Fat burning exercises at home. A set of exercises that help burn fat. Fitness for burning fat.

For people who set themselves the main goals of achieving a quick effect in losing weight, this would be an excellent option. fat burning workout at home. But many people often have questions such as: “How to quickly and efficiently achieve excellent results?”

Undoubtedly, for those who come to the gym for the first time, or start their workouts at home, it is very difficult to decide what and how to do in order to achieve effectiveness in fat burning. But the whole “zest” is that, in fact, the processes of activating fat burning are not anything supernatural or unusually complex. Moreover, fat burning processes are completely natural for human body, despite the fact that the amount of energy coming out of the food consumed will be less than the amount of energy consumed throughout the day in the processes of human physical activity. Among other things, before you start performing fat-burning exercises at home, you must first familiarize yourself with all types of loads that help achieve your goals.

The human body always requires a constant source of energy to regularly perform certain processes responsible for the vital functions of the entire organism, for example, to maintain thermoregulation of the body or support breathing. All the energy released from the food eaten is displayed in calories.

Please note: Each person’s body has an individual threshold for the required amount of energy, which is directly influenced by age, body weight, gender and level of physical activity.

Men need to consume slightly more high-calorie foods than the female half of humanity, who are in the same age category, with the same weight and height. This is due to the fact that the male body has a large muscle mass, which requires eight times more calories to support than fat tissue. The human body is designed in such a way that all the fat, protein and carbohydrates that enter it are broken down into the necessary energy. The best resource To obtain vital “fuel”, there are carbohydrates, then fat, but if the body does not have enough of either one or the other, then in order to obtain the required amount of energy, the body begins to destroy its own muscle tissue.

What does success depend on?

During exercise, fats are not always broken down symmetrically. Some exercises burn fat in large percentages relative to the total amount of energy expended, but their quantitative ratio will be much less than when performing others. And yet, no matter what type of exercise is chosen, the main goal of a person losing weight should be to exercise maximum level energy consumption.

Experts say:

  • If the weight loss program is of low intensity, then fat is consumed as an energy reserve;
  • When you include jogging in a fat burning program, the same consumption of fat and carbohydrates will be 50%.
  • If the training takes place at a rapid intensity, then glycogen is predominantly broken down.

During jogging, the overall level of energy consumed increases several times.

Moderate fat burning

If this program fat burning will be performed for the first time, or after a long break, then you need to focus on performing exercises in which the heart rate will be equal to 60-70% of the maximum possible, which is more similar to walking. In this case, fat burning will be greater than carbohydrates, but caloric intake will be reduced to a lesser extent than with increased training intensity.

Practical advice: Such an intense workout with a moderate load will help you recover quite quickly and get into the necessary shape, improving cardio endurance and muscular endurance necessary for further performance of more complex exercises.

Before moving on to a more intense level of training, you should regularly increase the duration of your initial workout by 60 seconds over the first few weeks.

Of the variety of exercises, the most recommended are:

  • Swimming;
  • Riding bicycles or exercise bikes;
  • Walk at a moderate pace.

Other types of exercises can also be used, which can be performed for at least 80 minutes a day, 5 times every 7 days.

Moderate intensity fat burning exercises

By increasing the pulsation rate during training to 80% of the maximum possible, the level of fat burning will be much increased, as well as the number of calories. This pace of training is characterized by the presence of rapid breathing, but during the training, the ability to maintain the dialogue of the interlocutor must be maintained. For this type of weight loss program, the same exercises can be used as for a moderate level of burning excess calories, but here they can be varied:

  • Shaping;
  • Anaerobic step sessions.

You need to start the exercises with a light warm-up, the duration of which should not exceed 3-4 minutes. After which it is necessary to slowly increase physical activity until the pulsation increases to a working level. At the end of the workout, you need to first reduce the intensity at the same slow pace, then move on to a cool-down and subsequent stretching. During such a workout, it is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible.

Increased intensity of exercise

High-intensity training can only be carried out with developed muscle mass and excellent cardiac endurance. And without even taking into account the fact that during such exercise up to 85% of calories will be wasted in the form of glycogen, the total volume of fat will be higher than during a moderate workout.

Important! Before starting high-intensity exercises, you need to find out the opinion of experts on this matter.

People actively involved in sports use this type anaerobic loads for adjustment and improvement sporting achievements and results, using alternating the fastest pace for 2 minutes with alternating 2-3 minute intervals for recovery. This training technique is called interval training.

