Popular exercise machines for intimate muscles. Pelvic lift exercise. Regular Kegel exercises help

Workout intimate muscles are carried out with the aim of preventing diseases of the female genital area, enhancing control and sensations during intimacy.

Thanks to trained pelvic floor muscles, the prenatal and postpartum periods of a woman’s life are easier than for those who have not trained intimate muscle tissue.

The technique of performing the exercises is not complicated, so they can be performed at home.

Why do you need intimate muscle training?

When a woman's pelvic floor muscles are trained, they are strong, firm and flexible. Thanks to this, during sexual intercourse, a woman can control them to achieve greater pleasure for her partner.

Well-trained muscles make it possible to achieve orgasm even when both partners are motionless; this is called frictionless sexual intercourse. During it, only the muscles of the female genital organs are put into action.

Women who master the art of frictionless orgasm regularly train their pelvic muscles, thanks to which they have great success in relationships with the stronger sex. According to sexologists, a regular, fulfilling and varied intimate life is a necessity for married men.

Therefore, a woman who can bring originality and variety to intimate relationships will undoubtedly be confident in her husband’s fidelity. For this many modern women

regularly train intimate muscles at home.

  • Benefits of pelvic muscle training for women:
  • Gymnastics for the development of intimate muscles improves the health of the female reproductive organs. Trained muscles have stronger blood flow, which means that menopause will occur later than in women who have weakened muscle tissue.

Strong muscle tone of the pelvic floor organs allows labor to proceed more easily and with less pain. Many women begin training their intimate muscles at home just before giving birth.
  • The tangible effect of training intimate muscles at home can be felt in about a month if you do it regularly
  • Trained vaginal walls maintain the tone of the male genital organ, prolonging male sexual age.
  • In women with elastic intimate muscles, pheromones are produced more actively, which attracts men.

Positive aspects of the intimate muscle tissue training complex

Women who regularly train muscle tissue in the intimate area experience the following changes:

  • training intimate muscle tissue improves sex life;
  • thanks to muscle tone, the size of the vagina decreases;
  • sexual intimacy is diluted with new sensations;
  • restoration of elasticity in the genital ligaments;
  • the pain of menstruation decreases;
  • cessation of pathological processes of the genitourinary system;
  • training at home is the prevention of diseases of the genital area;
  • less painful symptoms during childbirth;
  • strengthening the pelvic floor and abdominal press;
  • improvement of general well-being.

The undeniable advantage of training is the ability to conduct it anywhere: at home, in the office, while attending cultural events or even on vacation in nature.

Kegel training

Before starting training

The most famous technique for strengthening vaginal muscles is called the Kegel technique. Before taking up active activities, you need to learn the sensory sensations of the muscles themselves.

You can feel the work of intimate muscles during urination. To do this, you need to restrain the process several times, taking pauses.

During this action, the perineal and vaginal muscles work. After the urination session, you need to repeat the actions as usual several times.

After it is felt muscle in the intimate area and acquire the skills to tense it, you are allowed to move on to direct Kegel exercises.

Kegel exercises for training intimate muscles

  • For 15 seconds you need to squeeze and unclench the muscle at an accelerated pace, relax for the same time and repeat the exercise three more times. After a rest of 30 seconds, do the same compression/release for 7 seconds, rest for the same amount, repeat 8 times.
  • You need to tense your vaginal muscles and hold them in this state for 6 seconds., then relax. Do repetitions up to 8 times. At the next stage, you need to squeeze the muscles in the same way, hold for half a minute, and rest for half a minute. Do 3 sets of these training movements. At the end of this workout, rhythmic compression and release for 8 seconds follows.

  • At a fast pace (12 approaches), you need to squeeze and unclench the vaginal muscles. Next, rest for half a minute, do it twice. Tighten the muscle and stay in this position for up to 1.5 minutes, rest and repeat again.
  • Do compressions and releases 25 times (this figure should be increased daily, reaching 90 times). Then you should squeeze tightly and hold for a count of 25, relax for half a minute, and repeat. There should be 5 such approaches.
  • At an ordinary, calm speed, you need to relax and tense your muscles for 3 minutes. Every day the time increases, bringing it to 15 minutes. in one session.
  • It is necessary to tense the intimate muscles in an increasing manner, reaching a peak state, hold for a couple of seconds, and also relax gradually. Do up to 6 approaches.

