Powerlifting is a sport of strong body and spirit! V.P. Anpilogov Powerlifting (powerlifting) What is 22 for powerlifters

Like a sport powerlifting appeared in the USA in the 1950s. At that time, competitions were gaining popularity in which an athlete's strength in lifting weights in various ways was demonstrated, namely: the snatch, the clean and jerk and the shoulder press (the press was subsequently removed from the Olympic program).

Most people don't see the difference between sports like bodybuilding and powerlifting. However, with the start of powerlifting, they begin to understand that these are completely different things, like black and white.

Powerlifting is a combination of weightlifting and bodybuilding. An athlete in this sport shows his strength through exercises such as: squats, bench press, deadlift.

The basis of powerlifting is strength and technique. These two criteria are always assessed in competitions.

Powerlifting itself is very interesting and exciting. This is a sport where you have a goal. And you have nothing to lose, whether you win or lose, by achieving it. For example, we planned for competitions deadlift 250kg, but were not among the winners with your weight. There is no reason to be upset because the goal has been achieved.

However, in this sport there are many reasons why you might have to miss a workout. They begin with a lack of strength and end with psychological unpreparedness. During training you must be 110% ready.

Proper training- this is everything for an athlete, because you cannot develop strength with “just some” training, so inexperienced athletes are looking for programs. By reading our article you can stop your search and take advantage of quite effective program. I bring to your attention a course on gaining muscle mass and developing strength:

Why is it worth purchasing this course?

    A training program designed for 2 months costs only 90 rubles! For comparison, any coach in gym charges a lot more for just one week

    You can improve in various areas


Like any sport, powerlifting has its own sports equipment that helps the athlete protect himself from injuries, fractures, and tears.

  1. bench press shirt;
  2. squat suit
  3. weightlifters
  4. belt to protect the back from injury
  5. hand bandages
  6. squat bandages

Powerlifting competition

These are events where athletes compete and demonstrate strength. Representatives of the AWPC or IPF federation who recorded your results will be able to confirm your rank if the standard is met.

All athletes are divided into weight categories, each of which has its own standards. Having fulfilled the standard for any category, you will receive it.

Competition is the only way to get a rank in sports.

Powerlifting Federation IPF

IPF Federation (International Powerlifting Federation - the world governing organization in powerlifting). Founded in 1971. Has the second name of the General Association of International sports federations(GAISF), as well as the International Olympic Committee. IPF President – ​​Gaston Parages (Luxembourg). The IPF is the oldest and largest powerlifting federation on the planet.

The IPF organizes competitions:

  1. World Powerlifting Championships
  2. World Bench Press Championships
  3. World Open Powerlifting Championships
  4. Classic World Powerlifting Championships


IPF standards:

AWPC Standards:

Powerlifting disciplines:

As stated above, powerlifting is a triathlon, that is, a competition between athletes in three disciplines:


Deadlift– the most important of the 5 basic exercises, in which all the muscles of the body are worked out: thighs, buttocks, lower back, abdominal muscles, shoulder muscles, arms.

The deadlift is difficult due to its complex execution technique. There is no replacement for this exercise with a machine or anything else. If you want to build a muscular body, then you must learn this exercise and perform it correctly.

The following video will help you understand the correct deadlift technique:

Bench press

Bench press- one of the basic exercises. The athlete, lying on a bench, lowers the barbell until it touches the chest and returns it back until the arms are fully straightened at the elbow joints.

It is one of the main disciplines in powerlifting (along with the squat and deadlift), and the technique is significantly different from that in powerlifting: for the purpose of pressing heaviest weight triceps, anterior deltoid muscles and latissimus muscles backs; The work of the pectoral muscles is reduced.

This video will tell you about the correct bench press technique:


Squats– a basic exercise in powerlifting. Used to improve the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. An athlete performing squats squats with a barbell on his shoulders and then stands up initial position. Squats are the most important exercise V physical training person. Used as an auxiliary exercise in almost all sports.

Powerlifting photo

Back squats and bench press while lying on horizontal bench. Powerlifting involves not just performing these exercises, but lifting the weight that is as heavy as possible for the athlete, taking into account all the technical requirements. The term “powerlifting” is of Western origin and means: power – strength and lift – to lift.

Powerlifting is a powerlifting sport because this type sport is based on 3 specific exercises requiring strength and endurance various muscles and joints. In bodybuilding, this complex is usually used to develop strength and increase mass. However, a sport such as powerlifting insists exclusively on maximum development. strength indicators and here it doesn’t matter how prominent and impressive the competitor looks.

Age and weight categories in powerlifting differ, as in different organizations its rules and charter. In most of them, you can start training and compete at the age of 14. Male age categories:

  • Boys (14-18 years old);
  • Juniors (19-23 years old);
  • Veterans of the 3rd gr. (60-69 years old);
  • Veterans of the 4th gr. (70 years and older).
  • Boys (14-18 years old);
  • Juniors (19-23 years old);
  • Open category (24-39 years old);
  • Veterans of the 1st gr. (40-49 years old);
  • Veterans of the 2nd gr. (50-59 years old);
  • Veterans of the 3rd gr. (60 years and older).

According to the rules of powerlifting, the men's category “Veterans 4th gr.” and women's “Veterans of the 3rd group.” compete without division into weight groups. Weight categories vary depending on age and gender groups. At competitions, the total maximum weight taken among athletes of the same category is compared. If the indicators are the same, then the participant with the lower body weight wins.

