How to build powerful quadriceps. Quadriceps exercises are the best leg workout! Inner quadriceps exercises

Thigh muscles- These are one of the largest muscles in the human body. The more developed these muscles are, the more resilient the person and the higher the degree of physical readiness generally. By performing exercises with the legs, a person directly influences hip joints, having a positive effect on the general condition of the genitourinary system, relieving the knee joints. This happens if classes are carried out in gym. Exercises in the gym are attractive because you can load only certain muscle groups by choosing one or another sports equipment.

The basis of the thigh muscles is quadriceps, consisting of 4 muscles distributed evenly. During physical activity, all efforts are evenly distributed to all muscle bundles, that is, to the entire quadriceps. This muscle group performs the following main functions:

  • This muscle group is capable of holding the human body in an upright position. It supports the human body while standing, preventing the knee joints from giving way.
  • During movement (running or walking), the quadriceps tends to be responsible for correct bending and extension of the knee joint, correctly distributing the entire load. At the same time, it makes it possible to tilt the pelvis in different directions, as well as pull the knees towards the stomach.

Quadriceps structure

  1. The femoral part of the muscle is its lateral surface and takes part in all forms of movement in which the legs are involved. It is the most circular component of this muscle bundle. She is also called lateral muscle.
  2. Interior The thigh is formed by the vastus medialis muscle. In shape it resembles a certain roundness on the inside of the knee. Medial muscle also designed to ensure normal knee flexion and extension.
  3. Between the medial and lateral muscles is the vastus intermedius muscle, which partially extends beyond the edges of these two muscles at their junction with the knee. Mainly used when jumping and running, as well as during squats.
  4. On the front of the thigh is the rectus muscle, which is part of the quadriceps complex. It is longer and forms the anterior semicircular part of the thigh. It is interesting in that it is not attached to the femur, but is actively involved in the flexion and extension of the legs.

The quadriceps consists of different muscle groups, which are characterized by the speed of execution various exercises: slow and fast muscle fibers. As a result, exercises should have both power loads, and aerobic.

Basic quadriceps exercise

The development of this muscle group is based on the use of basic exercises that contribute to the development of strength and endurance of the athlete, associated with an increase in the volume of muscle fibers.

Refers to one of the main exercises widely used by athletes. This exercise increases functionality quadriceps, and also helps strengthen the muscles of the buttocks. In this process, the muscles of the back, abs and back of the thigh are involved. The effectiveness of the exercise depends on the optimal load, otherwise the exercise can lead to serious injuries if you do not start with light weights while practicing the squat technique. The technique is as follows:

  • The bar of the bar should not be located in the neck, but on the back of the deltoids and trapezius.
  • Keep your back straight and your shoulder blades pulled together so that the weight of the barbell is evenly distributed. The chin is directed upward so as not to provoke forward bends, which overload the lower back and can lead to injury.
  • To maintain balance, your feet are positioned wider than your shoulders and your toes point to the sides.
  • The exercise begins with moving the pelvis back, as if you need to squat.
  • The knees of the legs should be fixed when the back of the thigh is parallel to the floor, but it can be lower. It all depends on the athlete’s level of preparation and the task at hand. The lower the squat, the more effectively the muscles are trained.
  • You should rise from a squat without sudden movements, maintaining balance. When the highest point is reached, the legs do not straighten completely, but remain somewhat bent, in order to avoid injuries to the knee joint.

When doing these exercises, you should not get carried away with maximum loads. For correct formation quadriceps, it may be better to replace the barbell squat with regular front squats, but also with a barbell.

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but the bar has a slightly different arrangement, which strengthens the quadriceps more. The technique for performing this exercise is as follows:

  • The grip is performed with straight arms located slightly wider than the shoulder.
  • The bar is located on the front of the shoulders.
  • The arms are bent, and their upper parts are parallel to the floor.
  • After fixing the bar in this position, a squat is performed, the technique of which is similar to the previous one.

Hack - a simulator designed to strengthen the quadriceps, while exercises on it reduce the load on the spine. The lower back is located on a movable base, the arms are held on the handrails, and the legs are on an inclined plane. By changing the width of the feet, you can shift the load relative to the lateral part of the hips.