The most effective exercises for eliminating fat

The most reliable and rational method that helps achieve excellent combustion results excess fat, is the right combination of balanced nutrition and physical activity, among which are:

  • Strength training to transform body fat into muscle mass. And power training can speed up fat metabolism.
  • Riding a bicycle or exercise machine included in the best complex fat burning exercises for legs. Before starting cycling training, it is recommended not to eat for 2-3 hours, which will help increase fat burning by 200%.
  • Interval program, which consists of regularly changing stages of maximum load with intervals for recovery. One of bright examples is fast run, giving way to a leisurely pace of walking. This specific approach will help increase your endurance level and burn as many calories in half an hour as would be burned during a 60-minute regular workout.
  • Circuit training to burn fat.

Circuit training consists of a specific selection of 8-10 exercises for immediate execution in a circle, which is repeated several times. The main task of losing weight is to maintain constant movement of the body with an increased rhythm of the heartbeat while exercises are performed to build muscle mass.

Rules for burning fat in the body

  • Rule #1. Training in high tempo, allowing you to burn more fat in the shortest period of time than when performing moderate exercise.
  • Rule No. 2. Careful selection of exercises.
  • Rule No. 3. Development muscle strength and endurance required to increase calorie expenditure.
  • Rule No. 4. Maintaining the pace of the workout.
  • Rule No. 5. The increase in load should be gradual.

Having mastered the features various types workouts to burn excess fat in the body, you can start doing exercises at home, in a fitness club, or gym. The main thing is that the desire is swift, then the result will be obviously quick.

It's no secret that before choosing a specific fat-burning workout program at home, you need to completely change your lifestyle and switch to proper nutrition. The entire process of losing weight depends on a balanced menu and regular physical activity.

Fasting and strict diets bring quick results, but not permanent, and most importantly, they cause serious harm to the body, often driving the person losing weight into depression, provoking breakdowns. Therefore, a universal recipe for healthy and effective weight loss is very simple: create a balanced diet that contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for recovery after an intense workout. You need to exercise at least three times a week.

Losing weight at home - fat burning workout

Fat burning workout at home- this is a whole set of exercises that combine two types of physical activity: cardiac and whole body. To lose weight quickly enough and maintain the effect for a long time, you will have to do cardio and strength exercises for all muscle groups in one complex.

It is this scheme that works to burn fat in the most effective way. The principle of its operation is simple: what more muscles involved in the work, the more effort will be needed to restore them. If your nutrition and daily caloric intake are in order, then energy will be replenished from fat reserves. In addition, with regular exercise, metabolic processes are accelerated, which also contributes to rapid loss weight.

The fat burning complex for women includes the most different types exercises to do at home. Particularly effective in losing weight and building beautiful body will help sports equipment: dumbbells, fitball, jump rope.

You can build a fat-burning workout according to circular principle, according to the Tabata system, or draw up a weekly plan using the split system: one day we train the upper body, the other - the legs, the third - the abs. The entire fat-burning set of tasks must be completed without rest.. This significantly increases the efficiency of burning fat deposits.

Basic principles of fat burning exercises:

  • The complex should include fat-burning exercises for each muscle group. It is best to do several approaches to train your abs and legs;
  • Be sure to start your workout with a warm-up and end with stretching;
  • First of all, you need to perform the most difficult tasks, most often this is working with dumbbells and squats;
  • Next, you can do abdominal exercises;
  • The best way to finish a fat-burning workout is with 15-30 minutes of cardio.

Fat-burning workouts at home for women can alternate by day of the week. Cardio, like running or cycling, is best done in the morning on an empty stomach. Fat burning depends on food intake: it is better to eat 2 hours before training, and 2 hours after.

In order to enhance the fat-burning effect of any chosen system at home, you need to follow certain rules:

  • Carry out the program 1.5-2 hours after eating and do not eat for another 1.5-2 hours after it;
  • The training time should not be less than 50 minutes;
  • For high-quality results, it is best to perform a fat-burning training system on fresh air;
  • Monitor your average heart rate while performing effective complex(220 minus age);
  • Effective results can be obtained by performing at least three workouts per week;
  • For a fat-burning effect, you need to constantly dilute strength exercises with cardio.

Program for girls

The fat burning training program for girls at home is great for modern woman who works, takes care of her family, and at the same time devotes time and energy to her own health and appearance. It is worth recognizing that for these purposes it is not always possible to regularly visit the gym, so home workouts are a priority for many.

Fat burning workout for girls at home- this is the most suitable option for women who are ready to devote 30 minutes a day to working on own body. At this time, you will have to fit in a mandatory warm-up, strength and cardio exercises, a cool-down or stretching - the latter can not be included in the 30-minute fat-burning complex, but can be done additionally for 15 minutes. Behind a short time The main workout will have to pay attention to all muscle groups, so you can combine two types of exercises in one - this is called supersets.

