Exercises for women on a gymnastic ball. Effective exercises with fitball (gymnastic ball) for beauty and health. Losing weight with pleasure

It is used for, since the muscles and sides are involved in the process of execution.

The exercise can be performed either by placing it on the ball or by resting your hands. However, it’s worth saying right away that by bracing yourself with your hands, you can easily slip and get. That is why it is better to put your feet on the fitball.

Let's do the exercise in the following way: put our feet on the ball and stand on straight arms so that our body is a straight line, without bending or arching in the area. You should hold this position for at least a minute to get the desired effect.

If you have fairly good physical fitness and want to make the most of your potential, then use a fitball as a support for.

We do it this way: we kneel and place our elbows on the ball; slowly straighten up, maintaining balance. After this, we roll the ball forward, maintaining balance. You want to stop at a point where your body is completely straight and your elbows are still well on the ball.

What will this exercise give us? The static plank, in the process of its implementation, engages the muscles and. Also, part of the load goes to deltoid muscle

(shoulders). Remember the following: after the exercise you should not have. If pain appears, it means you are doing the plank incorrectly. To avoid injury, perform all activities near a mirror. Next exercise on a fitball for weight loss will help remove folds from the abdomen and. Let's start with the same static strip with outstretched arms, after which we begin to slowly lift the pelvis up, while moving the ball closer to ourselves. The fitball must be in contact with the ankle so that you can control the process.
The peak point is the position in which your straight arms and back will be in one line.

Before performing dynamic exercises, you should evaluate the strength of your hands and preparation, since they will be the ones holding yours. If you are concerned that you will get a sprain after the exercise, use an elastic bandage.

Squats with a ball over your head

Another simple exercise for losing weight on a fitball, which can easily be performed at home.

Correct execution means the following: take the ball and raise it above your head outstretched arms. Next, place your feet shoulder-width apart and straighten your back. We squat slowly, looking up (look at the transition between the wall and the ceiling). At the moment when your thighs are perpendicular to your calves, stop and slowly rise to initial position. While performing a squat, you should not arch your back like a cartwheel or lower your gaze to the floor.

Important! During the execution, you cannot bring your knees together or spread them apart.

Since a fitball is not a weighting agent, you need to do at least 25–30 squats to get results.

Wall squats differ from the previous version in that the fitball will not allow you to arch your back like a wheel.

To begin with, we stand against the support and place the fitball between the back and the wall so that during the squat it does not fall and end up in the head area.
After you have placed the ball in the right place, place your feet shoulder-width apart and direct your gaze forward or upward. Slowly squat down so that the ball moves with you. We freeze when the calves are perpendicular to the thighs, and just as slowly return to the starting position.

Push ups

We start by lying on our stomach on the fitball so that our torso is parallel to the floor. To do this, place the ball in the area of ​​the upper thighs and pelvis. Next, you need to press your toes into the floor to create balance. If you don’t feel it, move it back a little, moving the fitball to the side.
After taking the starting position, we begin to lift our torso up, arching our back. At the peak point we freeze for a few seconds and slowly descend. During the execution, your feet should not leave the floor, otherwise you will “drive” forward and may get injured. Also, don’t help yourself with your hands, otherwise it will turn into push-ups.

The number of repetitions depends on your physical training and having back problems. You should start with 8–12 repetitions with strict adherence to technique.

Unlike the previous option, reverse hyperextension involves moving the legs, not the body.
Lie on your stomach on the ball so that you feel balanced. With your hands you need to grasp some static object that will serve as a support. Straighten your back and raise your legs, stopping at the top point. After that, slowly lower lower limbs and repeat again. During reverse hyperextension, only the legs should be used, the arms serve as support. The back should bend during the lifting process so that all working muscles are used to the maximum. Moving forward or to the sides during the exercise is unacceptable, as you can damage the static part - the hands.

This concludes the top exercises with a fitball that will help you “pump up” all the muscles of your body. Some of the above assume a good physical fitness, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed the first time a large number of approaches. Follow the instructions and exercise your body regularly to achieve the desired results.

Fitball exercises for beginners target the biceps, triceps, and outer and inner forearms. They should be performed on special ball- fitball.

Exercises with a fitball for arms for beginners: biceps training

  1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Stand with your back to the exercise ball, keeping your torso straight.
  2. Raise the dumbbells to your shoulders and slowly lower them after a short pause.
  3. Keep your back and shoulders straight throughout the exercise ball exercise.

