The best exercises for the back muscles. Serratus back muscles

  1. The latissimus dorsi muscles are responsible for bringing the arms together. They consist of two bundles: the middle one (responsible for the thickness of the back) and the lateral one, located next to the serratus muscles (responsible for the appearance of the so-called “wings” of the athlete).
  2. The rhomboid muscles of the back are located in the upper layer and run along the entire back. Responsible for retracting the scapula backwards. Consist of three different beams, each of which works with any movement.
  3. Trapezius muscles of the back. Responsible for rotation in the shoulder joint. They consist of three beams: middle, upper and lower.
  4. Lumbar muscles. Despite the fact that they cannot be called the largest, they are responsible for stabilizing the body and require separate in-depth study, because form muscle corset, which holds the human body in a straight position. Participate in almost all exercises as a fixing stabilizer of the body.
  5. Extensor muscles of the body - thin muscles, running along the entire spine. Correct posture and keep the body straight. Participate in all types of rows with a tilted body.

To work all these muscle groups, you need an integrated approach. In this case, it is advisable to work each muscle group from different angles, which will ensure local growth of the muscle group.

General principles Back pumping has a very specific nature and requires strict and strict adherence to certain rules.

  1. Do not use basic exercises in the first months of training. The reason is that under large muscle groups lie a huge number of small muscles, which are easy to injure if the muscle corset is not developed enough. This is why any trainer will recommend using back exercises with dumbbells or exercises on a block machine in the first month in the gym. Isolation load allows you to use fewer small muscle groups and has a fixed amplitude, which is safe when working with light weights. Only when you have prepared your muscle corset for serious loads can you proceed to the classics in the form of deadlifts and bent-over rows.
  2. If you want to increase the result of the deadlift, do not use the deadlift. No matter how strange it may sound, however, the most powerful exercise for back muscles - deadlift– does not allow for constant progression of loads. This is due to the fact that the lumbar and accessory muscles get tired faster than diamond-shaped ones. Therefore, if you are stuck, it is worth working on all the auxiliary exercises for the back in gym and only then return to the bench.
  3. Strict technique. Unlike strained muscles of the arms or legs, sprains and micro-dislocations of the back are fraught with prolapse of a hernia or problems with the spine in the future. It is better not to chase weights and not to perform exercises in the borderline technique: this is dangerous to your health.
  4. Large muscles respond well to heavy weights. Even if constant growth is not your goal, remember that a large number of repetitions with light weight will not help train your back.
  5. Do not use a safety harness. Although this is an important safety feature in training, the belt restricts movement in the lower back, causing the psoas and back extensor muscles to stop participating in the exercise. It is better to use lighter weights and choose a smoother progression of loads.
  6. Base + insulation. Like any other major muscle group, the back is trained in 2 stages. First, basic pre-exhaustion with extremely heavy weights, then targeted strengthening of the muscle group in the simulator. This provides a greater load, and therefore a greater .
  7. Don't use two basic exercises on the same day. Avoid combining deadlifts and bent-over rows, as well as deadlifts and sumo rows.


A set of exercises for the back traditionally consists of basic exercises, although most trainers do not recommend starting with the basics for the reasons described above. Let's look at the full range of exercises for the gym and at home.

Exercise Main muscle group Accessory muscle group Exercise type Home/for the hall
LatissimusBottom of trapezius + back surface hipsBasicFor home
Diamond-shapedLatBasicFor the hall
Diamond-shapedLat + trapezius + hamstringsBasicFor the hall
latsDiamondbacks + trapezius + hamstringsBasicFor the hall
Diamond-shapedLower traps + latsBasicFor the hall
Back straightenersBasicFor the hall
Bar row with narrow setting handsLatTrapezius + spinal erectors + hamstringsBasicFor the hall
Middle bunch of diamond-shapedLat + lower traps + hamstringsBasicFor the hall
Back straightenersTrapezius + diamond + latsBasic leverFor home and hall
Diamond-shapedTraps + diamonds + lats + hamstringsBasic leverFor home and hall
Spinal extensorsInsulatingFor the hall
Spinal extensorsDelts + triceps + hamstringsInsulatingFor the hall
Pumping up biceps with cheatingLatInsulatingFor the hall
Bottom of trapezoidsUpper trapezius + upper deltoidsInsulatingFor the hall
Vertical block thrustLatDiamond-shapedInsulatingFor the hall
Pull-down of the upper block behind the headLatTraps + bicepsInsulatingFor the hall
Traction horizontal block Diamond-shapedLatInsulatingFor the hall
Back straightenersDiamond + lats + hamstringsInsulatingFor the hall
Top of trapezoidsInsulatingFor the hall
Shrugs with a barbell behindBottom of trapezoidsTop of trapezoidsInsulatingFor the hall
Trapeze top with accentMiddle of trapezoidsInsulatingFor the hall
Spinal stabilizersWhole bodyComplexFor home
Spinal stabilizersWhole bodyComplexFor home
Bent-over dumbbell flyesBottom of trapezoidsPosterior deltoid bundleComplexFor the hall
LatTraps + diamonds + hamstringsComplexFor the hall


To work out the back in a comprehensive manner, four main exercises are traditionally used.

  • Deadlift. The main exercise in powerlifting and crossfit. It engages all major muscle groups with a serious emphasis on rhomboid muscles backs. First of all, this exercise develops the thickness of the back.

  • Pull-ups. Home version of bent over barbell row. It features a low risk of injury and a fixed body weight, which allows you to work your back in multi-repetition sets. For progression of loads, weights are used. The main focus of this exercise is on the latissimus dorsi muscles.

  • Bent-over barbell row. A heavier version of pull-ups that features strict technique and heavier weights. The main load falls on the lats; Depending on the angle of inclination and width of the grip, you can work out both the thickness and width of the back. Works great on the bottom!

  • Barbell row to the chin. The only thing basic exercise with an emphasis on trapezius exercises.


But the number of exercises for isolated study the back is much larger. This includes working with simulators (pulling blocks), types of shrugs, and even a cheating version of biceps pumping, which was used by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The main task of isolation exercises is not only to provide a suitable load on the target muscle group, but also to work out small deep muscles that are not involved in basic exercises due to a different amplitude.

Traditionally, there are 3 main isolation exercises in the gym for the back.

  • Pull a horizontal block to the belt. A good alternative to deadlifts.

