How long does it take to climb stairs to lose weight? The steps to a slim figure: walking the stairs to lose weight - exercises, workouts, reviews and results. Strengthens the calf and gluteal muscles

In conditions of modern physical inactivity, the human body gradually moves from an acceptable motor mode to an unacceptably limited one, which leads to an increase in overweight. Daily walking on the stairs for weight loss, which involves slowly climbing the steps, will help burn extra calories and return your figure to its former parameters. Find out how to do it correctly this exercise to achieve maximum results.

Benefits of walking up stairs for weight loss

There is no consensus among professionals regarding the benefits of such activities for absolutely all people seeking to gain perfect body. Walking stairs for weight loss for regular healthy person does not pose any danger, which cannot be said about persons suffering from varicose veins veins in the legs and those with injuries to the hip joints and knees. For this group, active climbing of stairs is extremely harmful to health. For people without these pathologies, walking up stairs is even very useful. Lifting has the following effects:

  • increases the elasticity of the thighs, calves, buttocks;
  • reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • helps increase muscle mass;
  • increases daily calorie expenditure.

What muscles work

Walking up the steps to lose weight helps strengthen almost all organs and systems of the body. Climbing stairs at a fast pace helps to effectively work out your abs, back, and buttocks. Separately, it is worth mentioning the hips. As a rule, when losing weight, this area is most susceptible to sagging, which can be avoided by climbing several flights of stairs every day. At the same time, you can improve the result by using dumbbells and special weights during exercise.

How many calories are burned

It is known that walking up the stairs is even more effective for weight loss than light jogging. In addition, during a climb, a person burns calories 10 times more intensely than when moving on a flat surface. It is important to note that energy is spent not only on the ascent, but also on the way back. When answering how many calories are burned when walking up the stairs, experts note that it all depends on the correctness and intensity of the training. On average, you can burn up to 700 kcal in an hour of active exercise..

How to walk up the stairs correctly

Each person should approach training individually, taking into account the parameters own body and his readiness for physical activity. In any case, it is better to start with short sessions. At the same time, do not forget about a light warm-up before walking up the stairs. In cases where there are minor health problems, you need to start with minimal loads.

At first, you should not highlight the obligatory ascent to the 9th floor on foot; it will be quite enough to climb 5 flights of stairs. At first, it is not even forbidden to use the elevator periodically if walking up the stairs is difficult. The load should also be increased gradually, focusing on how you feel during training. In addition, you need to pay special attention to your pulse: optimal frequency heart rate is between 140-150 beats per minute.

If you need to lose excess weight, it is advisable to do the exercise at an accelerated pace. You should exercise only in running shoes: this way you can prevent ankle injuries. With all this, in order to eliminate excess fat mass and give the body definition, you need to follow an extremely simple technique for walking up the steps:

  • you need to climb calmly, overcoming each step step by step;
  • the body must not be tilted to the side;
  • the stomach should be pulled in while walking;
  • It is recommended to perform movements with your hands that are characteristic of race walking;
  • You can't hold on to the railing.

Choosing walking on stairs as a way to reduce excess weight, do not forget that a slow pace helps maintain muscle tone, and a fast climb helps burn extra calories. Regardless of how quickly you climb stairs, it is extremely important to monitor your heart rate. If your heart rate exceeds 150 beats per minute, you should think about reducing the intensity of your training. It is important to note that walking on stairs for weight loss is contraindicated for persons with a body mass index of 30 and above.

How to descend correctly

During classes, do not forget about the basic rules and restrictions associated with performing the exercise. It is important to pay attention not only to the technique of ascent, but also descent. When walking down the stairs to lose weight, the back of the thigh is involved in the work, so if you walk along the steps on your toes, you can more effectively strengthen this area. In addition, it is better to precede the descent with a short pause. Returning to the starting point should not take less than 15 minutes.

A simulator that simulates walking on stairs

People who prefer to work out in the gym speak very positively about this type of device. As a rule, imitation of walking on stairs for weight loss occurs through the so-called climber, but there may be other options with the name of the projectile. This device looks extremely simple: two pipes with pedals and a time sensor. It is important to note that the climber is one of the most effective cardio equipment. Exercising on it helps you burn even more calories than jogging. Other advantages of the climber include:

  • development of the correct dynamic stereotype;
  • absence of a “light phase”;
  • reducing the risk of ankle injury;
  • the opportunity to exercise in the comfortable conditions of the gym;
  • the presence of handrails to help maintain balance.

