Nutrition for fast muscle gain. Nutrition for gaining muscle mass - menu to choose from for girls and men. Daily calorie intake

While one part of the stronger half is sweating in the gym and exhausting itself to lose weight, the second is looking for something to eat in order to gain the desired kilograms of muscle and get rid of a thin physique.

We understand the problem, draw up the right system power with weekly menu and start changing your body for the better with tips from Life Reactor.

Nutrition for weight gain for men at home - what and when to eat + table


Breakfast Choose simple carbohydrates
During the day Complex carbohydrates and slow proteins
Before training Complex carbohydrates
During training Sweet water with glucose is acceptable
After training Complex carbohydrates
Before bedtime Long-lasting proteins in the form of cottage cheese or casein protein

It is best to start the day with liquid - a glass of freshly squeezed juice, compote or just water. Have breakfast in half an hour.

Do not forget that after a heavy meal you should never go to training - the difference between food intake and exercise should be two hours.

Don't forget about vitamins - be sure to eat half a kilo of fresh vegetables and fruits a day. Carrots, apples, citrus fruits, berries, etc. are especially useful.

You will have to give up confectionery products - they cause a rapid jump in blood sugar, and the body transforms glucose into fat.


They are especially needed after sleep and intense workouts, when the body is starving/actively expending energy. Daily norm consumption is equal 2 grams per 1 kilogram of weight, i.e. a man weighing 70 kilograms needs 140 g of protein per day.

These include:

  1. Dairy products: cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, kefir
  2. Nuts, seeds
  3. All types of legumes: beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas, mung beans, etc.
  4. Some types of vegetables: spinach, broccoli, asparagus

Dairy products are required

Fast and slow

Fast ones should occur in the morning and the period immediately after training in the gym - they are needed to quickly cover the need for energy.The rest of the time, you should give preference to slow ones, and completely abandon them at night. The daily norm is 0.4-0.5 kg.

The nutrition menu for weight gain for men at home will ideally fit:

  1. Porridge - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet
  2. Durum wheat pasta
  3. Bran, black and rye bread
  4. Muesli
  5. Potatoes, carrots and beets within reason


They are divided into rich- unhealthy (mayonnaise, butter) and unsaturated- healthy (vegetable, olive, flaxseed, sesame and other oils).From 16 to 28 years old, 160 g of fat is needed per day, at 29-40 years old - 95-150 g, after 40 years - 70 g.

Avocados are rich in healthy unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids

Why is protein so important and where to get it?

Protein- building material for muscles.At intensive training You can’t do without it - the more muscle mass, the more protein it needs.

Plant cells contain lentils, peas and soy; animals- cottage cheese and milk. These products should be on your menu every day.

Beginners in bodybuilding often begin to abuse ready-made powder cocktails.However, this is not an absolute requirement for recruitment muscle mass. They are most effective if you know that after training there will be no time for a full meal.

Nutrition for weight gain for men - example


Any porridge with milk and butter, coffee or tea with milk and honey, toast with cheese, a handful of nuts

Pasta with cheese and eggplant or cottage cheese with yogurt and tea; fresh fruits

Soup (borsch, rassolnik, pea), vegetable cutlets and salad with sour cream, rye bread
Afternoon snack

Vegetable salad with cheese, freshly squeezed juice
Second afternoon tea

Milk with cookies or fruit salad with yogurt

Vegetable omelette with cheese and warm milk with honey or cottage cheese casserole with sour cream and tea

Nutrition Basics for Weight Gain for Men at Home

The cause of excessive male thinness may be a specific body structure, accelerated growth, health problems and bad habits.

We immediately omit the last two points - before planning a new menu and training/smoking system, a visit to the doctor is required by default.

Having made sure that thinness is not the result of a disease, we build a new diet according to the following rules:

  1. We eat more high-calorie foods, based on the principles of healthy eating - it is important to increase not the amount of food, but its calorie content
  2. If the reason is fast metabolism, select the menu to slow it down
  3. We move more and play sports, so that food goes not into the fat layer and stomach, but into the muscles
  4. We increase the diet to 3000-4000 calories, eating 5-8 times a day- the body copes with small portions faster and does not have time to store anything as fat
  5. We eat less fat: 30-40% of the diet is allocated to proteins, 45-50 to carbohydrates
  6. Don’t forget that the male body works faster than the female body, which means it absorbs and digests food faster - traditional diets for gaining weight in this case will be inappropriate
  7. We do not limit ourselves to certain types of products- only proteins or only carbohydrates; calories, vitamins and microelements must come from everywhere
  8. If necessary, we dilute the menu with BCAAs, proteins, protein-carbohydrate cocktails, to stop catabolic reactions
The diet should be based on the right combination of fats, proteins and carbohydrates

Advice: thin-boned people are often endowed with pathological thinness - they always look miniature and even flimsy, but by properly developing the menu and in this case, you can build muscle.

