Grip strength training – why is it needed and what exercises will give effect. Grip strength: ways to develop and train What exercises do fighters use for a strong grip

Training hand and grip strength is one of the “blank spots” of modern iron sports, but an integral component of proper muscle work. If professionals are aware of how grip strength increases, then amateurs use ineffective exercises year after year, with the help of which strong grip it is impossible to build even from a physiological point of view. Today we will tell you how to increase arm strength, develop a powerful grip, and also talk about the broken patterns that most beginners use.

Let’s immediately refute one misconception: muscular forearms do not equal a strong grip! Strength and muscle mass are only partially dependent on each other. After training according to our schemes, your grip strength will increase significantly faster than muscles. Some effective exercises for developing grip strength focus on strengthening ligaments and tendons rather than developing muscles. Adherents of bodybuilding need not worry - our approach builds muscle mass much faster than standard regimens. To increase the muscle mass of the forearms, we will prepare a separate program.

Grip strength training is:

  • Powerful compressive ability. A person immediately feels the strong grip possessed by the one whose hand he is shaking. It feels as if your hand is being held in a vice.
  • Holding force - static load. The ability to hold a certain load for a long time.
  • Plucking force. We are talking about developing the strength of your fingers, with which you must learn to hold heavy projectiles.
  • Brush strength. The athlete can lift objects and hold them for a long time vertical position. Even if, by its modification, the object is such that one part of it significantly outweighs the other. An example for amateurs would be a chair. A person with a strong grip calmly lifts it and holds it only by the front legs in an upright position.
  • Rotation training. It helps here wrist trainer powerball or dumbbell spin.

Let's start with compressive force. For workouts that focus on increasing compressive force, wrist expanders and resistance bands are suitable options. Exercises with these simulators are extremely simple - these are ordinary compressions. Training is facilitated by compact equipment that can be used anywhere, anytime. Beginners can work with the simulator with both hands - we squeeze the expander completely, and then hold it in this position for as long as possible. The best option is to choose an expander with suitable resistance and train regular squeezes with it.

Another interesting way to increase compression force is offered by John Brookfield. In his book Mastering Arm Strength, he talks about a method called lifting weights with tongs. For training, the athlete will need ordinary tongs and a bucket. You put something into the bucket (such as water or sand), and then lift it with tongs, bending your arm in a hammer style. The tongs must stand vertically. To increase the squeezing force, Mr. Brookfield advises wrapping a strap around the handle of the bucket and grasping the loose ends with tongs. The bucket will rotate, which will increase the load. We select the weight of the bucket individually.

The compression force is related to the holding force. That is why the second must be developed in parallel with the first. Without a good grip, you will not be able to develop sufficient endurance in your hands. There are a few tips to increase your holding strength:

  1. Work with a thick bar.
  2. Hanging on a horizontal bar with a thick crossbar.
  3. Change the thickness of the neck yourself.

The most convenient option is to buy a neck extender. But you can increase the thickness of the neck yourself. You will need a hardened steel round timber that has a diameter of about five centimeters. “Sleeves” are ground to this round timber on which the discs for the barbell will be put on. But not everyone knows turners or operates a lathe themselves. Another alternative is to wrap a towel around the bar or bar. This option is inferior in terms of convenience to buying a bar extender, but if you don’t have the funds, then a towel can be a temporary solution. Working with a thick bar, bar and other bulky objects is fundamental to developing holding strength.

To develop grip strength, we perform a “farmer’s walk.” Pick up dumbbells that you can walk with for 15-30 seconds and do this exercise once every 4–5 days. Gradually increase the weight and number of approaches - this is the basis of a developed grip. Without developing finger strength, a powerful grip is unattainable. It is 80% of the fingers that are the lagging link that limits your progress in answering the question “How to increase your grip strength?”

The most simple exercise to develop pinch strength, is to lift and hold a disc from the barbell in the fingers of each hand. An alternative is deadlifting or holding a barbell on your fingers. Hanging on the horizontal bar on your fingers, squeezing the expander with your fingers and doing push-ups on your fingers. Last exercise - the best option for training pinch strength. Grip strength from finger push-ups increases at an incredible rate. But this exercise is dangerous. You need to start with push-ups on your fists. Then we move on to 10-finger push-ups. Gradually reduce the number of fingers involved in the exercise.

