The heaviest weight lifted by a person. Forgotten heroic records that no one has ever broken (1 photo). Upper Body Kettlebell Exercises

The world's largest weight appeared in Dubna. Its height is 2.5 meters, diameter is 2 meters. Grand opening of the giant sports equipment took place in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Rainbow Sports Palace, at the entrance to which it was installed.

The key word in his life is “heavy”. Nuclear physicist Maxim Shumeiko at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is engaged in the synthesis of superheavy elements. IN free time enjoys weightlifting. Today, at the Dubna kettlebell lifting championship, the JINR team became the winner, and Maxim himself won the championship in his weight category.

We need to rest and switch activities. If you get tired of science, you need to exercise, get your brain in shape, and relax. And then return to work with renewed vigor. This is how everything was originally conceived - sport for leisure, knowledge for work

- Maxim Shumeiko, junior researcher at JINR (I category in kettlebell lifting).

World champion in kettlebell lifting among veterans, Irina Rodionova, came to Dubna from the Ural village of Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region, to attend the opening of the giant kettlebell. She conducted a master class for young weightlifters in Dubna. At almost 60 years old, Irina has set three Russian records. And she doesn’t intend to quit the race in the coming days. Weightlifting has become not just a part of her life, but a source of necessary positive emotions that perfectly rejuvenate.

A boost of energy, good mood, relieves stress, clears your mind. Strengthens muscles, and muscles support our entire skeleton, that is, our figure

- Irina Rodionova, world champion in kettlebell lifting among veterans.

Making the giant weight took several months. First, they made a base from compacted foam, then covered it with a 4-centimeter layer of concrete, reinforced with rebar and reinforced mesh. It took about 15 bags of dry mix and 7 bags of cement. The unique sports equipment is painted gold.

Initially we planned to make a weight 1.20 meters high. We consulted with the sculptor Alexander Rukavishnikov. He suggested not to waste time on trifles and to swing at 4 meters. It seemed a bit difficult for us to be so tall. Made 2.5 meters

- Maria Alagizova, head of the development department of the Rainbow Sports Palace.

A two-meter weight is installed at the entrance to one of the Dubna sports and recreation complexes. It is dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the youngest sports palace of the science city - “Rainbow”.

We filled it with life together with the team over these 10 years. For this I am immensely grateful to the team. If it weren’t for him, one million two hundred people would not have come here in these 10 years. If these one million two hundred people join hands, the chain will stretch for 2,400 kilometers - from Dubna to Sochi

- Igor Vyazemsky, director of the Raduga Sports Palace.

Immediately after the opening, an application was sent to the Guinness Book of Records so that the Dubna weight would be recognized as the largest in the world.

1. Max Daton (England) bench pressed a 34 kg barbell 845 times in 1891.

2. Georg Hackenschmidt (Russia) spread his arms horizontally to the sides with 32 kg weights bottom down 5 times in 1899.

3. Emil Voss (Germany) pushed a barbell weighing 110 kg with his right hand, and juggled a 49 kg weight with his left in 1903.

4. Sandow (Germany) performed a bench press with his left arm, lay on his back, stood up while holding a 115 kg barbell in his hand in 1896.

5. Arthur Hennig (Germany) lifted a barbell weighing 154 kg to his chest and performed a bench press with his right hand in 1902.

6. Ivan Selykh (Russia) performed a bench press with lifting 3 weights of 32 kg each in 1907.

7. Znamensky (Russia) performed a left-arm press of two 32 kg weights stacked on top of each other in 1899.

8. Franz Stähr (Austria) performed a right-arm rack press without bending the body and bending the knees 50 kg 25 times in 1897.

9. Karl Svoboda (Austria) performed a right-arm rack press without bending the body and bending the knees of 101 kg in 1912.

10. Pyotr Krylov (Russia) performed a 32 kg kettlebell press with his left hand in a rack position without tilting the body and bending the knees 86 times in 1909.

