Race walking with Leslie Sanson 1 mile. Brisk walking with Leslie Sansone is a universal workout for everyone. Who is suitable for Fast Walking with Leslie Sanson?

Everyone knows that the process of losing weight largely depends not only on proper nutrition, but also on physical activity. However, not every person can force himself to exercise regularly, especially since heavy physical activity is simply contraindicated in many cases. Losing weight without effort is impossible, but Leslie Sanson, a fitness expert and author of many sports programs, has found a way to maintain a figure with minimal physical effort.
More than 10 years ago, a famous fitness trainer developed a unique program, which today everyone calls “Walking with Leslie Sansone.” This program consists of a set of basic exercises and normal walking at home. The fitness expert believes that walking is the most natural and easy physical activity that allows you to keep your body in good shape. Absolutely anyone can participate in this program, regardless of their health status and physical characteristics. However, the simplicity of the exercises does not in any way reduce their effectiveness, because, as many years of practice have shown, active walking is the most useful type of fitness, not only from the point of view of health, but from the point of view of fat burning.

Walking at Home with Leslie Sansone is broken down into five self-paced workouts (called miles), each with varying degrees of intensity, allowing beginners and experts alike to find the workout that's best for them. But even people who are well prepared physically should start with 1 mile in order to correctly understand and better master the technique of all exercises.

Video lessons on the program “Walking with Leslie Sanson”

1 mile

The easiest workout lasts 21 minutes. During this time you need to walk one mile. The 1-mile workout consists of walking and alternating simple exercises that are performed at a calm pace.

The first lesson from Leslie Sansone is ideal for beginners and even people recovering from surgery or injury. Measured walking and light exercises do not overload the joints, but they activate and invigorate the body. And even if you have been involved in sports before and these exercises seem too easy to you, it is recommended to start practicing the “Walking” program with this video lesson. Leslie Sansone's "1 mile" training is a kind of introductory lesson, after which you will better understand the specifics of all sections of the program.

Leslie Sansone 1 mile workout video:

2 miles

The 2 mile workout is also based on regular walking with elements of simple exercises. However, this time the pace and duration of classes is increasing; instead of 21, you will need to walk for 33 minutes. The load of this workout is mainly designed for the legs and abdominal muscles. The lesson consists of two parts. The exercises of the first part are performed at a calm pace, which replaces the standard warm-up. In the second part of the lesson, the pace increases slightly, due to which the body gets used to the greater load and begins to lose calories more actively. At the end, the pace slows down again and there is a cooldown.

Leslie Sansone 2 mile workout video:

3 miles

This lesson is 45 minutes long. The pace of the workout increases significantly, and the load is already placed not only on the legs, but also on the upper body. The main goal of Leslie Sanson's 3 Mile lesson is to activate the processes of losing weight and burning fat. In addition, by performing the exercises proposed by the trainer in this lesson, you can develop endurance and strengthen your heart muscle.

Leslie Sansone 3 mile workout video:

4 miles

The 4 mile lesson lasts 67 minutes. This workout is quite intense and in terms of load level is in no way inferior to classes in a fitness club. The exercises in this lesson are not difficult to perform, but they evenly distribute the load across all muscle groups. Brisk walking with Leslie Sansone, which is presented in this lesson, will help you burn extra calories, work all muscle groups, strengthen the heart muscle and develop endurance.

Leslie Sansone 4 mile workout video:

5 miles

This lesson lasts 70 minutes. The 5 mile workout is very intense and challenging because... You will have to do running exercises in place for almost the entire session. "5 miles" is ideal for people with good physical endurance. The exercises in this lesson not only help you get rid of excess weight, but also keep all muscle groups in good shape.

Video workout Leslie Sanson, 5 miles:

Recommendations and reviews for the program “Walk at Home with Leslie Sanson”

The author of the program is confident that the effectiveness of any training depends on how comfortable a person is with performing it. Start training in the Walk at Home program with the easiest lesson (1 mile), gradually increasing the load. Depending on your level of physical fitness, you must adjust the duration and volume of daily activities.

