How to pump up your abs in the gym. Isolated abdominal exercises. We wish you fruitful and enjoyable training

Some women want to see the relief of their abdominal muscles, while others find it not quite feminine. And although these goals may seem opposite, they have one thing in common: developed muscles abdominals as the opposite of a flabby belly. So, whatever your goal is, you will have to work hard on your abs.

There are exercises aimed at training the oblique abdominal muscles, but we did not consider them in this article, due to the fact that we do not recommend them for girls. Let's explain this by the fact that only professional athletes who, as a rule, use pharmacology to gain weight, can pump up the oblique abdominal muscles and at the same time have a spectacular figure. muscle mass and reduction of body fat. For an ordinary girl, exercises on the oblique muscles of the abdomen will only bring the effect of increasing the waist. Keep this in mind if you decide to train your obliques.

For maximum effect Do any two exercises from the list in 4 sets of 12-20 repetitions. Change exercises at each workout to diversify your training and prevent your muscles from getting used to the same load.

The most popular exercise for training the abdominal muscles. Its peculiarity is that it does not require any additional equipment- so you can safely perform it both at home and in the gym. Many people do this exercise incorrectly, lifting their back off the floor and lifting their entire body up. This movement does not put more strain on the abdominal muscles.

With the correct technique, this exercise is performed in the following way: Lie on your back and bend your knees. Keep your hands behind your head (if you are not using weights). Perform a twist, lifting your shoulder blades off the floor without lifting them off the floor. bottom part backs. If you feel that the exercise is too easy for you, use additional weights, in the form of a plate or dumbbell. Hold the weight with your arms crossed over your chest.

Crunches on incline bench everyone famous exercise for abdominal training. Unlike regular crunches on the floor, this exercise is performed at an angle and is more effective. To perform it, lie on an inclined bench and fix your legs under special bolsters. As you exhale, lift your body up. As you inhale, return to the starting position.

Experienced athletes perform body lifts with additional burden in the form of a pancake on the chest, which further loads the abdominal muscles. We recommend using weights only if you can easily complete at least 20 repetitions without using weights.

This is indeed a very effective exercise for pumping up the abs, but for some reason very few people do it. Today, every fitness club has a machine with an upper block, so we recommend that you pay attention to this wonderful exercise.

To do this, take the handle upper block and kneel down about a meter from the machine. Now perform downward crunches, which in their movement are somewhat reminiscent of prayer. When lifting your torso up, do not relax your abdominal muscles and do not perform the exercise at a very fast pace.

Another exercise to train your abs. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the load is shifted to the lower abdomen. And although when performing it, the entire rectus abdominis muscle works, nevertheless, the emphasis is shifted to its lower part.

There are two variations of this exercise (we don't include side crunches for the obliques): straight up and straight up. bent legs in the knees. When raising straight legs, the rectus femoris and tensor muscles work fascia lata. When lifting your legs with your knees bent, use the rectus abdominis muscle.

To perform the exercise, hang from the bar, grasping it with your middle or wide grip. Raise your legs (straight or bent at the knees) to form a right angle between them and the body. Return to the starting position.

This exercise, like the previous one, affects the abs with an emphasis on the lower part. To perform it, lie on your back on an incline bench, holding your hands on it. top part. Tightening your abs, lift your legs off the floor and lift them up, simultaneously lifting your hips and pelvis off the bench. As you inhale, return to the starting position.

Abdominal exercises can be performed at the beginning or end of your workout. If you do them at the end of your workout, you don't need to warm up separately. If you're starting your workout with abdominal exercises, perform at least one light set of crunches before moving on to more intense movements with weights.

Each of us wants to have an ideal figure, in particular elastic and toned stomach. That's why exercises are so popular. They are not too difficult and only require patience and a systematic approach.

Abdominal exercises - gym or your own apartment?

To lose weight and maintain their figure, many people go to the gym. To achieve the effect it is important to know necessary exercises on the abdominal muscles and correct technique their implementation.

