How to properly pump up your wings at home. How to pump up your “wings” in the gym and at home. “Home” equipment for swinging wings

The wings are called the latissimus dorsi muscles. They were given this name due to the fact that more developed muscles, the more they resemble the wings of a bird when folded. Inflated wings visually make the shoulders wider and the waist narrower. Without pumped latissimus muscles The back figure can hardly be called proportional and beautiful.

Using a horizontal bar, barbell, weights and other sports equipment, you can perfectly pump up your wings.

Anatomy of "wings"

The latissimus muscles occupy bottom part backs. They move the shoulder joints. They have strong wings great importance when performing deadlifts, pull-ups and other traction exercises with high loads. The function of the wings is to rotate and move the shoulders.

Exercises for the latissimus dorsi muscles

When training specific back muscles, you should not forget about others. It is best to create a complex that will include 3-5 exercises specifically for the “wings” and 2-3 exercises for other torso muscles. Each wing exercise must be performed in 2-4 approaches, depending on the physical training. If you want to quickly increase muscle mass, then it is recommended to perform exercises with heavy weights. Are you working on your definition? In this case, you need to reduce extra weight and simply increase the number of repetitions, approximately up to 20 times. In your training to pump up your wings, you should use both basic and isolating exercises for the latissimus dorsi muscles, regularly alternating with each other. The basic ones include various rows - with a barbell, horizontal block V sitting position and pull-ups. For isolating exercises on the wings - dumbbell rows, vertical thrust With wide grip.

How to pump up your latissimus dorsi with barbell rows

When performing deadlifts with a barbell, it is important to keep the following points under control:

  • the bar of the bar should be located directly in front of the knees
  • head should be kept straight
  • You should feel tension in your lower back throughout the entire workout.
  • working position with a deviation of at least 30 degrees
  • when pulling a barbell, the participation of hands should be minimal
  • the main work should be on the muscles of the shoulders and back
  • choose the weight of the barbell correctly, it is important that the body does not sway throughout the entire workout

How to pump up your wings with dumbbells?

Dumbbell wing exercises involve rowing a dumbbell while standing in an inclined position with one arm. The hand with the dumbbell should be relaxed as much as possible. The technique for performing this exercise is as follows:

  • as you exhale, lift the dumbbell upward
  • the main task is to lift the dumbbell as high as possible
  • In addition to the elbow, the shoulder should be included in the work, since when the elbow is in line with the shoulder, the latissimus muscles experience enormous loads, which has a positive effect on the final result
  • you need to hover for 2-3 seconds at the top point

How to pump up the latissimus dorsi muscles with push-ups?

This exercise is similar to traditional push-ups, but differs in the presence of supports. You can use a bench or chairs as supports. Make sure your arms are positioned correctly, otherwise you can seriously injure your shoulder joint. Correct position The arms are considered slightly wider than the shoulders. The main task is to lower the upper body below the fulcrum. It is important to maintain smooth movements and proper breathing.

How to pump up your wings on the horizontal bar?

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar are a classic exercise popular among athletes. For achievement maximum effect your chest should touch the bar. It is recommended to start training first with your hands positioned wider than your shoulders, increasing this distance each time. The wider the grip, the better the “wings” are pumped. Avoid jerking, keep it smooth. It is important to pause briefly at the top of the movement. Pull-ups with reverse grip. To add variety to your workouts and increase their effectiveness, you can add additional load in the form of a weighted belt.

How to pump the latissimus dorsi muscles with a kettlebell

The exercise consists of lifting a weight to the level of the collarbone. The sports equipment very heavy, so it is highly recommended that beginners take it on first. Before pumping the latissimus dorsi muscles with kettlebells, you should warm up well to avoid injury.

How to pump up your wings at home

It’s worth noting right away that it is very difficult to pump up the latissimus dorsi muscles by doing exercises at home, especially without certain knowledge. For getting visible result It is important to have all the information necessary for this. It is best to seek help from a specialist who will compose exactly for you effective program training, and will also give useful recommendations. You can pump up your wings at home by doing push-ups, pull-ups, and also doing exercises for the latissimus dorsi muscles with dumbbells.

The following exercises will help you pump up your wings at home:

  • Supported push-ups - to increase the load, it is advisable to throw your legs on a chair or sofa. The wider your hands are, the more effective it is.
  • Bent-over dumbbell rows - You can use any weight, such as sandbags, as dumbbells. The maximum effect is achieved when the arms are spread as wide as possible and directed upward. 2-3 approaches of 8 times are enough.
  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar are a very productive exercise, thanks to which a large group of muscles is pumped. Remember, rocking your body while performing an exercise reduces the load on the muscles, which makes the workout less effective. To increase the load, add weights.

