Sports drink for girls: what and when to drink. Nutrition for athletic girls: becoming beautiful and healthy! Proper sports nutrition for women. All sports supplements contain synthetic ingredients

For modern girls and women, their appearance is very important, so many visit fitness centers to make their body fit and beautiful.

However, not all of them know that in order to achieve their goals (lose weight, gain muscle mass) It is important not only to train, but also to eat right.

In this case, we are not talking about a strict diet, but about a proper, balanced, varied diet.

After active training the body loses a large number of useful substances. To compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, and to saturate the body with important nutrients, it is recommended to take.

Special supplements will help you get toned body and good health. True, women need to choose the right sports nutrition.

Features of the metabolism of the female body

When choosing sports supplements, you should take into account the characteristics of the female body. Girls have less muscle than men, more fat reserves, and metabolism is slower.

Metabolic rate depends on the balance of hormones. Testosterone is the main male hormone that destroys fat reserves, increases strength, and accelerates muscle growth.

Estrogen is a female hormone, under the influence of which fat accumulates and fluid is retained.

Due to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, girls experience mood swings, decreased physical activity, and increased appetite. And pain during your period can interfere with your workouts.

Be sure to check out:

What are the specifics of sports nutrition for girls?

Types of funds

Girls need the following types of sports nutrition:

  1. Protein mixtures protect muscles from destruction.
  2. Amino acids increase endurance and prevent catabolism (muscle breakdown).
  3. L-carnitine is a mild fat burner.
  4. Glutamine energizes, improves mood, strengthens the immune system.

This is interesting! Casein, whey and egg proteins are suitable for girls.

Most often, women do not need pre-workouts, fat burners, gainers, or creatine. These supplements provoke an increase in adipose tissue, and fat burners in most cases provoke hormonal imbalance.

Amino acids/BCAA

These are proteins broken down into amino acids. They accelerate muscle growth, promote fat burning, and charge you with energy. You need to take supplements before, during, and after training.

BCAA is a healthy and safe product for girls. This is a supplement based on leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which are part of the muscles.

Free amino acids are presented as a separate supplement: arginine, glutamine, glycine, etc. They have great importance in building muscle tissue.

Vitamins and minerals

Everyone needs nutrients, especially women who actively engage in sports. This is due to the fact that during exercise the athlete loses a lot of vitamins and minerals.

  1. Multivitamins. 1 capsule contains a daily dose of nutrients.
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids. They normalize hormonal levels, neutralize free radicals, accelerate fat burning, reduce appetite, etc.
  3. Minerals: magnesium, calcium, chromium, etc.


These supplements are used to increase muscle mass and restore the body after exercise. They improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

Dairy proteins include whey protein and casein. The first one is absorbed faster than the second one.

Egg white is considered the best product from this group; it is the easiest to digest and contains many amino acids.

Plant-based proteins are more suitable for athletes with lactose intolerance and vegetarians. This group includes soy and pea mixture.


Nitric oxide donors, or pampilki, help women recover faster after grueling training. They expand the lumen of blood vessels, accelerating the absorption of nutrients. Nitrogen is often included in pre-workout supplements and other sports mixtures.

Pampilki increase endurance, speed up metabolism, fat burning, and strengthen the immune system. In addition, they improve mood and make a woman more active.

Pre-workout supplements

Pre-workouts increase vigor, energy potential, strength, and endurance. Many supplements from this group contain caffeine and other components (not always beneficial).

The effect of pre-workout complexes is different:

  1. Some stimulate nervous system, helping to cope with stress more easily.
  2. Others provoke the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which give a feeling of vigor.
  3. Still others slow down the production of lactic acid, which causes muscle fatigue.

Carefully! Do not take pre-workouts with fat burners.

How to choose the right supplements and vitamins for sports and fitness

Professional trainers, as well as sports nutritionists, highlight the following sports supplements that are suitable for women:

  1. Protein mixtures protect muscles from destruction. Girls should pay attention to hydrolysates, which contain about 99% of this nutrient. Isolate and concentrate have less protein.
  2. BCAA amino acids increase endurance and protect muscles from destruction.
  3. L-carnitine accelerates the delivery of fat cells to the site of their “burning”.
  4. Glutamine provides energy and increases the body's defenses.

