Increasing the number of pull-ups - two effective techniques. Pull-up on the horizontal bar

There is a misconception that the more often and more you train, the faster you will achieve results, be it bodybuilding or. That's why there are so many fans in the gyms and venues, training for hours every day. To avoid the main mistakes in creating a training plan, you need to understand how the body works.

Is it possible to do pull-ups every day?

Muscles in the human body are divided into three categories - large, medium and small. Each group needs different time for complete, that is, rest and readiness for a new load. The large back muscles that are involved in pull-ups need 4-5 days to recover, the medium ones (deltoids) 3-4 days, and the small ones, such as the arm muscles, will need 1-2 days.

Consequently, the large muscles involved in pull-ups are unable to rest in one day and fully perform the exercise with renewed strength.

If you do pull-ups every day, such training will only lead to muscle growth, neither growth nor increase in strength. Tired muscles are unable to perform full loads, despite the athlete’s goals. This means that you will not be able to increase the number of pull-ups or form sculpted muscles. If you do pull-ups even 10 times every day, even if the load is not maximum, the muscles will still experience fatigue and will not be able to recover properly, which means that the training will not provide any benefit. In addition, muscles that are tight and inflamed from daily stress will be most susceptible to injury - sprains, tears.

What's the best way to do pull-ups?

For pull-ups, it is better not to exceed three workouts per week if the goal is, or. With a break of at least one day, the arm muscles have time to fully recover, and this will make training easier when doing pull-ups, for example reverse narrow grip, in which the biceps and forearms directly work.

Important! In one training week, it is necessary to take two full days of rest in a row to restore strength, otherwise the muscles will not have enough time to recover.

Since recovery plays a huge role for all sports purposes, including sports, rest days should not be neglected. If the goal of including pull-ups in your workout is to increase muscle mass, then the exercise should not be performed more than twice a week. In this case, two back workouts will provide 3-4 days of rest for the large muscles. How better muscles rest, the more efficiently they will work. Especially when gaining weight, doing pull-ups every day is strictly prohibited.

Also, you should not do more than 5 sets of pull-ups for the maximum number of repetitions, or working with additional burden. You should alternate your grips every workout., focusing on different muscles, further accelerating the process of restoring damaged muscle fibers. For example:

  • with a wide grip, the latissimus dorsi muscles work, especially top part, muscle width develops;
  • and with a narrow grip, the middle of the back develops in thickness, and the arm muscles also take on a greater load.

These methods of training will allow you to quickly return to the next lesson with renewed vigor.


Be patient and remove prejudices, daily workout It will only distance you from your goals, and even do harm. For athletes, rest is as important as the load itself, so you should not train every day, especially if you are developing muscle strength and increasing the number of repetitions. Everything needs moderation, build your own training and rest regime, feel the needs own body, only then will the load be beneficial.

Video about doing pull-ups every day

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Recently, the progressive part of humanity is devoting more and more time to taking care of their own health. One of the main components healthy person is a toned body.

It is best to strengthen the muscle frame in specialized gyms, but not everyone has the time and money for this, and then many people like to play sports outdoors.

One of the alternatives to classes in gym are exercises on the horizontal bar.

The undoubted advantage of the horizontal bar is that you can install it in your home or yard, and it will not take up much space. If you don’t want to buy your own personal horizontal bar, then almost every stadium and every courtyard in your city will have this absolutely free exercise machine. By the way, on the horizontal bar you can not only pull yourself up, but also strengthen your abdominal muscles.

In this article you will learn how to do 30 reps on the horizontal bar.

Muscles that work when performing a pull-up

The good thing is that during their execution, not just one muscle group works, but all the muscles of the torso, and by changing the grip you can increase or decrease the intensity of the impact on one or another area.

So, let's look at which muscles are tensed when doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar:

Latissimus dorsi muscles or “wings”.

Trapezius muscles of the back.

Flexor and extensor muscles of the forearms (located between the elbows and hands).

The abdominal muscles are both oblique, rectus and transverse, and also the muscle responsible for straightening the torso.

Posterior bundles of deltoid muscles.

As you can see, training on this machine will solve many of your problems, especially if your pull-up technique is correct.

Correct breathing technique

The basic rule when performing any physical exercise- this is a violation breathing technique when doing pull-ups, it will not only significantly reduce the effectiveness of the exercise, but is also fraught with serious health problems, such as severe injury to the cervical vertebrae and herniated intervertebral discs.

