Sets of exercises to develop correct posture. Exercise therapy for children with poor posture in pictures Exercises for developing correct posture in schoolchildren

The pace of life of the average preschool and school age surprises with its intensity. The child's spine is subjected to severe stress, which can lead to its curvature. Today the site for mothers will tell you what exercises to do for correct posture in children, as well as in cases of its violations. It is important not only to correct already identified defects, but also to prevent them. After all, scoliotic posture is a serious problem in the formation of a harmonious body of a child.

What is the point of exercise?

The main task health-improving gymnastics To form the correct one, it means strengthening the muscles of the back and abdomen, as well as unloading the spine. In addition, exercises help the child's body develop symmetrically.

A noticeable and cumulative result can only be achieved if an integrated approach is used, when all muscle groups take part in the exercises: back, torso, shoulder girdle, hips, neck.

Gymnastics helps the child keep his posture straight, eliminates pinching, and gives mobility to the ligaments. With systematic exercise, the child stops taking the usual pathological posture while sitting at the table. And this has a positive effect on his general condition: headaches go away, breathing becomes deep, weight normalizes, and endurance increases.

A set of exercises to form correct posture

Preventive exercises are designed to prevent the development of scoliotic posture in a child. The set of exercises for posture for children proposed by the site is simple to perform, but does its job perfectly:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands at the waist. For “one” try to close your elbows so that your shoulder blades touch. On “two,” return your hands to the starting position. Repetitions – 5.
  2. Back straight, arms out to the sides. Move your arms back in a circle, trying not to lower them. In this case, the body must remain motionless. Repetitions – 10.
  3. Spread your legs wide apart, place your hands on your shoulders so that your elbows point strictly in opposite directions. On “one” - tilt forward, on “two” - in the opposite position. Keep your back straight all the time. Repetitions – 5.
  4. Clasp your hands behind your back. Do 5 bends in both directions.
  5. Take the gymnastic stick by the ends with both hands and straighten them in front of you. On “one” - squatting, on “two” - returning to the reverse position. Repetitions – 5.
  6. With the same stick and in the same position, stretch upward with all your might, rising onto your tiptoes. If you feel tension, come back. Repeat 5 times.
  7. Take the “lying on your back, arms at your sides” position. First lift one leg 30 degrees from the floor, hold it for 5 seconds, then repeat the exercise with the other leg. Perform 5 sets on both legs.
  8. Move onto your stomach, stretch your arms forward. Make a classic pump, lifting your legs and arms at the same time. 3-4 approaches are enough.
  9. With your hands on your belt, walk in a circle, jumping every 3 steps.

Finish the session by restoring your breathing: raise your arms up 3 times as you inhale, and lower them as you exhale. During exercises, you should not slouch - your back should always remain straight. These posture exercises are suitable for children to strengthen the muscles of the back, arms, abdomen, and legs.

A set of exercises to strengthen the back muscles

An addition to the first selection of exercises is a complex that specifically strengthens the back muscles. Each exercise may take from half a minute to 3 minutes to complete.

  1. Lying on your back, combine two leg exercises: first “bicycle”, then “scissors” in a horizontal plane.
  2. Sitting on the floor, clasp your arms around your legs bent at the knees. Ride on your back, and then, without releasing your arms, try to sit back down.
  3. Lie on your back, arms extended along your body, knees bent. Raise your pelvis as far as possible from the floor, hold the pose for 5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.
  4. The situation is similar to the previous one. Try to throw your closed straight legs over your head and reach the floor with your fingertips.
  5. Roll onto your stomach. Grasp your ankles with both hands and stretch your whole body upward.
  6. Get down on your hands and knees. Alternately bend your back up (your head also stretches up) and down (you lower your head).
  7. Walking on your hands is very effective when an adult holds the child's ankles with both hands.

These posture exercises are useful for children to maintain the spine in the correct physiological shape and for mild correction. Parents need to ensure that the child does not hold his breath during training.

How to correct posture with gymnastics?

The following set of exercises has been selected to correct already pathological posture:

  1. Lying on your back, clasp your hands at the back of your head so that your elbows touch each other. At “one time”, without releasing the lock, move your arms as far apart as possible. On “two,” bring your elbows together again. It is recommended to do 5 repetitions.
  2. Lying on your back, try to raise your head and shoulders while keeping your body still. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Then, from the same position, curl into a ball, pulling your knees towards your chest. Shoulder blades should remain on the floor. Then lower your knees. Repeat 5 times.
  4. Roll over onto your stomach, position your arms so that your palms rest on the floor just above your waist. Now lift both legs at the same time and try to push off the floor with your hands. 3-4 repetitions are enough.
  5. Sit on the floor, keep your back straight. Rise up onto your hands and feet. Now lift your right leg off the floor and left hand while maintaining balance. Switch sides. Repeat 5 times.
  6. Get down on your knees and hands, hips and back should be in the same horizontal direction. Do 5 push-ups.

Complete the complex with walking on tiptoes and a “bear walk” (on the outer sides of the feet), and also restore breathing. The proposed exercises for correcting posture in children require concentration, systematicity and consistency. Only in this case can you effectively combat problems with the health of the back and spine.

Load distribution

The optimal complex of therapeutic exercises and prevention of spinal curvature should always take into account age, physical abilities child and his condition. If he has a cold or is experiencing a period of exacerbation of chronic diseases, training should be of minimal intensity or completely canceled. In order for children to engage in therapeutic or preventive physical education with pleasure, classes must be consistent and regular.