How to exercise on a stepper correctly to lose weight

You can train with this simple device at home. A stepper is essentially a mini apparatus consisting of two closely spaced pedals. At first, performing exercises on this unit is unusual and even dangerous. Therefore, before exercising, make sure that you can maintain your balance while pressing the pedals. If this is difficult for you, try connecting harnesses to your training by threading them through special holes on the stepper. This will make it easier to maintain balance, which will significantly increase the number of repetitions.

When answering how to properly exercise on a stepper for weight loss, instructors first of all draw the attention of novice athletes to the fact that they will have to train regularly. So, for active weight loss, it is recommended to conduct daily half-hour walking sessions on a stepper. In addition, it is important to follow a simple rule: do not eat an hour and a half before and after training. With regular exercise, the result is visible after a week.


Of course, no one doubts that physical activity has a beneficial effect on our well-being, health and appearance, but not everyone has the opportunity to go to Gym! And if, moreover, you cannot afford to run along the street (you are shy/don’t have a suitable area/live in the Arctic Circle), then what now, give up the dream of losing weight?

Of course no. As they say, the need for invention is tricky, so let's look at the nuances walking up the stairs! Surely, most of us live in an apartment building. In extreme cases, 4 flights of stairs will be enough for you, although it will be less convenient.

Let's consider a banal climb as a workout, read the reviews of those who walk or run up the stairs!

What muscles are used when lifting?

When climbing stairs, the following muscle groups are involved:

  1. knee straighteners;
  2. hamstring biceps;
  3. big gluteal muscles;
  4. caviar.

So this type of walking will especially appeal to those who want to strengthen and make the shape of the gluteal muscles and inner thighs more appetizing.

Many people underestimate the benefits of such training, but during such motor activity The following favorable changes occur in the body:

  • the muscles of the legs, buttocks and thighs are trained;
  • blood vessels are strengthened;
  • training respiratory system, the lungs are developed, the body learns to be more efficiently saturated with oxygen;
  • daily calorie consumption increases;
  • endurance is trained.

Statistics show that after 6-8 weeks, lung volume increases by 7-8%, the waist “narrows” by 5%, and blood cholesterol levels drop by 4-5%.

In addition, the advantage of exercising on stairs is that they are not dependent on weather conditions. In bad weather it is difficult to force yourself to go for a walk, much less go for a run, but the stairs are always warm and dry.

By the way, the ladder is very suitable for football or tennis training, for training the speed of football players, as well as volleyball players!


Contraindications do not include fear of disturbing neighbors or one’s own laziness :)

  • hypertension;
  • illnesses of cardio-vascular system;
  • body mass index exceeding 33;
  • scoliosis;
  • problems with the joints of the lower extremities;
  • vascular dysfunction.
  • injuries of various types (knee, ankle, hip joint).

Even if you are confident in your health, it will not hurt to consult a doctor. And if you have any of the problems described above, use walking up the stairs as a means to combat extra pounds only after a conversation with a medical specialist. But you shouldn’t give up walking up the steps completely as a habit that’s good for your body.

The disadvantage of these trainings is the rapid adaptation to this type of exercise, which is typical for any type, so over time it is necessary to either add the new kind activity, or increase the duration of walking.

In addition, walking up stairs cannot be called a universal activity - the level of personal fitness and health will certainly affect the results. And for some this will inevitably become a journey of suffering!

Where to begin?

So what do we need? Two legs, two arms, and just in case, put a piece of paper in your pocket with your phone number, home address, full name and blood type 😉

Everything is extremely simple and accessible to everyone: we warm up at home, go out into the entrance and start walking up the stairs as usual. There is no need to rush, the pulse should not jump! If you feel that your heart is beating unbearably fast, stop and catch your breath.

Important: Exercise in comfortable shoes with springy soles. Such sneakers will ensure even distribution of the load and increase walking efficiency. It is also necessary to ensure that the soles of sports shoes do not slip to prevent accidental falls.

