Pool care: features of water treatment and design. How is water treated in a closed circulation pool? Treating the pool bowl before filling it with water

Cleaning a pool is a labor-intensive process if you do it entirely with your own hands. But modern developments simplify this task somewhat. To use them correctly, let's get acquainted with the most popular technologies.

First you need to figure out why and when to take action. Of course, every owner dreams that the liquid in it is transparent and clean. What can we say about swimming pools, a place where we escape from the sultry heat. Naturally, no one would want to dive into a polluted body of water. And if it is also located in the open air, then it is difficult to protect it from dust, leaves and other debris.

Artificial pond in the open air

Many may decide that closed structures do not have these disadvantages. Of course, you won’t find leaves with debris in the water, but there is a much more serious danger - bacteria. After all, water is the best home for their habitat and reproduction. They are invisible, but can cause irreparable harm to our health. Without proper care, the liquid will begin to bloom, algae will appear, and as a result the pool will turn into a swamp, emitting a very unpleasant odor.

The frequency with which this operation should be performed largely depends on the type of tank and its volume. For example, when using inflatable swimming pools for children, you need to drain the liquid after each bath. In larger designs, the fluid is changed several times a week. It is also necessary to treat the inner surface of the container with a soda solution. And if we are talking about stationary reservoirs with a filtration system, then the pool is cleaned 3-6 times a month, depending on the intensity of pollution. First of all, you should focus on the color of the water. A greenish or milky tint is the main signal that active measures need to be taken. The liquid should be clear regardless of the type of pool.

Many people think that simply changing the water is enough. But this method has a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, this approach is relevant for small containers. And constantly draining several cubes is quite problematic. Secondly, all microbes will remain on the walls of the tank and will live in what you think is clean water. Thirdly, the temperature of the updated liquid is not pleasant for swimming, and you will have to wait until it warms up. And fourthly, today water is one of the most valuable resources for which you need to pay. Based on the foregoing, it is clear that this method is not only uneconomical, but also ineffective.

Replacing pool water

More effective physical cleaning, that is, the use of underwater vacuum cleaners and special devices. With their help you can remove visible mechanical particles. But this is not enough; smaller impurities are also removed through filtration. There are several types of purification plants. Sand filters occupy a leading position due to their low cost. In this case, the filter element is quartz sand and gravel. They need to be replaced every few years.

Diatomaceous earth plants boast an excellent degree of purification. In them, filtration occurs through a diatom mixture. They trap particles several microns in size. The only downside is that the cost is too high. The best option is a cartridge filter. Several cartridges are located inside the housing and remove particles up to 10 microns in size. They are more efficient than sand plants, and are much cheaper than diatomaceous earth ones. Plus some refillable cartridges.

Diatom plant

But it is not enough to purify water only from mechanical impurities, because the real danger is posed by the organisms living in it. It is impossible to fight them with your own hands, but technology will help us. Electrophysical methods of disinfection are highly effective. These include ozonation, ionization with silver or copper and ultraviolet irradiation. All these methods are absolutely safe for the human body. But this will require special expensive equipment.

Ozone is a reactive form of oxygen and can destroy harmful bacteria. However, only the liquid is disinfected, but microbes that have settled on the walls of the pool may well survive. Installations for water ionization consist of electrodes, a direct current passes between them, and as a result, ions are formed. Water passes through the chamber where these electrodes are located, and all microorganisms in it die. Ultraviolet radiation changes the cell structure of bacteria and algae, which contributes to their destruction.

Using a simple net, you can easily remove leaves and other debris from the surface of the water with your own hands, but for more serious cleaning, for example, disinfecting liquid in a pool, you need special chemicals. It's good that store shelves are overflowing with this product. Now we will consider all the features of the chemical cleaning method and the means used.

This method includes 4 main steps. First of all, it is necessary to regulate the pH level. The fact is that the effectiveness of many drugs depends on the acidity of the environment. And ifpH will not meet standards 7–7.4, then the efficiency of chemicals is significantly reduced, and, consequently, their consumption and material costs will increase. The acidity of the water is measured once a week with a special device and, if necessary, compounds are added to lower or increase the pH level. Next, disinfection is carried out directly.