Biceps training with emphasis on the ball

  1. Lean on your knees and stand in front of the fitball. Put top part on the ball, holding a dumbbell in it.
  2. Raise the dumbbell to your shoulder and slowly lower it after a short pause. Change position and repeat the exercise for the other hand.
  3. Keep your back and arm straight.

Tip No1. It is worth using a ball size that is suitable for your height. If you just bought the ball, then the size and suitable height are usually indicated on the box, but it is still worth remembering the rule: if you are sitting on the very top of the ball, then your hips and knees should be parallel to the floor.

Training arms: pumping triceps on a fitball

  1. Rest your forearms on top of the exercise ball. Keep your back and legs straight.
  2. Get into a prone position and push your arms up. Then slowly lower them back down.
  3. When performing a set of exercises for beginners with a fitball, try to concentrate on the triceps.

Standing triceps workout

  1. Stand directly in front of the ball, facing it and rest your hands on the fitball.
  2. Using force on your shoulders, push yourself back as far as you can and slowly return to the opposite position.
  3. While performing the exercise, keep your legs in one position.

Tip No2. If the ball is inflated too much, it will be very difficult to maintain balance on it. You can check this by sitting on the ball and looking at the position of your body in the mirror. If the ball is overinflated, it will be immediately obvious - it will not be elastic. Try to inflate the ball correctly using the air pump provided for it (usually included).

  1. Lie on your back, resting your shoulder blades on the surface of the gymnastic ball. The buttocks should remain in the air and not touch the floor. Hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Raise the dumbbells up, straightening your arms, and slowly lower them back down. Try to keep your arms perpendicular to the floor.
  3. When exercising with a fitball, concentrate the force on your arms, especially for beginners.

Watch the video of a set of fitness exercises with a fitball for beginners:

Hello our dear fans healthy image life. In today's article we will tell you about such an amazing sports equipment like a Swiss ball. People often call it fitness ball or fitball, and so as not to confuse you, we will also call it that.

The fitness ball is universal sports simulator and he proved this when in 2008, at one of the world sports exhibitions, fitball was called the most useful invention in the entire history of the fitness industry. And the results achieved by those training with fitball confirm this high-profile title. Just imagine, doing just one exercise on a fitness ball, almost all your muscles work, plus your coordination and flexibility develop, and your posture will become ideal after a couple of months of training.

In general, if you delve into history, fitball has been used in aerobics since the 1950s, but it was used mainly by doctors and physiotherapists. They actively used ball exercises in the treatment of patients with paralysis. Then, in the 1970s, physiotherapists from the USA became interested in fitball. They borrowed it from their Swiss colleagues and began to use it in the treatment of their patients. It was American doctors who gave impetus to the popularization of exercises with fitballs. And already in the 90s, the Swiss ball was firmly entrenched in the fitness industry.

Below we will tell and show you the most popular set of exercises on fitball that will allow you to lose weight and become slimmer, and we will also tell you which fitball to choose if you buy it in a store.

Exercises with a fitness ball

Well, let's now look at why we have gathered here. Namely, let's look at the most popular exercises with a fitball that will help you lose weight, strengthen your posture, make your abdominal muscles more prominent and simply lift your mood.

The set of exercises on a fitball presented below consists of the most effective movements. We have collected them specifically in one place so that you no longer need to surf the Internet on dubious sites that contain very strange exercises. Well, enough words, let's see what exercises with a fitness ball will help you lose weight.

Be sure to warm up before your workout. Jump rope, dance, or just do regular circular movements with your arms and legs.

Pelvic lifts

The first exercise works the core muscles, that is, it makes your abdominal and lower back muscles stronger. The muscles of the buttocks and legs are also involved here. Place the ball, lie on your back in front of it, and put your feet on the fitball. In the starting position, the feet should not touch the gymnastic ball (A). Now lift your pelvis up, rolling the ball towards you with your feet. Having reached the highest point, stay there for a couple of seconds (B) and return to the starting position.

At first, help yourself keep your balance by resting your hands on the floor. Perform 10 of these lifts.

Side bends

Lie on your back again, place the fitball between your legs and lift your legs up with it, rest your hands on the floor (A). Now tilt your legs to the left without lifting your shoulders off the floor (B), then tilt to the right and return to the starting position (A). You've done one repetition.

Do 12 more reps and move on to the next exercise.

Crunches with a fitball

Continue lying on the floor. Hold the gymnastic ball between your legs, as shown in figure (A), with your hands behind your head. Do crunches by lifting your legs and pelvis up (B). While doing this, pull in and tighten your stomach. This is a great abdominal exercise on a fitball.

