Arm training for mass. Arm muscle training: super killer program Arm training set of exercises

And now we come to the final part of the trilogy of articles on how to pump up your arms. Today we will discuss a training program for the arms. But first it should be noted that if you have not read the two previous articles - “” and “”, then be sure to read this material. Because the training program will be compiled according to the principles and nuances that were described in the first articles of the trilogy.

Arm training program according to the “OPTION 1” scheme:

Day 1: Hard training.

Warm-up: 1x10, working: 5x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 3 seconds, rise for 1 second.
Rest between sets: 1 minute.

Tempo: lower the projectile for 3 seconds, rise for 1 second.
Rest between sets: 1 minute.

Warm-up: no, working: 4x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 3 seconds, rise for 1 second.
Rest between sets: 1 minute.

General recommendations: do not perform all sets of exercises to failure, i.e. select a working weight with which you can do one or two more repetitions. Your the approach should last around 20 seconds, no more. Try to mentally contract the muscle group being trained as much as possible, and also avoid acidification with lactic acid. If you feel that there are too many approaches to an exercise (your muscles are already very acidic and exhausted after training), then reduce their number. Or, on the contrary, if you already experienced athlete and you’ve been training in the gym for more than a year, you can add the number of approaches or exercises. Always do the first exercises in which you best feel the muscle group being trained. The main guideline: after training, the muscles should hurt (namely, hurt like, for example, a bruise on the body), and not be exhausted from lack of energy, because. Our goal is not to deplete glycogen stores (we are not training endurance), but to impact the muscles as much as possible by contracting them as much as possible.

Day 5: Hands. Easy workout.

-Barbell press in the Smith machine narrow grip:

-Lifting dumbbells for biceps, sitting on a bench at an angle of 45 degrees:
Warm-up: no, working: 2x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 1.5 minutes.

-Extension at the block with a supinated grip:
Warm-up: no, working: 2x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 1.5 minutes.

- Lifting the barbell on a Scott bench with a pronated grip:
Warm-up: no, working: 2x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 1.5 minutes.

General recommendations: In light training, we keep the same exercises and number of repetitions, but reduce the number of approaches. During a light workout, we do not mentally contract the muscles, and we also take a very tiny weight (2 kg dumbbells, for example). The goal is to warm up and maintain muscle tone. There is no warm-up, because... in fact, the entire workout is a warm-up. After easy workout you should not feel any fatigue in your hands at all.

Day 9: Hands. Easy workout.

- Barbell press in a Smith machine with a narrow grip:
Warm-up: no, working: 2x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 1.5 minutes.

-Lifting dumbbells for biceps, sitting on a bench at an angle of 45 degrees:
Warm-up: no, working: 2x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 1.5 minutes.

-Extension at the block with a supinated grip:
Warm-up: no, working: 2x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 1.5 minutes.

- Lifting the barbell on a Scott bench with a pronated grip:
Warm-up: no, working: 2x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 1.5 minutes.

Day 12: Hands. Hard training.

- Barbell press in a Smith machine with a narrow grip:
Warm-up: 1x10, working: 5x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 3 seconds, rise for 1 second.
Rest between sets: 1 minute.

-Lifting dumbbells for biceps, sitting on a bench at an angle of 45 degrees:
Warm-up: 1x10, working: 5x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 3 seconds, rise for 1 second.
Rest between sets: 1 minute.

-Extension at the block with a supinated grip:
Warm-up: no, working: 4x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 3 seconds, rise for 1 second.
Rest between sets: 1 minute.

- Lifting the barbell on a Scott bench with a pronated grip:
Warm-up: no, working: 4x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 3 seconds, rise for 1 second.
Rest between sets: 1 minute.

General recommendations: After sufficient recovery (day 12 is taken in this program), we carry out a new hard workout. All recommendations are the same as for the first hard workout. The only thing I will add is that if you feel that you have not fully recovered, then add a couple more days of rest, this is especially important before a new hard workout. The main thing is, don’t be afraid to add rest days between workouts - this will only benefit you.

Once every two months (60 days), give your arms a complete rest from training - do not train them for 10 days (do not even do light training). This is a very important point.