Short and low-intensity exercises are suitable for children under 6 years of age: preschoolers, despite their activity, are not ready for heavy loads. They get tired quickly due to not yet fully formed of cardio-vascular system . To form the correct shape of the spine and strengthen the back muscles, it is recommended to do exercises every day in 2 sets of 15 minutes, better in the morning

or during the day. Evening activities may excite your child and make it difficult for him to fall asleep.

Exercises for children with poor posture help eliminate defects in short term, subject to regular exercise. But before you start fighting spinal disorders, visit a doctor: only he can determine the optimal degree of physical activity, taking into account the age of your child.

For many parents, the problem of correct posture in their child is a pressing issue. Unfortunately, many reasons now lead to incorrect formation of children's posture. This may be improper sleep, constant sitting, the habit of slouching, and so on. But incorrect posture is not only unsightly, but also dangerous to health. The right complex Exercises for curvature of posture in children help solve the problem, because the baby’s spine has not yet formed, which means it is easy to change.

Correct posture is usually understood as a body position in which the head is slightly raised, the shoulders are turned, the shoulder blades are close to the spine without protruding, and the abdominal line does not go beyond the level chest.

Correct posture is the key to health. And these are not just big words. It is important to take this responsibly, since curvature of the spine and disturbances in the functioning of the back muscles provoke serious problems in work internal organs. A child with a curved back is more susceptible to colds, bronchitis, gastritis, constipation, and problems in the development of the heart and lungs.

You need to take care of your baby's spine from the very beginning. early years. You need to simply and clearly explain to your child that if he holds his back unevenly and sits incorrectly, he may get sick. It is important to make it a rule to do light exercises with your baby for prevention - this will prevent many troubles.

Poor posture often appears at school age. Schoolchildren have to stay in the same position for a long time, their muscles are constantly tense, they get tired, and pain occurs. To relieve tension, the child needs to constantly change position, bend the spine and lean to the side.

If your child experiences symptoms such as constant fatigue, clumsiness, headache and neck pain, refuses to be active, or complains of cracking joints and pain in the limbs when moving, it is important to consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate, otherwise you will only make the situation worse. Only a specialist can determine the level of poor posture and recommend procedures that will be useful in your case.

The formation of posture is a fairly long process, starting at birth and lasting up to 25 years. Particular attention should be paid to posture during the period when children are actively growing - 5-6 years for preschoolers, as well as adolescence: 11-13 years for girls and 13-15 years for boys.

To avoid poor posture in children, adhere to the following principles:

  • Proper organization of sleep. It is necessary to use a hard mattress and a special orthopedic pillow, which will help ensure proper functioning of the spine. Try to teach your baby to sleep on his back.
  • Fighting inactivity. Make sure your child leads active image life, walked more, played outdoor games.
  • Correct selection of shoes. Try to buy shoes with arch support, which will help ensure proper gait. Also make sure that the child does not twist his feet when walking.
  • Control of the load on the spine. Make sure it is even. Do not allow excessively heavy briefcases or carry a bag on one shoulder at all times.
  • Correct walking. It is important to rid your child of the habit of standing on one leg. This provokes oblique position body, which leads to abnormal curvature of the spine in turn.
  • The right choice of furniture. Furniture should be selected taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the baby. Teach him to sit correctly at the table. The optimal distance between the table and the eyes is 30-35 cm. In this position, the posture will be as correct as possible, and the spine will be unloaded. It is better to use chairs with a backrest. Let the child not lie down on the table. If he feels tired in his back, let him take a break - lie down or move around.

Exercises to correct posture in children

There are a large number of sets of exercises for posture for children. Below you will find basic complex, which can be used both to correct posture and to prevent its violations.

  • You need to walk in place, keeping your posture straight for 10-15 minutes.
  • Perform ten squats, stretching your arms out in front of you and keeping your back straight.
  • Standing straight, you need to relax all the muscles of the body one by one, and then tense them without bending your back.
  • Sit on a chair or on the floor. Bring your shoulder blades as close to each other as possible, then relax. Repeat the exercise ten times.
  • Starting position - lying on your back. Raise your legs one at a time, holding them in the upper position for five seconds. Repeat ten times.
  • You need to stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on your belt. As you inhale, spread your elbows so that your shoulder blades meet. As you exhale, return to initial position. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Hands need to be joined behind your back. Do five side bends. Breathing may be arbitrary.
  • You need to take a gymnastic stick in your hands and stretch your arms in front of you. As you exhale, squat down, while inhaling, return to the starting position.
  • For next exercise you need to lie on your stomach, stretching your arms forward. At the same time, raise your arms and legs up, bending slightly at the lower back. Repeat the exercise five times.
  • The next exercise is walking on your toes with a book on your head. You can arrange a competition with your child and walk with him.
  • Another exercise that perfectly shapes posture is the “cat”. While kneeling, the baby should rest his hands on the floor, head down. The baby needs to arch his back as a bridge, and then bend it, raising his head high and arching in the opposite direction.
  • The baby needs to sit cross-legged. Let him keep his back straight, and stretch his arms above his head and stretch as high as possible. It is recommended to perform 2-3 repetitions.

These posture exercises are universal, they Can be done for children 10 years old, older or younger, as well as adults.

