Basic exercises for arms. Four of the craziest ways to exercise your arms in a rocking chair

An increase in the volume of the triceps and biceps muscles is carried out as part of arm weight training, which consists of the simultaneous development of antagonists responsible for flexion and extension of the upper limbs. Alternately performing exercises to develop triceps and biceps contributes to their accelerated recovery. The flow of oxygen-enriched blood increases, and this has a beneficial effect on weight growth.

Anatomy of human hands

Organize correctly training process possible, knowing the features of the anatomy of the upper limbs. The biceps consists of a long, short heads, abdomen and radial process. Triceps is triceps, having a fusiform appearance, consisting of 3 heads: long, lateral, medial. Besides this there are several thin muscles forearms:

  • brachialis;
  • brachyradialis;
  • coracobrachial;
  • extensor carpi radialis longus.

Thinking about how to pump up big hands, strive to select exercises and choose their optimal combination, determining the appropriate load taking into account the number of repetitions, approaches, working weight to ensure progression, which serves as the key to increasing mass.

Basic exercises for triceps

When thinking about how to build muscle mass in your arms, you need to consider that 2/3 of the volume forms the triceps. Therefore, more attention in training should be paid to the triceps brachii muscle, performing the following exercises.

1. Bench press with a narrow grip in a lying position

  1. You need to position yourself so that your buttocks and shoulder blades with the back of your head are pressed tightly against the surface, and the bar is directly above your forehead.
  2. Spread your legs as wide as possible to give your torso a stable position.
  3. The projectile is pulled up, with the bar positioned above the chest and, while inhaling, lowered to the sternum, while the elbows are pressed to the body.
  4. After touching the body, the bar is pushed up until the arms are straightened.

2. French press

Performed in a lying position on horizontal bench.

  1. Extend your straightened arms upward, placing them perpendicular to the floor surface.
  2. Take the shell overhand grip, straighten your arms and move them back 40° from the vertical.
  3. After inhaling and holding your breath, lower the bar to the back of your head, bending your elbows, while top part hands remain in a fixed position.
  4. The angle at the elbows below is 90°.
  5. Having brought the barbell to the extreme point at the bottom, straighten your arms and return it to the starting position.

3. Extensions from the upper block

  1. Extend your arms downwards until they touch your hips, holding for maximum load.
  2. Slowly bend your arms back to initial position, applying a certain effort.
  3. Inhalation is performed in the first phase of the exercise with the elbows fixed in one position.

Basic exercises for biceps

While focusing on how to build muscle in your arms, you must not forget about your biceps while doing basic exercises for the biceps brachii muscle.

1. Lifting the barbell

  1. Standing from IP legs apart and with underhand grip, bend your lower back, lowering the bar to your hips.
  2. Inhale and hold your breath before lifting the barbell to chest level. At the same time, the elbows remain pressed to the body.
  3. You need to hold your hands near your chest and exhale, tighten your biceps.
  4. Lower the bar down without fully extending your elbows to avoid locking your elbows.

2. "Hammers"

  1. Hold the dumbbells with a simple grip, bending slightly at the lower back.
  2. Lower your hands to your hips, inhaling and holding your breath to then lift the dumbbell to the delta.
  3. Keep your elbows close to your body and do not move them while performing the exercise.
  4. The hand is held at the chest for a couple of seconds, after which an exhalation is made and it is lowered into the IP.

3. Alternating dumbbell lifts in a sitting position

  1. Sit comfortably on a bench and lower your arms straight down.
  2. The torso remains straight to avoid rounding of the spine.
  3. Raise the dumbbells to your shoulder and lower them down without pausing.

Training program

It remains to correctly combine the selected exercises by developing effective program, aimed at increasing the mass and volume of the arms. Do everything in the following sequence, observing the dosage:

  1. lifting the barbell in a standing position;
  2. bench press;
  3. "hammers";
  4. then proceed to perform the French press;
  5. and then do dumbbell biceps curls and triceps extensions, alternating these two exercises with a superset.

You need to perform 8–10 repetitions, doing at least 3 series.

They will help you find out how to pump up big arms best tips from leading athletes who recommend avoiding common mistakes that slow down progress or lead to improper development:

  • load progression is not applied: it is necessary to increase the intensity, number of repetitions, approaches;
  • execution technique is broken;
  • incorrect recovery;
  • unbalanced diet.