In the gym it’s quite possible. Of course, you have to work hard - sitting on the sofa, you don’t have to wait for the cubes to appear. But with the wrong approach, you won’t get abs even after a month of training in the gym. Pumping only the abdominal muscles, concentrating all your efforts on this, is the wrong strategy. Let's look at the one you need.

What matters most

First of all, be sure to go on a diet. If you want to lose weight, create a calorie deficit for yourself. The second point is regular training. Then the results will be obvious.

If abdominal exercises are not available to you for some reason, do not be upset. In general, it does not matter where the classes will take place - at home or outside. Your own discipline is important! In particular, do not lengthen the pause between sets or the exercises themselves. They should be no more than one and five minutes, respectively. Even if you are already really tired...

Moments decide everything

A five-minute break between exercises can later be turned into a two- or three-minute break. But don’t rush - excessive load will not lead to good things. Five minutes is enough time to rest and continue training. But if this period is increased, blood will begin to flow out and the muscles will return to a “pre-sports” state. That is, the training will go down the drain. So the conclusion: keeping track of pause times is very important.

You need to approach classes comprehensively. The abs, as you know, have an upper and lower part, as well as lateral and oblique muscles. If you want to have cubes, pay attention to each of them.

So what exactly should you do? Abdominal exercises, photos of which you see in this article, are aimed at different areas of the abdomen.

Upper press

It can swing Start with twenty to thirty lifts. Exercises do not require at least five approaches. Each time their number can be increased. For correct execution you will need a bench. We sit on it, fix our legs, fold our hands behind our heads. At the lowest point, it is recommended to bend as much as possible. If it's hard for you, cross your arms over your chest.

Lower press

It is pumped by lifting the legs. The intensity is the same as with the upper press. We lie down on the floor and raise our legs five sets of thirty times. It’s even better to do this exercise on a horizontal bar. In this case, not only the lower abdominal muscles work, but also the forearms, “wings” and pectoral muscles. Do abdominal abdominal exercises evenly, without allowing yourself any indulgences.

Oblique muscles

We will need a barbell. We sit on the bench with him behind our shoulders, turning our torso left and right. For beginners, three half-minute approaches will be enough. Gradually, you should achieve five approaches per minute. Abdominal exercises with dumbbells are also effective.

Lateral muscles

They are strengthened by tilting to the side. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. You can bend to the side with dumbbells for efficiency. For beginners, three half-minute approaches are enough. Gradually the load increases. Additionally, you can hold a dumbbell behind your head. Knowing these little tricks, you can easily practice at home. Perhaps, abdominal exercises with dumbbells are the most accessible and cheapest option for exercise equipment for almost any condition.

Let us remind you: rest between approaches - no more than a minute. Do not exercise with a full stomach. Eating and training should be separated by at least a couple of hours.

Conducted studies have shown that the majority do not distinguish between the upper and lower abdominal muscles. That is, it is almost impossible to say for sure where exactly the load is going. In addition, several different muscles are always involved in the work.

We use simulators

Be aware that abdominal exercises, photos and videos of which are used for advertising purposes, are not at all as effective. The pumped-up athletes in these videos who claim that fifteen minutes daily is enough to exercise are simply lying. Special studies have shown that simple body twists engage muscles better than any exercise equipment. Moreover, it turned out that the most expensive devices are the least effective. They are generally only good for general fitness support.

The effectiveness of a special roller for pumping up the press is also greatly exaggerated. The most top scores in practice it gives a classic curl without any roller. In addition, when using it, high loads on the lower back cause quite severe pain.

Thus, the exercises in gym Abdominal exercises most often only help motivate yourself to play sports. Well, create the image of a “serious jock”.

Don't forget about your diet

By eating fatty foods after exercise, you will negate all your achievements. Don't rush to the kitchen for the next couple of hours after your workout. And don't take heavy meals, try to focus on proteins and proteins. Consuming them in sufficient quantities is the basis of health care.