Judging by the feedback from people who are actively involved in the Walking with Leslie Sansone program, it is better to devote several days or even weeks to mastering each lesson. Once you master the exercises, you can easily move on to a more complex level of training. As for the effectiveness of training, much depends on the correct execution of the exercises. If you've already made it to lesson four or five but feel like you can't push yourself hard today, consider doing two sets of the 2-mile lesson. Less intense workouts when done correctly give better results than the most difficult exercises when done incorrectly. Again, reviews of Leslie Sansone’s program are mostly positive, and those who regularly follow her video lessons consistently lose weight, feel better, get rid of health problems and bad moods!

Ideally, you should walk 6 miles in the first week of training, 7.5 miles in the second, 8.5 miles in the third, and 10 miles in the fourth. However, you can either increase or decrease the load by alternating more difficult lessons with easier ones.

In addition, in her lessons, Leslie Sanson gives many simple but effective recommendations to help you say goodbye to excess weight forever. For example, a fitness expert explains in detail the importance of breakfast in a person’s diet and offers five healthy and figure-friendly options for the first meal. According to Leslie, the best thing for breakfast is chicken eggs, which charge the body with protein and vitamin D; oatmeal, rich in complex carbohydrates; or French toast made from wheat bread. If you don’t have time to cook breakfast or you don’t feel hungry in the morning, make it with yogurt and berries. A healthy drink will saturate your body and prevent you from overeating during the day. Alternatively, replace your full breakfast with an energy muesli bar or a piece of cheese, but never skip the first meal.

Walking with Leslie Sansone will help you get comfortable in the world of healthy living. Despite the simplicity of the program, if you carry out the lessons regularly and correctly, you can not only get an ideal figure, but also strengthen your body.

And what will those who want to lose weight try? Here you will find grueling cardio workouts, Zumba fitness, tai-bo with elements of Thai boxing and aerobics, as well as tedious workouts in the gym. And of course, no one forgets about the promising chocolate wraps, massages and restrictive diets. As they say, everything needs to be done wisely and comprehensively.

But not everyone can withstand this regime. As a result, nutritional breakdowns occur, goodbye to the sports form, and exercises at home are generally postponed regularly “for later.” It's another matter when something new and interesting appears. For example, this is exactly what walking with Leslie Sanson is like. We will look at reviews of this weight loss system in this article.

Let's meet, fitness instructor!

So, walking with Leslie Sanson (we will look at her reviews in this article) is a well-composed complex, divided into several levels of difficulty. It was compiled by a very real woman trainer, who at over 50 looks great and has a decent body shape.

According to Leslie herself, all her methods for losing weight have been tested several times, including on herself. Which means they work. Currently, an athletic and fit woman teaches a simple method to everyone. It is known as Walk at Home or “Brisk Walking with Leslie Sansone.” Reviews about the work of a fitness trainer speak for themselves. For more than 25 years, our heroine has been courageously fighting for a healthy lifestyle and slim body for many of her charges. Most of them managed to appreciate the instructor’s efforts and say extremely pleasant words about him.

General information about the weight loss method

“Brisk walking with Leslie Sansone” (reviews of weight loss supporters of the method confirm this information) is a special sports program that allows you to lose extra pounds by walking. Moreover, you can perform these exercises, if desired, both on the street and within the apartment. However, the basis is not waddling, but quick movements performed with varying intensity and frequency.

Details of a simple and accessible method

The entire “Walking with Leslie Sanson” complex (reviews about it allow you to understand how effective the method is in the fight against excess weight) is divided into five levels. All of them are called miles and are compiled taking into account the different levels of physical fitness of people involved in the program. The complex begins with “Mile No. 1”, then goes “Mile No. 2”, “No. 3” and so on until “5”.

According to fans of this method, this course is just a godsend for the lazy. The thing is that many people dream of losing weight, but they either immediately expect to get the long-awaited results, or they want to put in as little effort as possible to achieve this. Of course, one cannot but agree that you are not required to perform intense cardio exercises or several tedious repetitions, which, by the way, also work. You just follow the video, breathe, get a charge of positivity and lose weight. So where does Walking with Leslie Sansone 1 Mile begin? User reviews provide an opportunity to evaluate the usefulness of this training video.

