Why do you need Strelnikova's gymnastics. Breathing exercises Strelnikova: a set of exercises. What is the essence of Strelnikova's breathing exercises and its fundamental difference from other methods

1. "Palms". I.P. stand up straight, bend your elbows and "show your palms to the viewer." Take noisy, short breaths through your nose and at the same time clench your palms into fists.

Remember! Inhalation through the nose is active, exhalation through the mouth is absolutely passive, inaudible.

Exercise "Palms" can be done standing, sitting and lying down.

2. "Shoulders". I.P. stand up straight, clench your hands into fists and press to your stomach at waist level. At the moment of inhalation, sharply push your fists down to the floor. Then the hands return to the sp. Do not raise the brushes above the waist.

Exercise "Carriers" can be done standing, sitting and lying down.

3. "Pump"("Inflating a tire"). I.P. stand straight, feet slightly narrower than shoulder width, arms along the body. Make a slight bow (with your hands reach for the floor, but do not touch it) and at the same time - a noisy and short breath through your nose (in the second half of the bow). The breath must end with the bow. Rise slightly, but do not straighten up, and again bow and short, noisy breath "from the floor." Bows are done rhythmically and easily, do not bow low, a bow to the waist is enough. The back is round, not straight, the head is lowered.

Remember! "Pump up the tire" must be in the rhythm of the front step.

Exercise "Pump" can be done standing and sitting.

Restrictions: with head and spine injuries; with perennial radiculitis and osteochondrosis; with increased arterial, intracranial and intraocular pressure; with stones in the liver, kidneys and bladder- do not bow low. The bow is made barely noticeable, but always with a noisy and short breath through the nose. Exhalation is done after each breath (passively) through the mouth, but do not open it wide.

Exercise "Pump" is very effective, often stops asthma attacks, cardiac and liver attacks.

4. "Cat". I.P. stand straight, feet slightly narrower than shoulder width (feet should not come off the floor). Do a dance squat and at the same time turn your torso to the right - a sharp, short breath. Then the same squat with a turn to the left and also a short, noisy breath. Exhalations occur between breaths themselves, involuntarily. Bend and straighten your knees slightly (squat is light, springy, do not squat deeply). Make grasping movements with your hands to the right and left at waist level. The back is absolutely straight, the turn is only at the waist.

Exercise "Cat" can be done sitting and lying down (in serious condition).

5. "Hug your shoulders"(inhale on contraction chest). I.P. stand straight, arms bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level. Throw your hands towards each other to failure, as if hugging your shoulders. And at the same time with each "hug" sharply "sniff" your nose. The hands at the moment of the “hug” go parallel to each other, and not crosswise, in no case do not change them (it doesn’t matter which hand is on top - right or left). Do not spread wide to the sides and do not strain. Having mastered this exercise, at the moment of the oncoming movement of the hands, you can slightly tilt your head back - “inhale from the ceiling”.

Exercise "Hug your shoulders" can be done standing, sitting and lying down.

Restrictions: cores with coronary heart disease (CHD), congenital malformations, suffered a heart attack - do not do the “Hug your shoulders” exercise in the first week of training. You need to start it from the second week, along with other exercises of Strelnikova's gymnastics. In a serious condition, it is necessary to do not 8 breaths-movements, but 4 or even 2 each, then rest for 3-5 seconds and again 2 or 4 breaths-movements.

For women, starting from the sixth month of pregnancy, in the “Hug your shoulders” exercise, do not recline your head back, perform the exercise only with your hands, standing straight and looking straight ahead.

6. "Big pendulum"("Pump" + "Hug your shoulders"). I.P. stand straight, feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Tilt forward, hands reach for the floor - inhale. And immediately without stopping, slightly bending in the lower back, tilting back - hands hugging the shoulders - and also inhaling. Bow forward - lean back, inhale "from the floor" - inhale "from the ceiling." Exhalation occurs in the interval between breaths by itself, do not hold or push the exhalation out.

Exercise "Big Pendulum" can also be done while sitting.

Restrictions: in case of osteochondrosis, spinal injuries and displacements of the intervertebral discs, do the “Big Pendulum” exercise, limiting movements: bowing slightly forward and almost not bending when leaning back.

Only having mastered the first six exercises well, you can move on to the rest.

7. "Turns of the head". I.P. stand straight, feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Turn your head to the right - take a noisy, short breath from the right side. Then turn your head to the left - "sniff" your nose on the left side. Do not stop the head in the middle, do not strain the neck, do not pull the breath.

Remember! Exhalation should be performed after each breath independently, through the mouth.

8. "Ears". I.P. stand straight, feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Slightly tilt your head to the right, the right ear goes to the right shoulder - a noisy, short breath. Then slightly tilt your head to the left, the left ear goes to the left shoulder - also inhale. You have to look straight ahead.

Remember! Breaths are taken simultaneously with movements. Exhalation should occur after each breath (do not open your mouth wide).

9. "Pendulum head". I.P. stand straight, feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Lower your head down (look at the floor) - a sharp, short breath. Raise your head up (look at the ceiling) - also inhale. The exhalation should have time to "leave" after each breath. Do not delay or push out the exhalation (it should go through the mouth, not seen or heard, in extreme cases, also through the nose).

Restrictions: with head injuries, vegetovascular dystonia, epilepsy; with increased arterial, intracranial and intraocular pressure; osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine - do not make sudden movements of the head in the exercises - "Turns the head", "Ears", "Pendulum head". Turn your head a little, but be sure to sniff noisily. Do these exercises while sitting, and you can even do the “Head Turns” and “Ears” while lying down.