Knowing how to pump up big arms, select exercises that have maximum effect to increase mass and volume.

Arm training for weight in video format

Diversity sports equipment and exercise equipment in the gym can take training to a new level, get off the “dead point” and further progress. This also applies to arm workouts for men. A set of exercises will help you work out everything as much as possible muscle fibers. If your muscles get used to the exercises, you can always replace the equipment and continue to observe progress.

The best arm exercises in the gym

In a set of exercises for the arms in gym exercise equipment not intended for use or rarely found at home is included. If you reach a “plateau”, it’s time to go to the gym and change equipment. Another benefit of the gym is the presence of assistants who can provide backup. Such training will not only increase safety, but will also contribute to the growth of muscle strength while constantly exceeding the maximum, and therefore muscle growth.

The training will be built on the principle of a straight pyramid, that is, each approach must be added to the working weight, while reducing the number of repetitions.

1. Dips

As you get used to it, you need to increase the weight. Although the exercise is performed with own weight, in each gym there may be special belts with a chain on which free weight is loaded for weights. If you can do more than 12 push-ups easily, it's time to use a weight belt. The first approach is a warm-up, 15 push-ups without load.

  1. Stand on the special beam supports.
  2. Place your hands on the bars under the shoulder joints, fix the elbow and shoulder joints.
  3. Bend your knees, crossing your shins.
  4. Inhale: bend your elbows until right angle, do not squeeze your neck with your shoulders.
  5. Exhale: Push up with your triceps, straightening your arms completely.

Do 4 sets of push-ups, adding weight, 12-6 reps decreasing in each approach.

2. Close-grip barbell press

A special bench press will allow you to perform the exercise with the most accurate technique, and most importantly, safely. Although it uses the pectoral muscles, it mainly targets the triceps.

  1. Lie down on a bench and grab the bar with a medium grip.
  2. Remove the bar from the racks and hold the bar with your arms straight above your shoulders.
  3. Hold chest in a slight deflection.
  4. Inhale: bend your elbows, bringing them as close to your body as possible, lower the bar under your chest.
  5. Exhale: Push the bar over your shoulders with your triceps.
  6. At the end of the approach, return the bar to the racks and only then stand up.

Perform the bench press 4 sets with increasing working weights and decreasing repetitions - from 12 to 8.

3. Arm extension in Crossover with ropes

The technique maximally works all the triceps bundles, since it allows you to move your hands far back.

  1. Stand in front of the machine, grasp the edges of the ropes, place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Press your elbows towards your body, slightly tilting your body forward. Knees slightly bent.
  3. Exhale: straighten your elbows completely, moving your hands back as far as possible.
  4. Inhale: slowly bend your elbows, but do not lift them away from your body.

Perform 4 sets of 12-8 repetitions.

4. Lifting the barbell with a wide grip from the knees

The exercise is performed with free weight, but at the same time it is indispensable for working out the long head of the biceps even in the gym. When performing the exercise in a sitting position, the muscles are in constant tension; the main thing is not to lower the bar onto your hips. You can perform the exercise on a bench with a vertical backrest.

  1. Sit on a bench with the bar resting on your thighs. Grasp wide grip below.
  2. Raise the bar a few centimeters above your hips, fix the position, press your elbows to your body.
  3. Exhale: lift the barbell to your shoulders.
  4. Inhale: Lower the bar without touching your hips.

Perform 4 sets x 12-8 reps.

5. Lifting dumbbells on a Scott bench

This exercise is performed on a special bench designed. This technique helps isolated study biceps, both with a barbell and dumbbells. In this case it is executed. When the biceps contracts, other muscles cannot act as assistants.

  1. Sit in the machine, place the elbow of one hand with a dumbbell, resting on a special pillow. The second hand serves as a support or as an assistant during the last repetitions.
  2. Exhale: bend your elbow, concentrating on contracting your biceps, and bring the dumbbell to your shoulder.
  3. Inhale: slowly lower your arm without fully extending your elbow.
  4. Having performed it on the right hand, immediately proceed to the left side.

Perform 4 sets of 12-8 reps on each side.

6. Reverse Grip Crossover Curl

This exercise targets the forearms to a greater extent due to the reverse grip. Arm exercises in the gym should not be limited to the shoulder muscles. The forearms are also important when shaping the arms; all muscles must be worked evenly, otherwise there will not be the necessary proportions.

