Torso exercise for physical education class. Proper warm-up exercises. Features of warming up before training

Warm-up in physical education class is a simple but necessary thing. It is this that allows you to prepare your muscles to perform physical exercise and protects children from all kinds of injuries during the activity.

Warm-up in physical education

Warm-up is the basis of physical education, and it should involve the entire body to the maximum. However, this does not require a long time, and the standard option covers only 10-15 minutes of lesson time. In addition to the main program, it is worth including an enhanced warm-up for those muscle groups that will be involved in the exercise: for example, before running, pay great attention to warming up your legs.

So, the standard warm-up for school is performed from the basic position of legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, arms along the body or on the hips:

  • tilt the head back and forth for 4 counts (8-12 times);
  • tilt the head to the right and left for 4 counts (8-12 times);
  • turns the head to the sides for 4 counts (8-12 times);
  • rotation of the head in a circle 2 times in both directions;
  • hands to shoulders, rotate shoulders back and forth for 4 counts (8-12 times);
  • warming up the wrists - rotating in both directions 2-4 times;
  • warming up the elbows - rotating in both directions 4 times;
  • rotation in the lower back in a circle 2-4 times in each direction;
  • bending the body back and forth for 4 counts (8 times);
  • body tilts left and right for 4 counts (8 times);
  • warm-up ankle joints– rotation clockwise and counterclockwise 4 circles in each direction;
  • similar warm-up for the hip joints;
  • place your hands above your knees and rotate in knee joint 2-4 laps in each direction;
  • performing classic forward lunges - 8 times for each leg;
  • leg swings - 10-15 swings for each leg.

If there is a need to conduct a physical education minute in another lesson, for example, a warm-up at the lesson in English, you can leave only those exercises that affect the neck, shoulders and arms, and also add clenching and unclenching your fists to warm up your hands.

Fun workout for kids

Small children don’t really like regular warm-ups, but if you turn on some cheerful, upbeat music for a while, then even the most ordinary warm-up will go off with a bang. Another good move is to invite one of the students to do the warm-up themselves (of course, you need to suggest the correct exercises). In this case, in junior school Warm-ups are also taken with great interest.

General physical exercises

For people involved in sedentary work and light physical activity, exercises that improve the cardiovascular system and respiratory system, increasing overall endurance, etc. This task is best achieved by exercises of moderate intensity but of sufficient duration. Such dosed work can be provided by walking, running, swimming, skiing, rowing, sport games, bicycle, etc. Such exercises are also an effective means of psychological relief and relieving mental stress. The choice depends on the conditions of the classes, the interest of the capabilities of the students and taking into account the fact that the exercises used should ensure the exercise of everyone muscle groups. Moreover, general impact exercises allow you to have a variety of developmental and training effects on the protective apparatus of the brain.

Training sessions - the main form of FC is conducted under the guidance of a teacher. In nature there is no form more adapted for solving educational problems than training session (Athletics, ski training, swimming, comprehensive classes, sports games, etc.)

Morning hygienic gymnastics is a set of exercises performed daily in the morning after sleep.

Morning hygienic exercises are the least complex, but quite effective form for accelerating the inclusion of students in the school day. Daily UGT, supplemented with water procedures, is an effective means of increasing physical fitness, training the will and hardening the body.

Independent physical training . Self-study should include: morning exercises, classes in gym, trail running, walking, cycling and others.

Health walking is the most accessible initial stage of independent training for people who have contraindications to running. Health running more intense exercise than walking and it can be dosed according to energy consumption, speed of movement, distance, etc.

Skiing improves the activity of the entire muscular system of the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system.

Swimming involves all muscle groups in work, and the horizontal position of the body and the flow of water create easier conditions for the work of the heart and improve venous circulation.

To achieve the required effect of swimming, it is necessary to develop relatively higher speed, at which the heart rate would reach the training mode, i.e. not less than 134 beats/min.

Gymnastics allows you to specifically target specific muscle groups that need stress.

Health-improving gymnastics allows people leading a sedentary lifestyle to strengthen their back muscles, create a reliable muscle corset, which is necessary for the prevention of age-related diseases in various departments spine and other joints.

“Small forms” of physical culture in the educational work mode of students

“Small forms” of physical culture in the educational work mode of students include morning hygienic gymnastics, physical education break, micro-pauses in students’ educational work using physical

A physical break is an effective and accessible form. It is designed to solve the problem of providing active recreation for students and increasing their performance.

Taking into account the dynamics of students’ performance during the school day, a physical education break lasting 10 minutes. Recommended after 4 hours of training and lasting 5 minutes. – after every 2 hours of self-preparation.