Important: overweight and elderly people should start with 1-2 ascents and descent to the second floor. Moderately well-fed people can start with 3-4 approaches to the same height. Slim beginners are recommended to start with 3000 thousand steps, adding 500 steps every week. The main thing is not to feel discomfort.

However, of course, the duration of classes should be determined individually, based on your own well-being. Dangerous signals: vascular spasms, darkening of the eyes and unpleasant tingling in the heart area, which indicates an excessive load.

For weight loss

Some may say that walking on stairs to lose weight on your legs is too easy and that running is better. Well, you still try to walk for 40 minutes at an average pace. Believe me, you will load your muscles so much, and at the same time train your endurance, that your eyes will bunch up!

Running up the steps in the entrance has a right to exist if you are already a trained person! Otherwise: just walking!

In addition, it is strictly forbidden to run/jump with overweight . Therefore, if your excess weight is more than 10 kg, aerobics, Zumba, work-outs and other abuse of your joints are strictly prohibited. Even do isometric exercises type or high chair is extremely undesirable!

Don’t fall for the tricks of fitness trainers who try to sell you their video programs at a higher price: have you ever seen overweight people doing similar exercises? Have you ever wondered why all the videos showing this or that exercise show slender girls? Why not full?

There are many great exercises you can even do at home. and we repeat again: for really overweight people, losing weight should start with a diet, and continue with walks and exclusively strength training!

How many calories are burned?

Of course, we can only talk about averaged data. The calorie expenditure of lifting depends on your weight, speed of movement, knee height, stride width and metabolism.

On average, in 15 minutes you spend about 100 kcal. And a woman weighing 70 kg for 1 hour of training on the stairs, rising from average speed, will burn about 500 kcal.

Reviews and results

Reviews from real people about walking and climbing stairs:

Lisi4ka, 21 years old:

I will also leave my review and results on walking on stairs. When I went to university, I gained a lot of weight. I don’t know whether it’s the pies in the cafeteria that are to blame, or the stress: studying for physics turned out to be a nerve-wracking affair :) Of course, there was no money for the gym, just like the time, I had to think about what would replace it. The dorm rooms are small, you can’t jump while watching the video, so I immediately thought about the stairs. I started small - I walked like a snail for 20-30 minutes maximum 3 times a week, ate the same as before and, believe it or not, I lost weight! True, in 2 weeks - only minus 2 kilos, but as for me, an excellent result, considering that I don’t strain at all. I plan to change my diet and increase the amount of training to 5.

Larisa, 30 years old:

I decided to try the stairs as a free exercise machine: at first I thought about running, but my knees stopped me very quickly 🙁 Then I decided not to show off and just started walking, with a potato-shaped weight in my backpack behind my back (Russian ingenuity at its finest), adjusted my diet and voila , minus 5 kilos in 2 weeks! It is clear that most of the water has gone away, but my health has become fire, my legs and butt have tightened up, and my willpower has become better.

Ninochka, 58 years old:

All my life I have deliberately not used the elevator and try to walk more. At 58 I weigh the same as when I was 30 - 60 kilos! Note to young people!!!

Can I publish my review of running up the stairs? I am a sporty lady, I have been working out in the gym for 5 years now. But I still decided to try running up the stairs! Well, I’ll tell you this is a pure mockery of the muscles - out of habit, I couldn’t walk afterwards. But I liked it 🙂 My legs are strong and sculpted, my breathing began to work much better (I’ve been training for 4 months now), I got to know all my neighbors. In short, I recommend it!

How to walk correctly?

  1. Your heart rate during exercise should always be between 60% and 80% of your maximum heart rate, which is calculated by the formula: 220 minus the number of years.
  2. It is necessary to walk at such a pace that breathing is frequent, but the ability to speak is preserved.
  3. You need to walk continuously, without stopping for rest or breaks in order to restore your breathing.
  4. A fitness workout involving walking on steps should be preceded by a warm-up for the joints, and the session should be completed with stretching exercises.
  5. Increasing the speed of upward movement is always welcome and gives good result. But descending at a fast pace is dangerous, because in this position the load increases not on the muscles, but on the joints.


Stand at the step, step onto it with the foot of one lower limb, bending the knee at a right angle. Then straighten the knee and hip of that leg. Next, tear off the other limb from the floor surface and place it on a step higher than the first, again bending the knee at a right angle when taking a step up. This movement of the lower limbs when walking on steps should become a habit.