Powerlifting training is designed to enable the athlete to overcome the resistance of the maximum weight in competition, so he performs one or two repetitions of the exercise with the barbell loaded to its limit. Pauses between approaches can be up to 10 minutes, as the body needs to rest before the next lifting of weights.

Professional powerlifting involves precise technique in performing exercises. Deadlifts can be performed in 2 variants: classic (legs stand narrow) and sumo (legs spread wide). The first is suitable for heavyweights, and the second for lightweights, although there are exceptions. When lifting the barbell from the platform, your back should be almost straight and your legs bent. They should gradually unbend (the load cannot be transferred to the back). Final position: shoulders back, legs straight, barbell not supported by hips. Improper technique in powerlifting will result in disqualification.

Powerlifting squats should be deep, that is, the upper surface of the thighs in the squat is below the level knee joints. You must stand up on the first try, without lifting your feet from the floor and without disturbing the position of the barbell behind your shoulders. The bench press requires full contact of the head, shoulders, back and buttocks with the bench, and the feet should not leave the floor. The barbell must be lowered evenly to the chest, held there and then raised evenly, fully straightened. elbow joints hands

In powerlifting, the bench press can be performed with two different grips, depending on the organization hosting the competition. Thumbs can be “locked” around the bar – this is a safe grip that prevents injury. The monkey grip is when all the fingers of the hand go around the bar on one side - it is prohibited in some powerlifting organizations, as it is very unsafe.

A Brief History of Powerlifting

This sport began to take shape in the mid-twentieth century in the West, where standard barbell exercises became increasingly popular among weightlifters seeking to improve their strength. By the mid-60s, the first powerlifting competitions with specific rules began to be held. In 1972, the IPF, the International Powerlifting Federation, was founded, and a year later the first world championship was held. Women began to participate in competitions 7 years later - in 1980. WPC - World Powerlifting Congress was founded in 1986, and later other international organizations related to powerlifting began to appear.

In 1963, powerlifting was included in the Paralympic Games as "weightlifting", and in 1992 it was introduced into the program under its own name. Athletes from 115 countries come to the World Powerlifting Championships, including participants from post-Soviet states, although in the USSR this sport was not recognized for a long time, complementing it various exercises and calling it “athletic gymnastics”. It was important that in addition to strength, an athlete in this sport had a beautiful physique.

In the USSR, only in the 70s did powerlifting provisions begin to be developed and the first amateur competitions were held, and in the 80s - official ones. Weightlifting became a recognized sport in the USSR in 1987, and in 1990 it was divided into bodybuilding and powerlifting, the difference between which was recognized. In the same year, the USSR Powerlifting Federation was formed, which became a member of the IPF.

Powerlifting Federations

IPF International Federation Powerlifting is the very first organization associated with this sport. IPF is a member of the Association world games, as well as the General Assembly of international sports organizations. It includes more than 100 countries. WPC - World Powerlifting Congress - was founded a few years after the IPF and is an equally authoritative organization. More than 30 countries are registered in the WPC. The competition rules and regulations in these organizations are somewhat different. Mainly:

  • The IPF has doping controls;
  • Monolift is allowed in WPC;
  • Multi-layered clothing is prohibited in the IPF;
  • The WPC introduced a raw division much earlier;
  • IPF uses special exercise bars.

Today in the world there are more than 2 dozen powerlifting federations, each of which has its own regulations that do not meet the requirements for participants in the Olympic Games. That is why powerlifting is not yet included in his program, but it is part of the World Games.

The benefits and harms of powerlifting

Physical fitness in powerlifting is of great importance, since lifting heavy weights carries the risk of dangerous injuries. Weak developed muscles, unstrengthened ligaments and joints are vulnerable when engaging in strength sports, therefore, in order to avoid serious health problems, it is better not to engage in triathlon without a special preparatory program and good nutrition.

Benefits of powerlifting:

  • Increased endurance;
  • Significant improvement in strength indicators;
  • Strengthening muscles, bones and tendons;
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • Improvement nervous system, normalization of sleep and appetite;
  • Positive effect on the hormonal system;
  • Excellent physical form and figure;
  • Boosting immunity.

The positive impact of powerlifting on human body occurs only if the training program is designed taking into account the individual characteristics of a person, that is, age, gender, health status. A powerlifting coach is obliged to warn a novice athlete about the dangers of power sports, and also to properly prepare him for working with heavy weights.

Why powerlifting is harmful if not trained correctly:

  • Problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Serious injuries to ligaments, muscles, tendons and joints;
  • Intervertebral hernias, disc displacement.

Of course, various versions of powerlifting are harmful in adolescence, since during this period the human skeleton grows rapidly, and excessive loads can provoke improper development of the spinal column and irreversible deviations in this process. A large load on the growing tissues, which are still cartilaginous, will definitely not bring benefit, and possible injuries may not allow a full restoration of health.

Powerlifting for everyone

Powerlifting for a girl is an opportunity not only to lose weight, but also to significantly tighten her muscles and dramatically change her figure in better side, become stronger, more confident. However, most women are confident that doing strength sports will lead to an irreversible increase in muscle mass and make them masculine. It is a myth! The female body is not predisposed to rapid muscle development - it has little testosterone. At the same time, he diligently preserves adipose tissue in order to preserve the fetus in case of insufficient nutrition of the mother during pregnancy.