Next we move on to brush strength. Many amateurs use traditional flexion-extension exercises with a barbell or dumbbells. But in reality they work very poorly. These are isolation exercises that increase grip strength to a limited extent. To develop the brush we use:

1. Farmer's walk. 2. Deadlift. 3. Rope. 4. Basic exercises, which lead to the production of testosterone and “turn off” the hands for several days. A great option is to push or pull a car (or other similar heavy object) using a rope. 5. Squeezing the wrist expander. 6. Static exercises with a thick neck.

Another exercise for hand development that we can offer you is winding a cable with a load onto a round handle. A steel handle, the ends of which can be placed on a sling frame, is best suited for it. The exercise isolates the hands, which most other exercises cannot boast of. We work both on lifting the load and on returning it to the lowest point. Using both phases of the exercise speeds up the development of grip strength.

Hand strength training. Work principles

  1. The principle of load progression.
  2. The principle of supercompensation.
  3. The principle of periodization.
  4. Working outside the gym.
    1. Let’s look at the rules that allow us to answer the question “How to increase grip strength?” more details.

      The principle of load progression

      Each workout you should do a little more than the previous one. There should be no stagnation in training - this is synonymous with a lack of growth in strength and muscle mass. At each workout, you need to push yourself to perform the same exercises with heavier weights, or increase the number of approaches or repetitions in them. Once you have become accustomed to the new training stress, the body should receive more, which will lead to growth again. strength indicators. And so on until you yourself want to stop.

      Supercompensation principle

      It says that grip strength does not improve if you train too rarely or too often. Let us highlight 4 phases of the training process:

      1. Training. We traumatize muscle fibers- we get stress to which the body will adapt further.
      2. Recovery. After completion of this phase, the body returns to its initial state.
      3. Supercompensation. Grip strength increases beyond pre-training levels.
      4. Loss of super compensation. Hand strength training was ineffective, since the athlete did not train in the previous phase. Hand strength returned to pre-training levels.

      Training only makes sense in the supercompensation phase!

      The principle of periodization

      Necessary for resting the central nervous system, speeding muscle recovery and maintaining muscle tone. Hard training exhausts Central nervous system. If you constantly work hard, then sooner or later you will start to have a gag reflex when you think about training. Overtraining will occur, which can only be treated with complete rest for 2-4 weeks. Overtraining does not increase grip strength. This situation can be avoided by using periodization - we “dilute” heavy workouts with light ones.

      Working outside the gym

      Your progress depends on these factors:

      1. The proportion of anabolic-catabolic hormones. The more in your system anabolic hormones(testosterone, growth hormone), and the less cortisol and female hormones, the faster your muscles grow, and the faster your grip strength increases. 2. The state of the hormonal system as a whole. The amount of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin. These are hormones that directly or indirectly provide motivation to train, eat right, go to bed on time and give all your best in training. 3. Sleep. Without quality sleep, the previous two factors come into question. 4. Nutrition. You can't undereat, but you don't need to overeat either. Overeating is a testosterone killer. Cramming tons of food into yourself, as many bodybuilders and strongmen advise, is only possible during the course. anabolic steroids. If, with a daily requirement of 2500 calories, you start eating 5000 calories, your testosterone will drop to zero, and fat will grow instead of muscles and strength.

      5. Positive thinking. Directly affects the first two points. Indirectly regulates sleep quality and nutrition.

      1. Grip strength training is a system that is built on: Understanding the principles strength training
      2. , which we discussed in the second part of the article.
      3. Understanding the details of developing grip strength. We talked about how to increase your grip strength in the first part of the article.

      Ability to apply knowledge in practice. We will now start drawing up practical training programs for developing grip strength.

      Hand strength training. Practice

      Principles of Muscle Growth

      This is what the principle of progression of loads looks like using the example of a farmer’s walk:




      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Farmer's Walk

      This is what the principle of supercompensation looks like using the deadlift as an example:



      Day of the week


      Rest between sets in minutes


      Training on Monday


      Training on Monday

      If the athlete trains on Tuesday

      The athlete’s muscles have just begun to recover. The athlete did a little more than a quarter of the work and delayed recovery.