Composition for reducing the pH level of water

Preparations to combat bacteria are produced based on chlorine, bromine or active oxygen.

The former are presented in capsules, tablets or powder form. The advantages of chlorine include low cost and high efficiency. At the same time, the drug is too aggressive, and the slightest overdose will cause harm. to the human body, will cause irritation of the mucous membrane and itching of the skin. And the water will have a specific smell. Its use is relevant for large swimming pools, for example, in schools, boarding houses, sports institutions etc.

Chlorine for large swimming pools

Bromine-based products are more gentle, they are odorless, have a gentle effect on human mucous membranes and skin, and are quite effective. However, the safest method is disinfection with active oxygen. Such drugs do not cause allergies. They do not foam, and the water does not have any odor. These are the products that are best used for home pools.

The next step is to combat algae, which is not only relevant for swimming pools. This problem is a frequent headache for owners. To prevent the water from blooming and silting, special agents - algaecides - are added to it as needed. They not only prevent the appearance of vegetation, but also fungi and other bacteria. And the last stage is coagulation. This is the final cleanup. Coagulating substances bind and envelop the smallest particles, resulting in a white flocculent sediment, and such large flakes can be easily handled by a filter unit.

Frame pool at the dacha - is it a lot of trouble?

In this paragraph, we will consider all the intricacies of servicing frame structures, since these are the types of pools that are very common in dachas, and by cleaning them yourself, you will significantly save on the services of specialists.

How to clean a frame pool at your dacha with your own hands - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Prepare funds

Very often, a frame pond in a dacha is installed directly in the open air, so equipment for physical cleaning will definitely be needed. So you should visit a specialized store and purchase a net. But with its help you can remove debris from the surface of the water, but to clean the walls and bottom of the tank, an underwater vacuum cleaner is more suitable. Today, the variety of such technology is amazing. If the budget is limited, then a simple manual installation is quite suitable.

If you buy a robot vacuum cleaner, it will be much easier for you to do DIY cleaning. True, in this case you will have to spend a lot of money. Filters usually come with an inflatable container, but they need to be replaced periodically. You should also purchase the necessary chemicals. Swimming pools located in the open air especially require the use of special means. After all, dust, bacteria and various microbes have a greater chance of getting into a favorable habitat.

Step 2: Cleaning the Filters

The filter system perfectly captures the smallest particles, but they accumulate and clog it. The best option is to completely replace the paper element, but you can also do the cleaning yourself. To do this, remove the clogged part from the cartridge and rinse it with a stream of water under pressure. Next, dry it thoroughly in the sun and brush it.

The next step is chlorination. But for the procedure to be justified, it is better to collect several filter elements for processing at once. We immerse them for several days in a solution of water and chlorine taken in a ratio of 6:1. Then rinse with running water and dry again. Now all that remains is to immerse the elements in a solution of water and hydrochloric acid (10:1) until bubbles stop appearing. After finally rinsing the filters, you can use them again.

Incorrect or untimely chemicalization of water can cause unpleasant consequences. If the water turns greenish and there is an unpleasant odor, and inner surface If the tank becomes covered with mucus, this indicates an imbalance of chlorine and hydrogen in the liquid. Chlorination will help regulate their performance.

When the water turns brown, black or blue, then most likely an oxidation reaction of chlorine with iron, manganese or copper is taking place. You can cope with the problem using longer filtration. And don't forget to change cartridges regularly. With an increased hydrogen level or insufficient chlorine content, the water becomes cloudy. Chlorination and replacing the filter element will certainly help solve this problem.

Ecology of consumption. Estate: All types of pollution - physical, chemical and biological - are present in any swimming pool. A timely and properly cleaned pool will preserve your health and cubic meters of water.

What makes your home dirty?

Any stagnant, non-sterile (distilled) water is susceptible to “blooming” - blue-green algae grow in it.

The second factor of pollution is debris caused by pool users themselves. Even if it is not sand, particles of skin, hair, and cosmetics will definitely get in.

Third, if the pool is outdoors, there is debris blown by the wind: the same sand, pollen, leaves, etc.