Powerlifting exercises focus on working muscles to improve their strength, and bulking up is not mandatory. A woman will not develop muscles of steel if she does not absorb tons of protein and use hormonal drugs. Strength training combined with proper nutrition will allow her to:

  • Accelerate metabolism, that is, receive maximum benefit from consumed products, cleanse your body and skin;
  • Tighten your figure. Visible will appear muscle relief, which makes a woman’s business even more sexy and desirable in the eyes of men;
  • Increase strength, which will make it much easier to cope with household chores, for example, moving the sofa without difficulty (while the husband does not see!), etc.;
  • Get the opportunity to please yourself with various goodies from time to time, since women's powerlifting involves spending more calories than consumed, which sometimes allows you to slightly expand your diet.

As you can see, powerlifting for a woman is simple: a properly designed diet and exercise. However, things are a little more complicated for men who want to gain muscle mass. What is the difference between powerlifting and bodybuilding? Because the first one presupposes strong ones, but not necessarily big muscles, and the second is large and relief body, but not always as strong and resilient as possible. However, if you combine these two sports, you get a great result:

  • Building up muscle fibers involves an increase in the number of contractile elements that can be used when lifting heavy weights;
  • The compound exercise powerlifting system puts enormous stress on the muscles, resulting in muscle growth, which is what a bodybuilder craves.

Add to this proper nutrition and nutritional supplements - you will get a lot of energy, growth of muscle tissue and strength indicators. However, you still need to do mass powerlifting correctly, since the wrong program will lead to the fact that your muscles will not increase much and your strength will not increase.

Initially, you need to focus on the basics power training in powerlifting - this will allow you to reach heavy weights. After this, you need to do intermediate classes with auxiliary exercises, where high-quality muscle development will be carried out with a large number of repetitions. All this time, of course, you need to carefully monitor your diet and, if desired, supplement it with protein or other supplements.

Powerlifting for Beginners

Powerlifting for beginners should start with basic training aimed at developing your muscles, preparing them for serious and regular loads. This period should last at least 3 months so that you yourself understand what you have gotten yourself into and what will happen to you next - is it worth continuing this race for the power of Atlas and the glory of Zeus.

Initially, your training should, in addition to the 3 basic exercises, include many others with a large number of repetitions in order to work every muscle of the body, otherwise your “Achilles heel” will subsequently derail your competitive performance. The methodology in powerlifting is based on the technique of performing each exercise - it must be strictly observed when working with any weights, therefore, at the very beginning of classes, training should be based on eliminating errors when performing the “base” and not only. This is what will speed up your positive results and reduce the risk of injury.

Let's talk a little about nutrition. Do not try to adjust your diet to your weight - it should increase. If you want to stay in one weight category, then the world powerlifting championship will not happen to you, since you will very quickly become uninteresting to yourself. Varied nutrition and sports supplements They will not only help you increase your weight, but will also give you the energy and strength that will allow you to overcome the resistance of even greater weights. Never neglect quality products - help your body cope with the load.

Half an hour before training, eat some complex carbohydrates, immediately after it, drink a gainer with amino acids, and an hour later, eat a hearty and balanced meal. Don’t forget to follow a daily routine: sleep at least 8 hours, eat regularly, rest, adhere to a clear training schedule - motivation in powerlifting begins with self-discipline and the first results.

Let's look at 2 training programs for beginners in powerlifting. Let us immediately note that each of them must contain exercises for general physical development (selected at your discretion). The first number after the name of the exercise indicates the number of approaches, and the second number indicates the number of repetitions.

Beginner program No. 1:

  • First training session. Bench press ( wide grip) – 3*15. Seated chest press – 3*15. Standing biceps curl (with a straight bar) – 3*15;
  • Second training session. Squat (barbell on shoulders) – 3*10. Squat (barbell on the chest) – 3*10. Leg bending in the simulator – 3*15;
  • Training three. Bench press ( narrow grip) – 3*15. Dumbbell press (lying on a horizontal bench) – 3*15. Lifting the barbell for biceps (straight bar, reverse grip) – 3*15;
  • Workout four. Deadlift – 3*8. Bent-over barbell row – 3*15. Pulldown of a vertical block to the chest – 3*15.

You need to start this cycle on Monday and perform it every other day. The third workout takes place on Friday, followed by 2 days of rest, and the fourth is performed on Monday. The second cycle begins on Wednesday. As for the weights used, they are selected by the trainer - what is important is not the weight that you can lift, but the number of repetitions that you can perform, following the rules of technique.

Powerlifting Program for Beginners #2:

  • First training session. 1. Squat with minimal weights – 1*5. Increase the weight of the bar and perform 2*4. If everything is fine with your technique, then add more weight and perform 5*3. 2. Bench press with light weight (medium grip) – 1*6. Increase the weight and perform 2*5. Add more weight and do 2*4. 3. Take light dumbbells and perform their raises while lying on a horizontal bench. Work through this exercise pectoral muscles 5*10. 4. Push-ups on parallel bars – 5*8. 5. Bent-overs with a barbell – 5*5. 6. Leg press – 5*5;
  • Second training session. 1. Deadlift with minimum weight – 1*5. Increase the weight and perform 1*4. With even more weight, do 2*3. Do working approaches 4*3. 2. Triceps curl – 3*10. 3. Squats in the simulator – 5*5;
  • Training three. 1. Squat with initial weight – 1*6. Increase the weight and perform 2*5. Perform 5*5 exercise with working weight. At the first workout there were also squats, but there should be more weight there than now - here the emphasis is on the number of repetitions. 2. Bench press – 1*5. Increase the weight and perform 2*5. Add more weight and make it 5*4. 3. Dumbbell fly – 5*10. 4. Press crunches – 3*10. 5. Bends through the goat – 4*10.