It is important to know! If you train using the Kegel method at home at least 3 times a day, your intimate muscles will quickly acquire tone, elasticity and strength.

Vaginal muscle training using exercise machines at home

In addition to performing independent exercises using the Kegel technique, experts recommend using exercise machines to train intimate muscles, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed more than once.

Interesting fact! The very first simulator was created by Arnold Kegel for the technique he developed. Its name is Perineal Meter.

It was intended to measure the clamping force of the vaginal sphincter, creating the necessary resistance. The device has never received approval for use, but the Kegel technique itself is in demand.

Modern research and development have yielded positive results in the use of new exercise equipment to strengthen intimate muscles. Here are some of them:

Pneumatic trainerThanks to this device, intra-abdominal pressure is regulated, which makes it possible to develop the ability to control the muscles of the intimate areas. In addition, the simulator massages the vaginal walls.
Laser simulatorThe main function of this development is to enhance the feeling feedback with muscle tissue of the intimate area (assessment of training effectiveness). This model monitors the correct execution of exercises and indicates the degree of muscle formation.
Trainer EggThis simulator has similarities with the famous vaginal balls and jade eggs.

For training at home, it has significant effectiveness and ease of use. His goal is aimed at training the intimate organ.

Its use consists of keeping the egg inside the vagina for some time. In this way, you can control your muscles, teaching them to tone up, regardless of your desires. The device is also designed for training with loads, but you can move on to them only after preparation.

Tips for purchasing and using a vumbilding simulator

Modern methods of training the pelvic floor muscles in women (wumbuilding) have many positive aspects for a woman’s health and the sexual life of the family. The simulators are designed to quickly achieve training results.

The difference between the Egg exercise machine and the Kegel technique is its ease of use. All you need to do is insert it inside the vagina and perform squeezing and releasing muscle movements (pulling and pushing) the recommended number of times.

Before purchasing a trainer, pay attention to the following points:

  • The egg must be selected according to the permitted size (for women who have given birth, the egg must be larger).
  • For training sessions you must use a condom. This is not only hygienic, but also makes the device easier to pull out (you need to leave a small tail on the outside).
  • The simulator should not have any defects (chips, cracks), this will help avoid injury to the vaginal mucosa.

  • If possible, it is better to give preference to healing stones (quartz or sapphire); using them for training purposes normalizes the microflora and heals wounds.
  • Regular exercise helps effectively strengthen the muscles in the pelvic floor. To get the expected effect from using devices for training the intimate muscles, classes must be carried out three times a week for 3-5 months.

If you use these tips and therapeutic exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, the result will not be long in coming.

In medical practice, training of intimate muscles in women using the Kegel method is most often prescribed for urinary incontinence, early menopause, difficulties in achieving orgasm and diseases of the genitourinary system, such as uterine prolapse.

Video about the importance and benefits of intimate muscle training for women

Exercises for training intimate muscles at home:

A great way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles is with Kegel exercises:

Wumbuilding at home:

If you have an unsuccessful desire to conceive a child, irregular periods and many other problems of organs located in the pelvis. In addition, wumbling at home allows you to control the onset and duration of orgasm, not only for you, but also for your sexual partner, which will delight both of you.

If you achieve excellent results in this matter and learn the secrets of geishas, ​​then the virtuosity, in terms of sex, of your partner and the size of his “pride” will not play a big role, since you will be the hostess at this “ball”. But this is possible subject to prolonged daily workouts and step-by-step passage of levels, from initial to the highest, which should be carried out with the help of a trainer. And since this article is aimed at self-study, the level of study will be initial, without special simulators and trainers.

Some will think that they don’t need it and that women have lived, are living and will continue to live without all this. This, of course, is a purely personal matter and there is no point in imposing anything, because to start wumbling you need a desire, or rather, strong motivation. It may be different for each girl or woman. The desire to provide yourself and your sexual partner with wonderful pleasure through frequent and very intense orgasms.