All types of contaminants - physical, chemical and biological - are present in any swimming pool. A timely and properly cleaned pool will preserve your health and cubic meters of water.

Basic ways to clean a country pool

  • Physical cleaning
  • Chemical cleaning
  • Electrophysical cleaning

The simplest solution for cleaning a home pool if the water is still clear, but debris is visible on the water and at the bottom, is to use nets and vacuum cleaners. But it is more convenient to clean the bottom with a special water vacuum cleaner.

If it is a small children's pool, then the bottom can be easily cleaned with a regular hose using a vacuum method. We lower one end of the hose into the inflatable pool, and through the other end we make a slight movement as if to suck in air. And water immediately begins to flow through the hose. This way you can clear the bottom of sand and small debris.

When deciding how to clean the bottom of the pool with your own hands, many people make their own water vacuum cleaner. You will need to purchase a pump and a water filter. A brush and a holder for it are made from improvised materials or taken from a home vacuum cleaner. With the same brush you need to clean the bottom, walls, and waterline from sediment.

Cleaning with a water vacuum cleaner is effective because... filters cannot efficiently collect all bottom debris and treat the walls from plaque.

How to clean the bottom of the pool if the bottom vacuum cleaner does not help? Then all that remains is to drain all the water and clean the pool of dirt with a brush and cleaning agent.

Another way to physically clean a pool is through filters.

Filters remove contaminants that are invisible to the eye. Without a filter, the water will stagnate and rot faster.

Filters are:

  1. Sand ones are the cheapest. The filter is quartz sand, which is washed with running water weekly. For debris from 20 microns.
  2. Cartridge - retains debris from 10 microns. They are more expensive, but they clean better.
  3. Diatoms are the most expensive and hold debris down to 3 microns. They clog quickly, so the cartridges need to be changed several times a year.

A good option for purifying water in a swimming pool at your dacha if you have a garden plot that needs to be watered is to organize flowing water exchange. You will not find ready-made systems for this. Here you need to show technical savvy yourself. The bottom line is that 0.5% of the water is constantly drained from the surface of the water, which is used to irrigate the area. This way, plaque practically does not accumulate on the walls, and the water does not bloom. You will also have to do without chemicals.

Chemical cleaning method

Although efficient filtration and water circulation helps fight dissolved contaminants, chemical cleaning agents should also be used.

The simplest remedy is chlorination of water to destroy nitrogen compounds. But it does not completely kill bacteria and is poisonous.

Bromine as a disinfectant is no worse than chlorine, but more expensive.

100% safe disinfectant – oxygen.

To quickly clean the pool from light deposits on the walls without draining the water, simply add a double dose of cleaning agents and disinfectants.

A signal that it’s time to seriously clean the coating around the pool is cloudy water: a greenish or milky tint.

Green water is the result of biological contamination by microorganisms. And this is what causes irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, and not chlorination of water, as many people think.

To combat water blooms, anti-algae preparations – algaecides – are used. But green-free water cannot be considered safe. Bacteria, viruses and fungi are destroyed only by disinfectants.

How to clean a pool at home with cloudy water

Causes of cloudy water:

1. Pollution with pollen, spores or dust, clay, which sand filters do not capture.

Solution: use coagulants and flocculants, which bind small contaminants, forming flakes. They are then collected with a vacuum cleaner.

These preparations cannot be used in diatomaceous earth and cartridge filters.

2. Contamination by microorganisms.

Solution: shock treatment with a disinfectant.

3. Everything may turn out to be more complicated, because water transparency is affected by:

  • chemical composition of water
  • acidity (pH)
  • content of minerals and inorganic impurities

Consultation with a specialist in the selection of reagents may be required.

What to do if there is rusty water in the pool

The water looks rusty due to the iron contained in the water.

You can pass such water through a filter, removing rust before it enters the pool.

Or treat the water in the pool with a coagulant, which will oxidize the water, and the sediment will fall out in flakes to the bottom.

When choosing what to clean with, remember that an overdose of chemicals will cause chemical contamination of the pool, which is difficult to deal with.

How to purify pool water without chemicals

This method is called electrophysical. It involves the use of ozonizers, UV lamps and water ionizers based on copper and silver ions. An effective and safe cleaning method for children, it requires regularity.