Suitable multivitamins contain element C, A, E, group B, potassium, chromium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, selenium, etc.

Important! Before choosing a vitamin-mineral complex, you should consult your doctor.

If you need to build muscle mass

To increase muscle mass, it is recommended to use proteins, amino acids, and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Protein mixtures provide an increase in lean muscle mass. The whey and egg supplements contain a complex of amino acids and are easily digestible. The purest and most effective product for girls is protein hydrolyzate.

BCAAs are immediately supplied to muscle tissue, accelerate weight gain, slow down the onset of fatigue during training. They are taken before, during, and after classes.

The vitamin-mineral complex will speed up the process of muscle growth, saturate the body with useful substances, and strengthen the immune system.

To burn fat

Women who want to get rid of excess weight, you need to take mixtures that use fat as an additional source of energy. For this purpose, it is recommended to consume proteins, BCAAs, vitamin and mineral complexes, and L-carnitine.

Protein is used to saturate the body with proteins, so it can be consumed instead of one meal. BCAA enhances the effect of the protein mixture, as well as L-carnitine.

To increase endurance

To charge the body with energy, you can take gainers, protein-carbohydrate mixtures. They are used to close the “protein-carbohydrate window”. However, such supplements are only suitable for thin girls.

Athletes with a medium to full build can opt for creatine, amino acids, and glutamine.

Important! Creatine retains fluid, so it will be difficult to get the desired relief.

Micronutrients, Omega fats have a beneficial effect on the body (especially cardiovascular system), increase the overall endurance of the body, making it more resistant to infections.

Age and sports nutrition

To reduce weight for girls under 20 years old, you need to take Whey Protein, L-carnitine, BCAA, multivitamins, Omega fatty acids. The same complex is suitable for athletes 20-39 years old, only it can be supplemented with linoleic acid and pre-workout supplements. For women over 40 years of age, the above supplements are supplemented with mixtures for joints and ligaments.

To increase muscle mass for girls under 20 years old, it is recommended to consume protein mixtures, BCAAs, casein, multivitamin complexes, and fatty acids.

From 20 to 39 years old, the set is the same; you can supplement it with gainers if you are not overweight. Women over 40 years old, in addition to proteins, amino acids, vitamins, need to take supplements for joints and ligaments (Glucosamine, Chondroitin).

Pros and cons from the pros

The topic of sports supplements is quite complex and controversial. Only experts who have experienced them on themselves or their clients will help you figure this out. Therefore, before purchasing supplements, you should familiarize yourself with the opinions of professionals about women’s sports nutrition.

Opinion of Elizaveta Mukminova

The fitness bikini champion advises taking BCAAs with glutamine during intense training, which increase muscle tone. Linoleic acid is needed by a woman’s body; it releases energy from adipose tissue. Vitamins will improve the condition of hair and skin. And glucosamine will protect joints and ligaments from injury.

Dmitry Smirnov about women's sports nutrition

The European champion in powerlifting believes that it is better for girls to take L-carnitine to lose weight. But for the supplement to start working, you need to train hard and create a carbohydrate deficiency in the body. Otherwise the product will be ineffective.

Elena Danilova

The two-time triathlon champion advises taking L-carnitine, vitamin-mineral complexes, and Omega-3 fatty acids to lose weight. You can dilute the diet. Although girls should remember that the decision to choose any supplement is made by a doctor or sports nutritionist.

Useful video

Find out from the video which ones exist sports nutrition for women and girls.

Main conclusions

As you can see, the female body is less adapted to physical activity. However, if you have a goal and a clear program, you can achieve good results.

The safest and most effective sports mixtures for women are whey, egg protein, BCAA, L-carnitine, multivitamins, Omega fatty acids.

Hello, our dear girls. Today I would like to talk with you, and I am sure that this conversation will be mutually interesting. Surely each of you, to one degree or another, is not always happy with your body. Don't say otherwise - I have never met one like this in my life. Maybe I would like to lose those 3-5 kg ​​that I just can’t get rid of. Or maybe I would like to add a little volume in some places.

Well, just admit it? After all, it is for this, and for beauty in general, that you work so hard in our training. Have you ever thought about specialized supplements? Let's discuss today sports nutrition for girls, which will help in gaining muscle mass, gaining relief or losing weight, and then you will decide for yourself, since knowledge will now be able to allow this.

