Bodybuilding exercises. Basic bodybuilding exercises - a catalyst for your growth Basic heavy training

In bodybuilding there are different kinds exercises that can be divided into:

  • multi-joint– work with a barbell, free weight, body weight;
  • isolated– work on simulators, blocks, frames.

They differ from each other in that the first are basic exercises for gaining weight, and the second are grinding/polishing, cutting out specific parts from the total volume of the mass.

The classic basic exercises in powerlifting are:

There are more basic exercises in bodybuilding, full list basic exercises for muscle groups in bodybuilding are presented below.

The bench press is a basic free weight exercise. To perform it, lie down on a bench, lower the barbell until it touches your chest, and then raise it until it is fully straightened. elbow joint. The grip should be wide enough, wider than shoulder width. In bodybuilding, the bench press is used as an exercise to develop the muscles of the chest, triceps, and anterior deltoids.

Bench press incline bench allows you to work the upper sections of the chest muscles (if performed in the head-over-legs position) or their lower sections (if performed in the head-down position).

When pressing dumbbells, the lowest point of movement is much lower than when pressing a barbell, which allows you to perfectly work the pectoral muscles. In addition, you can change the trajectory of movement, squeeze dumbbells located in parallel, bring them together at the top point, which engages new muscle bundles and has a slightly different effect on them.

Due to the fact that lying dumbbell flyes involve the same muscles as the bench press, the load is focused on the inner edge and middle of the pectoralis major muscle. In this case, the chest is given a convex shape, a clear separation between its muscles is achieved. Routing is also done to improve the relief pectoral muscles By performing this exercise you can improve your results in wrestling, tennis, boxing, gymnastics, acrobatics, basketball, badminton.

This auxiliary exercise is aimed primarily at strengthening the pectoral muscles, latissimus muscles back and, indirectly, triceps. Pullover is usually performed as an additional exercise when working on the pectoral muscles.

One of the main exercises to strengthen the back muscles. To perform, you need a horizontal bar or crossbar, which is easy to make even at home. This is the simplest exercise, but its value lies in the fact that it is basic and allows you to use a large number of different muscle groups.

As a compound movement, the deadlift involves almost every muscle, either to stabilize the position or to lift the weight. This exercise is used to build strength and mass in the muscles of the legs, back, and indeed the whole body.

By regularly performing this exercise you can develop your lats, round muscles, as well as influence a number of others, which will allow you to achieve visual and actual thickening of the back. This exercise is used as a supplement to various options deadlift in order to fully work out the back muscles.

This exercise allows you to create an aesthetic V-shaped torso. In this case, the arms should not go back, but move strictly in the plane of the body. The grip should not be wide; it is optimal when the forearm is perpendicular to the bar at the lowest point. The back should bend and the legs should be supported.

already described above

Squats with a barbell primarily engage the quadriceps; the synergists (helping with movement) in this case are gluteal muscles, soleus muscles along with the adductor muscles of the thigh. The calf and thigh muscles act as stabilizers. The back extensors and muscles also work abdominals and others.

This exercise perfectly develops the calf muscles. You can perform it both sitting and standing. For achievement best result It is reasonable to combine both options.

Performance this exercise requires very simple equipment - beams. You can find them in almost any yard, not to mention gyms. For the development of the triceps and pectoral muscles, this is perhaps the best exercise. This also applies to large quantity accessory muscles located in the shoulder girdle. Push-ups allow you to effectively work out your triceps and chest, but the degree of load depends on the position of your arms.

In order to increase the strength and volume of the triceps, use French press. It affects all triceps bundles, especially the upper and long ones. This also allows you to visually increase the volume of your arm.

To develop top part triceps and increase its strength and volume, it is worth using the bench press narrow grip. Moreover, despite the highest working weight compared to other triceps exercises, this exercise is used, as a rule, as a supplement to pumping up the triceps. The reason is simple: in addition to the triceps, the front deltoids and the upper pectoral muscles work. Another advantage of the close-grip bench press is that you can really work on the shape of your triceps. When this muscle goes into failure, and the performer continues the exercise with the help of the anterior deltoids and chest muscles, it is these repetitions that allow for excellent grinding of the triceps.

You can increase strength and mass in your biceps with this basic exercise. The load is distributed evenly across both biceps and muscles inner surface forearm and brachialis muscles.