Correct breathing includes the following stages of breathing:

Before you start doing pull-ups, you do deep breath, filling the lungs with air as much as possible.

During the pull-up itself, you exhale, freeing your lungs as much as possible.

By breathing in this sequence, you will protect yourself from the above-mentioned consequences and from stretching of small muscles.

Remember that you must perform the hardest part of any exercise while exhaling.

Pull-up technique

In order for you to achieve the result you hoped for after completing the exercise, it is important to perform the exercise correctly.

Since you can do 30 pull-ups without straining only by following all the rules, let’s get acquainted with the technique of performing this exercise:

Grasp the horizontal bar with both hands using the grip you have chosen for yourself. The thumb should always be on the bottom.

Following the rules of breathing, begin to pull yourself up until your chin is 2 cm above the bar. In this case, do not jerk under any circumstances. Your feet should be pressed together or slightly apart.

Also calmly return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise as many times as you have the strength to do. You should pull both arms and sides of your body evenly. Don't squirm or jump up. If you get tired before you've done the planned number of pull-ups, break the exercise into two sets.

There is one more rule

When you pull up slowly, you gain faster muscle mass, and with fast pull-ups, you become more mobile and your arms, and therefore your punches, become much stronger, although in this case the muscles do not grow as quickly.

Types of grips

Before doing 30 reps, let's figure out which grip you need to pay special attention to.

Many people think that there is not much difference in how you position your hands when doing a pull-up. This opinion is erroneous, because it is the grip that determines which muscles tense the most when performing the exercise.

There are five types of grips:

A narrow grip is distinguished by the fact that when pulling up, the hands are literally pressed against each other. This method will also give you a great workout for your biceps.

A wide grip is different in that when it is performed, the arms are spread as far apart as possible. With this exercise you will pump up your back. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, hold the bar with four fingers, moving away thumb to the side.

A regular grip involves placing your hands shoulder-width apart. This exercise will work all your muscles equally.

Mixed grip - with this arrangement, the hand of one hand is positioned as usual, and the other hand is turned inward.

Reverse grip - both hands are turned inward.

What prevents you from doing pull-ups the first time?

If a person far from sports asks the question: “How to learn to do 30 pull-ups on the horizontal bar?” - most likely, he will not be able to master this skill quickly, due to the existence of a number of interfering factors:

Excess weight is one of the main problems that interfere with pulling up. A person with this deficiency must lift not only the weight of his bones and muscles, but a lot of other unnecessary deposits.

Weak muscle frame. Before you learn how to do 30 pull-ups on the horizontal bar, you will have to strengthen the muscles that work when doing pull-ups, both primary and auxiliary.

Incorrect execution technique. You will never be able to perform a proper pull-up if all your muscle groups are not working in harmony.

How can you learn to do pull-ups on a horizontal bar from scratch?

If you cannot perform a single correct pull-up, then you should gradually move towards mastering the technique.

So, let's figure out how to learn how to do 30 pull-ups on a horizontal bar, gradually training the muscles needed for this:

A simple hang on the horizontal bar is the first and probably the simplest exercise. It means that you hang on the horizontal bar and hang on it for as long as possible.

Negative cravings. The point of this exercise is that you are only performing the second part of the pull-up. To do this, you should find yourself hanging on bent arms, and your chin should be above the bar; if you cannot pull yourself up to this position on your own, substitute a chair or ask a friend for help. From this position, slowly return to the starting position (hanging). Do 5-7 reps, 3 sets.

Working with a partner. You will need the help of a friend to complete this exercise. You should pull up with the help of a partner and perform negative pull-ups on your own.

Classes on a special simulator. This type of exercise is the simplest, but ineffective. Its meaning is that the pull-up person is secured in a special simulator, which helps the athlete pull himself up. The advantage of this method is that the degree of assistance from the simulator can be adjusted.

Pull-ups using a stand. With this pull-up, you perform the exercise at half the amplitude. Place a low chair or bench under the horizontal bar, stand on it and jump up, fixate on the horizontal bar with your elbows bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and complete the exercise yourself.

30 pull-up program

Since muscles need to be given time to grow, do the exercises described in this program every other day:

Knead with special exercises back, arms and shoulders.

Do a regular pull-up wide grip 10 times.

Rest 1.5 minutes.

Do close-grip pull-ups 10 times.

Rest 1.5 minutes.

Pull yourself up reverse grip 10 times.

Rest 5 - 7 minutes (during this time you can do exercises that do not affect the muscles of the arms, back and shoulders).