Exercises for poor posture in children aimed at strengthening back muscles

Exercises for correct posture in children should also strengthen the back muscles. Their execution time is 30 seconds - three minutes. They may be as follows:

  • Sit on the floor, pull your knees towards you, clasping them with your hands. You need to roll on your back on the floor and then return to the starting position.
  • Starting position - lying on your back. Perform circular movements with your legs, simulating riding on your back.
  • Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body, bend your legs at the knees. Lift your pelvis as high as possible from the floor, hold this position for five seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise five times.
  • The child needs to rest his hands on the floor, while the mother should take his ankles at this time. Let the baby walk in your arms for 2-3 minutes.
  • Alternately walk on your heels, toes, and outer edges of your feet for half a minute. Then get on all fours and extend your left arm and right leg, and then switch them.

Posture exercises for children under 4 years old

Posture exercises for children 3-4 years old must be performed as a game. They may be as follows:

  • Walking on a rope located on the floor, like a tightrope walker.
  • Let the baby crawl on the floor under a stretched rope.
  • Exercise "crocodile". The baby needs to lie on his stomach on the floor, stretch his arms forward. Then let him raise his head smoothly upward, while arching his lower back and without lifting his hands from the floor. Smoothly return to the starting position. The exercise must be repeated several times.
  • Lumberjack exercise. The baby needs to bend over as if he were chopping wood.

In order for the baby’s posture to form correctly, sports such as swimming, volleyball, and basketball are useful. It is also recommended to do small physical exercises every couple of hours.

A set of exercises for children with poor posture It is best to perform it after or an hour before meals in the morning or evening.

Posture Exercises for Teens

It is important to choose correct exercises to correct posture in adolescents. They may be as follows:

  • Lie on the floor on your back. Try to lift your head and shoulders while keeping your torso pressed to the floor. Hold for a few seconds.
  • In a lying position, as you exhale, first lift the knee of one leg towards your stomach, and then the other.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet on the floor, arms along your body. You need to perform pelvic lifts without lifting your hands from the floor.
  • Exercise "bicycle". Performed in a supine position, arms along the body. Use your legs in a circular motion as if you were riding a bicycle.
  • Lie on your stomach, place your hands on your waist. Raise your head and shoulders, trying to squeeze your shoulder blades together, then carefully return to the starting position.
  • While lying on your stomach, lift your head, arms and legs at the same time. The exercise is performed for ten seconds. You need to repeat it five times. The amount of time increases gradually.
  • Lie on your stomach, place your hands in front of you. Raise your arms and legs at the same time, hold for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Perform 15 times.
  • Lying on your stomach, grab your ankles. Bend as far as possible from the floor level. Return to the starting position.
  • Perform push-ups, keeping your back straight, at least five times.
  • Starting position standing. Walk on your toes and then on your heels for 40 seconds. Repeat four times.
  • Exercise "Cat". Get on your knees with your hands on the floor. Arch your back upward in a semicircle with your head down. Then lift your head up and bend your back inward. Repeat several times.
  • In a standing position, clasp your hands behind your back and perform several bends.
  • Standing on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your torso horizontally. Then relax and shake your hands. Return to the starting position. It is recommended to repeat six times.

The correct set of exercises for correcting posture in children, which can be performed at home, will help solve existing problems. Remember that the sooner you start working on correct posture, the higher the likelihood that you will prevent all possible negative consequences in the future.

Exercises to correct posture in children on video

Correct posture of a schoolchild is a matter of concern for doctors. Today, spinal curvature is observed in 80% of school-age children. The reason for this phenomenon lies not only in improper sitting at a school desk, but also in the peculiarities of a person’s lifestyle. What is posture and how it affects human health, we will analyze in the article.

Poor posture is accompanied by displacement of all organs of the human body. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to identify this pathology in a timely manner. To do this, a person should take the usual standing position with his heels brought together and his toes diverged at an angle of 45-50 degrees.

The following parameters are assessed:

  • Position and symmetry of the upper limb belt;
  • Projection of the spinal axis and the state of physiological curves;
  • Pelvic tilt and chest shape;
  • Position lower limbs.

If the symmetry of the above-described anatomical structures is disturbed, an X-ray examination of the spine is prescribed to exclude pathology spinal column. If it is detected, spinal diseases are treated. Poor posture in this case is secondary (arising following the curvature of the spinal column).

Pathological posture of a schoolchild is most often primary. It is formed due to asynchronous development skeletal muscles on both sides of the back when sitting incorrectly at a school desk.

The growth and formation of the spinal column in children occurs before the age of 25. At this time, he is highly susceptible to external influences. So, if you sit incorrectly at a school desk for a long time, muscle corset the back on both sides is formed asymmetrically. In this case, on one side the muscles are in a state of contraction, and on the other they are relaxed. As a result, hypertonic muscles form a displacement of the axis of the spinal column in its direction.

During life, the spine undergoes several stages of restructuring, during which it is most susceptible to pathological effects:

  1. After birth, physiological curves are formed (in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral regions);
  2. During school years, the cartilaginous structure of the vertebrae begins to gradually ossify (become saturated with calcium salts). If the vertebrae are damaged at this time, they grow together incorrectly and never return to normal;
  3. From 30 to 50 years, the processes of gradual involution of the spinal column begin. After 50 years, physiological curves become flattened, and cartilage tissue becomes less durable.

