Rows on a horizontal block to the belt for back training. Seated pull-down: options and order of performing the exercise. Is it necessary to round your back?

Greetings, friends! Without further ado, today we will look at the technical side of the pumping process, namely, an exercise called lower pulley row. After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, the advantages and technique of execution, in addition, we will reveal which of the deadlift variations is better for developing the back muscles.

So, if everything is assembled, then let's start broadcasting.

Lower block thrust. What, why and why?

I think you have noticed that not only the male population goes to the hall; young ladies are also quite frequent guests of this muslin establishment. Usually they (You, my beauties) don’t like various dumbbells, barbells, weights, etc., free equipment - give it to them better trainers. They are understandable by their design, and therefore unclear by the technique of execution, i.e. For the most part, what this particular iron machine is intended for is not addressed. The lower block row exercise can (including) be classified as a women’s exercise, not in the sense that it is only their nationalized exercise machine, no, it is also suitable for men, it’s just that the block does not provide an increase in muscle volume and is “toning”, it is a muscle tightening and giving them tone, which is exactly what ladies need. So, let's get started with getting to know the lower block pull.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

The exercise targets the development of the back muscles and is one of the best for increasing strength and power in the upper body. It allows you to give the torso a V-shape and create the illusion of a thin waist.

Taking part in the work:

  • targeted muscles - back (entire volume);
  • synergists – spinal extensors, trapezius (middle/lower), rhomboids, latissimus, teres major/minor, deltoids (posterior), brachialis, brachyradialis, pectoralis major (sternal head), infraspinatus;
  • dynamic stabilizers – biceps, long head triceps;
  • stabilizers - hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip adductor.

Full muscle atlas looks in the following way(clickable):


Performing lat pulldowns offers the following benefits:

  • general strengthening of the entire back mass;
  • V-shaped figure profile (narrower waist);
  • development of posture and straight back;
  • high security;
  • great variability;
  • convenience and clarity of implementation.

Execution technique

The exercise belongs to the category of “easy” and does not represent any abstruseness, however, we will analyze the technique step by step. It includes the following steps.

Step #0.

Go to the machine and install the V-bar as a handle. Sit on the bench, place your feet on the front platform and grab neutral grip (palms facing each other) by the handle. Keep your back straight, arms extended. It's yours initial position.

Step #1.

Keeping your torso stationary, pull the handles (until the abdominal muscles touch) to the lower abdomen. Exhale as you complete this part of the movement. Maintaining peak contraction 1-2 seconds, while inhaling, return the cable to IP.

Step #2.

Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this:

In motion like this...


In addition to the classics, there are the following variations of the lower block thrust:

  • one-arm row;
  • pull with rope handle;
  • wide handle row straight grip;
  • wide handle row reverse grip.

Secrets and subtleties of implementation

Despite all its simplicity, it is necessary to remember the following technical features:

  • at the end point of the trajectory, squeeze your shoulder blades as much as possible and maintain this tension 1-2 seconds;
  • do not straighten your legs completely, leaving them slightly springy;
  • the classic version does not tolerate the body being pulled forward (extension) and backward (contraction) by the weight, however, this option also takes place;
  • pull the handle towards you not through your hands, but through your lats, due to isolated pulling of the elbows back and compression of the shoulder blades;
  • do not throw the weight, but smoothly return it to the starting position;
  • When pulling, keep your elbows as close to your body as possible;
  • when lifting heavy weights, let’s do it a little by tilting the body back;
  • straps will help you hold it heavy weight, so wrap them around the handles.

So, we're done with the technical part, let's move on to the practical part.

Which handle is better: wide or narrow V-shaped?

Typically, lower block rows are carried out with a narrow grip and switched to the wide grip version. In this case, the back muscles receive a constant one-sided load, in particular, the middle is worked out. Wide grip allows you to shift the emphasis more to the top of trapezoidal/diamond-shaped, rear delts, in this case, the arms should be parallel to the floor, and the bar should be pulled to the bottom of the pectoral muscle. At narrow grip the emphasis shifts to the middle/lower back and the lats are more involved. The wings are stronger than other back muscles, so a narrow grip will allow you to use larger weights and, as a result, provide a better stimulus for growth.

Conclusion - to completely develop your back (each of its departments and segments) you need to use different grips and handle options.

Actually, that’s all I have, let’s summarize and say goodbye.


Today our technical arsenal has been replenished with another exercise called lower pull-down. Now you can safely blow into the gym and try it out in practice. Well, you’re still here, what are we waiting for?

I'm doing a pen on the sim until we meet again!

PS. How do you train your back, what do you use?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

The seated row of a block to the waist engages almost all the muscles of the upper body - the latissimus dorsi as the main muscles, as well as the muscles of the arms (forearms, biceps and triceps), shoulder girdle and lower back. In addition, the muscles of the legs and abdomen are indirectly involved.

The exercise is important in training the back, giving it visual width. The pull-down row is a variation of the basic exercise, almost repeating the movement, but having a different angle of application of force due to the sitting position.

