Modern yoga model from Katerina Buida. Yoga with Ekaterina Buyda and reviews of yogamix Yoga with Ekaterina Buyda

Your yoga dance instructor is Katerina Buida.

Professional dancer and choreographer, dance teacher and personal fitness trainer.

    1993-1996 – School of Arts, choreographic department. Teacher: Nadezhda Vylegzhanina.

    In 2005 she graduated from the Melitopol College of Culture with a degree in choreography. Qualification: leader of a dance group, artist of a folk dance ensemble, teacher. Teachers: Composition and dance production – Sebestiansky N. A., classical dance– Cherkess L.A., folk dance – Kireev V.A., cultural studies – Belokon V.I.

    In 2009 she graduated from the Kharkov State Academy of Culture and received a higher education in the field of culture and art. Bachelor's degree in choreography. Qualification: choreographer, teacher, choreographer. Teachers: Kolnoguzenko B.N., Yanina-Ledovskaya E.V.

    2005-2010 – dancer, teacher and choreographer in the Dance Ensemble of the Peoples of the World “Accent”. Artistic director and mentor – Oksana Gorban. Performances as part of the folk dance ensemble “Accent” at concert venues: Poklonnaya Gora, Academic Concert Hall, etc. Participation in competitions and festivals in Russia and abroad. In February 2010, the Accent ensemble won the Annual Moscow Excellence Prize for its contribution to the development of modern choreography in the Discovery of the Year category.


  • Director of the theatrical performance “Image of Koehne 2007-2008”. Forum World of Beauty de la France, Moscow.
  • Winner of the International Competition (Poland, Nebotsko, 2007).
  • Laureate of the competition for solo performance “Dance Workshop” (Moscow, 2009).
  • First place in the Flamenco Fusion and duet dance category at the “Grand Prix Talents” competition (Moscow, 2010).

Katerina Buida is the author of popular yogic programs that help strengthen muscles, stretch the spine, get rid of extra pounds, lightness and energy will appear in the body. This is a modern training model with good results. Every morning can start great with this workout.

Katerina Buida is a well-known trainer, a competent yoga specialist, and the creator of many popular original video programs that combine fitness and yoga.

Yoga with Katerina Buida combines the following exercises:

  • classical asanas with power yoga in dynamics;
  • special exercises for the press;
  • deep stretching poses;
  • breathing exercises.

Systematic implementation of Ekaterina’s complexes gives excellent results; the whole body is involved in the work.


Katerina Buida has developed yoga, which has many advantages:

  • The absence of weights in Buida’s complexes will not allow an increase in muscle volume, you can develop thin waist. Systematic and proper nutrition is important.
  • Deep stretching will allow your muscles to become more elastic, which will form a slender body.
  • Posture will improve and the spinal axis will straighten.
  • Back and lower back pain will go away.
  • There are no difficult changes.
  • Many exercises are shown in different options so that each person chooses the most suitable option for himself.
  • Complexes with different directions are offered.

The most popular project is “Yoga Mix”.

Yoga Mix program

This program consists of seven video complexes and abdominal exercises that can be mastered at home, not only by a trained person, but also by a beginner. Katerina Buida calculated the program for seven weeks.


The first basic complex consists of simple exercises. The asana is based on the formation of correct posture and lengthening of the spinal axis. At correct posture More fat deposits are burned as the spine is strengthened.


The second Strength complex takes approximately 50 minutes. Performing it increases endurance and strength of the torso. Will be formed a slim body using your body weight, without any weights. Each time you will become stronger not only physically, but also mentally. Don't be nervous if everything doesn't work out right away. Gradually everything will work out.


In the third complex there is a deep, static stretch, since staying in the pose takes longer (1-3 minutes). This will make the muscles and ligaments more elastic. Joints are developed and their range of motion increases, activity improves internal organs. The emotional state becomes harmonious.

Exercises for the abs

Exercises of the fourth complex “Press” form beautiful abs, since the oblique abdominal muscles are involved and the abdominal muscles are strengthened. You will look much more attractive.


The “Flexibility” complex will increase joint mobility and improve the flexibility of the spine. The body will acquire plasticity and elegance.


The “Tone” complex will bring the whole body into a cheerful state; exercises are especially recommended for those who have overweight and a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, back pain will go away and you will feel light and energetic.


The Balance complex will help bring balance to your body and mind. When performing exercises, it is important to listen to your feelings and try to track the slightest vibrations of your body. With the help of willpower and concentration, everything will work out.


The final “Relax” complex will relieve stress and fatigue. You will be able to completely relax your back, especially your neck and lower back. A healthy back will give you energy for active life. The complex includes light stretching and breathing exercises.

Yoga for Beginners

Yoga for beginners with Katerina Buida is gaining popularity. Here are two videos, each 13-14 minutes long. In the first part (13 min.), Katerina Buida shows how to correctly perform basic yoga asanas. It is important to stay in each pose for several seconds. You will be able to feel all the muscles, you will be able to relieve tension, and understand yourself.

In the second part, more stress is placed on the muscles of the thighs, abs, and back.