11. Paris (France) tore an unopened deck of cards in 55 seconds in 1912.

12. John Grün (Germany) broke a horse's shoe in 23 seconds in 1907.

13. Tom Walter Kennedy (USA) completed deadlift with straightening the legs and back with a core of 36 pounds in 1893.

14. Louis Cyr (Canada) deadlifted a 669 kg ball barbell in 1894.

15. Hermann Gessler (Germany) lay down and stood up with a 250 kg bag of metal on his back in 1912.

16. Hans Beck (Germany) lifted a barrel of beer from the floor without any equipment in 1890.

17. Anton Riha (Czechoslovakia) carried a weight of 854 kg in 1891.

18. Louis Cyr (Canada) lifted a platform weighing 1867 kg from stands with his back in 1892.

19. Louis Cyr (Canada) lifted a ball bar with his right hand to his knees 440 kg in 1892.

20. Sandow (Germany) did a back somersault while holding a 1.5 pound weight in each hand in 1891.

21. Paul Anderson (USA) performed a squat with a barbell weighing 425 kg on his shoulders in 1955.

22. Paul Anderson (USA) performed a half squat with a carriage ramp weighing 900 kg in 1955.

23. Ludwig Chaplinsky (Russia) jumped over the dining table with a 40 kg ram in his hands in 1911.

24. Nikolai Vakhturov (Russia) threw a 32 kg weight over a railway carriage in 1912.

25. Willi Kutter (Germany) performed a pull-up on the crossbar overhand grip right hand at own weight 95 kg 12 times in 1900.

26. Ivan Zaikin (Russia) lifted a 40-bucket barrel of water on his back and carried it across the stage in 1913.

27. Sergei Eliseev (Russia) held a 61 kg weight in a horizontal position with his right hand in 1903.

28. Pyotr Yankovsky (Russia) performed a bench press with a 3-pound weight, holding it in the palm of his hand and sitting on the floor in 1905.

29. Henri Stérnon (France) carried two cannons weighing 456 kg on his back in 1876.

30. Grigory Kashcheev (Russia) carried a live horse on his back in 1908.

31. Karl Svoboda (Austria) performed a two-arm rack press without bending the body and bending the knees of 165 kg with a body weight of 70 kg in 1911.

32. Yuri Vlasov (USSR) performed a straight bench press of 185 kg with his own weight of 135 kg in 1967.

33. Oskar Wahlund (Sweden) lifted a 2105 kg load with his back using straps from a platform in 1912.

A kettlebell is a sports equipment for strength and cardio training, made in the shape of a sphere with a cast handle. Exercises with a kettlebell have their own characteristics and differ from the more familiar exercises with dumbbells. We offer you detailed material about the advantages and disadvantages of training with kettlebells, as well as a selection effective exercises with a kettlebell to strengthen muscles and burn fat.

Kettlebell training develops strength, endurance, agility and balance , posing a serious challenge to both muscles and aerobic endurance. The birth of kettlebell lifting dates back to 1885, while Russia is considered the country of origin of this sports equipment. For example, in Spanish the kettlebell is called “pesa rusa” (literally “Russian weight”). IN English language The weight is called a kettlebell because it is shaped like a teapot.

Now weight-lifting has spread all over the world, but it is especially popular in the USA. Kettlebells are used by American athletes both in games and in Olympic sports sports Often kettlebell exercises found in CrossFit and other ultra-intensive group programs. For example, Chris Hemsworth used weights in preparation for filming the movie Thor.

Kettlebell: what it is used for and effectiveness for the body

Kettlebell exercises are designed to train the entire body, developing functional strength, agility and endurance. Kettlebell training simultaneously provides strength and cardio, so with the help of this equipment you can strengthen muscles, burn fat and improve body contour. Kettlebell training equally suitable both men and women . Exercises with weights are especially often used in such areas as:

  • high intensity interval training
  • cardio training
  • team sports

Do not confuse kettlebell training with classic strength training for muscle growth. During the kettlebell exercise you will focus on the movements , and not on the muscles. Kettlebell training develops your functional strength, that is, it is more aimed at teaching motor actions and developing physical qualities: strength, endurance, flexibility, speed and coordination abilities . This sports equipment is great not only for training in the gym, but also for training at home.