Now we move on to the next training program. From “OPTION 2” we will take the 2nd training scheme (out of 3), because in my opinion, it is the most optimal, and most importantly, it has been tested from my own experience. Again, if you haven’t yet read the second part of the trilogy: “” and don’t understand what we’re talking about, then be sure to read this material.

Arm training program according to the “OPTION 2” scheme:

Day 1: Back + Triceps. Hard training.

- Barbell press in a Smith machine with a narrow grip:

Tempo: lower the projectile for 3 seconds, rise for 1 second.
Rest between sets: 1 minute.

-Extension at the block with a supinated grip:
Warm-up: no, working: 4x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 3 seconds, rise for 1 second.
Rest between sets: 1 minute.

Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.

-One-arm dumbbell row:

Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 1-1.5 minutes.

Day 4: Chest + Biceps. Hard training.

-Lifting dumbbells for biceps, sitting on a bench at an angle of 45 degrees:
Warm-up: 1x10, working: 4x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 3 seconds, rise for 1 second.
Rest between sets: 1 minute.

- Lifting the barbell on a Scott bench with a pronated grip:
Warm-up: no, working: 4x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 3 seconds, rise for 1 second.
Rest between sets: 1 minute.

Warm-up: 1x10, working: 6x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 1-1.5 minutes.

-Dumbbell fly lying on a bench at an angle of 30 degrees:
Warm-up: no, working: 6x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 1-1.5 minutes.

Day 7: Legs + Shoulders. Hard workout.

-Lying leg curl:

Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.

- Seated leg extension:
Warm-up: 2x15, working: 3x10-12.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 2-3 minutes.

-Press up in the Smith machine:

Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 1-1.5 minutes.

-Swing dumbbells to the sides:
Warm-up: 1x10, working: 5x10-12.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 1-1.5 minutes.

General recommendations: In this workout we increased the number of reps and decreased the number of sets to train the shoulders and legs, because, in my experience, the delts grow better with more reps. In addition, they are quite difficult to feel, therefore, when doing an exercise in a multi-repetition style, we feel the fullness of the muscles due to the flow of blood, which ultimately, over time, will improve innervation and help develop muscle feeling. However, you can experiment and do approaches for deltas using the same program as for arms. But with exercises (extension and flexion in simulators) for the legs you should not do this, namely, go below 8 repetitions, because this may cause injury. This can only be done with squats, but we do not include them in the program, because... The main goal is the development of arm muscles. Squats take a lot of resources from the body, which can ultimately negatively affect the growth of arm muscles if you do not recover enough. But, again, you can include squats in your program at your discretion.

Day 10: Light training for everyone muscle groups except for the legs and shoulders.

- Barbell press in a Smith machine with a narrow grip:
Warm-up: no, working: 2x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 1.5 minutes.

-Lifting dumbbells for biceps, sitting on a bench at an angle of 45 degrees:
Warm-up: no, working: 2x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 1.5 minutes.

-Traction vertical block to the chin:
Warm-up: no, working: 2x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.

-Dumbbell press lying on a bench at an angle of 30 degrees:
Warm-up: no, working: 2x4-6.
Tempo: lower the projectile for 2 seconds, rise for 2 seconds.
Rest between sets: 2 minutes.

Basic recommendations: In light training, we keep the same exercises and number of repetitions, but reduce the number of approaches. During a light workout, we do not mentally contract the muscles, and also take a light weight (2 kg dumbbells, for example). The goal is to warm up and maintain muscle tone. There is no warm-up, because... in fact, the entire workout is a warm-up. After a light workout, you should not feel any muscle fatigue at all.

This completes the training cycle and from the 14th day you begin this cycle again. Once every two months (60 days), give your body a rest - do not exercise for 10-14 days (do not even do light workouts). I also want to note that these training programs are designed specifically for the development of arm muscles in the first place, and not the whole body as a whole.

Also don't forget that proper nutrition– that’s 70% success! Therefore, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the material: “”.

This concludes the trilogy of articles on how to pump up your arms. We hope that we have fully covered this issue. If you still have questions, or you need to adjust your training program, write in the comments.