  • When performing the exercise, do not rush and do not make sudden movements.
  • When reaching maximum load, it is not recommended to fully extend your knees.
  • The entire load should fall on the quadriceps.
  • You should not spread your knees beyond the line of your toes.

The main exercise that actively works the legs, but at the same time removes all the effort from the back. If the feet are placed as close to each other as possible, then the quadriceps also take part in the work.

  • To avoid stress in the back area, the lower back should be pressed tightly against the seat.
  • In this case, you should make sure that your knees do not fully extend and also touch your chest at the final stage of the exercise.
  • If you spread your feet a little wider, the inner rays of the thigh muscles will work more.

Lunges can be performed with various sports objects, such as a barbell or dumbbells. This exercise is also done in the Smith machine. If you constantly alternate options, you can achieve maximum effect. The effect will increase even more if this exercise is alternated with other exercises, such as squats.

  • The feet should be parallel, but slightly wider than the hips.
  • In this case, wide steps are taken, and the leg bent at the knee joint should form a right angle in relation to the floor.
  • The position of the knee must be controlled: it must be motionless and not “walk” from side to side.
  • The knee of the back leg is located as close to the floor as possible, but does not touch it.
  • When coming out of a lunge, the quadriceps works as much as possible.

When using a barbell, you should strictly follow the barbell technique described above in the text under the subheadings “barbell squats.” If dumbbells are used, then the arms are parallel to the body and are motionless.

Isolation exercises for quadriceps femoris

This type of exercise is applied to a single muscle to make it look more attractive, but it cannot increase muscle mass or develop strength and endurance.

Leg extension exercises on the machine

If it makes sense to work the front part of the quadriceps, then this is exactly the exercise. Since most of the load is placed on the knees, you should not install too much weight.

  • The legs are extended until they take a parallel position relative to the floor.
  • The lower back is supported directly on the seat.
  • Movements should be carried out at a slow pace, without the appearance of inertia, which will minimize all efforts.
  • The maximum number of repetitions should be performed.
  • After the exercise, a burning sensation should appear within the muscle.

To perform an isolated load on the quadriceps, you can perform a single-leg press. When performing this exercise on a machine, one leg is removed.

Pumping up the Quadriceps - Video

The quadriceps is the largest muscle group in the entire human body. It includes four heads: straight, medial, lateral and middle. Usually they all work together, and when you need to pump up your legs, tighten your hip line, they do exercises for the entire quadriceps.

Many novice athletes, especially men, when they come to the gym, focus on the upper body and abs on the abdomen, forgetting that for a harmonious figure you also need to pump up your quadriceps femoris. Girls also do the buttocks, although in the second case the leg muscles are also involved, you need to remember about separate isolating movements on this part of the body.

So, we figured out what the quadriceps is, now we’ll look at where it is located and how to pump it up at home. This muscle group is located on the front of the leg, straight and slightly to the side of the kneecap. Its main function is to extend the leg at the knee, as well as bend the leg, lift the hips towards the chest, and maintain balance when tilting the pelvis forward.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which muscle of all four heads is more important and which one needs to do more repetitions. You need to download everything at once. Exactly from appearance This muscle determines how the leg will look from the side and from the front.

How and where to study?

Let’s note right away: if you are no longer new to sports, and want to know how to pump up your quadriceps and hamstrings as quickly as possible, go to the gym. The gym has equipment that you usually don’t have at home: special platforms, squat machines, and, of course, barbells. For active muscle growth, you need strength exercises with a small number of repetitions, but to the limit. Muscles burn and grow.

But women usually have a different task, and they need not to form a bulging muscle, which looks beautiful on male athletes, but to find a way not to swing their legs, and at the same time tighten their hips, make them elastic and slender. And in this regard, exercises at home are perfect.

To train at home, you will only need dumbbells, but in extreme cases you can do without them, using, for example, 1.5-liter bottles of water. If you are far from sports at all, and have never trained your legs before, you probably won’t even need dumbbells in the first 1-2 months, do it with own weight, the muscles will still work and strengthen.

We compose a set of movements

Monotony becomes boring not only for you, but also for your muscles. Experts recommend changing the complex every two months, choosing others effective exercises so that the load alternates at least a little. This will help you work your muscles more effectively.