Complete 12 repetitions and move on.

Reverse push-ups

Place your hands on the exercise ball as shown in (A). Be careful not to put your hands on the very edge so that your hands don't slip off the ball and you get injured. Push up (B) slowly. This exercise works your triceps well.

Do 12 reps.

Push ups

Take a lying position, place your feet on a fitball (A). Push up slowly (B). As you progress, you can make the exercise more difficult by placing your feet closer to the edge of the exercise ball. This is a great exercise with a fitball for weight loss.

Do 10 push-ups.

Leg raises

Take the starting position as in the previous exercise, only you should place your feet as close to the edge of the ball as possible (A). Now lift up left leg up as far as possible (B). Then return to the starting position (A). This movement works great on the buttocks.

Do 15 lifts on each leg and move on to the last exercise.

Crunches on a fitness ball

Lie down on the exercise ball with your arms crossed over your chest (A). Now rise up, continuing to keep your hands on your chest (B). When rising, you should roll back slightly on the ball, this will allow you to avoid falling off the ball.

Do 10 repetitions.

Perform all the exercises one after another, in the order in which we have written them. The entire training takes place in the " circuit training " That is, do the exercises one after another, with the number of repetitions indicated. After completing all the exercises, you will do 1 circle. Now rest 3 – 4 minutes and start a new circle. Between exercises, try rest as little as possible. Ideally, don't rest at all.

Exercises with fitball on video

Which fitball to choose?

Let's figure out how to choose the right fitness ball. What should you pay attention to first?

Of course, you won’t notice a huge difference when doing exercises on an expensive or cheap fitball, but still, we would like to teach you how to choose a quality ball. After all, you see, quality things always please our eyes. So, the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a Swiss ball is the abbreviation ABS. This is an indicator of the quality of the ball, ABS from English means " anti-explosion system", that is, if you accidentally puncture your fitball, it will not explode, but will slowly descend. This will allow you to avoid injury if you fall if the ball explodes during practice. Cheap balls, as a rule, are made from low quality materials and cannot boast of such a system.

The next thing we pay attention to is the diameter of our ball. There are six types of balls of different diameters: 45, 55, 65, 75, 85 and 95 centimeters. To choose among them a ball of exactly the diameter you need, you just need to know your own height. For example, if your height is 163 centimeters, then you need a fitball with a diameter of 65 centimeters. That is, when choosing a ball, you must subtract the number 100 from your height and then you will find out what diameter suits you.

Well, the last point that we pay attention to when choosing a fitness ball is its color. Choose a ball of a color you like, otherwise, if you don't like the color of the ball, it may negatively affect your mood.

Hello, friends! Do you want to lose weight, get slim stomach And flexible body? They say that exercises with a big ball They help a lot with this. Let's look into this topic together!

Swiss ball

Fitball , or Swiss ball, invented by a physical therapistSusan Kleinvogelbach in the 60s of the last century. However, it was not used for weight loss, but for patients with cerebral palsy.

Colleagues were skeptical about this invention and treatment method. And only 35 years later did medicine appreciate it, and it began to be used for health and prevention purposes.

Subsequently, it began to be used in aerobics, during training for older people, in the postoperative period, and also for infants.

But it gained great popularity among women for weight loss. in the postpartum period. In one of my articles, I already wrote how not to gain weight during pregnancy. You can read the article at

Benefits of classes

The fact is that a fitball is an affordable, simple and effective sports accessory that uses almost all the muscles of the body. In addition, it is quite difficult to hold the ball or stay on it.

Experts agreed that if you regularly perform exercises with the help rubber ball, you can get a huge number of advantages:

  • exercises can strengthen the back muscles without overloading the spine. This way you can form correct posture;
  • muscle tone and endurance increase;
  • coordination and flexibility develops;
  • a large number of muscles are used to maintain balance, therefore the body is stressed and more calories are burned.


There are no significant contraindications to training with the ball. However, doctors do not recommend classes for women in the first trimester of pregnancy, in case of illness of cardio-vascular system, as well as those who have herniated intervertebral discs.

Types of fitballs

Buy inflatable The ball can be found in any sports store or on online platforms. The cost depends on the diameter, manufacturer, configuration and purpose.

  1. Classic fitball. Has a smooth surface. The most common training accessory in gyms or at home.
  2. With handles. To provide additional support. Designed mainly for children and pregnant women.
  3. With pimples. To create a massage effect. As a result, blood circulation improves.

