Uneven bars classes for girls. Basic exercises on parallel bars. Rules for conducting classes

Many workouts allow for comprehensive muscle development, some of which are based on using your own body weight. This type of exercise includes parallel bars exercises. Over the years, it is they who have allowed us to develop muscle mass, keep many athletes in shape due to the fact that the arms, shoulders, back muscles, and chest are simultaneously worked out.

Rules for conducting training

The workout can be made more effective if you weight it with a special belt.

Bars– a mandatory element of almost any sports ground. This is due to the fact that the bars can be used to perform various exercises. Their number is very large, they vary in complexity and technique, and the level of training that is required.

It is worth considering that parallel bars can be used not only by men, but also by women. Some types of exercises are ideal for women and allow you to quickly achieve the desired result. Women can do the same workouts as men, just with fewer sets and reps.

To begin with, let us highlight the features of the situation in which beginners begin to work on the horizontal bar in question:

  1. Attend You need to train 3-5 times a week.
  2. While doing a workout you should try to do it correctly. The number of times does not make sense if the technique is not followed.
  3. Every day you need to try to perform more repetitions.

The main thing for beginners is to learn to follow the technique. Advanced exercisers can make the exercises more challenging by using heavy straps. The load is increased gradually.

Set of exercises

There are the following types of classes:

  1. Push ups at vertical position body with a slight slope.
  2. Push ups standard type with a horizontal housing arrangement.
  3. Hips lift
  4. Leg Raising with the body positioned vertically at a right angle.
  5. Twisting when fixing the legs.

There are other exercises that we will consider in more detail in the section on technique. Each type of workout can be used to target a specific muscle group.

Execution technique

As previously noted, when performing training on the uneven bars, special attention should be paid to maintaining technique. If the technique is not followed, then the effectiveness of the training decreases significantly.

Each type of exercise has its own recommendations for implementation:

  1. Push-ups with a vertical body position. We go to the bars. We make an exit by pushing off the ground. When you get a way out, you need to tilt your body forward a little. We perform arm curls in elbow joint until your shoulders are almost parallel to the floor.
  2. Raising your legs while keeping your body upright. Starting position – vertical exit over the bars. When the voltage is exceptional abdominals, we raise our legs to a position in which they are parallel to the floor.
  3. A simpler option The previous exercise can be called alternate leg raising. The starting position is the same as before. In this case, the legs are raised alternately until they are parallel to the floor.
  4. A turn in the corner is carried out in the following way: accepted initial position, for which we make an exit over the bars, raise our legs so that they are parallel to the floor and begin to turn them to the sides. When performing exercises, you need to ensure that only the body turns.
  5. Make the process more complicated You can do push-ups by raising your legs to a position where a right angle is formed between them and your torso.
  6. Diagonal push-up is performed as follows: hands are placed on the floor, and legs are fixed on the uneven bars. In a vertical position, when the head is down, push-ups are performed.
  7. Walking on your hands refers to basic exercises, performed during initial training.
  8. Jumping on hands performed to strengthen ligaments. To do this, you should push off from the starting position when exiting over the uneven bars. The jump is performed to a height of up to 20 centimeters.
  9. Horizontal push-ups somewhat reminiscent regular push-ups. In this case, a large load is placed on the stabilization muscles. To perform the exercise, you should step onto the uneven bars and take a horizontal position, placing emphasis on your feet and hands. In this case, the feet are spread apart, since during the approach there is a possibility of the toes slipping off the pipes.

Parallel bars can be safely classified as a universal sports bar, since it can work various muscles.

Number of approaches and repetitions

There are certain recommendations for how many sets and repetitions you should do. However, we note that the number of times is not as important as the quality. Therefore, at the initial stage it is important to perform the selected exercise correctly and only if there is physical capabilities You can increase the number of approaches and repetitions.

  1. Rest between reps and sets– 60-90 seconds. If you do not follow this rule, the effectiveness of the training is significantly reduced.
  2. Regular push-up on uneven bars should consist of 4 approaches. The number of repetitions is the maximum possible in each approach.
  3. Exit to uneven bars Beginners should perform 10 times in 5 sets.
  4. Almost all other exercises, which were given above, also perform 4 approaches and in each approach the maximum number of repetitions.

What muscles are involved during exercise?

Bars allow you to perform exercises that have a complex impact.

They are often used to work the following muscles:

  • breast;
  • press;
  • stabilization muscles;
  • biceps;
  • triceps;
  • shoulders;

Most popular exercise– standard push-ups with the body in a vertical position, working the biceps, chest, shoulders

Advantages and disadvantages of training

The process of training on uneven bars has its advantages and disadvantages.

When considering the shortcomings, the following points can be noted:

  1. Traumaticity. When performing exercises, you should remember safety precautions. This is because falling from the pull-up bar can cause serious injury. Complex exercises should only be performed with insurance.
  2. Difficulty of execution. Great success can only be achieved by professionals who correctly perform all movements at the time of training. Beginners will not immediately feel the results.
  3. Most of full bars are located on the street.