Walking with Leslie to “Mile No. 1”

“Mile No. 1” is a workout designed for people with heavy weights. It's very light. Does not overwork joints and muscles. Moreover, this video is suitable for everyone who is at the rehabilitation stage, for example, in the postoperative period (unless, of course, there are individual contraindications).

In general, walking with Leslie Sansone (reviews of mile No. 1 make it clear how well the load is distributed in the video) lasts exactly 21 minutes. It consists of walking in place at different paces and using a small set of additional exercises that help develop endurance and strength.

What do users think about lesson #1?

If you believe those ladies who were interested in walking with Leslie Sanson (reviews of those losing weight do not contradict this fact), lesson No. 1 is the simplest. This workout is suitable for beginners and those who want to wake up in the morning. It is performed in a calm rhythm and does not overload the body, forcing it to wake up and recharge itself with vigor for the whole day.

Also, the users themselves say, it will be useful for those whose level of physical fitness is at the “-1” level. Some people who are active or have little physical fitness simply watch the video and skip straight to mile #2.

Working out with Leslie to “Mile No. 2”

Walking with Leslie Sanson (reviews with photos perfectly confirm the effectiveness of the method) is a unique opportunity to tighten all muscle groups and lose excess weight at home. If you are no longer a beginner or are already at a certain stage of losing weight, you should try the second training video, called “Mile #2”. In this lesson you will find a slightly different level of complexity. This time you have to walk not just one, but two miles. Consequently, the travel time for this route increases to 33 minutes.

According to some fitness lovers, this selection already puts a good load on the legs and abdominal muscles. However, the load is increased incrementally, which is good news. This complex begins with a warm-up, and then the rhythm of movements intensifies, and the amplitude of movements increases. After such a “walk,” users say, the muscles simply burn.

“Walking with Leslie Sanson 3 miles”: reviews

The third workout, according to most girls and women, is suitable for “continuing” ones. It increases the route interval to 3 miles. At the same time, the conditionally allotted time for classes increases, now amounting to as much as 45 minutes.

According to those losing weight, during this workout the muscles of the abs, legs and even the upper body are actively involved. In this case, the load is again distributed evenly. With such cardio training, not only the main muscle corset is strengthened, but also the cardiac system. The level of your endurance increases, and most importantly, metabolic processes are activated, including a regime for sharply burning excess calories. These are the results of intense walking with Leslie Sanson. Reviews and user results with photos clearly prove the fact that the method works.

Many users stop at this stage. In the future they repeat it again and again. At the same time, almost everyone describes a surge of strength and talks about visual weight loss. They say that 30-40 minutes after intense training, the body starts fat burning mode. That’s why Lesson No. 3 is an excellent video tutorial for anyone who wants to lose weight at home.

Moving on with “Mile No. 4” and “No. 5”

After “Mile No. 3,” walking with Leslie Sanson (reviews, results, photos make it possible to learn about the intensity and benefits of further exercise) becomes more rhythmic. These activities require not only increased endurance, but also a certain amount of free time. So, to complete lesson #4 you will need approximately 67 minutes. In this case, you will have to perform a rather complex set of exercises, combined with fast walking in place.

As people who have reached level 4 say, classes occur at an increased rhythm. They are more intense and faster. And Mile 5 is almost running in place. This time, fitness enthusiasts will have to move fast and perform various weight-bearing exercises in just 70 minutes. But such training helps to quickly warm up the muscles. It tightens and trains the entire body. The latest video, users say, develops endurance and teaches you to breathe correctly while running. With certain dexterity, breathing does not falter and becomes in rhythm with the movements.

Why walking?

As soon as some users hear about this method, many of them ask the question: “Why, in fact, was walking in place chosen?” In addition, there are often skeptics who doubt that by simply “stomping around in one place,” you can really pump up your entire body, tighten your muscles and lose weight. And the whole point is this:

  • it is walking in place that puts stress on the heart muscle;
  • blood begins to actively circulate and triggers a response for the whole body (almost all major muscle groups begin to move);
  • updating processes are launched, including the system responsible for metabolism.

According to experts, to lose weight, it is enough to do such a walk every day. You can start with 15 minutes. At the same time, gradually add arm swings to walking. Gradually, the training time can be increased to an hour or more. In a word, walk and walk again. Such actions have virtually no contraindications. But even with these activities you need to know when to stop. You should not exercise forcefully or do more than normal. Do everything according to your feelings and level of preparation.