      Training on Monday


      Recovery is not yet complete. Incorrect training.

      Training on Monday


      The recovery is complete, but supercompensation has not yet begun. You can't train yet.

      Training on Monday


      Supercompensation has begun. You can train here.

      Training on Monday


      Peak supercompensation. Perfect day for a workout.

      Training on Monday


      Correct training.

      Training on Monday


      Supercompensation gradually goes away. But the athlete was able to “grit his teeth” and do more than in the previous training session.

      Training on Monday


      The speed of recovery is an individual factor. Please take the data we have given in the table as an example.

      Periodization and progression of loads using the example of a farmer’s walk:

      Workout No.





      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Duration in seconds

      Comprehensive grip strength training



      Day of the week


      Farmer's Walk

      Hanging on a thick horizontal bar

      Own weight+10 kg

      Squeezing the wrist expander


      Hanging on a thick horizontal bar



      Day of the week


      Rest between exercises in minutes

      Fist push-ups

      Holding the disc on your fingers


      Rotating a dumbbell in your hand

      Hanging on a thick horizontal bar

      The car can be replaced with a cart with bags of cement or sand.

      Grip strength training with emphasis on muscle mass Day 1



      Day of the week


      Rest between exercises in minutes

      Farmer's Walk

      Hanging on a thick horizontal bar

      Own weight

      Squeezing the wrist expander

      Holding the barbell on outstretched arms standing

      Jumping rope (for unloading)


      Complex training in dynamics. Grip strength training



      Day of the week


      Rest between exercises in minutes

      Farmer's Walk

      Hanging on a thick horizontal bar

      Own weight+10 kg

      Squeezing the wrist expander

      Holding a barbell with outstretched arms while standing

      Jumping rope (for unloading)


      Hanging on a thick horizontal bar



      Day of the week


      Rest between exercises in minutes

      Fist push-ups

      Push-ups on your fingers (If you can’t, do push-ups on your fists)

      Holding the disc on your fingers

      Winding a cable with a load onto the handle


      Hold until failure. We try to beat the previous record in each approach.

      Rotating a dumbbell in your hand

      Hanging on a thick horizontal bar



      Day of the week


      Rest between exercises in minutes

      Farmer's Walk

      Hanging on a thick horizontal bar

      Own weight+10 kg

      Squeezing the wrist expander

      Holding a barbell with outstretched arms while standing

      Jumping rope (for unloading)


      Hanging on a thick horizontal bar



      Day of the week


      Rest between exercises in minutes

      Fist push-ups

      Push-ups on your fingers (If you can’t, do push-ups on your fists)

      Holding the disc on your fingers

      Winding a cable with a load onto the handle


      Hold until failure. We try to beat the previous record in each approach.

      Rotating a dumbbell in your hand

      Hanging on a thick horizontal bar



      Day of the week


      Rest between exercises in minutes

      Farmer's Walk

      Hanging on a thick horizontal bar

      Dead weight+12 kg

      Squeezing the wrist expander

      Holding a barbell with outstretched arms while standing

      Jumping rope (for unloading)


      Hanging on a thick horizontal bar

      Own weight+2.5 kg



      Day of the week


      Rest between exercises in minutes

      Fist push-ups

      Push-ups on your fingers (If you can’t, do push-ups on your fists)

      Holding the disc on your fingers

      Winding a cable with a load onto the handle

      Increase weight if possible


      Hold until failure. We try to beat the previous record in each approach.

      Rotating a dumbbell in your hand

      Hanging on a thick horizontal bar

      Own weight+2.5 kg

Grip strength characterizes every man during a handshake. A weak and soft palm does not leave the best impression. In addition, you need to have strong hands and fingers if you are seriously involved in sports, for example, working with weights or on a horizontal bar. Therefore, fellow athletes, let's train a strong grip!

Grip and big sport

A strong grip is the main characteristic of athletes performing in this form of weightlifting, such as armlifting. This professional sports, bringing athletes worldwide fame, good prizes and, of course, a sense of pride in the results obtained. In general, there is something to think about - maybe you will be able to achieve great heights in this sport.

Armlifting is not as popular as football or tennis, but an army of thousands of fans still exists.