However, there are undoubted advantages:

  1. Greater efficiency subject to technique.
  2. Complex impact, since when performing almost all exercises, stabilization muscles are also involved.
  3. Availability. Similar ones are located on almost all sports grounds.
  4. Possibility of performing classes at any level of training.

Even though many people don't pay much attention to parallel bars, they are a great addition to every workout.


When creating an exercise program, many people pay attention to efficiency. What results and over what period of time can be achieved when performing a workout?

When considering this issue, we note the following nuances:

  1. Do workouts you need 3-4 days a week.
  2. Number of approaches should be about 4. The number of repetitions is the maximum.
  3. It's important to pay attention to perform each movement correctly. To do this, you should invite a friend with you who will observe the technique or perform training on the uneven bars located near the glass.
  4. Result depends not only on the exercises themselves, but also on rest.

After just a month of performing basic classes, you can notice the presence of changes. It is important to take into account that excess weight may cause changes not to be noticeable. Therefore, it is recommended to take a photo of yourself before starting training and after completing a certain period.

It's no secret that most girls are not even able to do push-ups from the floor, not to mention exercises on the uneven bars. And all this despite the fact that push-ups on the uneven bars are considered best exercise for training the upper half of the body. This activity stimulates the work of the triceps, pectoralis major and anterior bundle. deltoid muscles. A girl who, weighing 60 kilograms, is able to do at least a few push-ups on the uneven bars can be called a heroine without exaggeration.

Start small

Grasp the handles and transfer your own weight into your hands. The body should “hang in the air”, and this can only be achieved if your arms are straight. Do not under any circumstances fix your position with your elbows - this is very dangerous. Throwing your head back or, conversely, pulling it into your shoulders is also not a good idea. Do deep breath and slowly, without sudden movements, lower your body down. Bend your arms until your shoulder is parallel to the floor. Pause for a second at the bottom point, and only after that, slowly inhaling, rise up, using the triceps and pectoral muscles.

It is better to learn on a special simulator that allows you to perform the same exercise, but with relief. The position is similar, except that a special platform will put pressure on your knees and thereby help you perform push-ups. The platform's assistance is regulated by special weights. The more weight, the easier it is to do push-ups. Gradually increase the load, rising to a new level over and over again. Over time, you will get used to it, and when the exercise turns out to be too simple for you, you can try your hand at real parallel bars.

Regular strength exercises on parallel bars include push-ups and possibly holding the corner in support. Artistic gymnastics offers many exercises on the uneven bars, which are mostly quite difficult, but there are basic movements, which allow everyone to train on this sports equipment.

Features of the projectile

Gymnastic bars are suitable for everyone - small children, teenagers, adults, because the load comes solely thanks to own weight, and the hands must be trained relative to the size of the body.
If we are talking about comfortable and useful activities in gymnastics, the width of the uneven bars must correspond to age, which means you will either have to make them for a specific person, or simply practice on the uneven bars, because their width is adjustable. The distance between the parallel bars should be several centimeters wider than the shoulders; a larger distance can be traumatic, and a smaller distance will overload one muscle group, namely the triceps. So adjust the gymnastics bars so that they are comfortable, you need to tighten them so that they do not wobble or sway.

To avoid injury, you need to warm up; during exercises, you need to load evenly all the muscles that can work in specific exercise. The parallel bars are not a horizontal bar; the important thing here is complex work, not pumping up a specific muscle.

Muscle training

We present exercises that train certain priority muscle groups:

Follow the basic safety rules - do not stretch your muscles too much when doing push-ups, do not attach weights to your belt, it is better to do the exercises more slowly, the effect will be the same as from the weight, and keep in mind that exercises on the uneven bars load the heart, dose the load depending on your capabilities body.

Exercise every day, slowly increasing the load, and your muscles will become not only strong, but also sculpted. Great results in training on apparatus can only be achieved by training on gymnastic rings.


It is useful for every athlete to learn not only static exercises, increasing muscle mass, but also dynamic movements, which are the basis for further development in artistic gymnastics. Try to train with a real gymnast trainer in a gym where the floor is covered with mats, since training without experience can cause injury, especially for dynamic exercises.

Bars are the simplest sports simulator, which is available in almost every courtyard of a residential building. It consists of two parallel poles installed at a certain height. For sports clubs and at home there are more compact beams in the form of a suspended structure on wall bars. They exist, but few people know what to do with them and how to use them. Meanwhile, parallel bars are a very useful gadget that will help diversify sports training not only for men, but will also make any girl’s fitness preparation more effective.