Supersets of exercises for the whole body during a fat-burning workout:

  • run on site(15 minutes) or jumping at an accelerated pace (10 minutes), X-jumps(20 times);
  • turning and bending the body to the sides(about 20 repetitions in each direction);
  • push-ups on knees(for beginners) from the floor or leaning on any surface (bed, chair) - a couple of sets of 15 repetitions;
  • deep squats on legs wide apart (3 sets of 15 repetitions);
  • lunges(a couple of approaches 10 times on each leg);
  • press crunches(straight, lateral, combined with a “bicycle”), 20 times, 2 approaches;
  • stretching for all muscle groups.

Before and after supersets, you can perform cardio (running or jumping) for 10 minutes to enhance the fat-burning effect.

The entire program for losing weight at home for women takes half an hour, this saves not only time, but also money.

Leg exercises

Fat burning workout at home for women can consist of a set of tasks to work out the leg muscles. To give your legs a slim and toned look, you don’t have to exercise gym, you can perform fat-burning exercises at home and achieve the desired result.

Leg training program at home:

  • deep squat(you need to squat low and smoothly to feel the muscle tension), three sets of 20 repetitions;
  • plie squats(leaning on a chair, you need to sit down smoothly and stay in this position until you feel maximum muscle tension), three sets of 10 repetitions;
  • sumo squats(deep squats with legs wide apart), three sets of 20 times;
  • lunges on each leg(15 times each);
  • double lunges(after lunging forward, do reverse lunge back), 10 times, two approaches;
  • doggy exercise(on all fours you need to move your legs back and to the side alternately), 15 repetitions on each leg.

By performing fat-burning exercises for the legs, the muscles of the thighs, calves, buttocks, and abs are strengthened.

Effective abdominal exercises

How to lose belly fat with fat burning exercises? To remove a small amount extra pounds With this part of the body, you can limit your diet and do cardio at home. However, to achieve relief on your stomach, you need to add strength exercises to your cardio.

Fat burning belly workout is aimed at activating muscle work and reducing body fat, but this is not enough. Beautiful relief is achieved only with proper nutrition with a predominance of protein in the diet, which is a building material for muscles.

Exercises for flat stomach should be aimed at transverse muscle abdomen, for this you need to perform intense crunches in several approaches.

What exercises for a flat stomach can be done at home?

  • bar in all variations: on outstretched arms; on the elbows; lateral with emphasis on one hand; with classic with side swings; "climber"
  • twisting in all variations: straight; lateral; on fitball; reverse crunches- lifting legs bent at the knees; crunches with legs raised on a chair; bicycle crunches;
  • climbs legs from a lying position: straight and lateral.

Cardio workout

Fat-burning cardio workout for home is a single set of strength exercises and cardio that increases the speed of achieving the desired result. Their main goal is to burn extra pounds and give overall body tone. To have the desired effect, intense fat-burning training at home must be accompanied by proper nutrition.

The intensity of exercise depends on the structure of the body. The emphasis should be on problem parts of the body. An important element is speed and technique; you need to perform the exercises correctly and quickly.

Fat burning cardio workout at home:

  • explosive push-ups. With this type of push-ups, you need to smoothly lower down and sharply push off from the floor, lifting your palms off, then gently lower, you need to perform them 15 times, gradually increasing the difficulty by adding clapping;
  • burpee exercise. From a standing position, bend over, place your hands on the floor at your feet, rest on your palms. Jump out bottom body back, taking a push-up position. Perform push-ups. Pull your legs under you again, resting on bent legs and straight arms, stand in initial position standing. You need to repeat the burpee 20 times;
  • "climbing" exercise. Standing in a plank pull up left leg to the left hand and return to the starting position, do the same on the other part of the body. You need to repeat the exercise 30 times on each leg;
  • jumping out- from a squatting position you need to jump up, holding your hands behind your head, 15 times;
  • sumo squats- squat on legs wide apart with weights in your hands, holding it between your legs. Do 15 reps.

This is an example of the first round of an intense workout at home. It can be repeated several times, depending on the level of training.

According to the Tabata system

Today, the Japanese system of exercises at home according to the Tabata system is very common. These quick exercises are just as effective as longer workouts at the gym. In addition, the Tabata complex can be performed in just 4 minutes at home, and the result will be impressive.

Fat burning training using the Tabata system - what is the effectiveness of the system at home? First of all, the specificity lies in intense movements performed for a while and alternating with short rest. Tabata training ideally combines cardio and strength exercises, which directly affects the acceleration of fat burning.

