You will need quite a bit of time and effort for this, and you will feel the result very soon!


As a rule, osteochondrosis affects people who constantly work in an uncomfortable position, lift weights, and also have congenital or acquired spinal curvatures. Comfort and coziness, and most importantly, a sedentary lifestyle also do us a disservice. As a result, today 80% of the adult population suffers from osteochondrosis. It is especially alarming that degenerative-dystophic changes in the intervertebral discs begin in young people from the age of 25-30, moreover, they are increasingly common in children. Is it possible to get rid of osteochondrosis forever, or at least reduce suffering? Yes, but for this you need to learn to listen to your body in order to help it cope with difficulties at the right time.

The spine is designed to move

Our spine is a very reliable structure, designed by nature for movement, and each, even the smallest of its joints, loves to work. Inactive vertebrae, as well as those that constantly receive excessive stress (for example, if you sit at a computer or in a car all day, lift weights or work while bending over), lose their mobility over time. Uncomfortable sensations arise in the back, which are then accompanied by pain. And then they start malfunctions of the whole organism: posture changes, muscles, ligaments and internal organs suffer. Help your spine! Start with the elementary: simple exercises for stretching muscles and ligaments.

Why does my head hurt

Gymnastics for the spine every morning: 5 simple movements

  1. Waking up in the morning, slowly stretch 2-3 times, turning the torso - until a crunch in all the bones.
  2. Stretch your arms along your torso and stretch your heels and crown to the edges of the bed (3-5 times).
  3. Stand up straight and try to “push through” the floor with your heels, and “get” the ceiling with your head. This exercise can be performed anywhere and anytime: on the street, in transport, at work. It is very beneficial for the entire spine.
  4. Gently tilting the head alternately in different directions, try to reach your shoulder with your ear (5-6 times).
  5. Slowly turn your head left and right (5-6 times). The body remains motionless.

Attention! Manipulations on cervical region require great care and attention and should be performed by an experienced and knowledgeable chiropractor. Self-employment is not allowed!

If you experience back pain occasionally or constantly, don't wait until the situation becomes unmanageable. Behave with your back correctly, and it will not give you trouble.

Prevention of back pain

  1. Do your homework gradually, in parts, and - most importantly - correctly!
  2. Lean less, do not lift weights on straight legs, often change body position and take breaks, during which you perform those stretches and smooth turns of the torso in the prone position (on a hard surface), sagging on the bar (jump gently!).
  3. Sleep on a moderately firm bed. For pain in the neck - on the back and without a pillow or with a small (40 x 80 cm) soft pillow, which can be folded in half or three times in the form of a roller under the neck.
  4. If you have a sedentary job, take breaks for 5 minutes every hour.

"Heart" zone

Thoracic spine the least mobile, it is less likely to be injured. However, here too there are difficulties. With often there are pains in the region of the heart, extending to the left forearm. They increase with deep breathing, bending over and are localized in the chest, abdomen - they seem to come from the lungs, gallbladder or stomach. In such cases, soft correction and are shown.

Displaced discs must not be heated!

If you have a “shot” in your back and you feel severe pain radiating to your leg, in no case do not self-medicate! Immediately see an experienced chiropractor who will correct the spine and prescribe treatment. Do not rub or heat the painful area, do not put pepper plaster or mustard plaster- it will only worsen the situation! Warming procedures are justified only when the pain is caused exacerbation of sciatica due to hypothermia.

  1. Onion. Lying on your back, bend your knees and grab your ankles with your hands. Raising your upper body, try to lift your legs off the floor. Slowly and smoothly roll back and forth on your stomach. It well stretches and strengthens the muscles of the back, chest and shoulder girdle.
  2. Roller or ball riding. Lie on your back with your thoracic region spine hard roller with a diameter of 25 cm or a ball. Swinging back and forth, bend as much as possible - to get the back of your head to the floor. Exercise is especially useful for those who are busy with sedentary work all day.
  3. snake pose. Lie on your stomach, hands under your shoulders, elbows pressed to the body, legs together, feet extended, forehead touching the floor. While inhaling slowly, try to lift your legs off the floor. Roll back and forth on your stomach. This exercise stretches and strengthens the muscles of the back, chest and shoulder girdle.
  4. Back riding. Lying on your back and bending your legs, try to reach your knees with your chin, and your chin with your knees. At the same time, swing, clasping your legs with your hands. So there is a stretching of all parts of the spine.
  5. Performing such exercises every day (and if possible in the morning and evening), you will retain flexibility for a long time - the main component of youth!
  1. Self-massage. Massage all parts of the back where you can reach. Rub your neck with the back of your hand. First the right hand, and then the left. Bring your right hand behind your left shoulder, massage your left shoulder and shoulder blade. Try to get as far as possible. Help yourself with your left hand, supporting yourself by the elbow of your right hand. Repeat with the other hand too.
  1. Make yourself a roller, preferably wooden. Diameter 7-8 cm, length 11-12 cm. You can use a rolling pin to roll out the dough. Lie back on it, and begin to slowly ride this roller back and forth. First in clothes, and then with a bare back. Perfectly puts all the vertebrae in place. Do this exercise carefully so as not to bruise yourself.
  1. The back hurts, the exercise is called "kolobok". We lay down on our backs. Wrap your arms around your knees, tilt your head to your chest. We begin to ride on our backs, like a ball, like a bun. Back and forth. Back and forth. This exercise also puts the vertebrae in place well.
  1. Imagine that a rope is stretched between the chairs and you need to crawl under it. We get on all fours. Head down, bend the back, crawl under the rope. We stretch. And now we went in the opposite direction, also with a back arch. It is very useful to do this exercise in the morning.
  1. Back hurts, exercise on the horizontal bar. Make a horizontal bar at home or buy it at a sports store. You don't need to do any hard exercises. Just hang on the horizontal bar every free minute. The spine is stretched. You will protect yourself from many problems and relieve pain. In this way, I even helped myself recover from a dislocation in the shoulder joint.
  1. I borrowed the following exercise from breathing exercises"Qigong". I strongly recommend doing this system - there are many useful exercises for the back and joints. Lie down on your stomach. Raise up on outstretched arms and toes. The body is parallel to the floor. Stay as long as you can. Try to relax while doing the exercise. Do several approaches.
  1. We push up from the floor. You can start on your knees. The feet are raised up. The first approach - the hands are set wide apart from each other. The second approach - hands closer, hands inward. The third approach - the brushes are placed on the floor close to each other, turned inward.
  1. Remember Kuznetsov's applicator. It must be gathering dust somewhere on the mezzanine. Find it quickly. If not, buy at the pharmacy. He will save you from pain. Day or night, the back ached - we lie down with our bare back on the applicator and try to relax. Has the pain gotten worse? Amazing! Be patient as long as you can. You will feel how the pain is gone and you can sleep peacefully or continue to do your own thing.

All these exercises are tested on personal experience - they really help.

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