How to pump up your wings in the gym

There is a certain list of exercises with which you can quickly pump up the latissimus dorsi muscles. But experts strongly advise against rushing things, since the muscles are very overloaded. It is better to choose a gradual load. Today, the most common and effective exercises for pumping up wings are:

How to pump your latissimus dorsi using barbell rows

In order for the muscles to properly experience the load, tilt your body a little forward, but no more than 30 degrees. The lower back should be slightly arched and tense during the exercise, with the head straight. When bending over, only the “wings” and shoulders should work with the barbell. A week is enough to do 2 workouts of 3 sets 7-8 times.

Dumbbell row

When performing the exercise, you should focus on two things: follow the technique and include only the latissimus dorsi muscles in the work. Then the wings will be worked out as needed. During training, watch your hands; the higher you can lift the load, the more effectively your back muscles will work. For beginners, the following scheme is suitable - 2 approaches of 5-7 times. You should increase the load only if at the end of the workout you do not experience tension in the “wings”.


When exercising on the horizontal bar, periodically change the position of your hands in order to increase the load on the latissimus dorsi muscles. When doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar, lift your body as high as possible. It will be useful to use the “reverse grip” technique. Any professional athlete will give positive feedback about this type of exercise. To increase the load on the “wings”, it is recommended to resort to outside help. When performing a pull-up, your assistant should shift the body approximately 45 degrees. In this case, you will get beautiful embossed “wings”.

Master class from Yuri Spasokukotsky

Yuri considers the T-bar row to be the most effective exercise for developing the latissimus dorsi muscles, standing in a bent-over position. free weight. It is not recommended to perform the exercise for those who have problems with the spine. Before you start training, you need to have wrist straps, with their help you will be able to pull with your back and not with your arms. You will also need good shoes with flat, non-bending soles; they will give greater stability and allow you to pull more powerfully without bouncing off the floor. When performing deadlifts, the handle should go to the lower abdomen. The exercise should be completed with a straight back, thus avoiding injury to the spine. For beginners, 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions are suitable, but if you need mass, in the future you can move on to 3 sets of 5-6 repetitions with heavy weight (90 kg and above).

Tip: Gradually reduce the number of repetitions, but increase the weight.

Latissimus dorsi training from Denis Gusev

Before starting the main workout, it is recommended to warm up properly. Cardio exercises are suitable as a warm-up (for example, elliptical trainer) lasting 5 minutes with a pulse of 130-150 beats per minute and stretching. This is necessary to prepare your cardiorespiratory cardiovascular system to the upcoming load and protect yourself from injury.

After the warm-up part, you can move on to the following basic exercises:

  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip: number of repetitions from 16 to 20 times, 4 sets. Pull yourself up, touching the bar with your chin. At the same time, the elbows are separated as much as possible, otherwise the biceps will be involved in the work, that is, the entire load from the “wings” will go to the shoulder muscles.
  • Key point: in training, it is not the number of repetitions that is important, but the repetition interval, that is, the exercise should take no more than 20-30 seconds. If the goal is muscle hypertrophy, then Denis recommends performing exercises in the range of 20 to 30 seconds. If the purpose of training is special muscular endurance, then you need to perform exercises for more than 30 seconds. When training strength, the exercise should be performed for up to 20 seconds. In this case, the number of repetitions can be different, regardless of the goal.

  • Bent-over row - When you are bent over, the barbell should be below knee level. Pull the bar to the central part abdominals. The number of repetitions is 12-16, the number of approaches is 4.
  • horizontal row in a sitting position - when performing the exercise, it is important to choose a medium or wide block. This will allow maximum use of the latissimus dorsi muscles.

To achieve success, you need to be able to feel your body and work as a single system - clearly, harmoniously. When practicing with heavy equipment, it is very important to concentrate so as not to injure yourself. Before you start training the latissimus dorsi muscles, it is recommended to prepare from all sides, namely:

  • psychological attitude - it is important to understand that the first results will appear only after a couple of months, since the “wings” take a long time to grow
  • proper nutrition- focus on complex carbohydrates and proteins. The fewer layers of fat, the more muscular your back looks.
  • it is recommended to start training with more simple exercises, as soon as your back gets stronger, you can start serious
  • avoid jerky and sudden movements, maintain smoothness in everything

Get beautiful body It will be possible if during the training process you monitor the correct execution of the exercises, constantly increase the load and learn to respond to any changes in your body.

Hi all! Today we will talk about how to pump up your wings. It is known that the best exercise for training the lats is the horizontal bar. But when an athlete gains a lot of experience, when he simply needs to use additional weight, then there is an extreme need to attend Gym. And this is where the fun begins. Training, aka wings, is one of the favorite workouts of most bodybuilders. Why? Probably because everyone wants to be big and wide.