Micropauses in the educational work of students using physical exercises are useful due to the fact that in the mental work of students, due to the influence of various factors, states of distraction from the work performed arise, which are relatively short-lived (1-3 minutes).

For prolonged intense mental work, it is recommended every 30-60 minutes. use posture exercises, every 2 hours dynamic exercises, for example, running in place with deep rhythmic breathing.

The use of “small forms” of physical culture in the educational work of students plays a significant role in improving its conditions and increasing efficiency.

Physical exercises with specially targeted impact (SPT)

Such exercises include those that directly or indirectly contribute to increasing the efficiency of brain activity, have a positive effect on the productivity of the thinking process and maintaining high intellectual performance.

Breathing exercises are based on the fact that a person can control his breathing within certain limits: lengthen or shorten inhalation and exhalation, differentiate pauses between them, change the nature of respiratory movements (vary their intensity, include certain muscle groups in the work).

Static exercises characterized by certain postures and maintaining them for a more or less long period of time. There are many such exercises in gymnastics, aerobics, and weightlifting. Their physiological effect on the body is based on changes in body position in relation to the direction of gravitational forces, changes in the state of the internal environment and prolonged tension of certain muscle groups.

Dynamic exercises differ in that their implementation involves a large amount of mechanical work, requiring significant energy expenditure. A heavy load activates the work of many body systems and intensifies metabolic processes.

Eye exercises were included in many ancient gymnastic systems in the form of various eye movements: rotation up and down, left and right, and others. Such exercises train the muscles that control eye movements and activate blood circulation in this area. After performing such exercises, many people feel much more energetic, especially after severe mental fatigue.

The lack of movement in most knowledge workers inevitably affects their vision.

Gymnastics lesson at school

Working at a table, with instruments, or at an easel, a person fixes his gaze for a long time on points located at the same distance. This causes overstrain not only of the motor muscles of the eye, but also of the micromuscles of the lens. Therefore, it is recommended to repeatedly look at distant points during the working day and visually fix them. Existing exercise systems (E.K. Klosovsky, E.S. Avetisov) can effectively maintain the performance of the oculomotor system.

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Physical education lesson on the topic "Gymnastics"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

Ivanovo State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Department of Physical Education

Abstract on the topic:

“Set of exercises for physical culture”

Completed by: student of group EUN-11

Motovilova I.

Gymnastics at school during physical education lessons

Checked by: senior teacher

Nadezhin S.E.

Ivanovo 2011


1. Warm up

Stretching and gymnastics:

  • For arm muscles and shoulder girdle
  • For the trunk muscles
  • For the muscles of the legs and arms
  • For the muscles of the legs and torso

2. Warm up with dumbbells

  • Exercises for chest and arm muscles
  • Back exercises
  • Waist and abdominal muscle exercises

3. Running exercises and jumping

4. Exercises to restore breathing

5. Exercises to restore blood circulation


Physical health is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. Regular classes physical culture and performing the optimal set of physical exercises will bring you pleasure and keep you healthy.

The formation of man at all stages of his evolutionary development took place in inextricable connection with active physical activity. The human body develops in constant motion. Nature itself decreed that a person needs to develop his physical abilities. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not engage in physical activity are more likely to suffer from respiratory and circulatory diseases. The influence of physical exercise on the human body is extremely great.

All physical exercises are classified into three types: cyclic aerobic physical exercises that contribute to the development of general endurance; cyclic physical exercises of mixed aerobic-anaerobic orientation, developing general and speed endurance; acyclic physical exercises that increase strength endurance.

We must remember that physical education is not a one-time event, it is purposeful, strong-willed, regular physical self-education throughout life.

There are three forms of independent physical education:

  • Daily morning exercises.
  • Daily physical education break.
  • Independent physical education, exercise and sports (at least 2-3 times a week).

Each is independent training session consists of three parts; The preparatory part (warm-up) is divided into two parts - general warm-up and special. The general developmental part consists of walking (2-3 minutes), slow running (women - 6-8 minutes, men -8-12 minutes), general development gymnastic exercises for all muscle groups. It is recommended to perform physical exercises, starting with small muscle groups of the arms and shoulder girdle, then moving on to larger muscles of the torso and finishing with exercises for the legs. After a set of physical exercises of a strength nature and stretching, relaxation exercises should be performed.

