Triceps exercises at home for men. Basic exercises for gaining weight. Basic exercises for gaining triceps mass. What are they like

And it’s time to pump up the triceps in order to maximize the volume of the arm, which by a third depends on the mass of this muscle group.

Triceps brachii, better known simply as the triceps, is the triceps muscle of the brachii: it has a lateral, medial and long head. Since it has one more head than the biceps, attention paid to working it out with the help of weights will quickly make you the owner massive hands. Of course, you shouldn’t neglect the biceps either - otherwise it will lead to a very strange-looking imbalance, and you will also have nothing to do at arm wrestling competitions - but it’s definitely worth including the presented triceps movements at home in your training.

Pump up your arms quickly: weighted dips, bench press narrow grip, sitting arm extensions, close-grip push-ups with clap, arm extensions on the machine.

Want to big hands? Focus on your triceps! One of the common things for anyone who lifts weights is to build massive arms. Everyone does it for their own reasons, but if you have experience and balanced training, it will make it a lot easier and help you get better. Knowing why and how to pump up your arms is important in itself, but we think the information below will be useful to anyone interested in weight training.

If you want to have bigger arms, it is very important to pay attention to your triceps. Many people think that the most important thing in the arms is the biceps, but this is not true, because it only makes up 1/3 of the muscles in the upper arm. The remaining 2/3 is triceps. Do you want bigger hands? Do these 5 exercises to tone your triceps, including at home.

Want to bench press more weight? Stop training your biceps (at least, stop training just your biceps). In addition to the fact that the triceps make up 2/3 of the mass muscle tissue, he is often statistically the weakest muscle in the group. Use these triceps exercises to gym to dial more mass in the right areas.

Before you dive into training programs and start jumping with dumbbells like a gorilla, you need to understand the structure of the human body and how muscles work in conjunction with one another. Basic understanding of anatomy and physiology will help you create a meaningful program for yourself, monitor your form, posture and results.

The triceps consists of three heads that run between the shoulder blade and one of the upper arm bones (the ulna). These heads are known as the lateral, middle and long heads.

  • Lateral head - located on the outside of the long humerus and is responsible for movements requiring high intensity force.
  • The middle head is located along the shoulder, mainly covered by the long and lateral heads. It is primarily responsible for slow, low-intensity movements.
  • The long head is the longest of the 3 heads, located mostly along the bottom of the humerus. The long head is used when sustained force is needed or when cooperation and control of the shoulder and/or elbow joint is needed.

Here we list them, from the heaviest compound movements that target multiple muscle groups (these are natural synergists with pressing movements that work the chest), to lighter isolation exercises that are best done in large volumes towards the end of the workout to pump up your arms. end. If your goal is the latter, prepare for serious soreness - the triceps are more susceptible to it than any other muscle.

Triceps, like all other muscles in the body, are made up of fast and slow fibers. Fast-twitch fibers are easier to train and are typically recruited with heavy weights and low reps. Slow fibers are harder to activate and respond to a large number of repetitions. If you prepare slow fibers Before your main workout, doing a few high rep sets will help trigger growth of all fiber types.

Tested and effective method engage both types of fibers in the triceps:

Cable arm extension - 2 sets of 20 reps (light weight)

Close grip bench press - 4 sets of 5-8 reps (heavy weight)

The best exercises for pumping up the triceps

We have prepared a list of the most effective movements for the mass and relief of the triceps brachii muscle and divided them into two groups.

Arm extension on the upper block

Grasp the rope handle fixed to the upper mount. Palms should face each other. Pull the handle to lift the weight, keeping your elbows close to your body. Keeping your torso still, extend your arms down and out to engage your triceps, then slowly return to the starting position. Can be performed effectively by women.

Close grip bench press

Lie down on horizontal bench, grab the barbell with an overhand grip, your hands should be about 20 cm apart. Plant your feet firmly on the floor and press the barbell up with a powerful movement, then slowly lower it back until it is directly above your sternum.


Place the bars on outstretched arms and hold a light dumbbell between your feet or attach a weight to your belt. To engage your triceps, keep your torso vertical. Bring your arms close to your body, bend and lower until your arms are at the correct 90-degree angle, then forcefully return to the starting position. Works the triceps well.

Triceps push-ups

Sit on the edge of the bench, with your feet on the other bench opposite. Transfer your body weight to your hands, palms should rest on the edge of the bench, fingers pointing forward. Lower your body until your arms are at an angle of approximately 90 degrees, then return to the starting position with a powerful movement.

Close grip push-ups

Perform a standard push-up, but your palms should be narrower than shoulder width. Lower yourself until your chest touches your arms, then rise until your arms are fully extended. This way you will perform a full range of motion and work your pectoral muscles and triceps with high efficiency.

French press with dumbbells

Lie down on a bench, take a light dumbbell in each hand, arms should be straightened vertically upward. Keep your shoulders still and bend your elbows so that the weights drop to the sides of your head, then return your arms to the starting position.

Standing triceps extension

Stand straight, lift the dumbbell above your head, keep your hand close to your ear. Keep your shoulder still, bend your arm to bring the dumbbell behind your head, then straighten your elbow and return your arm to a vertical position.

Pulling the block from behind the head

Here we will need a cable trainer again, but this time stand with your back to the mount. Grasp the handles with your palms facing each other and move away from the machine to lift the weight. Hands should be behind your head, elbows tense, straighten them as if with both hands soccer ball, then return to the starting position. The exercise is highly effective.

Arm extension with elastic band

Second option for performing the exercise:

Grasp elastic band one hand behind your head, hold the other end of the tape with your other hand behind your back, press your hand to your body. Shoulder upper hand keep motionless, straighten your elbow, overcoming the tension of the band.

Top 5 Exercises for Massive Triceps

There are quite a few exercises that work the triceps, and many of them work a wide range of muscles in the arm. There are, however, some that target the triceps almost exclusively and produce the best results.

While this article focuses primarily on the five best free weight triceps exercises, there are some that require the use of machines. Don't forget that you can vary the basic triceps exercises and use appropriate machines or weights, as long as you understand the structure and purpose of the muscle groups involved.

Best Triceps Exercises: #1 - Weighted Dips

The muscle becomes stronger as the load increases. Its main source is extra weight. Bench push-ups primarily use your own body weight, however, to increase the muscle challenge, you can place weights on your hips. additional burden.

Use two benches, placing them about one and a half meters apart. Sit on one bench, place your heels on the opposite one; adjust the distance between the benches depending on your height. Place your palms on the bench you are sitting on and slide forward, supporting yourself with your arms. Now slowly lower yourself until your arms are bent at a 90-degree angle. Freeze and push yourself up until your arms are fully extended.

Best Triceps Exercises: #2 - Close Grip Bench Press

During this press, the elbows should be kept close to the body, and the hands should be no wider than 30 cm from each other - the grip should be no wider than the shoulders. The close-grip bench press focuses on the triceps muscle group, although the mechanics of the press also target the pecs as well as the biceps muscle group.

Remove the bar from the stand, start with your arms fully extended and slowly lower the weight to your lower chest, keeping your elbows close to your body. As soon as you touch your chest, return the bar to initial position, fully straightening your arms.

Effective triceps exercises: #3 - Seated dumbbell overhead press

This position distributes the load equally between the triceps. To perform this exercise, it is important to use a bench with adjustable parts to support your back. Take a dumbbell with a suitable weight and hold it with both hands. Lift the weight from behind your head.

Hold the dumbbell and carefully lower it behind your head. Lower the weight until it is level with bottom back of the head - don't let it pull you back too much to avoid straining your triceps during the exercise. Raise the dumbbell over your head again until your arms are fully extended and repeat.

Best triceps exercises: #4 - Diamond push-ups with a close grip on the bench

We talk a lot about how exercise will make your muscles grow. If you want your muscles to increase in volume, they will have to work. You need to give them many tasks, from different angles and in different ways. It may seem a little unconventional, but this method will really push your triceps to the limit.

Place your hands under your chest in a push-up position, but place your palms side by side so that your index and thumbs touching and forming the shape of a diamond. Do 10 push-ups in this manner. To perform the clap between push-ups, you will have to push off with enough force to get yourself off the floor high enough to clap your hands and then return to a diamond shape.

Best Triceps Exercises: #5 - Cable Cable Extension

This exercise can be performed on a variety of machines. When using them, try to choose a weight so that you can perform 10 exercises relatively easily and still feel a burning sensation in your triceps. This movement requires a little more attention to form than the others. When you pull the cable, it is important to keep your elbows close to your sides and your back straight.

If you spread your arms or bend your back in any way, some of the load will go to it and to your shoulders, which means the exercise will not bring much benefit to the triceps.

Triceps training programs

For a beginner

  • Close grip bench press - 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Weighted push-ups - 2 sets of 12 reps


  • Close grip bench press - 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Diamond push-ups - 3 sets of 12/10/8 reps
  • French press sitting dumbbell – 2 sets of 12 reps
  • Cable row in the simulator - 2 sets of 12 reps

For advanced

  • Cable rows in the simulator - 2 sets of 15 reps
  • Close grip bench press - 3 sets of 6 reps
  • Seated dumbbell French press - 2 sets of 8 reps
  • Weighted dropset - 2 dropsets - perform to failure, then reduce the weight and perform as many reps as you can until failure
    • Close-grip push-ups with clap - 2 sets to failure

Add these best exercises showing how to properly volume triceps to your training program, and you will see the results. When training to increase triceps muscle size, remember that it is important to get enough nutrients and protein to provide for your body.

Greetings, dear friends, Alexander Bely is with you. Today in our sports information blog sportivs we will talk about basic triceps exercises. Warm times are coming, down jackets are being replaced by short T-shirts and T-shirts, so in order for your arms to stand out from the rest, you need to train correctly, today we will look at the basics of triceps training.

Basic Concepts

The first thing that catches your eye is his powerful, beautiful torso and... It's no secret that girls love strong and athletic men and the first thing that attracts attention are the arms, which are divided into biceps, triceps and brochialis (the muscle located between the triceps and biceps. The triceps makes up about 60-70% of the entire arm, and therefore thanks to it the hand appears visually large.

Conventionally and anatomically, the triceps is divided into 3 bundles, which allow it to perform its main function - elbow extension.

  • The first bundle is medial or middle. It is the shortest, located with outside hands.
  • The second bundle is lateral, it is attached to the medial bundle.
  • And the last one, the third one, is long.

To pump up large and massive triceps, you need to learn how to turn off secondary muscle groups from work. If you pump your triceps, then the main load should go to this triceps muscle, and not to any other one. You should also ensure that the triceps are pumped evenly, as it is divided into 3 bundles.

Killer Triceps Exercises

The most effective exercises are the following, which can be combined into one complex:

1. narrow grip. Everyone knows the bench press exercise - it is the most important exercise in the gym. The close-grip bench press is a prototype, but its whole essence lies in the fact that the exercise is performed with a narrow grip, thus the chest and deltoids are excluded from the work, and the triceps take the maximum load, this is exactly what we need. One of the most best exercises for recruitment muscle mass hands

2. . Thanks to this exercise, the triceps experience an excellent load, this will help pump up massive arms.

When performing push-ups, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • at the top point, for the most maximum contraction, the arms must be fully straightened;
  • when performing push-ups, press your elbows towards your body, this way you will give the necessary load to your long head;
  • Pay attention to the position of the body; it is important not to bend over when doing this.

3. . Many consider it the best triceps exercise. It is not basic, but thanks to this exercise it improves perfectly. outer part triceps.

4. Extension on the block reverse grip. Using a variety of grips and handles, you can load all three bundles. There is an alternative in the form of a French rope press. Most gyms have a large variety of pulley attachments, so I recommend changing the handles regularly to shock your triceps.

5. Reverse push-ups. It can be performed both at home and in the gym. For women this exercise will also have a positive impact. Men can do push-ups with weights, women without.

The main idea is that you sit with your back to the bench and place your feet on the second, supporting bench.

1. Train your biceps and triceps together in one workout, this way you flood the whole arm with blood, this is the main factor for growth.

2. Never forget about training other large muscle groups. There is an opinion that you will never have big hands if you don’t, in fact it is true. Thanks to squats, about 80% of the entire body is loaded, which will further affect excellent conditions for growth.

When you train your triceps, you only grow your triceps, so you must also do other compound exercises that will target other muscle fibers.

3. Don't pump your triceps too often. The muscle group needs 48 hours to fully recover. The optimal condition for growth would be 1 triceps workout per week.

4. Don't cheat. If you perform the exercises poorly, the load on the triceps is reduced, which hinders your progress.

5. Don't ignore dumbbell training. You can perform a French press with dumbbells, which will also be effective. The main goal is to pump up the triceps so that you feel that it is this muscle group that is contracting, and not any other.

6. Don't forget about warm-up approaches. Thanks to a thorough warm-up, you warm up your joints and ligaments, which will prevent sprains.

Dear friends, today we discussed with you such a topic as triceps training. I described the most effective exercises with which you can achieve massive arms, we looked at tips that will help pump up your triceps and avoid negative mistakes. I recommend watching a fascinating video in which you will learn a lot of new things. See you later.

The volume of your arms depends on how strongly your triceps are developed. Many people are too keen on training the biceps and forget that its volume is much smaller than that of the triceps. Let's start with what it is triceps shoulder and how to most effectively train it.

Triceps anatomy

The triceps (Latin: triceps brachii) is a triceps muscle located on the back of the arm. Together, all three triceps bundles form something resembling a horseshoe in shape.

The lateral bundle is the largest of the three bundles, therefore it develops faster than the others and sets appearance triceps.

To be clear, when people say “big triceps,” they mean the large lateral band of the triceps. If you want your arms to have a voluminous look, all three strands must be well developed. Fortunately, this is quite easy to do.

How to effectively train your triceps?

There are many theories regarding how to properly train your triceps. Many people say that you need to focus onand train him until he is completely exhausted. Others say you need to train it several times a week. Others even believe that there is no need to train the triceps separately; it is enough to do basic exercises like bench press or standing press. However, with experience, everyone sooner or later comes to the following:

  • Most people need to train their triceps additionally to achieve the desired volume and definition.

Heavy chest training will make your triceps stronger, but it's not enough to make them bigger and more defined.

  • Heavy compound exercises are best for gaining mass and strength.

High rep sets and isolated machine work may be part of your workouts, but they are no substitute for a heavy base with free weights.

  • One heavy triceps workout per week will be enough.

An important aspect of triceps training is the amount of work you do, or the weekly number of repetitions. This is especially important when you do a lot of pressing exercises during the week.

The greater the working weights, the less volume you can do in a week without driving yourself into state .

This especially applies to compound movements like deadlifts or squats. The harder you train, the more time your body needs to recover from training.

When you're lifting really heavy weights (80-85% of your one-time max), the optimal weekly volume is 60-70 reps. This applies not only to the triceps, but also to all other large muscle groups.

When it comes to training the triceps, it is important to understand that they are involved in all pressing movements. For example, if you do about 60 heavy chest presses and 15-20 standing barbell presses per week, then an additional 60 repetitions for the triceps is already overkill. In this case, reduce your weekly volume to 30–40 heavy reps. This will promote muscle gain, but will reduce the risk of overtraining.

Even while gaining muscle mass, some people's triceps stubbornly resist stress. In this case, you need to switch to the following training principles:

  1. Perform 9 sets of heavy chest presses (4-6 reps) and 3 sets of triceps presses (8-10 reps).
  2. After a couple of days, perform 3 sets of heavy standing barbell presses.
  3. After another couple of days, perform 6-9 sets of triceps exercises.

This increase in weekly volume does not guarantee progress, but it does help overcome plateaus in muscle growth.

5 Best Triceps Exercises

Ignore what they write in fitness magazines. Topump up your arms (link to article “How to pump up big arms - theory and practice"), you don't need to do 50 triceps exercises. Of all the many triceps exercises, only a few have real benefits:

  • Close grip bench press

If you have to choose which one exercise to do for the triceps, let it be the close-grip press or dips with additional weight. Both exercises increase the size of the lateral head of the triceps and promote growth of the pectoral muscles.

  • Dips

You can do push-ups on parallel bars or simulate them in a machine. Classic dips are better suited for gaining muscle mass, as they place more stress on the pectoral muscles and shoulders.

  • Overhead dumbbell extensions

This exercise is great for isolated study long triceps bundle. It is safe and allows you to load the right muscles well.

  • French bench press

The French bench press primarily targets the medial triceps. It has been used in bodybuilding for several decades, as it is technically simple and safe.

  • Triceps extensions from the upper block

Probably the most common and quite effective exercise for triceps. It's best to put it at the end of your workout, when all the hard work has been completed. Instead of classical rope handle It will be more effective to use a straight or curved handle.

The principle of load progression

The most important principle of gaining muscle mass is this: you don’t just need to do exercises, but increase your results in them. It is important for natural bodybuilders to adhere to the principle of load progression - constantly increasing working weights. If you want to build muscles, they must first become strong. If you do this and eat right, your muscles will grow.

Triceps training in the gym

There are only two main criteria for a good triceps workout:

  • You should do exercises that work all three triceps bands.

If you want to pump up your arms, special attention should be paid to the lateral triceps. For this purpose, bench press with a narrow grip, push-ups on uneven bars and extension of arms from the upper block are suitable. But there is no need to avoid other exercises that load other triceps bundles: overhead dumbbell extensions and French bench press.

  • You must lift heavy weights.

There are several ways to stimulate muscle growth, but the most important of them for an amateur athlete is the progression of loads. You must become stronger, especially in such basic movements like squats, deadlift, bench presses and standing presses.

Follow this training triceps once every 5-7 days for eight weeks, the triceps will readily respond with growth to such a load:

  1. Close grip bench press – 3x4–6,
  2. Dips on parallel bars – 3x4–6 (if possible with additional weights),
  3. French bench press – 3x4–6.

That's all. Only 9 heavy approaches per workout. If you don't knowhow many repetitions should you perform, it's very simple:

  • If you can do more than your rep range, the weight is too light, increase it.
  • If you can't work in the given rep range, the weight is too heavy, reduce it.

When you are able to complete all 6 reps, increase the weight. If you can't do 4, you need to reduce the weight. It is advisable to increase the working weight when you can do the given number of repetitions in at least one approach. For example, you can do 6 dips. Then strap an additional 5 kilograms onto your belt and work with that weight until you can complete 6 reps. Your weekly goal is to increase the number of repetitions, which will subsequently lead to increased strength.

© Mircea.Netea -

    What you need

    We have prepared 5 basic triceps exercises that are suitable for both men and girls. You can perform them not only in the gym, but also at home, since some of them do not involve the use of power sports equipment.

    Triceps is a triceps muscle that occupies the back of the shoulder and consists of a long, medial and lateral head. The main function of the triceps is to extend the elbow. The triceps occupy almost 70% of the entire volume of the arm, so pumping it up allows you to significantly increase mass.

    © bilderzwerg -

    A well-designed triceps is not only beautiful and attractive. This is also the key to the success of other workouts. For example, triceps are necessary for pumping up the muscles of the chest and deltoids, since with any bench press you cannot do without the triceps muscle.

    To make triceps training effective, follow several recommendations that have been developed by reputable athletes over many years of practice:

  1. Choose the number of exercises and approaches wisely. If you do triceps after a chest workout, two exercises of 3-4 sets will be enough. If you train your arms separately, you need 3-4 exercises of 3 approaches.
  2. Select the correct working weight and feel the working muscle. Weight is determined in practice. Do not cheat unless you are an experienced athlete. If you do not feel the target during the exercise muscle group- reduce the weight or replace it with a similar one.
  3. Increase the weight gradually. A sudden increase in load increases the risk of muscle or joint injury. When increasing the working weight, be sure to monitor your technique - it should not deteriorate.
  4. Vary your training. There are a lot of exercises for triceps. Alternate them periodically, using both base and insulating ones.
  5. Do triceps stretches between sets. This stretches the fascia and improves neuromuscular communication.
  6. Train your triceps in combination with chest, shoulder or biceps exercises. With legs or back - rare combinations that are used only by experienced athletes for certain purposes.
  7. Do not overdo it. The load on the triceps muscle should be intense, but not frequent. Once a week will be enough. The exception is specialization in hands (not for beginners).
  8. Don't neglect warming up. Be sure to warm up your joints and muscles for 5-10 minutes before training.

When doing triceps exercises, do them in such a way as to pump this particular muscle. Often athletes violate technique and, as a result, do not achieve the desired result or even get injured. If you don't know the basics of doing basic triceps exercises, work with an instructor.

great exercise for pumping the triceps. Let’s make a reservation right away: the grip should be narrow, but within reason. Yes, if you take the bar too wide, the load will go to the chest muscles. For this reason, athletes often bring their hands as close as possible. But this is also wrong - at least it is inconvenient: your wrists will break. The optimal distance between the hands gripping the barbell is slightly narrower than shoulder width (5-7 cm) and is 20-30 cm.

If your wrists still hurt when lowering the bar, grab a little wider. You can also try lowering it not until it touches your chest, but 5-8 cm higher. Another option is to wrap your wrists in bandages. Do not forget about the correct grip - your hands should not sag under the weight of the barbell, keep them straight at all times.

Another important difference from the regular bench press is the position of the elbows. In this case, while lowering and lifting the projectile, you need to press your elbows as close to the body as possible - this way we remove the load from the pectoral muscles.

The close-grip bench press allows you to work the back of your upper arm well, but the chest and anterior deltoids will also work, even if the load on them is less - this is the essence of basic exercises in which several joints and muscle groups are worked.

Triceps style dips

This is the second most effective basic triceps exercise. The lateral head is more involved in the work.

© marjan4782 -

Classic dips on the uneven bars work the chest muscles to a greater extent. To shift the emphasis to the triceps brachii muscle, you need to change the technique:

  • The first caveat: try to keep your body vertical (perpendicular to the floor), without leaning forward, throughout the entire approach. To prevent tilting, look up (at the ceiling), then the body will take the desired position.
  • Second nuance: at the top point, be sure to extend your elbows to the end.
  • The third nuance: when lowering and lifting, move your elbows back, not to the sides.
  • Fourth nuance: if possible, use narrower bars (meaning the distance between the bars themselves).

The originality lies in the fact that you don’t need to think about the working weight, because you will be lifting yourself. However, experienced athletes will need additional weights that can be hung on their belts.

For beginners who cannot do even 10 push-ups, the option with a gravitron is suitable. This is a special simulator in which it will be easier to perform this exercise - you can set a counterweight:

© Makatserchyk -

The triceps press can be done at home - all you need is dumbbells. You need to grab them with a neutral grip - this means that your palms will face each other, and the dumbbells will be parallel:

© Makatserchyk -

Lowering and lifting are performed in the same way as in a barbell press with a narrow grip - the elbows move along the body, straightening to the end at the top point. Another advantage of this version of the exercise is less stress on the wrists.

You can also perform this movement with weights:

Classic push-ups with narrow arms

They are popular among novice athletes, since not everyone has the opportunity or desire to work out in the gym. Push-ups train everything chest, front deltoids and arms, but you can focus on the triceps. To do this, you need to place your hands narrowly and press your elbows to your body. This will take the pressure off your shoulders and chest, but will also stress your triceps muscles.

It is better to turn your palms so that they look at each other, and the fingers of one hand can be covered with the fingers of the other. As for straightening the elbow, everything here is also standard for pumping up the triceps: straighten your arms at the top point to engage the target muscle.

As a result of correct execution classic push-ups from the floor with narrow setting arms, you can build up the medial and long triceps bundle.

© Makatserchyk -

Gamarjoba, friends! Today I want to ask you why many people don’t go to the gym? Some make the excuse that they don’t have time, some have it too far from home, and some don’t have it at all because they live in a small village or town.

Often the reason is shame for a blurred body. In general, we have plenty of prerequisites for studying at home.

Therefore, anticipating this demand, I want to offer you something. Today we will talk about how to pump up triceps at home and in the gym, using exercise machines, dumbbells, barbells and improvised means.

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Mikhed Production Even if you don’t have dumbbells, then two can perfectly replace them. plastic bottles

of different capacities (from 0.33 to 2 liters), filled with sand.

You can add water here and get about 4 kg of weight in the maximum volume.

If you want to show off in front of your friends, you can say that you are now into multibuilding. In fact, multibuilders are precisely those who engage in strength exercises

in any conditions: at home, on the street, on a tram or on a hike. In this article you will find videos and descriptions of how to perform certain triceps exercises - this is the base that you cannot do without.

Pumping up triceps in the gym

There are also a lot of exercises for pumping up the triceps. We will look at the most used and effective ones, and by doing them, you won’t need the secondary ones.

As has already been said many times in other articles, do not work on one muscle group; for example, if you only train triceps, the end result will be unattractive arms.

Qualitatively work all the muscles of the arms, from the hands to the shoulder blades. Follow the execution technique, endurance, and then success is guaranteed. As we know from the previous article, the triceps is the triceps muscle of the shoulder. Located on back surface hands, if this muscle is well developed, when you look at it, the image of a horseshoe immediately pops up. The triceps is responsible for extending the arm in.

elbow joint Mission: pump up top part

triceps heads, upper chest and front deltoids. Strength and volume also develop, and the density of the triceps itself increases.

Number of approaches:

1) Take a horizontal bench and place it under the barbell racks, adjust it so that when you lie down on it, the bar is directly above your head, preferably at eye level.

2) Sit on a bench, bend a little at the waist, make sure that the rest of the body, that is, the head, shoulders and posterior muscles(buttocks) were pressed tightly to the bench.

It also happens that there may be no racks for the barbell; in such cases, you will need a partner who will serve and receive the barbell.

3) Take the bar overhand grip. Since we are performing a triceps exercise, make the distance between your palms less than shoulder width. Width adjustment depends on: the variety of bar and your ability to hold a barbell with weight.

4) The next step is to push the barbell up until your arms are fully straightened. The bar should take a position above the neck.

5) Let's do it deep breath and fix our breathing, lower the barbell to the chest to the bottom.

6) As soon as the bar touches your chest, without unnecessary stops, immediately press it up.

7) After going through the most difficult part of the lift, exhale and press the barbell.

8) At the highest point we take a short pause, during which we need to tighten our triceps as much as possible.

9) While performing the set, pay attention to your elbows; their movement should occur along the sides and not diverge to the sides. Bend your arms in a vertical plane. Don't do the exercise too fast or too slow, do it at a moderate pace.

Some tips:

1. The triceps exercise “close grip press” must be done at the initial stage of training these muscles, this will allow you to lift Weight Limit.

When pressing with a narrow grip, the most heavy weight than in other exercises for this muscle group.

2. Control the bar, not letting it go either to the right or to the left. To get this under control, at the initial stage take correct grip, with palms equally spaced from the center of the bar. You can use an EZ bar - it’s easier to control the barbell.

3. Don't pause at the bottom. By pausing, you shift the load from the triceps to the pectoral muscles. As soon as the barbell touches your chest, immediately begin pressing it up. It is forbidden to spring the barbell from the chest.

4. Holding your breath while lowering the bar allows you to develop greater force and is accompanied by a strong fixation of the spine in the correct position.

5. By arching your back, you help yourself with your body to press the barbell, so - in no case should you do this! Firstly, you can damage your spine, and secondly, you reduce the load on the pumping muscles.

6. Don't use a grip that is too narrow - this will cause you to push your elbows out to the sides, which is not good. The load on the triceps is reduced and there is a chance of losing control of the barbell.

Remember: the larger the bar you work with, the wider your grip needs to be to control the balance of the barbell. It is recommended to use a short bar.

7. When you sit on the bench, make sure that the bar is above eye level, and in the starting position - strictly above your neck. In the lower position, the bar should be located at the lowest point of the chest.

Mission: pump up all three heads of the triceps, but most of all their middle. You increase the mass and thickness of your triceps.

triceps heads, upper chest and front deltoids. Strength and volume also develop, and the density of the triceps itself increases. 3-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions.

Number of approaches:

1) We take two benches and place them parallel, the distance should be 80-90 cm. We sit on one bench, wrap our fingers around its edge, palms should be shoulder-width apart and rest against the bench, elbows facing back.

Resting on your hands, place your feet on another bench. For a more complete picture, see the photo above.

2) Straighten your arms, thereby lifting your pelvis off the bench, move it forward so that it ends up behind the bench.

To increase the load, you can use additional weight, for example, placing a disc on your hips.

3) Inhale, bend your elbows and slowly lower yourself between the benches until you feel that your triceps are well stretched.

4) At the lowest point, we fix our breathing and pull ourselves up, our arms should straighten completely. Perform push-ups without spreading your elbows to the sides; they move backwards.

5) Exhale after overcoming the most difficult section.

6) In the upper position, take a short pause, at which point you need to tense your triceps as much as possible, then proceed to the next repetition.

Some tips:

1. In addition to the triceps, this exercise involves the big pectoral muscle and deltas, which are maximally loaded at the initial stage during ascent. By pulling yourself up as much as possible, you place a greater load on the triceps.

2. When lifting, do not spread your elbows; spreading your elbows helps reduce the load on the muscles being pumped and transfers it to the latissimus dorsi muscles and. Also, when spreading your elbows, there is a possibility of injuring the shoulder joint.

3. While performing triceps exercises, try to keep your arms closer to your torso, and extension should occur in a vertical plane. Correct technique will allow maximum load on the triceps

4. A little trick: in the initial position, place your palms a little wider than your shoulders, this will allow you to avoid turning your elbows to the sides.

5. Direct your gaze straight, do not tilt your head down.

6. For maximum load on the triceps, fully extend your arms in the upper position, just do not fix the elbow joint.

7. When performing the full amplitude, additional weight may not be needed; it will be enough own weight for high-quality triceps training. The weight is recommended for athletes with at least a year of experience.

French bench press

Mission: to pump up the long back heads of the triceps, as well as lengthen and thicken the bottom of the triceps.

triceps heads, upper chest and front deltoids. Strength and volume also develop, and the density of the triceps itself increases. 3-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions.

Number of approaches:

1) Lie down on a horizontal bench, firmly rest your feet on the floor. Straighten your arms completely so that they are perpendicular to the floor and ask your partner to pass the barbell.

3) Take the bar with an overhand grip and push the barbell up.

4) We take the starting position: straighten our arms with the barbell and move them back, 45 degrees vertically towards the head.

5) In the starting position, take a deep breath and fixate your breathing. Keeping your upper arms motionless, smoothly lower the barbell to the top of your head.

6) In the lower position, we do not stop; changing the direction of movement, we raise the barbell up to its original position; while lifting, we do not exhale and do not move our elbows forward. Until the exercise is completed, the upper arms should remain motionless.

7) Only after reaching the starting position, pause for 1-2 seconds, at which point you should exhale and tense your triceps as much as possible. Then the exercise is repeated.

Some tips:

1. Choose a barbell weight that you can control. A barbell that is too heavy will not allow you to hold it at a 45-degree angle, and you will be forced to push your elbow forward as you lift. This technique with a heavy barbell has little effect.

2. The main thing in this exercise is to fix your arms at an angle of 45 degrees and fully straighten your arms at the top point.

3. Although the exercise is aimed at developing the three heads of the triceps, the peak falls on the long head of the muscle. It is clearly visible when looking at the hand from the side.

4. When performing the French press, do not place your feet on the bench - this entails loss of balance and injury.

Seated French press EZ-bar

Mission: pump up the posterior long head of the triceps, especially its lower part. The long head of the triceps is also detailed.

triceps heads, upper chest and front deltoids. Strength and volume also develop, and the density of the triceps itself increases. 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps

Number of approaches:

1) Set the back of our bench to a vertical position, sit on the seat and place your feet firmly on the floor. You can do it simply while sitting, without a backrest.

2) Keep your back straight and bend your lower back slightly.

3) We take our EZ-bar with a narrow grip from above, by the curved parts of the bar, that is, the palms should look at each other, and make the grip between the palms less than shoulder width.

4) Push the barbell up so that the bar is above the top of your head. The body and arms should be straight and in vertical position.

Lift your chin up or place it parallel to the floor. Using all the points, you will reach the correct starting position.

5) From the starting position, take a deep breath and fixate the breath by bending the elbows and lower the bar behind the head.

6) During execution, we monitor the upper part of the arms (from the elbow to the shoulder); they must be motionless.

7) The barbell should be lowered behind the head until the triceps are fully stretched; at the end point we do not stop, but strain the triceps as much as possible and pull the barbell up to the starting position.

8) You should exhale only after fully straightening your arms or after passing the most difficult section.

9) At the highest point, take a short break and strain the triceps as much as possible.

Some tips:

1. Do not round your back; to do this you need to tense your lower back muscles and keep your spine in an S-shape.

2. Elbows, body, shoulders and legs should remain motionless until the end of the exercise. The only thing that moves is the elbow joint.

3. For maximum contraction of the long head of the triceps and olecranon muscle, at the top point, extend the elbow joint as much as possible.

4. The EZ bar is more practical than the straight bar, it reduces the stress on the wrists due to the palms facing each other.

5. Do not use a very heavy barbell, it leads to rounding of the back, which can lead to injury.

6. You should not do this exercise if your shoulder joints are not flexible enough.

7. While performing the exercise, do not push your elbows forward, there is a possibility of losing your balance.

8. If you find this exercise difficult, you can try doing it standing. This will enable extra muscles, which will make it easier to hold the barbell above your head.

French press in a seated machine

Mission: pump up the long posterior head of the triceps, also allows you to visually separate the triceps from the biceps.

triceps heads, upper chest and front deltoids. Strength and volume also develop, and the density of the triceps itself increases. 3-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions.

Number of approaches:

1) Find the desired simulator, install the desired handle (straight or bent).

2) We sit on the bench, our back is directed towards the block, our feet rest on the floor. The next step is to straighten your arms and bend them at the elbow joint behind your head, ask your partner to give the handle.

We grab the handle with a narrow grip, that is, the palms are facing the ceiling, and the distance between them is less than shoulder width.

3) Bend your lower back slightly and fix your torso in a vertical position.

Bend your arms behind your head, elbows slightly apart to the sides and pointing up, gaze directed forward - this will be your starting position.

4) Take a deep breath and fixate your breathing. We extend our arms and press the bar up, keeping our elbows motionless.

5) In the highest position, the arms should be fully extended and the handle should be above the eyebrows.

6) The next stage is to exhale and fix the arms in a straight position. Inhale and smoothly lower the handle behind your head. At the bottom point, do not stop, immediately continue the exercise.

Some tips:

1. Watch the position of your torso and back. The torso should be straight and the lower back slightly arched; the lower back muscles should not be relaxed until the end of the exercise.

As soon as these muscles are relaxed, the back will immediately round and the body will move forward, this can end in failure - leading to injury.

2. At the top point, fully straighten your arms - this will allow you to use the pumped muscles as much as possible, in principle, this is what we need.

3. Make sure that the upper part of the arms (from the shoulder to the elbow) assumes a vertical state as much as possible and remains in a fixed position without making various movements.

By bringing your elbows forward, you lighten the load on your triceps, so you shouldn't do this.

4. Direct your gaze straight and keep your chin level. If you lower your head, your spine will round, which can be dangerous to your health.

5. The main role in this exercise is not played by the maximum weight, but by the execution technique and the correct form of movement.

6. The French press is performed both standing and sitting, but standing is much easier due to the inclusion of additional muscles.

Press to the bottom in a block machine

Mission: pump up the lateral (side) and long head triceps. Excellent for highlighting the lateral part of these muscles.

triceps heads, upper chest and front deltoids. Strength and volume also develop, and the density of the triceps itself increases. 3-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions.

Number of approaches:

1) We hook the rope handle to the cable that passes through upper block. We move away from the simulator and grab the handle, neutral grip, that is, your palms are directed towards each other. Leg placement: straddling or parallel.

2) We tilt the body a little forward, 10-15 degrees, and also place the elbows a little forward. In this position, the cable should be taut and the hands should be at shoulder level.

3) Take a deep breath and fixate your breathing, bend your arms down, while trying to keep your elbows as close to your sides as possible.

4) We also do not move our elbows, do not move our body forward and do not squat. All parts of the body, except the elbow joint, must remain motionless.

Important point!

When straightening your arms, when you see that your little fingers are below your elbows, slowly turn your hands and spread your arms to the sides so that after fully straightening your arms, your palms look at your hips.

Some tips:

5) At the moment when your arms are fully straightened, exhale and fix this position for a few seconds. Then proceed to the next repetition.

1. For a good stretch of the long head of the triceps, tilt your body forward and push your elbows in front of your body.

2. When performing the triceps exercise, do not weaken your grip and do not straighten your wrists.

3. We also extend the forearms and hands into one line.

4. At the moment of turning the hand, when the palms are directed towards the hips, the contraction of the triceps increases.

5. Do not lean your body forward and do not pull your elbows back; this makes the triceps easier to work by connecting other muscles.

One-arm press with reverse grip

triceps heads, upper chest and front deltoids. Strength and volume also develop, and the density of the triceps itself increases.

Number of approaches:

Mission: pumping the lateral and medial heads of the triceps. Also entails drawing detail and striping of the triceps.

1) We position ourselves sideways to the machine, the right hand should be in the same vertical plane with the upper block.

2) Place a D-shaped handle on the cable and grab it from below, that is, your palm is facing up. Step back with your left foot to ensure your arm is straight in front of your body.

3) Take the starting position: straighten your shoulders, create a slight deflection in your lower back, and straighten your back.

The arm with which you will perform the exercises should be bent and positioned as close to the right side as possible, with your forearms extended in line with the cable and facing the upper block. Pull the cable until the loads are lifted from the supports. This position is the starting point.

4) We inhale and fixate our breathing, using our muscles we pull the handle to the lower position, extending our arm at the elbow in front of the cable.

6) Then follows a smooth bending of the arms in front of the body itself, the handle should reach chest level, the load should not touch the stops.

7) After completing the required number of repetitions on one arm, turn your other side to the machine and perform the same number on the other. Execution speed is moderate.

Some tips:

1. From the beginning to the end of the exercise, do not try to relax your abs and lower back muscles; also try to keep your spine in a state of bend and your torso in a vertical position.

2. Do not bend your wrist until the end of the exercise, but keep everything in one line: hand and forearm.

3. The elbow of the hand performing the exercise should be kept as close to the side of the body as possible. If you abduct your elbow, the load shifts to another muscle group.

4. This exercise can also be performed with both hands.

Extension of the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head

Mission: pump up the top and middle of all three heads, draw the top of the triceps.

triceps heads, upper chest and front deltoids. Strength and volume also develop, and the density of the triceps itself increases. 3-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions.

Number of approaches:

1) We sit on a bench, placing our feet firmly on the floor. Then we take the dumbbell in the right hand, or in the left, it doesn’t matter, straighten your back.

2) Then raise the dumbbell up to a vertical position. We bend the elbow joint and thereby place the dumbbell behind the head. The grip should be neutral, that is, the palm is directed forward, the little finger is in the upper position.

3) Starting position: the elbow of the hand with which the exercise will be performed should be directed upward, the torso position should be vertical, the lower back should be slightly curved, the chin should be parallel to the floor.

4) Have you accepted the starting position? Now take a deep breath and hold your breath, using your triceps muscles to lift the dumbbell. Do not forget that movement should be carried out only in the elbow joint, the rest of the body is motionless.

5) As soon as the dumbbell reaches the top point and the arm reaches a vertical position, hold for 1-2 seconds and, exhaling, tighten your triceps as much as possible.

6) At the final stage, we bend the arm, without relaxing the triceps, and smoothly return the dumbbell to its original position. A short pause and perform the next repetition.

7) Having done the required amount on one hand, transfer the dumbbell to the other and perform the same number of repetitions.

Some tips:

1. Keep your back straight, do not twist it. This causes you to lean your torso forward, which puts a lot of pressure on the spinal discs and shoulder joint. Follow the technique until the end of the set.

2. Keep the upper part of your arm, which is the space from the shoulder to the elbow, in a vertical position, do not shift it, otherwise the effectiveness of this exercise will not be as significant, and displacement also causes a greater load on the elbow, which is not good.

3. Do not straighten your arm until the elbow joints lock.

4. Can be performed both sitting and standing (it will make it easier to keep the torso in an upright position).

Bent over arm extension with dumbbell

Mission: will allow you to express the relief of the triceps, pump up all three heads, mostly the lower part.

triceps heads, upper chest and front deltoids. Strength and volume also develop, and the density of the triceps itself increases. 2-3 sets of 8-15 repetitions.

Number of approaches:

1) Find a bench, stand sideways to it and rest your left palm and the same knee on it. We place the right leg a little back, this is necessary so that the body takes a horizontal position.

The supporting arm is located perpendicular to the bench and should be in a straightened state. You can also not use your knee to push, but simply spread your legs apart, but you must ensure that your back is arched in the lower back and your body is parallel to the floor.

2) Grab a dumbbell, the grip is neutral, that is, your palms are directed towards the body, tense your muscles, bending your arm, raising your elbow just above your back, maybe at the level of your back.

In this position, the elbow joint should be at a right angle, your forearms should be strictly perpendicular to the floor, and the dumbbell should hang freely.

3) Take a deep breath and fixate your breathing, strain your triceps muscles and try to straighten your arm, while keeping the top of your working arm motionless.

4) At the highest point, the arm should be straightened and in line with the body or slightly higher.

5) Also at the top point, exhale and tension the triceps to the maximum. Keeping your upper arm stationary, slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position.

6) Perform the exercise without various jerks and pushes. After completing the required number of repetitions to the right, switch to the other hand.

Some tips:

1. Take the correct position with your body; if your shoulders are positioned higher than your hips, the amplitude will be reduced - this will not allow you to maximally load the triceps muscles.

2. Correct execution technique leads to efficiency. Don't forget to hold your breath to hold your body.

3. Don't use dumbbells that are too heavy.

4. Do not turn your body, lifting your shoulder up - this curves the spine and takes the load off the triceps.

Simple triceps workout at home

They usually start with a light warm-up to prepare the body for further stress. We spend 5 to 10 minutes on it.

In other variations, you can find this exercise without lifting your legs onto a chair. The easiest way to do push-ups is if you bend your knees. This is a level that even a beginner can master. Try to squat as deeply as possible.

A more difficult situation is with with outstretched legs. And if you raise them to an elevation, then this will be the most labor-intensive option.

If this exercise seems very easy for you, then without any problems you can put any weight on your feet, even a suitcase with nails.

  • Let's not move far from our units and we will do exercises called Hannibal push-ups. Ideally, it is performed on a wall bars, but you can get by with simpler means at hand. We rest our hands on the headboard of the bed, placing them as narrowly as possible. We keep our body straight and try to get as low as possible. Then we return to the starting position with outstretched arms. When performing any exercise, we try to bend and straighten the arm at the elbow as much as possible. Do you feel your triceps working?
  • You can do push-ups on one arm . That is, this is a completely standard body position, only one hand is placed behind the back or pressed to the side. Your feet can be placed on some kind of platform or stand to make the task more difficult.
  • There is another option for push-ups - on the edge of the fist. The hardest thing to do is if you lock your hands.
  • After we have worked with our weight, it is advisable to find objects that you will use as weights. Ideally, this should be a collapsible dumbbell weighing about 20 kg. If you don’t have dumbbells, then you can get by with a 16 kg weight. As a last resort, take a regular backpack, a briefcase with a heavy load, or a 5-liter bottle of water. We will do dumbbell presses or overhead weights. We take our power unit and slightly bent arms hold it behind your head. And begin to bend and straighten your arms. If the weight of your load seems insignificant to you, increase the number of repetitions. You can work with each hand individually.

Pumping the triceps on the horizontal bar or on the uneven bars

In my opinion, this is a job for those more prepared in physically of people.

Let's start with the simplest. We approach the bar, take it high enough and try to give the body a straight line with a slight slope. We begin to do push-ups. This will give us the opportunity to warm up the ligaments.

On the next approach, we take it a little lower. The closer to the ground we do push-ups, the more difficult this complex will be. Accordingly, load and efficiency increase.

One arm pull-ups. The highlight of this exercise is that we do pull-ups in any style: either jerkily or very slowly. The main thing is to lower yourself very smoothly, using the full strength of this muscle as much as possible.

The bar should be at the level of your shoulders, and your body should be correct execution lifts off the ground. In fact, you swing in the air by bending and straightening your arms. It is important to perform this exercise quite sharply.

Now let's do it direct push-up on the bar. This is very difficult exercise, because you will not only have to keep your body balanced at an angle, but also bend and straighten your elbows.

If you have a ladder type in your arsenal Swedish wall, then you can bend down lower and do close grip push-ups. The elbows should be pressed as close to the body as possible.

The most effective classes will be when working with bars. In this case they have proven themselves to be excellent dips. Try to press your elbows as close to your body as possible. You can make it more difficult by trying to keep your body parallel to the ground.

Of course, there is no point in doing everything here. Choose 3 or 4 exercises from this complex and work with them during one workout. In general, if you systematically do at least some of these exercises, you will quickly turn your triceps into beautiful muscles.