There is no doubt that the desired end result of your training, as a rule, differs significantly from the result of ours, men. Unlike us, you need a beautiful, graceful, toned, elastic body, and not a mountain of muscles. At the same time, with no small degree of confidence, I can say that, seeing how we drink some kind of food before or after training protein cocktail or a gainer to gain muscle mass, or we take fat burners to remove excess fat and make our body more sculpted and expressive, you have often had the desire to try it. I'm right?

But something always stopped. Fear of the unknown, fear of ending up looking masculine, etc. Do you agree? That is why I will tell you which sports nutrition is best for girls, how to properly create weight loss kits, and how to take it and which sports nutrition store to choose.

Below we will look in more detail at the basic sports nutrition for girls. It’s not easy to say which brand of manufacturers is better, as everyone has their own preferences, often due to price.

So, let's start in order.

For weight loss

Why did I start our conversation with losing weight? Body drying for girls The question is quite relevant and problematic. Because the vast majority of girls who actively train on exercise equipment and decide to take a step towards sports nutrition pursue precisely this goal. Yes, they opt for fat burning supplements.

Here I consider it necessary to make a small digression and give extremely valuable advice for beginners, since those hard workers with whom we regularly meet in our training, I am sure, do not need this advice. So, dear girls, please understand once and for all that there has never existed, does not exist now and certainly will not exist such a miracle drug so that you can eat a pill, do nothing, and the excess fat will evaporate on its own.

Beautiful, athletic figure and elastic healthy body– this is always hard work, combining grueling training, an individually selected diet and, if you consider it necessary, sports nutrition. Remember: sports nutrition is sports nutrition only in combination with regular physical exercise You will achieve the expected effect. Otherwise, the effect may even be the opposite.

But let's get back to fat burners. In principle, all drugs for women of this kind can be divided into three types: thermogenic, lipotropic and blocking. Unlike similar drugs for men, supplements for girls contain softer, more gentle ingredients, mostly natural. Let's start with the first ones:

  • As the name suggests, they increase body temperature. Due to this, accelerating metabolism, this type supplements burns fat that is bothering you. Since metabolism accelerates, the level of endurance and performance increases accordingly. This effect is achieved thanks to the content of synephrine, caffeine, guarana, cayenne pepper extract, green tea extract and many others. These supplements are taken 2 times a day – morning and evening. The first time - in 30 minutes. before breakfast, the second - 30 minutes. before training.

  • Next are lipotropic fat burners, which significantly accelerate the breakdown of fat, stabilize the level of the hormone insulin and stimulate liver function. It is reliably known that drugs of this type completely exclude any side effects. They should be taken in the same way as the previous ones.

  • Fat and carbohydrate blockers should be taken no more than once a day, and make sure that the food is not fatty, as there is a chance that you will develop intestinal upset. Such supplements contain extracts of white and red beans, garcinia, etc.

Of course, there are other types of fat burning drugs. There are even more effective ones, containing elements of different functionality and directions of action, even vitamin complexes. However, there is a risk of an acute allergic reaction. And since I don’t know your medical history, I hesitate to recommend such sports supplements.

Personally, I draw your attention to l-carnitine. This is an amino acid that will provide you with invaluable help in the fight against excess fat. The ideal choice, in my opinion, is special drinks containing this element. This way you can quench your thirst in the process. intensive training, delivering a double, fatal blow to fat deposits.

Protein can also be very helpful when losing weight. I’ll tell you a secret that this option is suitable even for lazy people who don’t want to strain and sweat gym. You can use them to replace one of your daily meals, for example, breakfast. By doing this, you eliminate calories, despite the fact that essential proteins not only remain, but even increase. Therefore, believe me, it will be much better to give yourself physical exercise so that the resulting proteins go to their destination - to the muscles.
Well, with fat burning, I hope everything is clear. Let's talk now about increasing muscle mass.

For muscle growth

Here, let's first clarify what you want to achieve: do you want to remain at your previous weight, giving an alluring, appetizing roundness, seductiveness to your forms, or is there really a need.