  • Shrugs with dumbbells. An exercise that works the upper trapezius.

Exercises at home

It's not easy to train your back at home. This is due to the anatomy of movements. It is not possible to repeat them without weighting or a special load. And those exercises that allow you to load your back with own body without special equipment, they are ineffective when it comes to serious loads. Let's look at some basic back exercises at home.

  • Pull-ups. Serious complex exercise which can be performed even without a horizontal bar. It is enough to have a strong door that can support your weight.

  • Basket. Good exercise, which develops the rhomboid and latissimus dorsi muscles. The technique is extremely simple: lie on the floor, bend back, trying to grab your legs over your back with your hands. For decreasing static load and engaging more muscle groups, it is recommended not only to hold the pose, but also to sway back and forth in it.

  • Bridge. Static exercise with its own weight, which perfectly develops back extensors without injury. Suitable for recovery or maintenance training. It is recommended for anyone who wants to develop not only strength, but also flexibility of the back muscles.

  • Farmer's Walk. This exercise is in the home category because it can be performed with any home weight. All you need to do is take 2 thick bags, fill them evenly with books and get started. Develops all muscle groups with an emphasis on the trapezius muscles. There are options in the form of lunges, which additionally load the leg muscles.

Exercises in the gym

There is a huge complex in the gym for back development. various exercises both with free weights and with specialized equipment or exercise machines. Let's look at the main training exercises Developing the back:

  • Pull of the upper block behind the head. A safe analogue of full pull-ups. It has a more isolated load due to the exclusion of the abdominal and leg muscles from work.

  • . An excellent basic exercise that works all muscle groups with a serious emphasis on the rhomboids. It has no analogues for home use or with free weights. It is considered the most natural exercise for working out the back with the least trauma.

  • Crossover traction. It is performed similarly to deadlifts in a block machine. The key difference is the freer amplitude. Thanks to the adjustment, the lats and diamonds are worked at a more complex angle. Ideal for those who do not perform basic exercises for one reason or another.

  • Lower crossover traction.

  • Hyperextension. The only serious isolating exercise in the gym that will strengthen your lower back and reduce the risk of deadlift injuries in the future.

Complexes for back development

Let's look at the main training complexes for back development in the gym and at home.

Note: the table does not contain circuit training, because... their main task is not to use the back muscles, but to give a powerful hormonal anabolic boost for the further formation of the body.

Complex Exercises Task
Lat split

Cheating biceps curl - light weight.

The main task is to focus on the lagging lats. Excellent for increasing the number of pull-ups and width of the back by developing the wings.

Biceps curls are used to increase arm flexor strength to relieve weight restrictions.

Split into diamond shapesWarm-up deadlift – 20 times empty bar.

Rowing machine 5*20

Block pull to the belt 5*20

Clean biceps curl on Scott bench 3*8

A good complex for working out the thickness of the back, heavier, but providing a serious basis for further training in any sport.

Biceps training allows you to increase working weights in the future.

Profiled trainingWarm-up deadlift – 20 times empty bar.

Deadlift 5*8 (70% of the rep maximum).

Block pull to the belt 5*20

Bent-over barbell row 5*8 (70% of the repeated maximum).

T-bar row 5*5 (60% of maximum)

Pull of the upper block behind the head 5*20.

Pulling the barbell to the chin 5*5

Shrugs with dumbbells 3*3 (maximum possible weight)

Hyperextension max*max

Suitable for athletes who can afford to dedicate a full day to back training. Best option for professionals.
PreparatoryLat pulldown or pull-ups 3*12

Horizontal block pull 3*12

Rowing machine 3*12

Shrugs with dumbbells 3*12

Hyperextension max*max

Used in the first month of training, since the muscle corset is not yet ready for specialized training circuit training. Optimizes the tone of small muscle groups.
RestorativeBridge 5 – for a while

Farmer's Walk 100 Steps with Light Weight

Hyperextension max*max

Negative pull-ups on a machine with a counterweight 5*3

Tilts of the body in different directions

Hanging on the horizontal bar for a while

Suitable for restoration muscle tone after long break or after injury. All weights and number of repetitions are individual. After completing the recovery course, it is recommended to study for another month according to the preparatory complex.

Raising arms with a chest expander

Pull your own weight using a rubber band.

Horizontal pull-ups with harness

Farmer's Walk


Shrugs with any available weight

Pull any available weight

Everything that can be squeezed out for your back at home in order to at least somehow seriously load it.

Exercises with non-standard equipment

If you have a chest expander, fitball or rubber band(), choose the appropriate one from the exercises presented. They will significantly diversify your load and allow you to work your muscles at a more natural angle. Suitable for both home and hall.

  1. Reduction of shoulder blades with a chest expander. Unique exercise, which simultaneously works the rhomboid and latissimus dorsi muscles. It is considered one of the heaviest. It has the maximum natural amplitude for a person.
  2. Pull your own weight using a rubber band. A lightweight version of pull-ups and a complete analogue of the overhead pull-down.
  3. Horizontal pull-ups with a tourniquet. Analogous to the thrust of a horizontal block. One side of the tourniquet is tied to the battery (door handle, etc.), the further task is to sit on the floor and pull your body towards the projectile, completely raising your body and without bending your legs at the knee joint.
  4. Hyperextension on a fitball.


And finally, I would like to debunk one popular women’s myth that exercises for losing weight on the back do not exist. The back can lose weight, that is, atrophy under specific loads during drying and when adjusting the diet. For example, if you use multi-repetition training. But the back itself does not lose weight, the muscles simply acquire tone and look toned. As for local fat burning, it doesn’t exist either. Therefore, instead of torturing yourself a little effective exercises, it’s better to delve into nutrition and try to combine serious basic complexes with a calorie deficit in nutrition.

Training the back muscles contributes to the development of its famous V-shape, which makes the waist and hips visually narrower, thereby making the figure look more aesthetically pleasing. The back muscles are large, which makes them clearly visible and one of the main ones in bodybuilding. Performing exercises for the back muscles is a prerequisite in any sport, as they form the correct and beautiful posture, and also play a major role in stabilizing the spinal muscles.

The back muscles are located in several layers, so they are divided into deep and superficial, which, in turn, are also located in two layers. Here we consider only those muscles that determine the relief of the back.

  1. Trapezoidal
  2. Diamond-shaped
  3. Lat

We discussed the detailed anatomy and features of training the back muscles in detail earlier (link below).