Many people are interested in the question of how to purify pool water using folk remedies.

  • Water can be salted - 50 kg of salt per 10 tons of water + soda. This protects against midges and birds, but is ineffective against algal blooms.
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Do-it-yourself disinfector with copper tubes under voltage 220 V.

There can be only one piece of advice on how to clean: combine all cleaning methods. Change the filter on time, vacuum, and disinfect the water. The same is true if you have a permanent stone or temporary rubber pool. published

This video shows how to clean a pool with a vacuum cleaner.

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In the summer, every owner thinks about building a swimming pool at their dacha: in such a body of water you can cool off in the heat or play sports. However, not every homeowner can afford a full-fledged capital pool, but you can save on its construction if you do some of the work yourself.

Waterproofing the pool from the inside is an important stage of work, on which the tightness and quality of the coating of the future reservoir depends. You can carry out the treatment of the walls of the structure yourself, the main thing is to know the rules for performing the work.

Purpose of waterproofing

Not every novice craftsman and even an experienced builder is a professional in the field of waterproofing. However, professionals talk about the importance of this stage, but why exactly is waterproofing needed and is it possible to do without it?

Waterproofing in construction is the application of a protective layer to a pool (or any other structure), which protects the interior of the building from destruction by water. The pool is in constant contact with water, which increases the risk of cracking of the font body. Water penetrating concrete causes it to discolor, so a building that is in direct contact with moisture will not last long. After damage to the walls of the pool by water, major repairs will have to be carried out, which may cost even more than building a new reservoir. That’s why it’s so important to carry out pool waterproofing work efficiently; for reservoirs it comes in two types:

  • internal;
  • external.

It is the internal waterproofing of the pool bowl that protects against liquid penetration into the concrete. It is applied to the screed directly on the font, creating a mechanical barrier to the water.

External waterproofing also protects the body of the building from moisture; it is external. The pool is exposed to moisture not only from the font, but also from the ground. And external waterproofing is especially important in areas with high groundwater levels. External treatment of the pool is carried out with the addition of plasticizing and mineral inclusions; they not only reduce the water permeability of concrete, but also improve its mechanical characteristics. A common method of external waterproofing a pool is to install expansion rubber. It is a liquid rubber treatment that is applied to the outside of the font. Compositions of this kind are produced in the form of mastics or pastes, which are convenient to apply with your own hands.

Types of waterproofing materials

The range of waterproof impregnations and mastics is very wide, which allows you to choose the material according to your wallet and taste. When purchasing a composition for processing and repair, you need to take into account the type of terrain and climatic features of your locality. An important indicator is the type of pool.

The most common and effective treatments for waterproofing are:

  • PVC film;
  • penetrating impregnations;
  • liquid glass;
  • mastic coating.

Waterproofing materials based on bitumen (such treatments are rarely used today, since the above waterproofing impregnations are more effective).

Stages of internal waterproofing

When processing the inside of a swimming pool, it is very important to follow a strict sequence of work. The instructions below will allow you to do everything yourself. Do-it-yourself pool waterproofing includes the following steps:

When the waterproofing has been checked and dried, you can begin tiling. The decorative finishing of the pool is made of mosaics or tiles.

Treatment with liquid rubber

Liquid rubber is a mastic based on bitumen and polymer additives. The material has a high degree of adhesion to concrete, and most importantly, liquid rubber perfectly protects the font from water penetration. The material is applied to the walls of the pool by spraying. It is optimal to treat the font with several layers of liquid rubber. It is most convenient to apply the material with a compressor, but you can also use a brush or roller; such processing will take much more time.

Note! Liquid rubber combines the characteristics of membrane and liquid waterproofing, which makes it extremely effective. When treated with such mastic, a cast impregnation is formed on concrete without seams or cracks. The coating has a pleasant surface, similar to PVC membranes, while it has a very high fabric strength. You can safely apply a decorative finish to the liquid rubber, or you can leave the pool like that. Today there are many varieties of such mastics of all colors, which allows them to be used as a finishing coating, saving on tiles.