If you change the grip width, you can shift the load to different biceps bundles. The narrower the grip, the more the internal beams work. And vice versa.

In order to develop biceps muscle The shoulder and forearm are used to lift dumbbells for biceps. The exercise involves turning your hands outward while lifting. This allows you to achieve maximum contraction of the biceps and synergistic muscles. For training the biceps, this exercise is considered one of the best, since turning the palm when bending the elbow adds efficiency.

Most bodybuilders use this basic exercise to develop the shoulder girdle. It perfectly loads the middle and front deltoids, as well as the upper part of the trapezius muscles.

To develop the triceps and shoulder girdle muscles, it is recommended to perform dumbbell or barbell overhead presses in a standing position. Here the main load falls on the deltoid muscles, with the main emphasis on the anterior section, as well as the triceps.

With the help of this exercise, pumping occurs rear delts, rotator cuff muscles and trapezius muscle. Bent-over dumbbell raises are best for developing the shape and definition of the deltoid muscles.

The exercise is suitable for working the middle deltas, upper and middle trapezius. Also, the chin pull separates the trapezius from the deltoids, allowing you to draw and hone the shape of the trapezius muscles, as well as outline a clear line between the deltoids and the trapezius.

Shrugs are used to develop the trapezius muscle. The exercise is quite simple: holding the weight in straight arms, lowered along the body, raise the shoulders as high as possible, then lower the shoulders back without bending the arm at the elbow. Shrugs are usually performed with weights, dumbbells, barbells, or on a special machine. In this case, the bar can be placed both in front of the hips and behind the body.

Basic exercises and technique - Video

Basic exercises Barbell lifts are multi-joint exercises used in strength training to gain muscle mass. The basic ones are squats with a barbell on the shoulders, bench press lying on a straight bench, bench press standing overhead, deadlift and bent over row of the barbell to the waist. Studies show that when they are performed, the body produces the most testosterone¹.

These five exercises make up. It should be noted that other multi-joint exercises can repeat and complement the basic exercises. For example, a platform leg press can replace squats, and a seated block row can replace a bent-over barbell row. The only exception is the deadlift - it cannot be replaced.

The main advantage of basic exercises is that, when performed correctly, they involve all muscle groups - including the abs and arms. However, incorrect technique can cause serious harm to the athlete. Because multi-joint exercises are performed with a barbell and other free weights, there is a risk of getting sports injury joints.

Exercises for gaining mass

The benefits of basic exercises for muscle growth

The main advantage of basic exercises is the simultaneous growth of muscles and fat burning. The reason is that basic exercises require the body to consume more nutrients. During strength training, it is actively used, and after the end of the training, recovery processes that burn fat are launched.

With regular training using basic exercises, metabolism gradually increases, leading to an increase in appetite - which, again, is necessary for gaining muscle mass, since without additional calories the muscles simply will not grow. Especially important role This works for naturally thin ectomorphs who have trouble gaining weight.

Building an athletic physique

Technically correct execution basic exercises have a positive effect on the symmetry of muscle development. As a result of training according to the basic program, not just a pumped-up, but a powerful and athletic physique is formed. In addition, basic exercises have a positive effect on the brain-muscle connection.

Most beginners cannot exert their willpower a certain muscle(not to mention consciously engaging this muscle during training), which indicates a weak neuromuscular connection between the brain and muscles. Performing heavy compound exercises can improve this connection, increasing the effectiveness of the training.

Disadvantages of basic exercises

The main disadvantage of basic exercises is that they really require perfect knowledge of the correct technique. Performing these exercises with heavy weights significantly increases the risk of injury even with the slightest mistakes - which is why it is best to learn correct technique these exercises with a personal trainer.

In addition, many beginners tend to progress too quickly, unnecessarily increasing the working weight and carrying out more frequent exercises. power training than their body needs. It must be remembered that basic training must be performed. Otherwise, the result will be chronic overtraining.


The most important for gaining muscle mass are multi-joint basic exercises that increase the level of testosterone and other hormones through a complex effect on the body and central nervous system. Five of these exercises are allocated to the basic group - deadlift, squats, bench press, standing barbell press and rows.