The minimum weight does not mean 1 kg, but the weight with which it is quite easy for you to perform this or that exercise - for some it is 30 kg, and for others 50. You need to increase this weight first by 10 kg, in the latter approaches - by 5. After a month of training, it is worth performing a “walkthrough” - determining your Weight Limit in every exercise performed. Powerlifting workouts for beginners must be performed with a harness!

Inventory and equipment for powerlifting

World powerlifting, due to the large number of federations, is quite diverse in terms of the use of equipment. It can be reinforcing and supporting. The latter is an integral part of all official competitions. These include:

  • Soft T-shirt;
  • Wide belt for powerlifting;
  • Elastic tights;
  • Powerlifting bandages for knee and elbow joints;
  • Long socks, gaiters or shin guards.

Reinforcing equipment allows an athlete to increase the weights they can lift and also minimize the risk of injury. In addition, she “controls” the technique of performing the exercises, although not always for the better (applies to those cases when the equipment is of poor quality or incorrectly selected). Each federation has its own rules regarding the use of eventing clothing and accessories. They significantly influence powerlifting standards.

The use of reinforcing equipment is associated with significant financial expenses, as well as pain (bruises, cuts, abrasions), since special clothing for powerlifting pinches the skin and compresses the body. Let's look at the elements of such equipment:

  • For squats you need a suit, a belt, bandages on your knees and wrists, and shoes. The suit must be very tight (it may leave bruises on the body). Choose a powerlifting belt that is wide, leather, and has one tongue. The bandages must be durable. Wrap them around your tense and straightened leg from below. Wrapping your wrists will help them cope with the enormous stress created by the weight of the barbell. Powerlifting shoes should be stable - either flats or leather basketball shoes;
  • For the bench press, a T-shirt, belt, and wrist bands are used. The tank top should also be tight and uncomfortable, like a squat suit;
  • To perform deadlifts, wear a suit, belt, and shoes. Keep in mind that a suit that is too tight may prevent you from moving your shoulders back at the finish of the exercise. A belt is a must here - it is most useful when performing deadlifts. Shoes must be stable and have smooth, non-slip soles.

In a powerlifting equipment store, look for quality products, such as Inzer or Titan, Marathon. Please also note that getting used to strengthening equipment is not easy, so start training in it in the pre-competition period.

Now let's look at powerlifting equipment:

  • Barbells, weights, dumbbells. It is advisable that they be collapsible - this will make training easier and save space in the apartment if you are working out at home. The bar for powerlifting should be very durable, and the plates should not be rubberized;
  • Crossbar. It must support your weight and the weights you use;
  • Horizontal and inclined bench for powerlifting;
  • Expanders. They are useful for various moving exercises.

In addition to the coach, specially selected music for powerlifting can stimulate the classes, but the most important thing is motivation and high-quality equipment.

Powerlifting training system

A specific powerlifting training program should be created exclusively by a professional, so we will not write in the article anything that could harm you. Let's look at strength training in general terms:

  • Divide your workouts into squatting, pressing and deadlifting - this will allow you to achieve greater results and not force your body, giving it time to recover and without overloading the same muscle groups;
  • Training should also vary in intensity, that is, be light, medium and heavy;
  • A powerlifting training plan cannot take into account all the factors affecting the athlete every day, that is, how much he slept today, how he ate and what stress he experienced at work, so the number of repetitions and the weights used may differ each time - it depends solely on the current state of the practitioner .

Let’s look at 3 workouts separately, taking into account their focus:

  • Squat. The first and main exercise is squats with a barbell, after which auxiliary exercises are performed, for example, hip flexion in a machine, leg press, lunges with a barbell, calf raises with a barbell on the knees;
  • Bench press. Perform a bench press, followed by auxiliary exercises. These can be dumbbell presses while lying on a bench, push-ups, parallel bars, pull-ups, extensions and curls with dumbbells;
  • Traction. Do deadlifts, then load trapezius muscles, hip flexors and extensors - barbell rows to the chin, shrugs with a barbell or dumbbells, lying or standing leg curls, straight leg rows, hyperextension.

Don't forget to warm up before each workout and stretch after it. You need to rest between workouts for 1-3 days, depending on the effort expended. The total number of repetitions of each auxiliary exercise should fit into 1-3 sets of 12-20 repetitions.

Deadlift training in powerlifting should start with 6-8 reps (light weights), perform 4-6 reps with average load, and complete with 2-4 repetitions with maximum weight. Do the bench press with a “light” barbell 12-15 times, then, increasing the load, repeat 8-12 times and finish with 2-6 repetitions. Start squatting 8-12 times, with an average load do the same exercise 6-8 times, and with a maximum load - 2-6 times. Remember that powerlifting training should be productive and do not forget about the technique of each exercise.

Nutrition and Powerlifting

It’s easy to say: “Eat right”, it’s much more difficult to do this, but it’s even more difficult to create your own diet, since it must take into account not only the axioms of a healthy diet, but also the age, gender of a person, the nuances of his metabolism, health problems, so it’s best do this with the help of a professional nutritionist. Powerlifting athletes must adhere to the following nutritional rules:

  • Plan your diet in advance, you can make preparations. The house should always have a supply of nuts and fruits for snacks, as well as meat and cereals for quickly preparing a full meal;
  • Eat meals every 2-3 hours. This will speed up your metabolism, absorb more nutrients from food and burn excess fat;
  • Eat complete proteins every day. This applies to lean types of meat, since they contain the highest quality and nutritious protein, which will not only bring maximum benefit, but will actually satiate the body;
  • Eat natural food, avoid processed foods, sausages and any processed foods;
  • Include vegetables in every meal. They can be fresh, steamed or grilled. Vegetables are a source of antioxidants, fiber and a storehouse of vitamins;
  • Consume large portions of carbohydrates only after training. We are talking about cereals, pasta and other foods with a high glycemic index. Fruits and complex carbohydrates can be eaten at any time;
  • Eat healthy fats daily. These are fish, vegetable oils, nuts;
  • Drink plenty of water and less sweetened drinks, avoid alcohol;
  • Make your diet varied. Look for new recipes, otherwise proper nutrition will get boring very quickly, which leads to breakdowns.

