Ideal proportions. Girth size calculator. Biceps volume in men: norm and recommendations for increasing Basic arm exercises

Before starting training, you need to figure out what biceps volume is considered normal? The indicators are directly related to the man’s age. For people from 20 to 29 years old, the norm is 33.3 centimeters. From 30 to 39 - 34.8 cm. At 40-49 years old, the figure does not change. From 50 to 59 - 34.5 centimeters.

It is not the quantity of exercises performed that is important, but their quality. If the loads are incorrect, this will stop the growth of the biceps. It is recommended to pump the muscle once a week.

It is enough to choose two exercises and perform them 8-10 times, two or three approaches.

The weight of the selected barbell or other element for training must be acceptable for a person.

Over time, it is necessary to gradually increase the load.

Every 5-6 weeks it is worth reducing the weight of the barbell so that the biceps can rest. This approach will stimulate the muscle to grow and help it fully recover.

Exercises to increase biceps

To achieve the desired result, you must correctly perform the following exercises:


Lifting the barbell.

Training with dumbbells.

Work on the horizontal bar.

Push ups.

Kettlebell exercises.

Static exercises with dumbbells.

How to increase the volume of your biceps by lifting a barbell? This exercise is the most effective for the formation and growth of the biceps muscle. Suitable for men of any body type. To perform the exercise correctly, you should stand straight. The back should not arch or slouch. Feet are placed shoulder width apart.

The barbell must be raised so that it does not reach the chest. Do not hold the element when lowering it down. It is important to keep the rhythm. One second is given for raising, two for lowering.

Barbells come with curved bars, which are an excellent option for beginners. This type is not suitable for professionals, since the load is unevenly distributed on the biceps.

In addition to the barbell, dumbbells are used. You can also do the above exercise with them. For people with oblong muscle shape, dumbbells are the best option. The biceps should stretch well at the bottom. To do this, perform the following exercise: sitting on the surface, the back leans slightly back, and the dumbbells are lifted.

For a short muscle shape, you should give preference to classic exercises: hammers, lifting weights while standing, using apparatus while sitting on a Scott bench.

If it is not possible to go to the gym, it is possible to increase the volume of your biceps with ordinary pull-ups.

Not used classic execution exercises, and a special one - for pumping up the biceps muscle.

Features of pull-ups for biceps growth:

It is necessary to do a reverse grip.

The distance between the palms is no more than eight centimeters.

You don't need to go all the way down when lowering. Elbows should always be bent.

The chin reaches the bar.

Professionals should perform the exercise with weights.

Static execution of the movement will also be useful. To do this, you need to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar so that the crossbar is at the same level as your chest. You need to hang until you are very tired. For further execution, it is worth hanging on the crossbar from with bent arms at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees.

Many people believe that push-ups will not help the growth of the biceps muscle. Some athletes think differently. Experts say that they are less effective than the above exercises. Push-ups can increase biceps muscle, but not develop it.

My research into the performance of athletic competitions over the past 45 years has proven that the most accomplished athlete is not always big muscles and with the circumferences of body parts wins the highest titles; 47.5 cm arms and a 125 cm chest alone do not warrant a world class title unless these Herculean parameters are accompanied by proportionate sizes of other parts of the body. Physical perfection means that the neck, shoulders, arms, chest, waist, back and legs are balanced in circumference and muscularity. Any weakness in symmetry or proportions destroys the harmony of the structure.

Joe Weider

A calculator is presented, based on the tables given by Vader in the book. The type of skeleton is not taken into account. Whether your bones are thin or powerful, the girths of your body parts must still be in the right proportions to each other. Once these proportions are achieved, you as an athlete will be so skilled that you will be able to use your own photographs as a guide in your training. Of course, until you achieve this, use a calculator and let the measuring tape tell you whether you have excellent muscle proportions or not.

Calculation of potentially achievable volumes based on wrist circumference

According to McCallum's formula, a “classic” “poorly responsive” wrist of 17.5 cm suggests a chest circumference of 114 cm, pelvis - 97 cm, waist - 80 cm, hips - 60 cm, neck - 42 cm, biceps in tension - 41 cm , calves - 39 cm and forearms - 33 cm. With a height of 175 cm, this development corresponds to a weight of approximately 85-86 kg. By any standards, such musculature is something out of the ordinary.

The calculator below displays the patterns of John McCallum, which are given in the book by Stuart McRobert.

The wrist should be measured just above the bone protruding from the side of the little finger (styloid process of the ulna), that is, closer to the elbow - this is what McCallum himself advises.

Calculation of the lower limit of potentially achievable volumes (in a "resting" state) based on growth

In the late 70s, a doctor compiled a table designed to provide guidelines muscle development“men with average physical potential.” The data for this table was obtained based on measurements of several thousand amateur bodybuilders. The table clearly shows that there are very specific relationships between muscle volume and bone thickness. In particular, judging by the table, the normal wrist circumference is from 79% to 82% of the ankle circumference. If this is your case, then you belong to the average type, which means you can safely try on all the data in the table.