In bodybuilding there is such a thing as a base. He is often contacted experienced trainers to explain to a beginner why he cannot achieve good results neither in the increase in strength indicators, nor in the growth of muscle mass. “You have no base,” they say.

The term is very capacious and it is not always clear what is hidden behind it. Usually it is assumed that they are not pumped big muscles– muscles of the legs, back and chest.

Therefore, basic exercises in bodybuilding are often understood as the same as in powerlifting - bench press, squats and deadlifts. The latter, however, is not always included in the list of basic exercises. Sometimes the list expands due to pull-ups.

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– are a basic leg exercise that involves almost all muscle groups, and with certain tricks, that’s all.

The greatest load falls on the quadriceps. The smallest is on the calf, static load test the muscles of the lumbar region. Squats in bodybuilding are performed slightly differently compared to how they are done in powerlifting.

Firstly, the exercise itself is performed more slowly and, secondly, to a shallower depth. Bodybuilders perform so-called half squats, when the angle between the hamstrings and calf muscle close to direct.

Some athletes advise holding the BDC for a few seconds, but this leads to an unjustified increase in the load on the knee ligaments. Roni Coleman called this method the sure way to kill your joints. However, many bodybuilders still perform the powerlifting version of the exercise, since it is objectively easier to increase leg mass.

As well as its variations with changing the grip width and the angle of the bench. Designed to develop chest muscles. It differs from the powerlifting version in that there is no delay of the bar on the chest. The rest is a complete copy.

Some athletes, instead of bench presses, use parallel bars as a basic chest exercise. This statement can be considered valid exactly during the first month of training, and even then in relation to one execution option.

At the same time, the bench press is one of the favorite exercises of the vast majority of athletes. Serves as a testing ground for who is stronger even among bodybuilders.

– the most controversial candidate for the title of basic bodybuilding exercise. The least favorite exercise for most athletes, which is why many do not recognize it, preferring to replace it with something simpler.

For example, bending forward with a barbell or disk behind your head. There are two execution options; in bodybuilding, only one is recognized, the so-called classic, with legs almost straight at the knees, shoulder-width apart.

In addition to the big three, and, sometimes, pull-ups, there are other basic exercises in bodybuilding, but they are local in nature, i.e. designed for the development of one muscle.

For example, for triceps - these are push-ups from the floor and parallel bars, for biceps - barbell lifts, for the abs - sit-ups, etc.

So guys, master the basics and move on to new muscle mass records. Good luck!

Training should be based on basic exercises. They are the best method, for gaining muscle mass. It is advised to start your workout with basic exercises, since the body spends a lot of resources on their implementation, and therefore at the end of the workout you simply do not have enough strength to do the basic exercises to the fullest.

Basic exercises in bodybuilding are the basis of training, be sure to include them in your training program!

The main difference between basic exercises and isolating exercises is that in isolating exercises only one muscle is loaded, while in basic exercises several muscles are loaded. Thus, when performing basic exercises in bodybuilding, you give stress not to one, but to several muscle groups.

Let's look at a specific example. Let's take the basic exercise bench press, where the triceps, shoulders, and pectoral muscles are loaded. An isolating exercise would be a French press, where only the triceps are loaded, or dumbbell flyes to the sides, where only the deltoids are loaded. I hope you get the point.

Probably everyone associates the phrase “basic bodybuilding exercises” with lifting huge weights. That’s right, it’s the heavy weights in basic exercises that give the body the impetus to grow muscle mass.

And of course, it is necessary to constantly increase the load so that the body does not get used to it, but experiences something new. Increase the weight or number of repetitions, or shorten the breaks between sets. In a word, you need to prevent your muscles from getting used to the monotonous load.

Another rule you need to remember. To grow muscle mass, it is necessary to put stress on large muscle groups:

  • back
  • pectoral muscles

It is the muscles of the legs and back that make up 80% of human muscles. If you grow these muscle groups, then smaller muscles will also begin to develop.

Basic basic exercises in bodybuilding


  • Bench press
  • Dumbbell bench press
  • Pullover
  • Incline Bench Press


  • Deadlift
  • Bent-over barbell row
  • Bent-over dumbbell row
  • Pull-ups


  • Squats with a barbell on your shoulders
  • Deadlift
  • Leg press
  • Lunges with a barbell


  • Close grip press
  • Barbell curl
  • Dumbbell biceps curl


  • Seated press
  • Standing press (military press)
  • Overhead press
  • Shrugs

This concept refers to some exercises from the world of bodybuilding and powerlifting. Basic exercises include those exercises that have a targeted effect on large muscle groups and are the most effective for the development of strength and muscle mass.

