Shuttle run 4 to 9 standards. Shuttle run. Description, standards, technology. To enter service under a contract

Shuttle running is a type of running whose feature is passing short distance in one and reverse direction a number of times at maximum speed.

Distance length does not exceed 100 meters, and the frequency of races no more than 10 times.

Shuttle running 4x9, 4x10 and other types: its features, rules

Shuttle running is an important condition for the full and harmonious development of physical fitness person. Therefore, acquaintance with this sport occurs at school. The most common is running 4x9, which is included in the standards for physical culture in children in 1st grade. The type of shuttle run then changes depending on age and physical ability.

Photo 1. The process of a group shuttle race. Athletes train on the tracks of an indoor stadium.

There are the following types of shuttle running: 4x9, 4x10, 3x10, 5x20, 10x10. Other variations in the frequency of runs and lengths of segments are possible, it all depends on what the exercise is aimed at. When developing reaction, explosive strength, practicing turns or braking, the frequency of races prevails, and when developing endurance and starting speed— length of segments.

Shuttle running is a unique a discipline that requires the athlete to combine movement as quickly as possible with sharp braking. Unlike other types of running sports, where the heredity of physical qualities plays a significant role in achieving high results, in shuttle running the decisive role belongs to technique and its correct execution.

How to run correctly: execution technique

Following the technique allows you to achieve high results and avoid injuries.

Starting technique. The shuttle run is allowed to start from two positions: high and low. Starting from a low position possible with starting blocks. Initial position: on the front block, installed at a distance 1.5 feet from the start line, the pushing leg is located; to the second block, at a distance 1—1.5 feet from the front block, there is a supporting leg, the knee of which touches the ground.

Photo 2. Schematic illustration of the shuttle running technique. The process of turning and running itself is shown.

Tilt angle at the front pad 45—60°, at the back 60-80°. The distance between the pads is equal to the width of the athlete’s foot. Your arms should rest on the ground, your elbows should be straight but not tense, your back should be rounded, your shoulders should fall slightly forward.

At the command “Attention!” the situation is changing: the athlete lifts the knee of the supporting leg from the ground, the position of the pelvis should be higher than the shoulders and the center of gravity shifts to the arms and the pushing leg. On the command “March!” the athlete pushes from the support, which allows him to gain maximum speed, and starts moving.

Starting from a high position no worse than low, and allows you to get out of the starting position as efficiently as possible. The starting position for a high start resembles the position of a speed skater: the supporting leg is in front, the push (fly) leg is behind, which rests on inner part ankle joint, with a turn of 30 degrees. The body is slightly tilted forward, the arms are bent at the elbows, the head is in a free position, the gaze is directed forward from the starting line by 2-3 meters.

Running the distance. Along the distance, movement occurs on the toes, this allows you to develop speed with each step. The higher the frequency of steps, the faster the movement will occur.

Important! Increasing the frequency of hand movements allows increase a speed for a short period of time.

Turns. Speed ​​is not the main thing in shuttle running. To perform turns, the athlete must have the agility to quickly reduce speed before turning.

Purpose stopping step, which occurs before a turn, is a stop and change of movement. This step requires careful development using special exercises or during outdoor games.

Finish. After the last turn, you need to develop maximum speed, maintain it until the end of the segment and finish, pulling your shoulders forward.

You shouldn't stop suddenly after a run., since there is a possibility of tripping or tripping, it is better to run a few more meters, slowing down.

Choosing the right shoes and training location

Shoe selection depends on what surface you will be training on. If it is asphalt, concrete or any other hard surface, then the sneakers are required shock absorption and good foot support to avoid dislocations, injuries and reduce the load on the joints of the legs. In wet weather, it is not recommended to do shuttle running, as the low grip of the sneakers on the asphalt will lead to slipping.

If training is planned V gym , on a wooden surface that is covered with paint, then it is better to choose sneakers with rubberized sole to avoid slipping, but due to stretching.

Attention! Various paths, paths with stones very dangerous for shuttle running!

Most often, running shoes have mesh fabric in the nose. For shuttle running this type of shoe is not recommended, since frequent braking and pressure on the mesh fabric will quickly wear out and tear it.