The table shows the direct relationship between muscle volume and total body weight. So we can say in advance: trying to pump up 50-centimeter biceps with little body weight is complete stupidity.

Here's how Wilby recommends taking measurements. The wrist is measured just below the styloid process of the ulna (i.e. closer to the hand) and with the palm open; all measurements on the legs are taken with the legs straight but relaxed, with the ankle measured at its narrowest point, the knee at the center of the kneecap, and the thigh at its widest circumference; the waist is measured at the narrowest point, without pulling in the stomach; pelvic circumference - along the largest circumference when the feet are brought together; chest - at the level of the nipples (without a powerful inhalation); biceps in a tense state - at the highest point; forearm - at the widest point with a clenched fist; neck - in the narrowest place; height - without shoes; weight - without clothes.

The calculator presented below displays the patterns indicated in the Wilby table.

Your height:


Results (cm):

Any aspiring bodybuilder must go through such a stage as achieving size biceps 40 cm. Rarely do untrained people naturally have biceps larger than 40 cm. For some reason, people often overlook the fact that in order to achieve a girth of an arm or biceps of half a meter or more, it is necessary to go through all the intermediate stages - 30, 35, 40, 45 cm For some, the goal of 30 cm in arm circumference may become a training goal in the near future, while others will get stuck and begin to stall at the 35 or 38 cm mark. In any case, in order to make the still virtual intention a reality, you need to move. progressively and systematically. Only with such an attitude towards the process of recruiting your own muscle mass you can expect a more or less adequate return from your body. Wasting time dreaming of biceps with a circumference of 52 cm and not achieving intermediate, local goals is simply unreasonable, and therefore not very promising. So it’s up to you to decide whether to dream or start generating more tangible results, which over time, of course, will add up to a more impressive result. Who knows what you are capable of?!

What you will need

In fairness, it is worth saying that becoming the owner biceps 40 cm the task is not unattainable. Everything you need in quality necessary tools, is confidence in what you are doing, a little commitment to the chosen activity and, most importantly, timely mastery of the necessary laws of the art of pumping, including the muscles of the arms. As you can see, you don’t need anything special. But if the above list makes you indignant, then don’t waste time and just don’t engage in bodybuilding - you don’t need it.

Parting words to action

For those who seriously intend to devote their energy and their time - the latter is a little less - we will indicate those main points, without the implementation of which the current task of achieving biceps 40 cm It will remain something of an unfulfilled hope. Which, of course, cannot be good for any man who has firmly and finally decided to achieve anything - in this sense, developing arm muscles, believe me, is not the most difficult task in the world. So go ahead. Carefully study the principles or patterns proposed below, as you wish, then, slowly, begin to introduce them one by one into your training process- we hope you have already started it - and at the end of everything, track their impact. Remember, time is your faithful ally, but haste has never brought anyone “to success without laughter.” So.

Greg Kovacs, the biggest bodybuilder in the world, biceps curls

Principle 1

Over the next three months, persistently switch to a completely balanced diet for your age, height, weight and training costs. You should regularly, several times a day, consume a large number of natural protein products, a couple of times a day - perhaps homemade. Also eat a lot of complex carbohydrates - grains, bread, pasta.

Principle 2

At the same time, adjust your night sleep routine. No matter how unnecessary it may seem, do it anyway. You need to sleep 8, 9, 10 hours in a row at night. A half-hour nap or so after lunch is encouraged.

Principle 3

Train in the basic mode. Your training complex should contain multi-joint exercises such as, and, and. Plus, once a week, maximum twice, perform a complex on your hands, giving preference to the barbell and parallel bars.

Principle 4

Train in a number of repetitions from 6 to 10. This applies to both the entire complex and exercises for biceps and triceps.

Principle 5

Train your triceps as well as your biceps. If your program includes 10 working approaches for biceps, then there should be no less of them for triceps.

Principle 6

For arm exercises, do one or two heavy compound exercises first, followed by one isolated exercise. Basic movements performed, naturally, with heavy weight. If you work in the number of repetitions per set from 6 to 8, then isolated exercise You can temporarily exclude him from the program altogether.


Believe in what you are doing, regularly review the above principles - a person tends to forget - and, as a result, the time will not be far off when biceps 40 cm will be for you a stage that has already been passed, opening up a series of next achievements. Know that it cannot be any other way!

Every athlete dreams of big, strong, well-developed biceps, but not everyone’s dream comes true. It requires long and painstaking work, the use of optimal techniques and correct sports nutrition. Then the result will not be long in coming, and the volume of the biceps and its shape can become ideal.

