Back mass training: basic exercises, comprehensive program and reviews. The best back exercises

It’s not just weightlifters and bodybuilders who need to regularly train their backs. Nice complex exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine will help to form a muscle corset. This is important both for straight posture and for the prevention of deformities. spinal column. The latter often occur in adulthood, especially in people leading a sedentary lifestyle. By devoting just half an hour to sports every day, you can long years maintain spine flexibility and avoid many back problems.

How to do exercises correctly

Before starting regular back muscle training, it is important make sure there are no contraindications. If you have a history of diseases or injuries to the spine, you should consult a doctor. Even if loads are allowed, a number of rules should be followed to avoid injuries to the musculoskeletal system:

  • perform all elements smoothly, without sudden jerks;
  • constantly listen to your feelings in the problem area (discomfort is a signal to stop exercising);
  • increase the load gradually, slightly increasing the number of repetitions as the muscles strengthen;
  • need to exercise regularly, increasing discipline and consolidating achieved results;
  • beginners should not chase quantity repetitions and sets done, as well as setting too fast a pace at the very beginning of the lesson.

The following set of exercises for the spine is contraindicated for chronic diseases at the acute stage, bleeding of any etiology, or the presence of severe pain in the lumbar area, shoulder blades and neck.

A set of exercises to strengthen your back muscles at home

Four simple exercises, for which no equipment or practical skills required, at regular implementation will help create reliable muscular support for the spinal column:

  • Bridge with hips. The element is performed from the starting position lying down, bent legs at the same time, they rest their feet on the floor, their arms are located along the torso. Exhaling, raise your hips up until your body straightens at the hip joints, linger a little at the top point and smoothly lower your pelvis. It is advisable to perform the exercise at least 15 times. As your muscles strengthen, you can increase the load by straightening one leg at the knee while lifting your hips.
  • "The Bird and the Dog"- an interesting and effective exercise for all groups of spinal muscles. Standing on all fours (dog pose), you need to tighten your abs and straighten your back. The transition to bird pose involves simultaneously raising the right arm and the opposite (left) leg upward. At the same time, the limbs are straightened, positioned strictly horizontally and fixed for a couple of seconds. After returning to the original position, the opposite arm and leg work (do at least 5 times for each side).
  • Side plank especially useful for prolonged static load on the spine (standing work). Lying on your side and leaning on the elbow of one hand, place the other on your waist. Then lift your hips off the surface and straighten your body, fixating in this position for at least half a minute. Repeat the element for the other side. To complicate the task, you can raise your leg while doing it or lean on the palm of your straight hand.
  • Lunges, designed to improve coordination, performed from a standing position. Having fixed your palms at your waist, you need to step forward quite widely, bending your legs in knee joints at right angles. Do 10 repetitions for each leg. You can increase the load with the help of weights (hold dumbbells in your hands).

In addition to preventing deformities and diseases of the spine, this simple set of exercises will ensure excellent posture. Thin waist and a graceful gait will be another pleasant bonus.

People whose work requires long periods of time static loads on the back and those visiting the gym are recommended to perform more special elements.

Additional set of exercises to strengthen the spine (video)

Exercise machines in the gym allow you to diversify the set of standard elements for forming muscle corset.

  • Stretches performed in hyperextension, perfectly strengthen the rectifier muscles. From the starting position, you need to completely straighten your body, pausing for 30 seconds at the top point.
  • Deadlift– another excellent element for pumping rectifiers. The exercise is intended to prevent disorders and is contraindicated in case of pain. Perform bending and extension smoothly, holding the barbell in your hands with an overhand grip.
  • Element "prayer" is a thrust vertical block performed on the knees. At the lowest point, when bending the torso, you need to touch the floor with your head.
  • Hyperextension You can also do it on a fitball. The starting position is lying on your stomach on the apparatus with your palms fixed on the back of your head and your torso lowered. When extending, straighten the body and stay in this position for half a minute.
  • Stretching with a fitball– one of the simplest, but very useful exercises for the back. You just need to lie on the apparatus with your stomach and relax the muscles of the whole body as much as possible. You can stay in this position for as long as you like.

The listed exercises are not only guarantee of a strong muscle corset, but also excellent remedy for back pain. By supplementing your standard training program with them, you can not to be afraid of scoliosis and osteochondrosis even with long hours of sedentary work in the office. It is important to get up from your workplace every hour to stretch your muscles a little and activate blood circulation.

The effectiveness of back exercises for spinal diseases

Scoliosis and osteochondrosis– the most common pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The first diagnosis is made at any age, since curvature of posture can be developed in childhood. Wherein back muscles atrophy and hold the spinal column in wrong position. Special exercises for stretching and strengthening muscles - the best way correcting the situation.

A set of exercises for scoliosis (video)

Osteochondrosis is a more “age-related” disease that represents degradation of cartilage tissue intervertebral discs. Accompanied by impaired mobility of the spinal column, periodic pain and deterioration of tissue nutrition. In this case, you should exercise carefully, but if the case is not very advanced, the exercises will help restore mobility and get rid of pain.

Training for osteochondrosis (video)

Performing the complex simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine every day, you can restore health and maintain it for a long time.

In this article you will learn what exercises to choose to train your back muscles in order to increase its mass, make it wider and more prominent.

Rock on your back gym You can do it with a barbell, dumbbells and in exercise machines. Knowing which movements are best for building a wide, strong back will help you achieve your goals much faster. That's why we've compiled a list of the 10 best exercises for building back muscles.

Since there is very little research on this topic, we selected these movements based on factors such as popularity, number of people involved muscle fibers, as well as the complexity of the technique and the uniqueness of the movement compared to others. Our list includes the most effective exercises for pumping your back in the gym, which can be included in any training program.

To do right choice and include only the essentials in your training program, you need to understand which muscle groups are loaded by which exercises and what goals you are pursuing. They can be roughly divided into those that are effective for pumping up the width and mass of the back.

Please note that all movements presented in the article are equally suitable for men and women. The execution option for girls differs only in the worker that will be used for training. When we talk about that, similar movements will use muscle groups differently and the technique will be different.

This is definitely the best exercise for pumping up the back, although technically it is not only aimed at developing this part of the body. The deadlift works the entire posterior chain from the calves to the upper traps. When performing, it is extremely important to follow the technique in order to maintain the health of the spine, ligaments and joints with a constant progression of working weights. Once you learn how to do this, you can lift huge weights, which will force your muscles to work at their best, stimulate the production of hormones and help you get bigger.

There are also many programs available to help you improve your deadlift and set personal bests. Physiologists love to include deadlifting in strength-building and improvement programs. physical fitness, because it works the muscles very well and is great for strengthening the bone structure.