The workout takes four minutes. One minute includes two cycles of activity of 20 seconds, and two cycles of rest of 10 seconds, which alternate with each other. Each minute can be a different exercise, or it can always repeat the same movement. A four-minute fat-burning workout can be done in several approaches, using as many more exercise. You can perform the Tabata exercise program at home every day. All exercises must be performed technically correctly and diligently in order to quickly lose excess weight.

This fat-burning workout is popular among modern men and women, since in a minimum amount of time you can get rid of large quantity calories accumulated during the day and increase endurance.

The set of exercises according to the Tabata system at home includes:

  • intense jumping;
  • deep squat;
  • running with overwhelm;
  • twisting;
  • running in place.

Before exercise, it is better to warm up and stretch. Since the program requires maximum intensity of movement and speed, it is important to prepare the body in advance so as not to harm yourself.

Important! Fat burning workouts using the Tabata system cannot be carried out:

  • people with heart disease;
  • with ailments of the musculoskeletal system;
  • those suffering from chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  • unprepared physically.

A set of exercises for men

A fat-burning training program for men includes additional equipment, such as dumbbells or a jump rope. The system for men is designed not only to remove overweight, but also to strengthen muscle mass.

The program includes strength exercises that are performed alternately with cardio. This complex at home is called a combined program. The purpose of strength training is to train muscles, while cardio helps you burn excess fat. Such a system can be called power aerobics at home.

Fat burning workout complex for men at home:

  • dumbbell press supine position (from the chest up), 20 times, 3 approaches;
  • standing dumbbell curls, 3 sets of 20 times;
  • intense jumping rope, within 15 minutes;
  • push-ups with gradual increase loads(adding clapping and one-arm push-ups), 3 sets of 20 reps;
  • deep squats with dumbbells(dumbbells need to be placed behind your back and held straight), 20 times, 3 approaches;
  • final run within 30 minutes.

You can alternate fat-burning exercises and swap them, it is important to perform them correctly and intensively in order to bring your body closer to the ideal.

Circuit training

The effectiveness of circuit fat-burning training lies in the fact that during its implementation you can burn many more calories than during regular exercise in the gym. The main advantage of such a program is that you can modify fat-burning exercises and perform both cardio and strength training at the same time.

A circular set of tasks at home can be done to get rid of subcutaneous fat and giving relief to the body. For each goal, you can create your own training plan with a predominance of certain exercises. At home, training can last 30 minutes. One round of exercises can include movements for all muscle groups. The number of repetitions is 15-25, depending on the level of training.

Important: To perform a fat-burning circuit workout, you need an average physical training and no heart problems. Before starting, it is better to consult with a specialist to choose the right system at home.

What exercises to include in circuit training Houses:

  1. warming exercises for joints and muscles;
  2. squats;
  3. lunges;
  4. twisting;
  5. burpee jumps;
  6. push ups;
  7. plank

Circular fat-burning training at home can be done without additional sports equipment; just working with your own weight is enough. However, having dumbbells and a jump rope will significantly increase the effectiveness of your workouts.

Do you need fat burning cream for training?

To effectively combat overweight It is enough to follow the rules of a balanced diet and choose a suitable set of fat-burning workouts. Some people who are losing weight resort to spa centers to perform fat-burning cosmetic procedures, regularly visit saunas and steam baths, and do body wraps in order to get rid of excess water in the body, expelling it through sweat. Fat burning creams are suitable for effective wraps, but with they do not give a clear effect on their own, except perhaps the placebo effect.

Video lesson

To make it easier for the body to get used to fat-burning workouts, beginners are recommended to follow video lessons for the first time. Firstly, it will protect inexperienced beginner athletes from possible injuries and mistakes. Secondly, it will replace the instructions of a professional trainer in the gym. Thirdly, it will not allow you to relax, stop, or slow down at the desired pace required for fat-burning activities.

The exact answer to the question of whether they help certain exercises quickly burn fat and lose weight. However, there really is a fat-burning workout at home, it just has to be done according to a scheme in compliance with certain rules.

It is very important at the beginning of the journey to be patient and stick to the set pace, doing the exercises regularly. It is always necessary to deal with accumulated deposits under the skin in a comprehensive manner, observing proper nutrition in the process. Exercise alone won't help much if you're constantly overeating.

  • But before you start training, you should know the following:
  • It is better to eat in small portions, but several times a day.
  • Do not eat 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
  • Eat more boiled food, vegetables and fruits.
  • It is best to exercise in the morning, when there is almost no glycogen in the body.

The duration of training should be at least 40-50 minutes.

Fat burning training should combine strength and aerobic exercise, and be accompanied by a balanced diet. Then we can expect that it will give the desired effect. It is also useful to walk more in the fresh air.

