All about the bar row. T-bar row for a V-shaped back. T-bar row: execution mechanics

The T-bar row is designed to work the large back muscles. The movement is similar in mechanics to rowing a barbell to the belt, however, it is somewhat easier to control the correct execution of the exercise. Thanks to this, the athlete can work with more significant weights without risking injury. The T-bar pull is undemanding in terms of equipment. It can be done either in a special simulator or with a regular barbell.

The main load during movement falls on the latissimus dorsi muscles. The trapezius, teres major, rhomboid muscles, spinal extensors and rear delts. The row perfectly works the area between the shoulder blades. Additionally, the biceps are involved, and static load goes to the abs, forearms and thighs.

Load distribution when performing the exercise.

Bent-over T-bar rows develop several large muscle groups at once. This allows you to get a good load and form a beautiful and wide back.

Proper execution

It can be performed either on a special simulator or using a regular barbell with weights removed from one end.

There are traction machines various types. Some of them allow you to perform the exercise while lying down. The advantage of this embodiment is that the static load is removed from the legs. But there is also a significant disadvantage - while lying down it is impossible to achieve a deflection in the lower back, due to which maximum contraction is achieved latissimus muscles backs.

There are also machines where you stand with your feet on a special platform and pull up a bar with an attached handle. This exercise machine is very good, the main thing is to take a comfortable position in it, in accordance with your height and degree of flexibility.

There are exercise machines with chest supports, handles for different grips, and other equipment. The principle of muscle function is the same everywhere. To understand the technique, let’s consider the simplest option - with a regular barbell. Once you understand the mechanics of movement with a barbell, handling the machine will be a piece of cake.

Technique for performing deadlifts with a barbell with special handles.

So, first, take your starting position:

  1. Place the required number of weights on one end of the barbell. Place the other end in a corner or have your partner secure it with their foot. If you have a special handle, attach it to the bar closer to the plates. If not, don’t worry – grab the bar with both hands near the weights. One hand is placed in front, the other behind. After the approach, change hands. Or, you can place the fingers of one hand on top.
  2. Place the barbell between your legs and bend over with your back straight and your knees bent. Grab the bar as tightly as possible, tighten your abs. Raise your body so that the plates are lifted off the floor. The movement should be performed using the back muscles. Bent knees are needed so that you can maintain a deflection in the lower back. The barbell should not be lifted using your legs.

Performing deadlifts:

  1. As you exhale, use your back muscles to pull the barbell towards you. At the same time, the elbows move close to the body. Pause for a second at the top, squeezing your shoulder blades together and achieving peak muscle contraction.
  2. As you inhale, smoothly lower the barbell to its original position, and you should feel a stretch in your back muscles. The elbows at the lowest point do not fully extend, the pancakes remain suspended.

If there are no handles, the bar can be held by hand.

Perform the described movement 8–12 times. Rest for 1 minute and do 1-2 more sets. The deadlift is a basic exercise and should be performed at the beginning of your workout.

Whether you're doing deadlifts on a machine or with a handle, the width of the grip you use matters a lot. The narrower the grip, the greater the amplitude of movement, but the more the biceps are involved in the work. The wider the grip, the less the arm muscles are involved, but the range of movement is reduced. It is recommended to alternate grips when complex training backs.

To ensure that the T-bar row is absolutely safe and as effective as possible, check out these tips:

  • Don't start your workout with too much weight. Many athletes get injured due to the fact that they choose prohibitive weights.
  • Make sure that the movement of the barbell is carried out through the work of the back muscles, and not with the help of the biceps. During training, mentally imagine how the back muscles tense at the top point and how they stretch at the bottom.
  • At the bottom point, do not fully extend your elbows.
  • The movement should be performed in a tilted position, but with perfect straight back and a natural arch in the lower back. A crooked back while deadlifting can cause serious injury to your lower spine. In order to borrow correct position, move your pelvis back, tighten your abs and bend your knees.
  • Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible, this will make it easier to control the movement of your arms.
  • Stick to a certain pace: slowly lower the barbell and quickly raise it up. Avoid jerking; all your movements should have the same amplitude and be smooth.
  • Monitor adherence to technique. If you are tired, then stop, take a break and continue the approach.