10. "Rolls".
A. I.P. left foot in front, right behind. The whole weight of the body is on the left leg, the leg is straight, the body too. The right leg is bent at the knee and set back on the toe so as not to lose balance (but do not lean on it). Perform a light dance squat on the left leg (the leg at the knee is slightly bent), while taking a short breath through the nose (after the squat, the left leg instantly straightens). Then immediately transfer the weight of the body to the right leg set back (straight body), and also sit down on it, at the same time sharply “sniffing” with your nose (the left leg on the toe, to maintain balance, is bent at the knee, but do not lean on it). Transfer the weight of the body back to the front left leg.

1) squatting and inhalation are done strictly simultaneously.
2) the entire weight of the body is only on the leg on which we squat slightly.
3) after each squat, the leg instantly straightens, and only after that does the body weight transfer (roll) to the other leg.

B. I.P. right foot in front, left behind. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Exercise "Rolls" can only be done while standing.

11. "Steps".
A. "Forward step". I.P. stand straight, feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Raise the left leg, bent at the knee, up to the level of the abdomen (from the knee, the leg is straight, pull the toe down, as in ballet). On the right leg at this moment, do a light dance squat and a short, noisy breath. After squatting, both legs must take sp for a moment. Then lift your right leg, bent at the knee, and sit down slightly on your left, and noisily "sniff" your nose. It is necessary to sit down slightly, then the other leg will easily rise up to the level of the abdomen. The body is straight.
You can simultaneously with each squat and raising the bent knee, make a slight oncoming movement of the hands at the level of the belt.

The Front Step exercise can be done standing, sitting, and even lying down.

Restrictions: in diseases of the cardiovascular system (IHD, congenital malformations, a previous heart attack), it is not recommended to raise the legs high (to the level of the abdomen). With leg injuries and thrombophlebitis, perform this exercise only while sitting and even lying (on your back), very carefully, slightly raising your knee up with a noisy breath. Pause - 3-4 seconds after every 8 breaths-movements, can be extended up to 10 seconds.
With thrombophlebitis, be sure to consult a surgeon!
In case of urolithiasis and pregnancy (starting from the 6th month), do not raise your knees high in the “Forward Step” exercise!

B. Back step. I.P. Same. Take your left leg, bent at the knee, back, as if slapping your buttocks with your heel. On the right leg at this moment, sit down slightly and noisily “sniff” with your nose. Then return both legs for a moment to the SP. exhalation done. After that, take the right leg bent at the knee back, and on the left do a light dance squat.

This exercise is only done while standing.
Remember! Breaths and movements are done strictly simultaneously.

Rules of breathing exercises Strelnikova

1. Introductory lesson. Start gymnastics with the first three exercises.
- "Palms" perform 4 noisy, short breaths through the nose. Then rest (pause) for 3-5 seconds and again 4 noisy breaths through the nose. So do 24 times for 4 breaths-movements. It will turn out 96 breaths-movements, the so-called "Strelnikov's hundred".
- "Pogonchiki" to do already 8 breaths-movements ("eight"). Then rest for 3-5 seconds and again 8 breaths-movements. So 12 times 8, that is, 96 breaths-movements ("hundred").
- "Pump" 12 times for 8 breaths-movements, resting 3-5 seconds after each "eight".

This concludes the introductory lesson (3 exercises). It must be repeated 2 times - in the morning and in the evening. Repeating the lesson in the evening, do the first exercise not for 4, but for 8 breaths-movements, i.e. 12 times 8. The next day, add another exercise - "Cat", also 12 times 8 breaths-movements. In the evening, repeat the lesson (4 exercises). So, every day you need to add one exercise.

2. "Hundreds". At first, do 12 times for 8 breaths-movements (“hundred”). Then you can perform 6 times for 16 breaths-movements ("hundred") or 3 times for 32 breaths-movements ("hundred"). Rest and after 16 and after 32 breaths-movements 3-5 seconds. If this is not enough for you, you can extend the rest to 10 seconds, but no longer.
- If you are already doing not 8, but 32 breaths-movements, then still mentally count eight. Numbers 9, 10 ... 15, etc. there is no Strelnikova in gymnastics, the score goes only by 8.
- If you are already well trained and easily do 32 breaths-movements, and you want to perform 96 (“hundred”) in a row, then it is still recommended to do 32 breaths-movements. Otherwise, there is a danger of "going too far", and then Strelnikova's gymnastics will stop helping you.

3. Breath. Inhalation through the nose is short, noisy. Exhalation should be carried out through the mouth after each breath (not seen or heard). In no case do not hold or push out the exhalation! Inhalation is extremely active, exhalation is absolutely passive.
- A noisy, short breath through the nose is done with closed lips. It is impossible to specifically compress the lips at the moment of inhalation, they close slightly, absolutely freely and naturally. After inhalation, the lips (on their own, without help) open the fledgling - and exhalation takes place through the mouth. To help inhale with the muscles of the face (grimacing) is strictly prohibited! It is also forbidden at the moment of inhalation to raise the palatine curtain, to send air into the depths of the body, while protruding the stomach. Don't think about where the air goes, think only about the noisy and short breath.
- Shoulders, at the moment of inhalation, cannot be raised! If your shoulders are still rising and your chest is sticking out, stand in front of a mirror and try to forcibly keep your shoulders calm.

4 . Do the whole complex in one lesson, and not several "hundreds" of one exercise. Exercise in the morning (30 minutes) and in the evening (30 minutes). If you feel unwell, do Strelnikova's breathing exercises several times a day. And you will feel better.

5 . Do breathing exercises in the morning - before meals, and in the evening - either before meals, or an hour and a half after. People suffering from gastritis, colitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers are advised to do Strelnikova's gymnastics only before meals.

6 . If you have little time, do the whole complex of gymnastics not in three “thirty” (96), but one (32 breaths-movements) of each exercise, starting with “Palms” and ending with “Steps”. This will take 5-6 minutes.