Do pull-ups with a regular grip as many times as possible (try to eventually increase the number of pull-ups to 30).

We have considered all the errors and factors that prevent correct execution pull-ups, described in detail correct technique and explained how, by gradually training the muscles, to achieve it. Now you know how to learn how to do 30 pull-ups.

The fact that pull-ups are one of the most effective ways to develop pronounced muscle relief body and arms, everyone knows. But the question is whether it is possible to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar every day, for many is a sealed secret - at least, it is asked regularly on thematic forums.
Therefore, we decided to tell you how to use the horizontal bar correctly, what number of repetitions is optimal and how to achieve maximum endurance. If you are interested in finding out whether you can do pull-ups on the horizontal bar every day, then stay on this page. And after reading this article, you will be able to defend your dissertation on this current topic!

Before revealing the question of whether it is possible to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar every day, let us outline several important points:

  • The effectiveness of a workout does not depend on how often or how long you exercise, but on how correctly you perform each exercise. The postulate that "Less is better" in the question of whether it is possible to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar every day, is more relevant than ever
  • The frequency of training and the number of approaches should be determined individually - and depend on the general physical training and the experience of the individual athlete. However, even a trained athlete does not make any sense to perform more than ten repetitions of pull-ups during one approach. Even if the muscles are already accustomed to high loads, there is still a risk of overstraining them - and getting stretched connective tissue, and with it, a persistent reluctance to exercise. Certainly, “I do a thousand pull-ups in one set” sounds proud though “I do pull-ups five times, but perfect technique» sounds much more reasonable. Any experienced athlete with an athletic body once also started small, so your olympic records more to come!

Well, now a specific answer to the question of whether it is possible to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar every day.
No you can not.
At least very undesirable.
Below we explain in detail why.

Why is the answer to the question of whether it is possible to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar every day?

  • Because muscles grow not during the pull-ups themselves, but during rest
  • Hence, muscles need to be given rest– and exercise maximum every other day, and at least once a week
  • If you overdid it during your previous workout and your muscles responded with intense pain rather than mild discomfort, then you should rest until the pain goes away completely. As long as you have pain in your arms, back or shoulders, it is not recommended to perform new pull-ups

And in order for the training program to be more effective and contribute to the harmonious development of the muscles of the whole body, pull-ups must be combined with other exercises aimed at strengthening the abs and leg muscles.

Note that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar every day largely depends on pull-up techniques which you are using. The more complex and varied it is, the longer the break between workouts the athlete must endure.
For beginners, pull-ups from the position “ medium grip" When doing pull-ups with a medium grip, the athlete’s hands are located on the bar at the level of his shoulders. Pull-ups with a wide and narrow grip are somewhat more difficult, but in the future you will definitely master these techniques. Remember that a smart athlete develops his skills gradually - and does not strive to embrace the immensity from the very first days.
Note that the effectiveness of an exercise such as a pull-up also largely depends on correct breathing.
Correct breathing is when a deep breath is taken at the lowest point, and when the pull-up reaches its highest point (that is, the chin is located above the bar), exhalation occurs. If you are looking for an answer to the question of whether you can do pull-ups on the horizontal bar every day, then you are probably taking the wrong breath while lifting onto the bar. As practice shows, this is the most common mistake of all beginners: apparently, people think that inhaling while ascending is somehow more logical and more convenient than exhaling.

If you are interested in whether it is possible to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar every day, then most likely you are not yet very knowledgeable about the issues strength training. In this case, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with optimal technology pull-ups for beginners. Specially selected gentle technology promotes development muscular endurance, but at the same time, does not load the connective tissue and joints to a dangerous limit.

So, you already know whether you can do pull-ups on the horizontal bar every day - and now let’s talk about negative pull-up technique, designed for beginners:

  • The very first technique that a beginner needs to master is the negative pull-up technique. Stand on a chair and grab with bent arms behind the bar in such a way as if you had already risen above it (your chin should also be positioned above crossbar)
  • After this, slowly lower yourself down, lowering your legs from the chair. You should feel maximum tension in the muscles of your arms and back - and smoothly, without jumping, lower yourself onto your feet. Then return to the chair, accept initial position and do three more similar repetitions
  • Using a chair will significantly reduce the range of pull-ups. This will make it much easier for you to perform the exercise - and the risk of injury to muscles and joints will be minimized