So, we offer you the best options that you can use in various modifications, choosing how to reduce or how to increase your quadriceps.

In each case, it is important to do the maximum number of repetitions until you begin to feel a burning sensation in the muscles. Rest a little and move on next exercise. You should exercise twice a week so that your legs have time to rest.

Plan to spend about an hour training, and be sure to warm up and stretch your joints, especially if you work out with weights. Any load on the knees harms the joints, so control your zeal, especially at first. Increase the weight gradually.


It is most effective to do them with dumbbells. Hands down. back and forth so that your thigh is parallel to the floor, switch legs. It is advisable to do 15-20 repetitions. Lunges to the side are also good; in this case, we hold the dumbbell in the same hand where we lunge. If space allows, you can make the movement not in place, but as if stepping forward or backward.


The best exercise for the quadriceps femoris. And they are good because you can do them in different variations, depending on which part of the leg you need to work more strongly. If your feet are shoulder-width apart, the quadriceps swings evenly; wider than the shoulders, the inner part of the muscle works; narrower than the shoulders, the lateral head of the quadriceps tenses. Plan your workout yourself the way you like by choosing:

  • The simplest. Feet shoulder-width apart, narrower or wider, squat to an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Asymmetrical. One leg stands shoulder-width apart slightly in front of the other.
  • Lateral. Feet wider than shoulder width, squat to the side, transferring weight to one leg.
  • With springs. Regular squats, but at the bottom point we spring our pelvis 3 times, then we stand up.
  • With jumping out. Rising, we jump up, straightening our legs, then squat from the jump.

A regular squat can be made more effective if you place your heels on a small stand, 2-3 centimeters. This way, the gluteal muscles are less tense, and more load goes directly to the quadriceps. If you work out with dumbbells, try holding them near your chest, this will also increase the load.


To do this, you will need a step platform, a stand, or some kind of elevation. A sturdy box, low stool, or something similar. The left leg is bent at the knee and stands on an elevation. Right straight and on the floor. While performing the movement, we straighten with force left leg, and raise the right one to it. It turns out that you are standing on a support with one foot, the other is next to it, but is not supported, hanging in the air. Lower your right leg to the floor again and repeat. There are two variations aimed at outer part and for the entire quadriceps muscle:

  • Sideways to the stand;
  • Facing the stand.

Do the quadriceps exercise vigorously but gently to maintain balance. It may be more comfortable to lean against a wall, but don't use your hands to help yourself. The lifting should be due to the force of the leg.

By the way, walking up the stairs can be an analogue of climbing. Take a backpack, put at least 10 kilograms of something in it (dumbbells, bottled water) and walk up and down the stairs in the entrance several times (the number of passes depends on the height of the house, depend on your strength).


To keep muscles beautiful, especially for girls, it is important to do this after every workout. In addition, it will help reduce the pain of sore throat. Here are a few options from which you can choose the one that suits you. It is important to feel how the muscle stretches.

  • On the side. Lie on your left side, with your hand under your head. With your right hand, using springy movements, pull your right leg bent at the knee until it touches your buttocks. Hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.
  • standing. Stand straight with your knees together. We pull the leg towards the buttocks with our hand. If it is difficult to maintain your balance, grab a support with your other hand.
  • In a backward lunge. Lunge back, put back leg on the knee. Pull it with your hand towards your buttocks.

When will the effect occur?

Quadriceps pump quite quickly. This strong muscle, and it is already involved in ordinary activities - walking, running, squats, climbing stairs. For strengthening, 10-12 sessions are usually enough, after which the result is visible: the legs tighten and become slimmer.

If you want more effect, increase the load weight and the number of repetitions.

Put in the effort and your legs will look impressive!

    The leg muscles are the largest in the human body. Quadriceps exercises are performed by representatives of almost all sports disciplines. Without these exercises, you cannot achieve strength, mass, or endurance in your legs and body as a whole. The article discusses the best basic and isolated movements for the quadriceps for men and women, and presents training programs for boys and girls.