Execution technique

Starting position: sitting in the simulator, legs placed on the front platform, knees slightly bent, but not fixed. Reach forward to grasp the handle of the pulley, while maintaining the natural roundness of your back and without trying to straighten up as much as possible.

Pull the weight towards you with straight arms. Stop at a point where the angle between your torso and legs is approximately 90 degrees; then, pushing your chest forward, bend your back slightly in the lumbar region. You should feel the tension in latissimus muscles ah backs.

Mechanics of movement

Keeping the position of your torso as motionless as possible and trying not to lean back, while inhaling, slowly pull the handle towards your belt until it touches your stomach. As you move, straighten your back, pushing your shoulders back and pushing your chest forward.

As you make the movement, arch your lower back and bring your shoulder blades together until you feel a fairly strong “compression” of the muscles of your upper back. Stay in this position for a few seconds, and then slowly, as you exhale, return to the starting position.

Preparation for the exercise

When preparing the machine for training, be sure to adjust it to your height: the height of the seat should be such that the cable of the pulley remains parallel to the floor when performing deadlifts, and the feet should have support to prevent the body from sliding forward.

The classic pull-down of a block to the belt is performed with a V-shaped handle (palms facing each other, see illustration). Using wider handles or a machine handle to top link is permissible only with full mastery of technology.

The main secret of technology

Correct technique Performing a block pull to the belt involves two stages of pulling the weight towards you. The initial stage ends when the arms are bent when the elbow reaches the torso. The second stage begins with further movement and the elbow moving further than the back.

The working muscles of each stage are different - in the first stage the arms are involved, while the back itself works in the second. It is important to note that moving your shoulders back and pushing your chest forward should occur just as you transition between stages.

Runtime errors

In most cases, incorrect execution of the block row to the belt leads to the fact that the arm muscles are involved in the work rather than the back muscles. Trainees use too much weight and try to pull it towards themselves by arching their whole body.

Remember that when performing the exercise correctly, it is important to keep your elbows as close to your body as possible and not spread them to the sides. In addition, keep vertical position body and do not lean back more than 10-15 degrees.

Should you round your back?

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that at the starting point of the movement it is necessary to round your back quite strongly in order to “stretch” the latissimus muscles and increase their involvement in the work - this is exactly the technique that Arnold Schwarzenegger advised.

However, it is important to note that rounding your back significantly increases your risk of injury because it places dangerous stress on your spine. FitSeven strongly discourages the use of this technique by non-professional athletes.


The pull of the block to the belt is important exercise to work the back muscles. Correct technique involves keeping your elbows close to your body and minimally deflecting your body from the vertical. Most common mistake: working with the muscles of the arms, not the back.

Exercise "Lower pulley to the waist (stomach)" is basic for back training and mainly involves the work. It also indirectly targets the biceps, triceps, deltoids, forearms, lower back muscles, quadriceps and hip flexors. This movement is one of the best for giving the back visual width and is used by almost all professional athletes.

Basic requirements of the exercise

Traction of the lower block to the waist while sitting requires compliance with certain conditions that will make it as effective as possible.

  • The height of the seat should be such that when moving the cable is parallel to the floor at all times.
  • There should be support for the feet that prevents the body from slipping when moving forward.
  • Choose a handle with your palms facing each other.

Technique for performing lower pulley pull-downs to the waist

  • Grasp the handle with both hands and pull it towards you. Maintain an upright body position.
  • Start pulling the handle toward your waist until the handle touches your body and your elbows are no further than your torso line. Feel the strongest contraction of the latissimus muscles. Stay at this point for 1-2 seconds.
  • Slowly return the handle to its original position. After that, start a new repetition.
  • The main condition for the effectiveness of the exercise is the elbows pressed to the body, due to which the lower latissimus muscles and lower pectoral muscles receive the maximum load. If you spread your elbows to the sides while moving, the maximum load will be taken by the top of the latissimus, the middle of the trapezius and the rhomboid muscle.
  • When performing block rows to the belt while sitting, the deviation of the body from the vertical should not be more than 10 degrees. The more the body deviates from the vertical, the higher the risk.
  • By changing the handle and grip, you can shift the load to other areas of the back. For example, if you take a straight bar with an overhand grip and point your elbows up and to the sides, the load will shift to the middle area of ​​the trapezius, rhomboid muscle and the posterior bundle of deltas. When using a mid-curved handle, the elbows can be pointed down and toward the torso or up and out to the sides. In both cases, the deltoids are almost completely switched off from work, the main load falls on the rhomboid muscle and

The pull to the waist of the lower block is basic exercise. It activates quite a lot muscle groups. In this case, the targets are And the secondary groups are represented by: pectoral muscles, biceps, shoulder, lower back muscles, quadriceps and hip extensors, as well as the forearm.

It is believed that this exercise is best suited for those who want to make their back wider. Most effective option The exercise is considered a modification using a forked handle, which allows you to hold your hands parallel to each other. From an anatomical point of view, the exercise refers to it. It is performed in a sitting position and, by the nature of the movement, resembles rowing.