Athletic gymnastics includes exercises with dumbbells, shock absorbers, barbells, exercises with weights and other weights. By influencing various muscle groups, exercises with weights contribute to the harmonious development of the body's muscles and improve posture. Recommended classes athletic gymnastics spend in the afternoon. The weight of the weights is selected so that each exercise can be performed 8-10 times in a row.

Training program

Perform this complex 3 times a week, taking 1 day of rest between classes. Start with 5 minutes of light cardio exercise, such as walking or climbing stairs. Then perform 1 set of 12-15 repetitions of each exercise. Between sets, do stretching exercises for all major muscle groups, holding each stretch for 20-30 seconds. If your muscles don't fatigue after completing your last rep, increase the resistance by shortening the shock absorber or standing further away from the door. When you feel ready, add a second and then a third set. In the fourth week, get a higher resistance shock absorber.

1. Warm up

Each time before starting the main part of your workout, you need to complete the exercises below. The number of repetitions of one exercise is 8-10 times.

Options for warm-up exercises (general developmental exercises)

Basically these are rotational movements in all more or less large joints of the body. They are usually performed in the following sequence (but this is not a prerequisite):

1. Turning the head from side to side, nodding up and down, rotational movements of the head.

2. Rotational movements hands clockwise and counterclockwise.

3. Rotational movements in the elbow joints.

4. Warm up the shoulder joints. Raises of arms through the sides up, “scissors” with hands in front of the chest, rotational movements.

5. Tilt the body forward and to the sides. Rotation of the pelvis alternately in both directions.

6. Swing your legs back and forth and to the side.

7. Flexion-extension in the knee joint.

8. Sitting with with outstretched legs, rotation in the ankle alternately in both directions.

Exercise options for the main part

Stretching and gymnastics:

For the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle:

1. Spring movements with bent and straight arms to the sides and back.

2. Basic stance, hands in front of the chest, fingers clenched into fists, elbows at shoulder height.

Execution: two jerking movements with arms bent back, two jerking movements to the sides and back, straightening the arms at the elbows. When jerking backwards, inhale; when moving your arms forward, exhale.

3. Spring movements with straight arms, alternating one up and back, the other down and back.

For the trunk muscles:

1. Springy tilts of the body forward and backward.

2. Feet shoulder-width apart, back arched, hands resting on the lower back with fists.

Execution: three springy bends of the torso forward, touching the floor with your hands. Returning to initial position, bend over.

When straightening your torso, inhale; when bending, exhale.

3. Bend forward while standing on straight legs. Try to touch your palms to the floor, and ideally touch your chest to your knees.

4. Bends with torso rotation.

I. p.: legs spread apart wider than shoulders.

Execution: three springy bends forward, turning the torso to the side and touching the toe of the opposite leg with one hand, do not bend the knees.

5. Sitting on the floor, bending over and touching your chest to your knees. Help with hands is possible

6. Lying on your stomach, bend your knees and raise top part torso and grab your ankles with your hands. This position is sometimes called the “Boat”. Rock like this for a few seconds.

For the muscles of the legs and arms:

1. Spring squats. Feet shoulder width apart.

Execution: three spring squats, without lifting your heels from the floor, raising your arms forward.

When standing up, inhale, while squatting, exhale.

2. Circular movements of the body.

I. p.: feet slightly wider than shoulders, hands behind the head.

Execution: circular movements of the body.

When bending backwards, inhale; when moving to the sides and forwards, exhale.

For the muscles of the legs and torso:

1. Lunges with a twist to the side.

I. p.: legs spread apart as wide as possible.

Execution: turn to the side, bending the leg at the knee joint as much as possible, the other leg resting almost straight on the toes, make two jerks with straight arms raised up and back, return to i. p. and repeat the exercise in the other direction.

When straightening, inhale, when lunging, exhale.

2. Lying on your back, touch the toes of your straight legs to the floor behind your head.

3. "Bridge". An ordinary gymnastic bridge.

4. Standing, spread your legs very wide. Sit down on one leg, the other straightened. Roll from foot to foot, while trying to always remain as low as possible in the squat.

5. Lying on your back, bend your knees. Without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor, touch your knees to the floor on one side, then on the other.

6. When squatting, roll from foot to foot, then on one leg, then on the other leg. The second leg is extended to the side.

Just choose comfortable movements for yourself and perform them in a mode of 3 to 8-10 repetitions. Don’t forget that the purpose of exercise is to tone up the body and lift your mood. This means that your favorite exercises will bring significantly more benefits than those that you find uncomfortable.

Strength exercises with your own body weight

1. Squats. The front surfaces of the legs (quadriceps) are involved dynamically, and the rear surfaces (hamstrings) - statically. The work also includes the buttocks, calves, spinal extensor muscles and a bunch of other small muscles.