1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

As mentioned above, the horizontal bar is an ideal method of increasing and expanding your back. But, up to a certain point. If you want to be a really big guy, then you have a direct route to the gym. There are dumbbells and a barbell there. In short, a gym is necessary. Read about how to do pull-ups here:

Video about how to do the exercise correctly:

2. Row of the barbell to the belt.

Very effective exercise for the development of the latissimus dorsi muscles. This favorite exercise one of the best bodybuilders of all time - . According to Iron Ronnie, this exercise puts an indirect load on the muscles of the hands, in particular the forearms, which will also help you develop grip strength. Which bodybuilder doesn't need a strong hand? I don't think there are any.

It is advisable to perform the exercise in a special training belt. It can be purchased at any sports store. The main thing you should know is ease of use. Don't look at the price, pay attention to the quality. This is, first of all, your safety. It’s up to you to do the exercises.

Watch the video:

You can also use the reverse grip option. This will also allow you to involve in your work:

3. Raising arms in the simulator.

This exercise in bodybuilding appeared not so long ago. Therefore, it can not be seen in every gym. More precisely, not every gym has enough funds to purchase this type of equipment. But don't be upset. In any case, you can find alternative options for performing the exercise.

This is what it looks like in video format:

4. Seated pull-down.

Another great exercise that I personally use in my training. I like it because of its simplicity, efficiency, and, most importantly, safety precautions. Absolutely nothing will happen to you, even if you do it incorrectly. (kidding) But there will be no global injuries. You won't break anything, etc.

Performing the exercise involves straight back, as well as straightened legs. Therefore, try to maintain this position throughout the entire time.

Good day, dear friends, I am glad to welcome you again to my sports blog sportivs. Today’s topic of how to pump up your wings at home will help you build muscle mass in your back, thereby making it more powerful and wider. We will look at all kinds of exercise alternatives that as soon as possible will allow you to achieve maximum results.

Back muscle structure

They are also popularly called wings and indicate a good athletic physique. A large back has always been considered the standard of male strength. It’s not for nothing that the saying “behind you like a stone wall” came about. This muscle group is considered one of the most difficult in terms of pumping.

To achieve outstanding results, first of all, you need to exercise regularly, no matter at home or in the gym. You won't be able to pump up your wings very quickly, so just be patient and keep practicing hard.

After we looked at the basic concepts about our muscle group, let's move on to the next, important section - training the wings.

Complex on the horizontal bar

In order to build an athletic physique and pump up your wings, you will definitely need to install a horizontal bar at home and start performing the following complex:

1. The first exercise on the horizontal bar will be chest pull-ups. Take a wide grip, do a pull-up, it is important that you rise as high as possible, due to this, the latissimus muscles begin to stretch at the moment of lowering, the maximum contraction of the muscles occurs in the highest phase of lifting the body, this promotes active growth.

2. The second exercise that promotes wing growth is pulling up by the head. For better effect, I recommend that your shoulders touch the bar.

3. Another variation would be pull-ups with a reverse grip, palms facing you. You need to take a wide grip, while trying to pull yourself up so that rear end her head touched the horizontal bar. To achieve maximum effect, you need to linger at the top point for a couple of seconds.

Complex without horizontal bar

If you want to pump up your wings without a horizontal bar, I advise you to use dumbbells. The principle of operation will be the same as with a barbell in the gym.

1. The exercise will be an alternative to the bent-over barbell row. You will need to take two dumbbells, feet shoulder-width apart, you should have a slight arch in your back, however, you need to keep it straight during the approach, otherwise you risk injury. Taking a small breath, pull the dumbbells towards your stomach. Your elbows should be parallel, moving back and up. The exercise should be performed exclusively using the muscles of the back and shoulders. The more dumbbell weight you take, the better your wings will pump.

2. The second will be one dumbbell bent over row. For the best effect, I advise you to stand with your knee on a low chair, while you need to rest your hand. The movement occurs by raising the arm up. When your elbow is level with your shoulder, connect it and pull along with it, then lower your arm down as much as possible. This will give you a great stretch for your latissimus dorsi muscles.

Homemade push-ups

Next, let's look at the technique of pumping the lats -. To do this, we need two fulcrum points, one for each hand. The most available means - stools or chairs - will do. To avoid damaging ligaments and joints, you need to do a good warm-up before training. To make the exercise as comfortable as possible, you need to choose the most suitable distance between your hands; the optimal distance would be slightly wider than shoulder width. Your feet should be placed on a different support - a bed or the same chair will do just fine.

The basic principle of push-ups is that your top part should fall just below palm level. It is important to maintain even breathing, lower and rise smoothly, this will help achieve maximum intensity.