For both cases, there are various sets and sports nutrition complexes, but I think you should figure out what exactly you should bet on when pursuing one goal or another.
If the first option, then, again, bet on protein. Taking 100g of it per day, you significantly speed up the process of muscle recovery and improve their growth, completely eliminating any hints of body fat.

If option two, then choose gainers. What is this? These are sets of proteins and carbohydrates in different proportions.

There are those where carbohydrates predominate, and there are those where proteins predominate. The choice should be made based on the individual characteristics of your body. Carbohydrates here are aimed at speedy recovery after training, while proteins are aimed at increasing muscle mass. For girls, I am sure, 100g of gainer per day will be enough.

However, as we know, carbohydrates can contribute not only physical recovery, but also to fullness. Therefore, if you feel this effect, replace them with amino acids. Although they are slower, they also contribute to recovery processes, accelerating the metabolism in your body.

If you have already gained the muscle mass you were striving for, and now you want to maximally emphasize your achievements and advantages, and you need, in combination with training, sports nutrition for relief, I can also help you. This means you need “drying”. Right?

For relief

This requires a combination of several sports nutrition products. There are different sets, but I recommend the softer one. So, to dry your body you will need:

  • Fat burning supplements. I recommend here that you opt for either thermogenic or lipotropic – it’s up to you to decide;
  • You can’t do without a vitamin-mineral complex. By the way, I strongly recommend turning it on when losing weight, burning fat in general - not only when cutting;
  • . From them we need not only acceleration of metabolism and, as a result, acceleration of the process of fat breakdown, but also protection of muscles.
  • Naturally, protein. It will preserve your hard-earned muscles, because when you lose weight, muscle mass also loses in volume.

That's all. Which types of proteins (whey, isolates) to give preference largely depends on the characteristics of your body. It is best to consult your doctor before starting to take sports nutrition. experienced trainer on bodybuilding.

For beginners, I advise you to start practicing using the resources of your body. And only after fully knowing them, start taking sports supplements. But start with minimal doses, so that, again, you thoroughly understand and understand the effect they have on your body.

In any case, add a vitamin and mineral complex to any element of sports nutrition.

Secondly, amino acids. Either you are losing weight, and vitamins are literally washed out of your body, or you are gaining muscle mass, wasting them in huge doses during intense training - one way or another they leave your body, which means you need to replenish them. Amino acids are best helper athlete, since accelerating metabolism significantly adds energy. Absolutely all sports nutrition sets contain both. We will not be an exception.

You can find out more about the list of high-quality sports nutrition in the Activizm store.

With this, I say goodbye to you, but not for long, since interesting meetings, conversations and, of course, training await us ahead.

The content of the article:

More and more girls are starting to visit fitness centers, wanting to look even more attractive. This is certainly great, but it is important that playing sports does not cause harm to the body. The main task of most women when doing fitness is to combat overweight and girls begin to actively reduce the energy value of the diet and use various supplements, which do not always turn out to be useful.

For example, fat burners will undoubtedly help you speed up the lipolysis process, but you need to use them wisely. Today we will talk about what sports nutrition for women will be useful and effective. You will also learn how to use these supplements correctly.

Goals of exercise for women

If a girl started doing fitness solely to stay in shape and improve her health, then she will not need sports nutrition. In this situation, classes should be calm so that you can maintain your form. You can achieve this goal without using any supplements. The only exception is micronutrient complexes, which are still worth taking.

But when the task of a novice athlete is to get rid of extra pounds or gain muscle mass, then the situation turns out to be completely different. To achieve your goal in a short time, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Create an energy deficit in the body.
  2. Make adjustments to your diet by giving up unhealthy foods.
  3. Conduct regular classes.
  4. Pay close attention to your drinking regime.
  5. Protect muscles from destruction, while getting rid of only fat mass.
If you follow these rules, you will not only be able to solve your problems, but will also not harm your body. Also in this case, you will need sports nutrition for women, since with the help of supplements it will be much easier for you to achieve your goal. At the same time, you must understand that sports nutrition is only an additional tool for solving your problems.

The best sports nutrition for women

The choice of sports nutrition for women is a strictly individual matter. Each girl, when playing sports, wants to solve her own problems, and this determines which types of sports nutrition will be useful to you and which should be abandoned.