7 . Gymnastics can be practiced by children (from 3-4 years old) and very old people. Age is not limited. It can be done standing, sitting, and in a serious condition - even lying down.

8 . On average, you need a month of daily classes twice a day to feel the therapeutic effect in any disease.

9 . Do not give up breathing exercises Strelnikova. Do it all your life, at least once a day (30 or at least 15 minutes), and you may not need medication. This gymnastics can be both therapeutic and preventive.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova is a non-drug healing method created at the turn of the 30s and 40s as a way to restore the singing voice.

To date, everything more people come to the conclusion that no drugs, pills, plastic surgeries and other unnatural interventions in the nature of our bodies can have such a beneficial effect on them as maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And this and proper nutrition, and sports, and the use of various health-restoring techniques and gymnastics. One of these is Strelnikova's breathing exercises.

This is an independent system of exercises, which at one time enjoyed dizzying popularity among artists and pop stars. Trained on it: Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, Margarita Terekhova, Laima Vaikule, Andrey Mironov. And this is not a complete list!

If you are the type of person who actively practices healthy habits or if you want your voice to sound with a new pleasant timbre, then after reading this article, you may be inspired and want to try it for yourself new experience. Or if you are faced with unpleasant respiratory diseases and are looking for a practice that can return you to a high energy state, vigor of body and spirit in a short time, then the classes that will be discussed will suit you perfectly!

A little about the author A. Strelnikova

Alexandra Nikolaevna began her career as an opera diva in the first half of the last century, and after the 2nd World War she became a well-known vocal teacher in the USSR.

The impetus for the development of unique gymnastics was the loss of voice. The way to restore the ligaments with the help of breathing exercises was suggested to the singer by her mother. Gradually, the individual elements of the methodology formed a whole system, which turned out to be unusually effective.

In 1972, Strelnikova officially registered her invention with the All-Union Research Institute of State Patent Examination, having received a copyright certificate for it.

Currently, the Center for Respiratory Gymnastics, named after its founder, operates in the capital. The application of this technique has been repeatedly tested in medical institutions of various types, and studies each time confirmed its effectiveness.

Exercise rules

Before doing the exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with certain rules.

  1. Think only about the breath. It is not necessary to type as much as possible - this is the main mistake. It is necessary to inhale shortly, noisily and sharply.
  2. Exhalation is not the main thing in exercises. Breathe out through your mouth, not your nose. No extra stress needed. Feel your breath.
  3. Try to keep pace.
  4. Don't force yourself. You don't have to do the exercise just because you have to. If the body is not ready yet, give it time, do not rush.

Complex basic and additional

For effective workouts Strelnikova developed a special complex. It consists of a main part and an additional part. The first includes the following tasks:

  • palms
  • Shoulder straps
  • Pump
  • head turns
  • small pendulum
  • Cat
  • Embrace your shoulders
  • big pendulum
  • rifts

Additional exercises include:

  • Sit down - get up
  • Spring
  • Raising the pelvis
  • Metronome
  • wiggle

When performing exercises, it is important to follow all the rules, clearly follow the instructions. When you exercise constantly, the body will get used to such a volume of oxygen and it will be easier to work. It is more expedient to first learn the first 3 exercises - basic. Then add 1 new per day. The technique for performing all exercises is covered in the video.

11 breathing exercises Strelnikova

1. Exercise "palms"

I.p. ( initial position) - standing:

Stand up straight, arms bent at the elbows (elbows down), and palms forward - “psychic pose”.

Standing in this position, you should take short, rhythmic, noisy breaths through your nose while clenching your palms into fists (the so-called grasping movements.

Without a pause, take 4 rhythmic, sharp breaths through the nose.

Then lower your hands and rest for 4-5 seconds. Then take 4 more noisy, short breaths and pause again.

Normally, you need to take 4 breaths 24 times.

At the beginning of the lesson, you may experience dizziness, that's okay! You can sit down and continue sitting, increasing the pause to 10 seconds.

2. Exercise "chauffeurs"

I.p. - standing, hands clenched into fists and pressed to the stomach at waist level.

When inhaling, it is necessary to sharply push the fists down to the floor (do not strain your shoulders, straighten your arms to the end, reaching for the floor).

Then return the brushes to the level of the belt in ip.

Make 8 breaths in a row. Normally 12 times 8.

3. Exercise "pump" ("inflating the tire")

I.p. - standing, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, arms below (o.s. - main stance).

Make a slight tilt (reach your hands to the floor, but do not touch) while in the second half of the tilt, take a short and noisy breath through the nose.

The breath ends with the inclination. Rise a little, but not completely, and tilt + inhale again. You can imagine that you are inflating a tire in a car.

Tilts are performed easily and rhythmically, it is not worth bending low, it is enough to bend down to the level of the belt.

Round your back, lower your head. Important!! "Inflate the tire" in the rhythm of the drill step.

Normally, the exercise is performed 12 times.


Injuries of the spine and head, perennial osteochondrosis and radiculitis, increased intracranial, arterial and intraocular pressure, stones in the liver, bladder, kidneys - you should not bend low. The slope is slightly noticeable, but short and noisy breaths are required. Exhalation is passive after inhalation through the mouth, while not opening the mouth wide.

This exercise is quite effective, it can stop a heart attack, an attack of the liver and bronchial asthma.

4. Exercise "cat" (half squat with turn)

I.p. – o.s. (during the exercise, the feet do not come off the floor).

Make a dance squat with a turn of the torso to the right and at the same time a short, sharp breath.

Then do the same with a left turn.

Exhalations are performed spontaneously.

The knees are slightly bent and straightened (do not squat much, but lightly and springy).

Hands on the left and right are grasping movements.

The back is straight, turn at the waist.

Normally ex. performed 12 times.

5. Exercise "Hug your shoulders"

I.p. - standing, arms bent and raised to shoulder level.