The choice of clothing depends on the weather conditions, but it is desirable that it does not hinder movement, does not overheat the body and does not allow it to cool down quickly.

Warm-up before the shuttle run

Warming up is very important before shuttle running, because this type running is the most dangerous.

You should warm up all muscle groups and not allow the body to cool down before the start, since any sudden movement is for an unprepared body will lead to sprains or dislocations.

It is advisable to pay special attention to the ankle and do a stretching exercise. Warming up helps to smoothly transition from a state of rest to active work of the heart, ensures the outflow of blood from organs to muscles and prepares ligaments and joints for active work.

After running the distance, a cool-down will be a big plus for the athlete. This allows you to avoid muscle discomfort from heavy loads the next day.

Shuttle running is one of the running disciplines related to cardio exercises and designed to enhance a person’s speed and strength qualities. Is not separate species athletics

, and training method: athletes; employees of various structures passing standards - NFP; amateur athletes; people who take care of their health. Shuttle running is included in the compulsory physical education program of secondary schools and universities, as one of the most effective ways supporting physical fitness and developing endurance, it used to be part of the GTO complex. What is shuttle running, technique, standards and typical mistakes

in execution - details below.

Answering the question of what shuttle running is, it should be mentioned: this technique received its original name due to the analogy with the movement of the shuttle in a loom. So in shuttle running, the athlete must run the same distance back and forth several times, while turning 180 degrees at its end points.

Shuttle running is performed in the following variants:

The standards for shuttle running 10x10 for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are presented in the table:

What does shuttle running give you?

Due to its effectiveness, shuttle running is widely used in the most different types sports: all types of athletics, crossfit, fitness, for training martial arts athletes and athletes, winter and team sports, even in warming up swimmers.

The use of shuttle running promotes:

  1. Increase muscle mass and explosive leg strength.
  2. Strengthening heart function and respiratory systems s.
  3. Increases the overall endurance of the body.
  4. Development of coordination.
  5. The ability to control the process and correctly develop the ability to distribute forces.

The practical benefit of this type of training also lies in the comprehensive physical development athlete and ordinary person, general health promotion, the ability to quickly improve physical fitness during the recovery period after injuries. It is also noticed that regular execution shuttle running promotes rapid weight loss.

Features of shuttle running

Naturally, training requires a special shuttle running technique at each stage:

  1. start;
  2. running along a distance with acceleration;
  3. preparation for the turn and the turn itself;
  4. finish line.

The continuation of the distance is carried out in one algorithm, only a jerk is added at the finish line.

In principle, for those who use shuttle running in training, its execution technique is the same for distances of different lengths and does not depend on the number of repetitions. The only peculiarity: depending on the length of the run and how many times it will be completed, you need to learn how to choose the optimal pace of movement. The rule is the same as in track and field running:

  • short distances must be immediately performed with great intensity and using all power potential;
  • long distances with a large number of repetitions in the first half should be performed at an average pace, saving energy, and after passing the equator, increase the speed and give your best in the last segment of the distance.

These rules are relevant for professional athletes who are going for a record, or when they need to pass the standard. When training for general development Shuttle running can be performed at any convenient pace.

Shuttle running technique in stages

As we mentioned, shuttle running includes 4 stages. Each of them has its own subtleties, and if you understand them, then the effectiveness of your training will be maximum. The presented algorithm applies to people with traditional right-sided motor skills. Lefties can do everything in mirror mode.

An important point: before completing the distance, a warm-up must be performed - at least 3-5 minutes, so that the body smoothly transitions to high-intensity loads.

Stage 1. Start

  • The position is performed from a high start. The supporting leg is in front, the center of gravity is shifted to it. The maximum tension falls on the quadriceps.
  • The body is tilted forward, arms are bent at the ribs, the back is straight. The start is explosive, which is facilitated by well-developed leg muscles.

Stage 2. Race of the first segment

The first part of the distance must be run quickly, so landing only on the toe, and not on the entire foot, is used. The movements are springy and uniform.