T-bar rows will be easier to perform if you use smaller weight plates. Large weights not only reduce your range of motion, making it difficult for you, but they also prevent you from getting a comfortable grip on the barbell. If possible, use small but weighty pancakes. From a convenience point of view, it is better to hang several small pancakes than one large one.

Bent-over T-bar rows are awesome. basic exercise for pumping the back muscles. Due to the fact that traction does not require complex equipment and serious physical training, it is popular among athletes of various levels. Master correct technique complete this exercise and enjoy great results!

Deadlift exercises T-bar designed to work the middle of the back by bringing the shoulder blades together, so that the load falls on this target area.

Thanks to this, the back becomes more massive, its muscles acquire accentuated thickness, become more detailed, and posture also improves.

The T-bar row is a biomechanically stronger position for rowing and allows for a stronger challenge for the muscle masses of the mid and lower back: lats, trapezius, rhomboids, rear deltoids, teres major, and biceps. The abdominal muscles are also stimulated.

However, in order for the T-bar row exercise to have the desired effect, it must be performed (best in front of a mirror), having mastered the correct technique under the guidance of a trainer.

But almost half of the visitors gyms does it incorrectly, they tend to immediately work with maximum weights.

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To protect your back from injury and perform the training program at full strength, a preliminary comprehensive warm-up is necessary to warm up the muscles.

Digression from the topic: if you can’t train in the gym, then the article “” is just for you.

Bent-over T-bar rows are performed on a special machine, but you can simply use a barbell, resting it and securely fixing one end of it in the corner.

In addition, you will need a special handle or straps. The T-bar row on the machine is more convenient to perform as it is fully equipped.

When performing T-bar rows, the grip can be different: wide, medium or narrow, reverse straight and parallel; options can be alternated.

The exercise is performed when legs bent and a body tilt of 70-80 degrees, that is, almost parallel to the floor. A hunchback and insufficient torso tilt will negate the entire effect. You need to keep your back straight, bringing your shoulder blades together as you lift the handle.

When it lowers, the shoulders also lower, and the back slightly hunches. This promotes better contraction and stretching of the back muscles.

The T-bar row to the waist should be performed smoothly, with constant control of the muscles involved. To a certain extent, the effect depends on the grip, although it is chosen arbitrarily, at will.

However experienced athletes note that when reverse grip The elbows are pressed closer to the body, and this contributes to a stronger contraction of the latissimus muscles.

The handle with rotating handles also contributes to this. Thanks to it, in the lower position the hand can be turned with the palms back, and in the upper position with the palms inward, which imitates a similar exercise with dumbbells. As a result, the latissimus muscles become more stretched and contracted.

Bent-over T-bar row is rightfully recognized as one of the best basic exercises for high-quality training of the latissimus dorsi muscles. This type of deadlift is quite versatile, and therefore suitable for both beginners and more experienced athletes.

Muscles that take part in the exercise:


  • Development of traction force and muscle mass back muscles
  • Muscle thickening
  • High-quality work on the middle of the back
  • Correction of muscle asymmetry
  • Can be performed for problems with the lower back

Exercise technique:


Before starting the exercise, equip the machine with the necessary weight. After this, take the correct position, sitting on top, while your chest should be pressed tightly against the machine. Grasp the handles and lift the bar from the rack, holding it outstretched arms.


Inhale, and as you exhale, begin to pull your arms towards your chest, while squeezing your shoulder blades. Having reached the top point, take a short pause of 1 second. Inhale and return the bar to the starting position. Repeat the specified number of times.