Kettlebell exercises are generally not intended for bodybuilding or anabolic training. Kettlebell lifting helps accelerate muscle growth and shift stagnation in strength training, But it has virtually no effect on muscle growth . Basic exercises with kettlebells do not involve an isolating load, they are aimed at improving functional training and explosive strength. Therefore, training with kettlebells is more suitable for those who want to lose weight, get rid of excess fat, accelerate muscle growth, move the plateau in strength training.

What muscles work during kettlebell training?

During exercises with a kettlebell, the large muscles are included in the work as much as possible. muscle groups: back and legs. The muscles of the arms and shoulders, chest, buttocks, and abs also work. Kettlebell workouts are ideal for general physical training, basic kettlebell exercises help develop all major muscle groups at the same time. You can use a kettlebell for isolation exercises instead of dumbbells, but the true purpose of the kettlebell is still a full-body workout.

Anyone who has worked out with a kettlebell at least once could feel the peculiarity of the load during the exercises. The unusual shape of the weight makes it work stabilizer muscles , influencing them using a wide range of movements. For example, exercises with dumbbells and barbells affect the stabilizing muscles to a much lesser extent. Weak stabilizer muscles cause poor posture, as well as discomfort and pain in the neck, back and lower back. This is due to the fact that the back muscles are not able to properly support the spine.

So, during training with kettlebells they work especially actively:

  • leg muscles (quadriceps and adductors)
  • muscles of the back of the body (back, lower back, buttocks, hamstrings)
  • core muscles (abdominal muscles and stabilizer muscles)
  • shoulder girdle muscles

In order for kettlebell training to be effective, it is very important to learn how to distribute the load evenly between the muscles of the back and legs. Many people make mistakes during kettlebell training, working intensively with your back and arms, without including your legs in the work - the most strong group muscles. This will not only reduce the effectiveness of your workouts, but can also lead to a back injury. It is the muscles of the thighs and buttocks that should provide the impulse for swinging and pushing movements, and not the muscles of the arms.

In one of the American studies on kettlebell training, an experiment was conducted in which they revealed the high energy consumption of exercises with a kettlebell. It has been found that when performing exercises with a kettlebell, on average, you burn about 20 kcal per minute or 1200 kcal per hour of training! The researchers explained this fact by the fact that during kettlebell training, a large number of muscles , and also supported high tempo, with which kettlebell exercises are performed.

Therefore, training with kettlebells is very effective. for weight loss and fat burning. If you want to reduce your fat percentage and strengthen your muscles, you can do kettlebell training 2-4 times a week for 20-45 minutes. Since kettlebell lifting already implies cardio and power load, then you don't have to add other activities to your plan.

And here for muscle growth training with kettlebells is not optimal. Kettlebell exercises help develop functional training And explosive force, but for muscle growth it is better to use dumbbells and a barbell. However, kettlebell exercises can help you avoid strength training plateaus and speed up muscle growth, so you can incorporate kettlebell training into your routine every 7-10 days.


1. Kettlebell training combines cardio and strength training, which means you will train less, but more effectively.

2. The kettlebell allows you to work efficiently on all muscle groups without exception: shoulders, arms, chest, back, abs, buttocks, legs.

3. Exercises with weights perfectly train the heart muscle and develop endurance.

4. This is a fairly durable and wear-resistant projectile that will serve you for a very long time, unlike expanders, for example.

5. Kettlebell training helps build a lean, muscular body with elastic muscles and a minimum percentage of fat.

6. Exercises with kettlebells involve a large number of muscles the whole body at the same time, which means you can get in shape as quickly as possible.

7. Kettlebell training helps strengthen muscle corset, which stabilizes your spine.

8. Exercises with kettlebells are aimed at developing agility, speed, and coordination, which is why they are so popular in team sports.

9. Exercises with kettlebells build strength. tendons and ligaments, making joints stronger and less susceptible to injury.

10. The kettlebell helps improve mobility and range of motion without static positions or prolonged stretching.


1. The kettlebell is not the most effective tool for working on muscle growth.

2. High risk of injury, especially for those who are just starting to play sports.

3. Exercises with kettlebells put stress on the back, which can lead to problems with the spine.

4. High-quality weights made of durable materials are quite expensive.

Kettlebell workouts not recommended those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, have injuries or have recently undergone surgery. Before you start training with kettlebells, be sure to read correct technique exercises, consult your doctor if necessary.