Exercises with a kettlebell

We talked about the technique of pumping up muscles without iron and various types workouts that will help you achieve broad back However, there is another pumping scheme, it differs from the previous ones, since it is carried out without a horizontal bar and without dumbbells, the work takes place with a weight.

For beginner athletes, I do not recommend taking up this apparatus from the very beginning. In addition to pumping up wings, the weight is used for... The principle of the exercises is the same as with dumbbells, you lift the apparatus to the stomach.

Breathing is an important factor; I recommend carefully monitoring it, this will help increase the effectiveness of your workout. Beginners are not recommended to take a lot of weight, since excessive load, especially on the dorsal area, is fraught with dire consequences; you can simply break your back. To prevent this from happening, start with small weights weighing 8 kilograms.

We can summarize - during each approach, carefully monitor your technique and breathing. If you, dear friends, have taken into account all the factors, then in a couple of months you will be able to achieve good results. Basic exercises, even at home will allow you to achieve the desired results. However, all this is possible only with organized training and correct technique.

At correct execution For all the exercises, you won't need extremely heavy weights, since people taking heavy weights perform approaches with no correct technique. I'll tell you this: if you do the exercises with the correct technique, you won't need much. heavy weight, since you will feel great muscle pumping.

In conclusion, I suggest you watch an interesting video, in which, I am sure, you will find valuable information about pumping up the latissimus dorsi muscles. Continue reading my blog and you will learn a lot more relevant useful information about sports and healthy life.

Many people ask about exercises for wings, what kinds of exercises there are for wings, shoulders, and so on. Below in the article you can see photos and videos of exercises for pumping up your wings and shoulders. Put the exercises into practice and you will be able to pump up the muscles you need.

In the article you will learn best exercises for wings, like pump up your wings and so on. Find out the best complex wing exercises to build your muscles the way you need them. The main thing is not to give up, set a goal, make a training plan and train according to it at least 3-4 times a week.

Dumbbell Bench Press

Dumbbell swings to the sides

There is also exercises for wings associated with swinging dumbbells to the sides while standing straight or leaning forward. During exercises, try to keep your back straight and not lift heavy weights of dumbbells at first.

Wide grip pull-ups

Wide grip push-ups

Also pump up your wings You can do it on wide parallel bars and doing wide-grip push-ups from the floor. Do 3 sets of each type of push-up and 20 push-ups per set. Increase the number of push-ups gradually, and then start doing push-ups with additional weight.

Sports exercises in pictures and videos

The wings are the latissimus dorsi muscles that keep your posture upright. It is to strengthen the back that many people strive to pump up their wings, but this is not the only reason. Thanks to this muscle group, a man's torso looks wider. To look more courageous, teenagers begin their workouts in the gym by pumping up their wings. There are several fundamentally different techniques that can be used to pump up your wings.

If you don’t want to spend money paying for a gym membership, you can use a regular horizontal bar. To perform the exercises, you need to hang on the crossbar with straight arms. Your arms should be spread as wide as possible, this will increase the load. Your legs should hang in the air. You need to do push-ups from the bar, raising your body and moving your head in front of the horizontal bar, touching it with your shoulders. To increase the load, you can use weights.

Another great way to widen your torso is to do push-ups. In this case, it is desirable that the body falls below the support on which the hands are located. This can be achieved by doing push-ups from a chair or stool, tilting your body forward. Using dumbbells you can strengthen and increase the size of your wings. To perform the exercises you must take vertical position

. At the same time, lower the body so that an angle of 90° is formed between the upper and lower parts of the body. Take a dumbbell in each hand and lower it down. Extend your arms so that they are level with your shoulders. You should get a straight line. At the same time, the head should look ahead. The number of approaches and the weight of dumbbells is selected depending on the initial physical fitness. In the future, you need to increase the weight of the dumbbells and raise your arms as high as possible. If you don’t have dumbbells, you can replace them with sandbags or plastic water bottles.

There is another exercise that is performed using dumbbells. You need to bend one leg at the knee and lean it on the bench. The second leg is straight and on the floor. Take a dumbbell in the hand that is on the side of your straight leg. Bend your arm at the elbow so that its upper part forms one line with your shoulders.

For trained athletes, a barbell is used. In order to pump up your wings with a barbell, you need to spread your legs shoulder-width apart, bend them at the knees, and tilt your body slightly forward. At the same time, bend your lower back slightly. Take the barbell with an overhand grip. Raise the load in front of you, bending your elbows. In this case, the elbows should move towards the back.

Results can be achieved after several months of systematic training. It is recommended to gradually increase the load. It is worth understanding that the wings are a complex area, so at the initial stage you should not overdo it.