2. Push-ups. Load all the pushing muscles of the upper body. Chest, triceps, partially deltoids. You need to do push-ups at a fast pace, holding your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, then the difficult muscles will “work” mainly in your arms.

3. Vertical push-ups. Execution: stand on your hands next to the wall, lift your body vertically up and touch your feet to the wall to maintain balance. Bend your elbows and lower yourself until your head lightly touches the floor, then explosively push yourself up. This exercise successfully compensates for the lack of load on the middle delta beams during regular push-ups from the floor.

4. Pull-ups on the bar. Ideal for developing the pulling muscles of the upper body.

— Keeping your hands shoulder-width apart, pull yourself up, trying to touch the bar with your chin.

— Spreading your arms as wide as possible, pull yourself up, trying to touch the bar with the back of your head or neck.

2. Warm up with dumbbells

Exercises for the chest and arm muscles:

1. It is necessary to perform 10-20 times 2 approaches. Bend your legs slightly at the knees and place them shoulder-width apart. Take the dumbbells in your hands and lower them down with your palms facing inward. Bend your elbow and pull the dumbbell toward your shoulder, turning your hand so that the dumbbell is parallel to your shoulder. Return your hand to i. etc., repeat with the other hand.

2. Perform 8-12 times for 2 approaches. Legs bent at the knees, shoulder-width apart, both hands with dumbbells. Bend your elbows (palms inward), raise your arms at an angle of 90 degrees. Slowly raise your arms above your head without bending your wrists or straightening your elbows completely. Return to i.p.

3. Performed 8-12 times, 2 approaches. The position of the legs is the same, the arms are down along the body with dumbbells. Bend your elbows (slightly), very slowly move them to the sides to shoulder level. Slowly return to i.p.

4. Perform 8-12 times 2 sets. Turn your palms forward and straighten your arms with dumbbells up above your chest. Bend your elbows and spread them to the sides, pressing your lower back to the bench. Shoulders should be parallel to the floor.

5. Perform 2 times 10. Feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbell in one hand. Bend forward when bent knees, back parallel to the floor. Bent arm lean on your knees. Lower your arm with the dumbbell slightly bent at the elbow. From this position, move your supporting arm to shoulder level and slightly back. Return to i.p.

Back exercises:

1. Lie on your stomach on a bench with your legs closed and extended. Stretch your arms with dumbbells to the sides and place them on the floor. Then raise your arms to the sides at the same time. You need to do two sets of 10 times.

2. Perform 10 times with each hand. You will need a chair or bench for support. Taking a dumbbell in one hand, rest the other on the seat of a bench (chair). Lower your hand with the dumbbell to the floor. Slowly pull the dumbbell toward your chest, moving your elbow back. Slowly return to i.p.

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For warming up before training. Warm-up is one of the most important parts of training. Not only athletic performance, but also the risk of injury depends on warm-up. Paying due attention proper warm-up, the athlete can quickly reach heights and avoid injury. Even in physical education classes, we were taught that before playing sports it is necessary to warm up, but adults often neglect this rule. Why do you need a warm-up? Its main task is to prepare your muscles, joints and ligaments with tendons for a serious, heavy load.

Warm-up exercises before training

First you need to warm up your muscles, and at the same time your joints. Basically, warming up occurs with the usual rotational movements of one or another area of ​​the body, but it is best to start warming up with a short jog, this will give the greatest effect.

  • Typically the warm-up lasts 10-12 minutes. It starts with walking combined with running (5-7 minutes), then general developmental and special exercises are done.
  • Perform general developmental exercises in the following sequence: exercises for the arms, shoulder girdle, torso, pelvic area, thigh muscles, lower leg and foot.
  • Repeat each exercise about 8-10 times, do them without tension, easily and freely, observing rhythmic breathing.
  • The signal for you to end the warm-up will be the beginning of sweating, slight redness of the skin, and the appearance of warmth in the muscles.
  • Taking from 3 to 15 minutes in duration, a relaxed and even pleasant warm-up helps to quickly raise your tone and mood, feel cheerful and strong in body and spirit and, of course, recharge with positive energy for the upcoming active work day or busy weekend.

Accordingly, to achieve excellent results (external transformation and internal healing), moderate physical exercise, which should start with the elementary warm-up exercises Activating muscles and joints, stimulating blood circulation, metabolism and oxygen balance, should be regular, preferably daily.