Nutrition for weight itself consists of three steps:

  1. Working with heavy weights in the gym
  2. Consuming the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, if necessary, specialized sports nutrition
  3. Complete muscle rest

Some athletes are afraid of gaining fat instead of muscle, and combine intense training with cutting - a carbohydrate-free diet.

This approach is fundamentally wrong - simultaneously getting rid of fat with a calorie deficit puts the body under stress and can lead to health problems, especially in the gastrointestinal tract.It makes more sense to do it first and then dry it out a little.

Separately, it is worth mentioning nutrition and training for ectomorphic men.This body type implies a low level of strength, tall height and a lean physique with narrow bones and minimal subcutaneous fat.

Such athletes are great at endurance exercises, but when doing bodybuilding, you need to pay attention to heavy basic split training.Ectomorphs hardly gain fat, so in their case it includes a large amount of any food.

Tip: To see results as quickly as possible, it is recommended to eat every 2-3 hours.

You will have to eat every 2-3 hours

Meals for weight gain for men at home - weekly menu

The diet consists of three main meals and three snacks. Approximate calorie content - 3000 units.Don't forget to follow drinking regime and drink 2 liters of water a day.


  1. - oatmeal with water or milk, tea/coffee, banana
  2. - stewed potatoes with vegetables in a slow cooker
  3. - a handful of nuts, cottage cheese
  4. - rice with vegetables
  5. - vegetable smoothie, toast with cheese
  6. - fruit salad and a glass of yogurt


  1. - millet porridge with honey and milk, a handful of nuts, grapefruit or orange
  2. - pasta with eggplant
  3. - a glass of kefir and whole grain toast
  4. - cottage cheese with kiwi and nuts
  5. - baked vegetables with tofu
  6. - a glass of yogurt and toast with peanut butter

Prepare Roasted Vegetables


  1. - oatmeal with banana, apple and a handful of nuts
  2. - pilaf with vegetables, tea
  3. - vegetable omelette with black bread, apple
  4. - smoothie with fruits and milk
  5. - fresh vegetable salad, buckwheat cutlets
  6. - cottage cheese with jam and yogurt


  1. - rice noodles with vegetables, a handful of nuts and an apple
  2. - vegetable soup, stew
  3. - a glass of kefir and a slice of whole grain bread
  4. - fruit salad with yogurt
  5. - baked potatoes with cheese
  6. - cheesecakes, tea

Rice noodles with vegetables for breakfast


  1. - bread with cheese, fresh herb salad, tea or coffee
  2. - cottage cheese and banana
  3. - buckwheat pancakes with mushrooms, juice
  4. - vegetable smoothie
  5. - vegetable cutlets and boiled rice
  6. - yogurt with berries


  1. - oatmeal with banana and nuts, tea or coffee
  2. - oven-baked vegetables
  3. - a glass of kefir with whole grain bread
  4. - cottage cheese with honey and fruits
  5. - couscous with vegetables
  6. - fruit salad

Don't forget about healthy and nutritious couscous


  1. - vegetable omelette, toast with cheese, tea or coffee
  2. - cream of mushroom soup
  3. - cottage cheese with yogurt and banana
  4. - rice with vegetables
  5. - fruit smoothie
  6. - fresh vegetable salad with sour cream

Tip: 70% of all food you eat should come before four o'clock in the afternoon.

As you can see, gaining weight for men is quite easy.With the above 3000 calorie diet, approximately 600 kcal are allocated to proteins, 1500 to carbohydrates, 900 to fats.

If your goal is to gain lean muscle mass, it is especially necessary to strictly control the amount of foods containing sugar.The diet will have to be completely revised and chocolate, flour products and sweets should be excluded from it.