Stage 3. Turn 180 degrees

Performed in the following algorithm:

  • a meter before the turn the speed drops sharply;
  • a stopping step is performed when the foot of the leg that is in front is placed at 90 degrees and then a turn is made to the remaining 90 degrees - this technique maintains the inertia of movement and ensures speed dial speed for the next segment.

Stage 4. Finishing

It is customary to make a final push, that is, the speed of movement should increase until the very finish line, and then gradually slow down.

A video of shuttle running will help you learn how to run shuttle running correctly.

Mistakes during training

The most common typical mistakes are made by novice athletes, and most often long distances. They are:

Lesson program for beginners

From all of the above, it is clear that shuttle running training should be performed incrementally: in time, in distance length, and in intensity. Classes should not be more than 2 times a week for the first month and no more than 3 times thereafter. This is necessary for muscle recovery and replenishment of energy costs.

The training will be equally effective both at the stadium and in the gym.

Algorithm of classes for the first month of training by serial number:

  1. Run 4 through 9 three times.
  2. Race 4 to 9 – five times.
  3. Run twice: 4 x 9 and 4 x 15.
  4. Five times runs 4 to 15.
  5. Run 4 x 10 twice and run 4 x 20 three times.
  6. Once run 4 x 20 and once 10 x 10.
  7. Run 10x10 twice.
  8. Run 10x10 two or three times.

Between races there should be a short break of 4-5 minutes with passages or light exercises to restore breathing. If due to insufficient physical training It is difficult to complete training in this mode, reduce the number of races, and extend the program over two months.

Finally. Shuttle running is not an independent sports disciplines, but it is an important component of the training of athletes in almost all sports, helps improve individual performance, and is also effective for the general health of the population.


Kinds physical exercise for the competitive selection of candidates for the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are carried out in accordance with the requirements of Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. g. “On introducing changes and additions to the Manual on physical training of employees of internal affairs bodies, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. g.”

3 km run

Running is performed both over rough terrain and in the stadium. The run begins with a high start and the first 30-40 meters the runners run with acceleration (i.e., short and frequent steps), then switch to a swing step and 200-300 meters before the end of the distance increase the running speed and finish.

Shuttle run 4 x 20 m (s)

The running is carried out on a flat area marked with start and turn lines at a distance of 20 meters from each other. On the command “March” - run 20 meters from a high start, touch the ground (floor) with your foot behind the turn line, turn around and run in the same way for three more segments of 20 meters.

Power complex exercise(for men)

Performed according to the following scheme:

Do push-ups on your hands (touch your chest to the floor) 10 times while lying down;

From a lying position, take a squatting position 10 times (knees between hands);

Lie on your back, hands on your waist, take a sitting position 10 times;

From a half-squat, perform 10 jumps up, fully straightening your legs, hands behind your head (when doing a half-squat, your thighs should be parallel to the floor).

Repeat the cycles of these exercises without pauses for the number of times. For employees of the 4th medical age group the dosage of each exercise in one cycle should be 5 repetitions.

Strength exercise (for women)

Completes within 1 minute. The first 30 seconds - from a lying position on your back, with your arms along your body, bend forward as much as possible until your toes touch your hands. For the next 30 seconds, turn into a lying position and perform the maximum number of flexions and extensions of your arms.

Grade physical fitness




Age groups

(up to 30 years old)

(up to 35 years old)

(up to 40 years old)

(up to 45 years old)


Strength complex exercise (number of cycles)




Age groups

(up to 25 years old)

(up to 30 years old)

(up to 35 years old)

(up to 40 years old)


Strength exercise (number of repetitions)


Date of: May 15, Tuesday

School: MBOU NOSH No. 25

Class: 4

Lesson: 2

Location: Sports ground of school No. 25

Topic: Shuttle run 4x9


Learn a running warm-up; repeat the shuttle running technique.


-Educational: Training in shuttle running technique.

- Educational: Develop motor qualities - agility, speed of movement, endurance.

- Wellness: Help strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, musculoskeletal system

INVENTORY: whistle, cubes (4pcs), stopwatch, cone (4pcs).