Different types of powerlifting require a different approach, but in any case you need to practice wisely, take into account the advice of your coach and people involved in triathlon professionally. Strength sports require not only muscular endurance, but also psychological, so prepare yourself carefully before going into “heavy” sports.

IPF World Champion Dan Bowring deadlifts

In powerlifting, unlike bodybuilding, strength indicators are important, not the beauty of the body.

During the performance, the performance of athletes of the same weight category is compared. The assessment is based on the total maximum weight taken in all three exercises. If the results are equal, victory is awarded to the athlete with the least weight. When comparing athletes of different weight categories, the Wilks formula, the Schwartz/Malone formula (most often used in the IPA, RPS, XPC federations) or the Glossbrenner formula (WPC-WPO) can be used.


The number of international powerlifting organizations is constantly growing, but despite the decentralization that is inherent in world powerlifting, the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) remains the most famous and popular. The IPF is the only international powerlifting organization that is a member of the World Games Association and the General Assembly of International Sports Federations. In 2004, after a lengthy process, the IPF received IOC recognition and signed the WADA code; Since 1963, powerlifting has been included in the Paralympic Games program as “weightlifting”, and since 1992 - as powerlifting. The number of participating countries is 115; women also took part in the 2000 Paralympic Games for the first time.

In Russia, powerlifting became an official sport in 1987, when the USSR Athletics Federation was formed, on the presidium of which the Powerlifting Commission was created. In 1990, the independent USSR Powerlifting Federation was formed, which is a member of the IPF.

Today, the Russian Powerlifting Federation is the only one accredited by the State Sports Committee of all existing organizations of this kind in the Russian Federation.

Recently, competitions have increasingly been held in one single movement: the bench press. Almost all federations have developed additional standards for this. Also, for example, in Ukraine at one time there were separate deadlift competitions. In addition, powerlifting is often included in the program of sports festivals, where in some cases it has become a key sport (for example, the Golden Tiger, which is the only qualifying tournament outside the United States for the equipment powerlifting competition at the Arnold Super Tournament Classic ").

Powerlifting equipment

Currently, the following equipment is used in powerlifting: knee and wrist wraps, bench press shirt, squat and deadlift shirts, squat suit, deadlift suit and some others. Equipment in powerlifting appeared with the aim of protecting against injuries, and due to the rigidity of the fabric it gave an increase of 5-15 kg in each movement. However, for last years manufacturers of powerlifting equipment have improved their products so much that the average increase in each exercise has reached 50 kg, and the maximum reaches 150, in some cases even more. This fact, as well as the total use of doping at the amateur level in the absence of effective control, has caused a rapid increase in powerlifting standards over the past 10 years.

Powerlifting and the Olympic Movement

The large number of federations and regulations makes it virtually impossible for powerlifting to be included in the Olympic Games. However, powerlifting is part of the World Games, held under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee. The International Powerlifting Federation (IPF), holding international competitions, strives to standardize them and include powerlifting in Olympic Games.


The number of international powerlifting organizations is constantly growing. But, despite the decentralization that is inherent in world powerlifting, the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) remains the most famous and popular. The IPF is considered the only international organization in powerlifting that is a member of the World Games Association and the General Assembly of International Sports Federations. All other organizations that are called “international” are not recognized as leading world organizations sports organizations, therefore their status remains uncertain from the point of view of world sports practice.

In 2004, after a lengthy process, the IPF received recognition from the IOC. In accordance with the anti-doping policy pursued by the IOC, the IPF has signed the WADA Code. These steps, according to experts, are ongoing measures towards the recognition of powerlifting as an Olympic sport. As of October 1, 2007, 108 countries around the world became members of the IPF.

International federations

  • International Powerlifting Association (IPA)
  • Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate (RPS)
  • Xtreme Powerlifting Coalition (XPC)
  • International Powerlifting Federation (IPF)
  • Global Powerlifting Committee (GPC)
  • World Powerlifting Federation (WPF)
  • World Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation (WDFPF)
  • World Powerlifting Alliance (WPA)
  • World Powerlifting Congress (WPC)
  • World Association of Bench Pressers and Deadlifters (WABDL)
  • European Drug-Free Power Athletics Unio

Russian Federations

  • FPR - Russian Powerlifting Federation
  • IPA, RPS, XPC - National Powerlifting Association
  • WPA - Russia
  • Bogatyr Brotherhood

Ukrainian federations

  • IPA All-Ukrainian Powerlifting Organization, GP
  • IPF National Powerlifting Federation of Ukraine, FPU
  • IPF Powerlifting Federation of Donetsk region, FPDO
  • IPF Powerlifting Federation of Chernivtsi region, FPCHO
  • IPF Dnipropetrovsk Regional Powerlifting Federation, DOPP
  • IPF Powerlifting Federation Kharkov region, FPHO
  • IPF Poltava Regional Powerlifting Federation, FPPO
  • IPF Khmelnitsky Regional Powerlifting Federation, KOPP
  • UDFPF Ukrainian Doping-Free Airlifting Federation, UBFP
  • AWPC-WPC - Ukraine
  • RAW 100% -Ukraine