Exercises to do at home No need to visit to do fat burning exercises. Many of them can be easily performed. However, they will be more effective when combined with cardio exercises. For example it could be:

  • Swimming.
  • or an exercise bike.
  • Jogging or running on a treadmill.
  • Jumping rope.
  • Fast walk.
  • Moving types of dancing, for example, are effective.

Second important point will power loads, and this concept should not be confused with lifting heavy sports equipment. At home, it will be enough to do:

  • Squats.
  • Push-ups.
  • Loads on the muscles of the back and arms.

Such exercises are especially useful for women, as they allow you to get rid of flabby and sagging hips, buttocks, or restore skin tone after quick reset weight. In addition, such approaches build muscle mass, which will then prevent fat from being deposited in this area. It is advisable to warm up your muscles a little before starting the fat burning complex. Charging should not take more than 10 minutes.

The best exercises to burn fat

As already mentioned, for men, approaches aimed at burning fat should be comprehensive. That is, it means working with several problem areas at once, where fat usually accumulates. For girls, this is the abdomen, buttocks, sides and triceps. Here is a compiled complex that will allow you to study at home for 15 minutes a day, the main thing is to be patient and not get distracted.

The best completion of the complex would be jumping in place or on a skipping rope. Ten repetitions will be enough to consider the workout complete. Another type of fat burning workout can be seen in the video.

The process of fighting fat deposits is always accompanied by a hundred difficulties, and exercise alone cannot cope with it. Experts know what is best to do throughout the day so that lipids are broken down faster and training is carried out with maximum efficiency.

  • You should remove all harmful foods from the refrigerator; the less they are in a visible place, the less temptation there will be to break the regime and break loose. Let there be more raw vegetables and fruits on the shelves, which can satisfy a slight hunger. It is better to completely avoid snacking at night.
  • To boost your metabolism, cardio should always be combined with strength exercises, the intensity of the workout directly affects its effectiveness in burning fat. It is advisable to create a set of exercises together with a specialist and adhere to the recommended training regimen, without making changes at your own discretion.
  • At least once a week you should undergo a workout that targets all muscle groups. Let it be pull-ups and push-ups, working out the abs, arm and leg muscles. This will promote faster metabolism and burn extra calories.
  • In addition to compliance drinking regime, you can also start drinking green tea. This storehouse of health will help speed up metabolism, saturate the body with useful substances and antioxidants, and allow muscles to recover faster after training. Green tea perfectly adds energy and working out after such recharging will be a pleasure.
  • You should consume more complex carbohydrates in the first half of the day so that hunger does not increase and the body receives enough “fuel” in the intense work mode.
  • During the period of performing a fat-burning set of exercises, you should get enough sleep, because healthy sleep is the key successful training and faster burning of lipid tissue under the skin. During sleep, the body produces many beneficial hormones, so do not underestimate this point if you want to eliminate fat.
  • Before each meal, you should drink a glass of clean water in order to reduce the amount of portions you eat. In addition, this will allow the body to receive the required amount of water per day in a comfortable manner.
  • Better during the period intensive training switch to monosyllabic foods to lose weight faster, maintain good health and feel energized. A regular execution exercises will quickly achieve visible results.

The best workout for weight loss consists of exercises that involve several large muscle groups. This functionality will ensure maximum benefit from physical activity. Use full-body circuit training to get a fat-burning effect at home.

How to organize a fat-burning workout at home

Despite the fact that the training is carried out at home, for efficient combustion fat you will need at least a couple of dumbbells. Instead, you can use a kettlebell, a barbell, or weights on your arms and ankles.

An excellent purchase for your home would be a sandbag - this is equipment for CrossFit training; it is an oblong bag with handles filled with sand. The sandbag is useful for classic and front squats and will replace other fitness equipment.

Below is a three-day set of exercises: do them every day, from the fourth day repeat the exercises of the first day of training. Make one day a week a day off.

Keep in mind that over time the body gets used to the intensity of the exercise, so after a month the number of laps in each workout should be increased.

Throughout the entire workout, you need to maintain your heart rate at an optimal level.

  • Your maximum heart rate should not exceed 220 minus your age.
  • Moderate intensity physical activity involves 50-70% of your maximum heart rate. This is the optimal mode for fat burning.

When performing the complex, do not forget about warming up the muscles and stretching. An effective warm-up will help reduce the risk of injury when performing weight-bearing exercises, and stretching your muscles during the cool-down will reduce the unpleasant aches that arise in the muscles the next day.

An excellent solution would be to go for a run or just a walk after each workout. As possible option Consider - such physical activity heals and tones all body systems.

First training

The exercises in this fat-burning workout and all subsequent ones are aimed at using the maximum number of muscles.