A few more important notes that are directly related to the question of whether it is possible to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar every day:
  • To help your arm and back muscles increase endurance, you must do additional exercises. For this purpose, it is worth using the beams that are available in almost every yard, or performing the most regular push-ups from the floor, strengthening the biceps, triceps and latissimus dorsi muscles. However, we draw your attention to the fact that beginners on the uneven bars should also practice at half strength - and at first limit themselves to two or three approaches. Later, when your muscles no longer feel the load, you can increase the number of repetitions
  • If you can’t pull yourself up on your own, don’t rush to curse the horizontal bar and lie down on the sofa. Of course, doing nothing is much easier than making an effort, but mastering the correct technique the first time is almost impossible - and this applies to absolutely any exercise. And since you are looking for information about whether it is possible to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar every day, it means that you are determined to exercise seriously - and this makes you happy. To reduce the load on untrained muscles, involve a training partner. Have a partner support and guide your body as you perform the sets.
  • Carefully ensure that during each approach your body does not bend forward or lean back
  • During each subsequent workout, try to increase the number of repetitions in each approach several times. And the number of approaches themselves should be increased no more than once a week, so as not to overload the muscles

We sincerely hope that after reading this article, the question of whether you can do pull-ups on the horizontal bar every day has been resolved for you. We also hope that the restrictions voiced in the article have not discouraged you from training. As mentioned above, all champions who have achieved enviable heights once started small - and the right approach to training largely determined their success.
Don't forget that the one who walks will master the road – and good luck to you in your sporting endeavors!

A lot has already been said about how to increase the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar. There are a number of techniques to achieve this goal. Today we will look at several of the most effective of them.

Quality vs Quantity

Of course, you can increase the number of pull-ups at the expense of quality. For example, using rocking or jerking. But, in terms of the development of physical qualities, this is not progress at all, but degradation. Because you do more repetitions not due to the fact that your muscles have become stronger or more resilient, but due to the help of physical laws. In most cases, such repetitions are not counted for the pull-up. The exception is CrossFitter competitions, where the athlete needs to complete as many repetitions as possible in any way possible. This is how kipping and butterfly pull-ups appeared.

To do more pull-ups for the benefit of your own body, and not for the sake of a record, you should perform the exercise using pure technique.

There are a few points to note here:

  • When performing the movement, you do not sway.
  • Pull-ups are carried out smoothly without jerking.
  • The chin is above the bar not due to neck stretching or other manipulations, but due to the work of the latissimus dorsi muscles and biceps.

These are the three main postulates that define technology.

Learn to do pull-ups correctly. If you do 50 pull-ups, but at random, what's the point? Yes, some exercises on the bar are done in jerks specifically to pump up explosive force certain muscles. But they are not suitable for training pull-ups.

Speed ​​of achieving results

So, we have dealt with the technical side of the issue. But there is one more point that is very important for any business - willpower and patience.

Increasing the number of pull-ups is not a quick process. You need to constantly overcome yourself, force yourself to go to the crossbar.

No technique will help you quickly increase the number of pull-ups. Strength is not a parameter that can be pumped up in a short time.

Therefore, take the process seriously and do not rush to panic if your results do not improve after a week. Muscle development occurs gradually; it is important not to quit halfway.

Training methods

So, the following techniques will help you increase the number of pull-ups.


An increase in the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar can be achieved by performing the exercise with a ladder.

In this case we will talk about the reverse staircase:

  • First, you warm up and perform the first set as many times as possible.
  • Then you rest for 30 seconds and pull yourself up again to the maximum.
  • Then you rest for the same amount of time and repeat the approaches until you can’t do any more pull-ups.

This method is designed to fatigue the muscles. With each workout, your fatigue limit will increase slightly. As a result, in a couple of weeks you will be able to gain some additional pull-ups.

Straight stairs require a longer rest. And it starts with a small number of times - for example, with 5:

  • Do 5 pull-ups, rest until you feel ready for the next set.
  • Add 1 or 2 reps per set until you reach your limit.
  • Rest well and do your final set to the max.

Practice this training every other day, not more often.

The program for increasing pull-ups should be recorded on a piece of paper. Practice has shown that this way the brain perceives information better, and it will be more convenient for you to control your progress. I have never harmed anyone before.

Don't forget about proper breathing when doing pull-ups. If you inhale and exhale air haphazardly, you will not succeed in a harmonious training system. Experienced athletes understand this well, but beginners should pay attention to this point.

So, once again about how to breathe correctly when doing pull-ups:

  1. We do not hold the air - breathe continuously throughout the entire exercise.
  2. As you exhale, we tense our muscles and lift ourselves up.
  3. As we inhale, we lower ourselves back down.