Top 30 kettlebell exercises

We offer you a unique selection exercises with kettlebell , which will help you work all the muscles of your body, increase endurance, burn fat and improve body contour. After the exercises, a ready-made lesson plan is given that you can follow.

14. Forward Lunge with a Kettlebell

25. Kettlebell push-ups

29. Pullover with triceps weights

Thanks for the gifsyoutube-channels: short circuits with Marsha , Live Fit Girl, Max's Best Bootcamp, RdellaTraining, CardioHatersTraining.

Ready-made kettlebell lesson plan

We offer you a ready-made plan for training with kettlebells: for the upper body, for the lower body, for the abs and for the whole body . If you want to work on muscle mass, then perform no more than 15 repetitions with the maximum possible weight. If you want to work on fat burning and definition, then perform exercises for 15-20 repetitions with a medium weight.

If you allocate one day for kettlebell training and plan to train the whole body, you can perform all the proposed exercises in one approach. If you separately train your upper and bottom part body, you can perform each exercise in several approaches or repeat the exercises sequentially in several circles.

Kettlebell exercises for the upper body:

    15-20 reps 10-15 reps (each arm)10-15 reps (each arm) 15-20 reps 10-20 repetitions (can be done from the knees)
  • Kettlebell pullover for triceps: 10-20 reps

Abdominal exercises with kettlebells:

    10-15 reps 10-15 reps (each side)20-25 reps (each side)10-15 reps (each side) 10-15 reps 30 seconds (each side)

Kettlebell exercises for the lower body:

    10-20 reps 15-20 reps 10-20 reps 15-20 reps 10-15 reps

Full body kettlebell exercises:

    10-15 reps (each arm)10-15 reps (each arm) 10-20 reps 10-20 reps 10-15 reps (each leg) 10-15 reps 5-7 reps

1. Be sure to warm up before training and cool down after training with a kettlebell. When preparing to perform exercises with a kettlebell, the muscles and ligaments should be well warmed up.

2. Choose the weight of the kettlebell based on your power capabilities: The last repetition of the set should be performed at maximum effort. Can begin train with a weight of 4 kg (for girls) and 8 kg (for men), gradually increasing the weight of the apparatus.

3. If you already have sufficient training experience, then on average the recommended kettlebell weight for men: 16-24 kg, for women: 8-16 kg.

4. During kettlebell exercises, keep back straight , don't slouch. During squats, move your pelvis back to protect your lower back from injury.

5. Try to keep your hands in a neutral position, there should be no bend in them. You can use special wrist braces to help you support your joints.

6. Do Every Exercise slowly while maintaining complete control. Do not swing the weight and perform exercises quickly and at speed. Proper exercise form is the most important thing in kettlebell training.

7. If you are working on muscle growth, you should not do exercises with kettlebells more than once a week. Kettlebell training allows you to develop endurance and explosive muscle strength, which will help move the plateau and provoke muscle growth. But for anabolic training it is better to use dumbbells and a barbell.

8. If you have two weights available, you can perform exercises using both kettlebells at the same time. Please note that in this case the kettlebells must be the same size to avoid imbalance in muscle development. Examples of exercises:

How to choose kettlebells

If previously weights were sold by weight in 4 kg, 16 kg, 24 kg and 32 kg, then now you can find almost any kettlebell weight you want. The greater the weight of the weight, the higher its cost. Depending on the material used, weights are divided into plastic, neoprene, cast iron and steel.

1. Plastic weights

Ideal for training at home, they do not create much noise when colliding with a surface, and the furniture and floor will remain safe and sound. The downside of plastic weights is that their service life is shorter compared to, for example, cast iron or steel. Although if you buy plastic weights from trusted brands, they will last you a long time.

2. Cast iron weights

These weights are worth choosing for those who value reliable quality. Cast iron weights have high anti-corrosion properties, they are time-tested and will serve you for a long time. But if used carelessly, cast iron weights can scratch the floor or even cause injury to the user.

3. Steel weights

Chromed steel weights have a pleasant appearance and reliable design. In addition, such weights are also available with a collapsible design, which is very convenient from the point of view of weight regulation. The price of steel weights is slightly higher.