It is necessary to throw your arms very strongly, as if you would like to hug yourself by your shoulders.

And with every movement, a breath is taken.

Hands during the "hug" should be parallel to each other; it is not necessary to breed very widely to the sides.

Normally, the exercise is performed 12p - 8 breaths-movement.

Can be performed in different starting positions.


Ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, congenital heart disease - with these diseases, it is not recommended to do this exercise.

It should start from 2 weeks of classes.

If the condition is severe, then you need to perform half as many breaths (4, or even 2).

Pregnant women from about 6 months (pregnancy) do not tilt their heads back in this exercise, only the hands perform the exercise, stand straight and look forward.

6. Exercise "big pendulum"

I.p. - standing, legs already shoulders. Lean forward, reach for the floor with your hands - inhale.

Immediately, without stopping (slightly bend in the lower back), lean back - hug your shoulders with your hands. Also, inhale.

Exhale voluntarily between inhalations.

Normal: 12 times. The exercise can be performed while sitting.


Osteochondrosis, spinal injuries, displacement of intervertebral discs.

With these diseases, you should limit movement, lean forward a little and bend a little while bending back.

Only after a good mastery of the first 6 exercises, you should proceed to the rest.

You can add one exercise every day from the second part of the complex, before mastering all the others.

7. Exercise "head turns"

I.p. - standing, legs already shoulders.

Turning the head to the right - a short, noisy breath through the nose.

Same thing to the left.

The head does not stop in the middle, the neck is not tense.

Important to remember!

Exhalation must be done through the mouth after each inhalation.

Normal: 12 times.

8. Exercise "ears"

I.p. - standing, legs already shoulders.

Slight tilt of the head to the right, ear to the right shoulder - inhale through the nose. Same thing to the left.

Shake your head slightly, looking forward.

The exercise is similar to the "Chinese dummy".

Inhalations are performed along with movements.

Exhaling, do not open your mouth wide!

Normal: 12 times.

9. Exercise "pendulum head" (down and up)

I.p. - standing, legs already shoulders.

Lower your head down (look at the floor) - a short, sharp breath.

Raise your head up (look at the ceiling) - inhale.

I remind you that exhalations should be between breaths and through the mouth.

Normal: 12 times.


Head injuries, vegetovascular dystonia, epilepsy, increased intracranial, intraocular, arterial pressure, osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region.

With these diseases, you should not make sudden movements with your head in such exercises as “Ears”, “Turns with your head”, “Pendulum with your head”.

Perform a small turn of the head, but the breath is noisy and short.

You can do the exercises while sitting.

10. Exercise "rolls"

1) I.p. - standing, left foot forward, right foot back. Transfer the weight of the body to the left leg.

Body and legs are straight.

Bend your right leg and put it on your toe for balance (but don't lean on it).

Squat a little on the left leg, while inhaling through the nose (left leg after squatting should immediately be straightened).

Immediately shift the center of gravity to the other leg (leave the body straight) and also squat a little with inhalation (we do not lean on the left leg).

Important to remember:

  1. squats are done with inhalation;
  2. transfer the center of gravity to the leg on which the squat is performed;
  3. after squatting, the leg should immediately be straightened, and then a roll from foot to foot is performed.

Normal: 12 times.

2) The exercise is performed in the same way as described above, only it is necessary to change the legs.

This exercise is done only in a standing position.

11. Exercise "steps"

I.p. - standing, legs already shoulders.

Raise the bent left leg up to the level of the abdomen (straighten the leg from the knee, pull the toe). At the same time, sit down a little on the right leg and take a short, noisy breath.

After squatting, the legs must be returned to their original position.

Do the same, lifting the other leg forward. The body must be straight.

Normal: 8 times - 8 breaths.

This exercise can be done in any starting position.


Ischemic heart disease, diseases of the cardiovascular system, myocardial infarction, congenital malformations.

In the presence of leg injuries and thrombophlebitis, you need to perform the exercise while sitting and lying down, very carefully. The pause can be extended up to 10 seconds. With such a disease, a consultation with a surgeon is necessary!

During pregnancy and urolithiasis, do not raise the knee high!

2) Back step.

I.p. - Same. The left leg, bent at the knee, is retracted, while crouching a little on the right leg and taking a breath. Return the legs to their original position - exhale. Do the same on the other leg. This exercise is done while standing.

Normal: 4 times - 8 breaths.

Indications for the use of Strelnikova's technique

Doctors still do not have a clear opinion about the unusual approach. Despite this, they recognize its effectiveness and clear positive changes in the condition of patients and healthy people. First of all, they note the fact that Strelnikova's breathing exercises stimulate the immune system and have a general strengthening effect on the body. Experts believe that the program can be carried out even in the absence of health complaints, but still there are several indications for breathing exercises:

  • Neurotic states and depressions that have passed into a chronic phase.
  • Pregnancy period (subject to the normal course of the natural process).
  • Bronchial asthma, inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including hypertension and vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial infarction.
  • The recovery period after a stroke, epileptic seizures, frequent headaches and migraines.
  • Diseases caused by metabolic disorders.
  • Pathologies thyroid gland and diabetes.
  • Some infectious and viral diseases, dermatitis.
  • Smoking.
  • Problems with potency in men.
  • Overweight and a tendency to gain weight.
  • Studies have shown that correct and regular breathing exercises help to cure anemia, get rid of snoring and stuttering, problems in the urogenital area.

The benefits and harms of the sessions are based on stimulating metabolic processes in the body, improving the blood supply to organs and systems. The approach strengthens blood vessels, restores lost functions, reduces the risk of complications due to various pathologies.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises can be combined with other therapeutic measures, taking medicines. In the absence of obvious indications for sessions, they can be carried out for preventive purposes. In any case, positive changes in the state will not keep you waiting.