Who is suitable for walking with Leslie?

If you pay attention to the video, in each of the videos the instructor performs movements together with his students. Among them you can see people of different weight categories, men and women, as well as those losing weight of different ages. Many elderly users also share their impressions. They say that with the help of walking with Leslie, they were able to partially solve the problem with aching joints, get rid of frequent headaches and even normalize blood pressure.

It does not matter whether you are an office worker or a housewife. Retire yourself at home and exercise for your own pleasure.

How much can you lose?

During classes with Leslie Sanson, those extra pounds, as those losing weight say, literally melt away before their eyes. But this is a purely individual matter. Some users say that with daily exercise, already in the first week they managed to reduce their weight by 2-3 kg. In the second week, their weight decreased by another 600-800 grams. The third week gets rid of extra 400-500 grams, and the fourth - from 1-2 kg. Total: it’s quite possible to lose 5-6 kg of weight by walking in a month. Some, however, combine this program with a diet and talk about how they managed to lose as much as 10-12 kg in a month of regular exercise.

Before doing the video, purchase small dumbbells for your arms and, if possible, weights for your legs. It is also worth buying sneakers or sneakers, since the classes are still intensive and put a certain load on our joints. In addition, before class, remove all unnecessary objects from the floor and give yourself free space (about 1-2 meters), since during lessons you will have to move not only in a straight line, but from side to side. And of course, stock up on water, a towel and patience. And then everything will work out for you!

Greetings to all blog readers! People look for diets, go to gyms, and there is a wonderful complex, divided into levels of difficulty, so it is suitable for people of all ages. Walking with Leslie Sansone will appeal to anyone who wants to look like this amazing woman.

Have you tried this?

To lose weight, we tried everything from Zumba fitness to chocolate. They broke down, started again or “on Monday”! Everyone knows the picture. But then something new appeared, namely, walking with Leslie Sanson. According to Leslie, her system has been working for 25 years and has been tested many times on herself and other clients.

The sports program can be done at home or outside. The program is based on intense movements that must be performed at different intervals.

Who is suitable for training with Leslie?

Among the followers of this practice there are men and women of different ages, and older people note that they begin to whine less, headaches disappear, and blood pressure normalizes.

Many note the convenience of practice, because you can do it at home, turn on the video and practice. How many kilograms is it possible?

  1. They say that excess weight will melt before our eyes; some who lose weight lost 2-3 kg in the first week.
  2. In the 2nd week, the loss was 600-800 grams.
  3. In the 3rd week you can really get rid of 400-500 grams.
  4. The fourth week will also bring significant fruit - 1-2 kg.
  5. In just a month you can get rid of 5-6 kg. And if you follow a diet, the loss can be as much as 10-12 kg.

Five levels of the complex

The levels in this practice are called miles and are designed so that people with different physical fitness can choose an acceptable mile.

Classes for this program should begin with “Mile No. 1”, followed by “Mile 2” and so on until “5”. They say that for the lazy and sedentary this is a real find! However, here you also need to make an effort, if you want!

It’s good to do it together with the video, because it’s nice to walk in a big company, you breathe correctly, you get some positivity, and as a result you become slim.

So, let's start - “Walk 1 mile”. If you have a lot of weight, then go for this level. A brisk walk should take 21 minutes without straining your joints and muscles. It’s very nice to do in the morning to wake up and recharge your batteries.

Second level of the program

Those wards who have passed the first level or have good physical training can complete the 2 mile course. You will have to walk 2 miles. You will have to walk for 35 minutes. This is a real fitness workout for your legs and abs.

Third and fourth workouts

To improve your parameters, you will need to walk 3 miles, spending 45 minutes on training. Those losing weight claim that there is a good load on the muscles of the legs, abs and upper body.

This is a real cardio workout because the cardiac system is strengthened:

  • Metabolic processes are activated.
  • The level of endurance increases.
  • There is a sharp burning of excess calories.
  • There is a surge of strength and energy.

Many users repeat this step several times. But it's time to move on to the new barrier - 4 miles, which will take 67 minutes. At the same time, walking in place and quite complex exercises require good physical preparation.