The protein norm for an adult is about one hundred and twenty grams per day. Eat some meat or fish, but don't overeat. Although a full workout is so conducive to a hearty dinner and relaxing on the couch in front of the TV! But you will have to overcome laziness and fall in love with discipline.

A novice athlete must remember that abdominal exercises in the gym are by no means a panacea for everything. There is no miracle cure that will instantly and completely burn belly fat. The purpose of the exercises is to strengthen the muscles, and if they are hidden by a fold of fat, then the main thing is to get rid of it.

We pump up cubes in a short time

Both men and women want to know how to do it quickly. Before starting the exercises, it will not hurt them to know how these “cubes” are arranged and work. It is actually an abdominal muscle called the rectus abdominis. In addition to it, the already mentioned oblique muscles (mainly external, running from the armpits to the center of the abdomen) are important in aesthetic terms.

The rectus muscle is commonly called the abs. It is clearly visible on the surface of the abdominal region and in the form of two vertical stripes separated by a tendon. It is visible in the form of a track about 2 cm wide, extending from the sternum to the pubis. Another group of tendons is located horizontally. Thanks to them, we can observe abs.

Upper and lower press

Understanding the structure of the press is important for properly pumping it up. In fact, under any load, all muscles are involved. But why then lower press is constantly lagging behind in development?

There are two main reasons for this. The first is that the muscles in the lower abdomen are very thin and difficult to pump up. The second is that the structure of the human body provides for a more powerful and suitable upper part of the peritoneum for work. And it’s even more difficult for women - nature has provided a minimum number of nerve endings in this area (the muscles of the lower abdomen) due to monthly menstrual pain.


Any abdominal exercise pumps it up completely. That is, exercises on upper press effective for the lower one too.

There is no need for a huge variety of exercises for training.

The lower part is always less developed than the upper.

How to make your abs quickly visible?

To do this, you need to solve only two problems:

Increased muscle volume;

Reduction of fat deposits.

There are misconceptions about the topic: It is impossible to remove its deposits locally, that is, in one separate area. This can only be done all over the body! This process is a chemical reaction, any saunas, massages and wraps only accelerate cellular blood flow, but do not burn anything.

Let's talk about specific exercises

Finding effective ones is not so difficult. After all, in fact, you only have to train one muscle. The press works quite simply - it twists and untwists the pelvis relative to the body. Understanding this, you will avoid many complex and ineffective exercises due to their uselessness.

The main types of stress on the press are crunches and reverse crunches.

Twist while lying down

This is a basic exercise that can be done at home, especially if you are short on time. This is the best way to work the rectus muscle.

Do abdominal exercises on the floor, chair or inclined board. There are some techniques you can use to increase the intensity.

For example, change the position of your legs - the higher they are, the easier it is to do the exercise. Lower your feet to the floor and reduce the flexion (move your feet away from your buttocks) - you will see how the load immediately increases.

Change the position of your hands - the closer they are to your stomach, the easier it is to practice. Close your hands behind your head.

Change the angle of the bench - the greater it is, the more efficient load. In addition, you can place a pillow under your lower back.

Reverse crunches

They are often called lower abdominal exercises. This is the "reverse" option classic crunches, and it also engages the entire abs. There are many options for its implementation. You can practice lying down (by raising your legs or pulling your knees towards you), hanging on a horizontal bar, etc.

Here's the one quick way achieve what you want. Lie on the floor, you need to have support for your arms behind your head. This is to ensure that the upper body remains motionless. Abdominal exercises in the gym are performed using special equipment. At home, you can catch your hands on the bed or radiator.

The main goal of the exercise is to raise the pelvis! It is the pelvis, not the legs. It’s better to completely forget about legs for now. It is the pelvis that should be lifted off the floor - this is the task of the press. Raising his legs is an additional unnecessary burden for him. The further the heels are from the pelvis, the more difficult the execution. If you are not yet ready for heavy loads, bend your knees. The slope also matters. The lower the body is located, the easier it is for you.