Exercises for the trapezius muscles of the back

The trapezius muscle is a flat, triangular muscle that is located outside and down from the neck, and down the center of the back between the shoulder blades. The more the trapezoids stick out on the sides of the neck, the more powerful and spectacular the athlete’s body will look. Building large traps is essential for symmetrical upper body development. The exercises presented below will allow you to effectively work out all parts of the trapezius muscle.

This exercise is aimed at working the upper and middle part of the trapezius.

Working muscles:

  • 1. Upper and middle trapezius
  • 2. Deltoids
  • 3. Levator scapulae
  • 4. Spinal
  • 5. Longissimus thoracis muscle
  • 6. Iliocostal muscle

Take the barbell overhand grip, stand straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, raise your shoulders as high as you can. Pause, and while inhaling, slowly return to initial position.


You can perform this exercise holding a barbell behind your back.

By performing this exercise you work the upper and middle parts of the trapezius.

Working muscles:

  • 1. Upper and middle trapezius
  • 2. Deltoids
  • 3. Levator scapulae

Erector spinae muscles:

  • 4. Spinal
  • 5. Longissimus thoracis muscle
  • 6. Iliocostal muscle

Exercise technique:

Take dumbbells. Stand up straight. Stretch your arms at your sides. As you exhale, raise your shoulders. Pull them as high as you can. Hold this position for a second and lower your shoulders.

Important details:

Select the weight of the projectile correctly - too heavy weights will not allow you to contract and stretch your muscles as much as possible. Therefore, if you feel that the contraction is weak, then take lighter dumbbells.

Working muscles:

  • 1. Upper and middle trapezius
  • 2. Deltoids
  • 3. Levator scapulae

Erector spinae muscles:

  • 4. Spinal
  • 5. Longissimus thoracis muscle
  • 6. Iliocostal muscle

Exercise technique:

Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip and stand straight. In the starting position, the arms are straightened at the elbows, the barbell rests on the hips. Inhale and, holding your breath, pull your elbows vertically upward, raising the barbell to your chin. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.


This exercise can be performed by changing the grip width. The wider the grip, the greater the load on the trapezius muscle. The narrower the grip, the greater the load on the deltoid muscles. You can also perform this exercise on a Smith machine.

Another exercise to train the upper and middle trapezius muscles.

Working muscles:

  • 1. Upper and middle trapezius
  • 2. Deltoids
  • 3. Levator scapulae
  • 4. Supraspinatus muscle

Erector spinae muscles:

  • 5. Spinal
  • 6. Longissimus thoracis muscle
  • 7. Iliocostal muscle

Exercise technique:

Walk up to the machine and grab the bar with an overhand grip. In the starting position, the arms are straightened at the elbows. Inhale and, holding your breath, pull your elbows vertically upward. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.

Important details:

When performing deadlifts, your elbows should point up and to the sides. There is no need to lean forward and lower your shoulders.

Exercises for the latissimus dorsi muscles

The most basic muscles that take the lion's share of the formation of the back are the latissimus. With the help of these muscles you can visually enlarge your back and shoulders and at the same time reduce your waist. They play a big role in the formation of the “male” figure, the notorious V-shaped physique. Therefore, for the full development of an athlete, it is vitally important to properly work out the latissimus muscles to achieve a large and beautiful back. Below are the best exercises to increase lat strength and mass.

This exercise will allow you not only to build up the mass of your back muscles, but also to “define” them.

Working muscles:

  1. Diamond-shaped
  2. Lat
  3. Middle and lower trapezius
  4. Rear delta

Exercise technique:

Sit on the seat. Take the handle in your hands and rest your feet on the stops. Knees slightly bent. The body is vertical. There is a deflection in the lower back. As you inhale, lean forward slightly with your lower back arched. As you exhale, pull the handle toward your lower abdomen, returning your torso to an upright position.

Important details:

During the exercise, you should actively move your shoulders back and squeeze your shoulder blades together as much as possible. The elbows go along the sides along the body. It is with this technique that the muscles of the upper and lower back will work as much as possible.

This exercise imitates pull-ups on a horizontal bar and will allow you to effectively work out the latissimus muscle.

Working muscles:

  1. Lower trapezius
  2. Rear delta
  3. Diamond-shaped
  4. Latissimus

Exercise technique:

Take the handle of the exercise machine with a straight wide grip and sit on the seat. As you exhale, pull the handle toward your upper chest, slightly tilting your torso back. As you inhale, return to the starting position.

Important details:

As you row, push your chest out to meet the movement of the handle. The shoulders should move back and down, the shoulder blades should be brought together. Pay very close attention to the technique so that exactly the muscles that are supposed to work, namely the latissimus dorsi muscles.

In this exercise, in addition to latissimus muscles, biceps are still working.

Working muscles:

  1. Biceps
  2. Rear delta
  3. Lower trapezius
  4. Latissimus

Exercise technique:

Take the handle of the exercise machine with a reverse grip and sit on the seat. As you exhale, pull the handle toward your upper chest, slightly tilting your torso back. As you inhale, return to the starting position.

Important details:

Don't slouch or lean too far back while pulling.

4. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a straight wide grip

An excellent exercise for training the latissimus muscle on any sports field.

Working muscles:

  1. Rear delta
  2. Diamond-shaped
  3. Lower trapezius
  4. Latissimus

Exercise technique:

Grasp the bar with an overhand grip, much wider than shoulder width. Without straining your biceps and squeezing your shoulder blades, pull yourself up, trying to touch the bar with your upper chest. Pause a little at the top and return to the starting position.

Important details:

When pulling up, bend your back and look straight up.

One of the most effective exercises for pumping the latissimus muscle.

Working muscles:

  1. Trapezoidal
  2. Diamond-shaped
  3. Latissimus
  4. Rear delta

Exercise technique:

Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your legs slightly and lean your torso forward. The tilt should be significant, with the torso almost parallel to the floor. Arms straight. There is a deflection in the lower back. Inhale, and as you exhale, powerfully, while remaining bent over, pull the barbell until it touches your lower abdomen. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position.

Important details:

At the top of the movement, move your elbows and shoulders back as far as possible and bring your shoulder blades together.


The T-bar row is almost identical to the bent-over barbell row, except that one end of the bar is attached to the floor or frame of the machine. As a result, it is possible to achieve less harmful tension in the lower region of the spine.