Super grip is useful not only in itself. Great importance developed hand muscles are found in arm wrestling, powerlifting, bodybuilding, workout, etc. tennis, hockey. In any sport where you need to hold significant weight with your hands, grip is of great importance.

Grab and ordinary life

A men's meeting begins with a handshake. His strength is a man’s calling card. When you greet with a strong grip, this already lets the other man know that you are “strong.”

This is the first reason why there should be strength in the palm.

Men regularly lift something - at work, at home, while grocery shopping. When you didn’t have a car, you carried bags (and previously nets) of groceries home. Remember how hard it was sometimes? How the fingers unbent of their own accord under the weight of the package. Now most of you have cars. At most, you carry the same packages to the car. And then from the car to the house. In “horseless” times the grip was stronger, that’s for sure.

But, for example, there is an emergency situation when you need to climb a couple of meters up, and this is a matter of life and death. Again, the strength of the brushes will solve this situation in the direction you want.

And if your hands are weak, you can lose a lot. This happened during earthquakes, falls, landslides, persecution. A good example of this is the movie Cliffhanger, starring Sylvester Stallone.

And, of course, we cannot leave aside the visual perception of the forearms. After all, hand training involves active work of these muscles. Massive and powerful forearms they immediately place emphasis on the question: is it worth talking to you carelessly or rudely.

A strong grip (or better yet, a perfect grip) is the key to confidence. Its significance is great, as you have already noticed, not only in sports, but also in everyday life.

Principles of Grip Training

Grip training is the only way to strengthen your hand muscles. Without this, it is impossible to achieve extraordinary results. However, a person’s genetic predisposition also plays some role.

An athlete’s muscle mass does not always indicate the strength of his grip. It happens that the outcome of a competition is decided by the thickness of the forearm tendons, and not at all by the volume of the muscles. Moreover, the girth of the biceps does not in any way affect the grip strength of the hand - the shoulder flexor is not involved in this movement.

So the forearm has 19 different muscles. Only 4 of these 19 provide turns. The rest are responsible for flexion and extension.

There are a number of exercises that are good only at the initial stage of training. When performed over a long period of time, they are able to maintain the current level of muscle development, but they will not be enough for further progress. We're talking specifically about grip strength.

Hanging on the horizontal bar

Constantly hanging on the horizontal bar strengthens your grip at the initial stage of training. When you can hang for about a minute with your hands on the bar, your progress will stop. Then you can increase the hanging time, but the strength will not increase. Each person’s adaptation time is different; some will stop progressing after just 30 seconds of hanging.

Of course, such a hang in itself is very useful. In particular, the longer you hang, the more your spine will stretch (this is more often a good thing than a bad thing), as well as your endurance carpal muscles will grow noticeably. Strength is not, progress will stop over time.

One type manual expander

Very often, the lack of results from training with a manual expander is due to the unchanging load on the muscles. There is training, but there is no progression - that is, you simply maintain a certain level of strength, but do not grow further. Quite a lot of people face this.

If you carry a donut in your pocket and squeeze it all the time, up to a certain point your strength will increase, and then progress will stop, because the resistance of the machine is constant.

Muscles require adaptive training: that is, as soon as the muscle has the opportunity to do a little more, this opportunity must be immediately used, forcing the muscles to make more significant efforts.

The exact same statement can be made for almost any exercise. The main thing is not to use one weight.

The key to success is a complex workload

Developing grip strength is a versatile activity. You should do different exercises, gradually increasing the load.

Although, if you are satisfied with a slightly more powerful grip than your friends, a few round expanders will be enough for you. Just remember to give your wrist muscles a heavier workout periodically.

For achievement best results, in addition to the hands, the rest of the body should be trained. This is a simple truth that is not obvious to everyone. Isolation training Grip alone will not give the desired result. The body must work harmoniously.

You can do any physical activity. You can work out in the gym, play your favorite sport, or do exercises in the morning. If you want, just run, it will give you basic endurance. Grip strength training will be more effective if all other muscles are developed.

Cardio, by the way, in addition to developing endurance, has another side - improving blood circulation and saturating body cells with nutrients and oxygen. Thanks to accelerated metabolism, muscles will work better.