    Anatomy of the quadriceps

    The quadriceps (quadriceps femoris muscle) includes four muscle bundles:

    • lateral muscle - the largest bundle, involved in all movements associated with extension of the knee, and forming the lateral region of the thigh;
    • medial vastus muscle(“droplet”) – also involved in movements associated with extension of the knee joint; responsible for the formation of a rounded, full frontal surface of the knee;
    • vastus intermedius muscle - located between the two previous bundles; actively involved in work during extensions, jumping, running;
    • rectus muscle - the longest bundle, giving the thigh a rounded shape; is involved not only in extensions, but also in flexions; The only area of ​​the quadriceps that is not directly attached to the femur.

    To one degree or another, all areas muscle group participate in the exercises described below. The quadriceps is responsible for the stability of the body in vertical position, provides movement of the lower leg in the knee joint, promotes tilting of the pelvis and pulling the legs towards the stomach.

    Features of working with quadriceps

    Plays a huge role in the work of the quadriceps correct technique. The health and condition of the knees and lower back depends on it. By sinning with the technique of performing exercises, the athlete transfers the main load to other muscle groups.

    Like all big muscles, quadriceps requires a lot of time to recover. In most cases, there is no point in training your legs more than twice a week. The basis training program should be basic (multi-joint) exercises. They are designed for mass and strength, since they load the legs and body comprehensively, while providing an anabolic effect. Isolated movements help to detail the muscles and give them a “cut.”

    For this reason, in the first few years of systematic training, you need to focus on the “base”. And only then, having gained mass and strength, you can start polishing your legs. This doesn't mean that beginners should ignore single-joint movements. They are also needed, but priority is given to the basic ones. This also applies to women seeking to lose weight and have a spectacular silhouette. They don’t need heavy weights, but you shouldn’t overly pursue “isolation” either. Basic movements performed in a multi-repetitive style is the main secret of success.

    Quadriceps exercises

    There are hundreds of leg exercises. There is no point in listing everything: those described in the article are more than enough. Moreover, most movements are variations of the basic ones.


    This section describes the main exercises for the quadriceps. Beginners often try to stay away from them, but without a “base” there’s nowhere.


    The main and most “scary” exercise for beginners. uses most of the muscles of the body - the legs and buttocks, back and abs work. Even the arms and shoulders can be used - without strong ligaments in the arms it is difficult to hold a heavy barbell.

    At the very beginning, focus on execution technique. By squatting incorrectly, you can easily get problems with your knees, lower back, back and neck. To put more stress on the quadriceps, train with relatively light weights. By going too far with the plates, the athlete will not be able to avoid the powerful engagement of the buttocks and back.

    Squat pattern:

    • Starting position (IP) – the bar lies on the trapezoids (in no case on the neck), hands hold the bar narrow grip(as far as flexibility allows), chest forward, back straight. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly pointed to the sides. To get into IP, you need to sit under the bar lying on the racks, remove it with two legs and step back.
    • You need to start a squat by moving your pelvis back. The knees are in line with the feet - you cannot turn your knees inward; the movement of the pelvis and knees should be seamless and synchronous.
    • Lower yourself to a position where your thighs are parallel to the floor. If you don't sit enough, you don't work enough; By squatting deeper, you take the pressure off your quadriceps and put a lot of stress on your glutes.
    • Smoothly but powerfully, as you exhale, return to IP. The knees are slightly bent at the top - this is a prerequisite for reducing the risk of injury from the exercise.

    The position of the legs can and should be varied - from narrow to a position slightly wider than the shoulders. If the position is too wide, the biceps of the thigh are more loaded. When squatting, your feet do not leave the floor. When performing the movement, look in front of you or slightly up. This helps keep your back straight and focused on the exercise.

    At home, the barbell can be replaced with dumbbells. In this case, the hands with the shells are lowered down. To increase amplitude, stand on a stool or thick board.

    - a similar exercise in which the barbell is located not at the back, but at the front. Thanks to this, the load on the quadriceps becomes more targeted - the buttocks are used much less.

    • go to the bar lying on the racks and fix it on the front delts; hands are placed crosswise, helping to hold the barbell - this is IP;
    • keeping your back absolutely straight, squat down to parallel;
    • return to IP.

    In this exercise it is more difficult to keep your back straight, so you need to do auxiliary exercises for the lower back and lats.

