What kind of body does someone who does exercises have? We choose a time for exercise: in the morning we burn fat, and in the evening we speed up metabolism. Neck exercises

However, when choosing exercises, you must remember that exercise is not an ordinary workout.

Morning exercises are a warm-up before the working day. It helps the circulatory system tune in to daily activity and improves the supply of muscles, brain, internal organs and tissues with oxygen. After sleep, blood circulation throughout the body is reduced, the lungs are narrowed, and the nervous system is inhibited. You cannot give yourself a serious load, such as running or strength exercises, immediately after waking up - the body cannot cope with it, there is a high risk of injury or even disrupting the balance of various systems. But after morning exercises You can either go to the gym or go to work.

Thus, the purpose of morning exercise is to gradually improve blood circulation throughout the body. This will speed up your metabolism. And even if you sit in the office all day after exercise, at least in the first half of the day your body will not accumulate calories, but burn them. That's what you need to lose weight!

When and how?

It is best, of course, to do exercises every day. Ten to fifteen minutes is enough, but if desired, you can increase the duration to half an hour. If you can’t do it every day, do it as often as you can, it will still be more useful than not doing anything at all.

You need to do exercises BEFORE breakfast. But you should definitely drink water before exercise, at least a glass. After all, you didn’t drink at least 8 hours of sleep, some amount of water was excreted in your urine and sweat. Once the fluid is gone, it means the blood has become thicker and increasing its circulation in such an “undiluted” form is overloading the heart. So, you need water, and if you are hungry, juice. Those who cannot live without coffee or tea can also drink these drinks. But a standard cup of coffee (50 ml) will not dilute the blood, so supplement it with another liquid.

Now let's look at the intensity of movements. Remember a simple rule: the colder the weather, the less active you should start. That is, if in the summer you can do exercises with a pulse of 90–100 beats per minute, and by the end of the workout you can raise the pulse to 110, then in the winter start with 85–90.

Subtleties of choice

It is necessary to start with low-intensity exercises and gradually increase the load. The difference from a full workout is that after exercise you should never feel tired. If this happens, then shorten your morning warm-up or make it slower. At the same time, morning exercises are not relaxation or stretching. During class, you should feel that your heart has begun to beat faster and your breathing has become faster. After morning exercises, you should definitely feel light and cheerful. If, after charging, you are going to go to the gym or, for example, ride a bike, the charging should be longer and end at a higher heart rate than usual.

Another important point– breathing. Try to breathe as deeply as possible, not only with your full chest, but also with your stomach. This will open up the lungs that have collapsed overnight and increase the amount of oxygen entering the blood. In turn, increasing the amount of oxygen and improving blood circulation will speed up metabolism and increase the amount of fat burned during movement.


Now let's see what exercises are useful to include in morning exercises and how to perform them correctly.

It is best to start by stretching your arms up, turning your head, and twisting your arms to develop your joints. When you reach up and twist your head, do not throw it back under any circumstances (do not lower the back of your head onto your back). It is better to first bend your arms and legs slightly at the joints, without tension, and then begin to rotate them at a moderate pace.

Use complex exercises, that is, those that involve all the muscles of your body. For example, walking in place or around the yard. Don't forget to move your arms while doing it and don't slouch.

Great exercises to exercise are squats and lunges. You don’t need to go down too low, so that the angle is knee joint was straight or blunt. Never bend your knees when doing squats.

Other complex exercise– push-ups. Few people can do push-ups on their toes, as they require a decent amount of exercise. physical training. Feel free to simplify this exercise. The easiest option is to do push-ups with your hands on the wall. The farther your legs are moved from the wall, the more difficult it is. Slightly higher load - knees on the floor, hands on a chair or sofa. Even more difficult - feet (toes, not knees) on the floor, hands on the sofa. Finally, the “female” version – knees and hands on the floor. When you can do 20 push-ups like this, lean on your hands and toes.

Exercises can be done with dumbbells and other weights. In this case, choose exercises that again use as many muscles as possible. That is, don’t just bend and straighten your arms, but do bends in different directions, squats, lift dumbbells from the floor, etc. with weights. But abdominal exercises (crunches, leg lifts) are not suitable for morning exercises - they involve too few muscles, they do not increase the flow of oxygen and blood circulation. It is better to leave them for the evening.