  1. Place the straight handle on the lower block of the Crossover, grab the handle with a medium overhand grip, place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Press your arms straight to your torso and slightly tilt your body forward, bending your knees.
  3. Exhale: lift the handle towards your shoulders using the strength of your forearms, without bending your wrists.
  4. Inhale: Slowly lower your hands to your thighs.

Perform the exercise 4 sets of 12-8 repetitions.


An arm workout program in the gym will help you achieve symmetry and good proportions much faster than with home workouts. Such training will be enough once a week, but only on the condition that well-constructed complexes for other muscles are present during the week. You should not focus on your arms, even if at the moment these muscles are visually lagging behind. In chest and back training, the arm muscles act as synergists - assistants to these muscles, so pay the same attention if you want to pump up your arms.

Arm training for the gym in video format

Arm muscle training
is a very important part of the bodybuilding training system, but it is not key or paramount. However, it is important to know the basic principles of exercise technique, the secrets of working out different sections of the biceps and triceps, the place of arm training in a training split, and other features of working out the arm muscles. First of all, this training system is suitable for athletes whose arms lag behind; the same athletes whose arms do not lag behind would benefit from information on how to train them correctly, but since they do not lag behind, it means that you are training them more or less correctly . On the other hand, if you want an arm not of 42 cm, but of 47 or 50 cm, then, of course, you won’t be able to pump them up at random.

This article will look at a training program for the arms, that is, a program that specializes in the development of biceps and triceps. Training principles, techniques and many practical recommendations can be used in your regular workouts, but in this case we will talk specifically about how you need to build a training and recovery system in order to level out hand lag. Why exactly the lag, because perhaps you just want to have big hands? The bottom line is that small muscle groups can only be pumped up if you already have large muscle mass. And this first rule arm muscle training! With the others basic rules You can read it, but now let's move on to consider the most important practical recommendations.

Key points of arm training

The arm muscles are subject to exactly the same biological laws as other muscles, so the stress and recovery scheme works in this case as well. Moreover, there can be no other scheme! What happens in practice? People do beautiful isolation exercises without progressing the load, and then wait for their arms to grow. They won't grow! Height muscle mass– this is the most complex process of adaptation of the body to an ever-increasing load. But progress should be made due to greater loading of the target muscle group, and since the arms are weaker than the back, legs, chest and deltoid muscles, especially if they lag behind, then there is a need for their high-quality isolation. In this connection, priority during arm training is given to technique; arms lag behind, most likely due to the fact that you violate the technique.

Recommended use elbow supports during biceps training, California press or bench press reverse grip during triceps training, and in both cases manipulate not only the working weight, but also the number of repetitions. To fix your elbows, you can use a Scott bench, you can lean against the wall and rest your elbows against the wall, you can ask your partner to hold your elbows, there are also more special devices for fans that Arnold Schwarzenegger used, for example, a nylon belt. As for the technique of weight manipulation, it must be used so that during the progression of loads you do not have to sacrifice technique. In practice, it will look like this: You work with some weight and perform 12 repetitions with it, gradually you reach 15-16 repetitions per set with this weight, after which you take a larger weight and perform 10-12 repetitions with it, gradually progressing by increasing repetitions further.

You can train your arms quite often, about once every 3-4 days, since small muscle groups recover faster than large ones. But the duration of the workout itself, or rather its volume, should be lower. You can determine if you are overloading your arms during training with muscle pain if sore throat is present, this indicates acidification of muscle fibers, which interferes with protein synthesis. If you do not want to specialize in arm training, but just want to train them correctly, then you can use biceps and triceps workout , which we will offer you, but apply this training once a week. The fact is that the triceps receive a load during chest training, and the biceps during back training, so one specialized training will be sufficient. But, if you want to specialize in the muscles of the arms, since the arms lag behind, then such training should be carried out 2 times a week, and the remaining muscle groups should be trained optionally, that is, in support.

Conclusion: must be observed principle of progression loads without disturbing the technique, that is, the increasing load should accumulate in the target muscle group. Arm training does not have to be long, but arms can be trained relatively often since smaller muscle groups recover faster. If you train your arms more than once a week, then you train the rest of the muscle groups less, just to keep them in shape.