As in any sport, bodybuilding training has certain features. Each athlete sets certain goals before training, and, depending on them, creates his own program. And to make the exercises even more effective, many athletes actively use those that are considered basic in their training. There are four basic principles that allow us to call the exercise basic:

  1. With the exception of push-ups and pull-ups, all basic exercises are performed with a barbell
  2. Impact falls on large muscle groups
  3. When performing the exercise, at least two joints are set in motion
  4. The starting position in the exercise is the most convenient for developing greater effort from an anatomical point of view

The benefits of basic exercises

The main effect is the development of strength and muscle mass. If you set these goals for yourself, then basic exercises should be the basis of your training. During their execution, the muscles receive maximum load, in addition, most of them are actively involved in the work. muscle fibers. Another positive effect is its powerful effect on the nervous system.

All body systems receive maximum training impact during basic exercises. Thanks to this, a maximum response is caused on their part, which leads to the greatest increase in strength and muscle mass.

There are also isolated exercises, which are in addition to the basic ones. They are used when they want to more fully work out a particular muscle group.

Basic exercises in bodybuilding and strength sports

Today there are nine basic exercises:

  1. Standing or seated barbell press
  2. Bench press on a flat or incline bench
  3. Close grip bench press
  4. Dips (possibly using weights)
  5. Deadlift
  6. Overhand rows or pull-ups on the bar with any grip
  7. Bent-over barbell row
  8. Squats with a barbell on your shoulders
  9. Front Squats

These exercises are considered the basis for developing strength and mass.

In weightlifting, exercises such as the snatch and clean and jerk are actively used. As for bodybuilding, there are several non-basic exercises that also have an effective effect on arm strength. The most famous of these exercises are the French press and standing barbell curl.

Effective workouts at home

Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym and train with a heavy barbell or use special racks for squats and presses. But they shouldn’t be upset; with the right approach to home training, you can achieve equally impressive results. Performance correct exercises with heavy dumbbells, the effectiveness is almost as good as basic exercises with a barbell. Exercises such as dumbbell presses in a lying or seated position can develop strength and mass well.

In addition, to perform some basic exercises you don’t need or need to come to the gym. You can do push-ups from the comfort of your room; pull-up bars and push-up bars are available on almost every sports ground. In terms of their effectiveness, these exercises are in no way inferior to exercises with a barbell; they are also basic.

The most important thing in home training– drawing up the right training program. It is necessary to select the most best exercises, which allow maximum load on the muscles. The training itself must be carried out carefully and wisely, then you will achieve impressive results. There are many athletes who were able to develop amazing strength indicators and gain significant muscle mass by training at home.

Is it possible to do only three exercises?

Some athletes claim that there are only three effective compound exercises: the back squat, the deadlift, and the bench press. They say with complete confidence that you need to do only these three exercises and that’s it, you don’t need to do any others. Most of those who think this way are involved in powerlifting (powerlifting).

This is a completely wrong view of strength sports, it is too “limited”.

The reason why many powerlifters hold this opinion is understandable, because these are the three lifts that are competitive. The goal of each of them is to raise maximum weight, which is why misconceptions arise about this.

By the way, during the preparatory period these same athletes use a fairly wide range of various exercises. But some time before the competition itself, they discard everything “unnecessary” and focus entirely on basic training.

The effect of training only competitive exercises will only be if we are talking about a professional athlete with harmonious developed body. As for amateur athletes, this technique is unlikely to suit them.

If you are not involved in powerlifting, but in bodybuilding or other strength sports, then limit yourself basic program Of the three exercises it’s definitely not worth it.

The human body consists of countless muscles, joints and ligaments that provide it with excellent mobility. This motor system needs to be developed, and this must be done in a variety of ways so that each link is distinguished by its strength. Take any sport represented on olympic games– only the use of a large arsenal of exercises allows athletes to achieve success in them high results. An athlete's preparation should consist of both basic and auxiliary exercises.