Today there is a lot of talk about sports supplements and most girls know their names. Girls most often use carnitine, fat burners, protein mixtures, gainers, pre-workout supplements and glutamine. In most cases, you won't need pre-workout supplements, fat burners, mass gainers, or creatine.

Pre-workout complexes are designed to increase the vigor and energy potential of the body. Most of these supplements contain caffeine and other substances that do not benefit the body. If you want to get a similar effect, then it’s better to drink a cup of natural coffee before starting your workout.

Fat burners are very popular today, as with their help you can lose weight much faster. However, if you do not plan to perform and are training only for yourself, then you should not use this sports nutrition for women. Remember that fat burners are powerful supplements that affect the endocrine system. Believe me, you don't need this at all.

Gainers are a very effective means of gaining weight for men, but girls should use them only in cases where they naturally have a thin physique and cannot gain muscle mass. We do not recommend gainers for other girls, since due to their high carbohydrate content, problems with fat mass may arise.

Creatine is not dangerous looking sports nutrition for women and is designed to increase physical parameters. As with mass gainers, creatine may only benefit thin women. You should also remember that this supplement can retain fluid in the body and it will be difficult for you to achieve the desired relief when using it.

These are the supplements that you should not use, and now we will look at the types of sports nutrition that girls need.

Protein Blends

This type of sports nutrition for women is simply necessary. We have already said that while losing weight you need to protect your muscles from destruction, and this is why you need protein supplements. By taking them before and after your workout, the body will not need amines and will not need to break down muscle tissue.

Today, sports nutrition manufacturers produce several types of protein supplements, which differ not only in the sources of protein compounds, but also in the content of this nutrient. If you visit a sports nutrition store, you will see protein isolates, concentrates and hydrolysates.

The maximum amount of protein compounds is contained in the hydrolyzate, and this figure ranges from 95 to 99 percent. Slightly less of the nutrient is contained in the isolate, namely from 85 to 95 percent. The minimum amount of protein is included in the concentrate - from 65 to 85 percent.

If we talk about sources of proteins in supplements, these are whey, eggs, soy, meat, peas, etc. We recommend that you use casein and whey type proteins. Egg proteins can also be very effective, but their cost is quite high and not every girl will decide to purchase them. Whey protein makes sense to use before/after training, and casein - at night and during long pauses between meals.


It is also a very healthy and completely safe sports nutrition for women. BCAA is a mixture of three amines - leucine, isoleucine and valine in a 2 to 1 combination in favor of the first. It is not for nothing that we mentioned a certain ratio of active components in the supplement, since it is in this case that it will be most effective for you.

These substances cannot be synthesized in the body, and this is the main reason for the need for supplementation. By consuming BCAAs, you will increase endurance and be able to suppress catabolic processes in a short time. You should take five grams of BCAAs before, after completion and during training.


We said above that you should try to avoid powerful fat burners. Carnitine is a substance that can accelerate lipolysis processes without causing harm to the body. This substance was previously considered an amine, but now most scientists tend to classify it as a vitamin-like substance.

In the body, carnitine is a transporter for fatty acids, delivering them to the mitochondria, where oxidative reactions occur, accompanied by the release of energy. The supplement is not able to influence the speed of the fat tissue reduction process itself, but due to its transport function it is a mild fat burner. Take the supplement 20 minutes before the start of your training in the amount of five grams. You should also remember that carnitine can only be effective in combination with a properly organized training process.


Glutamine is very useful look sports nutrition for women. This amine can energize you, lift your mood, and improve the efficiency of your immune system. This is especially true in winter, when our body is attacked by various pathogens. If you use glutamine as a means of preventing colds, then take one teaspoon of powder twice a day throughout the day. You can dissolve the additive in tea. If you notice symptoms of the disease, the dosage should be doubled.

It should also be noted that omega fats and micronutrient complexes are of great importance for maintaining health. At the same time, we note that these two supplements are necessary not only for athletes, but also ordinary people. Omega fats have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and also improve the condition of the skin. Micronutrients are actively involved in almost all biochemical reactions and are also vital for your health.