Fast walking in the next stage - mile 5, is replaced by almost running. This stage takes 70 minutes. You must not only move quickly, but also perform a set of exercises with weights.

But this is the result:

  • the whole body is tightened;
  • endurance develops;
  • everyone learns to breathe correctly without losing the rhythm.

Why walking and not running?

Many people are surprised how “treading water” will help tighten muscles and reduce weight? The whole point is that on site:

  • puts stress on the muscle of our “motor”;
  • blood circulates more actively through the veins;
  • main muscle groups work;
  • renewal processes are launched, including metabolism.

Start doing the complex for 15 minutes daily and you will soon see results. At the same time, gradually add arm swings to walking. Once you get used to the load, you can increase the walking time to 1 hour, and then more.

The important thing is that the program has no contraindications. Do not try to do more than the norm or through force.

Before you start, purchase 1 kg dumbbells and leg weights. It is better to exercise in sneakers, since there is a load on the joints. Before class, make room for movements not only back and forth, but also to the sides.

Dear friends, in my opinion, walking with Leslie Sanson is an accessible program that even older people can overcome.

Everyone knows that the process of losing weight largely depends not only on proper nutrition, but also on physical activity. However, not every person can force himself to exercise regularly, especially since heavy physical activity is simply contraindicated in many cases. Losing weight without effort is impossible, but Leslie Sanson, a fitness expert and author of many sports programs, has found a way to maintain a figure with minimal physical effort.

More than 10 years ago, a famous fitness trainer developed a unique program, which today everyone calls “Walking with Leslie Sansone.” This program consists of a set of basic exercises and normal walking at home. The fitness expert believes that walking is the most natural and easy physical activity that allows you to keep your body in good shape.

Absolutely anyone can participate in this program, regardless of their health status and physical characteristics. However, the simplicity of the exercises does not in any way reduce their effectiveness, because, as many years of practice have shown, active walking is the most useful type of fitness, not only from the point of view of health, but from the point of view of fat burning.

Walking at Home with Leslie Sansone is broken down into five self-paced workouts (called miles), each with varying degrees of intensity, allowing beginners and experts alike to find the workout that's best for them. But even people who are well prepared physically should start with 1 mile in order to correctly understand and better master the technique of all exercises.

The “Walking with Leslie Sanson” training complex is divided into five parts, differing in the level of training and load. All parts have similar names, differing only in intensity and the number of miles that have to be overcome.

Interesting! The complex with Leslie Sanson is different from the usual activities. They do not require a treadmill, apparatus, dumbbells or other equipment. All you need is desire, a small amount of free time and sportswear.

If you previously led a sedentary lifestyle, then the first course of classes will help you get rid of 2-5 kg ​​(depending on weight). In the second year you can lose 1.5 - 0.5 kg, in the third - 1 kg.

On the latest and most difficult course you can lose about 2-3 kg. If you combine the complex with a strict diet or proper nutrition, you can lose from 9 to 11 kg in a month.

Classes with Leslie Sanson are suitable for:

  • People leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Pregnant;
  • People who are severely overweight and obese;
  • Elderly;
  • Having health problems;
  • Recently recovered from injury.

Classes of different levels with Leslie Sanson have different complexity and duration. You need to start from the very first so that the body can adapt to the stress.

Features of the program

Not all people can fully train in a weight loss gym. For the elderly, people with joint diseases and pregnant women, it is better to train at home rather than in the gym.

Complexes like “Walking with Leslie Sanson” help painlessly and safely lose weight for any category of people. Training with Leslie Sanson can be combined with a diet, or you can just do it for your own pleasure.

“Walking with Leslie Sanson” differs from classes in the gym in that:

  • You need to walk at the same pace, determined by the level of activity. The pulse should be the same throughout the entire session;
  • Complexes with Leslie Sanson are divided into 5 parts, each has a different duration and intensity. After mastering one part, the trainee moves on to the next;
  • You can practice at home without additional equipment, so even women on maternity leave can train;
  • You can exercise in any comfortable clothes and without shoes, however, on the last two steps it is recommended to wear sneakers - the knees receive a very strong load.

The program is suitable for both women and men; there are no differences in it. Every week the load increases.