Anatomy of arm muscles

The arms consist of the biceps, triceps and radialis muscles, also the forearms, but this is a different topic, we will talk about grip strength in another article, so subscribe to updates so you don't miss anything. So, from a training point of view, it is better to divide the arm into flexors and extensors. Arm extensor - this is a triceps, it consists of three heads that differ in their length and, accordingly, strength. The strongest head of the triceps is the medial one, the weakest is the inner one, so the emphasis should always be on inner part triceps, because two muscles are always stronger than one! Arm flexors - this is the biceps and radialis muscle. The biceps consists of two bundles: internal and lateral, the internal one is larger and the lateral one is smaller, but it is necessary to train both of them, and at the same time, do it better different exercises, that is, one should focus on pumping the inner head of the biceps, and the other the outer one. The radialis muscle works during any bending of the arms, but is more involved when your hand is pronated, that is, turned with your palms facing the floor, or when it is in a neutral position.

To accumulate the load in the triceps, you must exclude the shoulder joint from the work and shift all the work to the elbow. When you perform presses with a narrow grip, the amplitude of movement from the top of the abs upward is carried out only due to the extension of the elbow joint; when you perform a French press, your shoulders are in a fixed position. In order to load the internal triceps bundle, it is necessary to bring your elbows together, because if you move them apart, the load will go into the lateral and medial bundles, as well as into the pectoral muscles. It's best to train your triceps in a high enough rep range so that each set takes you 30 to 50 seconds, so optimal quantity there will be 10-15 repetitions.

When training biceps, the position of your elbow depends on which biceps you are training. If you are training the internal beam, then your elbows should be brought forward, pressing your hands to the big pectoral muscle so that your elbows are against the front of your obliques. If it is necessary to load the lateral beam, then the elbows, on the contrary, must be pulled back so that between the bend of the elbow and latissimus muscle a gap has formed. You should extend your arms completely, stretching the biceps as much as possible, but bend them to the point at which peak contraction occurs, since then the load shifts from the biceps to the elbow joint. In addition, in your arm training, you should also take into account the fact that the biceps also performs the function of turning the hand, so the arm must not only be bent, but also supinated.

It is not necessary to supinate the hand in all exercises, especially since this is only possible when you train your arms with dumbbells, but such exercises should also be used. The principle already known to you works here - two is always more than one! Since the biceps performs two functions, then by training them both, you will achieve more than by training only one. Moreover, the flexion function is mainly performed by the radialis muscle, therefore, if weights are not working for you, then you should include hammers and reverse curls with a barbell in your training, rather than trying to “hammer” the biceps with concentrated curls. However, such special isolating exercises also need to be included in training split, just everything has its place and time.

Causes of hand lag

Well, let’s say the athlete knows and practices the basics of arm training, but why do the arms still lag behind? Here, of course, It's about genetics! Same muscle group different athletes can have very different structure. Some people have long biceps, others have short ones, and the same applies to triceps. Accordingly, if the muscle is short, then the tendon is long, so it is more difficult to use the muscle, and if it is more difficult, then the body tries to do the work at the expense of other muscles, since it is easier to do so. From here conclusion: If you have short biceps, then you need to isolate it very well. The same rule works with long triceps. True, in return for great effort when training the triceps, the athlete will get a more beautiful muscle, but short biceps will not look very good in any case.

Muscle composition – second factor . Muscle fibers are divided according to the criteria of ATPase myofibrils and the number of mitochondria. Accordingly, one athlete may have more slow muscle fibers, another more fast ones, so pumping is more suitable for one, and more suitable for another. power types loads. Conclusion: It is necessary to individually select the basic training methodology for yourself in order to determine what works best. Therefore it is necessary to conduct training diary , looking into which you can track your progress. There is another option to cut off a piece of muscle and submit it for laboratory analysis, no, I don’t like it, well, then only with the help of a diary.

Third factor - this is a whole complex of various errors that are not associated with genetics or any individual characteristics of the athlete. Such mistakes include an incorrectly structured training split and the training itself. Hand training must be adequate, correct, and suitable for the athlete. Such training should stimulate protein synthesis and allow progress. If an athlete overloads a muscle, then it naturally does not grow; if he does not train it, then it naturally does not grow. Conclusion: must be observed fundamentals bodybuilding, which we wrote about above. The biceps and triceps must be adequately loaded and given enough resources to recover, after which, in the supercompensation phase, they can be trained again.