If you try to breathe in reverse, breathing will not help you lift your body to the bar. On the contrary, this method of breathing interferes with the proper coordinated functioning of the lungs and muscles.

Train yourself to exhale as hard as possible to help yourself. Then everything will become a little easier. With proper pull-up breathing, as you pull your elbows toward your body, your body contracts as you exhale. And when lowering the body down, it becomes wider again due to inhalation. There is no need to interfere with the natural process and torment your respiratory system.

Weight training

You can also achieve an increase in pull-ups on the horizontal bar through weight training. The easiest option is to take a comfortable backpack and put a dumbbell plate or any other weighty object in it.

Now you can forget about the number of repetitions for a while and focus on the working weight. It is likely that in a month you will find that without weight you can do one and a half times more pull-ups than before.

In this technique, it is also very important to create a program to increase the number of pull-ups and record it in your diary. It’s better to immediately schedule your working weights for a month in advance.

After each workout, the plan will need to be edited. For example, you inadequately assessed your strength and a month later you wrote yourself pull-ups with a weight of 45 kg. Of course, in a month you will be doing 5-6 pull-ups with only 10 kg (possibly).

First you need to do a trial workout:

  • Put 5 kg in your backpack and pull yourself up to the max using clean technique.
  • Now you know how much you can do with this weight.
  • Based on this, gradually increase the working weights.

I warn you that the process of your growth strength indicators will take a long time.

Doing maximum pull-ups will give you a general idea of ​​what you can do. Do not feel sorry for yourself, squeeze out of your body everything it is capable of.

When you work with weights, warming up before doing pull-ups will become doubly necessary. To avoid damaging anything on the crossbar, you need to warm up well. You can warm up by running, doing joint gymnastics and other exercises. You shouldn't do maximum pull-ups as a warm-up - you'll get tired.

Here is an approximate training scheme for quantity with additional weight:

  1. We start with pull-ups with a medium grip for 5 reps. You can take a weight of 5 kg for testing. Slowly move up and down. If you cannot pull yourself up normally, reduce the weight and rest as much as you need. Forget about stereotypes about 60 seconds and other nonsense.
  2. We do 3-4 such trips. Then we finish the session by pulling up without weight to the maximum until the strength of the back and biceps is completely exhausted in 2-3 approaches.
  3. After a couple of workouts, try combining the ladder with weights - the first 5 times, do pull-ups with 5 kg. The next ones are also with 5. And for the last approach, add as many as you see fit to complete 5 repetitions. If you couldn’t do it, don’t despair, try the same thing in your next workout.

Add a little to each workout. If you have small quarter kg pancakes, they will be very useful. Because for many, a 1 kg step in pull-ups is too big.

Increasing pull-ups through weights is a resource-intensive process. You need to rest well between workouts - at least 2-3 days. There is no need to exercise every other day - this will not give you any improvement in results. You'll become overworked and your rep max won't start to increase.

The main problem with pull-ups

Sometimes people who exercise for a long time reach a plateau. Something is preventing them from improving their results. To increase their pull-ups, they train every day, but in vain.

It is important to understand the following point. Pull-up training targets multiple muscle groups. These are the biceps and back. You may have strong biceps but a weak back, or vice versa. In general, some of muscle groups may simply lag behind in development. And now, when you get to a certain number of repetitions, this difference can become critical.

Perhaps all the time up to this point you have been pulling yourself up using arm strength. In this case, you need to increase the volume of back training. You can find a lot of information on our website about how to train your back and what exercises will help you develop your latissimus muscles.

And the opposite situation. If your back is strong but your arms are weak, how can you increase the number of pull-ups? That's right, you need to focus on your hands.

The key to increasing the number of pull-ups in this case is to train your biceps. It’s quite simple to do them on the horizontal bar - in an incomplete amplitude. You can also additionally perform exercises with dumbbells or a barbell.

It is very good when you feel all the target muscles during any exercise. Then you can easily understand what works and what doesn’t, and direct the situation in the right direction.

Genetics and persistence

You shouldn't be equal to others. All people are different, especially in terms of physiology. Someone went from 2 pull-ups to 15 in a month. Someone from 10 to 12. And someone never learned how to do pull-ups (the regimen was built incorrectly or they simply didn’t have the patience).

Any personal record you have is a celebration, an achievement. If a friend does 15 pull-ups, and you only do 5 so far, you have no problem. You just need to work a little more and the result will definitely appear. Ideally, you should not care how much your neighbor on the horizontal bar does. Compare yourself only with yourself yesterday, as they say.