Turn on classic deadlift into your back training program. Other variations of the exercise, such as the sumo deadlift, shift the load from the back to other muscle groups.

If you're going to lift heavy weights (less than 6 reps), do deadlifts early in your workout when you're full of strength. If you focus on a large number of repetitions, you can do it later.

This is perhaps the second most important exercise in which you can work with heavy weight. EMG data shows that the standing bent-over barbell row engages large muscle groups in the upper and lower back equally, making it effective for building muscle mass. muscle mass backs. As with deadlifts, you need to be careful correct technique to avoid injury.

Do bent-over rows early in your workout, working with heavy weights in a low rep range (around 6-8 or 8-10). The Smith machine version is a good alternative. This allows you to save vertical position, however, you must ensure that your body is tilted correctly relative to the bar. Barbell rows put quite a lot of stress on the lower back, so it's best to do them early in your workout. If you've maxed out your deadlifts, you can skip the bent-over barbell rows.

3. Wide grip pull-ups

It's always a good idea to include a pulling exercise in your back workout, and pull-ups are one of them. best options. Pull-ups wide grip Great for working the upper lats. Narrow grip increases the range of motion, however, we prefer a wide grip due to the optimal starting position for the joints. One of the main difficulties in this exercise is training until muscle failure in a suitable manner for muscle growth rep range (8-12).

If you do pull-ups at the beginning of your workout, it is better to use a weight belt. Of course, if you find it difficult, you can do pull-ups using a machine with a support mechanism or with the help of a partner. As an alternative, you can do head pull-ups if you don't have shoulder pain.

Proper technique also plays a role important role. IN initial position The shoulder blades should be down and brought together.

Due to the large range of motion, a few light repetitions will serve as a good warm-up for the shoulder joints. Since technique is also very important, it is best to perform pull-ups at the beginning of your workout.

4. Standing T-bar row

We chose this variation of the T-bar row because it allows you to lift more weight, although athletes often “assist” themselves through their knees and hips. Some people find it difficult to keep their back straight, so this version is a better choice.

The T-bar row is not a squat, so keep your legs bent throughout the movement. You can also change your hand position and grip width. A wide grip will put more stress on the latissimus muscles, and a regular grip will put more stress on the middle part of the back (the rhomboids, teres muscles, and trapezius). This is one of the easiest pulling exercises to provide belay.

Perform the exercise at the beginning of your workout. Focus not on moving your arms, but on working the muscles in your back. If you are an experienced lifter, use a weight of 10 kg instead of 20 kg, gradually increasing the range of motion and slowing the movement of the shoulder blades at the bottom of each repetition. With each repetition, make sure you maintain a straight back position.

5. Wide-grip seated pull-down

Why it's included: Almost everyone performs pull-downs with only a close grip. A wide grip allows for a change of pace because it shifts some of the load to the top part latissimus muscles. This exercise is similar to other back pulling movements performed on machines, so don't do them in the same workout unless you make some changes to them, such as changing your grip width or rep range. You can also try a shoulder-width grip, which works the lower lats better, but remember to keep your elbows close to your sides.

Since this exercise is performed in a machine, it is best to do it at the end of the workout. Choose a weight that allows you to perform no more than 12 repetitions.

6. Reverse grip barbell row on the Smith machine

The reverse grip engages the biceps more actively, and when moving the elbows pressed to the sides, more load falls on the lower part of the latissimus muscles. The Smith machine allows you to focus only on lifting the weight and not worry about balancing it.

Bend at about a 45-degree angle, stand close to the bar, and lightly engage your knees and hips as you lift heavy weights. While many athletes view the Smith machine as taboo, the fixed motion pattern and ability to control what you're lifting will make a difference in your workout and make it a little easier.

You don't need to include more than one exercise in your workout. reverse grip. Do it mid-workout, after heavy pulling movements. When doing any of these, don't neglect the straps. Your goal is to work your back as much as possible and not experience limitations due to an insufficiently strong grip.

7. Close-grip chest row

The wide-grip pull-down is very similar to the wide-grip pull-ups we reviewed, so we opted for the close-grip pull-down. EMG data show that narrow neutral grip activates the lats in the same way as a regular grip, so you work all parts of the muscle. As mentioned in the chapter on pull-ups, a close grip increases the range of motion and timing of tension in the lats, which has a positive effect on muscle gain.

This exercise works well as a warm-up for the shoulders, but for muscle gain it is best performed at the end of a workout in the 8-12 rep range.

8. One-arm dumbbell row

This is an excellent unilateral exercise where each side of the body works independently of the other, allowing you to lift a lot of weight. This increases your range of motion without being limited by more weak side. You will also find it easier to support your lower back (which could bear a lot of stress) by placing one hand on the bench. Rotating the dumbbell slightly will help engage your core muscles to a greater extent.

If you move your elbow to the side, you will force the lower part of the lats to work more actively. Perform the exercise between the middle and end of your workout in the 10-12 repetition range.

9. Incline Pullover Head Down

This exercise is similar to the straight-arm pull-down, which you're probably familiar with. The movement is single-joint, but allows you to perfectly work the latissimus dorsi muscles. The upside down version keeps the lats tense throughout their entire amplitude longer, compared to the horizontal position. When you finish the exercise, simply hold the dumbbell behind your head and throw it to the floor.

In almost all cases, single-joint exercises should be done at the end of the workout. Try to do more reps (about 12-15 per set) to achieve a pump.

10. Smith machine one-arm barbell row

This embodiment is perfect for working on bottom latissimus muscles. Stand with your side to the machine, grab the bar in the center, put one leg back (split position), and bend your knees to better maintain balance. Pull the bar up as high as possible. It is acceptable if the body naturally sways a little while performing the exercise.

Perform it at the end of your workout in the range of 8-10 or 10-12 repetitions. You can do this instead of dumbbell rows since the movements are similar.

When working out in the gym, men pay special attention to training their backs, since a harmonious silhouette of an athlete is impossible without well-developed latissimus muscles. If girls primarily train their leg muscles, and this is logical, then a man’s priority should be training the latissimus dorsi muscle. A wide back helps hide body imperfections. Such as wide waist, narrow Men are always attracted to back training. Every beginner wants to know how to build a wide back.

The structure of the back muscles

To understand how a weight training program for the back is designed, you need to understand the structure of its muscles and their functions. divided into deep and superficial.

The first type includes:

  • transverse spinalis muscles, the function of which is to stabilize the spine, they consist of the rotator muscles, multifidus and semispinalis;
  • extensor muscles perform the function of moving the spine; consist of the iliocostal, longissimus and spinous;
  • diamond-shaped, trapezoidal and, contribute to the movement of the shoulder girdle.