How to choose

Friends, I know that most people refuse to purchase due to big size gymnastic ball.

I hasten to reassure you: the fitball takes up little space when deflated and can be easily stored in a small box. It is also easy to inflate using a pump (in 5 minutes).

Although, of course, it’s better to find a place for the inflated ball in the pantry, because inflating and deflating every time is stressful for me personally.

There is no need to worry about the safety of this sports accessory. If damaged, it will not burst like a balloon, but will slowly deflate.

An important point: when purchasing, you should pay attention to the ABS (Anti-Burst System) mark or “anti-burst” system. This ensures that the fitball is protected from sudden ruptures.

I learned that before you start exercising, you need to choose the right exercise ball. It turns out that they choose him based on his height.

A person under 152 cm tall needs a ball diameter of 45 cm. From 153 cm to 164 - 55 cm. If your height is 165-180 cm, then you need a ball diameter of 65 cm. More than 180 cm - 75 cm.

It is also worth paying attention to the maximum possible weight that the gymnastic ball can support. There are various restrictions - from 100 kg and above. This is true for people with a lot of weight and those who will exercise on a fitball with dumbbells or a barbell.

One two three four! Arms higher, legs wider

Exercises on a fitball are aimed at different areas: for the back, legs, abdomen, arms, etc. First of all, you need to learn to keep your balance. Only then can you perform an exercise of any complexity.

A set of exercises for the back

Helps fight fat deposits on the back and stomach.

Lie on your stomach on the fitball. Place your feet against the wall. Hands in front of the chest, elbows spread to the side. You need to slowly raise your back and shoulders, while keeping your head in place. You have to look down.

Starting position: lying on your stomach on a fitball. The arms should be crossed behind the head, the body lowered down, as if hugging the ball. We begin to slowly lift our torso up. We linger at the top point and lower ourselves just as slowly.

We put the fitball in front of us. We take dumbbells and kneel down. We lie down on the ball with our body. We spread our arms as far as possible to the side, and head down. Raise your head, arms and shoulders, while not arching your lower back. We turn the body to the left, then to the right.

We lie down on the fitball with our chest, stomach and hips. We lift and lower the body. We work the muscles of the lower back: we cross our arms behind our head. We load the upper back: we spread our arms to the sides.

In this video you can visually familiarize yourself with exercises for working your back.

For the belly

The exercises are aimed at working out problem areas of the waist and abdomen. Each exercise from the cycle should be performed from 5 to 12 times.

We lie down on the floor. We bend our legs at a right angle. We hold the fitball between our ankles. Then we lift and pull our legs with the inflatable ball towards us. The number of lifts is 30 times. You need to do the exercise quickly.

We lie down on the floor. We fix the fitball with our feet. Then we raise our straight legs with the ball up and swing them to the left and right sides 50 times.

We lie down on the floor. We place our feet on the ball, hands behind our heads. We rise and lift our head and shoulder blades off the floor. You need to perform this exercise 10 times in 3 approaches.

We rest our feet on the floor, our elbows on the fitball. We keep our body straight and hold it in this position for as long as possible. This static exercise. You need to start doing it in 30 seconds.

We lie down on the fitball and rest our hips against it. We place our hands on the floor (in front of us, for balancing). Raise your legs and stretch straight. Squeeze your buttocks and raise your legs as high as possible, stretch up and do not lower your head and shoulders to the floor. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

For the buttocks

We sit on the fitball and rest our feet on the floor. Then you need to jump vigorously for five minutes, without lifting your buttocks from the ball.

We lie down on the floor, bend our legs at the knees. We place a fitball under our feet and press our lower back to the floor. We press the ball with our feet and lift our buttocks up. We stay in this position for as long as possible. Repeat 10 times.

Stand near the wall. Place the fitball between your shoulder blades and back. You need to press your back firmly against the ball and perform squats for 3 minutes, rolling the fitball along the wall.

In this video you can learn a few more exercises for the buttocks and thighs.

What to remember

To effectively lose weight with physical exercises with a fitball, you need to exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet.

Long periods of time will help enhance the effect (together with training). hiking on fresh air, massage with vacuum cans and wraps cling film problem areas.

Appropriate clothing is required during training. The equipment should be comfortable for you, but not too loose. You should give preference to cotton clothes; you can wear shoes or socks on your feet.

Each workout should begin with a warm-up and end with stretching. 10 minutes for each block will be enough.