Exercise No. 1 on uneven bars. They can be done in various ways. According to the classics, you should place your straight arms on the surface of the bars. To do this, you can either jump or use the help of a trainer. Then you should bend your knees, move your shins back and bend your elbows. Next, without changing the position of your legs, you must straighten your arms again. This is one repetition. There are 10 of them that need to be taken in total. This is not so easy to do, especially for a girl. Therefore, after each push-up, it is allowed to touch the floor with your feet or use a safety bench. Also, a trainer can hold a diligent athlete’s legs during push-ups at first, helping her from below to lift herself up onto straight arms without touching the floor.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

This exercise puts a lot of stress on pectoral muscle; small and large teres muscle; rhomboid muscles; latissimus dorsi muscle and elbow muscles. To correctly place emphasis and give stress to your priority muscle group, adjust the technique of parallel bar push-ups. So, to maximize the use of the triceps, while lowering your arms, bring them closer to your torso, keeping your torso perpendicular to the floor. If your goal is to pump up your chest, then move your arms away from your chest as much as possible during the descent, and, on the contrary, tilt your torso forward.

You can also do push-ups while sitting completely astride the parallel bars. We are, of course, talking about an outdoor structure on which you can go into a straight plank with your feet and hands resting on the surface of the bars. This plank and push-ups will create a load on all the core muscles. muscle groups, and will also require good balancing skills.

Advice. When training on the uneven bars, use special sports gloves to protect your palms from calluses.

Push ups- the main, but not the only exercise that can be performed using parallel bars. Also popular using this sports equipment press complex. This includes the following exercises:

1. Raising your knees bent to your chest. Performed with elbows resting on the bars. In the starting position, the legs are straight, together with the upper half of the body, perpendicular to the floor. Next, you need to bend your legs at the knees and pull them towards your chest, and then smoothly return to the starting position without jerking. The number of repetitions of the exercise is 10 times in 3 approaches.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

2. Raise straight legs until they are parallel to the floor.
Also performed with elbows resting on the bars. In the starting position, the legs are straight, together with the upper half of the body, perpendicular to the floor. Next, straight legs (soft knees are allowed) must be raised until they are parallel to the floor, and then smoothly return to the starting position without jerking. The number of repetitions of the exercise is 10 times in 3 approaches.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

3. "Pendulum".
Also performed with elbows resting on the bars. In the starting position, the legs are straight, if the height of the projectile allows, or slightly bent at the knees so as not to touch the floor. Next, the legs should be moved either to the right or to the left from the line of the body, which resembles the movement of a pendulum. The number of repetitions of the exercise is 10 times in each direction.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

For all these exercises, a mounted shortened model of parallel bars with a handle, an armrest and a back brace is more suitable.

On ordinary long street bars, you can pump up your abs while sitting astride them. In this case, the buttocks must be placed on one pole, and the second one must be securely grasped with your feet. From this position, slowly move your body back and then lift up. In addition to training the abs, this exercise perfectly develops a sense of balance. The number of repetitions of the exercise is 10 times in 3 approaches.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

It’s also an excellent base for stretching. First of all, swings will help improve stretching. To perform them, stand on the side of the bars, hold on to one pole with both hands and perform 20 swings to the right and left with each leg.

Despite the fact that most girls do not strive to conquer either the uneven bars or the horizontal bar, these exercises could be very useful for them. Many people are stopped by the fact that gymnastic and strength exercises on the uneven bars can initially only be performed in the yard near the house, in front of passers-by. Few people decide to buy parallel bars for home from the very beginning - what if this workout is not to their liking, and the sports device remains unclaimed? However, among those who still decided to do exercises artistic gymnastics on uneven bars, the majority note very noticeable positive results.

Correct parallel bars exercise for beginners

For upper body training, parallel bars are the ideal device. Few people do not dream of high breasts, graceful arms and beautiful shoulders. This is especially true for girls with a triangle body type.

In this regard, the most effective exercise on uneven bars is classic push-ups. Let's look at the technique:

  1. Inhale and lower yourself down until your shoulder is parallel to the floor.
  2. Now try to get up with your arms straight. If you can do this several times, you are an incredibly strong girl!

Even if this has become easy for you, do not switch to exercises on uneven bars with weights. Still, this is more of a male version, and you better strive to increase the number of repetitions.

Exercises on parallel bars for the press

Bars are great way make your abs more beautiful and stronger. Do you remember how to perform the classic “corner” exercise on the horizontal bar? It's almost the same, only more complicated. The technique is as follows:

  1. Stand in front of the bars, grab the handles.
  2. Push yourself into the bars with straight arms and transfer your entire body weight to them, hanging. Do not lock your elbows by straightening them too much, as this may cause injury.
  3. Raise your legs above the parallel bars and spread them apart, then bring them together and lower them down.

Another option: lift your two legs together and move them sideways to the left. Return to the starting position, then move your legs sideways to the right.

You will probably not be able to complete the entire exercise right away - in this case, start with classic leg raises with bent knees, and then straight legs. Don't give up training and you will certainly get great results.