Hand training with specialization

First of all, you should abandon the idea of ​​“I want everything at once,” since in order to specialize in the arms you will have to sacrifice the intensity of training other muscle groups. Why? Because resources are limited! We do not recommend completely stopping training other muscle groups, but they should be trained optionally and with emphasis on the arms. In this case, you will train your arms twice a week, but observing the principle of periodization. One arm workout will be pumping, and the other will be more strength training. In other words, you will train fast muscle fibers in one workout, and slow muscle fibers in another. At the same time, the program itself must be constant so that you can progress. Today you did biceps curls with 40kg, a week later with 42kg, etc.

Training biceps and triceps

It is most effective to set aside a separate day for training these muscle groups, and their training can also be combined with training shoulder girdle. This is exactly what you will do! In one workout you will work your arms separately, and in another you will combine them with shoulder training. During the second workout, you will train your arms first, since the target muscle group should always be trained first. The same rule applies to what you will pump first - biceps or triceps. If you want to progress more in your biceps, then you should train it first. On the other hand, sometimes muscles should be swapped, since this will serve as an additional and, most importantly, unusual stress to which the body will have to adapt.

There are three ways to train your arms: supersets, alternating exercises, and alternating muscle groups. Supersets are the most effective method, where the athlete performs 1 set of biceps, a non-rest set of triceps, and then rests for a minute. Pros: muscles recover better, are better washed with blood, and during training both muscle groups the athlete has equal strength. The second method involves doing an exercise on one muscle group and then doing it on another. The advantage is that in this case the athlete can perform dropsets and complex sets. A drop set is a long approach with a gradual decrease in weight on the bar, and a complex set is two exercises for one muscle group in a row. Alternating muscle groups is such an organization of training when the athlete first performs all the exercises for one muscle group, and then moves on to training the second. The advantage is that you can spend more time on the target muscle, since at the beginning of the workout the athlete more strength than at the end.

Training secrets biceps and triceps, as well as how to include arm training in a training split and, in general, the training program, as well as professional systems for training arm muscles, see the next page.

Have you been pumping your biceps in training for a long time, but are not satisfied with their strength and volume? After reading this article, you can achieve the desired result.

For most people who start working out in the gym, the main goal is huge biceps, developed chest and six-pack abs.

Are you trying to build powerful biceps but not getting the desired results? All your efforts are crushed by the harsh reality and mistakes you make when drafting training plan. Next, you will learn what you need to do to start growing biceps without using steroids.

Biceps muscle anatomy

The biceps consists of two heads:
  • Biceps brachii muscle. Located on the outer part of the arm. This muscle works when performing almost any biceps exercise;
  • Brachial muscle. Located on the inside of the arm, deeper than the biceps muscle. With a developed brachialis muscle, there is a clear separation between the biceps and triceps. Also with growth brachialis muscle There is an increase in the peak of the biceps.

Functions of the biceps:

  • Forearm flexion elbow joint;
  • Flexion of the shoulder at the shoulder joint.

Biceps workout

There are many theories on how to build biceps. This is not to say that they are all wrong, but from each statement you need to highlight the best and create the only correct biceps training program.

  • 1.Many people believe that doing basic exercises is enough to stimulate biceps growth.

Indeed, heavy back exercises involve the biceps. But this is not enough to form the required volume of the target muscle - isolation exercises are needed.

  1. 2.Heavy lifts of barbells and dumbbells are the best exercises for developing biceps. Multi-repetition type of exercises can be included in training program, but it cannot replace hard training.
  1. 3.One biceps workout per week is enough to start muscle growth. You shouldn’t work your butt off, pumping up your biceps every workout - at this pace, the muscles won’t have time to recover.
  2. 4.Focus on a certain amount repetitions per week.

In this case, an immutable rule applies: the heavier the working weight, the fewer repetitions you can perform. You must keep this balance under control. This is especially true for exercises such as deadlift and squats, as you will need a lot of recovery time.

The optimal number of repetitions when working with a weight of 80-85% of the one-rep maximum is 60-70 times a week. This system applies not only to training biceps, but also other muscle groups.

Please note that the biceps work when training other muscle groups. So don't do another 60 reps that focus solely on your biceps. This will be too much - overload cannot be avoided.

Optimize your biceps reps and get them down to 30-40 per week.