TOP 10 best sports supplements for women:

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Date of: 2014-09-25 Views: 95 457 Grade: 5.0 So, I’ll say right away that of all sports nutrition, only fat burners were created specifically for weight loss. All other sports nutrition that helps you lose weight does so indirectly, and does not directly affect fat burning. I also want to add that even if you purchase all the supplements that I give below, this will determine your result by about 15%. The remaining 85% is diet and training. Someone will say that 15% is not enough and can be neglected. And I will answer that the one who wants good result, must be attentive to every detail. And, in my opinion, 15% is not small at all.

Fat burners

This includes a whole range of drugs. I distinguish between mono fat burners and complex fat burners. Mono drugs include drugs that act in only one direction. For example, they suppress appetite, or prevent the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, or increase body temperature... That is, they have only one function. As you might guess, an integrated approach is much better than just one thing. Therefore, the sports nutrition market offers a wide selection of complex fat burners. They contain several active ingredients that have different principles of action. As a rule, all such drugs have at least three functions:
  • Appetite suppression
  • Acceleration of metabolism,
  • Increased body temperature.
With the help of the substances included in their composition, these fat burners work in these three directions (and sometimes more), helping you lose weight. I emphasize that they HELP you lose weight, and do not do your work for you. You can learn more about the types of fat burners. Personally, I recommend taking complex fat burners. They are more expensive, but they are also more useful. Of these drugs, I can recommend a series of drugs from Cloma Pharma: Methyldren 25.


L-carnitine promotes the breakdown and transport of fatty acids. But, by the way, this is its side effect. The main effect is an increase in performance. But it is inexpensive and absolutely harmless. Therefore, you should not refuse this drug, since it can make its contribution to weight loss. The dosage of L-carnitine is usually 2 times a day, 1 - 2 grams of the active substance. In the morning and after training. Or morning and evening. Read more about its effectiveness and use.

I can recommend L-carnitine from the following companies:

  • (4 - 6 capsules per day)
  • (20 - 30 ml per day)


Everyone will say: how come, he’s for the masses! Well, it depends on how you use it. If taken along with a low-calorie diet, it will help preserve your muscles. But you want only fat to go away, and muscles to be preserved as much as possible? Therefore, protein does not promote weight loss, but promotes muscle preservation. And I think that proper weight loss, this is when you strive to maintain your muscle mass. Some people call it "drying." When losing weight, you need to take protein at the rate of approximately 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. But this is despite the fact that your regular food should be rich in protein. It is better to dilute in water or skim milk. Moreover, it is advisable to buy a protein that contains a maximum of protein and a minimum of fats and carbohydrates. Read more about how to use protein when losing weight.

I can advise next protein for weight loss:

  • (83% protein).
  • (93% protein).
  • Prostar Whey (83% protein).
  • (86% protein).

Amino acids

The same principle as with protein, since protein is nothing more than a chain of amino acids. They are simply freed from fat and carbohydrates. And there is no need to digest them anymore. But they also cost more. I advise you to purchase either protein or amino acids. Who likes what more? If you drink both at the same time, there will be nothing bad about it. You will simply spend money ineffectively.

I can recommend these amino acids:


If you take all the medications listed above, you can significantly help your body not only get rid of excess fat, but also preserve muscles. For a month you will have approximately 5,500 rubles. 1500 rubles LIPO 6, 1000 rubles L-carnitine and 3 kg of protein for about 3000 rubles. But this is all very approximate. But even full set sports nutrition for weight loss will not do your work for you. Remember that your weight loss depends on:
  • 15% from sports nutrition,
  • 30% from trainings,
  • 55% of the diet.
As for the diet, you can look at ready-made

A beautiful body is the result of many days of work. To create the figure of your dreams, you will have to set aside time for full-fledged training at least twice a week, eat right and get enough rest. And be sure to take maintenance medications.

Sports nutrition for girls is a set of useful substances and microelements that will help cope with increased loads, allow you to lose weight faster, replenish energy costs, etc.

Sports nutrition for girls - its types and purpose

Representatives of the fair sex who are just starting to play sports often ask the question “do girls need sports nutrition?” In the opinion of many beginners, maintenance drugs are created only for quickly building muscle mass, and are more necessary for men. This is wrong. Sports nutrition for women is a way to make the body beautiful in a sufficiently short term. There are many types food additives for sports, which do not stimulate muscle growth, but help maintain healthy joints, speed up metabolism, make the skin elastic, etc. To understand what sports nutrition is optimal for girls, you need to know the main drugs offered by the sports pharmaceutical industry.