The second type includes:

  • the latissimus muscle, the function of which is to stretch the arm back and down;
  • square, responsible for lateral bending.

Which muscles should you pay attention to?

For beginners, it's the upper body workout that worries them. Everyone wants to know how to build a wide back.

The shape of this part of the body, its width can be changed by pumping the latissimus muscles, or, as athletes say, the wings. By enlarging this area, it creates V-shape, which athletes strive for so much.

Also, a beautiful torso is formed due to This muscle group is divided into 3 regions: top, middle and bottom. Particular attention is paid to the top - the area between the shoulders and neck.

Training the back extensors allows you to create a hollow spine, and this creates the effect of a muscular back. In addition, extensors help you lift heavier weights while pumping up other parts of your body.

  • Pull-ups.

By changing the grip width, you can work different areas of the back. The wider the grip, the more the lats are activated. When performing exercises, you need to pull with your back and turn off your biceps, and do not pull your shoulders towards your ears.

If you have little weight and it’s easy for you to pull yourself up, then you need to use extra weight- a belt with weights or dumbbells; you can also use weights with sand.

If, on the contrary, you cannot pull up own weight, then you can perform the exercise on the “Graviton” simulator, where a load is placed, which is a counterweight.

  • Deadlift.

To perform this exercise, you need to have pumped up abs and back extensors, which will help avoid injuries.

To begin the exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and slowly lower the barbell down in one line without leaning your body forward. The bar should slide along the knees along the same path.

  • Bent-over barbell row.

Position - feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent at an angle of 45 degrees, spine in a straight line. The barbell should be pulled towards the stomach so that it slides over the thighs.

Technique for performing isolated exercises

Isolation exercises help strengthen muscles at the end of the workout and engage fibers that are not affected by basic exercises.

  • One-arm dumbbell row.

Rest your left leg and left hand on the bench, your back parallel to the floor, take a dumbbell in your right hand and begin to pull with your back, bending your elbow. There is no need to turn your back at the top point.

  • T-machine rows.

The principle of execution is the same as in the barbell row. This exercise includes back mass training if there are any injuries.

  • Pull from the upper block.

A good alternative to pull-ups. Sit on a bench, grab the handle with a wide grip and pull down with your back, your arms should be relaxed.

  • Pull from the lower block.

Sit on a bench, keep your back straight and begin to pull the machine, bringing your shoulder blades together.

  • Hyperextension.

We lie down on a bench, the pelvis is on the pillow, lower the body down without rounding the back, raise the top until the back is in line with the legs.

Back muscle training program for mass

Depending on the training goals, a specific program is selected. By including/excluding certain exercises, you can change the load on the muscles.

All men are interested in how to pump up their back. The training program is varied.

This complex will help pump up all parts of the back and consists of 4 training options that will need to be alternated.

It's important to do 5 minutes of cardio before starting your warm-up exercises, and also do a couple of warm-up sets without weights.

Back workout
exercise approaches repetitions
first, fifth weeks
pull-ups4 max
superset: rows from the upper and lower blocks4 10
Bent-over barbell row4 10
second, sixth weeks
superset: lat pulldown + pull-ups4 10 and 15
pull from the lower block3 max
reverse thrust4 10, 10, 8, 6
one-arm lat pulldown3 10
third, seventh weeks
pull-ups4 max, 10, 8.8
traction from the upper block3 10
Bent-over barbell row4 8, 6, 6, 5
pull down from the lower block with hands alternately4 15
fourth, eighth week
triset: pull-ups + rows from the upper + lower blocks3 10 each
traction from the upper block3 12
reverse thrust3 max

Sports nutrition for training

Training for back mass is quite labor-intensive and requires significant energy expenditure, so it is rational to use supplements to increase endurance and the speed of recovery of the body.

To grow muscle mass, you can use gainer, protein and creatine, for recovery - glutamine, to protect muscles from breakdown - BCAA. All this will contribute to the speedy achievement of the goal.

Our consultants will tell you which sports nutrition company is best to choose. Today there are a lot of manufacturers, each of which adds some zest to their product.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition, since a lack of nutrients will not allow your muscles to grow. You need to eat the required amount of protein and carbohydrates per kg of body daily. If you create a deficiency of any component, but train hard, you will not achieve results. Muscles grow with the proper amount of carbohydrates and proteins. Protein is the main source of food for muscles; it is found in chicken breasts, eggs, and cottage cheese.

Exercises for the back muscles are characterized by various traction and adduction movements, the purpose of which is a comprehensive, high-quality study of this muscle group from different angles. The back muscles are one of the hallmarks of an athletic physique, and also one of the three largest muscle groups in the human body. Without its development, it is simply impossible to imagine a proportionally developed torso.

In this article, we will try to answer the most frequently asked questions regarding back training in the broadest sense of the word. We will look at the best exercises for the back muscles, including exercises for the back muscles with dumbbells, with a barbell and in block machines. Let's find out what basic, isolating and shaping exercises you can do for the latissimus dorsi muscles and more. We will answer these and many other questions with our large list of the most important, effective and popular exercises with a full description of the technique and features of their implementation.


The exercise targets the quadriceps, glutes, back extensors and trapezius. It is basic and is used to develop the muscles of the back and legs, giving them strength and volume. Recommended for everyone, from beginner to experienced athlete at the beginning of back training.

Exercise technique

1. Assemble a barbell of the weight you need. Stand with your feet close to the bar, your feet slightly narrower than your shoulders. Bend over, keeping your back completely straight, grab the bar shoulder-width apart and straighten up. 2. In the starting position, the arms are fully straightened and the bar touches the hips. The back is slightly arched in the lower back, the chest and shoulders are straightened, look ahead. 3. Do deep breath and hold your breath. While simultaneously bending your knees and moving your pelvis back, smoothly tilt your body and lower the barbell to the floor. 4. When going down, be sure to keep your back straight and do not round it under any circumstances, as this can lead to injury. 5. The lowest point is the moment the bar touches the floor. Try to keep your back straight and maintain the natural curve of your spine until you touch the bottom point. 6. At the moment of contact, immediately straighten up without delay. Just as smoothly as the lowering process happened, straighten your knees and back at the same time. 7. You can exhale at the moment of overcoming the most difficult section of the barbell movement.