Now let's take a closer look at the exercise called lat pulldown.


This exercise requires the fulfillment of certain conditions:

  • The height of the bench or seat should be such that the cable is parallel to the floor when performing deadlifts.
  • Under no circumstances should the body slide forward, which means that the feet should have comfortable support.
  • The handles can be either fixed on a common base or separated from each other.
  • One way or another, it is advisable that when performing deadlifts, your palms should face each other.

to the waist while sitting: execution technique

So, first you need to sit on the bench and pick up the handles. Then you should pull them towards you until your back takes a vertical position, while maintaining its natural curve in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. In this case, your hands should be straight. This is the starting position.

Now you need to inhale, hold your breath and start deadlifting:

  1. The first phase of the movement (also intermediate) ends at the moment when the elbows are in line with the body, and the bend angle elbow joint will be close to direct.
  2. Then the handle is pulled a little closer to the belt so that the elbows extend back beyond the body. This is where the second phase begins.
  3. From this position, you need to move your shoulders back as much as possible and try to move your shoulder blades. The stronger the contraction of the latissimus dorsi muscles you achieve at this stage, the more effective the exercise will be.
  4. Then you need to quickly exhale and return the handles to their original position, keeping your back straight and motionless.

When working with heavy weights, you can use wrist straps.

Errors and nuances

When performing an exercise such as a pull-down, you need to make sure that your elbows are pressed to your body. If they are placed to the sides, this will not lead to anything good. It is thanks to the elbows pressed to the body and the shoulder blades pulled back as far as possible that this exercise allows you to well load the latissimus dorsi muscles, or rather, their lower part.

If you spread your elbows to the sides, the load will shift to top part back, middle fascicles and rhomboid muscles. Thus, the exercise simply will not fulfill its main purpose.

The torso, as already mentioned, must be vertical throughout the entire movement. However, slight deviations at the beginning and end of the movement are acceptable. They should not exceed 10 degrees. The limited amplitude of the torso is determined by the need for protection against injuries to the lower part of the spine.

The exercise can also be done with a straight bar, that is, the palms will look down and not at each other. If, holding the crossbar, you point your elbows to the sides and up, then the middle part will be involved in the work trapezius muscle, rear end deltoid muscle and rhomboid muscle.

If the crossbar has a bend in the middle, and its ends are facing back, then by pointing your elbows down and towards the body, you can almost completely eliminate the delta from working. But if you point your elbows up and to the sides, then the deltas will participate in the movement very actively. Both options work well on the trapezius and rhomboid muscles.

It turns out that the thrust to the belt of the lower block when different positions elbows and the use of various bars allows you to deeply work all the muscles of the back: latissimus, rhomboid, trapezius, round and, finally, the posterior bundle deltoid muscles shoulder


As you can see, pulling the lower block to the belt with your hand, or rather, with your hands, despite its apparent simplicity, has a number of important nuances. Only by realizing them and working on them correct technique, can be achieved good results. An alternative this exercise is in a standing tilted position. IN sports literature You can often come across the phrase “lower block/barbell row” and, despite the fact that these exercises are similar from an anatomical point of view, they are very different from each other in terms of technique.

Video Horizontal block row for girls

Analysis of the exercise

Among the most effective exercises For the development of the volume of the latissimus dorsi muscles, sports science refers to the pull-down of the lower block to the belt. This isolation movement, which mimics rowing, engages most of the shoulder girdle musculature.

In addition to the actual targeted latissimus muscles, the following are actively involved in the pulling movement:

A lot of assisting work is done pectoral muscle and the outer head of the triceps.

In contrast to the mechanics of pulling a barbell to the belt, the “block” version is less traumatic for the spine.

Common Mistakes

Execution nuances

Regarding the breathing technique for pulling the lower block to the stomach, there are two alternative points of view:

Different types of exercise machine handles make it possible to differentiate the load on muscle groups.

Typically, the exercise uses a handle with a parallel grip - it allows you to use maximum working weight and gives the movement optimal “physiology”.

The horizontal handle makes it possible to vary the grip and redistribute the load on the synergist muscles:

To increase the range of motion, you can use a rope handle.

By varying the width of the grip, we can redirect the load vector to different units of the muscle mass:

How to increase the effectiveness of the exercise

In contrast to the classic manner of performing lower block pulls with a static back, some athletes use a special technical technique– movement with a slight “bounce” of the body. In this case, it is possible not only to contract the muscles, but also to stretch them, significantly increasing the effectiveness of the strength exercise.

Inclusion in the program

Since the main purpose of the horizontal block row is to “shape” the latissimus muscles and give the back a harmonious V-shape, it is used in combination with heavy basic movements and are recommended to be included in the final part of the training.

As the final exercise of the training, it is aimed at additional fatigue of the working muscles, therefore it is performed in a “volume” mode for 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions. The movement is most effective when combined with barbell rows and pull-ups.

An important point: since the exercise significantly loads the extensor muscles of the back, it is not recommended to perform it in conjunction with a deadlift - this overloads the spine and can cause injury.