This directly depends on the fact that trained vaginal muscles contribute to strong compression of the nerve endings. A woman who is capable of experiencing frequent orgasms is very sexy and attractive; a man will not be able to refuse such a wife and mistress, and if this suddenly happens, then, having felt a big difference, his return will be inevitable. In addition, intensely produced upon the onset of orgasm, happiness hormones greatly rejuvenate the body and allow a woman to stay in excellent shape for longer.

Women's health problems:

With constant training of the vaginal muscles, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is stimulated, which allows you to saturate muscle fibers the required amount of oxygen. This will also help get rid of congestion in the pelvis and avoid many gynecological diseases. It is useful to practice vumbilding in cases of prolapse of the uterus and vaginal walls, diseases of the ovaries, irregular menstruation or its absence, such manifestations as urinary incontinence (enuresis), hemorrhoids and many other problems associated with weakened muscle tone of the pelvic organs.

In preparation for childbirth, such exercises will help make the muscles of the uterus and vagina more elastic and avoid ruptures, making it easier for the fetus to come out during childbirth;
Reduce postpartum recovery time and quickly return the vagina to normal condition.

The first stage of wumbling, exercises at home

In order to carry out wumbling at home, you will need to feel the muscles on which the main work will be carried out. To do this, during urination you need to tense up and stop this process, while you need to clearly understand which muscles were involved and record this in the brain. Then repeat the same thing, but in a different situation: standing, sitting, on the go - this will be needed to better consolidate the exercises.


Lie on your back, take a deep breath and exhale, with the palms of your hands being one on the chest and the other on the stomach, then take another breath, but rib cage at the same time, it should no longer rise, but the stomach should rise. When you begin to succeed, try to do these exercises sitting and standing, and in the future, at any time. free time, in a comfortable position. This exercise is called relaxed belly breathing. It improves blood circulation and acts as a sedative on humans. It will be very useful to do such exercises before bed.


Now let's start training the clitoral muscles. Concentrate on the clitoris and, for five minutes, make contracting movements by retracting and relaxing them. The basis for this will be the suspension of urination. Each time, the speed of tension and compression of the muscles must be increased until, as a result of such an exercise, slight excitement appears. Then we add pushing, slightly push and relax and combine all these movements. For a week we do this exercise five times a day, with each time we need to do ten retractions, relaxations and expulsions. With each subsequent week, we increase the number of contractions by five and so on until we reach thirty contractions in one exercise.


While lying down, bend your knees slightly and retract your anus. After a short pause, we relax. You need to do such exercises while lying down until you develop the skills to retract the anus without using the abdominal muscles and buttocks. Once we have succeeded in doing this, we move on to doing this exercise while sitting or standing, every day for 10-15 minutes.


For five minutes, we alternately retract and relax the anus and clitoris. This exercise is called blinking. When it is mastered and you begin to control both muscles, increase the frequency of alternating contractions.


With this exercise we must learn to combine breathing and the work of the pelvic muscles. We start breathing with our belly and at the same time retract and hold the anus, while mentally counting to ten, then relax and do the same, but with the clitoris. As you master this exercise, the count can gradually be increased to twenty or thirty.

If exercises No. 4 and No. 5 don’t quite work out, you don’t need to get upset and stop practicing, you just don’t need to rush and go back to initial exercises, developing and consolidating them. Compared to all the muscles of the body, the vaginal muscles do not exercise, and therefore are in a constant relaxed state. In this regard, at the initial stage of wumbling, few people can immediately squeeze their muscles strongly enough and contract them quickly and rhythmically. Everything takes time and practice.

You need to learn how to do such exercises while lying down, sitting and standing - this will allow you to control your muscles in various situations and in any poses. An example would be “flipping through” the Kama Sutra with a loved one. It will also allow you to do exercises in any free time: sit at your workplace, ride a tram, stand in line, watch your favorite TV series while lying on your bed.


Position - standing, hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned to the sides. We do a slow squat, spreading our knees to the sides as low as possible, stay in this position for ten to fifteen seconds and stand up just as slowly. By doing this exercise five to seven times, we will significantly strengthen the vaginal muscles.

Wumbuilding at home is good because you don’t have a coach standing over your head, demanding that you accurately complete the task. If you feel tired while doing the exercises, then you don’t need to force yourself and you need to take a break. There is no need to rush, because a good result is important to us.


Since the most common motivation is sexual satisfaction, the exercises can be done with your loved one. If you have already successfully mastered the work of your vaginal muscles and know how to control them, then the proposed exercise will be good practice for you. During sexual intercourse, use exercise No. 2, but during thrusting you will need to extend the pause as long as possible. Both of you will not only feel the difference in the acts, but also get a pleasant surprise.

So we have come to the end of the first stage of wumbling classes. I hope that the desire to be sexy, happy, the most desirable and attractive will help you try wumbling at home, and continue training at higher levels.

In the modern world, many different methods of improvement have been developed, fashion trends in personal life, so everyone today can easily correct all the shortcomings in themselves and get rid of any ingrained complexes. One of the new and already quite popular such developments is wumbling. Such training as wumbling literally does not belong to sports; rather, it is an intimate procedure that is mainly carried out at home.

What is this?

In order to understand all the intricacies of the intimate method of wumbling, you first need to understand what it is and why it is needed at all. The word itself consists of two parts, the first of which stands for “vaginally controlled muscles,” and the second, translated from English, as “structure.” It follows from this that wumbling is structure of vaginally controlled muscles.

Did you know? Even in ancient times, geishas and concubines used peculiar eggs made of jade or other durable and hard material to train the elasticity of the vaginal muscles.

What's the benefit?

Benefits of wumbling and his exercises at home cannot but be felt after the tried practice, which is why many women around the world are so willing to share recommendations and advise these exercises to their friends, based on the fact that:

  1. Such independent exercises significantly facilitate the course and process of childbirth, help to avoid labor ruptures and relieve pain during the process.
  2. Significantly improve blood circulation in the genitals, which has a very positive effect on the general physical and moral condition of a woman.
  3. Gives a slight preventive effect against sexually transmitted diseases.
  4. Makes it possible to feel vaginal orgasm more acutely.

Important! Perhaps the only drawback of these intimate exercises is their low effectiveness if a woman has uterine prolapse. Therefore, if you have any problems with the genitourinary organs, it is better to consult your gynecologist before such exercises.

Vumbilding simulators

When choosing a simulator for wumbling at home, you should pay attention to the materials from which the product is made, its quality and appearance to avoid fakes that can harm your health. Modern certified exercise machines, recommended for independent use, guarantee their consumers adequate performance of Kegel exercises; they are mainly produced in 3 types: vacuum, cargo and vaginal balls.

Did you know? Arnold Kegel was the first in the United States in the 50s of the last century to invent a special simulator, the “perineal meter”, and to develop a special exercises, achieving success in the development of women's muscular abilities in the pelvic area. And today almost all exercises with any vaginal simulators are called« Kegel exercises» .

Vaginal balls

Vaginal balls are usually sold in a bundle of two or three spheres, with a diameter of 1.5 to 4 cm, round or egg-shaped. Their main purpose is promotion muscle tone vagina.

They are made from special high-quality materials - medical silicone, glass, metal, wood, non-toxic plastic, as well as natural stone.

A woman can make her choice based on personal preferences and ease of storage. The main condition for choosing this intimate item is a well-polished surface and always high-quality safe material; if the surface of the balls is corrugated, you need to make sure that there are no extra protrusions on it.

If you are not lazy and regularly use the vaginal spheres, then this will certainly contribute to the full and high-quality development of almost all, even the most inaccessible muscles of the vagina, will increase their firmness and elasticity, and will also relieve sexual disharmony and anorgasmia.

Vacuum Very important and effective trainer Vacuum (pneumatic) devices are used in wumbling, but they are quite difficult to use , and a beginner may not understand the details of the application. But after mastering the basics and basic equipment, the results from using vacuum simulators

appear from the very first lessons.

The weight of the vaginal-pelvic trainer looks like a small ball on which a weight is attached. Such a projectile was created especially for strength training , and as with normal muscle building, the load must be increased gradually.

Important! Regardless of which simulator you prefer, the main rule of use is-do no harm. The best option will go to special courses in wumbling and intimate health, and then practice in conditions convenient for you.

Basic exercises for beginners

The basic rules for using wumbling for beginners who are comfortable conducting classes only at home have long been presented in all online sources; in addition, the intimate method of exercise is even presented in special educational pictures.

But before moving on to the execution methods themselves, you need master some other techniques, For example:

  1. Technique correct breathing. To perform this, you should lie on your back, close your eyes, completely relax and slowly inhale and exhale, using your stomach.
  2. Technique for relieving intrauterine tension. This method involves retracting or tensing the sphincter with further relaxation, but the manipulation should be carried out completely without the participation of the abs and gluteal muscles.
  3. Technique for proper vaginal training. The implementation is very simple and can be done in any convenient place and at any time. To do this, you just need to squeeze and relax the vaginal muscles at a slow pace.

Several of the most popular methods of wumbling training for newbies:

Method No. 1.

  • It is necessary to squeeze the pelvic muscles and stay in this position for about 6 seconds, then relax. Repeat 12 times.
  • At a fast pace, squeeze and unclench the muscles, also 12 times, and then squeeze and fix this position for 1 minute. This complex is performed in 3 approaches.
Method number 2.
  • Quickly squeeze and relax the pelvic muscles for 20 seconds, then take a 10-second rest. Repeat 3 times.
  • Squeeze and relax your muscles at a fast pace for 5 seconds. Performed 8 times.
  • Squeeze the muscles for half a minute, then relax and after 20 seconds repeat the same manipulation. (3 approaches).
Method number 3.
  • At an average pace, squeeze and unclench the pelvic muscles 40 times. (3 approaches).
  • Squeeze the muscle as strongly as possible and hold the tension for 30 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds. Do it 7 times.

Contraindications to classes

Like any physical activity and manipulations with the body, wumbling activities have their own contraindications:

  1. Prolapse or fibroids of the uterus.
  2. Tumors in the pelvis of various etiologies.
  3. Cystic formations.
  4. Various diseases of the genitourinary system, including STDs.
  5. Indications for surgical intervention.
  6. Postoperative or postpartum period.
Also, when practicing at home, you need to remember that each female body is individual, therefore, if you are not immediately able to master different vumbling techniques, you should not be upset, but simply follow the recommended rules and confidently move towards your goal, and then, over time , the results will exceed all your expectations.

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The muscles of the pelvic floor, which support the organs of the excretory and reproductive systems, are called “Kegel muscles.” They were first described by gynecologist Arnold Kegel in 1948. He owns a method of training the genital muscles, which was developed as an alternative to the non-surgical treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Wumbling exercises at home

That is, wumbling is the very same Dr. Kegel designed to strengthen the genitourinary muscles. Only these methods have been developed and improved Vladimir Leonidovich Muranivsky.

Let us remind you that our article is only an informational aid, and before doing anything, it is better for you to contact specialists to conduct an examination.

In addition to improving your health, doing them every day will give you even more pleasure from your intimate life. Men can also strengthen their pelvic floor muscles through this exercise.

Training according to the American doctor’s method is available not only in the fitness club, but also at home. And at any time.

Who needs this gymnastics?

Women who are pregnant and after childbirth. After all, they increase the weakened tone of the vaginal muscles in women who have just given birth to a baby. And for those preparing for childbirth, they keep the pelvic muscles strong. This helps to avoid problems such as urinary incontinence. In addition, gymnastics increases the elasticity of intimate muscles. This means that giving birth to such a woman will be easier, faster and less painful. After childbirth, trained muscles will recover faster.

For older women who suffer from urinary incontinence. One of the causes of the latter is defined as loss of bladder control. A strong pelvic floor will restore normal function to this organ.

Women who want to prevent prolapse and prolapse of the uterus and pelvic organs. It is known that with age, muscle tissue weakens and loses its elasticity. Along with this, there is a loss of the holding capacity of ligaments and muscles.

For those who are forced to lift weights for their own reasons. Elastic muscles play the role of a corset supporting the female genital organs.

Who needs this gymnastics?

In the presence of hormonal disorders and associated overweight, deterioration of skin condition, irritability - Kegel training is also needed.

Vumbuilding is needed for all women who want to improve the quality of their intimate life and get more pleasure from the act of love. After just a few proper training, you and your partner will feel more pleasure.

Please remember that before you begin exercising, if you have any medical conditions that may prevent you from exercising safely, you should contact your doctor.

Preparing for intimate muscle training

For effective training it is necessary to feel the pelvic muscles. These are the muscles that form the “floor” of your pelvic floor.

1. Stop the flow of urine in the middle of the process. This will give you a better idea of ​​the location of the target muscles.

2. If the first option caused difficulties, place a clean finger into the vagina and squeeze it with the muscles. You should feel your finger being pulled up. Now relax.

3. Use a hand mirror. Place it under your perineum and begin the practice of tensing and releasing the muscles. At correct execution you will notice activity and the crotch will be clearly visible.

They can be determined in the following ways

Once the muscles are defined, make sure your bladder empty Also try to start wumbling exercises at home no earlier than two hours after eating

Home workout technique for intimate muscles

You can perform wumbling in home clothes that are comfortable and familiar to you. The start of the workout is preceded by: lie on the floor, place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Slowly inhale and exhale through your belly. When performed correctly, the hand lying on the stomach will rise, and the one on the chest should remain motionless.

Starting position – lying on the floor. Each exercise should be repeated up to 10 times, three times a day every day. In this situation, after a week of training you will feel the result.

Now let's start wumbling

1. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles for five seconds. When you're just starting out, don't push it too hard. And if even 5 seconds seems difficult, you can start by squeezing these muscles for just 2-3 seconds.

Then “release” them for ten seconds. This will give them enough time to relax and avoid overexertion. Count to ten before starting the next repetition.

2. Imagine that Kegel muscles are a vacuum. Squeeze your buttocks and, bending your knees, hold for 5 seconds and then relax. Do this 10 times without stopping. This will take about a minute.

Tips to help you make the most of your workout

Try not to hold your breath. While squeezing your buttocks or thighs, pull your stomach close to your spine and then push it down. In addition to proper breathing and quality training, this will strengthen the core muscles, increase blood circulation and oxygen flow into the body.

As soon as you gain confidence, you will be able to perform high-quality wumbling at home, even while standing. This means it will be possible to train in transport, in the office and in any other place. We remember that this gymnastics is absolutely invisible.

Many people have heard about Kegel exercises, but a good half of the female audience hardly knows about Kegel exercises with balls. Read the detailed instructions.

Kegel exercises themselves can bring many benefits to the body, and Kegel exercises with balls are the same as going to the gym!

What muscles are trained by Kegel exercises with balls?

Muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina. These are the same muscles that girls strain when there is no toilet nearby, but they really want it. These are the same muscles that contract during orgasm. From this we can draw two conclusions about the benefits of Kegel exercises with balls: firstly, a trained pelvic floor is a good prevention of urinary incontinence, and secondly, by strengthening these muscles, you will gain the most vivid sexual sensations you could ever dream of.

Why do Kegel exercises with balls after childbirth?

During pregnancy and childbirth, the pelvic floor undergoes enormous stress, muscles are stretched, and organs are lowered. And Kegel exercises with balls help restore them to their former tone after childbirth.

Expert opinion:

Maria Nazarova, gynecologist:“It’s all about improving the blood supply to the pelvic organs, and not about the muscles themselves: the flow of blood improves the supply of oxygen to the organs, and, therefore, makes them healthier.”

How to do the exercises correctly?

In order to start training your pelvic floor muscles, you don’t need expensive exercise equipment, but just buy those very balls that you will never part with in the literal sense of the word. Balls, if you are just starting training, it is better to buy plastic ones - they are lighter and more reliable. If you have already strengthened your pelvic floor muscles, then you can try the “advanced” level: metal or stone balls.

How to use Kegel balls (instructions)

Training the pelvic muscles without an instructor involves alternately contracting and relaxing these muscles. The principle is not difficult for those who have been involved in sports at least occasionally. You lie down on the couch and begin to tense the very muscles with which you hold back urination when you really need to go to the toilet. After doing this 10 times, try inserting an exercise ball into the vagina.

You will be able to raise and lower the ball, as well as do other equally amazing things later, but now just enter. If necessary, use lubricant.

What else are Kegel exercises with balls needed for:

  • prevention of miscarriages;
  • rapid restoration of vaginal size after childbirth;
  • elimination of anorgasmia.

Some experts believe that if you train your pelvic floor muscles regularly enough, you can even normalize your hormonal levels. And if you had them before, then after training you shouldn’t have them.