If you are new to sports, then the load should be applied gradually. It is recommended to start with a 10-minute workout, gradually increasing the time to 30-40 minutes 3-4 times a week.

I'm done for today, friends! See you again on the expanses of my blog.

The fitball allows you to simultaneously use all the core muscles, allowing you to pump up upper press, load the lower one, and also work the oblique muscles. Included in training complex, these exercises promote rapid weight loss.


  1. Lie with your back on the fitball - the ball should rest against the lumbar region.
  2. Place your hands behind your head. Legs are bent at the knees, resting on the floor.
  3. Lift your upper body.


This exercise is also called reverse crunches.

  1. Lie on the fitball with your stomach. The upper part of the body is suspended, the outstretched legs rest their toes on the floor.
  2. Place your hands behind your head.
  3. Tear off the upper body.

Transferring a fitball from hands to feet

  1. Take a horizontal position on the floor, take the fitball in your outstretched arms.
  2. Fold in half (all limbs straight), grab the ball with your feet, squeeze and lower down.
  3. Do the same movements, passing the fitball from your feet to your hands.

To burn fat on the buttocks

Quick weight loss in the buttocks area can also be achieved with the help of exercises on a fitball. They are also an excellent way to pump up your butt, creating additional stress on the gluteal muscle group.

Bridge on fitball

  1. Lie with your back on the floor, place your feet on an inflatable ball.
  2. Lift your buttocks off the floor. The back and shoulders remain motionless.

Leg pull-up

  1. Starting position: lying down, straight legs on a fitball.
  2. Pull your knees to your chest, rolling the inflatable apparatus at the same time.
  3. Return to starting position.

Reverse squat

  1. Stand with your back to the ball, place one outstretched leg on it.
  2. Bend the supporting limb while holding the second one on the apparatus.
  3. Straighten up.

For slimming thighs

The fitball helps to engage almost all muscle groups in the legs if you perform the appropriate exercises. The result is weight loss in the thighs and the absence of cellulite.

Static squat

  1. Stand against the wall. Place the fitball between your back and the surface of the wall.
  2. Squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. The back is straight.
  3. Hold the squat as long as possible.

Leg raise

  1. Lie on your back, feet outstretched legs rest against an inflatable ball.
  2. Alternately raise your left and right legs without lifting your torso from the floor.
  3. There is an inverted version of the exercise.

Swing to the side

  1. Face down, legs straight on the ball.
  2. Take your legs to the side one at a time and lower them down, touching the floor.

Back and arm workout

Many Pilates exercises, modernized with a fitball, help tighten your back and help you lose weight in your arms.


  1. Lie on your stomach with your arms extended and the ball held between your legs.
  2. As you exhale, lift your legs and arms off the floor without bending them.
  3. Stay at the top for 10-15 seconds.

Dumbbell Bench Press

  1. Lying on a fitball, pick up dumbbells. Legs are bent at the knees.
  2. Bring your arms in front of your chest and spread them, bending your elbows.

Fat burning exercises

For weight loss, special fitness programs aimed at getting rid of excess weight. They are selected taking into account physical fitness and must include a warm-up.

For every day for experienced

The above program can be supplemented power complex- this will significantly speed up weight loss, and you can do exercises like independent training, repeating the training cycle weekly.

Day Twisting Leg raise Hyper extension Passing the ball Static squats Bridge Reverse lunges
Monday 20x3 20x3 15x2 15x2 2 minutes x 2 sets 15x3 15 times on each leg
Tuesday 25x3 25x3 20x2 20x2 1 minute x 3 sets 20x3 20 times on each leg
Wednesday Rest
Thursday 25x3 25x3 20x2 20x2 2 min x 3 sets 20x3 20 times on each leg
Friday 30x3 30x3 25x2 25x2 3 min x 3 sets 25x3 20 times on each leg
Saturday 30x3 30x3 25x2 25x2 3 min x 3 sets 25x3 20 times on each leg
Sunday Rest

After childbirth

A fitball helps you get back into shape after childbirth and lose weight, but you need to do the exercises, gradually entering a training regime. Be sure to do a warm-up before each session.

For beginners

Regular exercise will gradually become part of the system if you regularly follow the given complex, eventually moving on to a training program for more experienced ones.


Morning exercises take very little time, but can help with weight loss - exercises in the first half of the day are considered the most effective.

Exercises on a fitball can be performed at any intensity. They lead to weight loss and allow you to break up monotonous workouts, introducing an element of ease into them.