Not all athletes know how to increase grip strength. And not always those who have an impressive figure can boast of success in this area. So what to do, how to strengthen your hands?

Changing expanders

To get started, go to the nearest sports store and find a “bagel” there. Try working with expanders of different elasticity, decide which one is moderately difficult for you to work with. Take 2 expanders at once - the one you like and one more, a little heavier for compression.

Work with the easier option first. Get to the point where you can do 50 compressions with each hand. Sometimes you can twist your fists while the expander is clenched - it will be more difficult. There is no need to hold your palm clenched for a long time; a second is enough.

Please note: when you work with a ring resistance band, the muscles of different fingers are tensed differently. Try to make sure that all of them experience approximately the same amount of stress.

When you can do 50 compressions with each hand, move on to a heavier expander. And so, as it progresses, you will need to buy a new one.

One day you will have to give up the “donut” and buy a V-shaped expander. It has more resistance and will be your next level workout.
Additionally, you can practice rope climbs and other exercises.

Engaging the extensors

In addition to the wrist flexors, it will be useful to pay attention to the extensors. Some kind of practical application there is no forceful extension of the palm, but in general complex training muscles will give the best effect.

The simplest thing is to put a strong rubber band on your closed fingers and spread them apart. You can invent some of your own ways to load the palm during extension, here ingenuity and imagination are welcome.

Tracking progress

If you want to track your progress, you will need a wrist dynamometer. This is a device that allows you to see how much force your hand develops when compressed. The numbers will be your guide.

Training the forearms

Notice what tenses when you clench your fist. Right, inner part forearms. Apparently, this muscle also needs to be pumped?

By the way, don't forget about warming up. The muscles of the hand are the same muscles as the triceps and biceps. You don’t go to bench press a barbell right away maximum weight, but approach this weight gradually.

Remember about nutrition

Muscles are made up of muscle and connective tissue. It is important that the tendon is firmly attached to the periosteum on one side, and to the muscle body on the other. To do this, you need to eat foods that contain a lot of protein, vitamins necessary for connective fibers and unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and 6).

A lot of men dream of a powerful grip. However, for some it is a privilege, and for others it is an important necessity, without which it is impossible to build a career or achieve success in sports. It is important for every athlete who goes to the gym and has made a clear decision to progress in this matter, day after day, week after week, year after year, to know how to increase grip strength. Now you will understand why this is needed and what exercises will turn your hands into a vice.

Why do you need a strong grip?

The answer to this question is obvious, and anyone who has given himself a high load in the gym at least once in his life understands perfectly how important it is to be confident in the strength of your forearms. Working with heavy weights and other exercises require the athlete to have power in his hands, otherwise it will not be possible to load the core muscles. It just won't hold the weight.

When the projectile slips out of your hands it:

  • Unpleasant to say the least
  • Violates the technique of performing the exercise
  • Does not allow you to properly load the muscle
  • May cause injury to the athlete

In addition, there are people who simply need a powerful grip. This includes wrestlers, judokas, karatekas, arm wrestlers and so on. But if the latter build their training mainly with an emphasis on developing a strong grip, then for everyone else this method is not suitable for various reasons. And besides, they don’t need to have such powerful and swinging arms. It is enough to simply strengthen the muscles and ligaments without reaching such volumes, and the following exercises will help you with this.

Exercises to develop an iron grip

There is a complex of simple, but at the same time effective exercises, which, when combined correctly, will help develop the power of your hands.

Stretching a belt or rope- Very interesting exercise, which sailors and soldiers used back in the tsarist army. IN hand-to-hand combat all means are good, and in the turbulent pre-Soviet times, clashes occurred quite often. Times have passed, but the effectiveness of the method remains. You must take a strong belt or thick rope, and then begin to stretch it, trying to break it. Systematize this exercise to achieve better effect do 20-25 stretches in 3-4 sets. It may seem simple, but in reality, not everyone can do 15 repetitions.

Start stretching the rope, trying to break it. To achieve the best effect, do 20-25 stretches in 3-4 sets

Pull-ups and hanging from a belt or rope– the principle is the same as in the first exercise, only the effect is much better. The main thing is not to make loops around the wrist - remember that you are strengthening your grip first, but doing pull-ups at the same time.