Measuring the spinal axis using a plumb line

Due to the above changes, it is very important to correctly ensure the formation of the axis of the spinal column during school years. Only competent prevention of postural disorders in schoolchildren will prevent serious pathology in the future.

Posture affects the location of all internal organs. Their displacement relative to each other disrupts many physiological processes:

  • Changes arterial pressure and heart function due to difficulties with “pumping” blood through the vessels;
  • It is difficult for stool to move through the intestines;
  • Problems with urination appear;
  • Due to compression of the nerve roots, pain occurs in various organs.

How to determine a violation

To assess your posture at home, you need to do the following:

  • Stand close to a flat wall;
  • Place your heels together and point your toes at a 45-degree angle;
  • Place your hands at your sides.

Try putting your hand between the wall and your lower back. If the hand does not pass, the person has correct posture.

To eliminate errors, you should pay attention to the following subtleties:

  • The head should be on the same vertical line with the body;
  • The relief of the neck should be symmetrical (assessed along a line drawn from the edge of the shoulder to the tragus of the ear);
  • Shoulders and shoulder blades are located at the same level.

There is a method for determining spinal mobility. For this:

  • Stand upright and try to touch the floor with your fingertips;
  • Tilt your torso to the right and reach the floor. Similarly, tilt in the other direction;
  • Bend as far back as possible.

If a person cannot reach the horizontal level when performing these bends, it is obvious that he has a mobility impairment. To determine its degree, you should measure the remaining distance, which is not enough to the floor. When bending forward and to the sides, the distance between the tips of the third fingers of the hand and the horizontal surface is assessed. When bending backwards, it is necessary to measure the height between the seventh cervical vertebra and the intergluteal fold.

There are tests to assess strength endurance, which is often affected by poor posture. To do this, a person should perform the “swallow” exercise (see figure) and record the time that he can stay in this position.

Exercise "swallow":

  • Children 7-11 years old should normally maintain the pose for 2 minutes;
  • Teenagers should hold positions for about 2.5 minutes;
  • Adults – more than 3 minutes.

If a person has poor posture, but strength endurance is not impaired, a complex is used therapeutic exercises.

Main types of back defects

Postural defects occur due to disruption of the normal development of the muscular corset of the back. They lead to changes in physiological concavities and convexities. If the condition continues for a long time, curvature of the spine in the lateral plane (scoliosis) is observed.

Curvature of the back can be in two planes: frontal and sagittal.

Back defects in the sagittal plane:

  • Round back – flattening of lordosis in lumbar region and an increase in the degree of convexity of thoracic kyphosis;
  • Round-concave back - an increase in the angle of inclination of the pelvis, as well as all the bends of the spinal column;
  • Stooping – decreased lordosis and increased thoracic kyphosis;
  • Flat back – decreased pelvic tilt and lumbar lordosis with low severity of thoracic kyphosis;
  • Plano-concave back - an increase in lordosis in the lumbar region with a decrease in thoracic kyphosis.

In addition to changes in the back with the defects described above, secondary changes are observed:

  • Flattening of the shoulder blades;
  • Recession of the chest;
  • Tilt of the head and neck forward;
  • Wing-shaped protrusion of the shoulder blades;
  • The divergence of the knees to the sides;
  • Thinning muscle group back of the thigh.

Defects in the frontal plane lead to a violation of the symmetry between the left and right halves of the body.

Treatment of back defects requires adherence to certain mandatory principles:

  • Sleep only on a hard bed;
  • Constant physical activity;
  • Rejection of bad habits;
  • High-quality control of the load on the spine;
  • Precise shoe correction for shortened legs. Different leg lengths are a common occurrence with back deformities.

Poor posture requires the appointment of special therapeutic exercises. Doctors choose types depending on the characteristics of back defects:

  • With a flat and plano-concave back, gymnastics is required to improve the mobility of the spine;
  • For lateral curvature, exercises are prescribed to strengthen thoracic kyphosis;
  • A round back requires physical therapy aimed at improving the functionality of the shoulder girdle.

There are 3 main groups of exercises to correct back defects:

  • To improve mobility;
  • To strengthen thoracic kyphosis;
  • To enhance the functionality of the shoulder girdle.

Types of gymnastics to improve mobility:

  • Strengthen your muscles before meals 2-3 times a day abdominals and backs. Press yourself against the wall so that your shoulders, back of your head, heels and pelvis fit tightly to the surface. To eliminate gaps between the spine and back, it is necessary to pull in the stomach. The duration of position saving is 60 seconds;
  • Breathe evenly while standing, and as you exhale, draw in your stomach and sit on the floor. Inhale and sit on your knees. In this case, the arms should be lowered down. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

Exercises to strengthen kyphosis:

  • Sit on the mat with your legs bent, neck vertical, feet together, and chin tucked. Don't breathe deeply and evenly. Repeat the complex 10-20 times;
  • IN sitting position perform 10-15 torso tilts forward and backward. At the same time, breathe evenly. After performing 5 inclinations, you need to relax for 30 seconds.

Exercises to improve the functionality of the shoulder girdle:

  • Take a small breath and push your stomach forward. As you exhale, draw your stomach in tightly. Repeat the gymnastics 2 times a day, 30-60 times. The number of repetitions should constantly increase;
  • Rotate your arms sideways to the right and left. The number of repetitions is 15-20. At the same time as gymnastics, you need to breathe evenly.