The best way to develop strength and muscle mass is to perform basic bodybuilding exercises. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just three of them, use the entire arsenal, this is the only way you can effectively develop your body. Naturally, we are not talking about one training session, but about training program, which includes various activities. If necessary, supplement the program additional exercises. As already stated, proper training consists of performing basic exercises, with the help of which the body’s abilities are comprehensively developed, and auxiliary exercises that need to be used to work on separate groups muscles. These could be exercises that help further work out the abs, lumbar region and any other lagging muscles.

It is necessary to distribute all the exercises into separate workouts, at each of them you need to solve some specific problems.

Muscle structure and basic exercises in bodybuilding

It is necessary to very clearly know the area of ​​influence of basic exercises, which muscle groups are involved when performing them. The structure of one or another muscle group you need to know in order not to just say to yourself and others: “Yes, such and such an exercise affects such and such and also this muscle.” You need to have a good understanding of muscle anatomy and a clear understanding of their location on your body, then the effectiveness of your training will increase many times over. So, it’s time to move on to describing the structure of the muscles and those exercises that have the most impact on them:

1) Shoulders (shoulder girdle). Its basis is the deltoid muscles, which consist of an anterior, posterior and lateral bundle. TO shoulder girdle The trapezius muscle can also be included, or rather only the upper part of the trapezius. The main exercises for the shoulders are: bench press from behind the head in a sitting position (impact on the front and side beams), bench press from the chest while sitting (front beams), raises with dumbbells while standing (the main load falls on the side beams, the secondary load on the front and rear), pulling the barbell to the chin with a narrow grip (top of the trapezius), raising the shoulders with arms down, holding the barbell or dumbbells (top of the trapezius).

2) Rib cage . It is based on the pectoral muscles and serratus muscle. Most effective exercises are: barbell press wide grip in a lying position horizontal bench(building up total mass pectoral muscles), exactly the same bench press, but on a bench inclined to the upper side (redistribution of the load on the upper part of the pectoral muscles), push-ups on the uneven bars (outer and lower parts of the pectoral muscles).

3) Back. Consists of the latissimus muscles (wings), the erector spinae muscles and the lower part of the trapezius muscle. Basic exercises: rear pull-ups with a wide grip (extension of the top of the wings), bent-over barbell rows with a narrow and medium grip ( outer part latissimus muscles), dumbbell row with one hand in a bent position (working out the lats), pull-down block in a sitting position with a narrow grip to the stomach (bottom of the lats and general development spinal muscles) and deadlift (spinal extensor muscles).

4)Hands. Their structure is known to every athlete; they consist of the forearm, biceps and triceps. The main exercises: close-grip barbell press on a horizontal bench (triceps), dips (triceps), French press (triceps), seated dumbbell curls (biceps) and standing curls with a barbell or dumbbells (biceps).

5) Legs. Much more complex in structure than hands. They consist of the quadriceps femoris (quadriceps), biceps femoris (biceps), calves and calf muscles. Basic exercises: barbell squats ( quadriceps), deadlifts (developing thigh muscles) and calf raises (calf raises).

6) Press. The press itself is the rectus abdominis muscle, which can be divided into two sections: upper and lower. In addition, the abs are made up of oblique muscles. Key Exercises: Supine Curl (Upper Abs), Roman Chair Curls (Upper Abs), Leg Raises (Lower Abs), Flat Tucks (all rectus) and Crunches with Torso Curls or Leg Raises (Obliques) muscles).

Basic exercises in bodybuilding: Newbie mistakes

Many of those who are just starting their journey in bodybuilding make the same mistake, namely, they almost completely ignore basic exercises and focus all their attention on isolated exercises. Moreover, almost all of them have only some general and rather vague idea of ​​what isolated exercises are. Such athletes come to training and spend all their time moving from one auxiliary exercise to another. Naturally, they think that I’m doing everything right and expect results. But the only result in this case can only be the complete destruction of one’s own muscles.

And some newcomers, having seen in some specialized magazine training methodology professionals, they immediately begin to practice it. But we must understand that he is on entry level development, and the described training plan belongs to professionals, and only a few will be able to withstand it. Most novice athletes understand this only over time and begin to look for other ways. Sooner or later, they all come to the realization that basic exercises are the basis of any training.