Contraindications for breathing exercises

According to experts, Strelnikova's breathing exercises, with the right approach, are unable to cause any damage to the human body. But in the presence of acute or chronic conditions, the introduction of the technique into the regimen must be approached with increased caution. First of all, this step should be agreed with the doctor.

Deep and active breathing can be harmful if you practice according to the system against the background of such conditions:

  • Osteochondrosis, especially in the upper spine.
  • Acute thrombophlebitis.
  • Internal bleeding or suspicion of these conditions.
  • Injuries of the spine or head of any etiology and severity.
  • Increased arterial, intracranial or ocular pressure.
  • Fever.
  • It is also important to remember that during the exercise it is forbidden to smoke.

In order not to risk, you need to start classes with a minimum degree of intensity. Loads must be increased gradually. The process should not cause discomfort or be accompanied by difficulties. Until the body gets used to it, you need to rest often during the session, gradually transferring it to a new rhythm.

Tip: Despite the fact that today on the Internet you can find many organizations involved in the treatment of people through Strelnikova's breathing exercises, they are not carriers of the author's approach. In the case of obvious problems, it is better not to take risks and not engage in the program on your own or in such institutions.

The benefits and harms of breathing according to Strelnikova have been controversial for more than a year. People who know about its properties are divided into two camps. Those who are sure that there is only harm from Strelnikova's gymnastics, and those who believe that there is only one benefit from such breathing. But the main thing is to follow the recommendations, take into account contraindications.

The history of the creation of breathing exercises according to Strelnikova

Breathing exercises were invented by Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova. The method was recognized as a system in 1973. Alexandra Nikolaevna was an opera singer. After losing her voice, she improved her mother's system, which was intended for the treatment of asthma.

As a result, together they created breathing exercises that act on various functions of the human body. With the help of the properties of gymnastics, more diseases and ailments are treated. The system is unlike other breathing exercises, because Alexandra Nikolaevna developed unique methods without taking any of the existing gymnastics as a basis. Therefore, its properties are called paradoxical, they contradict the generally accepted rules of breathing, bringing benefits without causing harm.

What is useful breathing exercises Strelnikova

When treated without drugs, with useful properties Strelnikova's respiratory system gets rid of problems in different areas.

  1. neuroses of various origins.
  2. Skin diseases.
  3. Problems of the gastrointestinal tract, obesity.
  4. Stuttering, including those not caused by nervous disorders.
  5. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  6. Diseases respiratory system.
  7. Sexual disorders.
  8. Helps to quit smoking.

Breathing according to Strelnikova will cure female infertility, but the problem may be unsolvable. If the properties of gymnastics do not help from this disease, they will benefit the psyche. There will be no harm in this case.

Important! To fight the disease in a severe, acute form, they begin with drugs, alleviating the condition. Then it is recommended to move on to Strelnikova's gymnastics.

Indications for the technique

The benefit of Strelnikova's breathing exercises is the effect of its properties on the body, which treats diseases that are poorly amenable to drug treatment. The technique of Alexandra Nikolaevna is prescribed for problems:

  • bronchi, lungs, upper respiratory tract (pneumonia, asthma, sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis media and the like);
  • cardiovascular system (angina pectoris, rheumatism, migraine, anemia, leukemia and others);
  • gastrointestinal tract (hemorrhoids, gastric ulcer, gastritis, constipation and the like);
  • musculoskeletal system (hernia, sciatica, scoliosis, arthrosis, etc.);
  • skin (psoriasis, diathesis, eczema and others);
  • nervous system, including alcoholism, substance abuse and smoking;
  • endocrine system (diabetes, obesity, mastopathy, etc.);
  • liver and kidneys, including hepatitis, cirrhosis and polycystic kidney disease.

Important! When the goal is to get the maximum benefit, you should find gymnast Strelnikova specialists in the city, sign up for classes with a professional.

The properties of the respiratory system according to Strelnikova are effective for cleaning blood vessels. For people with problems of the circulatory system, this is a real find, Strelnikova's gymnastics helps to avoid surgery. The harm in this case is from improper execution.

Exercise principles

From gymnastics there will be an effect when Strelnikova's breathing exercises are performed, guided by general rules.

  1. Intensive breaths are the basis of the system. Exhalation occurs spontaneously, without human intervention.
  2. Performing Strelnikova's gymnastics, exhalations are not counted.
  3. There should be three breaths in two seconds, no less.
  4. Together with the inclinations, tension of the muscles of the chest, there is not an exhalation, as is customary in other systems, but an inhalation.

Gymnastics is based on these principles. In yoga, they exhale during bending, contractions, inhale while relaxing, straightening up, in Strelnikova’s gymnastics, even similar exercises are done the other way around. And the benefit in all cases outweighs the potential harm.

Important! Violation of the rhythm of breathing will destroy the meaning of Strelnikova's gymnastics, the benefits of its properties will disappear. When there are some difficulties with this, even under the supervision of an instructor, it is more useful to do yoga, qi-gong, exercise therapy.

Video breathing lessons according to Strelnikova will make classes easier. All the techniques are clearly demonstrated there, the instructor comments on each step of Strelnikova's gymnastics.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova in pictures

Strelnikova's basic gymnastics complex includes universal exercises that are beneficial in any case.

hugging ourselves

Standing straight, the elbows are bent when the arms are raised to the shoulders. A movement is made, as in a hug, a sharp breath. The arms remain in the same position, the head leans back slightly. On inspiration, return to the starting position.


Putting your feet shoulder-width apart, inhale through your nose and bend over. Rising, cross the arms. Then they straighten up, taking the starting position. In the process - exhale through the mouth.

turn your head

Standing, turn the head to the right, take a deep breath. Exhaling, make a turn to the left. Then they return to the center, repeat in reverse order. It is not advised to do it in any other order.