Technique tips

  • By keeping your core muscles tight, you strengthen your back and spine. Too much weight in the exercise will cause the back to round, leading to injury.
  • By holding your breath while performing movements, you are able to develop greater effort in both the positive and negative phases of the exercise.
  • To work out as much as possible gluteal muscle and hamstrings, at the top point you need to straighten up completely and pause.
  • To maximally work out the trapezius and rhomboid muscles back, at the top point you need to straighten up completely and pause.
  • Both flexion and extension of the hip joint are performed in one natural movement. The hands in the exercise perform only the function of holding the barbell.
  • If you have a weak back or poor mobility hip joint, before you start learning deadlifts, perform hyperextensions or bend-overs with a barbell on your shoulders.

Hyperextensions for back muscles

This exercise for the back muscles uses the spinal extensor muscles, buttocks and hamstrings. It is designed to firm and shape the buttocks and hamstrings. Recommended for everyone, from beginner to experienced athlete at the very beginning of back training.

Exercise technique

1. Lie down on a hyperextension bench with your hips resting on the machine pad and your ankles under the bolsters. 2. In the starting position, the torso is straightened in one line. Keep your core muscles tense and bring your arms together on your chest or behind your head. 3. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, lower your body so that at the lowest point it forms a 90-degree angle with your legs. 4. At the bottom point, do not linger and immediately change the direction of body movement with a powerful movement and straighten up. 5. Exhale can be done at the moment of passing the most difficult part of the movement.

Technique tips

  • When lifting from the bottom point, do not bend your knees, as this will significantly transfer the load from the back extensor muscles to the biceps hamstrings.
  • Keep your core muscles tense at all times. This will help you maintain the natural curve of your spine throughout the entire set.
  • At the top point, you should not try to bend your lower back excessively, as this can lead to spinal injury. Straighten your torso in one straight line.
  • At the bottom point, do not try to gain inertia and spring back in the opposite direction. As a result, technique suffers and a significant portion of the effort on the muscles is lost.
  • For maximum development of the spinal extensor muscles, you can perform a short delay at the top point, literally for 1-2 seconds.
  • You can make the exercise easier by performing it on incline bench for hyperextensions, or by lowering the support rollers for the legs below lumbar level.

Pull-ups on the bar

This exercise for the latissimus dorsi muscles uses the upper part of them. It is the best basic exercise for increasing back width. Recommended for everyone, from beginner to experienced athlete at the beginning of back training.

Exercise technique

1. Grasp the bar with a grip approximately 30 cm wider than your shoulders. 2. In the starting position, the arms are fully straightened, the back is relaxed. Only the forearms and hands are tense, which provide a strong grip. 3. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, pull yourself up to such a level that your chin is at the same level as the bar or slightly higher. 4. Having overcome the most difficult section of the climb, you can exhale. 5. Then slowly lower yourself down to the starting position. At the bottom point, without delay, immediately, with a powerful movement, pull your chin up to the bar again.

Technique tips

  • You should perform pull-ups only by tensing the latissimus muscles. Don't tense your biceps. The hands are not involved in the work in this exercise.
  • The wider the grip on the bar, the more the load shifts to the top of the latissimus muscles; the narrower the grip, the more it shifts to the bottom of the latissimus muscles.
  • When performing an upward movement, do not press your elbows against your body, this will significantly reduce the range of motion and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Pull-ups “behind the head” reduce the range of motion, which also reduces the effectiveness of the exercise and prevents the lats from stretching to their maximum.
  • If your level of training does not allow you to do pull-ups on your own, use the gravitron exercise machine, or a rubber expander stretched under your knees.
  • In addition to technical simulators and devices, a trainer or partner can help you with pull-ups by pushing you under your bent knees.

Bent-over barbell row

This back exercise targets the upper lats, rhomboids, middle and lower trapezius. It is basic for increasing all the muscles of the middle back. Recommended for everyone, from beginner to experienced, to begin back training.

Exercise technique

1. Assemble the barbell. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your knees. Bend over and grab the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Without bending your arms, straighten your body and lift the barbell. 2. In the starting position, the lower back is slightly bent, tilt the torso slightly forward. The legs are slightly bent at the knees, the barbell hangs on straight arms at knee level. The gaze is directed ahead. 3. Inhale, hold your breath and pull the barbell towards your waist. The elbows move strictly along the body and do not diverge to the sides. Pull your elbows until they touch the bar to your lower abdomen. 4. The barbell should be pulled only using the force of the back muscles. The lower back must be kept tense until the end of the set. 5. At the moment the bar touches your belt, exhale and without delay, immediately and slowly return the bar to its original position on straight arms.

Technique tips

  • The grip should be slightly wider than shoulder width. This will provide the most effective wide range of motion of the bar and elbows.
  • The elbows should always be pulled as high as possible. If you do not reach the bar until it touches your belt, the effectiveness of the exercise decreases.
  • Rounding your back in an exercise is extremely dangerous; it can lead to injury. Try to maintain the natural curve of your spine at all times.
  • To work out your upper back as much as possible ( rear delts, rhomboids, trapezius, and upper lats), pull your elbows out to the sides and the barbell toward your chest.
  • Your legs should always be slightly bent at the knees, otherwise you will lose your center of gravity and be forced to round your back, which will disrupt your technique.

Bent-over barbell row with reverse grip

This back exercise targets the lower lats, rhomboids, middle and lower trapezius. The exercise is basic and is used to grow the muscles of the middle back in thickness. Recommended for advanced and experienced people at the beginning of back training.

Exercise technique

1. Assemble the barbell. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your knees. Bend over and grab the bar with an underhand grip, wider than shoulder-width apart. Without bending your arms, straighten your body and lift the barbell. 2. In the starting position, the lower back is slightly bent, tilt the torso slightly forward. The legs are slightly bent at the knees, the barbell hangs on straight arms at knee level. The gaze is directed ahead. 3. Inhale, hold your breath and pull the barbell towards your waist. The elbows move strictly along the body and do not diverge to the sides. Pull your elbows until they touch the bar to your lower abdomen. 4. The barbell should be pulled only using the force of the back muscles. The lower back must be kept tense until the end of the set. 5. At the moment the bar touches your belt, exhale and without delay, immediately and slowly return the bar to its original position on straight arms.

Technique tips

  • Throughout the entire approach, the body must be fixed motionless. The tilt of the body relative to the floor should be such that the bar hangs at knee level.
  • Try to pull your elbows as high as possible. Only when the elbows pass the level of the back does the upper back truly engage.
  • By straining your biceps at the bottom of the amplitude, you transfer the load from the latissimus dorsi to the biceps, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Too much heavy weight will break the technique. You will have to “tear” the barbell with your whole body while lifting it, and this will turn off the back muscles from working and will not allow you to raise your elbows to the desired level.
  • The reverse grip purely anatomically turns the elbows closer to the body, and unlike deadlifts with a straight grip, you will not spread your elbows to the sides.
  • During the exercise, you can tilt your head slightly. By tilting your head toward the floor, you will involuntarily round your back, which can result in injury.