Sincerely, Vlad Fomenko and Dima Marchenko

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Is the T-shirt sleeve hanging loosely around your shoulder? Use expert advice on your arm days and pump up your biceps and triceps!

If you are guided by the rule “the less you know, the better you sleep” when training your arms, you are most likely not interested in learning something new and finding a way to pump up your biceps and triceps even more. You can walk around the gym with 35-centimeter cans, not realizing that armed with a minimum of knowledge and a little effort, you could pump up your biceps to 40-43 centimeters, or even to larger sizes!

If this prospect seems tempting to you, it's time to forget about old habits and hit the books. First, check out the nine most underrated biceps and triceps training tips. You'll find that when building quality muscle is on the line, knowledge is just as important as hard work. So, let's go!

1. Set aside a separate day for arm training.

One of the most popular approaches to organizing training split is to combine large and small muscle groups on deadlift and press days. As a result, triceps are often trained with the chest muscles, and biceps with the back day. This approach brings results to many bodybuilders, but over time people begin to notice that the second muscle group - the arms in each example - does not get the same training load, like the first one.

The problem is solved by highlighting the hands special training. Without heavy lifting or pulling exercises that will drain you early, you'll be able to approach your workout with full tanks, which will help you perform at your best. Because you can lift more weight, your muscles will be stimulated to grow.

2. Start with the maximum weight

I stress this a lot, but it's really important: start your arm training with exercises where you can lift your maximum weight. There is no need to immediately start doing or after warming up. You can give your muscles double or even triple the load in the simulator for or in.

If we are talking about biceps, it is foolish to start with or, when you can give the muscles a much greater load in or. The first exercise you do on arm day will have the biggest impact on your overall results, so think carefully about where you want to start your workout.

Once you have found correct exercise to start training your arms, don’t miss your chance due to too much light weight. If you're building mass, don't be afraid to work with weights that stop you after 6-8 reps. This way you will get more incentive to increase strength and mass than if you rely on a light weight for multi-repetition training with a pumping effect.

3. Train your biceps by thinking about "angles"

Elbows-at-the-sides, shoulder-width grip - this should be your starting position for biceps curls. But, as is the case with basic bench press lying down and, it makes sense to study various options, which can spur the development of arm muscles.

When the arms are in front of the torso plane, such as in Scott curls, the long head of the biceps cannot fully extend and the emphasis shifts to short head. By analogy, when the hands are behind the plane of the body, as in lifting dumbbells while sitting on incline bench, the long head is fully stretched and can contract more, making it the prime target of the movement.

To shift the emphasis, you can change the position of your hands while lifting the barbell. The long head of the biceps is located outside the short one, therefore, with a narrower grip on the barbell (relative to shoulder width), you work it more effectively. And vice versa, using more wide grip, you focus primarily on the short head.

4. To pump the long head of the triceps, raise your arms above your head

For every body part, there are one or two tricks you need to master to pump your muscles in an advanced style. One of the main tricks to developing horseshoe triceps is moving the training to the overhead plane. The fact is that the fleshy long head is attached above the shoulder joint, which means that it is fully stretched only when we raise our arms above our heads. Remember that a muscle contracts with maximum effort only after full stretching. Therefore, when the elbows are located on the sides of the body, the outer head of the triceps takes on the lion's share of the load.

Any triceps exercise that places your arms above your head will change the alignment. and, or extension of the arms above the head on the block transfers the load to long head. A similar trick can be performed in some simulators. It is worth noting that if the arms are positioned perpendicular to the body, for example, in, the long head is already stretched to some extent. But as soon as you raise your arms above your head, for example, during the same exercise on, you get even greater activation of the long head of the triceps.

5. Use different grips for maximum height.

At underhand grip Biceps curls come down to simply lifting a projectile by contracting the muscles. Of course, this is a great way to build muscle, but it’s far from the only one. The fact is that the arm flexors consist not only of the biceps brachii, that is, the biceps muscle. Underneath lies brachialis muscle, pumping which will significantly increase the total volume of the hand.

To train the brachial muscle, you need to perform it with your hands in the so-called neutral position and your palms facing each other. Hammer grip curls can be performed with dumbbells or on a lower pulley with a cable handle.