At first glance, such walking is not too different from ordinary everyday movement along the steps, and this is true, the only difference is that each step must be performed consciously, with a feeling of the work of the muscles of the lower extremities ().

You cannot hold on to the handrails, tilt your body in any direction, bend your lower back, or raise your shoulders while walking to lose weight. The back should be straight, the shoulder blades should be brought together, the chin should be raised. The upper limbs can be placed on the belt or as if race walking.


The most common and typical mistakes When walking on stairs to reduce excess weight, the following include:

  • a person grabs the railing, bends towards the clinging hand, bends at the waist, and in this form tries to quickly run;
  • picking up a pace that is too high to maintain during a 20-minute workout;
  • “jump” onto the steps, transfers the body weight to the forefoot and toes, lifts the heels off the steps;
  • open your mouth, breathe and talk at the same time. When walking up stairs, the surest way to breathe is through your nose, as when running.
  • Walk up stairs in non-athletic shoes. But uncomfortable shoes are most often the cause of ankle injury.

Exercise training program

You can endlessly experiment and complicate your running or walking training program in the hallway!

For newbies

If you do a little walking, you shouldn't run ahead of the locomotive. The most you can do is climb stairs with weights. By the way, you don’t have to carry it in your hands. Place weights (dumbbells or, for example, a water bottle) in a convenient backpack.

For the trained

Once you feel confident on the steps, you can add simple steps to your walking. physical exercise at the entrance. Before training, be sure to warm up, walk 2-3 flights, and then proceed to the main part.

Perform the exercises one after another, devoting 15-30 seconds to each:

  1. Running up the stairs
  2. jumping up the steps,
  3. raises on toes,
  4. elongated steps,
  5. cross lunges,
  6. lifting on hands and feet.

Repeat the exercises in the same sequence 3-4 times. As you train, increase the duration of the session by increasing the number of circles. If pain or discomfort occurs, stop exercising and consult a doctor.

For advanced

Warm up and walk 3-4 flights, and then proceed to the main part of the lesson. Perform the exercises one after another, devoting at least 30 seconds to each.

  1. Running up the stairs
  2. jump onto a step from a squat,
  3. squats at different heights (first on one side, then on the other),
  4. push-ups: straight and reverse.

Repeat the exercises in the same sequence 3-4 times. This difficult workout, so perform the exercises in a controlled manner, pay attention to technique and coordination. As you train, increase the duration of the session by increasing the number of circles.

Or use the following training scheme:

Useful video

High-quality video about walking and exercises on steps!


It's not exercise that makes you thin, it's the balance between what you eat and what you spend.! Good luck with your training and please don’t be shy to delight the whole entrance with your cheerful step, maybe you will motivate your cute lonely neighbor to train together!

Dear readers! Living in the crazy rhythm of a modern metropolis, we run to work, try not to be late for meetings, the day is filled to capacity with events, often there is neither energy nor time left to visit a fitness club or swimming pool. Meanwhile, each of us has a real opportunity to regularly exercise our body physically; walking up the stairs is an accessible, and, most importantly, free exercise machine that is always nearby, you just have to open the front door.

When you come to work in the morning, give up the dubious pleasure of going up to the floor in the elevator. Take a walk. This way you will make your heart work faster, oxygenated blood will reach every corner of your body and start metabolic processes. Your awakened body will tell you – thank you, and you will feel like a hero! The results will not keep you waiting.

The benefits of such an exercise are obvious.

  1. Constant physical activity helps keep the cardiovascular system in good shape. The heart is a muscular organ. The more powerful its contractions, the stronger the blood flow in the vessels. During training, the pulse quickens and the heart works more actively. Blood is delivered in a powerful flow to all organs, ensuring their trouble-free operation.
  2. What muscles are used when walking up stairs? Calf, hip and gluteal. Regular exercises will allow you to remove the “breeches” or “butt ears” and tighten your buttocks and stomach.
  3. Extra calories are burned body fat decrease, excess weight goes away.
  4. Joints are strengthened - knee, hip, ankle. When walking, the load on the joints is less than when running.
  5. Climbing stairs is a typical type of aerobic exercise, when at a relatively low intensity the body receives significantly more oxygen. Regular exercise will increase your lung capacity, which is especially important for smokers.
  6. In women and men, blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, this serves as a prevention of inflammatory diseases of the genital area and increases libido.
  7. Posture improves. Bent over, climbing the stairs is uncomfortable and unsafe; straightening your back and turning your shoulders makes it much easier.
  8. In old age, especially in women, the risk of developing osteoporosis increases. One of the most terrible consequences of the disease is. Without joint replacement, a person remains disabled. Well developed muscle corset– the most best protection from possible troubles.