T-bar row

This exercise for developing back muscles is aimed at pumping the latissimus and middle back. It is insulating and serves to define and “striate” the back. It is recommended for everyone, from beginner to experienced athlete, to perform at the beginning of back training.

Exercise technique

1. Set the required weight on the machine. Lie with your chest on the machine's cushion, with your feet resting on the foot platform. 2. Grab the handles of the machine with a parallel grip (palms facing each other). Remove the weight from the supports so that your arms are fully straightened. 3. Inhale, hold your breath and pull the barbell towards you. Elbows should move exclusively along the body. Try not to spread them apart. 4. Pull your elbows as far as possible towards you, so that at the top point they are, if possible, higher than the level of your back. 5. After going through the heaviest part of the amplitude, exhale and slowly lower the barbell down. Without pausing at the bottom, do the next repetition immediately.

Technique tips

  • Do not lift your body off the machine while performing the exercise. Throughout the entire approach, the body is rigidly fixed on the machine. Only the arms move.
  • When performing deadlifts, do not engage your biceps. The barbell approaches the body solely due to the movement of the elbows, and not the work of the biceps.
  • Try to place your elbows behind your back as far as possible. This will give you the best possible workout for your lats, as well as your diamond and middle traps.
  • Perform the movement through a full range of motion. You should not stop the bar halfway and start the reverse movement, as this will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • To achieve maximum development of the latissimus dorsi muscles, at the top point of the amplitude you can take a short pause, literally for 1-2 seconds.
  • If the machine is equipped with double handles for different grips, alternate it for maximum training of the latissimus dorsi muscles at different angles.

Bent-over one-arm dumbbell row

This back exercise with dumbbells targets the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and middle and lower trapezius. Used for detailing and symmetry of the left and right half of the back. Recommended for everyone, from beginner to experienced, in the middle of a back workout.

Exercise technique

1. Take a long step or place your right knee on the bench and rest your right hand on it. The body is parallel to the floor, the back is straight, the gaze is directed ahead. 2. Take a dumbbell from the floor in your left hand so that your palm is turned towards the bench. Raise the dumbbell slightly so that your hand hangs freely. 3. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and pull the dumbbell up towards your pelvis. The dumbbell must be pulled as high as possible. 4. At the top point, engage your shoulder and pull it up along with your elbow, this will allow you to maximally work the muscles of the middle of the back and the top of the latissimus. 5. Do not linger at the top point, but immediately change the direction of movement and slowly return the dumbbell to its original position. 6. After completing the specified number of repetitions on one side of the body, perform the same number of repetitions on the other. This will be one approach.

Technique tips

  • In order to raise the elbow really high and effectively contract the latissimus muscle, the pulling movement must be quite powerful.
  • When lifting the dumbbell to the top point, raising the working shoulder, do not lower the opposite one down, this violates the technique. The body must remain motionless throughout the entire approach.
  • There is no need for too heavy weight here. It is important to raise your elbow as high as possible to work the latissimus dorsi, as well as the middle trapezius and rhomboids.
  • The body takes a stationary position throughout the entire approach. Movement occurs only in the elbow and shoulder joints.
  • In order to work the upper part of the lats, you can rotate the palm with the dumbbell another 90 degrees so that it looks back, towards the legs.
  • If you are uncomfortable doing the exercise with your knee on the bench, try the option with both legs wide on the floor.
  • To effectively work your lats, perform the exercise by alternating your grip with your palm facing the bench and with your palm facing your legs.
  • Don't use your biceps. This way you remove the load from the latissimus muscles, and the effectiveness of the exercise is significantly reduced.

Shrugs with dumbbells

This exercise for the trapezius back muscles uses the upper and middle of the trapezius. It is formative and is used to lift and highlight the trapezius. Recommended for everyone, from beginner to experienced athlete, at the end of a back or shoulder workout.

Exercise technique

1. Take heavy dumbbells in your hands and stand straight. Place your feet slightly narrower than your shoulders, keep your back straight, and your head looking forward. 2. Straighten your chest, pull your shoulders back. In the starting position, the back is straight and slightly arched at the lower back. The arms are relaxed, the dumbbells hang freely on them. 3. Inhale and hold your breath, raise your shoulders straight up, as high as possible. During the lift, your shoulders should not move forward or backward. 4. Exhale at the top point, and then smoothly lower the dumbbells to the starting position. 5. You shouldn’t linger at the bottom point. Slowly begin the next repetition immediately.

Technique tips

  • Don't start with heavy weights on this exercise right away. First, take light dumbbells and do a set to warm up your shoulder joints.
  • Keep your shoulders tense throughout the entire approach. By relaxing them, you will begin to round your back, which will disrupt the technique and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Try to raise your shoulders as high as possible. The higher you raise them, the stronger the trapezius will contract, the more effective the training will be.
  • The exercise involves using heavy dumbbells. But don't take this literally, as too heavy a weight will prevent you from raising your shoulders high.
  • Holding your breath during this exercise is highly recommended as it helps stabilize the torso and target the load on the muscles.
  • When performing the exercise, make sure that your shoulders move strictly in a vertical plane. Do not move or rotate them, as this may result in injury.
  • Always keep your head straight while performing the exercise. Tilt it down and you risk injury. cervical spine spine.
  • Compared to barbell shrugs, this exercise is much better suited for working the upper trapezius.

Shrugs with a barbell

This trapezius back exercise works the upper trapezius. This is a basic exercise that is used to increase the mass and thickness of the upper trapezius. Recommended for everyone, from beginner to experienced athlete, at the end of a back workout before dumbbell shrugs.

Exercise technique

1. Gather the required weight on the barbell and grab the bar with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. 2. Straighten your chest, pull your shoulders back. In the starting position, the back is straight and slightly arched at the lower back. The arms are relaxed, the dumbbells hang freely on them. 3. Inhale and, holding your breath, pull your shoulders up towards your ears, as if you are being asked a question and you just shrug your shoulders. 4. Try not to bend your arms, tilt your torso, or squat. All you need to do is simply raise your shoulders while keeping your entire body still. 5. At the top of the exercise, exhale and smoothly lower your shoulders to the starting position. Then, without delay, immediately begin the next repetition.