You also need to increase the amount of vegetable fats and reduce animal fats.You will find useful information about drying the body in the article.

You will learn some tips on the intricacies of nutrition for weight gain for men from the video below:

Building muscle mass is quite easy if you combine proper nutrition and regular training. A man's diet should include foods high in protein. You can prepare high-protein foods at home using special recipes or order ready-made meal kits for athletes. When creating a menu, it is necessary to take into account the number of calories consumed, body weight and other parameters. It is better to consult a specialist so as not to harm your health.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

Basic Rules

It is quite difficult for a thin man or teenager to gain weight if you do not follow certain rules.

The main thing is that the amount of kcal consumed should not be less than the amount expended. The diet should contain virtually no fat, as it will lead to fat deposits. The basis of nutrition should be proteins and carbohydrates.

Besides proper diet, it is necessary to develop a special training program. Only with an integrated approach will it be possible to achieve the desired result.

There are six basic rules for increasing muscle mass:

  1. 1. Meals should be fractional. It is recommended to eat food in small portions 5-6 times in 24 hours.
  2. 2. The diet should contain a large number of high-calorie foods.
  3. 3. Quickly digestible fats and carbohydrates, which lead to excess body weight gain, obesity, and increased cholesterol levels, should be completely excluded from the menu.
  4. 4. In addition to your diet, it is important to follow your drinking regimen. During the day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water. Carbonated drinks, which lead to fluid retention, increased gas formation, and removal of essential minerals from the body, should be excluded from the diet.
  5. 5. Most calories should be consumed in the first half of the day.
  6. 6. For increased physical activity, it is important to use special sports nutritional supplements, which consist of pure protein.

For muscle growth you need to make up sample menu with calculation of the daily norm of BZHU. The BJU ratio is calculated based on the man’s initial weight. If the weight is 80 kg, then 150 g of animal protein per day is required, which can be obtained from meat, poultry, fish, seafood, milk, eggs.

Fat calculation depends on age. For representatives of the stronger half of humanity, up to 28 years old, 160 g of fat is required, after 30 years, 100 g. Older men are allowed to consume 70 g of fat per day. Complex carbohydrates make up 500 g of the daily requirement for an adult.

Product table

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass consists of certain foods rich in all the necessary microelements for health. Sports diet may consist of the following products:

During a special diet you should not consume:

  • sausage, frankfurters, fatty meat, lard;
  • products with preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers;
  • spread, mayonnaise, margarine;
  • cakes, sweets, sweet pastries;
  • marinades, saltiness, smoked foods.

All these products are harmful to the health of an ectomorph, as they can lead to obesity.

How to quickly gain weight for a man - nutrition principles and training program

Power scheme

The daily diet should be prepared according to a certain pattern. Schematically the menu should look like this:

  1. 1. Breakfast: water + simple carbohydrates.
  2. 2. Snack: complex carbohydrates + protein.
  3. 3. Pre-workout: amino acids + whey protein.
  4. 4. During training: water with added glucose.
  5. 5. After physical activity: carbohydrates + amino acids.
  6. 6. An hour after physical activity: proteins + fats + carbohydrates.
  7. 7. Snack: protein.
  8. 8. At night: protein.

While dieting, it is important to keep a weight gain chart that includes a normal curve and an actual weight gain curve. The following graph is drawn up based on the initial weight and height of a man.

Weight gain chart

By following this plan, you can quickly gain kilograms even if you weigh 60-70 kg.

Sample menu

A protein diet can be quite budget-friendly if you plan your diet in advance.

A sample menu can be made for a month or a week. If you follow the diet given in the example, you need to drink up to 3 liters of water per day.

Menu for a week for 3000 calories


  1. 1. Dairy-free porridge 250 g, unsweetened fruits or nuts 100 g.
  2. 2. Chicken or turkey fillet 150 g, vegetables and leafy greens 200 g.
  3. 3. Cottage cheese 100 g + 1 banana.
  4. 4. Sea fish 150 g, rice cereal 100 g, vegetables 100 g.
  5. 5. Tuna salad: 100 g tuna, sweet pepper, tomato, cucumber, leafy greens.
  6. 6. 200 g of fruit mixture without dressing.