The brachioradialis muscle, which forms the volume of the upper part of the forearm on the side thumb, is also involved in bending with a hammer grip. You can also work it out by doing barbell curls with a reverse grip.

6. Don't swing your elbows

It seems there is nothing easier than straightening your arms in elbow joints in triceps exercises. However, on your way you may come across a small obstacle in the form of your elbows moving to the sides. In any exercise, from the French bench press or standing press and extensions to upper block before and close-grip bench press, keep your elbows close to your torso to maximally target your triceps.

This is easier said than done - especially for big guys - because the elbows naturally move out to the sides. With this movement of the elbows, the muscles of the chest and shoulder are involved, and this reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. To increase triceps isolation, keep your elbows close to your torso.

7. When doing bicep curls, don’t lift the weight too high.

By far the most common mistake in biceps exercises is wanting to lift the bar as high as possible in an attempt to go through the maximum range of motion. I'm all for full range of motion training, but in this case you don't need to lift the bar too high. Most often, the front deltoids are included in this movement.

Let me explain. With your elbows close to your sides, bending your arms can lift the barbell to approximately shoulder height. But years of bad habits leave their mark, and for many bodybuilders, moving their elbows forward in an effort to lift the projectile even higher becomes second nature.

As the elbows move forward, the single-joint movement becomes a multi-joint movement involving the front delts. This not only connects another muscle group, but also creates a comfortable rest area for the biceps in the upper phase of the movement. The hands are located directly above the elbows, which means that the load on the biceps is sharply reduced.

For better isolation, stay true to the single-joint nature of biceps exercises. Remember that your elbows tend to move forward as you lift the barbell. Keep them pressed to your sides throughout the entire movement.

8. Don't focus on pumping

There is a persistent and popular belief that to succeed on arm days you need (insert one of the adjectives: killer, monstrous, incredible) muscle. The problem is that for a pump, high-repetition training is more suitable, in which blood fills the target muscle and stretches the muscle fascia by increasing volume.

Yes, this is one of the mechanisms muscle growth, known as sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. However, I believe that it is better to save the pump for the final stage of training, when the heavy exercises are over.

Heavy weight training activates myofibrillar hypertrophy, where actual structural damage occurs muscle fibers. The relatively light weight fills the cells with fluid, but does not necessarily lead to deep disruption of the cellular structure.

The question arises: why not use both options? This is possible if you work with heavy weights at the beginning of the training session, and use the pumping effect at the end. The main rule: save the killer pump for the end of the workout.

9. Train your arms more often

Large muscle masses, such as the legs, require grueling workouts, after which you have to recover for several days, so one session per week is enough. With small muscle groups, everything is a little different, and therefore many athletes train the muscles of the lower leg and abdominals up to three times a week. As for the biceps and triceps, they represent the golden mean of muscle groups and are somewhere between the first and second.

If you have the energy, time and desire, adding a second round of arm training to the end of your weekly split is easy, provided your split is planned correctly. Here's a chart I used a few years ago (does not include abs or calves).

  • Day 1: Chest and triceps
  • Day 2: Back and biceps
  • Day 3: Shoulders
  • Day 4: Legs
  • Day 5: Biceps and triceps
  • Day 6-7: Rest

If you're going to train your arms twice a week, I recommend adding variety and making your workouts completely different in terms of exercise selection and approach. Let one be heavier than the other, with an emphasis on working on weak points and increasing the number of unilateral (one-handed) exercises. Try it various techniques increasing intensity, for example (training with blood flow restriction) and training with an emphasis on the eccentric phase ().

Is there a better exercise for the arms? If you ask gym goers, the answers will be different. Exercises that cause muscle growth for one person may be completely useless for another. (This is another reason why we must constantly change the training program, the sequence of exercises, the number of repetitions and the rest time in order to create stress on the muscles for active muscle building.)

Arm exercises in the gym and at home

We offer a list best exercises in your arms. The exercises presented are the most effective for training your arms.

If you want to pump up big hands, then remember that the volume of the biceps in the total volume of the arm is only 1/3. Another 2/3 of the arm size is contributed by the triceps. That is, you need to use movements that effectively load the biceps and triceps.