1. Going outside

2. Construction. Greetings. Reporting the objectives of the lesson.

3. Warm-up run.

4. Restore breathing.

5. Rebuilding from one to 2 columns.


1. I.p. - legs apart, hands on the waist, head turns.

1- turn your head to the right, hands to your shoulders.


3- turn your head to the left, hands to your shoulders.



1- arms up, right leg back.


3- arms up, left leg back.


3. IP - legs apart, arms down.

1,3 - hands in front.

2- hands up.


4. I.p. - legs apart, hands on the waist, bends

1- tilt to the right.

2- tilt to the left.

3- lean forward.


5. I.p. - legs apart, hands below.

1- hands up.

2- Bend forward and reach for your toes.

3- squat arms forward.


6. IP - legs apart, hands on the waist.

1.2- circular movements hip joint to the right side.

3.4 - circular movements of the hip joint to the left side.

7. IP - narrow stance, hands on knees.

1.2- circular movements knee joint to the right side.

3.4 - circular movements of the knee joint to the left side.

8. Jumping.

7. Rebuilding from 2 columns to 1 column.

8.Running warm-up.

1. Side step with the right side.

2. Side step with the left side.

3. Running with high hips.

4. Run with the shin wrapped back, arms behind.

5. Small multi-jump.

6. Run backwards with your arms moving backwards in a circular motion.

7. Large multi-jump with the right foot in front.

8. Big multi-jump left leg ahead.

9. With straight legs thrown forward.

1 min

1 min

2 minutes

1 min

2 minutes

6 times

6 times

6 times

6 times

6 times

6 times

6 times

6 times

1 min

2 minutes

15-20 m

15-20 m

15-20 m

15-20 m

15-20 m

15-20 m

15-20 m

15-20 m

15-20 m

Organized access to the street.

"Be equal!"



“At ease!”

“Pay your bills in order!”

My name is: Svetlana Sergeevna.

Lesson topic: “Shuttle” without 4x9.

“Right one, two!” At a slow pace, “Running march!”

Let's move on to a step.

“Stand in one line!”

“Left one - two!”

"Calculate for 1.2!"

1st numbers in place, 2nd numbers 4 steps forward.

“According to instructions, step, march!”

I.p. accept.

“Start exercises to the right!”, “Stop!”

The pace is average.

I.p. accept.

“Start the exercises with the right leg!”, “Stop!”

The pace is average.

I.p. accept.

“Start forward arm exercises!”, “Stop!”

The pace is average.

I.p. accept.

The pace is average.

I.p. accept.

“Start arm up exercises!”, “Stop!”

The pace is average.

I.p. accept.

“Start exercises on the right side!”, “Stop!”

The pace is average.

I.p. accept.

“Start exercises on the right side!”, “Stop!”

The pace is average.

The pace is average.

“Step around to your places, march!”

The students line up in one column. The distance between students is 2 steps. They run to the cone and return on foot.

"Additional step with the right side, march!"

"Added shaom with your left side, march!"

“Hip high, march!”

“With the shin whipped back, march!”

"Small multi-jumps, march!"

“Backs forward, march!”

“Big multi-jump, right foot forward, march!”

“Big multi-jump, left foot forward, march!”

“Running with straight legs, march!”

Main part (29 min)

1.Technique for performing 4x9 shuttle running.



When shuttle running, a high start is used. To do this, you need to stand in the position of a speed skater (put the pushing leg forward and the swing leg back), the weight of the body is transferred to the leg that is in front. On the “march” command, the student must reach maximum speed in just a few seconds. At the same time, it is important to keep the body tilted without straightening your back immediately when the command to run sounds. An important component of shuttle running is the presence of turns, in which agility is important. When reaching a turn, it is important to slow down a little, make a stopping movement, turn and pick up speed again.

2. Lead-up exercises

3.Replenishment of shuttle run 4x9

4. Game “Scarecrow”

5 minutes

2 minutes

10 min

12 min

They reach the cone, stop, and return backwards.

Rotate with full equipment running.

Complete technique with touch.