Perform 5 circuits 12 times each exercise. Rest 1-2 minutes between circles, breaks between exercises are 30-40 seconds.

Squats with dumbbells

Stand up straight, holding dumbbells in each hand, palms facing your thighs. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward. Keep your head straight so as not to lose balance and keep your back straight.

Bend your knees and slowly lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. At correct execution exercises, the knees should be on the same vertical line with the tips of the toes. Don't let your knees go beyond this plane to avoid putting undue stress on your joints. As you exhale, rise up, pushing your feet off the floor.

Reverse push-ups from the couch

For this exercise, a bench is used in the gym; at home, a sofa or stable chair is suitable. Stand with your back to it and rest your hands on the edge. Hands shoulder-width apart, legs can be extended forward to entry level bend them at the knees.

Lower your torso slowly as you inhale, bending your elbows until the angle at your elbows is slightly less than 90 degrees. Keep your elbows close to your body throughout the movement.

Using your triceps, not your leg muscles, lift your torso up to the starting position. As you progress, you can prop your feet up on an ottoman or low stool to make the exercise more challenging.

Kettlebell or dumbbell swings

Grasp the dumbbell so that it is perpendicular to the floor, or use a kettlebell. Bend your knees slightly and push your hips back. Swing the dumbbell between your legs and push it back out to raise it. The hips must create enough momentum to lift the weight.

The reverse movement of the dumbbell must be controlled. Progress in the exercise is achieved by increasing the height of the push-out point of the weight.


Lie on your back, legs can be straight on the floor or bent at right angles on a bench. Place your hands on both sides of your head; it is not recommended to lock your fingers - this will create excess stress on your neck. Press your lower back into the floor to better isolate your abdominal muscles.

As you exhale, lift your shoulders off the floor, tightening your abdominal muscles. Do not lift your lower back off the floor. Pause at the top point and slowly lower your shoulders as you inhale. Focus on performing the exercise in a controlled manner and do not use momentum during the movement.

Push ups

This exercise works not only the muscles of the arms, but the whole body. It is easy to modify it to suit your own requirements and complicate it to an advanced level. Beginners can start by doing push-ups from their knees with their hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Distribute your body weight evenly from your fingers to your toes, keep your back straight so that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your shins. Slowly bend your elbows and lower your body to the floor as low as possible. Also slowly squeeze your body up until you straighten your arms.

Second training

You won't need to count in this fat-burning workout. A wall clock or a timer on a smartphone will be used. All exercises should be performed as many times as possible continuously for 30 seconds.

Do 4 circuits of 30 seconds each exercise. Rest 1-2 minutes between circles, breaks between exercises are 20-30 seconds.

Lunges with dumbbells

Stand upright, holding dumbbells at your sides. As you inhale, step your right foot forward and lower down, keeping your body straight and balanced. Do not allow your knee to extend forward beyond your toes, as this will place excess stress on the knee joint.

Make sure your shin is perpendicular to the floor. Push your heel off the floor and, as you exhale, rise back to your original position. Repeat the exercise on one leg the required number of times and switch to the second leg.

Bent-overs with kettlebells or dumbbells

Take dumbbells, turn your palms towards your body, hands forward on your hips. Bend your knees slightly and tilt your body down until your back is parallel to the floor. At the same time, move your hips back, the dumbbells remain under the body close to the feet. The back remains straight, look forward. Straighten up slowly, avoiding jerky movements.


This exercise works great on the abdominal muscles; it also works the muscle groups of the back, chest, legs and buttocks. Depending on the level of training, the plank can be done with varying degrees of difficulty: on the elbows, on outstretched arms, on one arm or with a raised leg, on the side or inverted. Select the appropriate option from.

Raising dumbbells from the shoulders

The exercise is performed standing or sitting. If you have back problems, use the sitting option, leaning on the back of a chair. Take dumbbells with your palms facing forward. Raise the dumbbells to your shoulders, watch the position of your elbows, they should be directed to the sides. Slowly raise your arms above your head and lower your arms back to your shoulders in a controlled manner, avoiding jerking movements.

Jump rope

Jumping rope is a great way to warm up your muscles. Jump for 30 seconds with both feet at once. Keep your back straight while jumping. For best results, jump at your normal speed for the first 20 seconds and increase the intensity as much as you can for the remaining 10 seconds.

Exercises for the third workout

The third complex, like the previous ones, is very similar to a circular one or to.
Perform 4 circuits of 30 seconds. Rest 1-2 minutes between circles, breaks between exercises are 20-30 seconds.

Swing your legs

Stand straight and lift your legs one at a time so that your leg is parallel to the floor. Do not swing while performing the exercise; the movement should be done using the muscles of the legs, and not the impulse generated during the swing. If you have problems with balance, place one hand on the back of a chair or a wall.