If your biceps stubbornly refuse to grow even after all the above recommendations, then try the following system:

  • Horizontal block thrust

9 heavy sets of 4–6 reps;

  • Standing biceps curl

3 sets of 8–10 reps;

  • A few days later, perform barbell curls again (6 heavy sets).

This method will give a powerful impetus to the development of biceps, and will also help and provoke muscle growth.

Now let's take a look best exercises for biceps growth.

The best biceps exercises

You don't have to do dozens of exercises with numerous sets and repetitions. There are many exercises for developing biceps, but only a few of them work.

1.Barbell curl

It is considered one of the main and effective exercises on the biceps.

This exercise can be performed standing with an underhand or overhand grip, as well as sitting in a Scott bench;

A great exercise that will not only give a boost to the development of your biceps, but will also relieve tension from your wrists;

3.Alternating dumbbell lifts for biceps;

4.“Hammer” (Dumbbell Curls)

This exercise can be performed by lifting dumbbells either together or alternately;

5.Reverse grip pull-ups to chin level

An exercise that makes not only the biceps work, but also other parts of the body. If it is easy for you to perform this exercise with your own weight, then you can use weights.

Increase the load

To start the process muscle growth, you must increase the working weight of the shells. The fact is that the body skillfully adapts to monotonous loads, which stops muscle growth. You need to shock the muscles so that they take the path of progress and development.

It is important to remember that the load must be increased gradually to avoid the possibility of injury.

If you follow this advice and don’t forget, your muscles will definitely grow. This rule applies not only to the biceps, but also to all other muscle groups.

Biceps training program

A productive workout includes exercises that can pump up all the components of the biceps muscles.

Be sure to do it before exercise. This will allow you to warm up your entire body and prepare it for the upcoming stress.

  • Barbell curl

3 sets of 4–6 reps;

3 sets of 4–6 reps;

  • Dumbbell biceps curl

3 sets of 6–8 reps.

Don't be surprised that you only need to do 9 bicep curls for the entire workout. There is no need to lift weights to the point of exhaustion.

Over the next 8 weeks, try the training program described above for yourself and see if it really works.

After 8 weeks, modify your training program slightly to include other exercises.

  • Reverse grip pull-ups

3 sets of 6–8 reps;

  • Barbell curl using an EZ bar

3 sets of 4–6 reps;

  • Hammer dumbbell curls

3 sets of 6–8 reps.

Alternating the type of load is necessary for the muscles to continue to grow.

Selection of optimal projectile weight

  • If you can easily do the maximum number of repetitions required for a particular exercise, or even more, then you should increase the weight of the apparatus;
  • If you are not able to get close to the lower limit in the number of repetitions required, then you have taken too much. heavy weight. Reduce it and perform quality work with optimal weight;
  • Add weight only if you can confidently perform the maximum number of repetitions required for this exercise, with working weight. For example, if you did 8 reps on a 6kg dumbbell curl, then pick up the 8kg dumbbells and keep going.

If you can’t even do 4 repetitions with the new weight, then you obviously rushed to increase the weight, overestimating your capabilities. Go back to the old weight and work with it for a while.

There is nothing wrong with trying to lift more and more weight. The main thing is to do it wisely.

Perhaps this best program arm workouts to increase the mass and volume of biceps and triceps in the gym for men. After all volume, supersets, dropsets and blood flow restriction (BFR), newest workout arm supersets for mass will force you to throw away your cutlery and eat straight from your plate because you simply won't be able to bend your arms due to the pump.

This is the most difficult workout that you have ever tried to perform, you better get ready for some serious muscle pumping and hard work with iron and on machines. This hardcore biceps and triceps routine won't disappoint.

This arm-focused workout, which will give you immediate blood flow to your muscles, combines biceps and triceps exercises into supersets to quickly fatigue your muscles.

Now the bad news is that the training will be very long.

Well, tourists, pull up your shorts and get to work.