The training schedule is as follows:

  • First week – 6 miles;
  • Week 2 – 7.5 miles;
  • Week three – 8.5 miles;
  • Week four – 10 miles.

This system is very gentle and unhurried. If you have been involved in sports before or want to quickly lose weight, you can start from the fourth or fifth week of training. You can also do one program several times a day or alternate days of intense exercise with “easy” days.

Walking with Leslie Sansone 1 mile

People with very poor training, obesity or joint diseases should start with the very first stage of training - 1 mile. The duration of the lesson is comparable to morning exercises; it lasts 20-30 minutes at a calm pace.

Practical advice: You can train to music, a TV series or a movie. The exercise is designed for the lower body, so to strengthen your arms, you can additionally do swing exercises or using a band.

After walking 1 mile, the body spends about 40-70 kcal. A video in Russian in good quality will help you study clearly according to the program:

Walking with Leslie Sansone 2 miles

Intensive weight loss begins in the second week and walking two miles per workout. The body is already set up for weight loss, exercise helps burn fat. 2 miles take more than 30 minutes of time, after training there is slight fatigue in the muscles of the legs and abs.

Walking with Leslie Sansone 3 miles

If you have no health problems and are very overweight, you can start training from three miles. The lesson lasts more than 50 minutes, the distance covered is about 5 km. The legs and abdominal muscles are involved, the arm muscles are practically not trained. The pace of the workout is fast and suitable for those who want to lose weight in a short time.

Walking with Leslie Sansone 4 miles

At the penultimate stage, the load is even higher - the trainee walks 4 miles or 6.5 km per hour. For such a serious workout, preparation or good physical condition is necessary. You can play encouraging music during class.

Walking with Leslie Sansone 5 miles

5 miles is the hardest part of the training. Walking at some points is replaced by light running, and additional light exercises are performed during training. During this period, the body spends from 450 to 600 kcal (depending on weight).

Why walking?

Not everyone believes that a simple on-site workout will help them lose weight. However, those who have tried the “Walking with Leslie Sanson” system claim the opposite - safe and leisurely weight loss is possible.

Such training is effective because:

  • Sufficient load on the heart;
  • Dispersal of blood through muscles and organs;
  • Improving metabolism and accelerating fat consumption;
  • Safety for joints.

Daily walking is more beneficial than running. A calm step does not put the body into a state of stress, unlike running, and the loss of energy occurs in a smoother way for the body. Plus, the more you walk during the day, the faster you will lose weight.

So, training at an average pace contributes to quick and comfortable weight loss. They are suitable for absolutely every person and do not overload the body. More advanced trainees can start from the second or third level, and the training schedule can be set at their own discretion.

Recommendations and reviews for the program “Walk at Home with Leslie Sanson”

The author of the program is confident that the effectiveness of any training depends on how comfortable a person is with performing it. Start training in the Walk at Home program with the easiest lesson (1 mile), gradually increasing the load. Depending on your level of physical fitness, you must adjust the duration and volume of daily activities.

Judging by the feedback from people who are actively involved in the Walking with Leslie Sansone program, it is better to devote several days or even weeks to mastering each lesson. Once you master the exercises, you can easily move on to a more complex level of training. As for the effectiveness of training, much depends on the correct execution of the exercises.

If you've already made it to lesson four or five but feel like you can't push yourself hard today, consider doing two sets of the 2-mile lesson. Less intense workouts when done correctly give better results than the most difficult exercises when done incorrectly.

Again, reviews of Leslie Sansone’s program are mostly positive, and those who regularly follow her video lessons consistently lose weight, feel better, and get rid of health problems, cellulite and bad mood!

Ideally, you should walk 6 miles in the first week of training, 7.5 miles in the second, 8.5 miles in the third, and 10 miles in the fourth. However, you can either increase or decrease the load by alternating more difficult lessons with easier ones.

In addition, in her lessons, Leslie Sanson gives many simple but effective recommendations to help you say goodbye to excess weight forever. For example, a fitness expert explains in detail the importance of breakfast in a person’s diet and offers five healthy and figure-friendly options for the first meal.