Kazakhstan federations

  • Kazakhstan Powerlifting Federation (KPF)
  • Almaty Powerlifting Center Centurion Federation WPC/AWPC
  • Kokshetau Powerlifting Center Burabay Federation IPF

Powerlifting in cinema

  • American actor Brian Thompson played the role of a powerlifter in the film “The Magic Mile” in 1988.
  • The first feature film about a girl powerlifter: “Everything She Can” *

In a small town in southern Texas, there aren't many career options for young people, like working on an oil rig, working at a fast food joint, or joining the military. Powerlifter Luz Garcia, a high school student, chooses a different future for herself, she wants to study at the university, but the problem is that she does not have the money for this, in order to get a scholarship she needs to win the state powerlifting championship, she has no choice, she needs to break the rules to ensure victory. The recklessness and disappointment in Luz's life spur her on more than hot boiling water, but they also give her courage and new opportunities!



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Weighing is carried out no earlier than 2 hours before the start of the competition in this category in the direct presence of 3 appointed judges and lasts 1.5 hours. Athletes use the remaining time to prepare for the competition. Each participant is weighed in a separate room in the presence of his coach and three judges. An athlete's true weight is not released to the public until all candidates competing in the selected category have been weighed in.

An hour before the start, lots will be drawn to determine the weigh-in order. It also determines the sequence of lifts during competitions, when participants order the same weight for their attempts.

If the weight does not correspond to the category, the athlete can repeat the weigh-in within 1.5 hours, but after all participants in the competition have passed it

10 minutes before weigh-in, an athlete can change his usual category by contacting the chief judge of the competition.

The panel of judges includes:
  • judge-informant;
  • timekeeper;
  • stewards;
  • protocol takers;
  • assistants on the platform.

At competitions Necessarily there is a doctor present.

Judge-informant organizes attempts, announces the set weight required for the next attempt and the participant’s full name (calls him to the platform, announces the set weight).

Timekeeper monitors the recording of the time interval between the announcement of the barbell readiness signal and the beginning of the participant’s attempt, as well as ensuring that the athlete leaves the platform within 30 seconds after the attempt.

The competitor is given 1 minute after being called to the platform to begin the attempt. If the athlete starts moving at the set time, the clock stops. If a 2nd or 3rd attempt is made using the normal system and there is a movement queue at the same time, receives 3 minutes with a mandatory warning signal after the first two minutes. In squats and bench presses, the beginning of the attempt coincides with the judge’s starting signal, and in deadlifts, with the beginning of lifting the barbell.

Administrative Judge immediately after completing the exercise, he should approach the participant and ask how much weight he will lift in the next attempt. The competitor is given 1 minute between the completion of the previous attempt and informing the informant judge, through the distributor, of the weight declared for the next one. If the participant does not report the new weight within a minute, the weight on the apparatus will be adjusted at the request of the next participant in the classic sequence.

Record judges record the progress of the competition, sign the official weight tables, certificates of records and any other papers and documents that require proper signature.

Assistants on the platform provide assistance to athletes preparing for attempts.

Possible errors when loading:
  • if the weight on the apparatus is less than the initial one, the attempt is counted; if the attempt is unsuccessful, the participant is given an additional approach at the end of the round with the initially desired (requested) weight;
  • if more than heavy weight than originally requested, and the attempt is successful - it is counted. If unsuccessful, the participant will be given an additional set with the weight initially requested by the athlete.

Three unsuccessful attempts in any of the movements the participant is automatically removed (excluded) from the competition.

During the competition, on the main platform or stage there are three judges, one of which is main or central and two are lateral. The Chief Judge is responsible for giving the proper signals in all 3 movements.

The signals for the three movements are:

Immediately upon returning the bar to the platform or racks at the end of the movement, all judges announce their decision to the public using light signals:

  • I) white - “good rise”,
  • II) red - “failure”.

Noticing error or inaccuracy sufficient for immediate disqualification in this type of movement, the touch judge must raise his hand. If the main referee and the side judges agree with this decision, the first stops the movement at any safe (in his opinion) point and gives the participant a signal: a downward movement of the hand and a clear voice command: “On the racks!”, and also, as an alternative, “Put !".

If the person who noticed the error is the chief judge, he must, without raising his hand, look (check) whether at least one judge agrees with the decision. If one or both agree, the head judge stops the movement.

Before the start of the movement, if any member of the judging panel does not count the position of the barbell or the starting position of the athlete, they may call the competitor's attention to the error. If the majority of the judges believe that a violation has been committed, the main judge does not give a signal to begin the movement. The head judge is not obliged to explain to the athlete his mistake if he has some unused time that he can use to correct the grip position of the barbell or body position in order to receive a permissive signal.

Judges are required to refrain from any comments, not to receive any documents and not to give verbal reports regarding the progress of the competition.

The chief judge has the right to consult with the side judges, the jury or any other official to force the course of the competition.

After the competition, the three judges sign official results tables(points), certificates of records and any other documents.

A judge elected as chief in one category may act as a side judge in another.

Powerlifting categories and basic powerlifting standards

In men's powerlifting, sports categories are assigned when the following standards are met at competitions:

Table: Discharge standards in powerlifting

Powerlifting standards, category requirements


Powerlifting titles and categories, barbell weight (kg)









They are gaining popularity not only among professionals, but also among amateurs. This includes powerlifting.