Typical set of exercises

It is believed that a quick method to pump up the abs is frequent repetition of exercises. There is some truth in this. As mentioned above, it is important to correctly calculate the number of repetitions and the size of pauses between them.

The best is achieved with 3-4 approaches and a pause of 30 seconds. This is the optimal time. By increasing acceleration, we increase the load.

A sample training program might look like this. First, we perform lying crunches. We do 4 approaches (each 20 times). Then - leg raises (best hanging), 4 approaches, 10 times each.

Remember your diet!

The right diet for nice abs very important. What's happened excess fat? These are energy reserves created by the body if more calories are taken in than consumed. Fat reserves, unfortunately, are distributed very unevenly. In women, mainly on the buttocks and thighs, in men - on the stomach.

Nature intended women to bear children, and their fat reserves are localized in certain, very hard-to-reach places. Usually this inner surface hips and riding breeches area.

Two types of fat

Men - natural hunters - are prone to abdominal obesity. The deposition of “reserves” on the abdomen does not prevent physical activity in men. This same belly fat can be subcutaneous and visceral. The first lies between the skin and muscles. It's quite easy to get rid of it.

Visceral is another matter. It is located between the muscles and organs of the abdominal cavity. Its purpose is to protect the latter from injury. But in such quantities as some men sometimes manage to accumulate, it is clearly not needed!

Is it possible to “dry out” the press?

As already mentioned, it cannot be separated from the rest of the body! A special diet will be required.

First of all, we remove trans fats from our diet. These are sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup, all kinds of chips and french fries. They create a huge burden on the heart, slow down metabolism and prevent you from losing weight.

Then you should replace fast carbohydrates with slow ones: sweets, buns and cakes with cereals, fruits and vegetables. Muesli with milk is very useful because high level fiber.

We exclude Pork and replace any fatty meat with fish or chicken. It is important to eat enough protein. Its daily intake is 2 grams per kilogram of weight.

Have fun building perfect abs!

The abs are formed by 4 muscle groups: internal and external obliques, transverse and rectus. In order to work through each of them, it is necessary to perform a large number of exercises. In the gym, the best of them are hanging leg raises on a bar, “prayer” on a machine, and torso raises on an incline bench. Along with isolated exercises for the abdominal muscles, you should perform basic exercises for large muscle groups: squats with a barbell, bench press and lat pulldown. This is necessary in order to increase energy expenditure and burn more fat.

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Abdominal base

Abdominal exercises in the gym are part of training complex, which should be based on heavy basic movements for the muscles of the legs, back, chest and shoulders. This is due to two factors. Firstly, it is impossible to locally remove fat only from the stomach, leaving it in other parts of the body. Second, barbell squats, bench presses, and lat pulldowns use much more energy than isolated abdominal exercises.

Based on this, the optimal ratio of basic and isolated classes in training program for the press it should be 3:1.

Women and men who come to the gym for the first time to get sculpted abs need to come to terms with the fact that they won’t be able to achieve results solely through abdominal exercises.

You will have to work comprehensively on all the major muscles of the body.

The base runs as follows: Exercise Execution technique


By performing this exercise in the gym, you can achieve the following results: start the process of global fat burning in the body, reduce the fat layer on the stomach, butt, back and legs, strengthen the muscles of the abs, thighs, back and buttocks. Before performing squats, you need to equip the barbell. Her weight in the first approach should not exceed 50 percent of the one-repetition maximum. The mass of the projectile must be increased by 10 percent with each subsequent approach. For girls or men with low functional training

, it is recommended to use dumbbells instead of a barbell.

  • Sit under the bar and remove it from the racks, fix it on your shoulders with your hands.
  • Place your feet at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other.
  • Slowly lower your body down.
  • Quickly rise to the starting position.
  • Perform 12-15 repetitions.
  • Place the barbell on the racks.