The players form a large circle. In the center stands a scarecrow wearing a hat. To the music, the children walk and sing, “In the garden, a scarecrow is wearing a hat, waving his sleeves and seeming to be dancing. Well, come on, scarecrow, play with us. And the scarecrow answers: “I can’t play now, I have to scare the sparrows.” And he catches up with the children. Whoever is caught up becomes a scarecrow.

Final part (6min)

1. Drilling techniques.

2. Game for attention.

"Cool, Attention!"

3. Construction, summing up.

4. Traveling to school.

1 min

3 min

1 min

1 min

The teacher gives commands:

“Class stand in one line!”

The players stand in line, half a step apart, facing the teacher, who gives commands and simultaneously performs simple exercises. All students must perform exercises behind him if the teacher says the word “class” before the command. If he did not say this word, then the students stand motionless. Those who violate this rule or do not follow the correct command take a small step forward from the formation and continue to play. The game lasts 3-4 minutes. After its completion, only the most attentive remain in the ranks.

What did we study in class?

What was the hardest thing?

The teacher gives commands:


“March to school!”

Shuttle running, its advantages. Running and walking are natural exercises that humans use, according to nature’s design, as a means of transportation and meeting the needs of life. These exercises physically develop a person, stimulate muscle tone, harmoniously improve the shape of the body.

Shuttle running was developed by humans to develop additional qualities (endurance, reaction speed, agility, ability to coordinate movements) when preparing football players, basketball players, boxers, track and field athletes, and other athletes for competitions.

Additional qualities are developed thanks to the specifics of shuttle running: repeated movements in the opposite direction with a sharp change in the direction of movement at the end of the intermediate distance.

Standards for shuttle running

Shuttle running standards for schoolchildren by grade

Shuttle running exercise in schools

Boys Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3
3x10 m (sec.) 9.9 10.8 11,2 10.2 11,3 11,7
4×9 m, sec 12,0 12,8 13,2 12,4 12,8 13,2
3×10 m, sec 9,1 10,0 10,4 9,7 10,7 11,2
3×10 m, sec 8,8 9,9 10,2 9,3 10,3 10,8
3×10 m, sec 8,6 9,5 9,9 9,1 10,0 10,4
4×9 m, sec 10,2 10,7 11,3 10,5 11,0 11,7
4×9 m, sec 10,0 10,5 11,5 10,3 10,7 11,5
4×9 m, sec 9,8 10,3 10,8 10,1 10,5 11,3
4×9 m, sec 9,6 10,1 10,6 10,0 10,4 11,2
4×9 m, sec 9,4 9,9 10,4 9,8 10,2 11,0
4×9 m, sec 9,3 9,7 10,2 9,7 10,1 10,8
4×9 m, sec 9,2 9,6 10,1 9,8 10,2 11,0

Used to assess a person's level of fitness. The standards for the 3*10 m shuttle run for schoolchildren are developed depending on age (7-17 years), gender and level of training (high, medium, low). For example, for 7-year-old boys with a low level of training the standard is 11.2 seconds, and for a girl 11.7 seconds. For a boy 17 years old high level preparation standard is 7.2 seconds, and for a girl 8.7 seconds.

In the GTO standards, shuttle running 3*10 m is provided as a mandatory exercise for the 1st age group (6-8 years). To pass the standard for gold, silver and bronze badges, a boy must overcome this distance in 9.2, respectively; 10.1 and 10.4 seconds, and the girl in 9.7; 10.7 and 10.9 sec.

GTO standards for shuttle running 3x10m

Shuttle run 3*10 m (s)


1st stage (6-8 years)
Level 2 (9-10 years)
Level 3 (11-12 years old)
Level 4 (13-15 years old)
Level 5 (16-17 years old)
Level 6 (18-24 years old)
Level 6 (25-29 years old)
7th stage and beyond

not carried out

Standards 3x10 for university students

Physical education lessons are also provided for students, and standards may differ among universities.