Finally, another option is to exercise with a device that, willy-nilly, involves the whole body. For example, a short bike ride, spinning gymnastic hoop(hula hoop), expander stretching, and so on.

In general, as you can see, morning exercises are very simple and at the same time very effective!

Surely many people remember how in childhood they were taught to do exercises before going to wash and have breakfast. Charging is very important and useful for human body. However, there is currently still debate as to when is the best time to exercise.

Most of the institute's specialists physical culture They believe that physical exercise should not be done immediately after waking up, but during the day. To be more precise regarding the question of when is the best time to do exercises, this process should be carried out after 15:00. Experts say that the fact that morning exercises can improve performance, increase flexibility and tone the body is just a myth. The only advantage is that you will wake up sooner.

Owls and larks

Those people who are early risers do not need to exercise at all. They can do it without additional physical exercise It's quite easy to wake up in the morning. But that part of the population that considers itself to be a night owl, instead of getting out of bed and starting to actively bend over and squat, is ready to lie down for another half hour so that the body gradually awakens on its own. Speaking about when is the best time to do exercises, it is worth noting that physical exercise must coincide with the peak release of certain hormones.

Scientists conducted an experiment. Workers at the Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports asked people who had never played sports on a regular basis to participate in the experiment. All members of the experiment were pre-divided into four groups, after which they were asked to do the exercises at different times:

  • the first group did exercises in the morning;
  • the second - during the day;
  • third - in the evening;
  • the fourth group did no exercise at all.

Ultimately the most best results achieved by the group members who did exercises between 15:00 and 18:00.

Based on this, a conclusion can be drawn regarding when it is better to do exercises: both owls and larks should exercise in the afternoon, but not in the evening.

The difference between charging and other types of loads

The benefits of morning exercises are obvious: such exercises help fight hypokinesia syndrome, which is expressed in bad mood, irritability, increased drowsiness, decreased tone, fatigue and lethargy.

However, when considering when it is better to do exercises: in the morning, after lunch or in the evening, it should be noted that it does not need to be turned into a workout. Charging is called that precisely because it aims to charge the human body for the whole day. The same exercises that are performed in the gym are aimed at straining muscle tissue by exhausting your body. After such training, the body needs rest, as a lot of strength and energy have been spent. Without certain preparation, you can even harm the body.

Many people prefer to run in the morning, combining running with other strength exercises aimed at the muscles of the arms, abs and others. This type of training lasts longer when compared to regular exercise. Therefore, this type of load does not apply to morning exercises. Exercise is usually called a set of physical exercises that are aimed at warming up muscles and joints.

It can also be produced in combination with power loads, however, their number and duration should be determined individually, based on physical fitness, the amount of free time and the person’s desire. Therefore, when answering the question of what time is best to do exercises, the training schedule will also be important.

Charging rules

The human body begins to wake up gradually, so any physical activity immediately after waking up will force the heart to suddenly switch to an active mode of operation, and this is harmful to the heart muscle. Speaking about when it is better to do exercises, before or after breakfast, you should know that it would be wiser to warm up an hour and a half after eating. But light exercises can also be done before breakfast, but it is worth paying attention to the fact that after exercise it is not recommended to have breakfast for another hour.

There are some types of such exercises that you can do without getting out of bed. This should include warm-up exercises which do not carry any load. This is not enough to be active and cheerful all day. Therefore, it is better to walk around after waking up, drink at least 1 glass of water, wash, and only then do basic exercises.

To do means to do something after which a person feels a surge of vigor and strength. Quite often, many people make a mistake when doing exercises, which is excessive load. The main thing is to raise the tone of the human body. These exercises are not intended to build muscle mass or losing weight. Therefore, the question regarding what is the best exercise to do for weight loss will be inappropriate here. You just need to identify the measure of the load using your own well-being: during exercise there should not be a feeling of overwork or tiredness. If this happens, then you need to reduce the load. And if someone has a goal to lose weight, then more intense physical activity will be required, as well as adherence to a certain diet and diet.