Rest time between sets is 2 minutes. Number of approaches - 5

Bench press

By doing this exercise Best used in a gym environment horizontal bench. In this position, the maximum number of muscles is included in the work: pectoral, deltoids, abs and triceps.

The execution sequence is as follows:

  1. 1. Hang weights of the required weight on the bar (for the guy).
  2. 2. Lie down on an incline bench.
  3. 3. Grasp the bar with your palms at shoulder width.
  4. 4. Remove the barbell from the racks and lower it onto your chest.
  5. 5. Straighten your arms (raise the barbell).
  6. 6. Do 8-12 repetitions.
  7. 7. Hang the barbell on the racks.

The number of pressing series is 4. You should rest no more than 2 minutes between them.

Pull of the upper block downwards

In the gym, this exercise can be performed on a block or lever machine. For beginners who come to the gym to get six-pack abs, the first option is recommended: block exercise machines allow you to additionally engage stabilizer muscles, which increases energy consumption and increases the rate of fat burning.

Algorithm for performing the exercise:

  • By moving the lock on the back side of the projectile, set the required load level.
  • Sit on a bench and place your knees under the rollers.
  • Grasp the bar with your palms at a level slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Draw in and tense your stomach, pull the bar towards your chest until it touches it.
  • Straighten your arms.
  • Repeat the movement 12-14 times.

Number of approaches - 6. Rest between them - 2 minutes

For beginners just starting out in the gym, it is recommended to pay more attention to cardio exercises. A significant part of the training time should be devoted to working on exercise bikes, treadmills, elliptical machines and other aerobic equipment. It is these exercises that will prepare the body for heavy loads on exercise machines and begin burning fat in the body.

Isolated abdominal exercises

After completing one of basic exercises it is necessary to move on to direct work with the abdominal muscles. To do this, it is recommended to perform 2-3 isolated abdominal exercises within one workout.

The best ones look like this:

Exercise name Implementation method Execution technique
Hanging leg raises on the bar

The classic version of the exercise is designed to work the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle. Performed in 3-4 sets with 15 repetitions in each approach. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. 1. Jump onto the bar.
  2. 2. Pull in and tighten your stomach.
  3. 3. Without swinging or jerking, raise your knees to your chest.
  4. 4. Lower your legs.

In order to shift the emphasis of the load to the lateral oblique abdominal muscles, when raising your legs, you should turn them to the right and left sides alternately


An effective exercise for the upper rectus abdominis muscle. To do this, you need to move the lock located on the back side block simulator, set the optimal load level.

The correct way to do the exercise is:

  1. 1. Kneel and bring your legs together.
  2. 2. Grasp the ropes with your hands.
  3. 3. Pull them down by bending your torso (lowering should be done with the strength of your abdominal muscles).
  4. 5. Repeat the movement 14-15 times.

Raises on an incline bench

This exercise option is designed to work the upper and middle parts of the rectus abdominis muscle. If you need to pump up the oblique muscles, during lifting you should turn your body to the sides (alternately towards each knee).

, it is recommended to use dumbbells instead of a barbell.

  1. 2. Lie down on an incline bench.
  2. 2. Secure your feet under the rollers.
  3. 3. Place your palms on the back of your head.
  4. 4. Raise the body up (until there is a gap between spinal column and a right angle bench).
  5. 5. Lower your torso down.
  6. 6. Repeat the movement 15 times.

The number of approaches is 3. The rest period between series should be about 2 minutes.

Roller exercise

If you compare all the abdominal exercises in the gym, then this one can be called one of the most effective. The thing is that when extending and bending the body on a roller, the abdominal muscles are exposed to two types of load at once: static and dynamic. Another advantage of the exercise is the ability to load all the abdominal muscles at once: straight, transverse and oblique.

The execution sequence looks like this:

  1. 1. Sit on the floor on your knees.
  2. 2. Place a sports wheel (roller) in front of you.
  3. 3. Grasp the handles on the sides of the wheel.
  4. 4. Roll forward along the floor.
  5. 4. Return the body to its original position.
  6. 6. Repeat the movement 8-10 times.