Before treating the pool with rubber materials, you need to level the surface and thoroughly degrease it. Then, using a compressor or a brush (if self-processing), the rubber is evenly distributed over the concrete so that it covers all the walls.

Waterproofing with liquid glass

Liquid glass is made from sodium and potassium silicates. Waterproofing of swimming pools with such material is carried out during the construction of the swimming pool. Liquid glass is mixed into the concrete itself at the construction stage. Dilution proportions: 1 to 100 (1 liter of glass per 100 liters of solution). This inclusion makes the body of the reservoir durable and more resistant to mechanical loads. The main advantage of adding glass is increasing the water-repellent properties of concrete.

Liquid glass can be applied to the pool body and after construction, directly to the concrete. For such purposes, waterproofing coatings are produced with the same composition as in the additives for the solution. Such materials have high waterproofing rates. In addition, liquid glass protects concrete from fungi, temperature, destruction and ultraviolet radiation. Liquid glass has a low cost, and to treat the pool you will need little material, since it has low consumption. The coating is very easy to use, so you can process it yourself with this material.

Applying glass is very simple; the technology includes the following work:

  • Surface preparation. Before treating with any coating, the concrete must be cleaned; the surface under the liquid glass must be rough, so if it is smooth, it must be degreased. This measure is necessary for good adhesion.
  • Dilute the solution. The solution must be prepared strictly following the instructions; the recipe and proportions must be indicated on the packaging.
  • After complete mixing, the composition is applied to the concrete. When the first layer dries a little, you can apply the second. Rollers or brushes are used for processing.
  • Applying the final finish. Any type of decorative finish can also be applied to liquid glass.

Liquid glass is unique in that it can be added at the concrete mixing stage. This will free you from waterproofing work in the future.

PVC film

Today, PVC films are very popular in waterproofing concrete pools. The material is highly durable, and most importantly, it is absolutely waterproof. In addition to waterproofing functions, the film acts as a decorative layer. Therefore, if you want to save on finishing, you should take a closer look at PVC materials.

Films differ not only in color, but also in thickness, strength and design. The material is available in various patterns and imitations. On the construction market you can find PVC films with tile or mosaic patterns. The color of the films is very intense, and thanks to the protective layer, the coating does not fade during prolonged contact with ultraviolet radiation. For this quality, the material is often used in outdoor outdoor pools.

Installation and repairs using film are indistinguishable from waterproofing with coatings. First, the pool is cleaned and dried. After this, fixing tapes and film holders are attached.

Important! The film is mounted on geotextiles, this increases the service life and quality of the coating. In addition, the layer reduces the friction of the PVC film on the concrete, thereby maintaining its integrity.

After placing the fasteners, spread the film and weld it with a special apparatus. This method considered the most reliable and simple.


All types of waterproofing have their pros and cons, so choose the material that is suitable specifically for your pool. Consider the ease of applying impregnation or film; if this is your first time doing such work, it is better to give preference to coatings and mastics. Waterproofing is extremely important in the construction of a swimming pool, so it is highly undesirable to neglect it.

When filling the pool, do not use water from open sources (ponds, etc.). This water contains microorganisms and has a greenish color. As a result, instead of crystal-clear water, you may end up with a cloudy, nondescript stew in your pool.

This water can only be saved by using special chemicals. Thus, the cost of maintaining water in order when filled from open sources increases significantly. If possible, use water from water utilities, because... it is already undergoing preparation and cleaning.

Filling the pool with water and initial treatment.

1.1. Before filling the pool with water, to disinfect and prevent the formation of algae, it is recommended to treat the bottom and walls of the pool with an Algaecide solution (CTX-500 or CTX-570):
- In a 10-liter bucket of warm water, dilute 200 ml of Algaecide.
- Using a sponge, wipe the bottom and walls of the pool.
- Let the bowl dry to form a protective film.

1.2. Fill the pool 1/3 full with water (see filling the pool).

1.3. Add stabilized chlorine “CTX-250”: 1 tablet for every 5 cubic meters. your pool water.
- It is best to scatter the tablets evenly in several places in the pool.