Neck exercises

Exercises for doing morning exercises have different variations. The first of these involve performing exercises for the neck:

  1. Turns the head left and right.
  2. Slow circular rotations of the head.
  3. Tilt the head to the right and left, forward and backward.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if a person has problems with the vestibular apparatus, then there is no need to close his eyes while performing these exercises.

Hand exercises

Hand exercises include the following:

  1. Fist rotation to warm up your wrist joints. You can also do a rotation by clasping your hands together.
  2. Rotation of the shoulders - first together, then in turn.
  3. Rotation with straight arms.
  4. Circular rotational movements forearms. In this case, you must simultaneously bend your elbows, first towards yourself and then away from you.
  5. Circular rotations with elbows. In this case, you need to touch your shoulders with your fingers, and keep your arms bent.

Core Exercises

Morning exercises necessarily include core exercises:

  1. Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, and then bend forward, trying to touch the floor with your fingers or palms, if stretching allows this. It is worth paying attention to the fact that movements must be performed smoothly.
  2. Rotation of the pelvis. Hands should be placed on the belt, and movements should not cause pain or pinched muscles.
  3. Tilts in different directions. At the same time, for greater stability, your feet should be placed shoulder-width apart. Left hand put it on your belt, and pull the right one up. After several bends, change hands and bend in the opposite direction.
  4. Finally, you should rotate your torso. In this case, your arms should be bent at the elbows, your hands should be locked. Several turns are made to the left, and then several in the opposite direction. The legs should be in place, the feet should not leave the floor.

Leg exercises

The morning exercise ends with exercises for the legs:

  1. Swing your legs forward and backward. In total, you should do 15-20 swings.
  2. Alternately raise your legs in different directions. Approximately 15-20 times with each leg.
  3. Make circular movements in your knees, keeping them slightly bent.
  4. Do squats. The heels should not come off the floor. While squatting, extend your arms in front of you. 15-20 squats will be enough to start with.


When considering when it is better to do exercises (morning or evening), experts lean more toward the afternoon. There is no need to exercise on a full stomach. It is also necessary to remember that exercise can never replace a hike. Gym, if the main goal is fat burning or weight gain.

Hello, dear ladies! The other day a friend told me this story:

An uncle came to visit them, who still has a Soviet background (you know, there are such “communies,” as my mother calls them). He's a devotee healthy image life, which characterizes him only on the positive side. So, my friend’s uncle does morning exercises every morning. Of course, this is a good habit. But he makes it to a Soviet radio recording, in which a cheerful male voice commands which way to turn and how intensely to wave his arms.

In our family, the attitude towards warming up in the morning has always been, in my opinion, undeservedly indifferent. And after meeting such an ardent fan of hers, I seriously thought about revising my morning schedule. But with the marches of the Soviet radio, it’s still too much.

Today I invite you to consider exercises for morning exercises, which were dictated by a cheerful male voice, and find out why they are useful. I suggest performing all these activities to modern dynamic music that you personally like.

Why do you need to do exercises in the morning?

For reference: Morning exercises are a single set of exercises that help you get a huge boost of energy for the whole day. It helps tone the body, relieve lethargy and drowsiness. Supports physical health, increases performance and helps to tune in to the positive.

Warming up increases the flow of blood and lymph, helps metabolism activate, and eliminates congestion in the body that forms during sleep.

It should be regular. Exercises must be done every day and at the same time. Regularity increases body flexibility and promotes weight loss.

Physical activity helps improve intellectual abilities. Therefore, exercising in the morning will help you cope with your work at work every day.

What will you need? Sports light clothing and light sports shoes. To perform exercises while lying down, you will need a mat.

You should not include heavy loads in the complex. It is better if they are simple, but activate all muscle groups.

Warm-up will be more effective if done outside, in the fresh air.

Now let's summarize all of the above. You need to exercise! And you will be positive all day! And as they say: “Health is good - thanks to exercise!”

Set of exercises

Let's move on directly to the set of classes. It is worth remembering that they should be done to rhythmic music that you like, observing the sequence of execution. It is better to choose music in advance. The duration of the warm-up music series is approximately 10-15 minutes.

Starting position: standing, legs spread at shoulder level, you can do a dance spring to the beat of the music.