4. Neoprene weights

The special feature of this type of weights is the soft neoprene coating. Such weights are not so often found on the market, but they are quite practical and safe. Especially suitable for beginners.

Plastic and neoprene weights are more safe in use, they are better suited for home use and are cheaper. Cast iron and steel weights generally last longer and are more reliable over long periods of use.

If you are planning to purchase all-metal weights, it is better to get one that is covered with a rubber or vinyl coating to avoid scratching the floor and not creating too much noise. Weights are filled mainly with sand, cement and metal shavings.

Kettlebell training video

We offer you a selection of 15-40 minute workouts with a kettlebell for home that will help you strengthen your muscles and get rid of excess fat.

1. FitnessBlender: Killer Total Body Workout (40 minutes)

2. BodyFit By Amy: Kettlebell HIIT Workout (35 minutes)

3. Popsugar: Kettlebell Workout (20 minutes)

4. HASfit: HIIT Kettlebell Workout for Fat Loss & Strength (30 minutes)

5. The Body Coach: Full Body Kettlebell Workout (15 minutes)

Kettlebells are simple, but very effective sports equipment for strengthening muscles, burning fat, increasing endurance, strengthening of cardio-vascular system and musculoskeletal system. Kettlebell exercises are a great addition to your workout routine, whether you're working on losing weight or building muscle.

The heaviest weights - 64 kg

Weights for sports presented in the catalog of our online store different weights designed for regular training within the classical system. Exercises with these equipment allow you to quickly build up the muscles of your arms, back and shoulders, as well as strengthen your ligaments and improve your strength indicators and increase the athlete's endurance.

The 64 kg training weights are equipped with standard handles for a secure and comfortable grip. Heavy weights have a regular geometric shape and a smooth surface. The weight of any projectile, be it a weight weighing 56 kg, less or more, exactly corresponds to the declared one.

The price of a weight of 64 kg is comparable to the average cost of sports equipment of the same weight.

Manufacturing of 64 kg weights

High-quality cast iron is used in the production of the 64 kilogram heavy weight. After removal from the mold, the weights of large scales are finished by hand: the surface is removed from the surface and carefully ground. In addition, 64 kg weights undergo strict weight control. Cast iron solid products - the heaviest weights - are painted black by powder coating.

To buy 64 kg weights or sports equipment from the manufacturer, contact us by phone or using the contact form on the website. You can find out how much a 64 kg weight with delivery costs from our managers.

Many people believe that for kettlebell training, a small or medium weight apparatus is enough, for example, 24 kg for men and 12 kg for women. This is a great point of view and misses out on all the benefits of lifting heavy kettlebells.

Personally, I find it boring to train with one-and-a-half pounds, and if I had stopped at them in my development, I would not have gained the mass, strength, power and endurance that I have today. Moreover, even my clients would not achieve their results if they locked themselves into training with light weights.

Let's say you are not interested in mass and power, but need endurance. So why not develop it by adding more repetitions with heavier weights? Do you really think that swings with 40 kg kettlebells won’t help? Or cleans and presses - what do you think is more beneficial: 12 repetitions with two-pound weights or 30 with one and a half pounds?

If you can squeeze the projectile 30 times, then it is already too light for you and does not give much. The heavier the weight you perform for endurance, the better you become in every way. Let's take for example weightlifting: One weightlifter does 5 cleans with 140 kg, and the other does 15 cleans with 60 kg. The former not only develops higher power (explosive strength), but will also be able to do more reps with 60 kg if he wants.

Why even waste time on exercises with light equipment (except for the fasting week)? The 2-punch kettlebells are the smallest kettlebells I own, and I only use them for technique work and the occasional high-rep squat. I was recently asked how many snatches I could do with 24kg in 10 minutes. I have no idea, I've never tried to find out. With all due respect to this test and to the outstanding weightlifters who pass it, I am not at all interested in this. I prefer to add weight rather than reps, so I break out 40 and 48 kg weights. Do you think this is too much? So far I have reached 17 three-pound snatches, although I am far from a champion: I was not an athlete in school or college, and then, when I started training and tried the bench press, an unimaginable 40 kg pinned me to the bench. Even if I got to these weights, gifted athletes are capable of more.