What is this?

To understand the meaning of powerlifting, it is enough to know that this word comes from the merger of two English words: “power” (strength, power) and “lifting” (lifting).

A little history

Back in the early 20th century, powerlifting originated from exercises that weightlifters added to their routines. In the mid-20th century, competitions were already held in Western countries. From the beginning of the 60s, their rules were determined, after which powerlifting began to acquire modern features. 1964 can be considered the year of birth of this force type.

It was then that the first US powerlifting championship took place, albeit unofficial. A year later, the athletes participated in the first national championship. 1972 was the year the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) was founded, and a year later the first world championship took place. In 1980, women competed for the first time at the World Championships, which took place in the USA; in 1989, the championships among and were merged.

The World Powerlifting Congress (WPC) was formed in 1986 and later a large number of similar organizations. Since then, powerlifting has become widespread in many countries of the world; it is loved not only by the stronger sex, but also by the beautiful part of humanity.

Powerlifting today

Currently Powerlifting is a complex that includes the following exercises:

  • back squats;
  • bench press;

Due to the fact that there are three competitive exercises, there is another name - powerlifting.

All competing athletes are divided into different categories according to their weight, the number of approaches in each exercise is three. The overall result is the sum of indicators for all exercises. Whoever lifts the heaviest weight is the winner.
But this type of strength training is done not only for participation in competitions, but also for amateur purposes to improve strength indicators and strengthen the back, chest and legs.

Did you know? In powerlifting, it doesn’t matter how defined an athlete’s body is, as opposed to. The most important assessment factor-this is power. However, many bodybuilders started with powerlifting, these include Ronnie Coleman, Andrei Sorokin and others.

Basic exercises

Let's take a closer look at the three types of basic exercises for powerlifting, taking into account the technique of their implementation.

Any exercise in powerlifting requires correct positioning, because if the technique is incorrect, you can seriously harm yourself. Therefore, when performing a squat with a barbell on your back, you need to raise and focus your gaze forward on the selected point. Next, tense the muscles of the upper back and tailbone.
Turn your knees outward and shift your weight to outer part feet. Remove the barbell from the rack and spread it slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. When performing a squat, you should first move your pelvis back and then bring your knees forward. In this case, the shin stands straight, and the knees gradually move apart. This is the safest position. Also, do not forget about the position of the barbell on your back.

Important! The barbell should not be positioned too high, otherwise its weight will pull you forward, which is an incorrect and unsafe situation.

Of course, in order for it not to be difficult to hold, it is necessary to develop the flexibility and strength of the back muscles. There is one more note about this exercise, and that is the hand grip of the barbell. It should be as minimal as possible to create tension in the back muscles used to position the barbell. In addition, it is much more convenient to control movements in this position. However, you can choose the optimal placement of your hands for yourself; no one is forcing you to do so if you are uncomfortable. You can take a wider grip, but usually in this position it is more difficult to control the barbell on your back, and this is what advanced athletes do. The same applies to the position of the legs when squatting. The wider you spread your legs, the more weight you can take. Therefore, beginners are advised to start with their feet slightly wider than shoulder width.

The bench press is the second best lift in competition. Successful execution doubles your chances of winning.

The bench press in powerlifting is done in a “bridge”, arching the back as much as possible. The fulcrum points are the neck, shoulders and legs. The pelvis must be fixed in one position. Make sure that it does not come into contact with the bench. Your legs should be positioned closer to your shoulders, which will ensure stabilization of your entire body, as well as productive muscle work. The width of the legs can be adjusted independently.
Grasp the barbell with your hands as conveniently as possible, but keep in mind that the maximum allowable grip width in competitions is 81 cm. Once you are ready to perform the press, you will need an assistant to feed the barbell. At competitions there are special assistants for this. Grasp the barbell without bending your elbows and slightly lifting your pelvis. Position the barbell at chest level, squeeze your shoulder blades together and lower your shoulders. Place the basin back on the bench as well. Now you can lower the barbell to your chest.

Important! The angle between the shoulders and the body when performing the bench press should always be 45° .

Then you need to perform the bench press itself, that is, lift the barbell up onto your arms straightened at the elbows. It is necessary to ensure that the pelvis remains on the bench without moving away from it. Make movements not sharply, but slowly and smoothly.

- the final exercise in triathlon. Therefore, its implementation determines victory or defeat, but, of course, in the event that the athlete has successfully completed the previous two. Let's look at a consistent technique for performing deadlifts.

Before performing the deadlift itself, you must take the starting position. There are two types: classic (feet shoulder-width apart) and sumo (feet wide apart). After starting position accepted, you can lower the barbell down to approximately the level of the middle of the shin, while bending your knees. In a classic squat, your hands should be placed behind your knees, and in a sumo, between them.

Important! When performing a deadlift, your back must be straight, without bending. Otherwise, it may result in injury.

Next, you need to lift the bar back and get into the starting position. This is done thanks to the work of the muscles of the legs and back; the muscles of the arms are practically not involved during lifting. When performing the exercise, the center of gravity must be moved to . The pace of movements is similar to the pace of previous exercises - smooth and slow, without jerking.

What you will need for classes

By doing powerlifting, you can easily get some. When raised heavy weight It is easy to overexert yourself and thereby damage some part of the body. Therefore, there are special devices for more safe execution.