  1. 1. 200 g buckwheat with milk, 1 orange.
  2. 2. Boiled veal 150 g, pasta 100 g, vegetables 100 g.
  3. 3. 200 g of kefir 2% fat.
  4. 4. 150 g of curd grains with kiwi.
  5. 5. 150 g mackerel, 150 g vegetables.
  6. 6. Yogurt with nuts and strawberries 200 g.


  1. 1. 200 g of oatmeal with banana and nuts.
  2. 2. 150 g young beef, 100 g baked potatoes, 100 g vegetables.
  3. 3. 200 g omelette, 1 apple.
  4. 4. 250 ml milk smoothie with fruit.
  5. 5. 150 g turkey fillet, 150 g leafy greens, 100 g rice.
  6. 6. 200 g of cottage cheese with jam.


  1. 1. 200 g of milk rice porridge with honey.
  2. 2. 250 g of lean soup, 100 g of boiled meat.
  3. 3. 200 g of kefir.
  4. 4. 200 g fruit mixture.
  5. 5. 150 g turkey and 100 g potatoes.
  6. 6. 200 g vegetable salad.


  1. 1. 200 g omelette with vegetables and chicken fillet.
  2. 2. 200 g veal and 1 apple.
  3. 3. 200 g of cottage cheese with apple.
  4. 4. 250 ml of fruit and berry smoothie.
  5. 5. 250 g vegetable stew.
  6. 6. 250 g yogurt with strawberries and nuts.


  1. 1. 200 g oatmeal with banana.
  2. 2. 100 g of potatoes with 200 g of vegetable salad.
  3. 3. 200 g of kefir.
  4. 4. 250 g of cottage cheese with kiwi.
  5. 5. 200 g of buckwheat and 150 g of white fish.
  6. 6. 200 g of fruit salad.


  1. 1. 200 g omelette with cheese and chicken fillet.
  2. 2. 200 g vegetable soup, 150 g steam cutlets.
  3. 3. 200 g of cottage cheese with banana.
  4. 4. 250 ml milkshake with nuts and fruits.
  5. 5. 200 g vegetable salad, 100 g rice cereal, 100 g mackerel.
  6. 6. 250 g of lettuce.

All dishes are quite simple. They are easy and quick to prepare. You should get about 6 meals per day.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to remove excess weight fully? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

Foods that contain all the essential nutrients will help you build muscle mass. For muscle growth, it is necessary to rely not only on protein foods, but also on healthy ones, since it is carbohydrate-containing foods that charge you with the energy that is so necessary after intense training.

The complex is important in everything, you will not achieve the desired effect if you do one thing, for example, play sports, but do not adhere to the diet, therefore, in order for muscles to really grow, you need a specially designed training regimen plus appropriate nutrition.

Sample menu for gaining muscle mass:

Day 1.

Breakfast: omelet of 4 eggs with herbs and legumes, 2 glasses of milk plus banana (beat in a mixer).
Snack 1:, a pack of low-fat cottage cheese (200 grams);
Dinner: durum wheat pasta (200 grams per finished form), (200 grams ready-made), vegetable salad, 2 slices of bran bread, a cup of cocoa.
Snack 2: smoothie made from kefir, avocado, banana, nuts and dried fruits.
Dinner: 200 grams of fatty fish, boiled rice (200 grams), 2 slices of bread with bran, a cup of black tea with lemon and honey.
Additionally: you can eat 200 grams of any fruit or berries.

Day 2.

Breakfast: oatmeal with milk with fruit and honey (200-250 grams ready-made), 2 glasses of low-fat milk, 2 bananas.
Snack 1: cottage cheese with dried fruits (200 grams) plus a protein shake.
Dinner: soup with meat, 2 slices of whole grain bread, a cup of tea with lemon and honey.
Snack 2: 2-3 sandwiches with chicken breast and vegetables.
Dinner: boiled buckwheat with mushrooms, onions, herbs and chicken breast (250 grams boiled) plus a glass of kefir or a cup of cocoa with milk (no sugar).
Additionally: you can eat a can of beans.

Day 3.

Breakfast: oatmeal with raisins and honey (200 grams ready-made), a glass of low-fat milk, 2 boiled eggs, 2 slices of whole grain bread.
Snack 1: protein cocktail plus 2 bananas.
Dinner: 200-250 grams of baked fish with rice, vegetable salad (200 grams), milkshake.
Snack 2: a pack of cottage cheese plus a glass of kefir.
Dinner: 250-300 grams of boiled meat, a glass of broth plus buckwheat (200 grams boiled), black tea or cocoa with milk without sugar.
Additionally: you can eat 50 grams of nuts.