How to prevent slouching in schoolchildren

In order for a student to develop correct posture, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • You can't "write with your nose." When sitting at a school desk, you should not lean your chest close to its edge. On the contrary, you should try to keep your back vertical near the back of the chair;
  • The desk should be located at the level of the student’s lower chest. If it is too high, the writing arm will constantly rise upward, forming an upward lift of the right shoulder girdle;
  • The height of the chair should be selected so that it matches the size of the lower leg (including shoes);
  • The width of the seat should occupy on average 2/3 of the length of the student’s thigh;
  • Between the back and the table of the desk there should be a distance equal to the size of the student’s chest in the anterior-posterior direction with an addition of 5 cm;
  • When writing, the child should occupy correct posture: legs at right angles, the back of the head is raised, the chin is lowered, the shoulder girdle is located at the same level.

Poor posture is a complex symptom complex of pathology that affects almost all organs. Its treatment requires duration and regularity of repetitions of special gymnastic exercises.

What is correct posture? How does posture affect human health? These questions are more relevant today than ever for modern people. Unfortunately, the more developed civilization is, the less need we have to move. But movement is needed to the human body to maintain the tone of the musculoskeletal system and muscle frame.

That is why various sets of exercises are being developed to correct posture that can prevent or even correct disorders in the spine.

Correct posture is the key to health

Posture is the position of the body when walking, sitting or standing. Gradually, during life, it will form and many vital processes in the human body depend on it.

Examples of correct posture are athletes, dancers and just people involved in physical education. At the same time, they always have a straight back and an even, confident gait. Correct posture is sometimes called royal posture.

Many muscles are involved in the formation of posture. If it has been formed since childhood, a person will experience fewer problems with the functioning of blood vessels, heart, musculoskeletal system, lungs, and digestive organs.

Correct posture

Causes of poor posture

The causes of incorrect posture are divided into two groups:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

From birth, a person may have the following causes of incorrect posture:

  • Spina bifida in any part of the spine.
  • The fusion of the spinal processes, which are called spinous.
  • Formation of irregularly shaped vertebrae.
  • Non-fusion of vertebral arches.
  • Deformation of the vertebrae.

Causes and conditions that influenced the process of life:

Flat feet

  • habit of sitting in the wrong position;
  • furniture that does not correspond to a person’s height, especially if it has to be used for a long time;
  • received injuries resulting in damage to the spine;
  • improper development of bones and lack of necessary microelements in them;
  • complex infectious diseases;
  • incorrect development of the foot, namely;
  • defective development of the hip joint;
  • staying in the same position for a very long time;
  • inflammation of the joints of the spine.

Incorrect seating may cause poor posture

The causes of incorrect posture may be the child’s habit of sitting incorrectly at school since childhood or kindergarten. The lack of full physical activity also affects the formation of posture and its development throughout life, so incorrect posture needs to be corrected.

In the human body, almost all organs and their systems are interconnected.

How does posture affect a person’s overall health?

  • All internal organs are located in their places.
  • They do not press down or bend.
  • At the same time, the intestines always work correctly.
  • There is a normal outflow of bile.
  • There is normal blood circulation in all vessels.
  • The joint tissue is not damaged.

Correct posture also affects the state of a person’s psycho-emotional background. Straight back and beautiful posture gives confidence and prevents the development of depression.

Read also

Features of exercises to correct posture at home

Before choosing any complex, you should consult a doctor. He will be able to assess deviations from correct posture and draw up a set of general developmental and therapeutic exercises. The load and type of exercises for home exercises may depend on this.

The following factors must be taken into account when selecting exercises at home:

  • Patient's weight. At large quantities excess weight the load on the spine will increase. Therefore, the patient must try to get rid of extra pounds.
  • While practicing, you need to monitor your posture. But at the same time, try not to strain your muscles so that your back doesn’t hurt.
  • To consolidate your success, you can use a special posture corrector. It will support and shape the spine and your posture will always be under control.
  • You need to pay attention to the position of your head. It is held high, but not raised unnaturally. At this moment, the gaze should concentrate at eye level. You can choose an object on which to concentrate your gaze.
  • You need to get into the habit of straightening your back while walking., sitting or standing. This should also be done during the rest period.
  • Visual elements are used to maintain habits and stimulate posture correction activities. These can be special posters at home or in the workplace. You can set reminders on your phone.

Correct sitting position

Stories from our readers!
I want to tell my story about how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable pain in my lower back. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment! A few months ago I got a cramp at the dacha; a sharp pain in my lower back didn’t allow me to move, I couldn’t even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, herniated discs L3-L4. He prescribed some medications, but they did not help, the pain was unbearable. They called an ambulance, they put a blockade and hinted at an operation, I kept thinking about this, that I would turn out to be a burden for the family... Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article to read on the Internet. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this. This article literally pulled me out of my wheelchair. In recent months I have started to move more; in the spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis,

Physical therapy to correct stooping

The main reason for stooping in people is weakness of the back muscles. Therefore, physical therapy exercises should mainly be aimed at strengthening them and straightening the spine.

With the right approach and perseverance, results will already be noticeable within a few days of starting classes.