Squats with dumbbells with upward release

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold dumbbells at your shoulders, and turn your palms toward your body. Lower yourself into a squat, moving your butt outward as if you were sitting in a chair. Hips parallel to the floor; Make sure your knees do not extend beyond your toes.

Push your heels off the floor and straighten up, lifting the dumbbells above your head. Then immediately lower yourself into a squat. Keep moving without stopping.

Push ups

Perform push-ups as on the first day of training. As you progress, this exercise can be made more difficult by using rubber band or burdens. An advanced version of push-ups can be performed in an inclined position, placing your feet on a sofa or bench. Acceptable use sports ball or do push-ups with clap to build explosive muscle strength.

One arm plank

Get into a push-up position on your toes. The exercise can be done from your elbows or lean on your straight arms. Extend one arm forward, keep your back straight. Hold this position, return to the original position and repeat the exercise with the other hand. At an advanced level, try changing hands mid-air without returning to the starting position.

Bent-over dumbbell row

Take dumbbells with your palms facing your body. Bend your knees slightly. Lean forward so your back is almost parallel to the floor. Dumbbells are placed under the body with straightened arms.

Keeping your body stationary, as you exhale, lift the dumbbells to your sides. Keep your elbows close to your body, do not round your back. At the top point, tighten your back muscles, then slowly lower the dumbbells as you inhale.

Precautionary measures

Don’t think that since you’ve started physical activity, you can eat whatever you want and as much as you like. In fact, at least 50% of success in losing weight lies in.

Key Factor to reset excess weight: The body should receive fewer calories than it expends.

An intense set of exercises will force the body to burn calories. At the same time, you don’t need to starve, it’s enough to create a difference of 10–20% to lose weight without compromising your health.

Be sure to drink water during and after your workout to avoid dehydration. Wear suitable clothing and shoes for training – house slippers will not do! Muscle soreness, which occurs in beginners the next day after physical activity, is a normal reaction of the body. However, if muscle pain begins during exercise or immediately after and lasts more than a week, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

If you have been diagnosed with chronic diseases, you should also consult your doctor before starting exercise. Skip your workout if you have a cold, feel unwell, feel nauseous, or have chest pain. Do not start exercising if your blood pressure is high; it will likely rise even higher during physical activity. Be mindful of how you feel if you have diabetes: some exercise can cause your blood sugar to drop.

Greetings to all visitors to our blog pages! Do you know how, given the constant lack of free time, you can get rid of extra centimeters?

In fact, everything has been invented for a long time - start using fat-burning exercises at home, and soon you will be pleased with the first visible results.

Ways to burn fat

If you decide to get your figure in order, you will have to be patient and understand one thing - you will need to stick to this path throughout your life.

And it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on fitness rooms - you can also use special exercises Houses. What you should know before you start training:

  • Exercises to start burning fat should last at least half an hour (and this is the minimum time), preferably 45-60 minutes. This is explained by the fact that fat begins to be consumed only at the 20th minute of an average or high-intensity load;
  • The pulse for beginners reaches 100 beats/minute, for those who are trained it reaches 120-130. Such indicators contribute to the burning of excess fat deposits;
  • The best time for training aimed at removing fat from the body is in the morning on an empty stomach, when all glycogen reserves have been used up;
  • Switch to a natural, balanced diet - stop eating sausages and confectionery, canned food, smoked meats and fried foods. When cooking, use stewing or boiling. Dress salads with vegetable oils or low-fat sour cream.

If you really want something sweet, then it’s not scary if you allow yourself 30 grams of dark chocolate, a couple of marshmallows or candies once a week.

The fight against excess weight should be carried out comprehensively - a combination of strength and aerobic exercise, as well as a balanced diet. And in general, try to lead a healthy and active image life, walking more in the fresh air, hiking, and so on.

Workouts that burn fat

Exercises that promote fat burning are grouped in a specific complex, which must be performed in combination with cardio exercise - cycling or exercise bike, light jogging (learn more about ), swimming, jumping rope or brisk walking. It is these types of workouts that speed up metabolic processes, which ultimately leads to the loss of fat mass.

Strength exercises are performed using your own weight - active muscle contractions reduce forms.

Before starting your workout, do not forget to warm up for 5-10 minutes, and upon completion, stretch all the worked muscle groups.