Technique tips

  • Throughout the entire approach, try to maintain the natural curve of the spine. If this option gives you discomfort, do shrugs with dumbbells.
  • Try to raise your shoulders as high as possible, this will fully contract the trapezius and ensure maximum effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Holding your breath during the exercise is extremely important, as this allows you to stabilize the position of the body and avoid dissipating the load.
  • Excessive weight in the exercise is completely useless. Firstly, this will reduce the range of movement of the barbell, and secondly, there will be a high risk of rounding the back, which will lead to injury.
  • Throughout the entire approach, the shoulders move exclusively in the vertical plane. Rotating your shoulders will shift the load onto your shoulder joints, leading to injury.
  • Always keep your head level. Tilt of the head is fraught with disproportionate development of the trapezius and injury to the cervical spine.

Shrugs with a barbell behind your back

This exercise for the trapezius muscle of the back works the upper trapezius. This shaping exercise is designed to thicken the upper traps and neck. Recommended for advanced athletes, most often at the end of a back or shoulder workout.

Exercise technique

1. Gather the required weight on the barbell and place it on the racks at hand level. You can also alternatively put it on a bench, or ask your partner to serve it. 2. Stand with your back to the barbell, feet shoulder-width apart. Take it so that the distance between your palms is slightly wider than your shoulders. 3. Keep your head straight, pull your shoulders back and lift your chest slightly. Keep your back straight and maintain the natural curve of your spine. 4. Arms should be completely straight behind your back. Keep your shoulders tense so that they do not move forward. The barbell hangs in your hands at the level of your buttocks. 5. Inhale and hold your breath, raise your shoulders up. The elbows do not bend, the body remains motionless throughout the entire approach. 6. At the top point for maximum muscle contraction try not to hold the barbell for long, just 1-2 seconds. 7. Having overcome the most difficult section, you can exhale. Then lower the barbell to the starting position and perform the next repetition without pausing at the bottom point.

Technique tips

  • You can achieve maximum development of the trapezius by moving your shoulders back and rounding your chest more. You need to keep your body in this position throughout the entire approach.
  • Despite the fact that the amplitude of movement in this shrug variation is smaller than in others, this embodiment helps improve posture.
  • Too much weight in the exercise will be of no use. It will make the already small amplitude of movement of the barbell even smaller.
  • Holding your breath, in addition to stabilizing the position of the body, also allows you to develop much greater force in movement, on average by 20%.
  • The position of the head should always remain the same - it should look straight. By tilting it in one direction or another, you increase the risk of injury.
  • During the exercise, do not bend your elbows, this will reduce the range of motion, which will significantly reduce the load on the trapezius.

Bent-overs with a barbell on your shoulders

This exercise for the rectus dorsi muscles uses the spinal extensor muscles, buttocks and hamstrings. It is formative and is used to give the back and legs strength, shape and relief. Recommended for everyone to do at the end of a back or leg workout.

Exercise technique

1. Take the barbell from the racks with a wide grip, place it on the trapezius and straighten up. Take two steps back from the racks and place your feet shoulder-width apart. 2. In the starting position, the torso is straight, the back is straight, the shoulders and chest are straightened, the lower back muscles are tense, and the legs are slightly bent at the knees. 3. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, slowly lean forward while moving your pelvis back. The body tilts by flexing the hip joint rather than rounding the back. 4. Bend your body until it is parallel to the floor, return to the starting position. As you lift your body, simultaneously move your pelvis forward. 5. You can exhale after passing the most difficult section of the climb. 6. Throughout the entire approach, maintain the natural curve of the spine in your lower back.

Technique tips

  • The body rises from an inclination solely due to the efforts of the buttocks and thigh biceps. Under no circumstances should you try to round your back.
  • The lower back must be kept tense throughout the entire approach, as this fixes the natural curve of the spine.
  • Learn this exercise with an empty bar. Add weight only when you learn how to perform it technically correctly.
  • A slight bend in your knees will increase your stability. Bending over with straight legs will cause the body to sway and cause a loss of center of gravity.
  • The exercise works great on the hamstrings. Therefore, it can also be included in leg training before squats, deadlifts, lunges and leg presses.

Wide grip vertical row

This latissimus dorsi exercise targets the upper portion of the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and rhomboids. A formative exercise, used to develop the width and mass of the upper back. Recommended for everyone, from beginner to experienced athlete, in the middle of a back workout.

Exercise technique

1. Adjust the height of the bolsters so that they securely support your thighs on the seat. Sit on the seat so that the handle of the exercise machine is above your chest. 2. While standing, grab the handle with a wide grip. While holding it, sit on the seat and place your legs under the support bolsters, so that your pelvis does not come off during the exercise. 3. In the starting position, the body and arms are fully straightened. The pelvis is firmly fixed between the seat and the thrust bolsters, the legs rest on the floor. 4. Keep your core tense throughout the entire set. This will help you maintain a straight back position. 5. Take a deep breath and hold your breath, tighten your latissimus muscles and bring your shoulder blades together, pull the bar straight down to your chin. 6. Do not linger at the bottom point and as soon as you reach it, smoothly change the direction of movement of the handle and return it to its original position.

Technique tips

  • Your arms and back should always be straight in the starting position. This will ensure maximum stretch for the latissimus dorsi muscles.
  • The wider the grip, the wider the back will be. A narrow grip places stress on the bottom of the latissimus muscles. If possible, grab the handle as wide as possible - at the very edges.
  • Always watch your back position. By leaning back, you will transfer a significant portion of the load from the latissimus muscles to the rear deltoids.
  • Never lower the handle below the top of your chest, as this will completely remove the load from your lats. Pull the handle exclusively towards your chin.

Reverse Grip Vertical Row

This exercise for the latissimus dorsi muscles involves the lower and upper muscles of the back, as well as the rhomboid muscles. This is a formative exercise to detail the latissimus dorsi muscles. Recommended for advanced and more experienced athletes in the middle of a back workout, after pull-ups.

Exercise technique

1. Adjust the height of the bolsters so that they securely support your thighs on the seat. Sit on the seat so that the handle of the exercise machine is above your chest. 2. In a standing position, grab the handle with a reverse grip, shoulder-width apart. While holding it, sit on the seat and place your legs under the support bolsters, so that your pelvis does not come off during the exercise. 3. In the starting position, the body and arms are fully straightened. The pelvis is firmly fixed between the seat and the thrust bolsters, the legs rest on the floor. 4. Keep your core tense throughout the entire set. This will help you maintain a straight back position. 5. Take a deep breath and hold your breath, tighten your latissimus muscles and bring your shoulder blades together, pull the bar straight down until it touches the top of your chest. 6. Do not linger at the bottom point and as soon as you reach it, smoothly change the direction of movement of the handle and return it to its original position.