An excellent basic exercise for developing the central and upper back.

Working muscles:

  1. Latissimus
  2. Diamond-shaped
  3. Trapezoidal
  4. Rear delta
  5. Biceps

Exercise technique:

Place your left knee on the bench. Then bend over and place your hand on it. The body is almost parallel to the floor. There is a deflection in the lower back. The right foot is on the floor. Hold a dumbbell with your right hand neutral grip. As you exhale, pull the dumbbell to your lower abdomen by contracting your back muscles. As you inhale, slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position.

Important details:

Try to perform the movement using your back muscles, not your arms. To do this, raise your elbow high and do not move it too far to the side. Keep your back horizontal and don't round it. Don't rotate at the waist. It is in this position of the body that the back muscles are maximally used.

7. Abdominal thrust while sitting on a machine

Abdominal thrust on the machine combines well power load with training safety.

Working muscles:

  1. Rear delta
  2. Trapezoidal
  3. Diamond-shaped
  4. Latissimus

Exercise technique:

Sit on the seat of the exercise machine and rest your feet on the supports. As you exhale, pull the handles of the exercise machine towards your stomach, straightening your chest and moving your elbows back. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position.

Important details:

Do not use inertial force. Movements should be slow and controlled.

Exercises for the rhomboid back muscles

There are about 650 muscles in our body, but for some reason we do not train all 650, but only the most important ones, those that form the basis and in the process of which the whole body is transformed. The rhomboids are just one of those muscles that do not need to be purposefully trained, since they develop passively when doing back exercises. Almost every exercise involves these muscles, and therefore you should not worry about their development - they are to some extent independent. We discussed the anatomy and features of training the rhomboid back muscles in detail earlier (link below).

Exercises for the lower back

In addition to appearance, strengthening the lower back muscles is good for health, as this is one of the weakest points of a bodybuilder. By strengthening lumbar muscles the risk of spinal disease is reduced: osteochondrosis, vertebral displacement and pinched nerves, since the muscular frame of the lower back provides reliable support for the vertebrae. Below are the best exercises to strengthen your lower back.

1. Hyperextensions on the machine

An exercise to develop the straighteners of the back (lower back), as well as the gluteal muscles and hip flexors.

Working muscles:

  1. Semimembranosus
  2. Semitendinosus
  3. Biceps femoris
  4. Gluteus maximus
  5. Ilirocostal lumbar muscle
  6. Longissimus muscle
  7. Spinalis muscle

Exercise technique:

Lie on your stomach in the exercise machine and place your heels under a special cushion. Slowly, as you exhale, bend down. As you inhale, smoothly return to a position in which your body represents a straight line.

Important details:

Avoid hyperextension in the lower back.


You can use a weight in the form of a plate, which is held with crossed arms on your chest.

Deadlift is a basic and one of the most necessary exercises in bodybuilding and powerlifting.

Working muscles:

  1. Gluteus maximus
  2. Finger flexors
  3. Wrist flexors
  4. Spinalis muscle
  5. Longissimus muscle
  6. Semitendinosus
  7. Semimembranosus

Exercise technique:

Come close to the bar, place your feet shoulder-width apart and parallel to each other. Squat down and grab the barbell with an overhand grip, grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The arms are vertical and the shoulders are directly above the barbell. The gaze is directed forward. Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, begin to pull the barbell. After the bar passes your knees, straighten up completely and squeeze your shoulder blades together as much as possible. Start the downward movement by moving your pelvis back. The lower back is arched, the shoulder blades remain retracted. After passing your knees, squat down and touch the plates to the floor.

Important details:

Be extremely careful while performing deadlifts. Watch your lower back, it should always be arched. And of course, maintain a smooth movement, both when raising the barbell and when lowering it. Don't try to pull the barbell off the floor. Inhale slowly down, exhale, powerfully up.

3. Forward bends with a barbell (Good Morning)

An exercise aimed at training the lower back. This exercise also works the leg, gluteal and biceps muscles.

Working muscles:

  1. Gluteus maximus
  2. Biceps femoris (biceps femoris)
  3. Semitendinosus
  4. Semimembranosus
  5. Spinalis muscle
  6. Longissimus muscle
  7. Iliocostal lumbar muscle
  8. Quadriceps femoris (quadriceps)

Exercise technique:

Place the barbell on back shoulders The back is rigid, the shoulder blades are together. Knees slightly bent. Inhale, bend forward until your torso is parallel to the floor, keeping your back straight. Slowly return to the starting position, exhale.

Important details:

Master bending only with an empty bar and at a slow pace. Add weight only when you feel that your lower back has become stronger.

see also

Back workout must be included in your training process, because the back acts as a supporting pillar on which absolutely everything rests. A strong back allows you to handle heavier weights in other exercises and also gives your figure the unique profile of an athlete.

We offer you the top 10 back exercises, by performing which you can build a massive and powerful back. Each exercise is selected based on its ease of execution, the number of muscles involved, maximum efficiency and how unique each exercise is compared to others.

A back workout can include all ten exercises in one workout if the back is your target muscle, or include one or more back exercises in a split training system.

The order of back exercises is arranged in order of effectiveness, with the most effective ones in first place and then descending:

Back Workout – Deadlift

The deadlift, or deadlift as it is also called, is one of the most effective back exercises. Lifting the barbell affects all the muscles of the back, partially the legs and hips, arms and shoulders. There is no more effective exercise.

In addition, dead cravings cause increased secretion of testosterone and growth hormone, which allows you to build muscle tissue more efficient and productive.

Do deadlifts early in your workout because they correct execution requires maximum concentration and strength from you. The optimal number of repetitions is 4-6.

Back workout – Bent-over barbell row

The second most important and effective back exercise, affecting large muscle groups of the back. Studies conducted using magnetic resonance imaging have shown that bent-over barbell rows load the muscles of the upper back perfectly evenly, promoting their harmonious growth.

Optimal quantity repetitions in this exercise are from 8 to 10. It is also worth considering that it is better to do deadlifts at the beginning of the workout, since bending the torso and maintaining it in the correct position will require maximum concentration of strength and attention from you. An alternative to bent over rows is the Smith machine.