Alternative exercises:

In addition to the classic version, there are also alternative exercises:

  • Row of two dumbbells on a bench at an upward angle

  • Try not to lift your chest from the support platform of the machine while performing the exercise.
  • Don't make any movements with your legs
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades and squeeze your back at the highest point
  • When performing the movement, your arms should be close to your body.
  • Don't lower your head too much
  • Keep your gaze forward
  • Don't chase heavy weights - it will compress your chest and make breathing difficult, why unnecessary discomfort?
  • Number of approaches 3 - 5, repetitions 8 - 12

Many studies in the field of bodybuilding indicate that this exercise is among the TOP - 5 most best exercises for back development. If we consider other exercises, then the advantage can be safely given to the bent-over barbell row.

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This article will touch on a not entirely trivial exercise for the back muscles - T bar row. This allows you to gain mass in the back muscles and work on its thickness.

In terms of biomechanics, it is very similar to, but performing it adhering to the correct technique is much easier.

T-bar row: features of the exercise

The T bar row allows you to work deeper the back muscles between the shoulder blades, which form its thickness. This exercise targets the latissimus and teres major muscles of the back. long extensors, trapezoid, rhomboid, posterior deltoid bundle, in addition, the muscles of the forearms and thighs work statically. As you can see, there is a huge layer of back muscles and stabilizer muscles.

There are many machines for performing T-bar rows. These include special lever structures, where you need to pull while standing, and simulators, in which the exercise is performed while lying down. However, in the latter option it is inconvenient to fix the deflection in the lower back, which is necessary for a more effective contraction of the lats.

And finally, in the absence of special machines, you can perform T-bar rows with a regular barbell. One end rests on the floor and rests against something; the other end has weights and a grip handle from a block machine.

The difference between the T-bar row and the bent-over row is that the bar is fixed in one of the planes of movement. This significantly simplifies your task, because you essentially have to lift the bar along a pre-selected, correct trajectory without additional effort.

An absolute advantage this exercise is the ability to take more weight than in a bent-over row, because the execution technique is simplified. The smaller volume of work of the stabilizer muscles allows you to specifically load the back muscles, and even with more weight. The work that the loaded muscles have to do increases.

One of the most important rules Any exercise on the back involves arching in the lower back. This rule applies primarily to the T bar row due to the increased working weights. By bending your knees and moving your pelvis back, you achieve a comfortable and, most importantly, safe position for complete contraction of the back muscles.

Make sure that in the starting position your lower back is not rounded. You can remove the rounding by moving the pelvis deeper back and bending the legs at the knees.

Because the projectile is fixed, and you are not able to move it. Your task is to choose a position in which the amplitude for contraction of the back muscles will be greatest. Position yourself too close and the projectile may touch your knees; if you are too far away, the amplitude will be ineffective. It is optimal to attract the projectile to the lower abdomen.

The grip width is similar to the bent over row. The narrower the grip, the greater the amplitude, but the biceps work hard, stealing the load from the back muscles. The wider the grip, the better the back muscles we need contract, but the amplitude becomes smaller. Therefore, you must choose the amplitude based on the rule of the golden mean and the design features of your body. Find a grip where you can feel your lats better.

Technique for performing T bar rows

In the T-bar row exercise, the execution technique is almost identical to the bent-over barbell row. Basic Rules:

  • Exhale during the ascent (heavy phase), inhale during the descent.
  • At the lowest point, keep your elbows slightly bent so that the entire load rests on the back muscles and not on the arms.
  • During the exercise, think only about how your lats stretch at the bottom and how they contract at the top.
  • At the top point, hold the peak contraction for a second.
  • The pace of the exercise is slow on the way down, faster on the way up.
  • The load on the lats should be maintained throughout the entire set (do not allow your arms to extend at the elbow or relax).

T bar row: video

In order to better understand how to perform the T bar row exercise, a video from Denis Borisov will tell and show the correct and safe equipment execution.

Also watch an interesting video from Alexander Schukin, in which he works his back using the T-bar row.