Inhaling, the head, without sudden movements, is pulled to the left shoulder, while exhaling it is raised. Then repeat vice versa. Starting on the right side, not on the left, is not harmful, but it is useless.


Standing straight, raise the right leg, bend the knee. The toe is pulled down. Left leg turn a little, sit down on inspiration. Exhaling change legs.

The second option is more difficult. Standing straight, the right leg is brought behind the back, trying to slap the buttocks. Squat on the left leg while inhaling. Exhaling, they return to the starting position. Change legs, repeat from the beginning. In Strelnikova's gymnastics, "Steps" is the most difficult, but useful part. Harm "Steps" - the load on the joints, the likelihood of dislocation.

Breathing exercises for stuttering

There are many ways to cope with stuttering, one is to read poetry aloud. The second, more productive, is Strelnikova's gymnastics. It is recommended to add specific combinations of sounds to the usual exercises:

  • performing the "Pump" when bending on the exhale, vowels are pronounced;
  • during the rest of the exercises, when there is a skill, they add combinations of consonants, syllables ri, re, ra and ru, in fours;
  • when this is obtained, combinations of consonant sounds with and, y, e, a, fours are added, for example, rir, rur, rer, rar or shishch, schushch, schushch, schushch in any order and in any quantity.

It is useful to inhale with a tilt, holding your breath for eight seconds, in addition to the main complex.

Important! Together with gymnastics, visiting a psychologist, stuttering is treated faster, more reliably. The benefits of stuttering from the properties of Strelnikova's gymnastics are both mental and physical, but speech problems are associated with internal, non-physical problems, they cannot be solved with one breath.

Gymnastics Strelnikova with bronchial asthma

Properties of Alexandra Nikolaevna's technique helps with asthma, is a good prophylactic. Before starting classes, consult with a therapist.

Make a basic set. The emphasis is on “Pump”, “Turn your head”, “Hug yourself”. It is necessary to follow the following recommendations of experts:

  • all exercises are performed sequentially, without exceeding the load established by the doctor, if it is necessary to increase, this is done gradually;
  • classes are done regularly, without missing, except when health does not allow;
  • the execution technique is strictly observed - a sharp full breath, a free exhalation, non-fulfillment will not bring harm, but also benefit.

Some asthma patients no longer need medication after Strelnikova's gymnastics course, while others reduce the use of inhalers. Potential harm from side effects drugs and their properties is reduced. Exercises are performed during attacks and are beneficial.

Strelnikova's exercises from the common cold and sinusitis

With sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, breathing according to Strelnikova is not stopped, but the practice is corrected, focusing on the current problem. The properties of Strelnikova's gymnastics eliminate the causes of a runny nose. Use the main set of exercises.

  1. "Palm". Sit straight or stand up. Hands down, palms point forward. Inhale - clench the fist, exhale - unclench. The emphasis is always on inhalation, clenching fists.
  2. "Poles" can be performed either standing or sitting, the main thing is to straighten your back. Hands are pressed at the waist, fists are clenched while inhaling. On exhalation, they lower it, straining their shoulders, and spread their fingers.
  3. "Pump". Straighten your back, lower your arms, put your legs together. Exhale, arch your back up, bending forward. On inhalation, slowly return to the original position.
  4. "Eights" are performed while standing, tilts with a breath and a delay of 8 seconds. When exhaling, straighten to the starting position.
  5. "Cat" is performed only while standing. From this position, while inhaling, they squat down, turning the body to the left. Hands are kept bent at the elbows, with clenched fists. Do it sequentially, then to the left, then to the right.
  6. "Big Pendulum". On inspiration, lean forward slightly, on exhalation, deviate back.
  7. “Hug your shoulders” is done while standing. Bent arms are raised to the shoulders. On a sharp breath, the hands are brought together, as in a hug. On the exhale - bred as wide as possible.

Important! The properties of Strelnikova's gymnastics are suitable for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. In severe attacks, measures are taken in advance, otherwise there will be no benefit.

Weight loss with Strelnikova

A way to lose weight without harm to health, physical, mental - Strelnikova's gymnastics. They lose weight due to the specific effects of its properties on the body.

  1. Exercise keeps the feeling of hunger within the normal range.
  2. Gymnastics Strelnikova normalizes digestion.
  3. Fat cells are broken down more actively.
  4. Metabolic disorders are eliminated.
  5. Thanks to Strelnikova's gymnastics, the nerves are strengthened, there is a surge of vigor and strength.

Important! It is not worth waiting for weight loss by five sizes in a week. When the reason excess weight not overeating, passive lifestyle, may take time to resolve.

Possible harm and contraindications

Breathing according to the Strelnikova method has a number of contraindications. Not engaged in:

  • severe myopia, glaucoma;
  • bleeding;
  • concussion, spinal injury;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • temperature above normal;
  • eye, intracranial pressure above normal;
  • stones in the gallbladder, kidneys;
  • severe violations of the internal organs.

When one of the items on the list is, classes will be harmful to health, the condition will worsen. With hypertension, Strelnikova's breathing exercises are performed under the supervision of a doctor.

When the Strelnikova system is taught with an instructor, there is only one contraindication - bleeding. Classes under the supervision of a specialist are safer than private at home. Individually select sets of exercises, monitor the condition, specialists will help with any problem. The properties of Strelnikova's gymnastics, when performed correctly, do not harm.

Important! Consulting a therapist is useful when there is no information about the presence or absence of problems from the list. You can check when it got worse when doing Strelnikova's gymnastics.


The benefits and harms of breathing according to Strelnikova have been studied by doctors. The properties of Alexandra Nikolaevna's technique are beneficial in the treatment of everything. The main thing is to do Strelnikova's gymnastics correctly, if there are contraindications, be careful. Regular exercise will save your health. Harm properties of gymnastics when correct execution won't bring. Exceptional benefit.