The recovery pause between series should be about 2 minutes. The number of approaches is 3-4.

This exercise is not suitable for beginners and women after childbirth, as it requires powerful muscle corset around the waist

Crunches on a fitball

The technique is as follows:

  • You need to lie on your back on the sports ball.
  • Bend your legs at the knees.
  • Extend your arms in front of you.
  • Lift your upper body up.

How to pump up your abs quickly to six-pack in the gym. To pump up your abs quickly, you need a good program - my CD “How to pump up your abs in 30 days.”

Many guys want to learn how to pump up their abs quickly into six-packs in the gym. There are several components effective training given muscle group. Need to pick up effective exercises, good program training, be sure to study the theory of anatomy and function of each abdominal muscle, as well as choose for yourself an individual and the right system nutrition.

All this together can give good result- excellent, relief cubes on your stomach.

I’ve already told you how to train your abs at home, so today we’re talking about training in the gym.

Don't forget to leave comments, like, and repost on your in social networks. And of course, don’t forget to exercise.

So, how to pump up your abs in the gym and do it effectively? The most important thing is that an athlete needs to learn how to do exercises in such a way that your abdominal muscles are felt 100% and develop in the same way as others. That is, it is necessary to put a progressive load on the abs - this is the only way the muscle will begin to grow.

But what actually happens in most cases? People visit regularly gym, do the same exercises, the same number of repetitions, with the same weight and at the same time wonder why their abs don’t look better and better. It is for this reason that I decided to show you what exercises you need to do, how exactly to pump up your abs in the gym so that you get six-pack.

Crunches on the upper block.


  1. Starting position: stand with your back to the upper block, spread your legs wide and slightly bend them at the knees and fix them lower limbs in this position. We take hold of the upper block with our hands, our arms need to be slightly bent at the elbows, and they also need to be fixed in one position.
  2. As you exhale, tilt your body forward, and while tilting you need to feel the tension in your abs. Moreover, the tilt should be done exclusively with the help of the efforts of the abdominal muscles.
  3. While inhaling, return the body to its original position.

During the exercise, the angle between the arms and the body should not change at all.

This is a very good isolation exercise for the abs, especially if you synchronize your arms with your core. If your arms move independently of your body, then instead of training your abs, you will be training latissimus muscles backs.


  1. Starting position: stand in a multi-station, set the crossbar at the level of the navel line, be sure to pay attention to the grip of your hands, it should be in the center, that is, the distance from the edges of the left and right hands to the edge of the crossbar should be symmetrical.
  2. As you exhale, bend forward deeply, and as you inhale, return to the starting position.
  3. While bending, watch your arms; they should be slightly bent to remove the load from elbow joints. Also very great importance has a back position, it should not be straight, it must be rounded.

The good thing about this exercise is that while pumping up your abs, you don’t have to be upside down, which is not very pleasant for big guys weighing over 100 kg. The exercise is comfortable and emotionally pleasant. What I don't really like is that if you use heavy weight, then you might get thrown around. You can avoid this by hanging a pancake on your belt from behind, or by having someone hold your waist.

The height of the blocks should be set at the level of the navel; it is very important to have the same distance from the end of the handle to the hand so that the slopes are symmetrical. You need to bend over as you exhale, and the bends should be made as deep as possible, without keeping your back straight. Try to round your back, especially at the bottom.

Exercise "Lumberjack".


  • Starting position: stand sideways to the upper block, grasp its handle with both hands, legs wider than shoulder width, slightly bent at the knees.
  • As you exhale, pull the upper block to the opposite side of the body, towards the knee, and while inhaling, return to the starting position.
  • It is necessary to perform the exercise so that you feel it in your work lateral muscles press.
  • This exercise is good for training your oblique abdominal muscles. Also, during the “Lumberjack” exercise, many other muscles are activated. The main feature of this exercise is the rotation of the body.