Shuttle running Ministry of Internal Affairs standards

To enter service under a contract

In special forces focus on results less than 25 seconds 10*10 meters

Shuttle running standards for military personnel / scoring table 10x10m

< 30 лет

> 30 years

100 29,0 31,0
99 29,1 31,1
98 29,2 31,2
97 29,3 31,3
96 29,4 31,4
95 29,5 31,5
94 29,6 31,6
92 29,7 31,7
91 29,8 31,8
90 29,9 31,9
88 30,0 32,0
87 30,1 32,1
86 30,2 32,2
84 30,3 32,3
83 30,4 32,4
82 30,5 32,5
80 30,6 32,6
79 30,7 32,7
78 30,8 32,8
76 30,9 32,9
75 31,0 33,0
74 31,1 33,1
72 31,2 33,2
71 31,3 33,3
70 31,4 33,4
68 31,5 33,5
66 31,6 33,6
65 31,7 33,7
63 31,8 33,8
61 31,9 33,9
60 32,0 34,0
59 32,2 34,2
58 32,4 34,4
57 32,6 34,6
56 32,9 34,9
55 33,1 35,1
54 33,3 35,3
53 33,5 35,5
52 33,7 35,7
51 34,0 36,0
50 34,1 36,1
49 34,2 36,2
48 34,3 36,3
47 34,4 36,4
46 34,5 36,5
45 34,6 36,6
44 34,7 36,7
43 34,8 36,8
42 34,9 36,9
41 35,0 37,0
40 35,1 37,1
39 35,2 37,2
38 35,3 37,3
37 35,4 37,4
36 35,5 37,5
35 35,6 37,6
34 35,7 37,7
33 35,8 37,8
32 35,9 37,9
31 36,0 38,0
30 36,1 38,1
29 36,2 38,2
28 36,3 38,3
27 36,4 38,4
26 36,5 38,5
25 36,6 38,6
24 36,7 38,7
23 36,8 38,8
22 36,9 38,9
21 37,0 39,0
20 37,1 39,1
19 37,2 39,2
18 37,3 39,3

The shuttle running standards of 10*10 and 4*9 m were developed for military personnel and boys in grades 9-11. For 8th grade schoolchildren, the shuttle run assessment is 5*10 m, and for girls 3*10 and 3*9 m at a low level of development. For example, to get a grade of “5”, an 11th grade student needs to run a distance of 4*9 m in 9.2 seconds, and a female student in 9.8 seconds.

Shuttle running distances.

Shuttle running is used at distances of up to 100 m, covering intermediate distances (most often 9-10 m) in forward and reverse directions up to 10 times. Shuttle running requires more time and energy consumption when running the same distance, because the athlete has to run around the obstacle several times and reduce speed to prevent injury when turning 1800 at the end of the intermediate distance.

Shuttle running allows you to train in the gym in unfavorable weather, because... For this exercise you need a small area with markings for the beginning and end of intermediate distances. If the weather is favorable, you can conduct shuttle running training at a stadium or any sports ground.

The most popular shuttle running distances are 10*10, 4*9 and 3*10 m; less often, distances of 5*10 and 3*9 m are used in training methods for schoolchildren. When preparing athletes, the coach individually selects the shuttle running distance depending on the athlete’s preparedness and specifics tasks solved during the training process.

Shuttle running technique. At each stage of the shuttle run (start, intermediate distance, turn, finish) a certain technique is used.

Video of a coach training future football players

And the video technique on how to properly run shuttle running from a trainer

The initial start is most often used high with support on one hand, but other start options are also allowed. After passing each intermediate distance in the opposite direction, at the start the technique of braking and subsequent acceleration is used. The start and turn lines are marked, the width of the lines is included in the length of the intermediate distance. Completing the intermediate distance includes correct positioning first step and the ability to increase the frequency of shortened steps over a distance, which is initially developed by fast jumping rope. At the end of the intermediate distance, you need to mark this event, for example, by touching the ground (floor) with your hand and turning 180°.

Turns require mastering a stopping step; this step, in addition to shuttle running, is most often used in basketball. Do not use any uneven surfaces or objects as support when turning. The athlete tilts his torso towards the changed direction of running.

The finish requires equipment for safety reasons: the walls of the gym at the finish site must be protected with mats; there should be no objects in the finish area that could cause injury if collided with. All elements of the shuttle running technique are developed through repetitions at a slow pace.