We figured out the benefits of walking up the stairs, but is there any harm?

  • If you feel sharp pain in your joints or clicks in your knee when lifting, you should not continue training. You should not put stress on an inflamed joint; this can lead to even bigger problems; there is no point in postponing a visit to the doctor.
  • Darkening in the eyes and shortness of breath indicate problems with the heart and blood vessels. Perhaps you have suddenly increased your load? Consultation with a specialist becomes especially important.
  • Contraindications for training on flights of stairs are bronchial asthma, thrombophlebitis, hypertension.
  • Expectant mothers who are heavily pregnant are not recommended to walk on stairs; all systems of the body are already working under load, and there is a high risk of falling.

Climbing stairs on crutches is not easy. Loss of balance, and the result is unpredictable. Therefore, in this case, still use the elevator.

Walking stairs for weight loss

Quickly climbing stairs for weight loss can be much more effective than some exercise machines. The notorious 10 thousand steps a day for heart health and a slim figure, according to the same specialists from the University of Tokyo who developed this formula, can be gained by walking up flights of stairs.

It is clear that expecting weight loss by climbing 200-300 steps a day is something out of science fiction. However, a thoughtful approach and the desire to achieve success will certainly lead to the desired result.

Before starting the workout, you need to warm up - jump, do a few intense swings of your arms, and rub your knees thoroughly. Don't forget about safety. Make sure the soles do not slip on the steps.

Walk evenly, without stopping on landings. Maintain a pace that allows you to breathe quickly but still be able to speak. Safe heart rates are between 50% and 70% of your maximum heart rate for your age (calculated using the Karvonen method).

Let x be age, y be heart rate at rest. Then maximum heart rate z=220-x. Lower limit of the target zone v1=y+(z-y)*0.5. Upper limit of the target zone v2 =y+(z-y)*0.8.

How soon can you expect first results? It depends on the quantity extra pounds, individual characteristics of the body and intensity of training.

Walking up stairs - how many calories does it burn?

The spread of indicators in answering this question is so wide that it makes sense to talk only about averaged data. Calorie consumption depends on several factors - body weight, pace of movement, knee height, step width and metabolic rate (metabolism).

Glossy magazines promise that within 10-20 minutes you will be able to burn about 100 kcal. According to the roughest estimates, a woman weighing 70 kg will spend about 500 kcal in an hour of training on the stairs, climbing at an average speed.

Statistics based on reviews of fans of fast walking on stairs indicate that after 6-8 weeks, lung volume increases by 7-8%, the waist decreases by 5%, and blood cholesterol levels decrease by 4-5%. The results are impressive, you will agree.

Pain when walking up stairs

The staircase can help make a diagnosis. If you experience pain in your knee or hip joint, a feeling of shortness of breath, shortness of breath or tingling in the chest, you need to look for the cause of the alarming symptoms. It is dangerous to resume training without consulting a specialist, otherwise all the benefits of brisk walking up the stairs may be negated by exacerbation of chronic diseases, in which excessive exercise is contraindicated.

How to walk up the stairs correctly?

It would seem, what kind of question is that? However, to get the effect, you should listen to the opinion of experts and train correctly.

The technique is extremely simple:

  • We place our right leg bent at the knee on the step, transfer our body weight to it, straighten it, and only then step on the next step with our left leg, feel which muscles are tense;
  • the stomach is retracted, the shoulder blades are retracted, the back is straightened;
  • arms should not hang like whips, they also work, as in running or race walking;
  • Don’t forget about safety – don’t lean back or to the sides, keep your balance, look carefully at your feet, listen to your body, and if you experience the slightest discomfort, stop training.