Warm-up (1 minute)

  • Slowly walking around the room with calm breathing.
  • Walking in place.

Activating the neck

  • Head tilts left and right (6 times).
  • Now back and forth (6 times).
  • Slow rotation (10 times).

For arm and shoulder muscles

  • We rotate our shoulders simultaneously and alternately, while our arms are lowered (6 times each).
  • Rotate one by one with outstretched arms(10 times).
  • Alternate sharp swings of the arms (10 times).
  • We bend our elbows at shoulder level, then sharply straighten them and move them back. We return to initial position(6 times).
  • We move our bent arms back several times, after which we move our straight arms back once (6 times).
  • We spread our arms to the side and rotate our hands, sometimes clenched into a fist, sometimes with open palms. Alternately and simultaneously (10 times).

Activating the torso muscles

  • Smooth forward bends touching the floor with your fingertips (7 times).
  • Rotation of the pelvis. First to the right. Then left. At the same time, we keep our hands on our belts (10 times).
  • Place your right hand on your belt, raise your left hand above your head and bend to the right. Then we change hands and the side of the tilt (6 times).
  • Raise your hands and lock them together. Tilts left and right, back and forth (6 times).
  • Arms straight, parallel to the floor. Turn your torso left and right (6 times).

Leg muscles wake up

  • Alternately swing your legs back and forth (10 times with each leg).
  • Squats without lifting your heels off the floor (10 times).
  • Alternate swings of legs to the sides. Left and right (6 times each).

Stretching exercises

  • Sitting on the floor with your legs straight, try to touch your toes with your fingers (10 times).
  • Lying on the floor, with your knees bent, rotate your knees left and right. Your knees should touch the floor (6 times in each direction).
  • Lying on your side, swing your legs up. First with one leg, then turn and swing with the other leg. (10 times).

Strengthening the abs

  • From a lying position, lift your torso up. With straightened arms, reach for your toes. Lie down on the floor again (10 times).

Improve your mood (5-7 minutes)

  • Slowly running in place.
  • We dance freely to the beat of the music.

Congratulations, you did it. Let's move on to water treatments!


I took this set of exercises from a Soviet radio recording that the hero of my story listened to. But after looking at the information about exercises for morning exercises, I came to the conclusion that little has changed since then. Some sources add two or three more, others add a couple of exercises less. This means that many generations have been doing this warm-up in the morning.

A huge number of specialists: athletes, coaches, doctors, teachers, psychologists, have confirmed the effectiveness of these trainings. Also, this complex is not divided according to gender and age. That is, it is universal.

Well, thanks to my friend, or rather her relative. He gave us a wonderful gift. And my uncle changed his march for classes, now he does exercises in the morning not to the sounds of a march, but to modern music. And now I start every morning with a warm-up. And I can say with confidence that it lifts the mood great:

Well, if you still have nostalgia for the Soviet past, this video is for you:

With this, dear women, I say goodbye to you. I really hope that you learned a lot from this article. Don't forget to tell your friends and subscribe to blog news. Health and beauty to you. See you again!

The advantages of charging are obvious:

  • Effective exercises for weight loss at home for beginners within a week of your daily workouts, will become an indispensable source of vitality for your body and spirit;
  • You will begin to wake up faster and easier, the morning will not bring a decline in mood, you will always feel a great surge of energy and a desire to work;
  • Proper exercise significantly helps the body quickly shed accumulated kilograms and excess calories;
  • Helps to control. You will no longer feel constantly insatiable. Your body will be perfectly saturated with a light breakfast, and you will feel light, without heaviness in the stomach and bloating;
  • Along with good exercise, your mood also improves, which lasts throughout the day.

Some useful tips:

  • Charging should be done before. Before a set of exercises, drink a glass of water so that your body wakes up faster and is ready for training;
  • If your goal is to lose weight, then you should do exercises every day for at least 10-15 minutes, each time increasing the level of load, in order to eventually stretch it to half an hour;
  • The emphasis must be placed on all muscles, you do not need to train only or, otherwise you will not achieve any results. The training should be comprehensive for all muscles;
  • Alternate exercises so that the exercises are as efficient and productive as possible, and doing the exercises will become easier for you.