The T bar row allows you to load a huge layer of back muscles in a more isolated manner. The main obstacle in this exercise can only be your ego. Many athletes have been injured when they lift weights that are prohibitive for themselves in this exercise.

By adhering to the basic principles of performing the T-bar row, you will safely and effectively work your back muscles.

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Article last updated: 08/30/2014

Good day to all! In that article, we will look at such a wonderful basic exercise for the back muscles as the T-bar row. This exercise is very effective and allows you to achieve good results with him correct execution. It is great for and promotes hypertrophy muscle fibers backs.

Muscles involved: area of ​​the latissimus muscles, trapezius, biceps, shoulder muscles, as well as the wrist flexor muscles.

This exercise quite effectively increases the width of the back muscles. Of course, to increase the width of your back, bent-over barbell rows are more suitable. If you take these two exercises, in my opinion, the T-bar row is much easier to perform than. This simplicity is due to the fact that in our exercise the apparatus is fixed, while the barbell can move in different directions, at different angles and we have to hold it at the correct angle throughout the entire exercise. This makes the task very difficult, and the weight that can be put on the barbell is significantly less than the weight that we can put on the T-bar.

By and large, the T-bar row is aimed at working the latissimus muscles, namely inner part. This allows you to focus on the thickness and massiveness of the back muscles. Also, this exercise develops muscle strength well.

As mentioned above, in performing the exercise, in addition to the back, other stabilizer muscles (abs), as well as pulling muscles (biceps), are also involved in the work. To make the T-Bar Row more effective, you need to concentrate as much load on your back as possible. Sometimes an athlete does an exercise incorrectly, distributing the load between the biceps and back incorrectly. In this exercise, the pulling muscle such as the biceps should be almost eliminated from the exercise, that is, the lifter should pull the weight with the back muscles and not the biceps. Remember an exercise like this, the principle is very similar.

There are also two types of simulators for performing this exercise, namely: a simulator with an emphasis and without an emphasis. An exercise machine with an emphasis allows you to maximize the use of your back muscles, as it eliminates the work of many stabilizer muscles, and also helps to keep your torso stationary, allowing you to significantly increase the load on your back. As for the simulator without support, then performing the exercise will be a little more difficult, because you will have to watch your back, keeping it straight and your torso, keeping it motionless.


1. Adjust the emphasis in the simulator to suit your own height so that it is convenient for you to perform the exercise. Your chest should rest against a special support.

2. Stand on the foot platform, lean your chest against the support, and grab the handle with your hands. The handles can be for a direct or neutral grip, each of which loads one or another part of the back. A neutral grip loads the lower back, a straight grip loads the upper back.

3. Remove the bar from the racks and hold it with outstretched arms. The back is straight.

4. When the starting position is accepted, hold your breath and raise the bar. Remember that the pulling muscles are the back muscles, not the biceps. At the peak, exhale, then slowly return the bar to its original position. At the lowest point, you cannot lower your arms completely, you need to maintain stretching of the back muscles, make a slight bend in elbow joints and do not straighten them completely.

5. Complete the required number of repetitions.


1. Take the starting position. We stand in the exercise machine with our feet on the platform. To keep your back straight and make a slight arch in the lower back, you need to move your buttocks back, your back is straight, your legs should be bent at the knees. If the athlete's back is rounded, the back muscles will not be able to fully contract during the exercise.

2. We take the handle with our hands and make deep breath Holding your breath, pull the bar to your chest. At the top point we exhale. While lowering the T-bar, we exhale, then, repeating the movement towards the chest, we inhale.

3. The required number of repetitions should be performed.


1. While moving to the peak point, do not lean back, this will be cheating, and the back muscles will not receive the necessary load.

2. If you have weak forearms, you can take special straps to hold the bar. To ensure that such a need does not arise, you should:

3. To increase the amplitude, in some simulators you need to use plates with a smaller diameter.

4. If you cannot perform the exercise without cheating for at least 8-10 repetitions, you should reduce the weight, since the one you are using is too heavy.