Back Workout – Wide Grip Pull-Ups

Whatever one may say, it will have to. Few people like wide-grip pull-ups, since they already require some degree of physical training. Very often, the reason for refusing this exercise is a weak grip of the bar, constant slipping and, as a result, a deficiency in the target muscle.

A way out of this situation can be wrist supports or hooks, which you can use to secure yourself on the bar and eliminate thoughts about grip from your exercise. This will give you the opportunity to think only about your back and its quality work.


If your goal is a wide back, you won’t achieve your goal without wide-grip pull-ups. A special feature of the exercise is that the muscles are maximally stretched at the moment of sagging, and contracted to the maximum at the moment of lifting and bringing together the shoulder blades.

The optimal number of repetitions is 8-12. If you do more pull-ups, it makes sense to use a weighted suspension. Not suitable as a first exercise, but rather to be performed in the middle of a workout when your shoulders have warmed up enough. Execution technique plays a key role - look at the photo.

Back Workout – T-Bar Row

Back training is not possible without the T-bar, which has proven best hand in the matter of building muscle forms. Working with a T-bar with a wider grip, you target the upper back, while a neutral grip shifts the emphasis of the load to the middle of the back, noticeably thickening the muscles and adding volume to them.

Heavy weight is not applicable to the T-bar row; this is precisely the exercise where technique is important throughout the entire range of motion. You should keep your back still, achieving maximum contraction of your shoulder blades during the next lift. When lowering, it is recommended to stretch your back muscles.

Read also: A set of exercises with an expander

The T-bar row is the best back exercise for the first half of your workout. Perfectly loads the rhomboid muscles, deltoids, major and minor round muscles and of course the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Back workout – Seated pull-down

Holding the handle with a wide grip will create quite a powerful load on your upper back and your lats. In addition to everything, this exercise affects almost the entire shoulder girdle, so the benefit is obvious - instead of with your back, you grow your shoulders.

By keeping your back straight and not twitching, squeezing your shoulder blades together and stretching your arms back as far as possible, you will achieve maximum contraction muscle fibers. 12 repetitions can be considered ideal, but no more. It is best performed at the end of training as a finishing exercise, after the basic one.

Back workout – Close grip barbell row

The benefits of this exercise directly depend on whether you want to do it correctly or just rattle off and forget. If everything is done correctly, your rhomboid and teres dorsi muscles will simply explode from pumping, and in addition, your latissimus muscles will also work their part.

Unshakable fixation of your position is the key to success. You should press your elbows to your body and pull them back so that your shoulder blades are squeezed together as tightly as possible.

You can experiment with different grips, but as practice shows, the most optimal is a reverse grip, when the backs of your hands look at the floor.

Back Workout – Close Grip Lat Pulldown

Back training will be more effective if you include lat pull-downs in the process. narrow grip using a bracket. If you want the most out of your lats, there is no alternative this exercise, it can stretch the back muscles like no other

There are no tricks in the exercise except one, the height of the handle or bracket should be such that when sitting and stretching your arms up, there should be at least 15 cm between your palms and the handle. This is necessary so that at the moment of maximum stretching you do not put weight on place, but constantly kept it suspended, working with it.

Hold the brace with a neutral grip and pull it towards the top of your chest. It makes no sense to pull lower, as the load will go from the back to the arms and shoulders. Also try to stretch yourself as much as possible by lowering the weight back. As you pull the brace toward your chest, squeeze your shoulder blades and hold for 1-2 seconds. The optimal number of repetitions is 8-12.

Back Workout – One Arm Dumbbell Row

The beauty of the exercise is that back training is possible unilaterally. In practice, this means that you pull the dumbbell with each hand specifically, thereby loading your back in turn and uniquely, because each side is developed in its own way.

In addition to this, you can strap yourself to the handle of dumbbells and lift heavy weights. The exercise works more with the lower back and is performed as a backup and complementary to the basic ones. In most cases, 10-12 repetitions are enough.

It is important not to bend your back and always look forward, and not below you. Don't throw your arm too far and keep your elbow closer to your body.

Back Workout – Reverse Bench Pullover

A pullover on the bench, and even with a negative slant, will stretch your lats to the limit of their capabilities. Although this is considered a single-joint exercise, believe me, it will work one hundred percent.

All you need to do is take a dumbbell, lie with your head down, and while stretching your back muscles, place the dumbbell behind your head, and then lift it to your stomach.

The load on the back will last longer than in other exercises, due to the larger trajectory of the dumbbell movement. Do 12-15 reps.

Back Workout - Smith Machine One Arm Row

Back training can be done both technically and with cheating, but the Smith machine will not let you cheat. If you want to feel locked in a movement that is impossible to force, impossible to push the weight and impossible to outwit - pull the barbell enclosed in the guides with one hand.

Stand sideways to the machine and grab the bar, legs bent for balance. Stretch your arm as high as the natural amplitude allows you. Works great on the lower back. Do 8-10 reps of each set at the end of your back workout.

Perform all of these exercises as part of your back training program, try not to fake and stick to strict technique. When working with your back, remember that one wrong move and you can get injured so seriously that it will put an end to your future sports career, and this is not a joke.

Read also: The best exercises for the face

Back training should be carried out with a clear mind and after quality rest, this is the only way to achieve positive results.

Source: http://xn----9sbeljphwilikfq.xn--p1ai/uncategorized/10-uprazhneniy-dlya-spinyi.html

Top 8 exercises for back fat

Do you want to get rid of back fat? The harsh reality is that you cannot lose weight only in the places that you have determined for yourself. But you can strengthen the muscles in the problem areas, and this, together with the development of the rest of the body, will help you get rid of all the unnecessary things.

The following complex exercises will best help you lose weight in your back and beyond.

“If you have a saggy back and lost muscle tone, you may not have spent enough time strengthening your lats in your workouts,” says fitness expert and celebrity trainer Keira Stokes.

We are always more concerned about what we see in the mirror, that is, our front part of the body. Our back is usually the last thing we think about.”

Strengthening your back is a very important part training program, and not only from an aesthetic point of view. Working on this area strengthens your posture.

“Your posture depends not only on your lower back, but also on your upper back, including your shoulders,” notes Stokes. “Poor posture can create the appearance of back fat, even if there is actually none there. Spending a few minutes focusing on your back muscles during a workout will strengthen your back and make you look more confident.”

Check out the most effective exercises to strengthen your back muscles and get rid of the problem area.

1. Pull-ups

This is the No. 1 weapon in the fight against a flabby back.