Normal biceps: it all depends on anthropometry

Many novice athletes are interested in what the existing biceps standards are? It all depends on the bodybuilder’s anthropometry - other measurements of his body: height, volume chest etc.

In order to better understand the canons of these norms, there are special tables.

How to correctly measure biceps volume

Correct measurements:

  1. Take a measuring tape (tailors use it). In the absence of one, a school ruler and a strong thread (twine) will do.
  2. Do not allow the tape or thread to sag or, conversely, tighten too much - the measurements will be unreliable.
  3. Measurements are taken in the morning, when the muscles are not yet warmed up and relaxed.
  4. You need to measure your biceps - your arm is bent elbow joint- in a tense state, and the tape is adjacent to the most convex places of the biceps and triceps. To clarify, you need to take not one, but two or three measurements - this will eliminate errors.

Biceps volume in men depends on age

The parameters of the biceps muscle change with age. The volume of biceps in men at 20 years old is slightly different from the volume of sixty-year-olds - this difference is about a centimeter.

For example:

  1. From 20 to 29 years – 33.5 cm.
  2. From 50 to 55 – 34.5 cm.

These are approximate figures of normal volume for average, untrained people.

How to increase biceps: working on mass

If an athlete needs to build up his biceps muscle, then he needs to know how to gain the desired mass. The biceps is attached to the radius and scapula and serves to flex the arm. Knowing this and imagining the work of the flexor, you only need to select exercises to work it out:

  1. Barbell curls for biceps. This basic exercise is the basis of everything. For high-quality pumping, it is better to use a barbell with a curved bar - this makes it possible to put more stress on your arms and minimize possible injuries to your hands. The grip used is wide, medium and narrow.
  2. Lifting dumbbells. This equipment is even preferable, since the exercises can be varied by using “hammers” (inward grip with palms) or alternate lifting of dumbbells.
  3. Pull-ups on the bar reverse grip. Its width also varies.
  4. Kettlebells. They are quite suitable for this purpose with one drawback: the weights cannot be adjusted. You can, of course, use different weights, from 16 to 36 kg, if available.

Static exercises with weights will also help in training the arm flexors. To do this, you need to fix your elbows with a barbell, dumbbells, weights in the position right angle for about half a minute. At one time, the famous strongman Alexander Zass, nicknamed “Iron Samson,” paid tribute to statics.

Static exercises can be done without any equipment at all - just rest against something for a few seconds or grab onto something. For example, using a door frame or some stationary object - in this case, a securely fastened horizontal pipe.

If the athlete's goal is long biceps, you need to perform exercises to the full amplitude while standing or sitting, leaning your body back on an inclined bench.

If the athlete prefers a short (ball-shaped) flexor of the arms, then the exercises are performed bending forward or using a Scott bench - an inclined music stand.

What is a proper biceps?

A huge biceps against the background of a thin neck or lean legs looks ridiculous, if not ugly. Therefore the most correct biceps– one that looks harmonious against the general background of a bodybuilder’s body.

Let's look at the most worthy examples:

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger's biceps at the best period of his athletic career were 56 cm. His height at that time was 188 cm, weight - 105 kg, chest volume - 145 cm. Arnie is a seven-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title. Schwarzenegger's biceps are still considered the standard not only for fans of the famous bodybuilder, but also for bodybuilding connoisseurs.
  • During the filming of Rambo 2, Sylvester Stallone had a bicep circumference of 43 cm and a chest circumference of 127 cm with a height of 174 cm.
  • Schroeder (Alexey Klakotsky), a “natural” bodybuilder from Belarus. His height is 183 cm, weight is 97 kg. The volume of the biceps is approximately 43 cm.
  • Dwayne Johnson. His biceps volume is 50.8 with a height of 196 cm and a weight of 119 kg.

All these people are united not by the circumference of their biceps, but by their harmonious figure.

The importance of proper techniques

Correctly selected exercises are half the success. You can sweat for hours in the gym, pumping iron, but still not achieve good results. Recommendations:

  1. If you have enough experience (at least one and a half to two years of training), you should use super series.
  2. It is necessary to use a “pyramid”.
  3. You can practice split training, thus placing more emphasis on the desired muscles.
  4. Observe your “colleagues” and seek advice from them, especially if they are more experienced athletes. Other people's experience can also bear fruit.
  5. Limit weights should not be used optimal quantity repetitions – 8-12 times, number of approaches – 3-4.

In case of stagnation in this group, the advice of a coach will be useful.


It is not enough to know how to increase biceps - this will require long and painstaking work. This goal is achieved by trial and error, since humanity has come up with many different complexes, and each bodybuilder selects the one that is acceptable to him personally. Everything is explained by the individuality of each organism.