Rope climbing with cornercomplex exercise, which will strengthen not only your grip, but also load your abs along with latissimus muscles backs. Climb until your hands can hardly be clenched into a fist, and since this exercise is new, this effect will not take long to appear.

Rope climbing will not only strengthen your grip, but also load your abs along with your latissimus dorsi muscles.

Climbing on the monkey bars is also a great and simple method to strengthen your grip. The exercise must be performed until complete failure. This means that when you can no longer progress through the pipes, dismount, rest and start again. The point is to load your arms to such an extent that even the first “step” is difficult for you.

Hanging on the bar- the simplest and most common exercise that is familiar to many from school physical education lessons. You need to perform it all the way, continue to hang on your fingers and fight for every second, because this is what will determine the power of squeezing your hand in the future. Once you can hang without much difficulty for 5-10 minutes, you can add weights to continue progressing.

Squeezing the expander- Same familiar exercise, which is best combined with any other. The main advantage of working with an expander is the ability to pump up the relief or, conversely, load the forearms.

When squeezing the expander, you load your forearms


Proper combination of the above exercises will help you realize your dream and develop powerful forearms. In addition, it would be useful to add a barbell or dumbbells here, as well as combine with them various methods of strengthening the grip. It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve it right away good performance, but remember that the body is not built in one day. Try it, and soon you will be able to turn your hands into a steel vice.

The strength of the hands, and in particular the fingers, is very important in any strength sports. Finger strength and forearm muscle strength together determine grip strength. A good and powerful grip is needed not only in sports, but also in life. In any fight without good grip not enough. For example, you can simply grab him by the collar and press him against the wall, so that your opponent won’t break free and won’t be able to do anything to you. You can grab your throat with a strong hand, and in general any other area of ​​the body. In any case, if you have a strong grip, then it will not be pleasant. And again, you can grab your hair, grab your ears, and so on.

How to strengthen your fingers

First of all, let's look at exercises to strengthen your fingers. I hope you find them useful in your training. As for push-ups, it doesn’t matter exactly how your fingers are positioned - they are bent or “raked”, the effect does not change.

Of course, the first exercise worth mentioning is on the fingers. If you haven't been very active in sports, you won't be able to do this exercise very well, if at all. To begin with, we rest on our knees, not on our toes, try to stand on our toes as long as possible and then do push-ups from our knees. When your fingers become stronger, you can move on to push-ups on your fingers in a full lying position.

Fingerstand. You don’t have to do push-ups, but just stand on your toes. First stand with emphasis on your knees, then move on to the emphasis while lying down. You need to stand as long as possible. When with own weight It will be simple, you can throw a backpack on your back.

Training with expanders and rubber balls is a well-known option for strengthening fingers and grip strength. For training, you can use soft balls that need to be squeezed in your hand, as well as expanders of any type. Hand expanders mainly divided into rubber donuts and spring expanders, which are similar to small boilers.

Training with an elastic band. Here we need ordinary stationery erasers. We take 5-10 pieces and carefully connect them in 4-5 places with pieces of the same elastic band. We gather our fingers into a bun and put the collected rubber bands on them. Then we simply stretch the rubber, spreading our fingers.

How to increase your grip strength

Grip strength directly depends on the strength of your fingers, and, of course, the strength of your forearms.

Hanging on the horizontal bar. Ordinary hanging on a horizontal bar perfectly develops grip strength. The grip should be closed, and you need to hang for as long as possible until the muscles fail. While hanging, you can change your grips.

Workouts with kettlebells. Kettlebells are a wonderful tool that develops the whole body, and in particular grip strength. A month of intense kettlebell training and you can strangle a bear with your bare hands. I probably exaggerated a little, but it is a fact that the grip will become much stronger.

Twisting a towel. Take a dry towel and twist it like a wet one.

Rope climbing. It is too great exercise not only for grip, but also for arms and back. With a little rope climbing, you can “kill” several birds with one stone.

Greetings to all lovers healthy image life and sports!