Warm up before training

The main tasks that warm-up solves are:

  • stretching and toning everyone muscular systems body;
  • increased cardiovascular activity (increased blood flow to skeletal muscles from 20% to 75%) and active blood supply to the muscles;
  • obtaining an aerobic type of exercise;
  • increase heart rate to 100 beats/min during a 10-minute warm-up.

The main purpose of a warm-up is to warm up the body and working muscles; in this state, the tissues become more elastic, which reduces the risk of injury. The possible range of motion also increases, which allows you to perform exercises more technically. Another goal of the warm-up is to smoothly prepare nervous system To strength training. Moving on to heavy weights Without properly informing the body that a serious load awaits it, the trainee causes meaningless stress.

Exercise program

Let's look at a set of exercises that anyone can include in their warm-up and training program. Combined warm-up (total duration 10-15 minutes), consisting of a series of aerobic and stretching exercises.

Note: It is unnecessary to present the technique of performing the warm-up complex, because all the exercises are extremely simple, so we will limit ourselves to only the visual picture series.

Exercise No. 1. Walking in place (3-4 minutes).

Exercise No. 2. Knee raises (30 times in 30 seconds).

Exercise No. 3. Squats (15 reps).

Exercise No. 4. Triceps stretch (4-5 reps per arm).

Exercise No. 5. Shoulder rotation (2 sets of 12 reps).

We should not forget that warming up has a great impact on the psyche, helps eliminate excess anxiety before a meeting, especially in its first minutes, and regulates your pre-start and starting state, especially if you have organized a competition. What are general provisions doing a warm-up? What is most important is to choose the right exercises. And having selected them, provide for a gradual increase in their intensity. Do each warm-up exercise 5-10 times. We recommend using 10-15 exercises in the warm-up complex. Start with walking or light jogging, then do a few exercises for small muscle groups, gradually moving on to warming up larger ones. Gradually increase the range of movements. First, it is better to load the muscles of the upper body, and then the lower ones.

The signal to end the warm-up will be the beginning of sweating, slight redness of the skin, and the appearance of warmth in the muscles.

Warm-up is best done in the form of a set of exercises, which you can create based on how you feel and the direction of the upcoming session. Usually the complex starts with warming up and breathing exercises- various types of walking, running, running with jumping and arm movements. Then come exercises for developing the muscles of the torso, shoulder girdle, arms and legs - bending, squats, circular movements of the torso and pelvis, push-ups, etc. We advise you to perform swinging and jerking movements of the arms and legs with a large amplitude and flexibility exercises after that as the muscles warm up. It is also recommended to include in the complex exercises that simulate the technique of strikes and movements, individually or in combination.

By the nature of the movements, they are close to the playing technique, they help you master and consolidate it in simplified conditions, and gradually lead you to playing on the table, so the complex usually ends with imitation exercises.

We bring to your attention a number of exercises on the basis of which you can create a warm-up complex. We have arranged the exercises in order of increasing difficulty.

Running exercises.

(Fig. 38)

1. Running like a snake, running around racks or various objects.

2. Running with arbitrary acceleration of 3-5 m.

3. Run, “throwing” straight legs forward.

4. Run, “throwing” straight legs back.

5. Running with high hips.

6. Running with a sweeping movement of the shin backwards.

7. Run backwards.

8. Moving with side steps (right, left).

9. Moving with side steps in a tennis player’s stance, alternately with the right and left sides (after two steps, after one step).

10. Moving with side steps in a tennis player’s stance facing forward while simultaneously moving left and right.

12. Moving sideways (right, left) with crossed steps (“lezginka”): for example, when moving with the right side, place your left leg alternately in front and then behind your right. The right leg just moves to the right.

Jumping exercises.(Fig. 39)

1. Hands on the belt, jumping on one leg and changing legs.

2. Hands on the belt, jumping on both legs in a triangle or square.

3. Jump to the side from one leg to the other in place through the lines drawn on the floor.

4. Jumping up from a squat (half squat).

5. Jumping forward from a squat (half squat).

6. Hands on the belt, jumping on both legs with a turn of 180° (360°).

7. Jumping on one leg while moving forward.

8. Jumping on one leg left and right.

9. Jumping on both legs, pulling the knees to the chest (“kangaroo”).

10. Jumping with both feet over the bench.

Exercises for arm muscles.(Fig. 40)

1. Standing in the main stance - arms forward, to the sides, up.

2. Hands to shoulders - circular rotations with arms.

3. Circular rotations with straight arms - 4 times forward, 4 times back, gradually increasing the amplitude.

4. Circular rotations with straight arms in different directions: right forward, left back and vice versa.

5. Circular rotations of the forearm in and out from the position of the arm to the sides.

6. Circular rotations with hands clenched into fists into one

and the other side, with both hands at the same time and alternately from the position of the hand to the sides or forward.