    The position and role of the hands may be different. Trained lifters often secure the bar with their hands positioned in the style of a weightlifter performing a clean and jerk. To do this you need to have strong ligaments and a powerful grip.

    Leg press

    Eliminates the work of the back and buttocks as much as possible. At the same time, the simulator makes it possible to work with much more weight than in squats. In order for the load to fall on the quadriceps, you need to press at narrow setting legs


    • IP - the back is tightly pressed against the back of the simulator, the legs are almost completely straightened and rest against the bed, the hands firmly hold the handles.
    • Bend your knees until you form right angle between the thighs and shins.
    • Return your legs to IP.

    At the top point, the knees must be slightly bent. This is especially important with leg presses, since full extension can result in very serious injury.

    Hack squats

    Since the lower back and back in this exercise are also pressed tightly against the back of the simulator, the quadriceps muscles of the legs receive the main load. The exercise is an inverted press - it is not the feet that go up, but the body.

    Execution scheme:

    • IP - standing on the platform, legs positioned narrow, body straight, shoulders resting on the pillows, hands holding the handles.
    • Lower yourself down to parallel, feeling the load in your quadriceps, not your knees.
    • Return to IP.

    You must not round your back, lift your toes or heels off the platform, or fully straighten your knees at the top.

    Lunges with barbell and dumbbells

    Lunges can be done in different ways - in a Smith machine, walking around the hall and standing still. Let's consider options in which the athlete stands in one place, using either a barbell or dumbbells.

    Technique for working with the bar:

    • IP is similar to IP for back squats.
    • Take a wide step forward with your right foot. The lunge should be such that the thigh of the working leg at the lowest point is parallel to the floor. The knee of the left leg almost touches the floor.
    • Return to IP.
    • Switch legs and lunge with your left leg.

    Do the same exercise with dumbbells. In this case, the hands with the projectiles are lowered along the body. The disadvantage of this option is that it does not always allow you to work with the appropriate weight. The grip is weaker than the legs, so training with a barbell is preferable. But for women for whom even a small step beyond working with their own weight is suitable, dumbbells - a good option. Men using wrist straps or having strong grip, will also appreciate this exercise.

    Can't go to the gym? . This great exercise on the quadriceps femoris, with which you can load your legs without even using additional weights.

    • IP – standing, “non-working” leg slightly extended forward.
    • Squat down to parallel, extending your other leg so as to form a “pistol” (another name for this exercise).
    • Return to IP.

    Unlike regular squats, this variation does not require keeping your back straight. A slight rounding is normal. It is important to stand up using the force of the quadriceps, minimizing the involvement of the buttocks.

    Isolated exercises

    These movements will not make the legs more massive, but they will bring to mind what has been developed as a “base”.

    This quadriceps exercise targets the front of the thigh. Train with relatively light weights. Moderate weights will put a good load on the quadriceps without harming the knees.

    • IP - sitting in the simulator, the lower back is pressed against the back, the legs are bent at the knees, the feet are fixed with bolsters, the hands hold the handles tightly.
    • Bend your legs at the knee joints.
    • Pause for a moment at the top point, then return your legs to the IP position.

    Do the exercise until your muscles burn. Movements are smooth and slow. Extensions also serve as warm-up exercise before basic ones for advanced athletes. The machine helps pre-tire and warm up your quadriceps, making squats or leg presses more effective.

    This exercise allows you to better feel the quadriceps of each leg. Performed similarly to a regular bench press. You only need to exercise in a pumping style.

    Training programs

    You can train your quadriceps on the same day as your hamstrings, or separately. There are many complexes for legs. As examples, we give the following (all of them are suitable for both men and women):

    • a program for mass and relief, designed for work in the gym;
    • home program;
    • weight loss program.

    Complex for the hall - for mass and relief

    Complex for home training

    The number of approaches can be varied depending on the level of preparation.

Strength training of the lower body is a mandatory component of a bodybuilder's program. The fact is that they can handle serious weights. In response to heavy loads, the body responds with increased production of testosterone and somatotropin - hormones that affect muscle growth throughout the body. Therefore, in order to progress in bodybuilding, athletes diligently train their leg muscles and, in particular, their quadriceps.