"When women hear the word 'pull-ups,' they get anxious because the exercises seem quite difficult to do," Stokes says. “But there are many other movements that mimic pull-ups.”

This is a pretty simple way strength training will allow you to train your back, both in the gym and at home.

“Your back is made up of many individual muscles, and pull-ups are an all-encompassing exercise that tones and strengthens them all,” says Kira Stokes.

If you are able to perform pull-ups with an overhand grip - with your fingers facing away from you - this is ideal for getting a good workout. lateral muscles and back muscles.

Pull-ups with a reverse grip are considered a simplified version of the exercise, but in this case your back will be involved in the work. But this option still puts most of the load on the biceps, so it takes second place.

Some tips on how to modify classic pull-ups:

1) Reverse pull-ups. Set the barbell in the rack to the bottom position, and pull yourself up to it from a reclining position on the floor. The exercise should start from the top point (chin above the bar), then slowly lower down. Fight gravity, try to descend as slowly as possible.

2) Pull-ups in the gravitron. "In every good gym There is a counterweight pull-up machine, but not everyone knows how to use it. Don't hesitate to ask an instructor for advice—they're a great tool for pull-ups if you can't do them with your own weight,” notes Stokes.

3) Pull-ups with TRX bands. “This is an amazing exercise for the upper back and deltoids—the large back muscles in general,” says Kira Stokes. “All you need is TRX bands, which are available at most sports clubs.”

2. Dumbbell rows

Place one knee on a bench or other comfortable elevated surface and the other foot on the floor; With one hand, rest against the bench; with the opposite hand, take a light dumbbell (1.5-2 kg). Move your arm with the dumbbell back, bending it at the elbow and drawing a straight line, then return it down, fully straightening your arm.

Do a set of 12 reps, then switch arms and knees.

3. Bent-over dumbbell row

Get into a plank position with your arms extended straight. Take a dumbbell (weight 1.5-2 kg) in each hand. Alternately, pull the dumbbell toward your chest in a straight line, bending your elbow and straining your upper back and deltoids.

4. Exercise TYI

Lie on the floor, on your stomach, or balance on gymnastic ball; Hold a 1.5 kg dumbbell in each hand. Straighten your back and lift your chest off the floor.

Raise your arms up through your sides, hold your body in a T position, lock in. Then move your arms so that your body resembles the letter Y, lock in.

Move your arms and take position I (arms straight above your head, touching each other).

These movements are great for training. rear delts, which are an integral part of a beautiful back.

Read also: Exercises to correct spinal curvature

5. Push-ups

This basic exercise primarily trains the chest, but is also considered great exercise for the back.

“Assume a standard push-up position (hands on the floor, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart). When you lower yourself down, tensing your muscles, your back also gets involved, says Kira Stokes. - Therefore, lower yourself slowly and as low as possible. Hold at the bottom of the exercise for 3 seconds, then slowly rise up, straightening your arms completely.”

6. Jumping rope

“You may get the impression that only your legs and shoulders are involved,” warns Stokes. - But in fact, the back also bears a large share of the load. Plus, jumping rope is a great cardio workout that burns fat in your body comprehensively.”

7. Back training on an exercise bike

“Have you noticed that the upper body exercise bikes at the gym are usually empty? I train with maniacal enthusiasm on just such a machine - this great trainer for the triceps and back, says Stokes. “Try pedaling in the opposite direction and you will feel your back muscles engage even more.”

8. Rowing machine exercises

There's a reason why rowing machines very popular these days: they perfectly train the back muscles and give them tone.

You can work out in the gym on sports equipment, or take a few rowing classes and hit the waves outdoors.

Plyometrics and cardio

"If you want your top part was quite mobile, perform active, dynamic movements for your back,” says the star trainer.

When you complete a set of any of the above exercises, throw a medicine ball for about 30 seconds: lift a 5-pound medicine ball above your head, lengthening your back and lateral muscles, and then, tightening your back muscles, throw it as hard as possible. You engage your back muscles, while speeding up your heart rate - all this together activates the fat burning process.

Perform 3 sets of these exercises 2-3 times a week, or choose a few of your favorite movements and focus on them. With a strong, toned back, you will have beautiful posture and even look a little taller.…

How to build a powerful, wide back? How to achieve the coveted V-shape? What exercises are most effective in pumping up the back? How to train your back so as not to get injured and what exercises to choose if you already have problems with your back? You will learn about this by reading this article: “exercises for the back muscles.”

Back muscles

The back is a muscle mass, second in volume only to the muscles of the legs. This is a huge muscle group, including muscles located in layers of different depths. In this article, we will consider muscles only from the point of view of bodybuilding, so we will list the muscles that form the external relief of the back (from top to bottom):

  1. Neck muscles (splenius capitis muscle);
  2. Trapezius muscles;
  3. Rhomboid muscles;
  4. Latissimus muscles;
  5. infraspinatus muscle;
  6. Teres major and minor muscles;
  7. Muscles - extensors of the back.

The back muscles are involved in almost all traction movements (latissimus, rhomboid), in which they are assisted by the rear deltoids and biceps. The back muscles also work in extending the body (back extensors), raising the shoulders (trapezius), and bringing the shoulder to the body (latissimus).

Exercises to strengthen your back muscles

Why do you need to strengthen your back muscles? The answer to this question lies on the surface. First of all, you need to strengthen the core muscles, which include the back muscles. long muscles extensors. Along with your abdominal muscles, a trained core will give you the confidence to avoid injury when performing any strenuous exercise. Secondly, trained strong back– the key to the health of your spine. Thirdly, a trained back creates balance in an often pumped-up pectoral muscles, which in turn is fraught with injuries to the deltoid muscles of the shoulder joint.

The very first exercise you should include in your training program is hyperextension.

Classic hyperextensions are performed in a special simulator. Having rested your heels on special supports, we begin extensions, maintaining a slight deflection in the spine. At the top point of the amplitude, we avoid excessive lordosis - hyperextension of the spine. We make movements smoothly, without jerking. As you inhale, lower your body down for 2 counts, and as you exhale, lift your body up for one count. We do 15-20 repetitions. When the extensor muscles are sufficiently strengthened, you can use weights - pick up a disc, dumbbell or weight.