Opinion and reviews of doctors

Therapists believe that the properties of Strelnikova's gymnastics have proven effective, despite the novelty. Some disagree that the contraindication is internal bleeding. Doctors advise expanding the list during self-study. Experts agree on one thing - the properties of Strelnikova's gymnastics do not cause harm, there will be more benefits under any set of circumstances.

N. D. Egorkina (candidate of medical sciences, physiotherapist of the highest category), says that she was personally acquainted with Alexandra Nikolaevna, collaborated, observed the work. According to Egorkina's experience, regular classes bring results in two weeks. Strelnikova's doctor uses the properties of breathing exercises in the treatment of pneumonia, tuberculosis. The physiotherapist has no doubts about the absence of harm.

Doctor of Medical Sciences M. I. Anokhin agrees with Egorkina. He notes that due to the specifics, the properties of the complex of exercises are especially useful for children and do not bring harm, like other methods. From an early age, respiratory system diseases are prevented, immunity improves. An adult who has been doing gymnastics since childhood does not suffer from most of the diseases treated by Strelnikova's gymnastics. The benefits of its properties, in his opinion, are obvious.

Without breathing, of course, human life is unreal. A correct breathing is the foundation of health and longevity. Full air exchange in the tissues makes every cell work. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that special techniques of inhalation and exhalation also contribute to the acquisition of harmony. Breathing exercises Strelnikova- this is just one of the many complexes that currently exist in the world. But its advantage is that it was created by a Russian-speaking singer and teacher. It means a lot when it comes to translating foreign methods. After all, in passing it is quite possible to admit inaccuracies associated with the originality of the language.

The benefits of breathing exercises Strelnikova

Initially, the exercises were selected as part of the task of contributing to the restoration and strengthening of the voice of singers. Alexandra Strelnikova regained her vocal abilities in this way. But along the way, it turned out that such a charge is also effective for curing various ailments of the respiratory system. Well, then the followers noticed that thanks to Strelnikova's breathing exercises, it turns out to strengthen the immune system, activate metabolism and lose weight.

Indeed, due to the greater provision of structures with oxygen, all reactions are accelerated, including the breakdown of fat, as well as the removal of various toxins. Punctual repetition of movements gives the result in the form of well-coordinated functioning of the nervous system. But it is psychological discomfort that is often declared the cause of a set of extra pounds.

To say that only Strelnikova's breathing exercises alone will help to lose weight would not be entirely true. Still, it is also advisable to follow the diet. But as a supplement or replacement for traditional exercise breathing exercises would be perfect. This is also important for those who cannot afford traditional loads for various reasons.

Breathing exercises performed according to the Strelnikova method should be played twice a day and can take up to 15 minutes to half an hour at a time. It should be repeated daily. That is, this is not a very affordable way to lose weight, but knowing that along the way you can get rid of a considerable list of ailments, gain tone and lightness, you will want to try. Moreover, when the algorithms are mastered, it will become easy and not burdensome to implement them.

Rules for reproducing Strelnikova's breathing exercises

  1. Focus solely on inhalation. It should be done loudly, through the nose. Air. Each breath is short, reproduced sharply, comparable to clapping your hands.
  2. Exhalation is produced as if by itself. Silently and through a slightly open mouth. When inhaling, it is important to tightly clamp your mouth.
  3. The enumerated movements are reproduced in parallel with the inhalation of air. Each breath is an action, each movement is exclusively at the stage of inhalation.
  4. Be sure to keep the rhythm.
  5. Strelnikova's breathing exercises are done at the expense of 8, but the numbers should not be voiced. The account is kept mentally.
  6. If desired, the complex can be played not only standing, but also in a sitting, and even lying position.
  7. Exercise is important only in a good mood, you should not take up gymnastics, forcing yourself.

Strelnikova's exercises for recovery and weight loss

  • "Palms". The position is upright. The arms are bent at the elbow. Open your palms away from yourself. The elbows are calmly lowered, not raised or tense. Perform 8 sharp and loud breaths, with each of them tightly clenching your hands into fists. Then rest for just a couple of seconds. Repeat everything exactly. And so only 12 approaches.
  • "Leaders". The subsequent exercise of Strelnikova's breathing exercises consists in a sharp lowering of the palms in parallel with inhalation. To begin with, you should straighten up, arms bent at the elbow joint, fists pressed to the stomach. Noisily draw in air and sharply straighten your arms and fingers, directing them to the floor. 8 breaths alternate with a pause. Like the previous one, to duplicate only 12 episodes.
  • "Pump". Straighten up, hands are freely located along the body. With breaths, bend (where? - forward), but do not sink too low, as a result, your hands should not even reach your knees. Rhythmic inclinations to do 8. Pause. And again slopes. Total 12 episodes.
  • "Cat". Strelnikova's breathing exercises continue with an exercise where both squat and turn the body are required at the same time. To begin, straighten up, set your legs already at shoulder level. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows, relaxed. Inhale with a turn of the torso at the waist, the palms are easily compressed, and the knees produce a shallow springy squat. The next breath is accompanied by a turn in the opposite direction. Exhalation is carried out between turns. 8 breaths-turns, a pause for a couple of minutes and again a series of similar ones. Duplicate for a total of 12 sets.
  • "Hug your shoulders". Elbows are bent, looking to the sides and raised to shoulder level. During inhalation, the hands find each other, a hug is obtained. The hands are not tense. After squeezing the hands, do not forcibly spread them, allow only inertial movements. 8 doubles, 12 rows.
  • "Big Pendulum". This exercise of Strelnikova's breathing exercises combines the previous one and the "Pump". Starting position as with "Pump". On the first breath, tilt, then raise the body and inhale with a hug. Down again. 8 breaths. 12 doubles.
  • "Head Turns". Having straightened up, turn your head around, looking over your right shoulder and take a loud breath, turn to the left and inhale again. Do not allow a pause between turns, do not strain your neck.
  • "Ears". Straighten the body, easily tilt the head to the sides, imitating a bobblehead from China. To the right with inhalation. Likewise to the left. 8 doubles. Brief rest. 12 sets.
  • "Pendulum Head". Straighten up. Tilt your head and look down, inhale in parallel. Unbend your neck and look up, inhale. Exhale should be silent, imperceptible.
  • "Steps". The final exercise of Strelnikova's breathing exercises. Stand straight. When inhaling, raise any knee, and sit down a little on the second. Change legs. The result should be rhythmic rock and roll. As before, 8 repetitions. And 12 sets.