The quadriceps are made up of four “heads”:

  • Rectus femoris muscle. The longest of the four. Located on the front of the thigh. The upper edge is attached to the ilium, the lower edge passes into the common quadriceps tendon. Purpose: hip flexion, shin extension;
  • Vastus medialis muscle. Located in the anteromedial part of the thigh. One edge is attached to the upper part of the femur, the other goes into the common tendon of the thigh. Purpose: leg extension;
  • Vastus lateralis muscle. Located on the anterolateral surface of the thigh. The upper edge is attached to the trochanter of the femur, the lower edge passes into the common tendon of the thigh. Purpose: leg extension;
  • Vastus intermedius muscle. Located directly under the rectus femoris muscle. One edge is attached to the upper part of the femur, the other goes into the common tendon of the thigh. Purpose: shin extension.
The structure of the quadriceps femoris muscle

Features of quadriceps muscle training

To maximally load the muscles of the anterior thighs, we recommend using the following tips:

  • Add variety. Classic squats use everything bottom part bodies. To prevent your muscles from having time to adapt to them, change the program every 10-12 weeks. Include unusual exercises in your plan, for example.
  • Increase the number of repetitions. Many periodically use the technique of performing 20-30 repetitions per set. This also adds variety to the training and allows you to load the muscle fibers of the thighs in a different way;
  • Squat “within” the amplitude. At the bottom point, do not sit below the parallel of your thighs with the floor; at the top point, do not straighten your legs to the end. This method of performing squats creates a powerful, long-lasting load on the quadriceps femoris muscles;
  • Try training with supersets(working in one approach). For example, do 12 barbell squats. Then immediately, without rest, lie down on the hamstring machine and do 12 calf curls;
  • Use the regression method. For example, do a set with the maximum weight you can handle for 5-6 reps. With each subsequent approach, increase the number of repetitions and gradually reduce the weight of the projectile;
  • Don't forget about pumping. At the end strength training on the anterior thigh muscles, perform 1-2 exercises with light weights a large number of repetitions. For example, do 3 sets of 25-30 reps on a leg extension machine.

The best exercises for quadriceps

Note that it is not possible to pump up voluminous quadriceps at home. This requires serious weight loads. Therefore, all the exercises discussed below are only suitable for the gym. Girls can also perform such techniques, but the loads should be moderate: 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions without failure.


The exercise fully engages the quadriceps muscles, but the main load falls on the medial and lateral heads.

  1. Raise the racks on the power frame to chest level and place the barbell on them;
  2. We grab the bar tightly, “dive” under it and, rising, press top part back to the projectile;
  3. Take the weight off the racks and take a couple of short steps back;
  4. While inhaling, we squat until our thighs are parallel to the floor;
  5. As you exhale, we rise with a powerful effort.

  • When performing, make sure that the knees do not converge inward.
  • We also keep our back slightly arched until the end of the set.

Leg press in the simulator

  1. With standard foot position on the platform (at shoulder level), the load falls evenly on all four heads of the quadriceps.
  2. If bring your feet close(15-20 cm), then the emphasis will shift to the lateral beams.
  3. If, on the contrary, spread your feet wide(closer to the edges of the platform), then the medial muscles will do the main work.

1. Classic (red) for evenly working the quadriceps.
2. Narrow (green) for the lateral head.
3. Wide (blue) for the medial head.
  1. We sit in the leg press machine;
  2. Press your lower back tightly against the back;
  3. We place our feet on the platform and remove it from the supports;
  4. As you inhale, bend your knees and lower the load;
  5. As you exhale, press the carriage up.

  • When performing, make sure that lumbar region remained in the seat.
  • IN top position do not straighten the knee joints completely so as not to damage them.

The exercise uses the entire anterior thigh muscle group, but the main emphasis falls on the medial heads.

Please note that due to the fact that the center of gravity in the exercise is shifted forward, The weight of the bar should be less than with classic squats.

  1. Raise the racks on the power frame to chest level and place the barbell on them;
  2. We sit slightly under the bar, then, rising, we press the upper chest and front delts to the bar;
  3. Cross our arms and place our palms on the bar;
  4. We remove the weight from the racks, take a step back;
  5. As you inhale, we squat, as you exhale, we rise.