Is it harmful for anyone to walk up the stairs?

At risk are people suffering from chronic diseases:

  • hypertension, with increased stress, the heart rate increases, which in many cases causes a jump in blood pressure;
  • bronchial asthma, shortness of breath can provoke an attack of suffocation;
  • thrombophlebitis, a rush of blood to the legs will increase pressure in the venous nodes.

It is not recommended for women in the third trimester of pregnancy and people who have to walk on crutches to climb stairs. But for people who have no contraindications, the exercises from this video will be very useful for losing weight.

In any case, walking up the stairs is healthy, elastic muscles, excellent appearance and great mood!

Greetings, guests of our blog! Thanks to modern technologies, we have begun to move less - even a simple climb up the stairs to our floor has been replaced by an elevator. But the ladder is the most affordable exercise machine and the opportunity to train daily in one package! In this article I will try to prove this to you and attract you to this species physical activity as much as possible more people. So, walking up the stairs - benefits and tips for beginners to engage in this beautiful activity physical activity.

What are the benefits of walking on steps?

It's very strange, but people don't take advantage of the free, accessible and effective way healing and correction of their figure, lying under their feet.

I'm talking about the well-known steps in the entrance. Here are just some of the advantages of stair walking:

  1. Burns more calories than even jogging. At the same time, they are burned both on the way up and down. For example, a woman weighing 70 kg spends from 500 to 600 kcal in half an hour of such a load, losing from 50 to 70 g of weight. Those. this is a pretty simple way.
  2. The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and stroke is reduced several times. Research was conducted in this direction for men - the results showed a 29% reduction in risks in those who regularly used stairs compared to people who preferred the elevator.
  3. Just 15 minutes a day of this kind of exercise is enough to increase your life expectancy by 3 years.
  4. Strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, back, legs, including the breeches area. Lung volume increases and the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood decreases.

And all this is within your immediate reach, without requiring any financial investment.

How much should you train

How long you need to walk up the stairs is an individual question and depends on age, weight, health, physical training and goals. But there is a certain minimum - 20 minutes a day.

Beginning “walkers” should not be zealous, trying to fulfill this minimum at once - at first it is enough to go up and down 2 or 3 floors 3 to 5 times, increasing the load weekly according to your well-being and level of fitness.

The goal is to lose weight

To lose weight, you will need to walk up the stairs at an accelerated pace - only a quick ascent and descent for 30 minutes or more will get rid of extra pounds.

The goal is to strengthen muscles and improve health

You can strengthen your buttocks and other body muscles by walking slowly up the stairs. The same intensity is indicated for strengthening all internal organs and human systems.

Important: you should not speed things up by switching to running up the steps - thereby you will increase the load on unprepared joints, harming them.

You can check the adequacy of the load by measuring the pulse rate - it should not exceed 150 beats/minute. If it is higher, then you need to slow down.

Walking slowly up the stairs strengthens your muscles and cardiovascular system.

  • Before each workout, you should definitely warm up and stretch your muscles, preparing them for more serious loads. This will protect you from possible injuries during exercise.
  • You also need to take the choice of shoes seriously - these should be sneakers with thick and non-slip soles.
  • It will be nice if you have a stadium nearby - walking up the steps there will be more effective and healthy, thanks to the fresh air around you.
  • I don’t recommend resting after the climb - immediately start descending. But there you can catch your breath for a couple of minutes and begin the next approach.
  • After performing the ascent and descent, you will feel how your muscles are loaded. And in the next 2-3 days my legs will hurt. This is a normal condition that will pass soon.
  • To increase the load, you can use weights of adequate weight for you, so that you can climb up and down stairs for 30 minutes or more without overexertion.

And for your information, no exercise machine can replace walking up the stairs. So just stop using elevators.

When not to exercise

Harm from such training can occur if you have the following health problems:

  • Damaged ankle joint, knee and hip;
  • Advanced scoliosis;
  • With varicose veins (strongly expressed);
  • BMI indicators above 33 (can be found at the link);
  • Serious heart disease;
  • High blood pressure.

For people with venous insufficiency, experts recommend such training, but without fanaticism - depending on how you feel. Such loads can improve the condition of the veins, eliminating stagnation in lower limbs. But be sure to wrap your feet elastic bandage or use compression garments.