1.4. Fill the pool with water to the required height (to the middle of the skimmer window).

1.5. If you are using a chemical cleaning system - an autochlorinator, follow these steps:
- Fill the autochlorinator with slow-dissolving chlorine tablets “CTX-370” (for further use, see the instructions for the autochlorinator).

1.6. Measure the pH and CL values ​​with a tester (see tester instructions).

1.7. Adjust the pH value between 7.0 and 7.4. The pH value must always be within these limits, because at such pH values, better water disinfection occurs.

For pH values: less than 7.0, add “CTX-20” pH increaser: (at the rate of 150 g per 10 cubic meters to increase by 0.2). more than 7.4 - add “CTX-10” pH reducer: (at the rate of 150 g per 10 cubic meters to reduce by 0.2).

1.8. For an “INITIAL” chlorine treatment, use 5 instant chlorine tablets “CTX-250” or 150 g. Calcium hypochlorite "CTX-120" per 10 cubic meters. your pool water.
- The preparations are distributed evenly throughout the pool.

1.9. Add an algae killer – algaecide “CTX-500” or “CTX-570” at the rate of 2 liters of product per 100 m3 of pool water.

1.10. Add flocculant “CTX-42” to the pool skimmer at the rate of 1 tablet for every 50 m3 of water.

1.11. Turn the filter unit into the “Filtration” filtration mode and turn on the pump.

IMPORTANT: after the initial treatment, DO NOT swim in the pool for 24 hours!

Weekly water treatment.

2.1. The pH and CL values ​​must be checked with a tester at least once a week. To adjust the pH, use a pH Reducer or pH Increaser. If the pH value is less than 7.0, then it must be increased with the pH Increaser “CTX-20”. To increase pH by 0.2 units, 150 g is needed. Add “CTX-20” for every 10 cubic meters. water.

If the pH value is greater than 7.4, it must be reduced with a pH reducer “CTX-10”. To reduce pH by 0.2 units, 150 g is needed. Add “CTX-10” for every 10 cubic meters. water.

“CTX-10” and “CTX-20” must be diluted in a bucket of warm water and poured into the pool in front of the return water nozzles, or served in portions in several places, but not in front of the skimmer.

2.2. Check for long lasting tablets in the autochlorinator. If there is no autochlorinator, then add stabilized chlorine tablets “CTX-370” to the skimmer at the rate of 1 tablet per 15 m3 of water.

2.3. Add flocculant “CTX-42” to the skimmer at the rate of 1 tablet for every 50 m3 of water.

2.4. Be sure to check the concentration of combined chlorine at least once a week (the maximum concentration of combined chlorine should not exceed 0.5 mg/l). If there is bound chlorine in the water, use the drug “CTX-23” at the rate of 10 g to remove it. Preparation per 1 m3 of water.

2.5. Dirty edging on the waterline that occurs from time to time must be cleaned using “foam level degreaser - CTX-75”.

2.6. Cleaning the bottom of the pool is done with an underwater vacuum cleaner.

Pool water filtration

Along with chemical water purification, mechanical purification using a filter unit is also of high importance.

The power of the filter unit should allow the entire volume of water to pass through the filter within 5-6 hours. Water must pass completely through the filter at least 6 times a day.

During filter operation, the pressure gauge indicates the pressure at the filter inlet. Some time after the filter starts operating, an increase in pressure is observed. This occurs as a result of progressive contamination of the filter. At least once a week or when the pressure becomes more than 1.5 bar or the arrow moves from the green color of the scale to the red zone, the filter needs to be washed.

For this:
- turn off the pump;
- install the six-position valve in the “washing” position (BACKWASH);
- open the tap on the drain pipe into the sewer;
- turn on the pump. Pay attention to the color of the draining water. Don't be surprised if the water seems clear at first,
after some time it will acquire a brown tint;
- as soon as the water appears clear, turn off the pump;
- set the six-position valve to the “seal” position (Rinse);
- turn on the pump and let it run for 20-40 seconds;
- turn off the pump and set the valve to the “filtration” position and turn on the pump again.

If during filter operation the pressure on the pressure gauge is lower than the initial pressure, then the pump and skimmer pre-filter must be cleaned.