Due to the fact that while performing basic exercises in bodybuilding or other power types sports - several joints are involved in the work at once, and as a result, more testosterone is produced.

The term testosterone does not mean various stimulants, but what our body naturally produces. Testosterone– a male hormone, almost all athletes consider it the main muscle builder. In other words, the more hormone our body produces, the better good muscle mass is built. In addition, the amount of fat in the body is significantly reduced.

Research has revealed a number of important factors that need to be taken into account during training in order to achieve the production of more testosterone. First of all, it is produced while working with weights. Its amount depends on the intensity of training and the volume of muscle mass that was stimulated. That is, the rise itself heavy weight won't give anything. For active testosterone production, workouts must be varied and muscles must be influenced different methods, and not just by lifting heavy iron. As already mentioned, the main factor is gaining muscle mass; let’s dwell on this point in more detail.

There is a very simple relationship: if during training, muscle mass is stimulated to a considerable extent, then testosterone will be produced in increased quantities. It is for this reason that basic exercises naturally stimulate an increase in hormone levels, since they affect several joints at once. A special study was conducted in which participants performed bench press and squats with a barbell. Testosterone levels increased in both cases, but more high level development was recorded during squats, since several muscle groups are stimulated in this exercise.

A very successful example can be given - weightlifters competing at the Olympics. They produce simply gigantic amounts of the hormone. Therefore, beginners should spend more time on deadlifts, squats and other basic exercises, rather than spending almost the entire workout on isolated study biceps or leg muscles.

The most active production of testosterone occurs in the first 45 minutes of weight training, after which its level decreases sharply. So athletes who spend hours doing one exercise after another should think about the productivity of this method.

Another important factor is intensity, that is, the number of repetitions in 60 seconds. One of the studies involved two groups. The first performed exercises to increase muscle volume according to the following scheme: 10 repetitions were performed per minute, the break between approaches was also exactly one minute. Participants in the second group developed strength by performing 5 repetitions per minute and taking a three-minute break between sets. According to the study results, higher testosterone levels were recorded in participants in the first group. However, participants in the second group also experienced a significant increase in the level of hormone produced.

So, one main conclusion can be summed up: if the basis of your training is compound exercises, then you do not have to worry about the fact that your body will secrete too little testosterone. Everything will happen exactly the opposite.

During classes at gym pay attention only to yourself. You don’t have to think about the fact that someone training next to you is looking at you and evaluating how you train. The most optimal training duration is considered to be 40-50, including warm-up; you should not spend more than this time in the gym. Between approaches you need to rest 1-2 minutes, more long breaks may be harmful to the body. You need to exercise several times a week, it is best to train 3 times a week, but no more. And don’t forget: growth in strength and mass occurs not during exercise, but during rest and sleep.

The number of approaches and repetitions in them depends on your goal. If you want toned muscles, then do 4-6 sets of 7-13 repetitions. Do not do more than this, this is too much stress for the muscles, as a result they can simply burn. The working weight should be such that during the last repetitions you apply maximum effort.

Exercises such as squats and deadlifts are best performed with a regular bar, without weight, in the beginning. This will help you get used to the correct technique. Any discomfort during the exercise can only mean one thing - you are doing something technically incorrect. Without doing basic exercises, your progress will be very slow and minimal.

Do you need muscle, or do you want to get lean and get rid of fat? If you came to the gym for muscle mass, then your diet should mainly consist of high-calorie foods. Some fat is burned on its own during exercise, but exercise alone is not enough to completely get rid of it.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to approach any experienced athlete in the gym and ask them. Most bodybuilders are open people who are happy to advise and explain to newcomers all controversial issues.

A different opinion about basic bodybuilding exercises

As already mentioned, most athletes are well aware of the need to take basic exercises as the basis of their training. But there are also those who openly declare that the base is a matter of taste, an alternative for which, if desired, you can easily find a replacement. And we are not talking about amateur athletes, but rather experienced bodybuilders. Of course, such a point of view seems absurd, but not everything is so simple.

Many famous bodybuilders, in all their years of training, have never done basic exercises, and, nevertheless, achieved amazing muscles. They performed completely different exercises and with different equipment, for example, the barbell was replaced with heavy dumbbells, and instead of squats they trained on a machine. Thus, everyone decides for themselves how necessary these exercises are.