Bikini yoga from Ekaterina has won the attention of women, which opens up new sensations.

One of the most effective fat-burning workouts that Ekaterina Buida offers is supersets for the whole body.

"Superset" is a complex intense exercise, aimed at working out certain muscle groups (usually the most problematic and important female areas). “Superset” is a set of intense exercises

“Superset” is a set of intense exercises aimed at working certain muscle groups (usually the most problematic and important female areas).

In the process of performing this complex, a lot of a large number of energy, thanks to which, subject to a low-calorie diet, a girl or woman quickly acquires a fit, athletic shape.

“Supersets” - lose weight confidently and in a good mood

Katerina Buida became one of the first trainers who began offering distance training to girls and women who did not want or were unable to attend their classes in the gym.

Fat-burning training, carried out remotely, using its video, allows you to achieve results no less good than training in the personal presence of a trainer.

Katerina Buida “supersets” on video

Katerina developed different kinds programs that allow short time put your whole body in order and get rid of the fat deposits that many people hate.

When developing and selecting exercises for her programs, Katerina took as a basis exercises that are used in ballet classes, in popular types of fitness (cardio or interval training), as well as in yoga and Pilates.

The peculiar mix that she managed to create turned out to be very effective. It makes it possible to create perfect body even for those who have never played sports and are at entry level physical training. By performing the complex daily or every other day, you can strengthen the right muscles and the body has a beautiful relief.

Distinctive feature training sessions with Katerina Buida is a powerful wave of positivity and the mood for success that she instills in everyone who decides to seriously start working on their figure. Good mood, cheerfulness, self-confidence and lightness in the body are guaranteed to everyone who finishes what they started!

Training with Katerina Buida is a powerful wave of positivity and an attitude of success that she instills in everyone who decides to seriously start working on their figure!

Ekaterina Buida supersets for the whole body (video):

Ekaterina Buida supersets for the whole body:

Bodyballet superset:

Superset 4 minutes for buttocks:

Superset for arms and chest:

Hi all!

We recently talked with one woman, in a conversation she mentioned that many people like the bodies of dancers and dancers, and even many would like to see and feel their body like a “dancer’s”. And then memories came flooding back...

Looking at me now, it is simply impossible to believe that I was ever “chubby”, despite the fact that I am a dancer. Plus, I had a lot of complexes.

It’s so good that everything is possible to change - to transform yourself both internally and externally. Just as a flower needs time to bloom, so does the body need time to transform!

I can admit that when I was studying at the choreography department at school, it was terribly difficult and uncomfortable for me to dance with extra centimeters and kilograms. Constant self-doubt haunted me! I was looking for a way out and tried a huge number of diets, but they didn’t help me at all.

My arrival in Moscow in October 2005 changed not only my figure, but my whole life! I returned to the training system that once, back in 2001, helped me prepare my body for the entrance exams. I regained my flexibility, stretching and lightness in literally two weeks, despite the fact that I had not danced for three years (before entering college) and had practically no training. physical exercise this time! Helped magic gymnastics my aunt Oksana, the exercises that she taught me still help me adjust my body and spirit in the right way, and not only for me, as a professional dancer, but also for many women, she helped me believe in myself, get rid of many ailments, and give my body attractive, beautiful shapes, improve your overall health!

We worked a lot together in a folk dance ensemble, where Oksana is the leader. In addition to choreographic work, we conducted gymnastics classes for women.

Creating a slim and healthy body I was so captivated and changed my own life that over time, having acquired a considerable amount of knowledge and experience, I decided to help women transform themselves in body and soul. Observations on development and results various directions fitness and choreography confirmed a very simple truth: it is not so much the exercises themselves that are important, but the correct and consistent method of working with them.

It was incredibly important for me to come up with effective method training of body and spirit, thanks to which you can feel energetic, maintain a slim body or correct “problem areas”, and keep your mind alert.

Looking at the results of my students, I am convinced every time that Bodytransformation works!

Most girls start doing fitness with the goal of quickly losing weight and getting into shape. good shape. However, some of them consider stretching exercises as an insignificant addition to the main classes.

Of course, during warming up and stretching we do not lose as many calories as when doing more active training, but such exercises are necessary to create a harmonious, healthy body.

Fitness trainer Katerina Buida offers her own set of stretching (with breathing) classes for beginners. So that such exercises bring you maximum benefit, stick to simple rule: Exercise regularly in a private place that is convenient for you. Solitude will give you the opportunity to fully concentrate on performing the exercises, which will protect you from injuries and sprains.

In this regard, stretching at home is very convenient; you can devote as much time to yourself as you consider necessary. Do home stretching regularly and your body will become more flexible and resilient, increase muscle elasticity, increase the range of movements that you can perform without tension, help you relax after stress, and relieve tension after a hard day.

For women, stretching the back muscles and hip joints. fit, elastic muscles- the key to a healthy pregnancy and easy childbirth.

If you want to have a slim and harmonious figure, be sure to include the “Stretching at Home” complex with Katerina Buida in your fitness program.

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