7. Squeezing and unclenching hands into fists from a forward position.

8. Stand with your legs apart, jerk your arms bent at the elbows in front of your chest with a twist of your torso.

9. Clasp your hands together - kneading.

10. Right hand up, left hand down, jerk your arms back.

11. Right hand up, left hand down - jerk your arms back and

to the sides, gradual (8 counts) change in the position of the hands: left at the top, right at the bottom.

12. Standing facing the wall - pushing away from the wall with both hands, gradually increasing the distance to it.

13. Lying emphasis - push-ups gymnastic bench or from the floor, leg push-ups on a gymnastic bench.

14. Pull-up on the bar with an overhand or underhand grip.

Exercises for the trunk muscles.(Fig. 41)

1. Feet shoulder-width apart - bend over, reaching the floor with your hands.

2. Feet wider than shoulders - bend over, reaching the floor with your elbows.

3. Feet shoulder-width apart, bending over, arms to the sides - twist the torso, reaching the toes with your hands.

4. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt - circular movements of the pelvis.

5. The same, feet shoulder-width apart, hands “locked” above your head - rotate your body, trying to describe a large circle with your hands.

6. Bend backwards, reaching your heels with your hands.

7. Bend back, bending over, alternately reaching the left heel with your right hand and vice versa.

8. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt - three springy inclinations in one direction and the other.

9. Same as exercise but hands clasped above the head.

10. The same as the exercise, but with two additional steps in each direction and reaching the floor with clasped hands.

11. Feet shoulder-width apart, one hand above, the other below - at each count, bend to the sides with an overflowing movement of the hands behind the back.

12. Lying on your stomach, hands behind your head - bending back.

13. Support from behind - straighten and bend your arms, bending your torso.

14. From a supine position, arms along the body, bend towards straight legs and return to the starting position.

15. The same, but hands behind the head.

16. The same, but hands up.

17. Lying on your back, arms to the sides, raise your straight legs up and lower them alternately to the left and right sides.

18. Feet shoulder-width apart, standing with your back 30-50 cm from the table - without lifting your feet from the floor, reach the far corner of the table with your hand.

Exercises for leg muscles.

(Fig. 42)

1. Squats with your arms forward, keeping your heels off the floor.

2. Hands on the belt - lunge with the right leg, three springy swings. The same, lunge with the left leg.

3. The same, but changing legs with a jump.

4. The same, but lunge to the side.

5. Hands extended forward - alternately swing your legs forward, reaching your hands with your toes.

6. Arms to the sides - alternately swing your legs to the sides, reaching your hands with your toes.

7. Crouching, right leg to the side - without lifting your hands from the floor, change legs with a jump.

8. Change position with a jump - crouching, lying down.

9. Slightly bend your knees, place your hands on your knees - circular rotations in the knee joints.

10. Hands on the belt, foot on the toe - circular rotations in the ankle joint.

11. Stepping back 60-80 cm from the wall and resting your hands on it - lifting on your toes.

12. Hands on the belt - from a deep squat, alternately “throwing” straight legs forward - squat dance.

The formation of man at all stages of his evolutionary development took place in inextricable connection with active physical activity. The human body develops in constant motion. Nature itself decreed that a person needs to develop his physical abilities. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not engage in physical activity are more likely to suffer from respiratory and circulatory diseases. The influence of physical exercise on the human body is extremely great.


1. Warm up
Options for warm-up exercises (general developmental exercises)

Stretching and gymnastics:

For the trunk muscles
For the muscles of the legs and arms
For the muscles of the legs and torso

2. Warm up with dumbbells

Back exercises

3. Running exercises and jumping

4. Exercises to restore breathing

5. Exercises to restore blood circulation

The work contains 1 file

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

Ivanovo State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Department of Physical Education

Abstract on the topic:

“Set of exercises for physical culture”

Completed by: student of group EUN-11

Motovilova I. S.

Checked by: senior teacher

Nadezhin S.E.

Ivanovo 2011


1. Warm up

  • Options for warm-up exercises (general developmental exercises)
  • Exercise options for the main part

Stretching and gymnastics:

  • For the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle
  • For the trunk muscles
  • For the muscles of the legs and arms
  • For the muscles of the legs and torso
  • Strength exercises with your own body weight

2. Warm up with dumbbells

    • Exercises for chest and arm muscles
    • Back exercises
    • Waist and abdominal muscle exercises

3. Running exercises and jumping

4. Exercises to restore breathing

5. Exercises to restore blood circulation


Physical health is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. Regular physical education and performing the optimal set of physical exercises will bring you pleasure and keep you healthy.