A set of exercises for biceps and triceps with supersets

  • 4 x 8-10
  • 1 x, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (alternating repetitions with each hand, keeping the other at the top)
Superset 1
French bench press with dumbbells
  • 4 x 8-10
  • 1 x 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (alternating repetitions with each hand, keeping the other at the top)

Superset 2
Scott Bench Curls
  • 3 x 8-12
  • 1 double dropset

Seated French press with dumbbell
  • 3 sets, 10-12 reps
  • 1 x 6-8 (plus double dropset)

Superset 3
Biceps curl incline bench
  • 4 x 10-12

Extension of arms from behind the head on a block with rope handle
  • 4 x 10-12
  • 1 x 6-10 (plus a manageable dropset with 30 seconds of stretching under load after each weight drop)

Superset 4
Barbell curl
  • 4 x 21 (7 repetitions in the lower half of the amplitude, 7 sitting and 7 in the full amplitude)

Arm extensions upper block with rope handle
  • 4 x 21 (7 repetitions in the lower half of the amplitude, 7 in the upper and 7 in the full)

Superset 5
Alternating Hammer
  • 4 x 8

One-arm pulley extensions
  • 4 x 8

Superset 6
Lower block biceps curl with cable handle
Extensions on a block with a straight handle
  • 5 x 15 (with blood flow restriction)

Tips for correct and more effective exercise technique

Now let's figure out how to pump up your arms in the gym, using special techniques in each movement with an emphasis on the relief and mass of the biceps and triceps muscles. If we pump any muscle group with the wrong technique, the effectiveness of the exercise decreases and the risk of injury increases. And in some cases, a different muscle group and not the target muscle group is pumped. For example, in biceps curls, the back can be involved if the technique is incorrect, especially when cheating.

There must be a mental connection between brain and muscle, that is, you must feel the work of the target group.

Seated dumbbell curls and French bench press with dumbbells

Start with 4 sets of dumbbell curls. Perform each repetition at a slow pace, with an emphasis on the negative phase. During the concentric phase of the movement, rotate the hand so that the little finger is on top at the end point.

For the last set, halve the weight. While you perform eight repetitions with one arm, keep the other in a contracted position. Then change hands and repeat. Immediately do 7 reps with one arm while keeping the other contracted, then switch arms and do 7 more. Continue shortening the reps until there is only one rep left. Do it with each hand to complete the exercise.

Follow the same plan for the French bench press. Hold the dumbbell at the bottom of the amplitude, maintaining tension in the triceps.

Bicep curls on a Scott bench and seated French press with a dumbbell

When performing curls on a Scott bench, do not lift the barbell all the way to avoid losing tension in the muscle. Do not delay the movement so that the biceps constantly contracts. In extensions from behind the head, the elbows look up and do not move apart. Lower the dumbbell to the very bottom, properly stretching the triceps. As with curls, don't stop at the top. Move constantly, keeping tension in your biceps and triceps all the time.

For the final set, use a double drop set for both exercises. In it you go to failure. You won't be able to do as many reps as you did when you started, but get at least 6 reps.

Bicep curls on an incline bench and overhead arm extensions on a block with a rope handle

Lower your hands to the very bottom for a good stretch of the biceps. At the bottom, squeeze your triceps to give your biceps a maximum stretch. After completing the twelfth repetition of the fourth set, lower your arms again and hold them for 30 seconds to stretch. Lose the weight by 4-5 kg, perform the exercise to failure, and lower the dumbbells again for a 30-second stretch. Lose the weight again by 4-5 kg, perform to failure and repeat the stretch.

If you were able to complete 10 or more reps before failure on any of your finishing sets, add more weight next time.

Barbell curls and arm extensions on an overhead block with a rope handle

Perform the first seven reps standing, lifting the barbell from your hips to a right angle at the elbow, then immediately sit down for the next seven reps. In a sitting position, you will not be able to lower the bar below your hips. Once completed, stand back up and do the remaining seven full range of motion, moving the barbell from your chest to your hips, bringing the total number of reps to 21.

Here all repetitions are performed standing. The first seven repetitions start from the waist and reach the hips. The next seven starts from the shoulders and finishes at waist level. The final seven is a full range of motion, from the shoulders to the hips. Total 21 repetitions. Try to keep the ends of the rope as far apart as possible.

Alternating hammer curls and extensions on a block with one hand

Bend your arms alternately for a more powerful movement. When doing extensions, additionally contract your triceps, and at the bottom point, tense your entire arm for half a second.

Lower pulley biceps curl with cable handle and pulley extension with straight handle

No the best way finish this arm workout than putting on BFR bands. You will achieve a great pump and pump blood and nutrients into your arms.

Place the BFR bands high on your biceps. Tighten them 6-7 points on a scale of ten. Maintain them for all 5 sets. When performing exercises, rest 45 seconds between sets to achieve an extreme pump.