There are many variations of hyperextensions (on a fitball, on a horizontal bench, etc.). Some of them concentrate the load on the hamstrings and gluteal muscles, take this into account and when training to strengthen the back muscles, use hyperextensions specifically for the extensors of this part of the body.

Train your back muscles at least once a week (if you are training on a split program). If you are a beginner, one workout for all the back muscles in a strong, high-volume manner will be enough (if more often, the muscles will not have time to recover and the risk of overtraining will increase).

If you already have a certain base and you need a certain specialization, be it working on the width or thickness of the back, or you need good detailing and separation individual muscles on your back, then in your case you can split your back workout into 2 times a week. In one workout, do, for example, basic back exercises, and in another, work specifically on the lagging factor.

Try to perform a peak contraction in all exercises - hold the muscles in a contracted state for a split second at the point of amplitude with the greatest load.

Stretch your working muscles after each approach.

Basic exercises for the back muscles

Pull-ups are deservedly considered the most effective of the basic back exercises.

Wide-grip pull-ups work the latissimus dorsi muscles very well, which gives the back width and helps achieve a V-shaped contour. At the same time, pull-ups are not isolated exercise, it involves the shoulder and elbow joints, and from the muscles - in addition to the latissimus - they assist deltoids(posterior bundle), biceps shoulder (biceps) and other stabilizer muscles.

Due to the fact that such a large number of muscle groups are involved, this exercise effectively works on strength and mass - it causes a hormonal surge and, as a reaction to it, a noticeable anabolic effect in the form of muscle growth.

When performing pull-ups to develop the back muscles, you should try to “disable” the biceps from the work as much as possible. For this:

  • There is no need to fully bend your elbows in order to get your chin above the bar (as in classic pull-ups);
  • You need to try to pull the bar towards your chest, bringing your shoulder blades together;
  • mentally concentrate on the work of the latissimus muscles. You need to pull your body up without bending your elbows, but by pulling your elbows down.

One more nuance. When doing pull-ups, especially doing a lot of sets and reps, your forearms will become “clogged”, which will prevent you from performing the maximum number of repetitions that your lats are capable of. To avoid this, use special straps. Sure, you need strong forearms, but let's train them separately, not at the expense of training your back.

Pull-up options:

You can further concentrate the load on your lats by performing overhead pull-ups.

If you cannot do pull-ups with your own weight, use a gravitron counterweight machine. You can also ask your training partner to “push” you at first until you can perform the movement on your own.

That pull-ups are exceptional male exercise– myth. Pull-ups are perfect for the fair half of humanity in developing their backs. And a wide (within reason) back perfectly emphasizes the narrowness of the waist and creates an hourglass-shaped silhouette.

Stand in front of the barbell, bend down until it is parallel to the floor. While maintaining an arch in your back, grab the barbell with a medium grip. As you exhale, pull the barbell to your waist, and as you inhale, slowly and under control lower the barbell to the starting position.

You can perform the exercise with a reverse grip. Vary the width and type of grip in such a way as to get the maximum feel for the work of the target muscle group, namely the latissimus muscles.

T-bar row

Biomechanics exercise similar to the previous exercise. Watch your lower back and under no circumstances allow a hunched, “round” back - this can lead to spinal injury.

There are options for performing the exercise with your chest resting on the bench.

The most, so to speak, basic exercise. King of the base. An exercise that uses almost every muscle in the human body. A champion among exercises that stimulate the secretion of testosterone, which triggers anabolic processes and thereby muscle growth. The exercise is technically difficult and dangerous. This exercise is not recommended for beginners who have not mastered the technique and have not trained their core muscles. It is recommended that you learn the exercise technique under the supervision of an experienced instructor or advanced training partner.

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other. The legs are almost pressed closely to the barbell. Throughout the entire range of motion in the spine, it is necessary to maintain a slight deflection. Move your pelvis back. We grab the barbell at shoulder width. An “over-grip” is often used - one hand grasps the barbell from below, the other from above. Pulling your pelvis forward and lifting your back, lift the barbell, moving it along your shin. Mentally push the floor with your heels - this will help you perform the movement technically correctly. Straighten your back. Slowly perform the movement in reverse order.

There are many options for performing deadlifts: sumo deadlifts, stiff-legged deadlifts, elevated deadlifts, dumbbell deadlifts, etc.

Dumbbell row with one hand, bent to the waist

Kneel on horizontal bench. Place your hand of the same name on the bench. With the other hand, pick up a dumbbell from the floor. With an energetic, but not sudden movement, by contracting the back muscles, pull the dumbbell towards the pelvic area. Do not lift the dumbbell to your chest. In this case, your biceps will bear the main load. Forget about your forearm, think of it as a hook and pull your elbow up and back through your back.

Execution option: rowing dumbbells simultaneously with both hands with chest support on an inclined bench:

Isolation exercises to develop back muscles

This classification is rather arbitrary, because exercises for block simulators and in Hammer-type simulators, more than one joint is often involved and can formally be classified as basic. Nevertheless, these exercises, due to their biomechanics (a given trajectory and the absence of noticeable load on the stabilizer muscles), can be considered isolating.

Upper back extension exercise. Grab the handle with a wide grip. Sit down on the bench. Lower the handle behind your head (option: to your chest) as you exhale. As you inhale, slowly lift the handle to the starting position.

Grasp the handle (options: narrow or wide grip). Sit on a bench with your legs slightly bent. Lean forward, stretching your lats. Straighten your back, but without swaying or inertia. Pull your elbows behind your back, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Do not move your back too far beyond the vertical and do not allow the counterweight to rise due to inertia. Slowly return to the starting position after the peak contraction. Traditionally, while pulling, exhale, and when releasing the load, inhale.

Traction in a Hummer

Hummer rows on a lever machine. Alternatively, alternate rows with each hand various types grip

Bringing straight arms to the body in a crossover (pullover on a block)

Grasp the straight handle on upper block crossover. Lean your body forward slightly, keeping your back straight. As you exhale, lower your straight arms down to your hips. As you inhale, return to the starting position. A good exercise for “finishing” after heavy basic exercises with light weight in order to get more blood into the lats.

Exercises to increase back width

Exercises to increase back thickness and depth

1. Bent-over barbell row

2. T-bar row

3. Horizontal rods

Exercises for the back if you have problems

If you have untreated back injuries. Or if you've had a history of injury and are concerned about recurrence, you'll obviously need to be extra careful when selecting back exercises, as well as being careful about the weights you use and being especially careful about your form.