Charging rules

How to do exercises to lose weight? Everything is quite simple, the main thing is to follow the basic rules and follow the execution technique, practice daily and the result will not be long in coming. You shouldn’t be too zealous from the very first days. The load on the body should be increased gradually. If you start your first exercise immediately with a complex set of exercises, then you will only lose a lot of energy and will not achieve the desired result.

  • You need to start with, otherwise the risk of injury increases.
  • It is necessary to exercise regularly! Only constant training gives results. If you can’t keep up with the schedule, then do the exercises at least 4 times;
  • Set yourself a specific time for exercise and try not to deviate from it;
  • If you do exercises not only for vigor and stretching, but with a purpose, then you should arrange the exercises correctly. Such a workout should last at least half an hour, since fat burning occurs within 20 minutes of active exercise;
  • The break between exercises should not be more than one minute, also watch the pace of your exercise;
  • When doing morning exercises to increase muscle mass, you should limit your food intake an hour before and after exercise;
  • Upbeat and cheerful music will make your morning workout more fun;
  • Be sure to do a warm-up, it will warm up your muscles and prevent injuries and sprains;
  • At the end of the workout, do a cool-down or;

Change the exercises, do not perform the same complex every morning, so that the exercise is effective, make changes. To improve the quality of training, it is better to use other equipment.

How to start practicing?

To start complex exercises, you need to select the ideal set of exercises for you to reduce fat. It is very important that you like and are comfortable with the exercises, then you will be more motivated to do them. It doesn't matter what you choose or anything else, the main thing is to maintain technique and regularity. Don’t throw yourself into the deep end, as they say, start with light exercises and gradually increase the load.

If you immediately start torturing your body complex exercises, then you cannot avoid soreness and muscle strain. Let your muscles get used to it and then increase the load. As you know, in order for our body to get used to constant training, the exercise must be repeated at least 20 times. Which means after a month of such training, your body will completely get used to it and there will be no more discomfort or laziness. Exercise will begin to truly benefit you and your health.

The most effective is - intensive charging in the morning for . These are the most problematic areas, so the first days of training should start right in bed, lying down. They will help you with this simple complexes exercises that... This includes stretching to stretch muscles and ligaments and elements of twisting from one side to the other. You can also use pulling your legs towards your stomach, which improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels.

When the exercises in bed are done, we get up and do deep breath and exhale, drink a glass of water and set the body up for training. After that, we perform a set of your favorite exercises for the whole body, monitor your breathing, or simply dance to your favorite music.

Carrying out the most simple exercises, will help you:

  • Get used to morning training;
  • To understand that performing such a complex daily is not at all difficult;
  • Notice how much your condition improves;
  • Prepare yourself and your body for a more complex set of exercises;
  • Activate muscle function;
  • You will feel a good surge of energy.

We all know that in the morning it is quite difficult to force yourself to get out of bed, let alone do any other gymnastics. But if you want to improve your well-being and, of course, lose weight, you need to overcome yourself and set yourself up for productive work on yourself and your body. Evening and morning exercises are the best remedy in the fight against excess weight.

Set of exercises (photos, pictures)

On the legs and buttocks

For slimming legs, the most effective exercise counts - . If you don't walk much during the day, then start your routine by walking in place for 30-60 seconds, while raising your knees high. Follow the rhythm of breathing, 4 steps - inhale, the next 4 steps - exhale. Grasp the back of the chair with your hands, stand on your toes, rise and fall for 30-60 seconds, see the picture for more details.

On the stomach and sides

In your arms

We select dumbbells of a weight that is convenient for you, from 1 kilogram and above. Raise both arms at the same time to the sides, for about 30-60 seconds, depending on your level of endurance. Read more about this in the article

Our lethargy in the morning can be explained by only one thing - the body, despite awakening, remains in a calm and sleepy state for some time. In order to finally wake up, it takes about 2-3 hours. Washing your face in the morning will help you cheer up a little, as it allows you to send a certain impulse to the central nervous system. But without bringing your muscles and joints to work, you won’t be able to fully awaken. This is why a person needs morning exercises. Before you begin the process of carrying it out, you need to understand the usefulness of a set of such exercises.