  • When doing this, keep your back straight and avoid bending forward.
  • We move slowly, without jerking. Otherwise, the risk of losing balance, falling and injury increases.

Lunges with weights

The exercise evenly loads all four quadriceps muscles. The option with a barbell is recommended only for experienced athletes. Beginners should do lunges with dumbbells (kettlebells), girls - with. Let's consider the technique with a barbell on the shoulders.

  1. We lift the bar onto the supports of the power frame and assemble the barbell;
  2. We grab the bar, sit up slightly and take the projectile onto our shoulders;
  3. We move back 1.5-2 meters;
  4. We inhale, step widely forward with one foot and lower ourselves into a lunge;
  5. With exhalation we return to a vertical position;
  6. We repeat the movement, starting with the other leg.

  • We move slowly so as not to lose balance.
  • In the lower position, the exposed knee should not go beyond the line of the toe.
  • We do not tilt the body forward too much; we avoid rounding the spine.

Leg extension

The exercise evenly engages the quadriceps muscles. It is performed in a special “seated” simulator.

  1. We sit down in the machine, press our lower back tightly to the seat;
  2. Select the required height of the leg bolsters;
  3. Press your shins against the bolsters;
  4. We take hold of the handles located on the sides of the seat;
  5. We exhale and raise the emphasis up, while inhaling we lower it.

When performing, we try to move evenly, without jerking. Avoid throwing up the support with your feet.

Sample training program for quadriceps

The largest muscles in humans are considered to be the thigh muscles, the degree of development of which is reflected in strength indicators athlete, level of training and endurance. By working out in the gym, i.e. By working the legs, the athlete reduces the load on the hip and knee joints. In addition, the training has a positive effect on the genitourinary system.

It consists of four muscle bundles, but when performing exercises, the quadriceps femoris muscle as a whole is stressed, with a possible slight shift in emphasis.

Functions of the quadriceps: static, i.e. holding the body in an upright position (quadriceps are responsible for preventing the knees from giving way while standing) and dynamic, which consists in the stability of the knee joint while running, jumping and walking. In addition, the dynamic function of the quadriceps is to pull the knees towards the stomach, flexion and extension of the legs, and tilt of the pelvis.

Quadriceps structure

The quadriceps femoris lateralis is the largest muscle. It is involved in the formation of the lateral surface of the thigh, in movements that are associated with extension of the legs at the knees. Inner surface The hips are formed by the vastus medialis muscle, which determines roundness inside knee It, together with the lateral muscle, participates in exercises aimed at knee extension. Between the medial and lateral muscles there is the vastus intermedius muscle, which in the area of ​​attachment to the patella is partially covered by them. In addition, it is involved in knee extension and jumping, running, and squats.

The longest muscle of the quadriceps is the rectus femoris muscle, located on its front part. It lies on top of the rest, and gives the thigh a roundness. The only muscle not attached to the femur is involved in bending the leg in addition to bending the knee.

Important: since the quadriceps femoris consists of slow and fast muscle fibers, in order to ensure the harmonious development of the quadriceps, during training it is necessary to perform in addition strength exercises, also static and aerobic.

Basic quadriceps exercises

Quadriceps training is based on basic exercises that develop the athlete’s endurance and strength and provide the opportunity to grow muscle fibers. Ideally, it is advisable to devote up to 70% of the training time to basic exercises that involve the largest number of ligaments and muscles.

Barbell Squats for Quadriceas Development

The best exercise for developing the muscles of the buttocks and quadriceps is the squat with a barbell, which also develops the muscles of the back, back of the thighs, and abs. Having previously worked out the technique without using weight, they move on to exercises with weights, not forgetting about their traumatic nature.

The effectiveness of squats is directly proportional to the difficulty, so the difficulty should be gradually increased, not forgetting about safety:

  • Do not place the bar on the neck - only on rear parts deltas or trapezius;
  • To ensure an even distribution of weight, you need to keep your back straight and your shoulder blades taut. When bending forward, the lumbar region experiences excessive stress, which leads to injury. To avoid the temptation to lean forward, always keep your chin up;
  • To maintain balance, place your feet with your toes turned out to the sides at shoulder width or wider;
  • Start the movement by abducting the pelvis, not from the knees. Imagine that you need to sit on the edge of a chair;
  • Never allow your knees to go beyond your toes. This will protect you from knee injuries.