Even at school, many people do pull-ups with jerks and swings, often stretching their necks so that they get a repetition. It makes no sense to raise your head above the bar - you are underloading the latissimus muscles. And no matter how quickly you progress in terms of repetitions, the result in terms of muscle development will be zero if these repetitions are not clean.

Regarding pure repetitions and the rate of progress in their number: the limit of endurance greatly depends on the genetic characteristics of your body. You may have noticed that with the same load, someone recovers much faster and reaches new physical records faster.

But in fairness, it should be said that diligence and patience play a significant role in this difference, but physiology also decides a lot. Respect the results of others. Perhaps those 15 pull-ups your friend did cost him a lot of effort. It's easy to judge without knowing the details.

Look at the record holders, they perform 60 pull-ups per minute, thousands of pull-ups per set. It has to do with the peculiarities of their physiology. Their muscles fatigue less quickly than others. But important role dedicated to the training system. That is, the characteristics of the body are complemented by hard training, which ultimately results in fantastic results.

Therefore, even if by nature you are not the most resilient person, genetic characteristics can be compensated for by perseverance and competent training. In particular, in the section on working with weights, it is proposed to finish off the muscles with the maximum number of “light” pull-ups. This allows you to develop endurance and experience that incredible feeling when you can’t do it anymore, but still do it. Go for it!

One of the most important exercises for the back muscles is a pull-up on the horizontal bar. It is this simple exercise that will engage a large number of muscles and promotes human growth. All you need is a horizontal bar. This “simulator” can be found in every yard or sports field, and can also be installed at home. You won’t be able to significantly increase your weight, but you can strengthen your muscles and get a beautiful body contour. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar can completely replace training in the gym, and also help save money and time

It is necessary to start pulling up on the horizontal bar from the first workouts. To do this, you need to do a short warm-up, but do not stretch. It is better to include stretching as the final part of the exercise, as it relaxes the muscles of the body and the nervous system.

Pull-ups should be done at least 4 to 6 times each workout. And the number of exercises is the maximum possible. The first approach can be done with a regular grip. To increase the load on the back muscles, the grip should be made wider than the shoulders. When performing the exercise, pay attention to the coordination of movements, do not twitch on the horizontal bar, pull yourself up smoothly and slowly to make the exercise more effective. At correct pull-up on the horizontal bar, a movement technique is developed that promotes rapid growth muscles. After each approach, pause for up to 3 minutes. Don't forget about breathing correctly When lowering, inhale, and when pulling up, exhale.

Types of pull-ups:

1. Grip with palms below, shoulder-width apart.

This type of pull-up is considered the most popular among all sports enthusiasts and masters. Many people believe that this exercise only works the biceps, but this is far from true. When performing such exercises, the muscles of the chest and back actively work.

2. Close grip pull-up.

When performing an exercise with a narrow grip, it actively swings Bottom part back muscles around the waist and

3. Pull-up by the head with a wide grip.

When performing this exercise, the back muscles are involved, and they are also stretched in breadth.

4. Pull-up to the chest with a wide grip.

In this exercise they actively work broad muscles back, arms and chest.

Strength exercises on the horizontal bar

Such exercises are an excellent way to relieve tension after a tiring day at work and help strengthen the muscles of the back and arms. Fulfill strength exercises You can do it on the horizontal bar at home if you have a horizontal bar.

All exercises on the crossbar are divided into regular exercises - the hands are located directly away from you, reverse - the hands are located with the palms facing you, and cross - one hand with the palm facing you, and the other - vice versa.

For active muscle growth, use the following strength exercises:

1. Hang on the horizontal bar for 5 minutes, keeping your shoulders level with the bar.

2. Pull yourself up and try to hang on one hand so that your chin is above the horizontal bar.

3. While hanging, raise your legs as high as possible. This exercise works the abdominal muscles well.

Exits on the horizontal bar

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar and strength exercises must be supported by various outlets. This is done in order to train all the muscles of the body. There are such types of exits as one-arm exit, two-arm exit, rivet, inversion lift, behind-the-back exit and one-arm exit. Each of these exercises involves working the abdominal, back and arm muscles. Depending on the grip of the hand, some exits are easier to do, others are more difficult.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar mean muscle strength, a sculpted figure and healthy image life. It perfectly develops and stretches the biceps and forearm muscles, and also strengthens the hand grip. The biceps develops in width, gradually gaining the shape of a ball when bending the arm.