What you need to pay attention to:

  • Initial body position.
  • During exercises you will almost always feel your arms and legs.
  • A set of exercises should take about minutes.
  • To do without expensive simulators, you can use improvised means. You can lean on the wall, and make dumbbells out of plastic bottles with sand.
  • During the exercises, monitor your posture and perform them only with a straight back.
  • If the exercise is performed against a wall, you do not need to touch the back of its head. It is enough to hold it straight.
  • To begin with, standing against the wall should last for at least 2 minutes. Gradually increasing the time during the course of exercises.

After the back muscles reach the desired tone, your posture will improve. If you get into the habit of watching it and doing special exercises for prevention purposes, your posture will always be correct.

    G.I. Pogadaev “Handbook for physical education teachers”, M., Physical education and grade, 2000.

    B.N. Nikitsky “Swimming”, M., “Enlightenment”, 1975

    L.I. Kulimova “Teacher’s Book” physical culture" M., “Physical education and sports”.

    I.V. Shefer “Elixir of Vigor”, M., “F and S”, 1980

    M.A. Korkhin " Physiotherapy at home", Lenizdat, 1990.

I. Introduction.

I'll start with what we call posture.

Posture we call the usual body position the most favorable for maintaining balance and functional activity of all human organs and systems.

Correct posture : The head is held straight, the spine is moderately curved. In a position of correct posture, a person, standing with his back firmly against the wall, touches it with the back of his head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels (see Appendix No. 1), while all the lines of the right and left sides are symmetrical.

There are postural disorders functional And fixed. They are easy to identify:

    student with functional violations on the instructions of the teacher and his help can take the position of correct posture;

    a student with fixed disabilities cannot do this.

In the latter case, work with schoolchildren is carried out in special groups under the guidance of a doctor. During the lessons, the teacher mainly works with students who have normal posture and functional impairments.

II. Causes of poor posture.

Functional disorders often appear as a result of parental mistreatment of children at an early age.

    They are worn on the same hand, driven by the same hand.

    If he uses furniture that is not appropriate for his height. (The table at which the child studies at home is appropriate?!)

    Wears shoes that don't fit his feet.

    They do not perform basic physical exercises from early childhood, which leads to muscle weakness, including the back.

All this accustoms a small person to asymmetrical body positions, as a result of which the muscles of one half of the body are predominantly stretched and the other is contracted. This position becomes familiar and comfortable for the child. In the future, even in the absence of stimulants, he tries to take them.

Poor posture contributes to flat feet. The sooner it is detected, the easier it is to fix it. On the formation of the wrong

posture is greatly influenced by the condition of the lower extremities, in particular flat feet (see Appendix No. 2). Determine flat feet easy: the student’s sole is moistened with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and an impression is made on paper.

The foot can be normal, flat, hollow or flattened. Flattening of the arch of the foot (longitudinal or transverse) causes painful symptoms: fatigue and pain in the legs when walking and standing. Flat feet are extremely common among schoolchildren.

To form correct posture great importance have exercises that strengthen the muscles of the foot, which prevent flat feet and help correct it.

To prevent the development of flat feet, the following preventive measures must be observed:

    Do not wear shoes that are too tight, high heels or flats frequently. The optimal heel height is 3-4 cm.

    To reduce deformation of the arch of the foot, use arch supports and constantly perform general development exercises.

III. Cultivating correct posture.

Physical exercise are an effective means of preventing postural disorders: stooping, asymmetry of the shoulders and shoulder blades, as well as scoliosis (diseases of the spine caused by weakness of the back muscles and prolonged stay of the body in physiologically uncomfortable positions).

Weakness of the back muscles and incorrect posture contribute to the early appearance of osteochondrosis, the unfavorable position of the internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity (with a decrease in their function). Schoolchildren with poor posture, as a rule, have weakened musculoskeletal systems and muscles, inelastic ligaments, and reduced shock-absorbing abilities of the lower limbs and, most importantly, the spine. Such children have a very high risk of receiving severe injuries (fractures of the limbs, spinal bodies and other parts of the body) when long jumping, high jumping, or performing exercises. sports equipment, wrestling, etc.

Appendix No. 1. Correct posture

a) correct b) incorrect

Appendix No. 2 Flat feet.

    Turning around with and without a load.

    Squats without load: a) feet at an angle of 45 degrees; b) feet closed; c) legs crossed. The same with the load.

    Squats with a circle turn at different leg positions.

    Climbing up and down a gymnastic wall with a weight.

    With a load. Raising your arms forward, drop to your knees, lower your arms and rise.

    Walking on a rail with a load in side steps, on the left, on the right sides.

    Walk with a load on your head, stepping over balls and other objects (benches).

    Walking on incline bench with cargo.

    Walking with a load on the head and raising the shin to waist level, clapping under the knee.

With correct posture, the spine has physiological curves in the form of cervical and lumbar lordosis (bending towards the front) and kyphosis (bending posteriorly) in the thoracic and sacral regions. These curves are visible when viewed from the side. When viewed from the back, the spine should normally be straight. Even its imperceptible curvatures should be considered as a deviation from the norm.

Schoolchildren with expressed Poor posture is not recommended those sports, which have a great load on the spine: weightlifting, high jump and long jump, from a springboard and from a platform into the water, acrobatics, etc.

It is recommended to alternate additional loads associated with sitting in class with intense physical exercises and special exercises for the muscles of the back, abdominals, shoulder girdle, and limbs. The duration of the exercise is 1-3 minutes.

It is necessary to instill in children a strong habit of keeping their body in the correct position. It is necessary to control your posture as early as possible.