Technique tips

  • At the top of the exercise, make sure that your arms are fully straightened. Perform the exercise in full amplitude, so you will work your lats as much as possible.
  • At the lowest point, your elbows should go down and behind your back. As soon as you stop your elbows, the load will immediately go to your biceps and the effectiveness of the exercise will decrease.
  • Throughout the entire approach, keep your core muscles tense, your back straight, and the natural curve of your spine in your lower back.
  • There is no point in using too much weight in the exercise. This way, you will be doing most of the force with your biceps, rather than with your lats.
  • By holding your breath during the exercise, you stabilize your core on the machine and can develop more powerful force.
  • In order to emphasize the load on the top of the lats, bring your elbows closer to the body. By bringing your shoulder blades together, you contract the top of the latissimus muscles more strongly.

Horizontal row in a block machine

This back exercise targets the lower lats, rhomboids, middle and lower trapezius. A formative exercise, used to thicken and detail the lower back. Recommended for everyone from beginner to experienced athlete at the end of a back workout.

Exercise technique

1. Sit on the machine and attach the two-handed handle. Bend your knees slightly and place your feet on the platform. 2. Bend over, grab the handles and return to the starting position. The back is straight, the chest is straightened. The arms are straightened, the cable is taut, the load is raised. 3. Inhale and hold your breath, pull the handle towards your stomach. The elbows move back, strictly along the body. 4. At the end point, try to move your elbows as far back as possible. Having overcome the most difficult part of the movement, exhale and slowly return to the starting position. 5. Keep a slight arch in your lower back. The body must remain motionless throughout the entire approach. Pull the cable exclusively using your back muscles, not your lower back.

Technique tips

  • You can focus the load on the lats as much as possible only by eliminating movement in lumbar region. Fix the position of the body for the entire approach.
  • Keep your core muscles tense. This will allow you to maintain the natural curve of your spine and prevent you from getting injured.
  • The biceps in the exercise stabilize the elbow joint, that’s all. There is no need to pull the handle with the force of your biceps, this will remove the load from the latissimus dorsi muscles.
  • By holding your breath during the exercise, you stabilize your core on the machine and can develop more powerful force.
  • To effectively work the muscles of the middle and upper back, use a straight handle for vertical rows and grip it slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • To prevent your rear deltoids from taking the load away from your lats, perform rows with a straight bar with D-shaped handles at the ends, the distance between which is equal to the width of your shoulders.

Standing cable pullover

This exercise for the back muscles involves the latissimus muscles and the lower pectoral muscles. This shaping exercise is designed to detail and shape the latissimus dorsi muscles. Recommended for advanced and experienced athletes at the end of a back workout.

Exercise technique

1. Stand facing the machine so that upper block was just overhead. 2. Grab a straight handle shoulder-width apart and take a step back. Keep your torso straight. 3. Bend your elbows slightly and tilt them forward slightly so that the load lifts from the supports. 4. The body is straight, the back is slightly arched at the lower back. The core muscles are tense and keep the torso in a straight position until the end of the approach. 5. Inhale, tighten your latissimus muscles and, holding your breath, pull the handle with straight arms down towards your hips. 6. As you exhale, smoothly return the handle to its original position. You cannot bend your elbows during the entire approach. The exercise is performed with almost straight arms.

Technique tips

  • In the initial position, the cable should be slightly tensioned, but not too much. By moving your arms strongly forward in the initial position, you thereby reduce the amplitude of movement.
  • Hands must be fixed at all times elbow joint. Movement of the arms occurs exclusively at the shoulder joint.
  • By tilting your body forward, you thereby reduce the load on the latissimus muscles, which in turn reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • There is no need for excessive weight in this exercise. It will force you to bend your elbows, which will disrupt your technique and significantly reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Holding your breath during the exercise will help you hold your body more stable and develop more powerful force in the exercise.


At the beginning of the article, we set out to describe a set of exercises for the back muscles. And now, we can confidently say that in this article we have reviewed perhaps the most effective exercises for the back muscles in the gym. The list of exercises given here could be called the most complete if it were not constantly supplemented with new ones, with different equipment, with modified exercise techniques and more. The exercises given here for pumping up the back muscles are more than enough for a constant change training programs and adding diversity to training process regardless of the goals set.


The technique of performing exercises is that area of ​​​​knowledge that for personal trainer is mandatory to study and master. Without this knowledge, the trainer cannot begin to directly perform his duties. Learn the technique, improve it and also remember that literally in every exercise you can make certain minor adjustments, be it changing your grip, body position, working equipment and more. The set of exercises for the back muscles given here gives you the opportunity to master basic knowledge in order to layer more on them in the future. difficult exercises and their variations.

Many men and women want their back to have a beautiful shape and their muscles to be toned. But if you do the exercises incorrectly or overload your back and spine, there is a risk of injury. Therefore, it is important to know the specifics of training the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Latissimus muscles- decoration of the entire torso. They are what make the back powerful and wide. Latissimus dorsi muscles- These are flat muscles that lie on top of the spinal extensors.

Exercises for the back muscles can be performed both in the gym and at home.

Anatomy of the back muscles

There are several groups of back muscles:

  • Latissimus and trapezius occupy the main part, starting at the spine and then passing along the side of the body. They make up the largest volume of muscle mass in the back and they contain the main strength. The trapezius is the dominant muscle group in the upper back.
  • Rhomboid, infraspinatus and minor teres muscle run diagonally across the upper back. They are worked out using traction exercises.
  • Muscles responsible for straightening the spine- dominant in the lower back, located vertically along the spine.

Correctly selected exercises allow you to use all the back muscles. Complex lesson includes increasing muscle mass, working the lats and training other groups.

Features of back training

Frequent injuries when working out in the gym and at home are injuries to the back and spine.

This is due to non-compliance with safety rules and training features:

  • Back training for boys and girls can be combined with tasks for triceps, legs, biceps and shoulders.
  • If your work involves a lot physical activity, trainers advise doing 3-4 approaches per workout. If there is no constant load on the back, you can increase the number to 6-8.
  • The optimal amount is 2-3 back exercises. If the goal is relief and muscle building, do 10-15 repetitions. If the goal of the workout is to increase strength, 5-7 repetitions will be enough.
  • Be careful with the choice of exercises and the number of approaches. Excessive load can cause spinal injury.
  • During your first bodybuilding classes, use only light weights. Even if you think you can handle a larger load. In order not to injure your back, you first need to strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus.

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Rules for training back muscles

To make the exercises effective, follow simple rules that will increase the effectiveness of the exercises:

Basic exercises for the back

Thanks to basic exercises, you will master the technical side of training for the back muscles. And you can start doing more complex exercises.

Exercises with a bar allow you to use the muscles of the back, forearm, and biceps.