On this half-dance exercise, Strelnikova completes breathing exercises. Only the main general complex is described here. But it is he who is suitable for healing and gaining a slender, toned body.

By the way, such gymnastics is not prohibited for children. Therefore, mothers with slightly older children can do it together. Noisy breaths will surely please them very much. And finally significant recommendation. It is preferable to play exercises before eating. After that, not sooner than an hour later.

Modern medicine has long proven that a complete saturation of the body with oxygen can save a person from excess weight and help to cope with some serious diseases.

Based on the characteristics of the human body with the help of breathing to fight diseases, various methods of a healthy lifestyle and cure for ailments have been developed. For example, in the West, breathing exercises were implemented in the directions of a healthy lifestyle "oxysize" or "bodyflex", and in the East a fashionable movement "qigong" appeared.

Initially, Strelnikova's breathing exercises were intended to restore her singing voice, and she did an excellent job with this. And later, when people began to notice positive changes in other aspects of health, after conducting these breathing exercises, Strelnikova's breathing exercises began to be used to treat many diseases. And, not surprisingly, it really helped to cure them, became an effective means of combating many human ailments. Subsequently, it gained wide popularity and was even recognized by the Ministry of Health of the Union, and Strelnikova received a document confirming the copyright for the developed methodology.

The main feature of respiratory gymnastics was special breathing technique - energetic inhalation and passive exhalation.
As when sniffing, the air should be inhaled through the nose quickly and noisily, and exhaled through the half-open mouth, trying not to strain at all. An important point of the technique is that all gymnastics movements must be performed along with exhalations. With this strategy, the muscles become more resilient and strengthen faster. Like many other types of gymnastics, all movements are counted at the same pace, calmly, but energetically.

Movements - breaths of air should take place in multiple series (for example, from 4 to 32 times). And between such series of exercises, short pauses are made - from about 3 to 5 seconds, for a short rest. Strelnikova's complete gymnastics complex consists of more than a dozen different exercises, but only some of them are considered the main ones.

In this article, we will not dwell on all Strelnikova's breathing exercises, but consider the positive and negative aspects of its use.

Indications and contraindications, the benefits and harms of Strelnikova's gymnastics

In fact, Strelkova's breathing exercises, if done correctly and in good health, have no contraindications. However, each of us is worried about something, and sometimes we suffer from some kind of ailment. Therefore, this gymnastics, as well as any effect on the body, must be treated with caution. Let's find out what indications and contraindications, benefits and harms Strelnikova's breathing exercises can bring and in what cases this most often happens.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova are not prohibited during a normal pregnancy. Most often, it is used as a preventive technique for respiratory diseases, especially in children. With the right approach, it can cure asthma in children, as evidenced by many positive reviews on the Internet, in print media and on television. She is the best at dealing with this illness.

Also, according to many active followers of Strelnikova, gymnastics helps with:
- diseases of the respiratory tract;
- heart and blood vessels;
- musculoskeletal system and nervous system;
- genitourinary system;
- digestion; thyroid gland
- allergies; viruses; obesity snoring curvature of the nasal septum; diabetes mellitus; anemia; nicotine addiction; stuttering.

Contraindications and possible harm to breathing exercises

If you suffer from chronic diseases, you should be very careful breathing exercises. At the beginning, the intensity of classes should be minimal, and later - increase.

It is important to gradually increase the load in order to reach a good pace without harm to health. The main thing to remember is that improperly performed exercises can bring not good, but harm. In addition, at the beginning of the lesson, it is worth resting more often in between sets. When the body is not yet accustomed, it is difficult for it to cope with the increased loads and the results of deep active breathing.

Harm from gymnastics can be in the following cases:
- osteochondrosis of the upper spine;
- injuries of the spine and head;
- acute thrombophlebitis;
- internal bleeding;
- high blood pressure (arterial, ocular, intracranial);
- high body temperature.
Also, do not smoke during periods of gymnastics.

Advantages of gymnastics Strelnikova , as an independent method of healing and getting rid of diseases, consists in a general positive effect on the body. The organs of the body are saturated with oxygen much more than in ordinary life, metabolism and blood circulation improve. Most often, gymnastics normalizes breathing, restores strength vocal cords, calming the nerves, getting rid of allergies and bronchial asthma, developing the lungs and strengthening muscles, reducing blood pressure and pain relief during various attacks.

Despite the majority of positive reviews from the use of breathing exercises on oneself, there are also negative examples of its use. Certainly, most often harm from gymnastics occurs in people whose body cannot tolerate respiratory stress or has an individual intolerance to breathing technique. In some negative cases of its use, people did not familiarize themselves with the contraindications and did some harm to themselves while doing gymnastics.

So that gymnastics does not cause harm, it is best to consult with your doctor before classes. . Only he knows the characteristics of your body and can unequivocally answer whether you should try this method of self-treatment. In any case, Strelnikova's breathing exercises have brought many benefits to different people around the world, so many people use it on themselves and recommend it to others.

Be healthy!