Outfit and equipment

Powerlifting equipment can be either supportive or non-supportive. Non-supporting is allowed to be used everywhere, taking into account “unequipped” and “equipped” powerlifting. There are the following types of equipment:

Within different federations (IPF, WPC, AWPC, IPA, IPA-A, WDFPF, GPC), T-shirts and overalls with 1-3 layers, as well as bandages of various lengths, are allowed for equipment.

Did you know? Equipment is used to protect against injury, as well as to lift more weight. Thanks to bandages and belts, an athlete can lift 5-15 kg more, and now, with the advent of new modern products, the weight gain can be as much as 150 kg!

Now let's move on to equipment. It is represented by the following devices:

Training rules

Powerlifting is primarily about strength. This means that the athlete must gradually increase the intensity of training and the weight lifted. A lifter's training regimen is not the same as . If a bodybuilder works out one or more muscle groups, then the lifter - one or two competitive exercises. Powerlifting training is very high intensity, so it is important to allow time for rest and recovery. You should also maintain a pause of 2-5 minutes between approaches.

The most optimal quantity hikes - 3-4 times a week. The very nature of the classes should be periodic. This means varying the load from light to heavy. It is best to create a weekly or monthly plan of varying complexity and follow it.

As for nutrition, half of a lifter’s diet should be complex carbohydrates, which replenish energy reserves. Simple carbohydrates found in baked goods and sweets will also be useful for quickly restoring strength immediately after exercise.
No less important in an athlete are. There should be enough of them to muscle mass grew up. This is approximately 35% of the diet. The remaining 15% is fat. They support and protect from damage. In addition to the training and nutrition regimen, one should not forget about the regimen. You need to sleep at least 8-10 hours a day, and also set aside time for daytime sleep if possible, because muscles grow during rest.

Powerlifting standards for men and women

In each sport, including powerlifting, there are standards. The standard in this case is the total weight in kilograms when performing three exercises.

The presence of standards makes it possible to divide athletes into weight categories and assign them sports titles. But there are certain features here.

The thing is that there are many different organizations in this sport. This creates some confusion with regulations and more.

The IPF federation, which is the only one officially recognized by the International Olympic Committee and accredited by other state sports organizations, has the following weight categories:
And in alternative organizations, such as WPC/AWPC and others, the weight categories are different:

The titles awarded to athletes also differ.

According to the IPF, sports titles are awarded as follows:

  • master of sports of international class - from 17 years old;
  • master of sports - from 16 years old;
  • sports categories in powerlifting are the same as in other sports - I, II, III and candidate master of sports - from 10 years.
IPF titles are officially recognized. And if an athlete received a title in another federation, then there must be a corresponding record about this and this title does not have official status.

In other federations, the system of ranks and titles is very similar, but above the international master of sports in powerlifting there is the title “elite”.

Let's consider the standards corresponding to different sports titles. It should be noted right away that according to the IPF federation there are standards only for single-layer equipment, and in other federations there are also standards for multilayer equipment and without equipment. As an example, from the alternative federations we will choose AWPC, which is quite widespread and is opposed to the use of doping.

Single layer equipment

IPF standards - men, women

Multi-layered equipment

Without equipment

It should be noted that in many powerlifting organizations there are separate tables of standards for each of the exercises: squats with a barbell, bench press, deadlift.

Powerlifting Federations

The number of different powerlifting federations that take athletes under their wing is growing rapidly. There are organizations that are trying to develop uniform standards and are opponents of doping. And there are those who use athletes for wear and tear and consider their main goal to be making a profit at any cost.

It is the presence of a large number of powerlifting federations around the world that calls into question the inclusion of this sport in the Olympic Games.


Among the federations of the international level, only one has official status; its representative offices are open in 108 countries. This is the International Powerlifting Federation.
Alternative international powerlifting federations:

  • International Powerlifting Association (IPA);
  • Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate (RPS);
  • Xtreme Powerlifting Coalition (XPC);
  • Global Powerlifting Committee (GPC);
  • World Powerlifting Federation (WPF);
  • World Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation (WDFPF);
  • World Powerlifting Alliance (WPA);
  • World Powerlifting Congress (WPC), which includes the Amateur World Powerlifting Congress (AWPC), which conducts pre-competition doping controls;
  • World Association of Bench Pressers and Deadlifters (WABDL);
  • European Drug-Free Power Athletics Union.


  • National Powerlifting Federation of Ukraine, FPU (IPF), representative offices of the organization are located in Donetsk, Chernivtsi, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava, Khmelnytsky regions;
  • GP, All-Ukrainian Powerlifting Organization - IPA;
  • UPC, Ukrainian Powerlifting Committee;
  • Ukrainian Doping-Free Powerlifting Federation, UBFP - UDFPF;
  • AWPC-WPC - Ukraine;
  • GPA-GPF - Ukraine;
  • RAW 100% - Ukraine;


  • Russian Powerlifting Federation, FRP (IPF);
  • OPR - Russian Powerlifting Organization (representative of WPC/AWPC/GPC/WPF/WPA/WPU), conducts competitions according to the version of one or another federation;
  • ASM Vityaz - Association of all-around strength events "Vityaz", founded in 2013, based on WPA-Russia;
  • RDFPF;
  • NAP - National Powerlifting Association;
  • Russian Powerlifters Union (representative of GPA/IPO);
  • WRPF (World RAW Powerlifting Federation);
This brings us to the end of a short excursion into the world of heavyweight sports. Now you know what powerlifting is, what exercises, standards and rules are in it.
If you decide to engage in this sport, then good luck and shine in the competition!