The formation of man at all stages of his evolutionary development took place in inextricable connection with active physical activity. The human body develops in constant motion. Nature itself decreed that a person needs to develop his physical abilities. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not engage in physical activity are more likely to suffer from respiratory and circulatory diseases. The influence of physical exercise on the human body is extremely great.

All physical exercises are classified into three types: cyclic aerobic physical exercises that contribute to the development of general endurance; cyclic physical exercises of mixed aerobic-anaerobic orientation, developing general and speed endurance; acyclic physical exercises that increase strength endurance.

We must remember that physical education is not a one-time event, it is purposeful, strong-willed, regular physical self-education throughout life.

There are three forms of independent physical education:

  • Daily morning exercises.
  • Daily physical education break.
  • Independent physical education, exercise and sports (at least 2-3 times a week).

Each independent training session consists of three parts; The preparatory part (warm-up) is divided into two parts - general warm-up and special. The general developmental part consists of walking (2-3 minutes), slow running (women - 6-8 minutes, men - 8-12 minutes), general developmental gymnastic exercises for all muscle groups. It is recommended to perform physical exercises, starting with small muscle groups of the arms and shoulder girdle, then moving on to larger muscles of the torso and finishing with exercises for the legs. After a set of physical exercises of a strength nature and stretching, relaxation exercises should be performed.

Athletic gymnastics includes exercises with dumbbells, shock absorbers, barbells, exercises with weights and other weights. By influencing various muscle groups, exercises with weights contribute to the harmonious development of the body's muscles and improve posture. It is recommended to do athletic gymnastics in the afternoon. The weight of the weights is selected so that each exercise can be performed 8-10 times in a row.

Training program

Perform this complex 3 times a week, taking 1 day of rest between classes. Start with 5 minutes of light cardio exercise, such as walking or climbing stairs. Then perform 1 set of 12-15 repetitions of each exercise. Between sets, do stretching exercises for all major muscle groups, holding each stretch for 20-30 seconds. If your muscles don't fatigue after completing your last rep, increase the resistance by shortening the shock absorber or standing further away from the door. When you feel ready, add a second and then a third set. In the fourth week, get a higher resistance shock absorber.

1. Warm up

Each time before starting the main part of your workout, you need to complete the exercises below. The number of repetitions of one exercise is 8-10 times.

Options for warm-up exercises (general developmental exercises)

Basically these are rotational movements in all more or less large joints of the body. They are usually performed in the following sequence (but this is not a prerequisite):

1. Turning the head from side to side, nodding up and down, rotational movements of the head.

2. Rotational movements of the hands clockwise and counterclockwise.

3. Rotational movements in the elbow joints.

4. Warm up the shoulder joints. Raises the arms through the sides upward, “scissors” with the hands in front of the chest, rotational movements.

5. Tilt the body forward and to the sides. Rotation of the pelvis alternately in both directions.

6. Swing your legs back and forth and to the side.

7. Flexion-extension in the knee joint.

8. Sitting with legs extended, rotate the ankle alternately in both directions.

Exercise options for the main part

Stretching and gymnastics:

For the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle:

1. Spring movements with bent and straight arms to the sides and back.

2. Basic stance, hands in front of the chest, fingers clenched into fists, elbows at shoulder height.

Execution: two jerking movements with arms bent back, two jerking movements to the sides and back, straightening the arms at the elbows. When jerking backwards, inhale; when moving your arms forward, exhale.

3. Spring movements with straight arms, alternately one up and back, the other down and back.

For the trunk muscles:

1. Springy tilts of the body forward and backward.

2. Feet shoulder-width apart, back arched, hands resting on the lower back with fists.

Execution: three springy bends of the torso forward, touching the floor with your hands. Returning to the starting position, bend over.

When straightening your torso, inhale; when bending, exhale.

3. Bend forward while standing on straight legs. Try to touch your palms to the floor, and ideally touch your chest to your knees.

4. Bends with torso rotation.

I. p.: legs spread apart wider than shoulders.

Execution: three springy bends forward, turning the torso to the side and touching the toe of the opposite leg with one hand, do not bend the knees.

5. Sitting on the floor, bending down to touch your chest with your knees. Help with hands is possible

6. Lying on your stomach, bend your knees, raise your upper body and grab your ankles with your hands. This position is sometimes called the “Boat”. Rock like this for a few seconds.

For the muscles of the legs and arms:

1. Spring squats. Feet shoulder width apart.

Execution: three spring squats, without lifting your heels from the floor, raising your arms forward.

When standing up, inhale, while squatting, exhale.

2. Circular movements of the body.

I. p.: feet slightly wider than shoulders, hands behind the head.

Execution: circular movements of the body.

When bending backwards, inhale; when moving to the sides and forwards, exhale.

For the muscles of the legs and torso:

1. Lunges with a twist to the side.

I. p.: legs spread apart as wide as possible.

Execution: turn to the side, bending the leg at the knee joint as much as possible, the other leg resting almost straight on the toes, make two jerks with straight arms raised up and back, return to i. p. and repeat the exercise in the other direction.

When straightening, inhale, when lunging, exhale.

2. Lying on your back, touch the toes of your straight legs to the floor behind your head.

3. "Bridge". An ordinary gymnastic bridge.

4. Standing, spread your legs very wide. Sit down on one leg, the other straightened. Roll from foot to foot, while trying to always remain as low as possible in the squat.

5. Lying on your back, bend your knees. Without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor, touch your knees to the floor on one side, then on the other.

6. When squatting, roll from foot to foot, then on one leg, then on the other leg. The second leg is extended to the side.

Just choose comfortable movements for yourself and perform them in a mode of 3 to 8-10 repetitions. Don’t forget that the purpose of exercise is to tone up the body and lift your mood. This means that your favorite exercises will bring significantly more benefits than those that you find uncomfortable.

Strength exercises with your own body weight

1. Squats. The front surfaces of the legs (quadriceps) are involved dynamically, and the rear surfaces (hamstrings) - statically. The work also includes the buttocks, calves, spinal extensor muscles and a bunch of other small muscles.

2. Push-ups. Load all the pushing muscles of the upper body. Chest, triceps, partially deltoids. You need to do push-ups at a fast pace, holding your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, then the difficult muscles will “work” mainly in your arms.

3. Vertical push-ups. Execution: stand on your hands next to the wall, lift your body vertically up and touch your feet to the wall to maintain balance. Bend your elbows and lower yourself until your head lightly touches the floor, then explosively push yourself up. This exercise successfully compensates for the lack of load on the middle deltas during regular push-ups.

4. Pull-ups on the bar. Ideal for developing the pulling muscles of the upper body.

Keeping your hands shoulder-width apart, pull yourself up, trying to touch the bar with your chin.

Spreading your arms as wide as possible, pull yourself up, trying to touch the bar with the back of your head or neck.

2. Warm up with dumbbells

Exercises for the chest and arm muscles:

1. It is necessary to perform 10-20 times 2 approaches. Bend your legs slightly at the knees and place them shoulder-width apart. Take dumbbells in your hands and lower them down with your palms facing inward. Bend your elbow and pull the dumbbell toward your shoulder, turning your hand so that the dumbbell is parallel to your shoulder. Return your hand to i. etc., repeat with the other hand.

2. Perform 8-12 times 2 approaches. Legs bent at the knees, shoulder-width apart, both hands with dumbbells. Bend your elbows (palms inward), raise your arms at an angle of 90 degrees. Slowly raise your arms above your head without bending your wrists or fully straightening your elbows. Return to i.p.

3. Performed 8-12 times, 2 approaches. The position of the legs is the same, the arms are down along the body with dumbbells. Bend your elbows (slightly), very slowly move them to the sides to shoulder level. Slowly return to i.p.

4. Perform 8-12 times 2 sets. Turn your palms forward and straighten your arms with dumbbells up above your chest. Bend your elbows and spread them to the sides, pressing your lower back to the bench. Shoulders should be parallel to the floor.

5. Perform 2 times 10. Feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbell in one hand. Bend forward with your knees bent, your back parallel to the floor. Bend your arm and rest on your knees. Lower your arm with the dumbbell slightly bent at the elbow. From this position, move your supporting arm to shoulder level and slightly back. Return to i.p.

Back exercises:

1. Lie on your stomach on a bench with your legs closed and extended. Stretch your arms with dumbbells to the sides and place them on the floor. Then raise your arms to the sides at the same time. You need to do two sets of 10 times.

2. Perform 10 times with each hand. You will need a chair or bench for support. Taking a dumbbell in one hand, lean the other on the seat of a bench (chair). Lower your hand with the dumbbell to the floor. Slowly pull the dumbbell toward your chest, moving your elbow back. Slowly return to i.p.