Another important nuance is that the body will not endlessly build muscle in one place if there is no growth in others. That is, you will never pump up huge hands if you have Thin legs and a weak back. Therefore, we included in this list movements that will indirectly load the arms and pump up other muscle groups.

Standing standard barbell curls are great for adding meat to your arms. Why? Barbell curls are a heavy basic exercise that loads the entire length of the biceps, stretches it well, which gives it a stimulus for growth.

For the exercise to be effective, it is necessary to follow the movement technique, smoothly lower your arms with the barbell down until the muscle is fully stretched and contract the biceps in one explosive movement without jerking. To recruit more fibers into the work, you need to tense the muscle at the beginning of the exercise and keep it tense throughout the entire approach. And also shorten (even squeeze) the biceps as much as possible at the top point of the amplitude.

If the muscles no longer respond to this exercise (volume and strength do not increase), you can change the grip width of the barbell to surprise the muscles.

Dumbbell concentrated bicep curls are a great exercise to add extra stress to your muscles after doing barbell lifts. It allows you to pump the biceps in isolation and pump additional blood into it for better growth. Do the movement smoothly with maximum stretch at the bottom of the range and peak contraction at the top of the range.

#3 Standing Dumbbell Curls

The next exercise for training your arms is curling your arms with dumbbells. It also allows you to pump your biceps in isolation. Start with a small warm-up weight of 5 kg for each arm. You can do it both together and alternately. It’s better to stick to a rep range of 10-12 for each arm in 3-4 sets. This exercise will help increase the size of your biceps and forearms.

#4 Lifting dumbbells for biceps with emphasis on an inclined bench

This exercise is aimed at more than just biceps training. It allows you to additionally use the brachialis (shoulder muscle), which is located under the biceps and, as it were, pushes it outward, which allows you to add additional volume to the arm.

Lie face down on a bench at a 45° angle and hold dumbbells or a barbell in your hands. Without moving your shoulders forward/backward, contract your biceps powerfully and lift the dumbbells up. Hold the muscle contraction for 1 second and then return to starting position, maximum stretching of the muscles. With this exercise you will feel a burning sensation in your muscles.

#5 Incline Dumbbell Curl

This version of the arm curl with dumbbells is good because it allows you to switch off from the movement accessory muscles and load the biceps as much as possible.

Set your bench to a 60º incline. Take dumbbells with an overhand grip and alternately bend your arms to chest level. When lifting the dumbbells up, twist the dumbbells by turning your hands inward. This will allow you to make a peak contraction at the highest point of the amplitude. Keep your elbows close to your body as you perform the movement. This exercise will perfectly load the long head of the biceps brachii muscle (biceps).

#6 Dips for triceps

Triceps push-ups are a great exercise for increasing arm size that don't require any special equipment. It can be done anywhere, but it is not as easy as it seems. With each repetition, you lift your weight and hold it entirely through the strength of your arms. This allows you to create training stress and stimulate muscle growth.

You can also perform this exercise with additional weight.

#7 French bench press

French press Lying down with a barbell allows you to maximally stretch all 3 heads of the triceps and pump it up efficiently. You need to start with small weights and gradually increase the load so as not to get injured. You can perform it with a straight bar or use an EZ barbell, which allows you to lighten the load on your hands. The movement must be performed smoothly and under control, lowering the barbell to the forehead or even behind the head, to maximize the stretch of the triceps.

Focus on the muscle at the bottom of the range of motion and pause for a second, then slowly contract your triceps while straightening your arms. This will maximize the load on the triceps and make it grow.

Another tip: keep your arms at a 45-degree angle to the floor; this will help the muscles stretch better and remain under more tension during each repetition.

#8 Seated dumbbell bench press for triceps

Another great exercise for working your triceps is the seated dumbbell overhead press. Hold the dumbbell with both hands, palms up. Keeping your shoulders still, bend your elbows and slowly lower the weight behind your head until your forearms are below parallel. Keep your elbows as close to your head as possible. In this exercise you need to achieve a burning sensation in the triceps.