Day 4.

Breakfast: tuna salad with herbs plus 3 egg whites, a glass of milk, a banana, 2 cheese sandwiches.
Snack 1: protein shake, 2 apples, 1 banana.
Dinner: boiled buckwheat with chicken breast, peas and mushrooms (200-300 grams ready-made), 2 slices of whole grain bread, a glass of milk or compote.
Snack 2: a pack of cottage cheese (200 grams) plus low-fat sour cream (100 grams) plus a glass of kefir.
Dinner: thick chicken soup, 2 sandwiches with cheese and cucumbers, a cup of cocoa.
Additionally: You can eat a couple of pieces of fatty fish.

Day 5.

Breakfast: oatmeal with fruit (200 grams), 2 boiled eggs, a glass of milk.
Snack 1: salad with vegetables and (200 grams).
Dinner: pasta with meat and herbs (200-250 grams), 2 slices of bread with bran, a cup of tea or compote plus 2 bananas.
Snack 2: 2 egg whites plus a pack of cottage cheese.
Dinner: boiled rice (200 grams), a can of tuna with herbs, 2 slices of whole grain bread, a protein shake.
Additionally: you can eat 2-3 any fruits (preferably citrus fruits).

Proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass is especially important for men. Unfortunately, many people make serious mistakes in the process. Creation large muscles– this is hard work and it requires proper sports nutrition. Avoiding common mistakes will allow you to develop the right nutrition plan and achieve good results.

Nutrition principles for gaining muscle mass

Diet and hunger are the main mistakes when gaining muscle. In fact, the body will seek out sources of energy if calories are limited. In this case, muscle tissue is considered by the body as fuel and will provide energy from muscle protein. When nutrition is insufficient, it is impossible to build muscle mass. In addition, hunger will increase fat reserves.

Protein is a macronutrient necessary for growth and. Without consuming enough protein, you may not get the muscles of your dreams.

Carbohydrates are important macronutrients and main sources of energy. Carbohydrates provide the necessary energy for, as well as to replenish muscle glycogen (energy storage). Lack of carbohydrates in the diet will reduce athletic performance.

Healthy fats Help boost metabolism and regulate hormone function. Eliminating fats from the diet will not lead to weight gain and loss. subcutaneous fat.

The athlete's body needs healthy eating to function effectively. Physical exercise will require even more calories.

To obtain beautiful muscles, in order to gain muscle mass, you need to add proteins, slow carbohydrates, good fats and throughout the day.

Rule #1

Eat protein to maintain muscle mass. Protein is made up of amino acids, which help repair muscles. A decrease in protein will mean decay muscle tissue. Recommended to consume protein from 10 to 35% of daily calories.

Rule #2

Eat carbohydrates to maintain your blood sugar levels throughout the day. Consuming quality carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits and grains are essential for muscle growth and fat reduction. Healthy carbohydrates provide fuel for tough workouts. Their function is also to restore muscle glycogen after tiring workouts.

Rule #3

Eat healthy fats to help hormonal function, especially the production of testosterone, which is essential for muscle building. You get essential fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K by eating healthy fats. Fat also has the function of protecting vital organs. An athlete's body simply does not function efficiently without sufficient fat. Like carbohydrates, fat consumption is essential for energy during intense workouts. Eating healthy fat in the right proportion does not lead to accumulation extra pounds, and is an important macronutrient that is necessary for muscle dryness.

How to build a diet for muscle growth for men

Use large quantity nutrients from proteins, carbohydrates and fats is effective for optimal muscle growth. Foods that are sources of high quality protein that are beneficial for muscle recovery are:

  • Lean meat;
  • Fish and poultry;
  • Eggs and dairy products.

The following list contains foods rich in leucine, which is essential for the growth of new fibers.

  • Beef;
  • Soya beans;
  • Tofu cheese;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Chicken and pork;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Beans;
  • Nuts and seeds.

Menu for gaining muscle mass for a week

Day 1 (training)

  1. Breakfast - Cereals, nuts, raisins, honey.
  2. Lunch – Chicken breast, rice, vegetables.
  3. Snack – Fruit with yogurt.
  4. Before training- cottage cheese, banana.
  5. After training– steamed fish, stewed vegetables.