    I think that in the future new videos about training the abdominal muscles with the help of various exercises. If you want to always be in the know latest news and don't want to miss anything, be sure to subscribe to my channel.

    For those who want to pump up great abs quickly and effectively, it’s not enough to watch theoretical videos on the Internet. You need an effective, rigorous, well-thought-out abdominal training program, performed with a certain frequency. Need step-by-step instruction Ab workouts are just for you. Therefore, I offer you my video course on how to pump up abs in 30 days.

For modern women beautiful, fit figure is of great importance, a pumped up body testifies not only to physical health woman, but also about her determination and motivation. Slender, healthy body looks very attractive, attracts the gaze of men, however, for toned body Must have great strength willpower and work well.

The greatest importance for girls is a beautiful, toned tummy, but few people know how to properly train and pump up their abs so that the belly does not protrude and is flat. Important points things to learn:

  • first, pumping the abdomen is not a quick process, so you need to be patient and remember motivation;
  • second, you need to decide where exactly you will exercise: at home or in the gym. Training on simulators is much more effective than at home, but only with regular visits to the gym;
  • third, to get a flat stomach, a proper nutrition program is of great importance; it is important to create a calorie deficit and give preference to complex carbohydrates and protein foods.

Basic rules for training the press on simulators

  1. Regularity. Get the perfect one slim stomach This is only possible with regular exercise on the gym. You need to visit the gym at least three times a week. During your first workouts, perform the exercises one or two sets 20 times, after two weeks you can increase the number of repetitions and approaches, pumping up your abs more intensively.
  2. Nutrition. Two hours before training you need to eat, it is better if it is complex carbohydrates (porridge, pasta, whole grain cereals), so you will have enough energy for training.
  3. Breath. It is important to master correct breathing, inhale during relaxation, exhale during maximum muscle tension. While pumping up the abs, girls should always monitor their breathing, this way you will prevent oxygen starvation of the muscles and pump up your stomach faster.
  4. Variety of workouts. Don't focus only on abdominal exercises, you can't lose weight in just one place, if the body loses weight, it loses weight locally, in all places. By doing a variety of exercises for all muscle groups, you will also lose weight in the abdominal area. You can enhance the process of losing weight in the waist area by keeping your abs in constant tension.
  5. Rest and recovery. After intensive training When using simulators, muscles need rest; take a mandatory break of one or two days.

Abdominal exercises in the gym

There are three areas of the abs - bottom, top and oblique abdominal muscles, however, experienced trainers They insist that it is impossible to pump the lower or upper parts separately; the rectus muscle is not divided into bundles, therefore, when performing exercises, the load is evenly distributed along the entire length of the rectus abdominis muscle. When choosing a abdominal training program, girls should work on these two areas every time they train. All exercises for pumping the abdomen are divided into three groups:

  1. leg lifting exercises;
  2. exercises with body lifting;
  3. exercises for oblique abdominal muscles.

Leg raise exercises

Abdominal curl exercises

Exercises for oblique abdominal muscles

How to correctly create a program for pumping up the abdomen in the gym?

From the proposed options, choose 1-2 exercises for each part of the abdomen - lower, upper abs and oblique abdominal muscles.

Lower press, most often, is the most problematic and weakest part of the abdomen, so perform lower abdominal exercises at the beginning of the workout; the torso includes all muscle groups, train it at the very end, these exercises are energy-consuming and you may not have the strength to complete the rest of the program. If you want to focus on the oblique muscles, then move them to the beginning of the workout and do it 2-3 times.

Professional sports trainers, when drawing up a training program on simulators, give preference circuit training which are considered effective way burn more fat, due to the intensity and high flow rate energy. Do all the exercises one after another, with short breaks between them, then rest for one minute and do second approach.

By doing these regularly simple exercises and by adhering to the principles of nutrition, you can achieve the first results in 1-2 months.