According to Leslie, the best thing for breakfast is chicken eggs, which charge the body with protein and vitamin D; oatmeal, rich in complex carbohydrates; or French toast made from wheat bread. If you don't have time to cook breakfast or don't feel hungry in the morning, make a smoothie with yogurt and berries.

A healthy drink will saturate your body and prevent you from overeating during the day. Alternatively, replace your full breakfast with an energy muesli bar or a piece of cheese, but never skip the first meal.

Walking with Leslie Sansone will help you get comfortable in the world of healthy living. Despite the simplicity of the program, if you carry out the lessons regularly and correctly, you can not only get an ideal figure, but also strengthen your body.

Reading time: 5 min

Walking with Leslie Sansone is a great way to burn calories and improve your physique without intense programs or high-impact workouts. Mile after mile you will lose weight, speed up your metabolism and improve your well-being.

We are accustomed to the fact that fitness is created only for hardy people with good athletic training. However, training can be simple and accessible, as Leslie Sanson, an expert in the world of fitness, hastens to assure us of. She created a program that anyone can learn. You don't even need basic training to start walking under her guidance. Leslie Sanson is confident that her training can be done by anyone who simply knows how to walk.

So, Who is suitable for walking classes with Leslie Sanson?:

  • those who have not played sports for a long time;
  • those who have recently recovered from injury;
  • pregnant girls;
  • people who are overweight;
  • those who have health problems (joints, varicose veins, heart disease);
  • for older people (including men!).

Leslie has many options for walking based programs. They differ in levels of difficulty and length of training. Today we’ll look at 3 programs from Exercise TV episodes that you can start practicing with.

One Mile (1 Mile Walk Exercise TV)

With Leslie Sansone, you'll walk 1 mile or 1.6 km in a 20-minute session. It all starts with walking at a moderate pace, but gradually the pace begins to increase. Simple movements such as raising your arms up, low swings of your legs, and transverse steps to the side are also added.

The whole program is very energetic and fun, the coach constantly encourages and motivates you. Many people “walk” 1 mile instead of morning exercises, because, as you know, physical exercise after waking up helps to activate metabolic processes in the body.

2 Mile Walk Exercise TV

2 miles can be called the second level of "home walks." The workout lasts 30 minutes, but during this time you travel twice as far – 3.2 km. Since you have already mastered the first level, Leslie allows herself to make the lesson a little more difficult. Don't worry, the training is still based on the same walking, but the pace of the program is more intense.

Standard steps here too diluted with other movements. You use your arms, step back and forth and left and right, lift your heels toward your hips, and swing your legs again. Meter by meter you cover 2 miles without leaving your home.

Three Miles (3 Mile Walk Exercise TV)

If you are already doing well with 1 and 2 miles, you can increase the challenge and challenge yourself with a 3 mile walk. Now almost 5 km awaits you, and the duration of your home walk will be 46 minutes. The workout becomes one level more difficult: Leslie adds energy and pace, so the program will be even more fat burning and effective.

A variety of movements await you, based on the same walking. With Leslie Sanson's positivity, you won't notice how the program flies by. And now you have already overcome almost 5 km. Did you probably think this was impossible before?

Pros and cons of the program


1. Walking with Leslie Sansone is great option for beginners. To practice, you do not need to have any special physical characteristics or experience in training.

2. You will improve your metabolism, lose weight and tone your muscles slightly. This hour-long workout burns an average of 250 kcal.

3. All exercises are based on normal walking. And this, as is known, the simplest and most accessible type of physical activity.

4. The 1 mile program lasts only 20 minutes. First of all, it's not a lot to do every day. Secondly, a short duration will allow you to gradually get involved in classes. And thirdly, you can do the workout as a morning exercise.

5. Despite the simplicity of the program, it cannot be called banal and boring. Leslie conducts the classes very enthusiastically and positively. In addition, she tries to diversify them with modified, but accessible exercises.

6. It is worth noting that this will prevent you from getting injured or harming your health in any way. You will lose extra calories without stressing your heart and joints.


1. The workout is quite easy, so it will be rather weak for those advanced in fitness.

Leslie confidently states that her workouts can be done by anyone who can walk. Do you still think that fitness is an activity for the elite? Start walking with Leslie Sansone and forget about this stereotype forever.