Do 10 times, 4 sets.


This exercise is one of the most effective for building strength and strengthening the muscles of the back and spine.

  • I.p. – deep squat. The bar should be taken overhand grip.
  • You should push your hips back, push your heels off the floor, and rise out of the squat. The back muscles should be tense and your posture should be straight.
  • Slowly lower your hips down until the barbell touches the floor.

Do 6-12 repetitions of 3-4 sets.

This exercise has a positive effect on the back muscles and oblique abdominal muscles.

Perform 3-4 sets of 10-14 repetitions.

Lifting dumbbells while lying down

The exercise effectively affects the latissimus dorsi and core muscles.

Perform 10-14 repetitions for 3-4 sets.

Isolation exercises for the back

Target of this complex - muscle strengthening and is done at the end of the lesson. Thanks to this, those fibers that “rested” during the execution of the main elements are included in the work.

Exercises with weights

Bent over dumbbell lift with one arm

It is aimed at working not only this muscle group, but also the trapezius, biceps and forearm.

Repeat 8-12 times for the right hand. The same number of repetitions for the left. Perform 3-4 approaches.

Lifting the barbell to the waist

The main focus of this exercise is on the psoas and latissimus muscles.

  • I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart. Take the barbell with a wide overhand grip.
  • Bend your knees and lean forward. The bar hangs freely in outstretched arms. Arch your back a little.
  • Raise the barbell to the level of your stomach and lower it.

Do 8-10 lifts in 3-4 sets.

Do 10 lifts in 3-4 sets.

Pullover lift with dumbbell

Do 8-10 lifts for 3-4 sets.

Exercises on simulators

One-arm horizontal pulldown from a sitting position

In addition to this group of back muscles, stabilizer muscles are actively involved in this exercise.

  • The D-shaped handle should be level chest. Keep your back straight, look straight ahead. With all your strength, press your feet into the supports.
  • Using a parallel grip, grab the handle with one hand, with the other resting on your thigh. Pull the handle back, moving your elbow behind your back. Make sure your body remains motionless.
  • Stay in this position, focusing on tensing the muscles of your back and shoulder. Then return to and. P.

The 30º row is a classic exercise for increasing back muscle mass.

Do the exercise 8-10 times for 3-4 approaches.

One-arm horizontal row with added rotation

By adding an element of rotation to the exercise, you engage the shoulder stabilizer muscles and improve general development upper back.

  • I.p. – while sitting, place the handle in the shape of the letter D at stomach level. Keep your back straight.
  • With your right hand, grab the handle with an overhand grip. Left hand place on your thigh. Legs should be slightly bent at the knees.
  • As you exhale, pull the handle, moving your shoulder blade back. At the same time, rotate the body. Hold this for 1 second, then take an i.p.

Do 8-10 repetitions for 3-4 sets.

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Exercises for the trapezius muscle

Exercises with weights

Do 12 lifts, 3 sets each.

Front Barbell Shoulder Raise

  • I.p. – Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take the barbell with an overhand grip and lift it in front of you.
  • As you exhale, raise your shoulders as high as possible and hold them for a second. After inhaling, return to the first position.

Do 8 lifts, 3 sets each.

Overhead dumbbell power lift

One of the most effective exercises to work this muscle group. Depending on your endurance, you can use heavier weights.

  • I.p. – place a dumbbell between your legs. Squat down to pick it up.
  • With a sharp push from your hip, quickly rise up and lift the dumbbell above your head.

Repeat the lift 10 times for 3 sets.

Raising the barbell overhead

  • This exercise helps increase upper back strength.
  • You need to hold the barbell above your head, raising your shoulders and squeezing trapezius muscles.
  • Tighten your muscles for 3 seconds, then gradually relax them.
  • Do 10 times, 3 sets.

Exercises on simulators

Lifting the barbell on a Smith machine

This exercise has a positive effect on the muscles of the upper and middle back and shoulders. Place the bar at mid-thigh level. Feet should be shoulder-width apart. Keep your back straight and lift the barbell using an overhand grip.

As you exhale, raise your shoulders to ear level. As you inhale, hold this position for 2-3 seconds, then return to IP. Do the lift 12 times in 3 sets.

Reverse Grip Pec Deck Exercise

This exercise effectively works the middle and lower parts of this muscle group. Fix the seat of the exercise machine at the lowest level. Grab the handles of the machine with a reverse grip.

Begin to move the handles of the machine back, using the trapezius muscles. Retracting them as much as possible, fix this position for a second. Then gradually take up the position. Do 10 repetitions.

Pull the block to the side with both hands

Exercise for trapezius using a rope on a machine

To perform this, you need to secure a special rope (rope) in the middle or upper part of the simulator.

  • I.p. - standing with your knees bent, grab the rope with both hands. Move away from the simulator at a distance of 1-1.5 meters.
  • Pull the rope towards your chin so that it is parallel to the floor. The shoulder blades should be brought together and the elbows should be higher than the shoulders.
  • Without sudden movements, return to the standing position.

Perform 15 repetitions of 3 sets.

Exercises for the lower back muscles

It is better to leave this group of exercises for the end of the lesson. Thanks to the strengthening lumbar muscles the risk of spinal problems is reduced.

Exercises with weights


This exercise works almost all the muscles in your back and is essential for increasing muscle mass.

Do 10-15 repetitions for 3-4 sets.


Before you begin this exercise, make sure you have a good stretch in your lower back and back of your thighs. The main technical points of this exercise are the same as in a regular deadlift.

Perform 10-12 repetitions of 3-4 sets.

Sumo deadlift

This deadlift is similar to the classic version, but there are important differences. One of them is that leg stretching is important for this exercise. Also, the feet need to be turned 45º degrees, and the legs should be set quite wide.

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Exercises for the lower back on the machine


Hyperextensions are suitable for beginners and those with weak backs. This exercise does not overload the spine and joints and maintains muscle tone.

Do 10-12 repetitions for 3-4 sets.

Reverse grip barbell row on the Smith machine

Thanks to this grip, the biceps work more actively and the lower back muscles receive more load. You need to tilt at about 45º, using your legs and hips a little while lifting heavy weight. Do 8-10 repetitions for 3-4 sets.

One-arm barbell row using a Smith machine

  • I.p. – standing sideways to the exercise machine. Grip the bar in the center, one leg slightly behind, knees bent.
  • Try to pull the bar as high as possible.

Do 8-10 repetitions for 3-4 sets.

It is not at all necessary to include all of the listed exercises in your workout. It will be enough to do 2-3 exercises to pump up the muscles, but in a high-quality manner. And then you will have a sculpted back, and your muscles will be strengthened.