But in any case, walking up the stairs cannot be called easy, especially for those who have never done anything before. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before starting training to avoid negative consequences.

Pregnancy and training on stairs

An unambiguous answer to the question “is it possible to walk up stairs during pregnancy?” It’s difficult - everything is very individual.

For example, for a woman who has been involved in physical education or sports all her life, pregnancy will not be an obstacle to continuing training, with less stress, of course. But a pregnant woman who has never been interested in modeling her figure before should not start such activities during this period of her life.

But one thing can definitely be said - replacing the elevator with going up to your floor and going down to the first will definitely benefit everyone. The only exceptions may be restrictions due to medical reasons.

Descent and ascent should be carried out by holding firmly to the railing. If you suddenly experience pain in the lower back or heart area, as well as dizziness, stop immediately and knock on any neighbor’s door.

You need to practice walking on steps during pregnancy based on your well-being, immediately reacting to its deterioration.


For getting best results, it is also worth paying attention to the diet, excluding from it harmful and unnecessary foods in the form of fast foods, chips with crackers, semi-finished products, sausages, baked goods and sweets, as well as carbonated sweet drinks. You can find out more about the main ones by following the link.

Not all people can afford regular gym workouts. Some people are embarrassed about their figure, others work too much, and others think that they can’t afford a subscription. Independent training does not require investment of money and large quantity time. Walking up the stairs or running will help you get rid of excess weight. Which of these two types of physical activity is preferable?

Walking on stairs: benefits for weight loss

Photo by Shutterstock

Walking up the stairs

Walking up stairs is inherently a cardio exercise. Walking up the stairs for 30 minutes can burn as many calories as a standard milk chocolate bar. If you decide to lose weight this way, remember the rules and restrictions associated with walking on stairs.

Firstly, such activities are contraindicated for people with a body mass index of 30 or higher. Those who have been diagnosed with diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, or those who have suffered serious injuries should not climb flights of stairs for the purpose of losing weight.

For walking up stairs, choose comfortable sports shoes with grooved soles.

Secondly, before starting regular exercise, it is recommended to assess your level of physical fitness and endurance. For this it is enough high tempo go up 3 floors of stairs, stop and take your pulse. If you count more than 14 beats in 6 seconds (that is, 140 beats per minute or more), then exercise should begin by walking up the steps at a moderate pace. 12–16 beats in 6 seconds means average level physical training.

Thirdly, while walking up the stairs you can hold 1-2 kilogram dumbbells in your hands. Such weights will strengthen the muscles of the upper body.

Walking up the stairs allows you to train the muscles of the front of the thigh and buttocks. A slow pace will keep your muscles toned, but a fast pace will help burn fat and strengthen the cardiovascular system. Walking down stairs puts stress on back surface hips. If you go up and down the steps on your toes, the muscles of the lower leg and calves are strengthened.

Descending flights of stairs as a physical activity is contraindicated for people with sore joints

Before you go out on the stairs, you need to do a light warm-up to warm up your muscles. To do this, do several bends forward and backward, left and right, swing your arms and legs, and several squats.

Walking up the stairs for 30–60 minutes 2–3 times a week will not only help you get rid of extra pounds, but also strengthen the muscles of your hips, legs, abs, and back.


Morning or evening jogging is a universal type of cardio exercise. It has a beneficial effect not only on the circulatory system, but also normalizes metabolism, strengthens the lungs, accelerates cell regeneration, slowing down the aging process, and allows you to get rid of excess weight.

If you run for more than half an hour, endorphins begin to be released - the hormones of joy.

Before choosing a type of training such as running, you need to be confident in your health. If possible, consult your doctor. Jogging is contraindicated for people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, as well as for those who have vision problems. If you have a cold, training should be postponed until complete recovery.

Jogging on a stadium, paved or dirt track requires special equipment. Clothing must be appropriate for the weather. Running shoes should be flat-soled and non-slip. A sports bra is a must for all girls, regardless of breast size.

It is very important to learn running technique and always use it. Your legs should be slightly bent at the knees. You need to step from heel to toe without tilting your body. While running, your arms should be bent, but not crossed in front of your chest. It is very important not to strain your neck and shoulders or clench your jaw.

While running, you should inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth.