Plank every day for 1 minute. Plank exercise for beginners - rules and schedule. Elbow plank exercises

How many calories does a plank burn in 1 minute? Perhaps this question has become one of the most popular among female representatives. What kind of exercise is this? Why does every person involved in sports dream of mastering it?

Brief description of the exercise

Before we talk about how many calories a plank burns in 1 minute, it’s worth describing what kind of exercise it is. It is performed as follows:

  1. It is recommended to prepare the surface in advance. It is best if a rubber mat is used as it. Any non-slip material will also work.
  2. Next, you need to stand on two main supports - arms and legs - so that the entire body is a single straight line.
  3. Now you should stand in this position for a certain period.

It is important to monitor your breathing during exercise. It should be even and smooth. Otherwise, it will have no effect.

Benefits of exercise

Why do many women worry about how many calories 1 minute of plank burns? The fact is that this exercise brings enormous benefits to the human body.

  1. It quickly burns subcutaneous fat.
  2. Improves posture.
  3. Forms beautiful muscles in the buttocks and abdomen.
  4. Strengthens the back, shoulder joint and legs.
  5. Trains willpower.

It is also worth noting that absolutely anyone can perform this exercise; you don’t need sports training, inventory and additional space in the house.

Standard bar

Beginners are advised to try the simplest standard exercise first. For the first time, just 1 minute of plank may seem like an eternity. How many calories can you burn during this period? Experienced instructors claim that in one hour of such a complex action, from 250 to 300 calories are burned. However, it is hardly possible to find a person who would dare to undertake such an experiment. Therefore, in 60 seconds a person can burn about 5 calories.

In a standard plank, the entire load falls on the palms and toes. To perform it, be sure to keep your legs together, do not bend your knees and strain your gluteal muscle as much as possible.

Standard bar with extra force

For many, five calories in one minute may seem like a weak result. If you need to burn more, then you need to significantly increase the load. It is recommended to do this using dumbbells. Sufficient for women and male beginners sports equipment weighing from 1.5 to 3 kilograms. If there is none, then you can use filled plastic bottles, sand cuffs or any other weight.

Now you should do a standard exercise, leaning on your feet and fists, in which the load is compressed. One arm should be raised so that the elbow bend represents a right angle. You need to stand in this position for 30 seconds. Next you should change the position.

It is quite difficult to perform such an exercise fully for the first time; it will require long training. It is also worth noting how many calories the plank consumes in 1 minute if you do it with additional load. The result will be amazing. In such a minimum period of time you can burn up to 12 calories. This is almost twice as much as when performing complex strength exercises.

Resistance plank

The most difficult plank for many athletes is the resistance plank. It is performed as follows:

  • It is recommended to take a standard position, focusing on two supports.
  • On the floor below knee level you need to distribute a thread, ribbon or towel rolled into a rope.
  • Now, alternately with your feet, you need to try to step over this obstacle at a fast pace.

The benefits play a bigger role than how many calories the plank exercise burns in 1 minute. If you do it every day, then within a month it will form beautiful abs, thin waist and toned buttocks.

Several exercises that burn maximum calories

There are several types of exercises that only the most experienced athletes can do. How many calories does a plank burn in 1 minute, which requires maximum effort? Experienced instructors claim that this figure ranges from 15 to 30.

You need to stay for a certain time, leaning on only one arm and leg. The body should be turned to the side. Top hand It is recommended to point it behind the head, this will additionally stretch the waist muscles.

Two hands can also rest on the floor, while your feet will need to be placed on an exercise ball, step or low furniture.

Instead of your palms, you can also lean on your arms bent at the elbows; this will further train the body.

Dependence of calories on weight

All of the above answers to the question of how many calories a plank burns in 1 minute apply to people of standard build, that is, those whose body mass index is from 18.5 to 25. Young athletes with underweight will spend less energy value, and people with Obese people, on the contrary, will lose weight faster. All this is due to the fact that the larger the weight, the greater the load on the body when performing each action.

The plank exercise is one of the most effective exercises, which is included in the training program of almost all sports centers. Thanks to it, all muscle groups are worked out. At first glance, it may seem difficult, and even for such a seemingly small period of time as one minute, it is almost impossible to withstand it. It is recommended to perform it starting from 10 seconds, gradually increasing the time, and after 10 days this task will be feasible.

A healthy lifestyle is gaining popularity every day. The quest for the ideal body is not always free time to visit the gym and conduct a full workout. This is where the amazing plank exercise will come to your aid. For weight loss, figure correction, strengthening and tightening muscles, this type physical activity fits perfectly. The only important thing is regularity and correct technique. Today we will present universal sets of plank exercises for women and men, depending on their level of physical fitness.

Plank exercise: complexes

Many people are concerned about the question of how many minutes to stand in the plank exercise. We will remind you that the most important thing is to know how to do the plank correctly. Practice your technique first this exercise, and only then gradually increase the training time.

The sets of plank exercises presented below for different muscle groups are universal. That is, all plank exercise programs are suitable for men and women. The only thing that matters is your level of preparation.

Plank exercise for 2 minutes

This set of plank exercises is designed for beginners. Your task is to stand in the plank for 2 minutes a day. At the initial stage, we recommend performing the plank exercise on a schedule: 1 minute in the morning and 1 minute in the evening. First, stand in a classic plank position on your elbows. Then gradually improve and master the side plank.

Many people don’t know how many times a day and week to do the plank. We recommend exercising every other day, morning and evening, gradually increasing the load. Agree that 2 minutes a day are worth it to become the owner of an ideal body.

Plank exercise in 5 minutes

We recommend that you aim to do the plank exercise for 5 minutes a day. So you can build perfect body. Introducing a workout option where you can stand in plank pose for 5 minutes! Improve it by adding your favorite plank variations.

You can also use your gadgets and smartphones in the fight for beautiful figure. Download various applications. For example, 5 minute planks workout is a great program to learn how to plank for 5 minutes. You can increase or decrease the training time if you wish.

Plank complex for 9 and 10 minutes

Many people ask, is it possible to build your body by exercising just 10 minutes a day? The plank exercise is ideal for such a case. Your task is to choose 5 favorite plank variations and stand in each of them for 2 minutes without a break.

If you can already do a plank for 9-10 minutes, download the GainAbs app. It will help you not get bored and bring variety to your training programs. It contains many variations of planks for training abdominal muscles, back, legs and arms.

For example, you can do a program that involves standing on a plank for 9 minutes and resting for 1 minute. The result is a set of plank exercises for 10 minutes:

  • 2 minutes - straight arms
  • 1 minute - on the forearms
  • 1 minute - with left leg raised
  • 1 minute - with right leg raised
  • 1 minute - rest
  • 2 minutes - side plank
  • 1 minute - with raised left hand
  • 1 minute - with raised right hand

Plank exercise: 30 day program

It’s possible to transform yourself in 30 days by doing the plank exercise. We present the most popular program for performing the plank exercise for 30 days. You will start with 20 seconds, and within a month you can reach 300 seconds without a break! Involve your friends, work together on an ideal and beautiful body.

Day 1 - plank 20 sec. Day 16 - 2 min plank. 40 sec.
Day 2 - plank 25 sec. Day 17 - Superman 16 reps, 2 sets.
Day 3 - plank 30 sec. Day 18 - 3 minute plank.
Day 4 - Superman 10 reps, 2 sets. Day 19 - plank 3 min. 20 sec.
Day 5 - plank 45 sec. Day 20 - plank 3 min. 30 sec.
Day 6 - 1 minute plank. Day 21 - Superman 18 reps, 2 sets.
Day 7 - plank 1 min. 10 sec. Day 22 - plank 3 min. 40 sec.
Day 8 - Superman 12 reps, 2 sets. Day 23 - plank 3 min. 50 sec.
Day 9 - plank 1 min. 30 sec. Day 24 - 4 minute plank.
Day 10 - 1 minute plank. 40 sec. Day 25 - plank 4 min. 20 sec.
Day 11 - 1 minute plank. 45 sec. Day 26 - Superman 20 reps, 2 sets.
Day 12 - Superman 15 reps, 2 sets. Day 27 - plank 4 min. 30 sec.
Day 13 - 2 minute plank Day 28 - plank 4 min. 40 sec.
Day 14 - 2 min plank. 10 sec. Day 29 - Superman 25 reps, 2 sets.
Day 15 - 2 min plank. 30 sec. Day 30 - 5 minute plank.

A healthy, fit guy simply has to endure two laps second hand.

But it’s unlikely that you turned out to be cooler than the Dane Tom Hall, who in 2015 stood in this position for 4 hours and 28 minutes! This was already the second record for the 52-year-old man, the year before he stood in the plank for 3 hours and 8 minutes. He was beaten by Chinese policeman Mao Weidong, who was frozen in a static state for 4 hours and 26 minutes in 2014.

But there is a more serious record: a little more than a year ago, at 10:26 in the morning, in the Beijing Shangri-La Hotel, the same Mao Weidong fought with former US special agent George Hood in this, perhaps, the most immobile sport. The men tensed up and did not relax for more than half a day: Hood gave up after 7 hours 40 minutes, and Mr. Weidong stopped leaning on his elbows at 18:27, setting the current absolute world record - 8 hours 1 minute!

if you cannot hold the plank for 120 seconds, then you have: A - overweight; B - weak muscles; B - incorrect training system

Does this compare in any way with our three approaches, say, 2 minutes each? Well-known physical therapist from the USA Bill Hartman advises to “hold on” for 3 minutes, but, according to him, this is an approximate time, an average indicator of the health of the core muscles. Dan John, fitness expert at Men's Health, says that if you can't hold a plank for 120 seconds, you have:
A - overweight; B - weak muscles; B - incorrect training system. A healthy, fit guy is simply obliged to withstand two circles of the second hand. “Whether to stand more is up to you,” he adds, “it’s just an exercise, and longer doesn’t mean better.”

You set the bar yourself

Tom Hall is a professional trainer and owner of a fitness center in the Danish town of Frederiksund. To withstand competition with online gyms, one day he decided to show how much cooler he was than other coaches. To do this, he did not lift weights or run long distances or test himself for survival - all he needed was gender and his own body.

In 2014, he started with 8 minutes of static exercises lying on his elbows, adding 5 minutes per week. A year later, he was already holding on for three hours. “I chose the plank because over the years the exercise has been gaining monstrous popularity, but you shouldn’t think that such training will benefit everyone,” he says, “in group training we never exceed the time of 3 minutes, and that’s enough.”

Hall - professional athlete, Danish champion sports aerobics for 1997. He is confident that it was his athletic background that helped him break the world record, however, Hall notes: “The main obstacle is in your head. If you can convince yourself that you are capable of more, you will get what you want, and this strategy works not only in sports.”

Long doesn't mean good

A study conducted in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning led Canadian scientists to the conclusion that several short sets are more effective than long planks. University of Waterloo professor Dr Stuart McGill believes core endurance is much more important than core strength because its main purpose is to keep your back straight, but he doesn't think it's right to set records in one exercise.

“If you want to set a record in the plank, you can try, but there is no benefit to the health of the body,” he says. Moreover, the discovery of Canadian scientists is that micro approaches of 10 seconds work on endurance much more effectively. During the experiment, two groups of subjects performed exercises on the core muscles. The first team held the bar for 10 seconds - first 5 approaches, then 4, and so on until one. The second one did abdominal crunches and others. dynamic exercises. After 6 weeks of training, those who held the bar according to this scheme strengthened their torso muscles significantly more.

The plank is a static exercise. There are no movements in it, so the most important thing here is to hold the body correctly (and for as long as possible).

1. Feet

Put them together: it will become more difficult to maintain balance, which will increase the load on the abdominal muscles.

2. Legs

Must be straight and tense, otherwise the load on the rectus abdominis muscle, which holds lumbar region from deflections will also decrease.

3. Buttocks

Tighten up. And don’t let go of tension until the end of the approach. Reduction gluteal muscles increases activation of all core muscles.

4. Lower back

The most difficult moment! At correct execution The lumbar spine should be flat. That is, the lower back should neither be rounded nor bent. Imagine that your lower back is pressed tightly against the wall.

5. Belly

Pull it in, and then (already pulled in) try to pull it towards the ribs. Throughout the entire approach, keep your stomach in this position, but do not hold your breath.

6. Elbows

To avoid creating unnecessary stress on your shoulders, place your elbows strictly under your shoulder joints.

Reading time: 39 minutes

The plank is a static exercise on the floor with emphasis on the hands or forearms. The plank is considered one of the most effective ways to remove belly fat and tighten your body. Is it really? Let's figure out what the benefits, advantages and harms of planking are, how to do it correctly and how often, is planking effective for weight loss? We also offer you a unique selection: 45 options for exercises with a plank in pictures!

Plank exercise: general information

The plank has long become a classic exercise not only in abdominal training, but also in general training for the whole body. This multifunctional exercise allows you to use a large number of muscle groups, and at the same time does not require from you any additional equipment, or special skills, or great experience classes. The plank can be practiced by both beginners and advanced practitioners. It is thanks to its practicality, effectiveness and universal accessibility that the plank exercise has gained widespread popularity.

The plank engages the muscles of the upper and lower body, which means you will strengthen your body, making it elastic and toned. This exercise is especially useful for the development of the muscle corset (abdomen, back, buttocks). Strong muscle corset supports the back and spine , which means it helps reduce the risk of injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

How to do a plank correctly?

Get into a floor rack position—a push-up position. Bend your elbows 90 degrees and shift your weight to your forearms. Your whole body should form one straight line, your stomach should be tucked, your muscles should be tense.

What to pay special attention to:

  • Head and neck: should be relaxed and free. Look at the floor, don't raise your head up.
  • Hands: Hold them straight in front of you or cross them. Place your elbows strictly under your shoulder joints so as not to create unnecessary stress on your shoulders. Keep your shoulders down, don't raise them towards your ears.
  • Small of the back: It can neither be rounded nor bent. Imagine that your lower back is pressed tightly against the wall.
  • Legs: Must remain straight and tense. Otherwise, the main load will be transferred to the lower back, and not to the abdominal muscles.
  • Buttocks: Should also be tense and level with your back. Don't arch your pelvis or lift your buttocks up.
  • Stomach: pull in, and then (already pulled in) try to pull it towards the ribs. Keep it taut throughout the exercise, but do not hold your breath.
  • Feet: can be put together, can be spaced out a little. The closer you place them to each other, the greater the load on the abdominal muscles.
  • Breath: Be sure to remember to breathe deeply throughout the exercise. Inhale and exhale slowly and steadily.

Hold the plank position for as long as you can. Beginners can hold the plank for 15-30 seconds, average level– 30-60 seconds, advanced – 60 seconds or more. When you feel that it is becoming difficult for you to maintain proper form, end the exercise. Never increase the duration of an exercise at the expense of technique! It’s better to take a break and repeat the exercise in 3-4 circles with short stops.

Plank fits for all levels of training because you can always increase or decrease the duration of the static position depending on your fitness level. Also, this exercise can always be modified and complicated. If you are a beginner, do the plank on your knees. If you are an advanced practitioner, you can raise your arm or leg and hold the bar in that position.

How to increase plank execution time?

  1. Practice the plank every day, perform the exercise in several approaches. If possible, do the plank 3-4 times a day.
  2. Try progress every 4-5 days. For example, by increasing the time you hold the plank or increasing the number of approaches.
  3. Do other exercises to develop different muscle groups. For example, push-ups, squats, exercises with dumbbells for arms and shoulders.
  4. If you have been practicing the plank for a long time and calmly hold it for several minutes, then proceed to more complex options performing this exercise. Your muscles are probably used to the load, so the effectiveness of the plank is reduced.

Sooner or later the body adapts to any exercise. You should not constantly move towards increasing the plank time; it is better to move on to more complex versions of this exercise. If 2-3 minutes of planking is not particularly difficult for you, then feel free to move on to more complex modifications.

Contraindications to performing the plank

Despite the fact that the plank seems to be a fairly harmless exercise, in certain cases it is not recommended to perform it. The plank has the following contraindications:

  • Injuries to arms, shoulders, feet
  • Pregnancy and postpartum period
  • Large excess weight (you can do the plank version on your knees, but no more than 30 seconds)
  • Hypertension or hypotension
  • Intervertebral hernia
  • Spinal injuries
  • Diseases of internal organs
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

What muscles are involved when doing the plank?

When performing a plank, the muscles of the abdomen, back and shoulders are primarily involved in the work. The plank also engages the muscles of the buttocks, chest, calves, front and back surface hips.

So, during the classic plank the following muscles are involved:

  • Rectus and transverse abdominis muscles
  • Latissimus dorsi muscle
  • Muscles of the lumbar region
  • Muscles of the shoulder girdle
  • Trapezoid
  • Pectoral muscles
  • Gluteal muscles
  • Quadriceps and hamstrings
  • Calf muscles

When performing a side plank, additional load is placed on the oblique abdominal muscles, as well as on the muscles of the external and inner surface hips The side plank is one of the most best exercises to strengthen the oblique muscles and spinal stabilization for back health.

Training plan with static planks

We offer you a ready-made plank training plan that can be performed as an addition to any program. Just follow the suggested plan and work on perfecting your figure. Four exercises await you: elbow bar, pLanka on hands, bowrought iron bar on the right hand, bshackle bar on the left hand.

You will repeat all exercises in several approaches. We offer you this plan:

  • First week: each exercise for 15 seconds in 3 sets, break between sets 30 seconds, break between exercises 60 seconds.
  • Second week: each exercise for 25 seconds in 3 sets, break between sets 30 seconds, break between exercises 60 seconds.
  • Third week: each exercise for 35 seconds in 3 sets, break between sets 20 seconds, break between exercises 60 seconds.
  • Fourth week: each exercise for 45 seconds in 3 sets, a break between sets of 20 seconds, a break between exercises of 60 seconds.

If necessary, you can adjust the proposed plan or perform each exercise at a more comfortable time for you or perform simplified modifications (on your knees).

The benefits, harm and effectiveness of planks for weight loss

The benefits of doing planks

1. The plank is the perfect exercise. for the abdominal muscles, since it covers all major groups abdominal muscles, including transverse, rectus, oblique muscles.

2. The plank engages not only the core muscles, but also the muscles of the shoulders, chest, buttocks, upper back, front and back of the thigh. This is a unique exercise that will force your entire body to work.

3. Thanks to the plank, you will strengthen the muscle corset that supports your spine, which is excellent prevention of back pain.

4. Using a plank, you will strengthen your back and buttocks without damaging the musculoskeletal system and joints (as opposed to, for example, deadlifts, squats and lunges) .

5. Regular planking will help you maintain a straight posture and a straight back.

6. The plank exercise is available to everyone: from beginner to advanced. Simply adjust the time you hold the static position depending on your training.

7. By strengthening your core muscles, you can improve your balance and balance, which will be useful to you in everyday life.

8. Unlike many other abdominal exercises, the plank does not have a damaging effect on your lower back.

9. The bar has a large number of modifications: our article alone offers more than 40 options!

10. You can do the plank absolutely anywhere: at home, on the street, in the gym. You just need some free space.

Harm of the plank

However, despite all the benefits of the plank, this exercise can be fraught with danger. For example, if your core muscles are not strong enough, your spine will sag during a plank, causing pressure on spinal discs, lower back and shoulder joints . With the slightest violation of the correct form of the exercise, you may feel pain in the neck or lower back.

In addition, staying in the plank for a long time can cause increased blood pressure and even a heart attack, with people with hypertension especially at risk. Therefore, you should not be in the plank for more than two minutes at a time. If you want to increase the load on the muscles, then it is better to go towards more complicated plank options (for example, with an arm or leg raised) than in the direction of increasing the time of the static position.

For people with great overweight It is recommended to perform the plank on your knees. This will help reduce stress on your back and joints. However, the bar is one of the safest exercises for developing core muscles . It is much less damaging to the spine than most other abdominal exercises that are performed on the back.

Typical mistakes when doing planks

In order to avoid spinal problems from performing the plank incorrectly, we draw your attention to typical mistakes in this exercise:

  • hunched back, shoulders down
  • lifting the buttocks up, above head level
  • arching or rounding in the lower back
  • relaxation of the abdominal muscles, legs and buttocks
  • lifting the head up and bending the cervical spine
  • holding your breath

Is planking effective for weight loss?

The plank strengthens muscles, works the core, improves the tone of the hips, buttocks, arms and shoulders, but the plank is not suitable for burning fat and losing weight. effective exercise. The plank does not help to remove the belly and get rid of the sides! This exercise is designed to tone muscles, not burn fat.

Moreover, we emphasize once again that The process of losing weight depends on nutrition, not from exercise. Exercising helps burn more calories, tone muscles, improve body quality, but losing excess weight occurs only with food restrictions (calorie deficit). The plank and its modifications are a great way to strengthen the body, get rid of sagging and lack of exercise, but to lose weight, dietary restrictions are required.

If your goal is to lose weight, then it is better to focus on dynamic exercises that help burn more calories than static exercises. Ideally regularly do cardio exercise. Moreover, cardio exercises can also be performed in the plank, thereby achieving two goals at once: burning calories and strengthening the abdominal muscles. Read more about plank cardio exercises below.

45 plank exercises: a unique selection!

If you're ready to enhance your workouts with more variety of plank exercises, then we offer you our unique selection: 45 various options exercises with a plank with visual pictures. From these exercises you can make full-fledged program training. You can use our options ready-made programs or make up own complex exercises.

If you can already comfortably hold a classic plank for 2-3 minutes, you should not increase the difficulty until you hold a static position for 5-10 minutes, as many sources advise. Most likely, your muscles have already adapted to the load, so it will be more effective make the load more difficult , i.e. move on to more advanced modifications of the exercise.

We offer you 45 plank exercises. They conditionally divided into 5 groups: static exercises, hand plank exercises, elbow plank exercises, side plank exercises, cardio plank exercises. If you decide to create your own training plan, then it is advisable to use exercises from each group.

You can also make training with planks more difficult using additional equipment:

Static plank exercises:

1. Plank on hands (Plank)

2. Forearm Plank

3. Side Plank

4. Reverse Plank

5. Wall plank

6. Levered Plank

7. "Star" (Star side plank)

8. Plank single leg

Hand plank exercises:

1. Touching the hand forward in the plank (Plank alternating reach)

2. Plank leg raise

3. Plank shoulder tap

4. Plank opposite knee touch

5. Crossbody mountain climbers

6. Plank lateral walk

7. Spiderman plank

8. Plank Up & Down

9. Plank dumbbell raise

10. Leg raise + Touch elbow crisscross

11. Plank right-left (Plank In & Out)

12. Superman Plank

13. Plank arm raise

14. Down to toe tap

15. Windshield wipers

16. Sliding your knee up and down your arm (Arm sliders)

17. Plank walkout

18. Rotate 360 ​​degrees (Plank barrel roll)

19. Rotate the body sideways (Plank T-rotation)

Elbow plank exercises:

1. Side plank roll

2. Plank saw

3. Knee to elbow

4. Hip raise plank

5. Legs to the side in plank (Starfish march)

6. Body turns in plank (Plank rocker)

Side plank exercises:

1. Hip drop side plank

2. Rotate the body in a side plank on the elbows (Forearm plank reach through)

3. Rotate the body in a side plank (Plank reach through)

4. Crunch side plank

5. Raising the arms and legs in the side plank (Star side forearm plank)

Cardio plank exercises:

1. Jumping jack

2. Plank knee tuck

3. Mountain climbers

4. Plank toe tap

5. Jump into the plank with your buttocks up (Plyo peak plank)

6. Plank heel click

Thanks to YouTube channels for the visual pictures: Republic of Strength, Jordan Yeoh Fitness, Dont Quit, Max's Best Bootcamp, Ammar Montaser, The Live Fit Girl.

A ready-made plank exercise plan for all fitness levels!

We offer you a ready-made plank exercise plan for all levels of training . Don't know which group of practitioners to include yourself in? Complete the beginner level, and if the load seems insufficient to you, then feel free to move on to the intermediate level.

You can always change the plan at your discretion by adding, replacing or removing any suggested exercises. Repeat the exercises in several circles or do one circuit if you don't plan to do a set of plank exercises for more than 5 minutes. If the exercise is performed on one side, then perform the first circle on the right side, the second circle on the left.

First round:

    (Forearm Plank)(Crossbody mountain climbers)(Hip drop side plank)(Plank arm raise)(Windshield wipers)

Second round:

    (Reverse Plank)(Down to toe tap)(Jumping jack)
  1. (Plank opposite knee touch)
  2. (Starfish march)

How to do this plank workout for beginners?

  • Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, break 15 seconds.
  • Rest between circles 1 minute
  • The total duration of one lap is 3.5 minutes
  • Total workout duration: ~17 minutes

First round:

    (Plank single leg)(Mountain climbers)(Side plank roll)(Plank walkout)(Plank knee tuck)
  1. Plank spider (Spiderman plank)
  2. (Plank alternating reach)

Second round:

    (Side plank)(Plank Up & Down)(Forearm plank reach through)(Plank shoulder tap)(Hip raise plank)(Plank In & Out)(Plank dumbbell raise)

How to do this intermediate plank workout?

  • We perform 2 laps each round
  • Rest between circles 1 minute
  • The total duration of one lap is 4.5 minutes
  • Total workout duration: ~22 minutes

First round:

    (Wall plank)
  1. Full body rotation (Plank T-rotation)
  2. (Plank toe tap)(Superman Plank)(Plank lateral walk)(Knee to elbow)

Second round:

  1. Classic hand plank (Basic plank)
  2. (Plank leg raise)(Plyo peak plank)(Plank saw)(Star side forearm plank)(Plank Up & Down)

Third round:

    (Levered Plank)(Plank barrel roll)(Plank heel click)(Crunch side plank)(Plank shoulder tap)(Leg raise + Touch elbow crisscross)

How to do this advanced plank workout?

  • We perform each exercise for 30 seconds, break 10 seconds.
  • We perform 2 laps each round
  • Rest between circles 1 minute
  • Total duration of one lap ~4 minutes
  • Total workout duration: ~30 minutes

Do you like to study on your own? Check out our selection of exercises:

Hello, my dear readers! If you have a great desire to tone your body, become slimmer and fitter, lose a few kilograms and reduce your waist size, then a very simple exercise in terms of technique called a plank is suitable for you. More and more often I see on the Internet that static exercises give incredible results. The weight loss plank is becoming more and more popular every day, and positive reviews about its effectiveness literally flooded fitness sites and communities. Today we’ll talk about what this physical activity actually is, how to perform it correctly and what can be achieved.

Imagine, in just 2-5 minutes a day you can not only get in shape, but also strengthen the muscles of your back, abdomen, arms and hips. Incredible, but it's true! Regular exercise will give you excellent results, your buttocks will become more toned and elastic. Many people think that these are just promises, how can you lose weight in 5 minutes a day, and literally sculpt your body? In order to understand everything, you need to understand the essence of the exercises.

But in fact, the plank is a static exercise, the purpose of which is to keep the muscles of the abdomen, arms, thighs, and buttocks in tension. It's actually effective. And don't think that it is very easy. Yes, technically nothing special is visible. There is no need to jump or run in a special way. You won't need anything other than desire, your body and gender. The point of the training is that the arms and toes rest on the floor, and the body seems to hang above it. In this case, it is necessary to follow the correct technique so that instead of burning fat you do not get injured. We'll talk about this later.

When I first learned about these classes, I thought that it could be complicated and difficult. Just think, you need to hold in a certain position for several seconds. Yeah, my first attempt turned out to be super difficult. I wouldn't say that I don't work out at all. I like running, but a 30 second static exercise was still difficult for me. I completed it, but I lost 100 sweats.

Plank exercise: what are the advantages?

  • You will not only tone your body, but also achieve significant results in losing weight. Due to high voltage, which is created in the muscles during exercise, metabolism improves, which undoubtedly leads to the loss of fat deposits.
  • As I said above, the plank perfectly strengthens the muscles of the back, abdomen, arms and legs. External, internal and transverse muscle abs, muscles of the front of the legs, spine, buttocks.
  • This is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis. The risk of disease is reduced in those who regularly perform the plank.
  • Improved posture occurs due to the same strengthening of the back muscles.
  • During exercise, the thigh muscles are involved, and this is a problem area for many women. Hated by many women, cellulite most often makes itself felt in this area of ​​the body. Therefore, such exercises are another effective method fight against orange peel.
  • The rhythm of life does not allow many people to waste time in the gym and exercise under the supervision of trainers. The weight loss plank is a great way to get yourself in order at home, while spending a minimum of time and equipment that you don’t even need. Spending 2-5 minutes a day will bring guaranteed results.

Disadvantages of the plank exercise for weight loss

There are virtually no downsides to this type of physical activity. The only thing that can be noted is pain in the muscles and body after the first classes. But this applies to any sport if a person is just starting to get acquainted with physical activity. Regular exercise, warm baths and massage will quickly solve this problem.

How to do the plank exercise correctly. Newbie mistakes

In order for the exercises to be effective, the body to become toned, and the extra pounds to go away, it is necessary to perform the exercises adhering to certain rules. There are not many of them, but, nevertheless, they are very important. The lack of results can only be attributed to incorrect execution technique, so be sure to pay attention to this.

  1. Remember, keep your body straight while exercising. The buttocks should be tucked, the stomach should be tense, and the hips should not be lowered or raised. Legs, butt and back should be on the same line. If you relax one part of your body even a little, then everything will go downhill - your hips will bend, your back too.
  2. Stretch your legs during exercise, do not bend them.
  3. Keep your head in line with your body.
  4. If you do the plank at outstretched arms, then the hands should be under the shoulders at shoulder width. This way you will protect yourself from injury.
  5. If you have just started mastering static exercises, take your time and do not strive to perform beyond your norm. Start performing each exercise with 15 seconds, gradually, day by day, increasing the time. This way, your body will gradually get used to the stress.

Plank for weight loss

I have already said more than once that the plank is an excellent opportunity to get rid of the belly and bring your weight back to normal. Although this type physical activity is very effective and efficient, you will not be able to achieve your goal if you do not follow several rules. They relate mainly to nutrition. After all, in case of gluttony, eating pies and pies at night or before bed, passion for soda and chips, no super-effective exercise will help.

It is important to understand that, first of all, you need to take care of the quality of your product.

  • First, always eat breakfast.
  • Secondly, .
  • Thirdly, eat 5-6 times a day in small portions of 200-250 ml.
  • Fourth, do not eat 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Fifth, cook food at home, ready-made food is not the best option for weight loss due to the huge amount of additives and fat. Instead of soda, cook compotes, jelly, instead of hamburgers, cook and so on.

These simple rules, coupled with statics, will help you in the fight against overweight and overall improve your health.

Types of planks

There are several types of planks. Which one to choose is up to you, but consider the degree of your physical fitness. For beginners, it is best to start with the classic version.

Classic version

  • To do this, lie on your stomach.
  • Bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle and rest on your elbows. They should be on the floor with their shoulders.
  • Spread your legs slightly and rest on the tip of your foot.
  • Head, back and legs are on the same line.
  • Tighten your buttocks and tighten your abdominal muscles.

For beginners, this type of exercise is considered easier than others. Therefore, I advise you to first try the classic plank.

Straight arm plank

  • Lie on your stomach.
  • Extend your arms so that your wrists and hands form a right angle.
  • The wrists are located under the shoulders at a distance of their width. The heels are slightly raised.
  • Do not bend under any circumstances. Keep your body straight, tightening your buttocks and stomach.

Side plank

This exercise is considered difficult, since the support is only on 2 points. Here, in addition to strength and endurance, you also need to maintain balance, which will be difficult for the inexperienced.

  • Lie on your side.
  • Place your elbow so that it is under your shoulder.
  • Pull your legs in and bring them together.
  • Place your free hand on your thigh or lift it up.

Back plank

Another type of exercise, which, judging by reviews, perfectly fights cellulite and extra pounds in the lower part of the body. Well, if you want to tighten your butt, then this kind of exercise will do the job perfectly.

  • Lie on your back.
  • Raise yourself up and place your hands so that your wrists are under your shoulders.
  • Rest on your heels and stretch your legs forward.
  • Don't lower your hips, but try to keep them in a straight line with your legs.
  • But, if you want to pump up your calves, then you shouldn’t pull your socks forward.

Complicated planks

Each of the previous types of exercises can be complicated, thereby putting more stress on the body. This option is suitable for already trained individuals who play sports more than once.

For example, you can improve the plank on outstretched arms like this:

And the classic pose is like this:

Training program “Plank for weight loss”

And so, now you know how to perform workouts correctly without mistakes and get maximum results. I am sure that they will bring incomparable health benefits and will play a huge role in losing weight. But the very last one remains, but no less important question regarding the training program. It is very important in this matter to find a suitable regime and amount of physical activity.

For example, if an inexperienced person starts exercising immediately from 1 minute, but the next day a fiasco awaits him, since the muscles will ache from pain and there will be no question of repeating the exercises.

Therefore, I bring to your attention a program of classes that are suitable for beginners. Its essence is to bring the total exercise per month to 5 minutes. And you need to start small, with just 20 seconds. Day after day, the training time will increase, the body will gradually get used to the load.

As for the type of plank, as I already said, you can start with the classic one, then move on to more complex training options, for example, combining them with each other. Thus, classes will become more varied and effective.

And to make it fun, turn the music up louder or put on headphones.))

That's all for today. I hope you found the article useful and interesting! Write your comments and leave reviews. See you again!