Squats that are carried out until the back of the thighs are parallel to the floor are effective for the quadriceps. If they are made deeper, this is only for the benefit of the athlete: gluteal muscle at the same time, they are loaded more heavily (if they are the target). If an athlete is interested in training the quadriceps femoris muscle, then deep squats are not required - it is enough to perform them up to parallel.

You cannot place the center of gravity on your toes, so you need to get up from a squat without jerking, smoothly and slowly.

To reduce the risk of injury, do not straighten your legs completely at the top: The knee is slightly bent during the approach. This exercise does not require Weight Limit, because if the weight is too heavy, the buttocks are loaded, not the quadriceps. Sometimes, for the harmonious development of the quadriceps, barbell squats are replaced with front squats.

Front squats for quadriceps development

The exercise technique is similar to the previous ones.

The difference is that due to the different position of the barbell, the emphasis moves from the buttocks to the quadriceps:

  • place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, using a straight grip;
  • lift up bent arms so that their upper parts are parallel to the floor;
  • Place the bar on the front of your shoulders.

This simulator works your quadriceps without putting stress on your back. The lower back of the hack trainer is pressed against the movable platform, the arms are on the handrail, and the legs are on the inclined platform. Additional emphasis on the hips is achieved by varying the width of the feet.

  • The exercise is performed measuredly and smoothly;
  • The knees do not fully extend at the top point;
  • It is not the knees that experience the load, but the quadriceps;
  • The knees are not allowed to go beyond the line of the toes, and it is also forbidden to round the chest.

Leg press in the simulator

An exercise that takes the load off the back and works the quadriceps with a lot of weight.

  • The quadriceps are maximally impacted when the feet are placed narrowly;
  • To avoid injuries to the lower back, it is pressed firmly against the seat;
  • The knees, as in previous exercises, are not fully extended at the top point;
  • At the lowest point, the knees almost touch the chest, forming a 90-degree angle;
  • The inner surface of the thighs is loaded by placing the feet wide and spreading the socks to the sides.

Lunges to work the quadriceps

You can perform the exercises in several variations: with a barbell, dumbbells, in a Smith machine. It is better to alternate these options, choosing new ones for subsequent workouts.

The effect is stronger if the exercise is performed after other basic (squats, etc.)

  • IN initial position feet are placed slightly wider than hips;
  • The step forward should be wide so that the leg can form a right angle with the floor;
  • To avoid injury, the knee should not “walk” or go beyond the line of the toe, i.e. it remains motionless;
  • The knee of the back leg is as low to the floor as possible (but not touching);
  • You need to rise from a squat so that your quadriceps are tense.

Important: The torso and bar are held during lunges in the same way as during squats. If the exercise is performed with dumbbells, the arms do not move and are located along the body.

Quadriceps isolation exercises

Although no height muscle mass, nor the development of endurance and strength, isolating exercises will not give, include in training process you need them to “finish off” the desired muscle, draw it and make it embossed.

Leg extensions in the simulator

Another basic exercise on the quadriceps. It is important if you want to draw the front surface of the thigh. Due to the high load on knee-joint It is not recommended to work with heavy weight.

  • Extend your legs until they are parallel to the floor;
  • Press your lower back firmly into the seat;
  • Perform the exercise slowly (the meaning is lost when swinging by inertia), feeling the muscle being worked;
  • The number of repetitions is maximum;
  • An indicator of effectiveness is a burning sensation in the muscles.

The quadriceps receives an isolated load when performing a leg press in a machine. The press is performed in the same way as in the classic version. At the beginning of the exercise, the feet are placed in the center of the platform. Then, one is removed while working with the other leg. For better blood filling (pumping), do not use heavy weights: it is better to perform more repetitions. The quadriceps receives a greater load the lower the foot is on the platform. It is recommended to perform the cavadriceps exercise at the end of the workout for a stronger effect. Stretching muscles helps muscles grow and become elastic, which is why it is considered an important part of training.


Video: Leg exercises. squats.