Day 2 (rest)

  1. Breakfast - omelet, cottage cheese with fruit.
  2. Lunch – Brown rice, steamed chicken cutlets.
  3. Snack – tofu cheese, bread, yogurt.
  4. Dinner – Vegetable salad, beef steak.

Day 3 (training)

  1. Breakfast – Cottage cheese casserole with fruit, milk.
  2. Lunch – Buckwheat, chicken liver.
  3. Snack – fruit salad with low-fat sour cream.
  4. Before training– banana, kefir with bran.
  5. After training– turkey fillet, lentils.

Day 4 (rest)

  1. Breakfast - bread, hard cheese, scrambled eggs.
  2. Lunch – pork chop, boiled potatoes.
  3. Snack – milk with berries and honey.
  4. Dinner – noodles with seafood.

Day 5 (training)

  1. Breakfast – chicken pie with vegetables.
  2. Lunch – rice with vegetables.
  3. Snack – yogurt, cheese and bread.
  4. Before training– cottage cheese with raisins and banana.
  5. After training– fish cutlets, vegetables, beans.

Day 6 (rest)

  1. Breakfast - yogurt, fruit, nuts with honey.
  2. Lunch – tuna, coleslaw, beans.
  3. Snack – omelet with cottage cheese.
  4. Dinner – pork with mushrooms and hard cheese.

Day 7 (rest)

  1. Breakfast – muesli with milk and honey.
  2. Lunch – baked chicken with dried fruits, apples, sweet potatoes.
  3. Snack – freshly squeezed fruit juice.
  4. Dinner – salad with squid, egg, herbs.


Food is important not only because of its energy value, that is, calorie content, but also because of its content of macro and microelements responsible for the formation of new cells. By consuming calories from baked goods, fatty foods, and confectionery, you will not gain muscle mass due to a lack of amino acids and slow carbohydrates. A high content of simple carbohydrates, which ultimately break down into sucrose, will lead to the accumulation of excess fat in the body. And this is not the best option weight gain.

For a high-quality gain of maximum lean muscle mass, you need a balance of BJU in the diet.

Consume animal proteins in sufficient quantities the right fats and slow carbohydrates. When and at what time you eat is also important, especially on training days. Eat food 1.5-2 hours before training, and replenish lost nutrients immediately after training, don't starve after exercise– This is another huge muscle gain mistake.

About nutrition on weight in video format

) for muscle growth.

As an example to create a nutrition program, we use the calculation for a man weighing 75 kg and having a fast metabolism.

3150 Kcal - 500 calories more than daily value

Food products included in the nutrition program for gaining muscle mass, indicating weight, calorie content and nutritional value

For calculations, you can use the Table of protein, fat, carbohydrate and calorie content in food products. You can also find many online calorie calculators online.

Cottage cheese 9% 100g
Yogurt 100g
Lunch and dinner (2 servings)
Chicken 300g
Vegetables (broccoli, carrots, onions) not limited
Vegetable oil 3 tbsp.
Boiled buckwheat – side dish #1 100g dry
Boiled potatoes – side dish #2 400g raw
Snack #1 (pre-workout)
Oatmeal (Hercules) - no sugar! 50g
Apple 1 PC
Jam 2 tbsp.
Snack #2 (post-workout)
Egg whites 5 pieces
Egg yolks 2 pcs
Bread 2 slices
Apple 1 PC
Almond 50g

Any products can be replaced with an analogue according to BZHU. You can also make very tasty ones from oatmeal and cottage cheese. This will take a little time, but the result is much easier to eat than cottage cheese and oatmeal separately.

Yogurt is added to cottage cheese, jam to oatmeal.

The second (stewed chicken + vegetables + vegetable oil) is divided into 2 parts and served once with buckwheat, the second - with boiled potatoes. Chicken can be alternated with beef/fish - the main thing is to monitor the protein and fat content.

You can take any vegetables (except potatoes) - they do not differ much in nutrient content.

Sweeteners can be used.

The menu is designed for weight gain by a 75kg man. You may need more/less calories.


Choose the diet that is convenient for you. The main thing is to eat the right amount of calories per day. There is no desire to have a big breakfast, and in the evening you have a ravenous appetite - don’t torture yourself and eat when you want.