The best exercises are the golden “three”

  1. Lunge with jumping - performing it will not only tighten the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, but also remove excess fat. Take a deep step forward, squatting and immediately pushing yourself up, straightening your knee. Immediately change legs and do the same. You need to perform the exercise until you sweat and feel a little tired.
  2. Take a ball (fitball), place your elbows on it, and put your feet back (straight back). Roll the ball forward using the strength of your arms, then pull it back using your abdominal muscles.
  3. The lateral transition exercise is great for the entire body, but it requires a lot of space to perform. You need to move sideways in one direction and the other for 10-15 minutes.

Complex for all muscle groups

  • For girls and not only, squats with side bends are suitable. Stand on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart and clasping your hands behind your head in a lock - perform a squat, straighten up and bend to one side. And repeat again from the beginning, but tilt in the other direction;
  • For the stomach and sides, let's perform the following movement - lie on the mat on your stomach. Stretch your body, stretching your arms up and your legs down, lifting them off the surface. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then rise to your hands, kneel down and do push-ups from the floor 5 times, then return to I.P. – 10 repetitions;
  • “Lunges”, raising your legs high - stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms out to the sides. Take a deep step back with one leg, and then pull it towards your chest. Change legs and do the same. Here you will work your abs (obliques), buttocks and thighs;
  • Another exercise for the abdominal muscles is to lie on the floor on your back and imitate the movement of scissors, but your legs work up and down. 30 seconds is enough;
  • “Bridge” is the opposite - lie on the mat on your stomach, then stand on your hands and feet, and then try to touch the floor with your thighs, bending your elbows. Next, straighten one arm and touch it to the opposite leg, returning to IP, doing the same with the other limbs - 10 repetitions on each side. This exercise works the whole body, but especially the sides and hips;
  • For hands and upper shoulder girdle I suggest doing lunges with push-ups using your arms. Doing one push-up on the floor, then alternately spreading your arms to your sides and doing another push-up is one set. They only need to be done within 10 times;
  • Now - run with a high hip raise in place, trying to reach your buttocks with your heels. At least 30 seconds;
  • Stand up straight - place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides - slowly squat down, moving one leg back, touching it with the same hand. Return to I.P. and repeat the movement with the other pair of limbs 8-10 times on each side;
  • With the help of jumping jacks, you will get rid of excess fat throughout your body - bend down, reaching the floor with your hands, while keeping your legs straight. Then jump out so that the arms remain in the same position and only the legs come off the floor - 10 times;
  • The complex is completed by jumping in place. We jump for 1-3 minutes.

For maximum effectiveness, perform each of the presented exercises at least 2 approaches, and maximum 5, depending on your level of fitness, 3-5 times a week.

And if you have never done anything like this in your life, then it would be best to first visit a doctor and consult with him about the upcoming loads.

Fast and effective: interval training

There is another way to start fat burning processes in the body - this is interval training. It does not require much time - just 15 minutes is enough.

The main requirement is high intensity.

The set consists of 4 exercises that need to be performed in 5 approaches - 25 seconds for each with a 10-second rest between them:

  1. “Side lunch” with touch - stand with your feet together, move one leg to the side, resting your toe on the surface, the other leg is slightly bent at the knee, tilt your body slightly forward, and move your pelvis back, touching the same hand on the floor. After this, make a short jump, changing legs, and do the same in the other direction.
  2. “Plank” on the elbows - stand on your elbows and toes, tense your whole body, keeping all parts in one line. Then you need to move one leg to the side, resting it on the floor with your toe, and do the same with the other leg. After this, return the limbs to IP, holding the bar.
  3. Next, let's perform squat jumps - stand on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Bend your knees, move your pelvis back and body forward, bend your elbows in front of you and squat deeply. From this position, jump up, simultaneously straining the muscles of your buttocks and twisting your pelvis forward, straightening your arms and moving them slightly back.
  4. “Reverse plank” - sit on the surface, resting on your palms so that your fingers point towards your heels. Rest on your heels (legs straight), pulling your socks towards you. Raise your pelvis off the floor so that your entire body is one straight line. After this, you need to push your pelvis up as much as possible, and then lower it down a little. Then first move one leg (straight) to the side, then the other and again push the pelvis up and then down. Then return the legs one by one to IP, pushing the pelvis up.

I repeat once again - it is important to perform all these exercises not only technically correctly, but also quickly. And watch your breathing - no need to hold it, inhale while relaxing, and exhale while tense. After such a load, fat burning will continue for another 4-6 hours. This information is confirmed not only by experts, but also by reviews of people who train in a similar way.

Here is a video with an excellent short workout aimed specifically against fat - Anita Lutsenko in the studio “Everything will be fine”:

Regardless of the chosen path of shaping your body, tune in to long-term work; only patience and work will make your figure attractive and fit.

See you again! Share information about best workouts for fat burning with friends in social networks, and subscribe to updates and exclusive weight loss content on our blog.