Any physical training require 3 or 4 visits to the gym per week and thorough muscle loads. Then, as classes in the morning carry only a health-improving meaning. Maximum benefit from morning workouts It will only happen when, during the process of execution, the set of exercises improves and becomes more complicated. It is recommended to carry out charging in a well-ventilated area and wearing clothing that does not restrict movement. It is best to finish your classes with a contrast shower.

The obvious benefits of morning exercises are as follows:

  • Improves mood;
  • Increased vitality;
  • The level of drowsiness decreases;
  • Lethargy and fatigue disappear;
  • The syndrome, which is clearly expressed in an irritable attitude towards the outside world (hypokinesia), disappears.

Since charging has a completely different purpose, there is no need to turn it into a regular training process. After all, the name itself suggests that these activities are designed to charge the human body with energy for the whole day. Unlike exercise, training aims to strain the muscles, exhausting the body. At the end of it, the body always wants to rest, since a lot of strength and energy have been spent. Without some preparation for training, you can cause irreparable harm to your body.

There are people who, together with morning jog prefer to carry out all sorts of strength exercises for various muscle groups, arms and abs. This complex takes longer than regular charging, about 40-50 minutes. Therefore, it is incorrect to call such loads charging. After all charger- This is a set of physical exercises that are intended to knead joints and muscle tissue.

This complex is often combined with some strength loads, but the number of them, as well as the type and duration of implementation, largely depends on physical fitness, desire and availability of free time. What are the best times to spend sports activities? The most optimal time for strength-bearing loads on the body is after lunch, but exercises are best done in the morning.

Correct morning exercises

The gradual awakening of the body does not accept any heavy loads immediately after sleep that force the heart to switch to more active work, causing irreparable damage to the heart muscle.

There are exercises that can be easily performed directly in bed. These include warm-up exercises that do not carry any load. At the same time, remember that they are not enough for a cheerful and active well-being throughout the day. You will need to walk a little, take a shower or just wash your face, drink a glass of water and only after all this do the basic exercises.

Morning exercises are performed to music, which is selected for each individual individually. The presence of intense exercises in the complex forces you to select music whose tempo will be about 140 or 170 beats per minute. Many compositions of our time have exactly this tempo. When performing exercises in a calmer rhythm, slow songs are selected. To properly organize body movements and coordinate your breathing with them, it is recommended to select songs of a rhythmic nature.

That morning exercise that gives you good spirits and a surge of strength is considered the best. The main mistake in charging is excessive loads. Many people forget that the main purpose of exercise is to tone up. Her idea is not building muscle mass. The best way Determining the degree of stress on the body is how a person feels. The body should not feel tired or overly tired. With these symptoms, the necessary measure should be to reduce the load.

Set of exercises

There are several options for exercises performed during morning exercises, but there are some basic ones among them.

A set of exercises for the cervical region

  • Making head turns to the left and right;
  • Inclined movements of the head left-right, forward-backward;
  • Circular rotation of the head at a slow pace.

You should not close your eyes if you have problems with the vestibular system.

Morning warm-up for arms

A set of core exercises

Leg warm-up

Additional set of exercises

To the above exercises done in the morning, you can add the following strength training:

  • press swing,
  • rotational exercises of a gymnastic hoop,
  • use of light or medium weight dumbbells in exercises.

The effect of morning exercises

All the sets of exercises presented above will help you improve the condition of your entire body and get into work mode much faster.

Morning exercises make our auditory, vestibular, visual and other systems more active, helping to tune the central organ nervous system in a working manner and bring the body out of the inhibited state that is present in the first hours after waking up. If exercises are regular, then a person notices positive physical changes: improved blood circulation, proper heart function, accelerated venous blood flow. Exercise also has a beneficial effect on the lungs. When performing exercises, the level of oxygen in the blood increases, and this in turn leads to active acid-reduction processes in the body, intensifying muscle tissue and strengthens joints.

Performing a set of exercises daily in the morning will prepare your body for all the physical, mental and emotional stress that you will face during the day. And remember that only the right set of exercises can lift your spirits and make you feel all the charm of an active life.