  1. Whey Protein. This is a special type of protein - hydrolyzate. Already during the production process it is divided into its constituent amino acids. This protein is recommended as the most appropriate sports nutrition for girls. It is absorbed into the blood very quickly, supplying beneficial substances to the body tissues. Thanks to hydrolyzate, metabolism increases, fat deposits are destroyed, and muscles grow faster. This drug is recommended as sports nutrition for weight gain for girls. It is often used by professional bodybuilders during the period of “drying” - creating a beautiful muscle relief.
  2. Casein (slow) protein. Contained in cottage cheese. It is good because it is absorbed for a long time, supplying the body with essential amino acids. Cottage cheese is often recommended as a sports nutrition for girls to lose weight. It is best to eat this dairy product after training, in the evening. Then all night the muscles will be fed with the protein they need so much.
  3. Nitrogen donors. These drugs are often included in sports nutrition for women. They increase the amount of nitric oxide in the blood, thereby causing blood vessels to dilate. Blood circulates faster in the body, supplying muscle and connective tissue with beneficial substances. Nitric oxide promotes the rapid breakdown of fat deposits and is recommended as a sports nutrition for girls for weight loss.
  4. Amino acids (BCAAs)– an excellent choice of sports nutrition for women. They have an anti-catabolic effect, that is, they inhibit the process of protein breakdown. Due to this, muscles grow faster.
  5. Creatine– sports nutrition for girls is rarely complete without this element. Creatine, or carboxylic acid, releases energy stored in tissues and muscles. Taking this drug increases endurance and strength several times.
  6. Caffeine– recommended as sports nutrition for girls for weight loss (at home or when training in the gym). Consuming caffeine in tandem with green tea extract ensures that the body's fat tissues are used to restore energy during exercise. Which leads to rapid weight loss.
  7. Calcium– a mandatory element included in sports nutrition for women. It restores connective tissue, joints and tendons that suffer greatly during training. Calcium supplements, such as Collagen Ultra plus Calcium-D, will help maintain health during intense sports activities.
  8. The choice of sports nutrition for women is different from that for men, and very often trainers recommend that girls use fish fat. It contains Omega 3 fatty acids, which are incredibly beneficial for the female body. Fish oil helps increase endurance, regulates hormonal levels, and is a source of energy that does not affect the increase in muscle mass.
  9. Linoleic acid– contains polyunsaturated Omega 6 acids, which promote fat burning. Linoleic acid works not only during training, but also during rest periods, helping the body break down fat.
  10. Multivitamins– a mandatory choice of sports nutrition for women. Due to diet, the body does not receive enough nutrients and microelements, and daily consumption of vitamins will fill this gap.

How to choose sports nutrition for women?

Which sports nutrition is preferable for girls becomes clear when the goals are clearly defined. If you want to lose a lot of weight, then you should take amino acids, preparations with collagen and calcium (Collagen Ultra, for example), Omega 3 and Omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, creatine and caffeine. If girls need sports nutrition for weight gain, those who have already gotten rid of excess fat and are now building muscle mass, then you need to add protein-carbohydrate cocktails, protein, drugs that accelerate muscle growth.

How should girls take sports nutrition?

Why girls need sports nutrition is understandable. But they take medications according to an individual regimen. It is best if the instructor recommends the amount of a particular substance in grams. The most common scheme is this:

- multivitamins - with meals, once a day, in the morning;

— calcium – 1 g per day;

linoleic acid– 2-3 g per day;

— creatine – 3-5 g before and after training;

— amino acids (BCAA) – 10-15 g before training and the same amount after;

– fish oil – 2-3 g per day;

- caffeine - 200 mg three times a day;

- whey protein (hydrolysate) - 3 times a day, in the morning, before and after training - 30 g;

- slow protein (cottage cheese) - 200-300 g for dinner.

Sports nutrition is necessary for girls who want to have perfect body. Without amino acids, protein and other useful elements, the process of creating beautiful, clear muscle relief may take a while long years. And some girls, whose physiology is conducive to weight gain, risk never achieving the desired result without auxiliary medications.

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