Lie down on a bench and hold dumbbells directly above your pecs. Your palms should be facing inward. Without moving your shoulders forward or back, bend your elbows and slowly lower the dumbbells down toward your head. Stop when your forearms are below parallel, contracting your triceps and lifting the dumbbells to the starting position.

#10 Biceps Pull-Ups

Pull-ups are an excellent basic biceps exercise (two joints work) that allow you to get a good workout. biceps muscle shoulder using body weight. Most guys don't understand that The best way actually increase your hand size and become stronger can be used simple exercises and your body weight.

Push-ups allow us to engage our triceps, and will also allow us to pump up our pectoral muscles and deltoids. But if you want to focus on the triceps, use the so-called diamond push-ups (palms rest on the floor next to each other, forming a diamond).

Diamond push-ups is great exercise to pump up the triceps muscles. Keeping your palms close together - like a diamond shape - will put maximum stress on your triceps.

Once again, being able to raise your own weight body you will load the triceps very effectively to start building muscle mass and increase strength. If you're just starting to work on increasing your arm size, this is also the best way to avoid injury and increase your endurance.

A few more exercises for arms and other muscles

#12 One-arm dumbbell row to the waist

To perform this exercise, place your left knee and left hand and secure them firmly on horizontal bench. Yours left hand should serve as support for your body. Squeeze the dumbbell and slowly lift it up, tensing your biceps, back muscles and rear delts, lift the dumbbells up until they are higher than your torso; then slowly lower the dumbbells until the muscles are fully stretched. You should feel a burning sensation in your back, triceps, biceps and forearms when performing this exercise.

#13 Bent-over barbell row

Hold the barbell at the front of your body with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, keep the barbell close to your feet, straighten your back, and lower your torso down to a 60-degree angle. Next, using your back and biceps muscles, pull the barbell up toward your stomach. Hold for 1 second and return to the starting position. The exercises will work your biceps and back.

Take two dumbbells, palms facing you, and pull them toward your chin using your biceps and shoulders. This exercise will work your biceps, forearms, shoulders, and chest well. It is one of the most effective for building training muscle mass your arms and upper shoulder girdle.

Publication date: 2015-07-15

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The arms are the most visible part of the body, and big, pumped-up arms make everything look appearance masculinity. A carefully designed program, designed for 6 weeks, will allow you to break through the plateau in muscle growth and give them volume. By the end of the workout, everyone can count on an additional three centimeters of volume, and sometimes even more.

This 6 weekly program on pumping up the arms was created according to a progression scheme, where the frequency of training changes by week. The load volume is not stable and fluctuates throughout the weeks of training. Initially, there is only 1 workout per week, in the second week you will need 2 workouts, and in weeks 3-5 you will need to pump your arms 3 times. The last sixth week provides only 1 arm workout. Believe me, this method works and shows excellent results.

The first workout is designed to cause the destruction of the triceps and biceps, and will give an impetus to growth muscle tissue. This effect is exerted by a certain set of exercises on the hands. The load on your arms will be so high that you then need to rest for a week, restoring damaged muscle tissue.

In the second week, the weight needs to be reduced, but at the same time increasing the number of approaches. The second week does not include exercises that provoke muscle growth. While recovery continues from the load received in the first week and preparation for intensive work over the next three weeks.

As already mentioned, the third, fourth and fifth weeks provide 3 arm workouts in 7 days. Many people will think that this is too much and the result may be overtraining. Of course, these doubts are completely justified, but don't worry - it will take more weeks to overtrain. Of course, it is assumed that during 3-5 weeks you will get enough rest - sleep at least 8 hours a day and try not to do heavy physical work.

Do not forget that the risk of overtraining in an athlete who consumes sufficient amounts of carbohydrates, protein and calories is very small.

The whole trick of this program is overvoltage. There are studies that were conducted in Connecticut, where it was proven that 2 weeks of muscle overexertion provokes their increased growth. At the same time, a person training in this mode is able to withstand extreme loads. But the main thing is to avoid excessive overexertion in a timely manner, otherwise it actually causes overtraining.

Attention! This program training is partially compiled! Only exercises on arm training days are indicated. To work properly with this program, you must independently complete the days of training for other muscles on the days specified in the program.

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