Correcting posture requires persistent, systematic, painstaking work on the part of the teacher, and above all, on the part of the student himself and his parents, who are obliged to strictly control the child’s posture at home.

Children should strive to develop correct posture. To do this, it is necessary to explain to schoolchildren specifically, intelligibly and clearly what correct posture is. Let me give you an example of one way of explaining it:

The teacher shows various postures, including normal, and the students must choose the one they like best. Almost always children choose normal posture. At the same time, the children are not only explained that it is not only beautiful, but also useful, since it provides the most favorable position for the work of internal organs (it is easy to clearly show how the heart and lungs are compressed with various curvatures of the spine, incorrect position of the head, shoulders, etc.). etc., on a foam doll, onto which the location of the internal organs is outlined). When children understand what correct posture is, they can be taught to check themselves against the wall and recommended to carry out such a check not only at school, but also at home.

First of all, all exercises that strengthen muscles help develop posture. Well-chosen general developmental exercises, having a diversified effect on all muscle groups, create a good muscle corset that can hold the body in the correct position.

Special exercises to develop posture, they perform them at every lesson: easy and well-learned ones - in the water and final parts; new ones that require special training - in the main one. The exercises learned in the lesson should be recommended to students to include in the complexes of hygienic morning exercises.

One of the tasks of a physical education teacher in all classes is systematic observation of posture and correction of its deficiencies during the lesson. Even seemingly minor violations of posture should not be overlooked. It is necessary to require compliance with the correct starting positions when performing gymnastic exercises, and pay attention to the position of the head. Sometimes it is useful for a teacher to observe children outside of class. Have a conversation about noticed deficiencies in posture. All teachers should monitor correct posture during lessons, because if a student tries to hold himself correctly only in a physical education lesson, and in other lessons he sits lounging with his head bowed and his shoulders pulled forward, work on developing posture will not be effective. Parents should also be involved in working on posture.

Teachers and parents should ensure that children do not hunch over, do not lower their heads, and try to keep their backs straight so that their shoulder blades do not protrude. Your back should be maintained correctly while sitting at the table (while eating, doing homework, when walking and when doing physical exercises.

It is useful for children with poor posture to sleep on a flat, hard bed on their back or stomach (but not on their side!). Rest during the day (especially after physical exercise) loads) it is useful to lie down, rather than sitting, rather than sitting, so as not to create additional stress on the spine. Breaststroke style swimming on the back is very useful for correcting posture.

    Transfer the weight of your body to your toes. Roll onto your heels, toes up.

    Grasping small objects with feet.

    Sliding your left foot along the floor, push it forward onto your toe, raise your toes, lower it, touch the toe to the floor. Repeat 6-8 times, then place the left one, turn and repeat with the right.

    Lifting your toes up, touch the heel to the floor, lowering your toes, touch the toe. Repeat 6-8 times and do the same with the other leg.

    Move your foot outward as much as possible, then inward (movement only at the ankle joint). Repeat 6-8 times. Same with the right one.

    Circular movements of the feet. When moving up, raise your fingers as high as possible, and when lowering, touch your toes to the floor.

    Walking on the outside of your feet.

    Walking on a rope lying on the floor, covering it with the arches of your feet.

    Walking on planks, gymnastic sticks lying on the floor.

    Jumping on your toes, heels touching each other.

    Jumping with a small ball sandwiched between the arches of your feet.

    Lifting a jump rope lying on the floor with your toes.

4. Sample exercises for developing correct posture with a load on the head.

Exercises with a load on the head (a bag weighing 150-200 g, filled with sand, peas, etc.) help to form correct posture. The bag is placed on the head, closer to the forehead. The weight on the head controls the position of the body, since at the slightest deviation from the correct one the bag falls.

    I.p. – heels together, feet at an angle of 45 degrees, hands on the belt. There's a load on my head. Sit down - straighten up.

    I.p. – feet are parallel (at a distance of a foot), arms are freely lowered, a load is on the head. Hands forward, squat, lowering your hands to straighten.

    I.p. – standing, feet parallel, a palm’s distance from each other. Bend your toes and lift the inner edges of your feet. Repeat 8-10 times.

    I.p. – standing, feet turned inward. Rise on your toes, slowly bend and straighten your knees, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

    I.p. – emphasis while standing on all fours. Moving in small steps forward. 30-40s. The same with jumping (bunny).

    I.p. – standing on the bottom rail gymnastic wall, grab the rail with your hands at shoulder level. Grabbing the rail with your fingers and turning your feet inward, climb up.

    Walking in a half-squat for 30-40 s.

    I.p. – standing, raising your left (right) leg. Extension and flexion of the foot (pull the toe down, toe towards you). 10-12 times with each leg. The exercise is performed at a fast pace.

    I.p. - Same. Turns the foot outward and inward. 4-6 times with each leg.

    I.p. - Same. Circular movements of the foot clockwise and counterclockwise. 4-6 times in each direction.

    I.p. – standing, under each foot tennis ball. Rolling the ball with your toes towards your heel without lifting it.

    I.p. - standing, placing two clubs on the floor (near your feet) so that their heads almost touch, and their bases are directed in different directions. Grasping the neck of the club with the toes of each foot, lift it without lifting the base of the feet from the floor.

    Walking on your toes in a half-squat (toes turned inward).