A few months ago I tried snatches with 24kg and immediately did 50 with each arm. This is not a record at all, but I want to note one point: in my training there are rarely multi-repetition approaches (more than ten repetitions), i.e. I don’t work on endurance, but I did 100 snatches with one and a half pounds without any problems. Because the strength I develop with heavy kettlebells transfers positively to exercises with light ones. Consider the reverse situation: if a person trains with only 24 kg, performing 50 snatches with each arm, how many times will he jerk 48 kg? Very little. I can safely assume that never at all.

Once you have mastered the technique, increase the intensity. Heavy kettlebells will not only give you more power, but will improve other physical qualities that will help in any sport. You will receive and more mass, and more strength endurance. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to say that we should give up volume training, doing exclusively strength training with a small number of repetitions. Of course, for endurance you need to work longer, increase training volume or frequency. But it is better to do this with heavier weights.

How heavy? Such that at first you get few repetitions - 2-4 per set. Accustom your body to heavier weights gradually, for example, if you can bench press 24 kg 10 times, then with 32 kg first do sets of 2. But try to do each repetition perfectly. When the movement becomes confident, gradually increase the volume. And, having reached 10 two-pound presses, start all over again with 40 kg.

It's important to note that heavier kettlebells require some changes in technique. For example, lifting two weights onto your shoulders with a press: as long as the equipment weighs little, you can perform the exercise relaxed and not interrupt your breathing, but still press cleanly. When you lift heavy kettlebells, your entire body will have to work hard. To lift them onto your shoulders, you need to sit deeper and move your pelvis further back. Having lifted, you will have to tense all the stabilizing muscles and hold your breath a little so that the entire body is collected and the press works at all.

It’s the same with the snatch: with a three-pound weight it looks completely different than with a two-pound weight. I sit lower and lift more with my legs, then, when the weight rises above my head, I sit down again to catch and fix it more softly. As I lower the kettlebell down in an arc, I pull it closer to my body to better control the movement, and also hold it in the backswing so that it doesn’t fly too far back. In short, light and heavy kettlebell snatches are two different exercises.

And a regular one-arm press. With my own weight of 88 kg, I can calmly bench press two pounds, standing straight. When I bench press 40 kg, I lean slightly. But in order to squeeze 48 kg, you have to noticeably deviate and shift the weight, otherwise nothing will work. The body moves away from the weight and slightly forward while the arm extends; The back muscles are activated more for stabilization. As the weight rises above my head, I gradually straighten myself back up.

I once watched Steve Cotter bench press a three-pound kettlebell, and he made it look like another exercise - a mill. He starts the movement from the chin, as in a regular bench press, but immediately, leaning forward, moves the weight over his shoulder. You may think this is cheating. But if you think that you can squeeze 48 kg with one hand without leaning to the side, then you either weigh much more than Steve, or you have simply never tried. When working with heavy weights, you need to be able to transfer the weight and set your leverage as efficiently as possible. This is exactly what many athletes learn in wrestling and judo, for example, in order to better grab and throw an opponent. Even in rugby, you crash into the other team's player not randomly, but in a specific way to demolish him.

And this is one of the main advantages of training with a heavy kettlebell: when lifting it, you should be able to control the apparatus at any point. Now I'm learning to bench press two 48 kg kettlebells. This requires not only strength - you need to optimally distribute the weight and build leverage, which I didn’t even think about when I pressed 40 kg weights. But I will definitely learn, it's only a matter of time. The learning process itself is pleasing; I love training to achieve a specific goal. And of course, when the 48 kg weights submit to me, I will be able to do a lot more repetitions on the 32 and 40 kg bench presses.

I'll end with this sentence. May you not need maximum strength, and you have a different goal - a record in the number of repetitions with a certain weight. Just try the same exercise with a larger kettlebell. 40 kg weights always seemed heavy to me - but only until I started training with 48 kg. Now 40 kg weights have become noticeably lighter. And the two-pound ones became so much lighter that, having started doing chest lifts and presses with them yesterday, I unnoticeably switched to snatches!

[kettlebell snatch 56 kg, a couple of years have passed since the article]