For this:
- turn off the pump;
- close all taps on the suction and pressure lines;
- remove the transparent cover of the pre-filter on the pump;
- remove the basket with dirt and clean it;
- replace the basket;
- check the presence of water in the pump (fill if necessary);
- Reinstall the pre-filter cover, checking the seal.

At the beginning of each working period, check the condition of the sand in the filter. If the sand is contaminated with impurities that cannot be washed (petroleum products, cement, clay, etc.) or the grain size of the sand is damaged, the sand must be replaced.

ATTENTION: Before each switching of the six-position valve, the pump must be turned off.
"FILTER" - normal filtering.
“BACKWASH” - washing the filter.
“RINSE” - additional rinsing.
“WASTE” - emptying the pool.
“RECIRC” - circulation of water without filtering it after adding chemicals. Accelerated mixing.
“CLOSED” (closed) - in this position the pump CANNOT be turned on!

Cleaning the bottom.

It is especially important to keep the bottom of your pool clean. It can be cleaned with a hand-held vacuum cleaner or you can entrust this work to “robot cleaners”, a wide range of which is offered by the GidroStroyMonta company.

The simplest version of an underwater vacuum cleaner consists of a brush, a telescopic handle and a hose. This vacuum cleaner is connected to the water filtration system through an adapter in the skimmer (water intake).

For medium-sized pools, GidroStroyMontazh offers a “semi-automatic vacuum cleaner” that connects to the filtration system via a skimmer and will clean the bottom and walls of your pool within a few hours.


For large stationary pools, we offer a self-propelled “robot cleaner” that allows you to more effectively clean the bottom and walls of the pool. You can operate manually or automatically. Whatever mode you choose, the robot will work for a preset time.

In automatic mode, it performs a sequence of movements that have been programmed.

In manual control mode, the robot will move in the directions that you specify using the buttons on the control unit.

Instructions for using the CL and PH tester

You have already read above how important it is to determine the pH and CL values ​​in pool water. This is the basic data that helps combat cloudiness and contamination of pool water. For successful water purification, a manual combined tester PH - CL is used. You need to check the water at least once a week.

  • - Remove the top cover and rinse the surfaces of the tester with clean water.
  • - Fill the tester until it is filled with water (the intake is made 50 cm from the edge of the pool, 5 cm deeper than the water surface).
  • - One DPD No. 1 tablet is placed in the CL measuring part, one PHENOL tablet in the pH measuring part.
  • - Close the top lid and shake until the tablets are completely dissolved.
  • - Compare the color of the colored liquid with the color scale. In accordance with the color, the digital indicators on the scale are read.
  • - The tester is washed and placed in a protective box.

Attention: Do not take measuring tablets orally. Do not store the tester in light or cold.

Problems with water during pool operation

Cloudy water

Recheck and adjust the pH value, CL free and bound to normal. The most common causes of cloudy water are incorrect pH settings, high concentrations of combined chlorine (chloramines) and poor water filtration.

Along with setting the correct pH and CL values, the filtration itself in the filter unit can be made more thorough using coagulants in liquid or solid form.

Liquid flocculant “CTX-41” – (100-200 ml) is gradually poured into the skimmer while the filter unit is running in the “Filtration” mode. After this, turn off the filter unit for 15-20 minutes.

Then further filter the pool water. If the turbidity is not completely eliminated, the filter is washed and the CTX-41 treatment is repeated.

Attention: “CTX-41” is not supplied directly to the pool, but only through the skimmer. White flakes may form on the bottom of the pool - these must be removed using a hand-held vacuum cleaner.

Flocculant in tablets “CTX-42” is placed in the skimmer. One tablet is enough to treat 50 cubic meters. water.

Green water

Use a tester to measure the water parameters in the pool and set the pH value between 7.0 and 7.4. For 10 cubic meters water add 200 ml “CTX-500” and 5 tablets “CTX-250” or 150 g. "CTX-120". Turn on the filter unit for 3-4 hours in the “Circulation” mode. Leave the filtration unit running overnight in the “filtration” mode.

Attention: Algaecide should not be used in conjunction with active oxygen methods (“CTX-100”, “CTX-110”).