Conducting for each athlete free time in the gym, you need to have a muscular body, sculpted torso. All this is achieved with the help of heavy projectiles and large weights. The result of the progression depends proportionally on the strength. We perform most pull-ups, lifts, and push-ups with our hands; developed hand strength is an important component. Today we will study grip strength training. Let's consider the theoretical and practical aspect of training hands and fingers in forcefully sports - bodybuilding.

Strengthening your hand grip

Many may question the importance of grip strengthening for bodybuilders. After all, grip strength training is needed primarily for fighters performing in, on the tatami, in. And when you lift the barbell, the dumbbells grow muscle mass and at the same time endurance develops in the pre-shoulder area of ​​the arm. Yes, but not all exercises are training programs aimed at strengthening your hand grip. You need to give strength to your hands special training grip strength.

So what does a well-developed grip strength training program look like? Let's consider the theoretical side.

Exercises to strengthen your grip develop:

  • High degree of compression. You can clearly see this when shaking hands. A person with a strong handshake has strong fingers, the training is obvious.
  • Ability to hold a load for a long time with hands and fingers. had strong fingers, in the circus arenas they demonstrated such techniques with weights and heavy balls that indicate regular grip strength training.
  • Pinch force. Here we are talking about a strong thumb. The strength of the thumb indicates the strength of the entire limb.
  • Powerful brush. A trained hand can easily hold an object in a vertical position while suspended.

The above components together will give you strong arm strength when working with free weights and weights. Now let’s look at each point separately and see what objects can be used to train grip strength for an athlete or a beginner. gym. But before starting any workout, you need to warm up. In our case, clenching and unclenching fingers into a fist. Rotational movements of the hands.

Hand and finger training for beginners

Training the fingers by increasing the force of compression.

Hand expanders and rubber rings are suitable for strengthening. Daily back-and-forth movements with the expander will improve the strength of your fingers and hands. A tennis ball works great. Squeeze it either completely with all phalanges, or separately, for example, with your thumb and forefinger. In the future, try holding the expander or ball in a static position for a few seconds. Great workout grip strength.

Load holding force.

Without is good developed strength holding, it will be difficult to develop the endurance of the arm as a whole. To do this, use thick barbells during training. The neck will come in handy. By training with a large bar, an athlete will increase his grip strength by 100 percent. There is no axle from the lining; purchase a handy neck extender for a standard barbell at a sports store. If you don’t want to bother, I suggest you take a weight plate in each hand in the exercise machine and walk yourself from one wall to the other. This is a "farmer's walk". The longer the walks, the stronger the grip will become. Don’t grab heavy plates or dumbbells the first time – develop gradually.

Plucking force.

Training the hands, or rather the fingers, promotes progress by increasing the weight of the weights. An elementary exercise for finger endurance is the process of holding a barbell disc with your fingers. To begin, take five-kilogram disks. If you have strong fingers and the disk is in supine position has a protrusion; grab it with your finger and try to hold it suspended.

At home, you can train your grip strength by doing push-ups from the floor on your fingers. An affordable option for beginners is to take a few pharmaceutical or bank rubber bands (ten pieces) and place them on your fingers. Start moving your fingers to the sides so that the equipment does not fly off. For the more experienced, I suggest strengthening your fingers with door pull-ups.

On the horizontal bar using a monkey grip. Hanging on the crossbar, remove thumb hands. Hang on the phalanges of four fingers for some time.

A homemade version of grip strength training. Tie the end of the rope to the tube, and fasten the other to a dumbbell or weight plate. Rotational movements lift the load by wrapping it around the pipe.

There are also special items for developing finger strength. The latter are shown in the photo.

Powerful hand.

Strengthening the hand grip depends on the strength of holding objects with the hand. To train hand endurance in general, there are the following types of exercises and objects. Pull-up on the horizontal bar. Well, I don’t think there’s any need to explain the pull-up technique, but pay attention to what methods of pull-ups exist. Any exercises with weights will strengthen your arm.

At home, we wring out the washed towel with our hands. Simple but tasteful training of hands and fingers. Focus on rope climbing once a week.

If you have extra money, buy a special exercise machine to strengthen your hand. Powerball is a sports ball based on the gyroscope principle. If you want to hold the ball in your hand more tightly, it wants to escape from your embrace. Sotsky simulator (buffalo). Trains fingers, hand, forearm.

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