Back exercises for scoliosis and osteochondrosis

If there is a curvature of the spine, axial load must be avoided.

  1. Pull-ups
  2. Vertical rods on the block

Important: Avoid any exercises that cause pain!

A set of exercises for the back with dumbbells

  1. Deadlift with dumbbells
  2. Bent over rows of dumbbells alternately to the waist
  3. Dumbbell row lying chest down on an incline bench
  4. Shrugs with dumbbells for trapezius muscles

A set of exercises for the back with a barbell

  1. Deadlift (or variations)
  2. Bent-over barbell row
  3. T-bar row
  4. Shrugs on the trapeze with a barbell

Preventing injuries during back training

Healthy back is the key to your athletic longevity, so you need to be very careful about injury prevention. Choose your working weights carefully, do not chase the weight in order to surprise someone in the gym. Remember - the main thing is technique. A small amount of weight lifted with perfect form will do much more than lifting too much with the wrong technique and will save you from injury. Use a lifting (athletic) belt.

5 back exercises for girls:

Safe back training from Kostya Bublikova

When working out in the gym, men pay special attention to training their backs, since a harmonious silhouette of an athlete is impossible without well-developed latissimus muscles. If girls primarily train their leg muscles, and this is logical, then a man’s priority should be training the latissimus dorsi muscle. A wide back helps hide body imperfections. Such as wide waist, narrow Men are always attracted to back training. Every beginner wants to know how to build a wide back.

The structure of the back muscles

To understand how a weight training program for the back is designed, you need to understand the structure of its muscles and their functions. divided into deep and superficial.

The first type includes:

  • transverse spinalis muscles, the function of which is to stabilize the spine, they consist of the rotator muscles, multifidus and semispinalis;
  • extensor muscles perform the function of moving the spine; consist of the iliocostal, longissimus and spinous;
  • diamond-shaped, trapezoidal and, contribute to the movement of the shoulder girdle.

The second type includes:

  • the latissimus muscle, the function of which is to stretch the arm back and down;
  • square, responsible for lateral bending.

Which muscles should you pay attention to?

For beginners, it's the upper body workout that worries them. Everyone wants to know how to build a wide back.

The shape of this part of the body, its width can be changed by pumping the latissimus muscles, or, as athletes say, the wings. By enlarging this area, it creates V-shape, which athletes strive for so much.

Also, a beautiful torso is formed due to This muscle group is divided into 3 regions: top, middle and bottom. Particular attention is paid to the top - the area between the shoulders and neck.

Training the back extensors allows you to create a hollow spine, and this creates the effect of a muscular back. In addition, extensors help you lift heavier weights while pumping up other parts of your body.

  • Pull-ups.

By changing the grip width, you can work different areas of the back. The wider the grip, the more the lats are activated. When performing exercises, you need to pull with your back and turn off your biceps, and do not pull your shoulders towards your ears.

If you have little weight and it’s easy for you to pull yourself up, then you need to use extra weight- a belt with weights or dumbbells; you can also use weights with sand.

If, on the contrary, you cannot pull up your own weight, then you can perform the exercise on the “Graviton” simulator, where a load is placed that serves as a counterweight.

  • Deadlift.

To perform this exercise, you need to have pumped up abs and back extensors, which will help avoid injuries.

To begin the exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and slowly lower the barbell down in one line without leaning your body forward. The bar should slide along the knees along the same path.

  • Bent-over barbell row.

Position - feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent at an angle of 45 degrees, spine in a straight line. The barbell should be pulled towards the stomach so that it slides over the thighs.

Technique for performing isolated exercises

Isolation exercises help strengthen muscles at the end of the workout and engage fibers that are not affected by basic exercises.

  • One-arm dumbbell row.

Rest your left leg and left hand on the bench, your back parallel to the floor, take a dumbbell in your right hand and begin to pull with your back, bending your elbow. There is no need to turn your back at the top point.

  • T-machine rows.

The principle of execution is the same as in the barbell row. This exercise includes back mass training if there are any injuries.

  • Pull from the upper block.

A good alternative to pull-ups. Sit on a bench, grab the handle with a wide grip and pull down with your back, your arms should be relaxed.

  • Pull from the lower block.

Sit on a bench, keep your back straight and begin to pull the machine, bringing your shoulder blades together.

  • Hyperextension.

We lie down on a bench, the pelvis is on the pillow, lower the body down without rounding the back, raise the top until the back is in line with the legs.

Back muscle training program for mass

Depending on the training goals, a specific program is selected. By including/excluding certain exercises, you can change the load on the muscles.

All men are interested in how to pump up their back. The training program is varied.

This complex will help pump up all parts of the back and consists of 4 training options that will need to be alternated.

It's important to do 5 minutes of cardio before starting your warm-up exercises, and also do a couple of warm-up sets without weights.

Back workout
exercise approaches repetitions
first, fifth weeks
pull-ups4 max
superset: rows from the upper and lower blocks4 10
Bent-over barbell row4 10
second, sixth weeks
superset: lat pulldown + pull-ups4 10 and 15
pull from the lower block3 max
reverse thrust4 10, 10, 8, 6
one-arm lat pulldown3 10
third, seventh weeks
pull-ups4 max, 10, 8.8
traction from the upper block3 10
Bent-over barbell row4 8, 6, 6, 5
pull down from the lower block with hands alternately4 15
fourth, eighth week
triset: pull-ups + rows from the upper + lower blocks3 10 each
traction from the upper block3 12
reverse thrust3 max

Sports nutrition for training

Training for back mass is quite labor-intensive and requires significant energy expenditure, so it is rational to use supplements to increase endurance and the speed of recovery of the body.

For growth muscle mass You can use gainer, protein and creatine, for recovery - glutamine, to protect muscles from breakdown - BCAA. All this will contribute to the speedy achievement of the goal.

Our consultants will tell you which sports nutrition company is best to choose. Today there are a lot of manufacturers, each of which adds some zest to their product.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition, since a lack of nutrients will not allow your muscles to grow. You need to eat the required amount of protein and carbohydrates per kg of body daily. If you create a deficiency of any component, but train hard, you will not achieve results. Muscles grow with the proper amount of carbohydrates and proteins. Protein is the main source of food for muscles; it is found in chicken breasts, eggs, and cottage cheese.