WITH early years training, everyone who starts training to engage in gym or at home, they begin their workouts by lifting dumbbells and barbells so that, namely, the biceps, which is always given a lot of attention, so that the volume of the arm seems larger; all novice athletes want to pump up their biceps like Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose arm and biceps volume was 60 cm due to his biceps peak and arm structure (genetics)! before and after photos.

The peak of the biceps and the volume of the arm depends on many factors; in order to pump up the biceps to the desired size, depending on age and desire, all fitness bodybuilding beginners want to pump up biceps of 35, 40, 42, 45, 47, 50, 55 centimeters big biceps and the volume of the arm always attracts the attention of others, who always think that if a guy has big biceps, it means he has strong, powerful arms with which he can lift anything! photo Arnold Schwarzenegger in his youth 16 – 20 years old biceps 46 – 50 cm

How to pump up biceps for a teenager aged 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

The path to big, pumped up arms is not always easy; to pump up big, pumped up arms, many novice athletes think that it’s so simple and easy, but in fact, in order for the volume of the arms to increase every month of training, you need proven techniques and, which must be professional for the muscles hands grew in volume!

Arm muscles 35, 40, 42, 45, 47, 50, 55 cm

Arm musclesaged 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

The genetic predisposition of a person and his muscle structure is always the determining point in whether you have biceps of 35, 40, 42, 45, 47, 50, 55 or not, a teenager has an arm volume of 35 cm already in adolescence 13 -16 years depending on the type of build! An ectomorph (thin build) usually already has this arm volume. A mesomorph and endomorph at the age of 13-16 years usually already have a hand larger than 35 cm, closer to forty!

Depending on the type of build, the arm volume of teenagers is different, the reason for this is genetics and age! During adolescence, in every person, men and girls, the formation of the muscular skeleton occurs several years after the transition period, as well as the volumes of all muscle groups! Typically, the period of formation of the muscular skeleton occurs from 13 to 18 years!

When and at what age can you start training?

In the gym at home, a girl, a man, a boy can do fitness at home and in the gym from the age of 14 under the supervision of a trainer so that at the beginning of your sports path gave you the technique for performing all the exercises that can be done in the gym at home!

Pump up biceps in the gym at home

If you only train one biceps, your figure will not fully develop, including the volume of your arms, and if you do not train all the muscles of the body, our body is one single whole and all changes in the figure occur naturally; these are physiological characteristics of the body from which you cannot escape anywhere! If own weight As a person grows, all his muscles increase in size, so it is important to train all muscle groups, and not only pump up the biceps so that only it becomes big!

How to pump up biceps for a teenager at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 years old

The structure of the arm muscles and volume parameters will change every month of training if you perform the exercises 2 - 3 times a week so that the arm muscles have time to recover between workouts. If the arm muscles hurt, it is better to reschedule the workout to another day when the muscles stop hurting! Professional advice

Basic exercises for pumping up biceps with dumbbells and barbells

Exercises with dumbbells to pump up your biceps

  • Standing arm curl with dumbbells with a classic grip (can be performed while sitting)
  • Alternately standing arm curls with dumbbells (can be performed while sitting)
  • Standing hammer grip curl (can be done while sitting)
  • Seated one arm curl with dumbbell
  • One arm curl while sitting on a bench

Exercises with a barbell to pump up your biceps

  • Standing arm curl with a barbell with a classic grip
  • Close-grip standing barbell curl
  • Standing barbell curl with hammer grip
  • Reverse grip barbell curl
  • Bench curls while sitting with a barbell on a Scott bench

Exercises on machines to pump up your biceps

  • Bending arms while sitting in a machine on a Scott bench
  • Standing crossover curl with underhand grip
  • Crossover curl while standing with an overhand grip

Biceps training program with dumbbells and barbell

How many times should a girl or man train her biceps per week?

Training arm muscles should be done differently about muscle growth and muscle fibers you can forget if you train your biceps every day, then your biceps will be weak, but resilient; if you train your biceps 2 - 3 times a week, then your biceps will become strong and powerful; the main thing is to train it for strength and perform 2 - 3 exercises in one workout, maximum of 2 -3 sets of each exercise and do a maximum of 6 – 8 repetitions! It is also important to train on the same day in order to fully pump up the arm muscles and also 2-3 exercises and the same number of repetitions are recommended for each muscle group! According to this scheme, all famous bodybuilders train their arms to pump up their huge hands like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

How to stretch your biceps to lengthen your biceps

Stretching muscles after training muscles is one of the mandatory rules to relax muscles after training, so it is important if you trained biceps and others muscle groups, then it’s good to stretch them within 15 minutes after training

You won’t be able to lengthen your biceps and change the structure of your arm; you can improve muscle stretching, but you won’t be able to lengthen your biceps due to the physiology that you already have; it’s the genetics of muscle structure; if it were possible, every fitness bodybuilding jock would have biceps like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