    Walking on the bar of a gymnastic wall, resting on the base of the feet, holding the bar with your hands at chest level.

    Walking up and down an inclined plane.

    Grasping a pencil or stick with your toes, walk for 30-40 seconds.

3. Sample exercises for preventing and strengthening the arch of the foot (2).

    Walk on your toes without bending your knees.

IV. Practical part.

1. Approximate content of a therapeutic gymnastics lesson for students with scoliosis (compensated form).

Preparatory part.

    Walking with arm movements: walking on toes.

    I.p. –o.s. Raise your straight arms up – inhale; lower - exhale. The pace is slow. Repeat 3-4 times.

    I.p. -o.s., hands on the belt. Bend your leg, pull it towards your stomach, and return to the starting position. 3-4 times with each leg.

    I.p. – o.s., in lowered hands gymnastic stick. Pull the stick up - inhale, lower - exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

    I.p. – o.s., stick on the shoulder blades. Bend your torso forward (back straight) – exhale; return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

    I.p. – o.s. – a stick in lowered hands. Squat down, stretching your arms forward with a stick, return to IP. (back straight). Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

    I.p. – o.s., hands in front of the chest. Spread your arms to the sides (palms up) – inhale, return to the i.p. - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

Main part.

    I.p. – standing facing the gymnastics wall, holding the bar at shoulder level with your hands (the hand on the convex side is curved and is located one bar lower). Squat down deeply, return to standing position. Repeat 3-5 times.

    I.p. – lying on your back (on an inclined plane), holding the rail of the gymnastic wall with your hands, pull your legs bent at the knee joints towards your stomach – exhale, straightening your legs – inhale. Repeat 34 times.

    I.p. – lying on your stomach (on an inclined plane), holding the edge of a gymnastic bench with your hands, alternately raising your legs back and up. 2-4 times with each leg.

    I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms along the body (palms down). Raise the pelvis, resting on the palms, shoulders and feet - inhale, return to the i.p. - exhale. Repeat 3-5 times.

    I.p. - the same. Movements legs bent like when riding a bicycle. Repeat 10-12 times.

    IP - lying on your side, placing a cotton swab under the convex part of the chest, legs apart. Raise your hand up on the concave side of the curvature of the spine - inhale; lower - exhale. Repeat 3-5 times.

    I.p. – lying on your stomach, the arm on the concave side of the curvature is extended upward. Raise your torso - inhale; return to IP -exhalation. Repeat 3-4 times.

    I.p. - lying on your stomach, hands on your belt. Moving the leg from the convex side of the curvature (lumbar scoliosis) to the side and at the same time extending the arm from the concave side of the curvature (thoracic scoliosis) upward - inhale; return to IP - exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

    I.p. – lying on your stomach, the leg on the convex side of the curvature is moved to the side, hands on the back of your head. Pull your elbows back, slightly bending your spine, inhale, return to the starting position – exhale. Repeat 3-5 times.

    I.p. – lying on your stomach, arms up. Stretch all the muscles of the body, pulling your toes and stretching your arms up to the limit - inhale, relax the muscles - exhale. Repeat 3-5 times.

    I.p. - lying on the side (convexity of the curvature of the spine in the lumbar or lumbar-thoracic region, facing upward). Raise one or both legs up – inhale; return to IP - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

    I.p. - kneeling at the gymnastics wall, holding the second or third bar from the bottom with your hands. Bend your torso back (until your arms straighten); return to IP Repeat 3-4 times.

    I.p. – standing on all fours, raise your arm (from the concave side of the curvature in the thoracic region) upward while simultaneously moving your leg (from the concave side of the curvature in the lumbar region) back, return to the i.p. Repeat 3-5 times.

    I.p. – standing, hands on the belt, ball on the head (on a cotton-gauze bag). Half squats, stretching your arms to the sides. Repeat 4-5 times.

    I.p. – standing with your arms at your sides, a bag of sand on your head. Walking on toes.

    Standing in a circle, holding hands. Raise your arms up while simultaneously raising your toes. When raising your arms, inhale, when lowering, exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

    Standing in a circle, holding hands. Half squats (back straight). Repeat 3-4 times.

    I.p. - standing hands to shoulders. Raise your hands up - inhale, return to the i.p. - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

2. An approximate set of exercises for the prevention and correction of initial forms of flat feet.

    Sitting on gymnastic bench(or on a chair) one leg extended forward. Rotate the foot inward while pulling the toe. 10 times with each leg.

    The same in a standing position.

    I.p. – standing on the outer arches of the feet. Rise on your toes; return to IP Repeat 6-8 times.

    I.p. -Same. Half squats. Repeat 608 times.

    I.p. – o.s., hands on the belt. Walking on the outer arches of the feet; 30-60 s.

    I.p. - the same, but the socks are closed. Raise your toes up and return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.

    I.p. – standing toes together, heels apart. Rise onto your toes and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

    I.p. – standing legs apart (feet parallel), arms to the sides. Squat down with support on the entire foot, return to standing position. Repeat 6-8 times.

    I.p. – standing, right (left) leg in front of the toe of the left (right) – “footprint to trail.” Rise onto your toes and return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

    I.p. - standing on your toes, feet parallel, hands on your belt, sway in ankle joints, rising on your toes and lowering your entire foot. Repeat 8-10 times.

    I.p. - standing on your toes. Turn your heels outward, return to the standing position. Repeat 8-10 times.
